Crash Team Racing


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How did you do Oxide's Sewer Speedway time trial? I've been trying to take the shortcut on the first lap and then just ignore it on the rest, but I can't outpace Oxide that way even with a speed character. Do I really need to take the shortcut multiple times

Accel characters are pretty fun. I've been playing speed since day 1 and it's nice that now I can make some turns I couldn't before without u turning. Some jumps are harder to make though.

CTR is fun. I agree.

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>Crash Team Racing Nightmare Fueled

the trick is to keep and maintain the Super Turbo from the long-ass space jump, if you can go through the fist few turns without bumping into anything you'll catch a lead

also what shortcut??

>he can't DNF everyone in every lobby

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I see what the fuck you did, Megumi!

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reminder for who's the best villain

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Yeah I've been holding it, but he gets ahead of me every lap by the time I get to the first barrel

>Vicarious Visions did a much shittier job than Toys for Bob in my opinion. At least Toys For Bob nearly fucking perfectly recreated the gameplay mechanics and feel of playing Spyro. The N.Sane trilogy was a rushed fucking mess, sliding and hitboxes are so fucking broken that 2 and 3 are nearly fucking unplayable, and that's not even touching on how much they fucked up the vehicle levels.
I vehemently disagree with you. I 101%ed both trilogies and I had tons of fun with NST. The physics are really exaggerated in my opinion, I only really noticed the changed jumps and hitboxes in a few Crash 1 levels and that one bonus jump in 2.
VV was given a smaller budget and less time (I think? Correct me if I'm wrong.) to make their remake, and in my opinion it's one of the best remakes out there. The tiny issues (different jumps, pillbox) are outweighed COMPLETELY by the improvements they made (time trials, fixing Crash 1, playable Coco, the numerous easter eggs, the amazing and faithful enemy and villain designs, the extra levels).

Why are they all fat?

Uh oh

shortcuts like blizzard bluff, sewer speedway, and the big one on out of time are all real difficult

Nice try N tropy, we all know you are just as lame as cortex

>is the less cool brother
>gay lisp
>ugly win animation
>cries like a bitch when he loses
>dumb hat
>wearing a dress
Why does anybody like this fag again?

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Oh wait you're talking about Oxide Station, I was talking about Sewer Speedway

Alright lads, regardless of shitposting and memes i've been doing N.Trophy time trials today and i've been doing really well, sometimes skipping N.Oxide on certain missions if not being really close. Despite that one mission is fucking my arse and i hate it. It's that nitro map called Deep Sea something and i just can't do it. Any tips? It's always the requirement to be in USF or avoiding that final awful double spinning contraption. I'm going mad over here.

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Too much wumpa whip

Yeah, I noticed the jump over the last turn in hot air skyway was a lot harder

I was kind of scared of the top 5% thing, but god damn is it easy to stay within just doing dailies.

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*not enough

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So getting hit by items at the start while first place is allowed to maintain boost for the entire race is fun huh.
Race mode without items when?

How old is Coco?

You say that now but it's on all month

lmao my dumbass, yeah sewer speedway is a bitch, I try to maintain the turbo from the pipes and hit the halfpipe starting from the bottom to the top perpendicular not at any angle. That sweet spot for the jump is evil. It's even worse you need to do it for all 3 laps

source me daddy

Calm down there, N. Flation

I really enjoy the game so doing those dailies isn't an issue for me.

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>spending hours every day thinking about how the new Crash will work, injecting shitty story ideas and thinking about who the bosses will be
I think I need a break from Crash.

if anything it will get easier because more people will buy the game making the 5% margin larger

More people join every day and lots of probably quit or will give up keeping you in the top 5%.
I say anyone who does their dailies every day will get the champion kart.

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Mydick says yes but my brain says I'm not ready to be a father.

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Daily challenges are easy and earn themselves if you just play the game. I will be away at some work thing for 4 days. Gonna miss playing.

Why sandals?

old enough

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There are like 3 different types of USF and the fastest one of them is found in Tiny Temple, Hyper Speedway, Twilight Tour and Deep Sea Speedway, but only like one of the Turbo pads in DSS actually gives that highest USF speed the other ones are a slower version. So long as you hold that fastest one for the entirety of the track up to the double spinning blades you can be hit by them and not worry about losing to Oxides ghost.

You don't need the shortcut at all with a speed type, but that requires near-perfect driving. You absolutely can not drop sacred fire and must time your boosts to hug corners.

why are all the stickers gone?

deff Fake Coco

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Race mode wouldn't be very interesting given it would just be a time trial online and whoever can use a speed character the best would always win.
I think I'd much rather prefer a hot lap mode where whoever can set the fastest lap in three laps wins.

Oh shit, it's him...
Doctor N. Ormous...

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When are we getting N. Style

Because Dobson wore them in the image they're referencing I imagine.

I think online should offer a mirror mode vote just to switch it up a bit, I tried Roo's Tubes mirrored and I was getting all sorts of turned around due to the muscle memory I've built on the tracks being played

god I wish that were me


Maybe in the race mode without items everyone would have the same stats.
It would become the super try hard mode but maybe that's a good thing, once you get good enough losing because of items is not enjoyable.

>bells and whistles make up for unplayable fundamental gameplay
Also nu crash was ugly as fuck due to using stock unity lighting.

Patch to fix coins rates WHEN. They're still way too low especially if offline is your only option and Nitro rewards are just as bad when you enter gold tier.


>top 5% on switch for both leader boards playing 30 min a day
Feels good brehs, Switch has way more casual players. I bet you have to play nonstop to be top on ps4

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I managed to beat him, did the shortcut on two laps and then on the third I had enough of a lead to take the longer route. But I actually started to hit the shortcut pretty consistently now

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>Activate the feedtube

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Remember to use your stand to dab on the waifushitters

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>CTR looks great and is near flawless gameplay wise
>Spyro trilogy looks fucking stunning and is absolutely flawless gameplay wise
>Crash trilogy has fucking ugly lighting and utterly destroys the gameplay
Why went wron with N sane?

That would be great, nice curveball to mix it up

Like the last user said, that's hyperbole and you know it.

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Cute voices but the jap crash logo is creepy

What if there was some kind of an additional coin bonus tied to consecutive 1st place finishes in online? Like, the first time you come in 1st you get nothing but if you get 1st twice in row you get 10 coins, and then for every consecutive 1st place the bonus goes up by a fixed amount until it caps out at 150 or something, and resets to zero when you lose, quit out of a race, or quit out of online. Obviously for balancing purposes this bonus would only be available for matchmaking based races.

>once you get good enough losing because of items is not enjoyable.
Eh, I enjoy shitting on people who rely on items to get into first, I was neck in neck with a Penta player on Tiny Arena who got 3 missiles in 2nd while I was on first, who used eached one simultaneously after I snaked past him each time within 10 seconds. I only use items to break out of 3rd-8th item hell. Items are only an issue on smaller maps, on larger maps with enough turbo pads there is usually enough opportunity to catch up.

But its not. The game can literally be rng at times with how bad the physics and hitboxes are.

I'm only here for the cunny

Not really. I play during wumpa time and do my dailies in 30 mins and im top .6% on both leaderboards. Nice cope tho. Enjoy those load times m8

How can you tell if your top 5%?

>N. Trophy
>not bald

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look what he did to megumi

guys we gotta do something

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Right on bro, I don't even want the stupid cart, but it seems I'm gonna get it anyway just by playing for the daily bonus LMAO

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Enjoy losing your save file.

Last time I checked there were like 660k people on the Nitro leaderboard, that's like 33k people getting the championship kart alone not including the championship leaderboard (but there's only like 240k people on that one and a lot of overlap with the nitro one i'd say).

I'm sitting at around 1200 on the championship leaderboard and 300 on the nitro leaderboard, well within 5% so I'm not to worried either.

that doesn't solve coin issues at all for offline which is the only place that coin issues exist in the first place

the grand prix screen has tabs you can swith with l2/r2

Take total player count and multiply it by 0.05, see if you're within that number

stop shilling this game, online is a broken mess

go to the leaderboard, look at the total amount of players, look at your rank, do some division

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Do what I did.



I'm approaching being average at this game, I held a world record on two tracks in F-Zero X at one point (beaten now) and am generally good at most racing games, but I feel this may be the most broken game I've played in a long time in this genre - If you pull out to first you're almost guarenteed a win online, as 8th through 3rd just never get a chance to come back because of the items, and 2nd barely has a chance. Also why can you get boost as an item when in first? That's adding insult to injury

The only solution to offline coin farming is to make every reward 100 or more.

I honestly just want mono item races in rotation. Shields only would be fun.

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Just 11 more tracks to go until I unlock N.Tropy.

Kinda wish you didn't have to unlock the ghosts first to beat them. This is legitimately making it twice twice as long.

Thankfully the nitro kart tracks don't seem as hard as Cortex Caslte or Oxide Station.

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Have a (You) on me, pleb.

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>not N. Gorged

The solution to all coin issues would be to allow players to pick the items they want to buy instead of relying on daily changing RNG bullshit.

Here you go, see you when i'm not b&d

Do you think Coco would let me hug her?

And shitty smash roster threads
Can't forget those

Nah online has coin issues as well it's just helped massively by the bonus' all tracks could stand to have their coin totals raised by 100 or at the bare fucking minimum they could just activate the bonus' for offline as well.

I haven't won a single online race. Few 2nd and 3rds though.

Cannonballs only

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Only if you use your penis

Ever felt completely invincible?

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>warp orbs only

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lol this isn't even spin, half it is just lies

You can make threads about the game when the online isn't a mess.

How? You are playing against people who don't know about drift boosting.

true power
THIS would be fun, they're not the easiest things to use. This and beakers would be fun

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The architect strikes again.

the physics are fucking bad, the game activates bellyflops when you're trying to slide, the game pushes you off ledges you actually landed on, the vehicles control like hot fucking garbage

crash 2 and 3 were absolute fucking trash and not even half as good as the original trilogy, crash 1 however was a direct improvement where the shitty slide physics luckily weren't there to ruin all the platforming

also I want the person who made the soundtrack to bear it/totally bear to fall of a fucking cliff while on fire

>clocks only
>whoever doesn't smash their console by the end of the race wins


Why would he leave his work unfinished like that?

I got a feeling that Ripto will be the only speed character in the Spyro GP

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I would be okay with this if every time you won a race, you were put in a different lobby with higher ranked players. So that all you DNFing fuckers would have to battle it out with other DNFing motherfuckers.

Otherwise no, kill yourself.

on Hot Air Skyway

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>Cortex Castle
It's one of the most fun maps once you get it

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>clocks only

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>playing online
>in first place
>box gives me an Aku Aku mask
>use it
>hit another box
>it's another Aku Aku mask
I have been punished non-stop since by everyone blowing me up constantly especially on boost ramps but for that one moment I was god of CTR.

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Cry some more, smashfag.

Tawna next

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Tawna belongs to Pinstripe and no one else.

Online racing mode with no items or I quit fuck this game

user, the game is not unplayable by any stretch of the imagination. Calling it unplayable is literally hyperbole.

>the game activates bellyflops when you're trying to slide
You've got to be dogshit to let that happen. Considering that you have to press the Slide button on the ground to slide, and you have to press that button in the air to bellyflop, something tells me you're just bad at pressing buttons. I've never encountered this issue in NST2 or 3.
Same with ledges. The pillbox helps you as much as it hinders you, because you can jump off of ledges that you just ran off of. It enables you to make tighter jumps by jumping closer to the ledge. If you seriously aren't making jumps in Crash Bandicoot, please re-evaluate whether the platforming genre is for you.
The vehicles have always controlled like garbage. I will admit Totally Bear falls flat as a music track, but in my opinion most of NST's soundtrack was a direct improvement.

>doesn't keep Super Turbo the whole way through

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Every race there's that one who USF 100% of the time. I've been in a ton of lobbies where 7/8 are decently matched and it's fun to race them, but 1 comes in and slaughters. Every single time.

What are you worried about? She's fine now that she doesn't look like a hungry skeleton

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And nothing of value was lost

Gnasty Gnorc faget
if there is a god, gay ass Ripto will be Turning

w..we'll get christmas skins... right?

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thats basically anyone who's watched the ghosts for either N. Tropy or Oxide for that map you're playing on. Not saying this is you but anons tryna git gud need to realize this, go do tons of time trials to learn which corners to cut and where all the little shortcuts are

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Time Trial works user. They fixed it.

I hope not. I'd rather get skins I'll use all year round not use once and never again.

Online works perfectly fine 95% of the time for me. Just get better internet.

Still not sure if I'll go for Oxide times or not. The more Tropy times I do the closer to Oxide's times I get. Either beating him or coming within one or two seconds.

I'm like 60 milliseconds short of Oxide on Oxide Station. I fucked up my USF on Lap 2 though, could easily take another 3 seconds off if I didn't. Had to switch to Fake Crash to do it though. I was stubbornly sticking with speed characters the whole time.

Maybe I'd have a better time on Cortex Castle if I used Fake Crash.

I absolutely can now though.
I just haven't done any recordings in a couple of days due to feeling burnt out over the coin grind and multiplayer

Stop lying, I'm connected via lan, and I get hit by invisible items or items that i manually dodged and saw going past me constantly.

Online mode with no karts or I quit fuck this game

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Look fag, I've beaten these games fucking RELIGIOUSLY on Ps1. The fucking slide and bellyflop are fucking broken. Stop defending this garbage rushed piece of shit of a remake.

so a normal race then?

>everyone just races by foot instead

your connection doesn't matter when the host has shitty internet

Imagine if we lived in a society which just allowed skins like this to exist. As in, nobody blinked an eye, not 5000000 written article, it was just allowed

imagine that timeline

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Sure you have, kiddo. Go back to The High Road, I'm sure you'll beat it someday.

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You joke but I'd go crazy if they announced motorbikes were being put into the game.

god i fucking wish they were this thicc

not him, but I have also played the 1st 3 games religiously and when I 100%'d the NST I really didn't have much trouble adjusting. You're right. Things are slightly different. Calling it "unplayable" or "shit" is just plain hyperbole though.

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>Mega Megumi

Based, Gnastyfags unite.

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>summer Coco would have worn a bikini top instead of a t-shirt
To live is to suffer

>the game activates bellyflops when you're trying to slide
lmao you've exposed yourself as a complete shitter in the first sentence

>tfw want to play as crash
> garbage balanced dumpster fire category
Life is unfair

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Why on earth did the artist make them look like dogs

>can do Sewer Speedway shortcut 100% consistently in NF now
>always win online matches in that track
It's a cool feel

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Ami displaying strength so the creature doesn't attack.

I'm not lying. I played hours of matchmaking last night and noticed maybe two major glitches. But maybe whoever is hosting your LAN games has a garbage connection.

how the fuck do you make those uturns

Does the daily online Wumpa bonus reset at the same time the pit shop resets?

what's so bad about balanced? I win with Isabella and Crash all the time.

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Play as him anyway, if you're good enough you can win with any class.

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I did beat High Road, I 100% percented the first game in the trilogy and I do think that one is a masterpiece. But 2 and 3 are hot fucking garbage and you are a fucking retard for defending it.

I want sexy Tawna back. She looks weird in CTR.

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whats wrong with balanced characters?


I like to think humans can impregnate Bandicoots

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>can do Sewer Speedway shortcut 100%
OK Oxide.
Now show proof, no resets.

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more like crash team raging: sodium fueled

seriously, fuck this game so hard

While in the air, brake+direction+down. Let go of the accelerator also.


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>use General Tiny for the first time
>Actually win an online match for once

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>he can't win with crash

more hyperbole

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I'll finish this later

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>know all cheats on a track
>take first place
>never have to fear items
>dominate every time, 100% without fail, because being immune to everything is such a big unfair advantage
wow, what a skillful game

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the game doesn't fucking read inputs correctly you massive mongoloid

>cool new skins available
>can't play as them because they don't reward enough nitro
It's gonna be like this til at least November, fuck

I was stomping waifus as Zam last night. And if I can do that, then you can win as Crash.

Fake stats and slower than Accel

>you are a fucking retard for disagreeing with me!!

I would if I could
It's that fun

Every time I convince myself I've nailed the shortcut, I come back to the game the next day and immediately start fucking it up again. There's just zero consistency.

stop posting overwatch in a crash thread you fag

you're right about 1st place not having to deal with items though. LOL orbs? may as well not exist


not a fucking argument nigger

>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock


>slower than accel

Is there some tech to do sharp turns without braking on the ground too?

Fapped a lot to this comic.
He really knows how to draw thicc furry gals.

Read mine perfectly fine. Had no issues with button inputs whatsoever.

i hope they never fix this

this but unironically

Has anyone gotten the promised "2500 free wumpa coins"? I haven't talked to anyone who has knowingly received it.

I am a min maxing autist, why would I play with an objectively worse class if I wasnt just trying to show off.

>Will never get this good
>Dipped foot into Time Trial Pool
>Struggled hard to beat Tropy. Beat him by .7 seconds
Already irritated. Boost autism isn't as fun when there's no coherent frequency about it.

Don't open.

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Same exact technique except you do it quickly off a hop.

Yes, it is. You aren't throwing around any arguments you're just screaming that its different and that its unplayable and that its "hot garbage".

Meanwhile I 100%'d them and had a total fucking blast doing it. I prefer the originals because I feel the aesthetic was lost a bit. Cortex in particular doesn't feel the same as he originally did, but they are nowhere near as bad as you claim.

You operate in extremes. 1 is a "masterpiece" while 2 and 3's remakes are "hot unplayable garbage". You're not making any arguments. You're throwing around buzzwords and screaming at people that disagree with you.

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Don't you mean young enough?

That's not what the ending meant when they said game streaming service, they meant like Stadia.

>The new Crash Bandicoot is just platformer racing

I can't even make that skip before the usf, I have no fucking idea how to get in 3 goddamn boosts before going there

I got a bunch of coins for no reason when I first started the game.

>objectively worse class
Maybe on certain maps in time trials.

fuck rip my fingers then

You're never going to convince me Vicarious visions didn't do a fucking terrible job with the remake and that you're just a blind fanboy. I'm going to sleep, and not reading that. Eat a dick.

Just disregard the nitro bonuses. How many races do you do per day realistically? Twenty? That's a whopping 100 extra nitro if you have the 50% bonus. Just doing the challenges is enough for whatever you're trying to achieve. I mean sure, use the bonus gear if you're doing the dailies, but otherwise it doesn't really matter. You'll be in the five percent anyway and will hit 42k to get all the stuff

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>no coherent frequency
I do hope it clicks for you one day user, it did for me. I still fondly remember being 11 and thinking Oxide ghosts were downright impossible. Then I had one of the most incredible epiphanies in regards to powersliding and everything just fell into place and suddenly I could do Oxide ghosts in my sleep.

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Sorry, but I'm not a furfaggot, and therefore don't have any furfaggot images saved to my computer.
Yiff in hell.

Open it.
I dare you.

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Here's a video someone did

I also noticed this when I was doing a time trial against Oxide. There were no super boost pads so I just had to drive as fast as Oxide. I could not beat him with a Balanced character but when I switched to an Acceleration one, I could outpace him right away

But I mean I'll use them online anyway, I don't really care about having the optimal stats for that

Why tho? Twitch streaming would make more sense. How the hell do you literally “stream” a game like Netflix? Wouldn’t you need like fast as fuck internet?


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I love my wife Coco!

This isn't new technology, where have you been?
I streamed a turn-based Final Fantasy game like 4 years ago

>both accelerate at the same time
>the accelerator class is faster during acceleration

>Spyro remakes
>flawless gameplay

>not playing with Speedometer
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. Also, why is it when one person leaves a lobby the whole thing disbands?

>tfw the trophy's yours

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it's shit

>Also, why is it when one person leaves a lobby the whole thing disbands?
the game is P2P so if the host leaves the lobby disbands

Will this game keep me satisfied until MK9? I rented CTR and the drifting just feels off to me. Is it worth a buy?

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What's the hardest Oxide time? I have like 10 oxide times to beat (only ctr track missing is dragon mines), so far the hardest was Sewer Speedway

I have accepted that I will never unlock Tropy.

Mock me now.

My only complaint is the motion blur, what’s yours

They should hit top speed on that long straight, but the accelerator keeps pulling away the whole time

Didn't they add an option to turn it off on consoles?

When all of the grand prix for this game out, this game is going to be a heft fucking kart racer. This will, by the end of all the prix, have so much god damn content, and be a true bang for your buck vidya game

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I won't mock you. I'll just play online with Tropy's digital skin to motivate you to continue. YOU can have Tropy, and not just Tropy but his bitching futuristic look too.

Wish we could just buy him

This game is not a substitute for MK, it's a replacement for MK

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More like CUNNY Team Racing

is crash stupid?

*drops pen on floor*


Of course I can, sweetheart.

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meant for

>Imagine paying for Nintedo Switch online, and not being able to play with your friends

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Why does he get all the FUCK LUCK?

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based, and I've never said this more, and truly red pilled

Literally needs more buffgirl

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Not him but glide feels off.

Once you get the timing down for the powerslide boosts, you'll reach a level of speed that Mario Kart will never be able to match. The closest it's ever been was Double Dash and DS but CTR's boost mechanics have always been superior.
Nintendo already ripped off the trick jumps from CTR back in Funky Bike Wii so it's only a matter of time before they figure out that drift autoboosts are boring and don't reward being skilled.

>that mashup
Holy shit

It took them half a year to do it, I was already done by then


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Believe it or not, she's designed almost identically to her PS1 model which just causes problems in translation, same happened with Crash (who doesn't have cheekbones much like his PS1 model, even though his concept art always did)

Her breasts are the only thing that's 'blatantly' different

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I'd trade all that for pipe physics to be fixed

Needs an outfit that shows abs.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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that is pretty weird but i cant stop maining small norm but i do use big norm on tracks i've 'mastered'

Dragon Mines for sure

You see that flash of white light on her just as the webm stops?

That's me driving full speed at her in my truck, moments before crushing and killing her

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Everything feels less precise to me, I like the manual drift boosted better than MK8 but it feels like if I drift close to a wall to cut close there is ALWAYS some sort of invisible wall that is farther out then what you see.

Get the fuck outta here normie

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Would be nice with boob animations but sjws would complain

if you're for real, what kinda work did you do at beenis and why did you hate it so much?

Very safe way to end your LARPing, I like it.


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>not a mother

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Imagine a Crash Royale

I wish it was obvious who the host is.

Only issue I have.

You have never once shown a single shred of proof of your employment with Beenox you attention-seeking nigger and even now with your supposed severance you still won't because you're a roleplaying fat boy starved for human interaction. I'm surprised you're choosing to end your retarded fantasies here but you'll probably be back in a couple of threads as "a totally different beenox employee" or you'll claim THIS post was a falseflag. Fuck off and die you retard thanks, only (You) you will ever get from me

You don't have to be married to be a mother.

...Why would you end it like that? Ironically, I believed you up until now. What a terrible fucking way to ruin it user. God damn it. This is so obvious you were faking now.

Genuinely thought we might have a beenox dude in here, was actual larp, even defended you. That is just too obvious now

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gotta admit you're good, dude

Then you're retarded too

Post yr resume user, I'll send it around my network :^)
t. game dev

thanks for all the autistic LARPing faggot, see you space cowboy.

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Ok retard

Bugs.... easy on the gullibility.

Tryhard containment matchmaking and items to heavily fuck over tryhards in first place when?

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Can some fellow Nintendies add me please. I'm in EST. Really just want to finish some challenges (mainly the weeklies).

Will also play Smash with anons

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Funny that if you didn't make this post, I would've believed every word you said. Funny that you just happen to be leaving now, huh?

>and as such have agreed to work extra overtime for the next week to finalize the changes based on feedback left by you anons

Actually lolling irl


brilliant, we'll take this all into consideration, also, you're fired


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The colliders are a genuine flaw in this remake, they do indeed stick out further than what you see

the original guy doesnt type like that. theres not enough aggression and swearing to be the same one

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Wow user you sure showed him by revealing how fucking seething you are and not actually making any tangible counter arguments

Have you tried getting better at the game? There's already no cap on warp orbs with a high drop rate you absolute backend

fucking kek

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1 hour until new dailies and pit stop refresh. Hope we get some good flag colors tonight.


Good thing she's MY wife then!

Ew. This post is really smelly.

Every kart shares the same hitbox as the biggest kart in the game, the Hovercraft, which means you get tiny karts like the default kart where the size of the kart is not representative of the hitbox. Hence why it looks like you're crashing into walls with a large gap.

>brilliant, we'll take this all into consideration, also, you're fired

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Can we do the one where you win against a friend on Twilight Tour challenge?

what's the point of playing this game if you cant even get wumpa coins without having an online connection, not even necessarily having your console's online service specifically

Dragon Mines, Blizzard Bluff (without fence skip)

Oxide Station/Tiny Temple if you can't into USF

Jesus dude are you this mad getting DNF'd? There's a time trial mode, have you played it?

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Warp orbs don't affect 1st place in any significant way and neither do clocks. I say this as someone who's in first most of the time. I just win slower.

>Cortex's Face and Crashes Hank butt
I kek'd

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Go away, tryhard. I don't want you on my video game board.

Who /alwayspodiumnecerfirst/ here?

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Is it normal to have to redo some tracks on Normal campaign difficulty like 30+ times to complete them? Specifically Sewer Speedway, N. Gin Labs, and Pinstripe boss.

I know I suck but some races seem unforgiving as fuck.

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>Beenox larper deleted post because he fucked

really makes me think

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>(without fence skip)
how the fuck does that shortcut work?

No you just suck

Oh... That sucks

Well too bad faggot you're here shitting up my thread and my board with your bitching. Is losing your problem? Is getting DNF'd your problem? Do you wish there was a better way! There is! The solution to your very own impotence is to practice the tracks in time trial mode! WOAH

>muh orbs
its already been proven time and time again that they do jack and shit to someone in 1st that isn't a fucking knuckle dragger

stop defending this fucking terrible design. i love the game but the way you guys act dishonest about it pisses me off

The AI on Normal is almost identical in speed to Hard in the original.

that's not even what the N stands for.

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I just want the Isabella pack. It's just leaving me an empty slot

Absolutely bruh

There's nothing to defend. Get better at the game and it will reward you more.

Tough talk from someone who is actually bald.

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It canonly does.

I'm saying this as something that is almost always on the podium user.

Orbs don't really affect the player in 1st much.


I simply do not wish to play with your autistic kind, because you keep stealing my coins like a literal negro, and I would prefer to play with people on my skill level, as low or high as that may be.
Yet the game keeps forcing you upon me.
Seek friends an dilate.

>Vue logo
Can't believe I didn't notice that.

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Having fun

Most if not all of the challenges left for me are related to friends or Twilight Tour.

Also sent.

Bandicoots are marsupials right? Does that mean Coco and the trophy girls have pouches?

>if ur good ur autistic
even my normie friends have begun using this reasoning as a coping mechanism

shitposting aside, do you honestly think everyone that's good at a game is autistic?

Keep seething or have sex

best one

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that's the vicarious visions logo

Same dude. That and the 10 wins in those 3 karts. Hopping on in a sec

Downward facing pouches.
With nipples inside them.

Sent you a request.
I'm down to do it now before Wumpa Time kicks in at about 50mins from now.

>see a Crunch
>know he's going to annihilate everyone
Godspeed you /fit/izens

An inane amount of luck


several of the characters can only be unlocked via the pitstop
you can't get shit towards pitstop currency without having an online connection
sure I have it at my house but not when I'm at work doing nothing for six hours as night shift security

Holy shit this game is so good guys. I've been playing this shit every day since launch and can't get enough

I've been complaining about online and how unfair it can be but overall I'm having a great time.

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guys! im on my last platinum but its for N. Gin Labs and it sucks big time, any tips?

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No, but they annoy me on a personal level.
How is this game supposed to be fun when one asshole is always half a lap ahead of LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE?
It's not just me, it's everyone else who's suffering under them as well.

>Every time a favorite track poll comes up Sewer Speedway is #1
>Despite the fact that the shortcut is beyond fucked


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Based, so many people have to pull out hard cope over Crunch's very existence. I've seen Crunch players called everything from tryhards to gay furries but it's all a veneer layered over salt

Beat Oxide's times on all the CTR tracks. Still need to do the Nitro Kart ones, that's like another 39 time trials still since you need to do them all three times, jesus

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on the contrary, mods decided it wasnt allowed and deleted it for me and put me on a 15 minute timer. However, i'm just here to discredit and play off the beenox poster because it gives (You)s, and it worked. if beenox user does show up it's probably legit, though after this i doubt it

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Do you really them all to have fun


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Seeing all these perma ufs players just playing as speed characters with shit handling makes me gate myself, I don't think I'll ever get this good.

you can do it my guy

It's genuinely a fun and chill track besides the shortcut, and the shortcut can be done consistently if you care to learn the trick

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Who did this and why didn't they make more?

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Wish Crunchmode was achievable nattty so I could dab on everyone

What does the N stand for?

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Not getting first place


>several of the characters can only be unlocked via the pitstop
And none of them offer new gameplay so you don't absolutely need them

>do you really need all the content that is already installed on the disk to have fun
Why are you sucking Activision's cock so bad, user? Just because it's CTR doesn't mean it can't have flaws.

Do you need to do the CNK tracks to unlock Tropy?

Guys, do you like my new Crash OC I made, he's a bad guy turned good, Cortex hated him so he threw him aside, all he does is be nice, his name is N.Courage

please rate, or any critiques

Attached: N.Courage.png (1000x1409, 445K)

It's not that it's difficult, it's just very time consuming. I wish you could challenge the ghosts right away, don't really understand what the point of this system is

It is pretty fun and I love it too but why the hell would you vote for an objectively broken map over something like Hot Air Skyway, N Gin Labs, or Electron Avenue?

No Megumi, I don't want any Wumpa Juice

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>tfw the BEENOX webm Dingodile gave up and stopped posting

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>need to get 1st and 8th in Crash Cove online


I literally haven't missed a day. It's great.

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This is either the most genius thing I've ever seen or the worst post on Yea Forums, I'm laughing either way

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ngin labs is the only relic race where you actually have to haul ass to qualify
I personally recommend reversing at the start of the race to hit 6 of the crates on the right hand side since I want to ram my face through the other ones without losing any speed at the end of my 1st and 2nd laps (if I happened to miss any on lap 1). Keep at it, it only really took me 3 or 4 tries but the box layout is otherwise not too brutal and lap 3 is just pure speed.

stupid dog

Get someone to help you

Good. He was a faggot.

I hate that I laughed

>impersonating /ourguy/ for (You)s
fuck you

Probably killed himself by going under a train that wasnt scheduled to arrive for another 3 seconds.

Just bought the game and started it on hard mode, shit is retarded but I finished the crash cove with a photo finish after an hour and started roo tubes, how the fuck are you supposed to win this shit? Any specific character that's good? Do you need to take the shortcut with item luck 3 times in a row to even have a chance?

This wasn't the main point of this conversation. You asked what the point of playing a game was, your answer was fun, and now you're ranting about other shit.


I don't know what USF means. Whats it mean?

Just saying, "what's the point of playing this" is a pretty weird question. It's a fun game and you play it to have fun, does it really need any more goals beyond that. I don't really like this unlock system either but I wouldn't consider it the ultimate reason to play this

>beat me by 15 seconds

Man I suck.

it's a speedrunner term

U Suck, Faggot

you are drifting, right?


some other quality of life things I wish they added includes not needing to back out of online for checking GP challenges and more nitro for just completing racing, There's a bunch of other little stuff they can add too but I only think of them when I bump into them when I play and I forget them

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>his name is N.Courage
God damn it

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wild Woody confirmed for CTR

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ultra sacred fire. Basically just pay attention to the fumes/flames coming out of your kart's exhaust pipes, they measure your reserves which are the aftermath of boosts. You really want to keep them up.

Ultra Super Fire

Crash Cove is paradoxically the hardest stage to do in hardmode. It's just so flat, straight, and simple that there really isn't much room for you to get ahead.
Godspeed if you want to stick with hardmode and do the CTR challenge, jesus fuck. I won that one by a single in-game frame.

Play like Dagumi

I don't even like the track without the shortcut. It's no longer interesting without the wall riding/jumping. Your only option is going down the middle which makes it pretty boring.


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>Costs 5175 wumpa coins to buy the ami bundle
>I have 5176

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Real talk, I'd be down for good human scientists in the series.

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buy it, nigga

sjw game stop shilling it here , take it tumblar

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Yeah, still getting used to it as it isn't exactly how I remembered it from back in the day.
I feel roo tubes is dumber so far since my item luck sucks, on crash cove I could atleast do the shortcut 3 times without items. For me it's hard mode or no mode though, guess i'll grind it out

Highest boost speed you can reach in the game. Before large jumps.

He legit fits this game's aesthetic

This show was unironically ahead of it's time, go watch and Courage the cowardly dog, it is fucking insanely creepy

haven't tried reversing in the begining to get those, ill give it a try thanks

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I'm not the other guy, actually, but whatever you say.
All I'm saying is that whenever anyone brings up the broken unlock system you've got people, every time, who just whine about how you need to have fun, who cares about that!!!!! He was making a point about how retarded it is that offline content is gated behind "network features", and that's an issue practically everyone in CTR threads seem to be ignoring just because it's CTR.

It's the best CN show by far

I need one more win in Twilight Tour and then the 8th to 1st.

Then I need to place 1st and 8th in Crash Cove.

I want a blueshell against first place, and only first place.
It should stun them for 30 seconds so others can catch up, which seems fair since as it stands, first place is practically immune to all items in the game.

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CN had some other sleepers, Edboy

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>never really played Speed characters because I didn't like how they felt the first few times I tried them
>been doing time trials with Speed
>got really into the handling
Well, I guess I'm Dingodile now

Why don't you just ask someone for help and say what system you're on?

I spot the Sonic fag.

Seems like it indeed is one lawsuit waiting to happen.

Between playing the game, and shitposting, this is probably the most fun I've had with a videogame in a long time

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orbs shoud ALWAYS hit 1st and should move much quicker IMO

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These Platinum Relics are giving me AIDS, way harder than any fucking Oxide ghost.

For some people, not all, the gameplay outweighs the negatives and keeps them coming back. I don't ignore the negatives but I don't focus on them. I'm having a good time just playing the way I would play if this game had no unlockables.

>implying that VV would sue Beenox when both of them are reporting to Activision meanwhile the NaughtyDog logo went off without a hitch despite them being entirely unrelated to the remakes.

Have solace in that all the CNK tracks are much easier than the CTR tracks

I want competitive and pseudo competitive. Competitive would have no items, and pseudo competitive would limit items to Potions, TNT, boost and shields, that way theres a little bit of strategy, not being nuked to death by clocks and orbs.

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Fuck your dumb suggestion and fuck all the other suggestions.
Literally all online needs is:
1. The item balancing should be identical to offline item balancing.
2. Give us actual skill-based matchmaking. Tropytards DNFing entire lobbies wouldn't be a problem if they were only matched with other people who DNF entire lobbies. The fact that players who consistently are too retarded to know how to drift are regularly paired with Digital Tropys and Hot Rod Oxides is a testament to how ignorant the developers were in the making of this game's online mode.

All I want is a Crash 4 by Vicarious Visions. Let's ignore everything after Warped happened.

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Why would you need shields if there's nothing to nuke you?

Two more races on my side for TT. First to last and and one more win.

I'm not confident in the AI for the first to last however.

>new to the game
>started with Speed
Honestly had buyer's remorse at first but that changed completely.

I'm this user
if you have the patience and a packed bong and the urge not to throw your controller too hard you will pull through. We can do this

Fuck. I read that as Doctor N. Onymous

>mfw I jacked off to furshit for the first time 'cause of this threads
I feel like absolute dogshit but I well know there's not going back from now.

Are you happy now?

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According to my play history I've already played this more than Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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>People complaining about speed characters all the time
>Acceleration is the most common class online
Explain this

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To damage boost through items that block shortcuts, also they'd be the only projectile dummy.

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I hope they don't add any shitty new heroes and just make new villains.

GUYS! Just hear me out!!

Battle mode with only bowling bombs enabled.

You're welcome.

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And they should be twice as common.
Also, people who are too far ahead should get a 30% speed reduction.

I want the trophy girls to be secret unlocks and they can all glide with their umbrellas to cover long distances, and twirl them to knock away enemies.

Would also like to be able to use the villains... Tiny would be a complete power trip to use.

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accel helps you feel less fucked by items

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Just with a different engine and better hitboxes. Slightly tighter physics too.

you mean always hit by items instead of another competent player

No. Fuck off. Never slow down a racing game to impose penalties.

> Bandicoots are solitary animals that will gather only for mating.

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I've said this in other threads, but I hope Crash 4 starts after Warped with a different main antagonist. Establish that Cortex is still in the stone age and is trying to get back, and instead introduce a post-ND villain. My vote is N. Trance. I'd like them to reinvent WOC's story, and introduce N. Trance as a mysterious invader from the 5th dimension, and Crunch as another Bandicoot who's being brainwashed by him. Use underused bosses like the Komodo Bros, Pinstripe, and Koala Kong.
Those are my thoughts, anyway.

You can do it. If it’s any consolation, most of the Nitro Kart Oxide ghosts are pretty damn easy, only ones that gave me trouble were Tiny Temple and Electron Avenue (but I used an unintended shortcut for that one so Oxide can eat my exhaust. Also I posted that image the first time, it’s neat seeing it circulate.

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Skill based matchmaking won't make much difference at all

.Now just the last to first.

I assume you need one more win, yes.

can't beenox make it? I think they've done a better job.

If they decide to keep everything but the Titans games canon, I want Cortex to take out Uka Uka. It would rehabilitate Cortex as a real big villain and end le "YOU HAVE FAILED ME FOR THE NINTH AND LAST TIME CORTEX" impotent tantrum Uka throws every game

Practically guaranteed to happen, Vicarious Visions, Toys for Bob and Beenox are doing a three yearly rotation like the Call of Duty studios so that Activision can fulfill their quota of one kid’s game a year. So a new Crash 4 has likely been in the works since 2017, and a new Spyro since 2018.

>actual thought put into an argument
Oh, okay. You changed my mind.

Switch or PS4, which is the better purchase?

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hey cocos pretty cute

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They can't get hit by anything else, it needs to be fair somehow. Currently, being in first place is playing the game on easy mode. Then those faggots go online and brag about how good they think they are, when they effectively won the race by being in front for 5 seconds without getting fucked over, before they get to enjoy a comfy joyride for the rest of the race while places 2-8 are in a constant state of war with rockets and bombs flying literally everywhere.


A lot more players on PS4. If you get Switch physical, the load times are longer than digital. You pick.

If your just doing trophy on the second lap he messes it up bad enough that you can hit the double blades each time

>items are totally balanced guys

In fairness the items are the only thing allowing scrubs to stand a chance against skillful players, if a great players gets hit a few times early in a race a mediocre player who never gets hit will still win every time.

The fact they did a good job of remaking a kart racer doesn't mean they'll do a good job of making a platformer.

Whichever you prefer.

Ps4 for the true next gen exprecience

I'd be alright with that, but I think they should retire Cortex for a bit beforehand. Using a different main antagonist for Crash's first new game in more than a decade would be a great way to show that they can do more than piggyback off of Naughty Dog. Make a game or two without Cortex and use other main antagonists while slowly hyping up Cortex's return, then release a massive Crash game in Mario Odyssey-levels of scale, like Crash Evolution.

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I don't care. Slowing down the game for one person is not good game design and never will be. Especially not in a racing game.

The problem is that 2nd and 3rd place are always fighting and have no access to orbs. That's it. Fix that.

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So after Cortex failed at creating Crash did he just keep zapping bandicoots hoping one would work out? How exactly did Coco and the trophy girls get evolvo-rayed?

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Is there any better proof that your gud than destroying everyone on Tiny arena?

the switch has wrath of cortex level loading times

Beenox have certainly done better than VV but I wouldn’t say VV did badly. This only exists because of the risk VV took with the N.Sane Trilogy, Activision had very little faith in the brand and only went ahead with the project as a gamble but now they’re on record saying that Crash is a flagship franchise for them again, up there with Call of Duty and Blizzard shit.

ps4 performs decently and has a huge playerbase, switch version is quite ugly and terrible load times

N. Brio was the one churning out bandibabes.

PS4, but it really doesn't matter, the only significant difference is that Switch loading times are a few seconds longer

Brio got ahold of it after cortex walked out pissed off about the Crash failure

He doesn't quite compute.

PS4. Switch is cute, but the load times make me want to off my self, double dip and support the game however

I love how being just a single corner ahead means the people behind you have to pray they can nail you with a missile down the only two straights in the map.

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I always pick handling characters on Tiny Arena and DNF most people there. I dunno if that’s cause I’m good or everyone else is bad though.

Wait the digital version of Crash is faster than physical?
Is this for real?

I fucking wish. They're gonna pull a velo and make him beginner.

2nd place shouldn't get so many fucking beakers and bombs. 2nd place is everyone's only hope for redemption but they get fucked over harder than anyone.

Yes because the physical Switch version loads from the cartridge whereas the digital loads from the internal memory.

Based Brio churning out the waifus when his boss looks away.

yes, loading off the cartridge is slower than the memory

same friends. Ive been having a blast shitposting and bitching and all. Hope you all are in good health.

Which girl would make the best wife?

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Well if I bought the Nitros Oxide off the eShop, will my save from the physical version carry over?

>just had a close fight with a Megumi on the CNK Sewer Speedway equivalent
Good race user, if you're here

The game is shit as it stands, anyway. I already lost all will to play online anymore, I'm just literally forcing myself for the coins. It's the video game equivalent of physical torture with how broken and unbalanced and heavily biased towards the person in first place it feels, and if it's me who takes the win it doesn't feel statisfying at all as a result, because I'm fully aware that I didn't even do anything special to deserve that win.
It's just a depressing grind. Mario Kart might be more casual, but at the very least the items feel like there was some form of thought put into them, which can't be said about this sad excuse of a video game.

Not sure, I know for the 3DS some games put the save files on the cartridge. Dont have a switch.

A couple that lifts together is a happy couple.

yes, saves are stored internally

You know there's more than online right?

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I am envious of guys who can play like this. I can't maintain a boost like this yet.

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My games are saved on my ps4 and they are stored online as well. I saw how shit was being corrupted and saved it to a usb drive too because why the hell not.

megumi all the way

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im not a fury BUT

The one with the platinum milkers.

damn dude if your'e not having fun then just take a break it's really that simple

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Well, not-online is at least fun to play, but what does it matter when all the stuff to unlock is locked behind online time gated shit, and they actually set a limit on how fast you gotta grind out all that stuff?
You are forced to play online if you plan to unlock anything while not spending a large amount of time on the game at that point.

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With love there's always a way goddammit

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Wow switch is really faithful to the original.

I want to touch megumi toes

Fake Chad dabbin on those two losers

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Ok. Let me get that 8th to 1st now.

>get up and play Adventure mode today
>only Oxide Station until I face Pinstripe, then Oxide himself
>beat Oxide Station by only a few seconds, really close race
>switch to Tiny just for the hell of it for Pinstripe
>beat Pinstripe by 10 seconds by racing pretty well
>beat Oxide by about 15 seconds and was racing like shit and hitting walls constantly

why some times tnt boxes insta explode?
because lag?

He has the best smile and the whitest teeth. What isn't to love?

i've gotten 500+ coins consistently just being in 3rd place so not sure what the fuck you're on about with regard to it being heavily biased towards 1st. just get on the podium man

that said, the orbs need to do more to 1st place than what they do as of current. there is no fucking way to justify how it currently is, with it MAYBE helping 2nd and 3rd catch up by a couple seconds before they start pummeling each other with items thereby letting 1st get ahead.

RN the only think Mario Kart has above CTR is this shit where 1st gets away scot free without having to deal with any items besides the WEAK orbs and RARE clocks.

Might be, might be you getting hit by something else, its hard to tell when theres lag.

Oxide is easy as fuck as long as you get in front of him before the end of that first curve.


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