>Slayer threat level at maximum
Slayer threat level at maximum
reminder doomguy is canonically a vampire
here u go
How though?
that's fucking metal
tell me more reminders user
>seemingly killed in episode 1
>"tainted beyond ascension"
>able to gain strength from his victims
>lives for centuries
>has no reflection in mirrors
>found sleeping in a fucking coffin
*ahem* excuse me?
That's Doom Marin3 from when id could do mirrors
That's not doom guy
that's doom and gloom guy
Best album ever. Change my mind.
That particular genre of music is not good.
I fucking hated flashlight mechanics in Doom3.
Unironically the worst mainline doom game.
It's still a good game though. When that's the worst in your series, you're definitely doing something right.
It's Doom Marine.
>D2 over D1
the supershotgun doesn't make a game user
Well, what other doom games even have mirrors?
is there a better power up than 2016 doom berserk
D2 is an escalation of Doom. Whether you like the maps or not, the uptick in enemy count, map size and sheer violence is commendable.
The ones in Wolfenstein 2009 were pretty dope.
I wonder how he got this new Praetor Suit.
Is Wolfenstein 2009 any good? Mad Nazis+From Beyond sounds fun, but the gameplay looked like a CoD clone.
Quad Damage with the Chaingun in turret mode.
It is a pretty good shooter, but I don't think you can buy it from any store anymore. You'd need to resort to plunder.
>Chaingun in turret mode
i was so let down when i first got the chaingun, but fuck it was worth it after getting turret mode
doom 2016 just before you meet sammy hayds
Are we time travelling in Eternal?
i want boss fights, the final one in 2016 showed the formula had potential, even though it was a pretty mediocre boss.
I know people don't like them but I really liked the Hell Guard. They reminded me of twin boss fights you find in Action games.
If they gave the bosses more flavor, some more and different attacks and made them a bit longer. They'd be quite great.
I accept this. He hasn't aged a day either.
Me too. The slow windup and bullet spread is what upset me - but fucking hell Turret mode is glorious. But combined with the unlimited ammo perk with, what, 50% or more armor? It's just outright delicious.
fuck I hate the exposed biceps. that's one thing d44m did right with the new praetor suit. having exposed skin in open mars air, hell itself, and fucking space is just so dumb.
In the trailer there's a big Titan motherfucker walking by a building.
Yeah but that plus like twice the enemy variety does.
Compared to most FPS bosses the ones in 2016 were masterpieces.
>Quad Damage Siege Mode Gauss Cannon
>bottomless rockets with Haste
I dont like seeing his face, and I dont like that he grunts when getting hit in Eternal :C
Too bad he's always been like that, newfag.
This so much.
2016 weapon tier list:
BFG tier:
god tier:
super shotgun, rocket launcher
high tier:
gauss cannon
decent tier:
chaingun (turret), heavy assault rifle, plasma rifle (secondary attacks)
they were good when we had nothing better tier:
shotgun, pistol
I can buy this. But forgoing the vampire theory, why exactly is he "tainted beyond ascension"? He's been devestating the plains of hell for eons. Demons are legitimately terrified of him. You'd think Heaven would be his #1 fan.
Also, quick question - how'd you think the Icon of Sin got stuck in there?
If Eternal has level design thats even somewhat akin to old Doom and focuses less on locked arena fights it would be my GOAT. A mix of 2016's combat and og Dooms level design would be incredible.
He and Morrigan sustain themselves through battle alone; OTP?
yall just hate fun. He had exposed arms in the originals. He was always yoked.
Shut the fuck up you gay niggers
>why exactly is he "tainted beyond ascension"?
He seems to want to wipe out Argent Energy and that means Demons. Doomguy is going to be so mad when he finds out Heaven gave humanity and the Argent's the understanding to use it.
This. Arena style combat doesn't make that much sense in single player campaigns. Sprawling open levels with maybe some enemy respawns would be fine with me.
Locked in arena style just makes me feel like im fighting bots.
Agreed, though it's not a dealbreaker it's a shame since the praetor suit is just pure sex
should i play nudoom?
it's not a perfect game, but the actual gameplay itself is great
shut up nerd
If Warhammer 40K has taught us anything, it is that you can't fight daemonic forces without being corrupted yourself.
>mars air
Doomguy is pure and incorruptible.
>enemy respawns
>that realization that doom guy is the bad guy.
Good? Bad? He's the Doomguy with the gun.
That particular taste in music is not good.
Perfect cinnamon roll.
Too pure and cute for this world.
countdown to extinction from megadeath is objectively better.
I just find it funny hes a bigger threat than literal hell spawns. Long live this glorious mother fucker.
>tfw no demon bf
i hate nu doom's music