What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Sand-blasted grease monkeys disobeying the teachings.
All Al Bhed weren't dead.
Stuck with his brother's sloppy seconds.
Would you complain?
No I would move on instead of hating desert people who don't actually murder people.
he has Elliot Rogers lips
Fuck the al bhed
especially rikku
Better dead than Al Bhed
>Wakka looks like an average sports dudebro in the original
>chinese outsourcing devs turn him into a hideous gremlin
Why though.
don't mind if I do
Imagine falling for Yuna when Rikku and Lulu are on the table?
The religion he believes in is the only one that does ANYTHING to frequently stop an apocalyptic genocidal giant monster from nuking entire cities out of existence, and claims these other people (who aren't doing anything to help) are actively making this monster come back more frequently through their actions.
When your religion's priests/pope are the only ones that can banish roaming evil city-sized deities and they do that in front of you while telling you what you have to do in order to do that, you're gonna have pretty big faith in it.
He was an idiot that really just wanted to play blitzball but gets wrapped up in all sorts of political nonsense and so he spouts off uninformed ignorant bullshit and ignores all the direct hypocrisies of his own society's ideology because they've never been pointed out to him and it's just more convenient for him anyway.
Basically, keep Wakka away from twitter for the sake of his blitzball career or any other endeavors.
Imagine falling for a whiny ghost.
Not even a ghost because the guy that Tidus is apparently supposed to be isn't even like him at all except in appearance and it's some other ghost imagining Tidus.
So in effect, Yuna fell in love with some other ghost's original character do-not-steal of a sports star that looks like some other retard.
Then she went ahead and spent a considerable amount of time and effort (along with the time and effort of many others with her) into bringing her imaginary boyfriend to reality.
yuna is property of rikku only
Rikku is a spiral eyed THOT.
His brother died using Al Bhed technology and not his sword so he became racist towards them
Yuna if great though, especially when she went on her rebellious phase.
Worst fucking Final Fantasy character ever.
He wanted to fug a qt Al Bhed but the teachings wouldn't allow it.
He's Jake the Dog.
And they break up like a year after said "revival".
In an odd way, yevon faith isn't lying about those stuff either; Sin DOES come to destroy technology.
Its a rare case of
>church is actually evil
not actually being true, since their existence is necessary to the survival of the human race, regardless of how dirty their origins were.
Felt like they had to squeeze in the unsent popes bullshit to paint a proper "CHURCH IS EVIL OMG!" layer, because it really served no narrative purpose.
Is that serious? In what game is that mentioned?
Was Tidus the greatest FF protag?
No he wasn't very good.
I've been trying to finish X-2 for 3 weeks now
it's so bad bros...
well, they already had the CHURCH IS EVIL thing with the realization that to destroy Sin a new Sin would be created in its place. The pretty lie that the summoners would go on to defeat Sin and that maybe one day one of them would put Sin down for good when in reality the very process to destroy Sin was creating Sin and the peace was always going to be temporary because it was a cycle that couldn't be broken...that was evil enough.
The unsent popes and such felt like it could have been a subplot or maybe an early draft of the plot because it really could be a reason all in itself for the game. I can envision a plot by some religious organization in which the highest of the people there are these immortal ghost things that are working to create a creature or situation that would basically wipe out all life and leave everyone as these unsent ghost things. I can see that as a villainous motivation that needs to be stopped since it would basically mean no more death and suffering in the world due to death but it would also mean that nobody ever leaves (an important part of any society really) and nobody new ever shows up. Basically turning the world of FFX into something akin to dark souls where everyone is undead.
Yuna was just a real late bloomer.
You're bad.
No, it's some fanfiction novel written way after the fact by someone completely unrelated to the game's development who somehow got the okay to use the license.
It's in that audio drama thing on the HD remaster.
So what you're saying is it's canon?
Wakka why does your job title say Grand Wizard
Like it or not it is canon. Same as Tidus exploding.
Based and fireworkpilled
>that was evil enough.
Not disagreeing with that, but what would the alternative be? If they revealed what they know and Spira knew Sin would always come back, I can't see the Summoner practice doing well, the only way to have temporary relief from Sin Attacks.
This. Yuna was boring as shit in X, X-2 actually gave her a personality.
Humans need time to rebuild and make children, or they'd fully go extinct.
Everything the church did (other than the unsent bullshit) was a necessary evil to the survival of the human race.
Including false hope.
Sand niggers. Can't trust em. Not even in a video game.
>Not disagreeing with that, but what would the alternative be? If they revealed what they know and Spira knew Sin would always come back, I can't see the Summoner practice doing well, the only way to have temporary relief from Sin Attacks.
>Humans need time to rebuild and make children, or they'd fully go extinct.
>Everything the church did (other than the unsent bullshit) was a necessary evil to the survival of the human race.
>Including false hope.
Well yeah, that's the whole point of the game and the decision by the team to try to break that cycle by not playing to the creation of the final aeon super weapon. But that is what was evil enough about the whole thing, that they would continue this deception, this lie, instead of find ways around it or even attempt it. The unsent thing, that immortal ghosts running the show, was just some extra evil BS that needed not be there and I was giving possible ways for THAT to be part of the plot rather than it not being part of the plot ever at all.
Hell, you know what? How about this...the church of Yevon perpetuate the cycle because Sin kills in a massive way. This massive killing requires a sending ritual to be done so that these ghost things don't manifest as "Unsent" which apparently just means they are some immortal ghost things now. Now why would these unsent church illuminati want this to happen? Well what if the sending ritual really just funneled that energy to them somehow to keep them in their immortal ghost forms instead of bursting into a hundred of those little floaty ghost orb things?
But as it stands, like this guy said it just kinda exists for more OMG CHURCH IS FULL OF EVIL BAD GUYS instead of anything truly pushing the plot along.
The unsent turned into fiends. Seymour. Mika, and Auron would have eventually become fiends.
ffx ruined my life
fuck this game
>The unsent thing, that immortal ghosts running the show, was just some extra evil BS that needed not be there
I mean, it makes sense. Yevon has a lot of skeletons in its closet, and having only 4 people be aware of those lies for eternity is a lot safer and easier than trying to raise new generations of maesters and just hoping that all of them will be cool with the revelation that they were lied to for years, and that none of them ever decide to blow the whole thing open.
>find ways around it
Hey, not everyone is a fucking underwater soccer superstar ghost that learns time magic, acrobatic midair swimming bullshit, and swings his sword AND kick balls hard enough to kill a planet-level threat, all by just killing random animals, catching butterflies, dodging lightning, and riding chocobos for a while.