>instantly die
>infinite health shields
>literal invisible traps
Why do these things still exist in a competitive game in 2019? Why are all competitive FPS games complete garbage?
>instantly die
>infinite health shields
>literal invisible traps
Why do these things still exist in a competitive game in 2019? Why are all competitive FPS games complete garbage?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not to mention the game went from slow-paced tactical SWAT clone to rooty tooty goofy hero shooty
Competitive FPS games are dead at the moment
The only “competitive” game I play is rocket league because it’s the only game left on the market where pure mechanical skill is the only way to win.
just shoot them in the head
>>infinite health shields
use your explosives
>>literal invisible traps
You can notice a gu if you're looking out for it near doorways and stairs, their cloaked silhouette is more noticeable from the frog's eye perspective of a drone
Nobody even uses these for guns that don't have them integrated, because they're not that useful unless you're a roamer
>Not to mention the game went from slow-paced tactical SWAT clone to rooty tooty goofy hero shooty
It always was from the start
its esports scene is fucking dead lmoa
Get good. No seriously, game is fairly balanced.
>instantly die
Stop running into windows sights like an idiot.
>infinite health shields
Melee the shields, that will stagger the player.
>literal invisible traps
Stop running into rooms like an idiot. The only thing that you should fall even when putting attention are Lesion traps.
>using silencers on other than cav and probably nokk
>infinite health shields
LOL no it wasn’t. Nanomachines, invisibility, wall hacks, phone calls and other gimmicks were introduced far down the line.
The zaniest the game was at the start was a heartbeat sensor.
Now we have literal trannies
>LOL no it wasn’t. Nanomachines, invisibility, wall hacks, phone calls and other gimmicks were introduced far down the line.
First off, who cares.
Second, I was referring to Siege being more 'slower-paced' at launch somehow, when rushing Ash mains have existed since eternity. If anything the abundance of new trap ops slowed down the average match.
on multiple maps, you can run out and see spawn before the spotting timer sets off. You can effectively kill 3 people within 2 seconds of starting the round.
>just melee them!
and get shot by their teammates doing so.
>then ignore them
doesn't change the fact its a stupid mechanic in an FPS game where people can stand there invulnerable pinging you, and blocking access to a room unless you're playing very specific operators. Its not OP, its just annoying and has no place in a shooting game.
>but lesion traps are noticable if you look really really hard!
why the fuck is there invisible traps in the first place. its just another stupid ass game mechanic that makes no sense other than to annoy players.
What killed this game for me was that no one actually breached and cleared anything. People breach the walls/windows, then peak at each other until either everyone dies, or someone has to rush the objective. To anyone on the fence about this piece of shit, it's nothing like you expect from a rainbow 6 game.
>The zaniest the game was at the start was a heartbeat sensor.
Portable. Handheld. Nuclear. EMP. Grenades.
>wireless signal jammer
>it jams things that shouldn't be wireless
like how is jackal's helmet jammed by mute, it makes no sense.
>on multiple maps, you can run out and see spawn before the spotting timer sets off. You can effectively kill 3 people within 2 seconds of starting the round.
Hold the fucking angle then, if you know they are coming just go prone and shoot back before the run out has a chance
>and get shot by their teammates doing so.
If the guy has a teammate close, that is not a fight you wanna be in, even if the guy didn't have a shield.
Well, the guy can't shoot back, why should you even bother with the man if it can't shoot you back? That is why people usually ignore Montage when they see him around. And if it is blocking a doorway to a room with the deployed defuser, well, you deserve it from letting the man go that far.
>but lesion traps are noticable if you look really really hard!
I never said that, I do agree that Lesion traps are bullshit, and the only thing you should fall into, even when putting attention.
Jackal fell for the 'always online' for his helmet.
He has to connect to the Adidas Global Footwear Satellite.
>can't adapt to the game
>this makes the game bad
>Hold the fucking angle
>b-but just
>b-but its 2v1 so you should never be there!
this is csgo levels of coping.
You can just say there's bad mechanics in your shitty game user. There's a reason every other game in existence has maps that are designed not to let the other team kill you the second you spawn.
Shields are a poor mechanic for this game, and are glitchy as fuck on top of that. Its incompatible with the rest of the game, and doesn't even make sense in any form of realism at all.
Spawn peaks are a bad mechanic, the fact I can glance at the chat box and glance back and I'm already dead is ridiculous. Yeah, if you can tell the future and know they're going to do it, you can try and combat it, but at that point you're both just prefiring and hoping one of you gets lucky. There's no reason that should be a thing, especially when you could just move the spawns back 20 feet and put a wall in the way, you know, like every other game has had the foresight to do.
>b-but its 2v1 so you should never be there!
You pretty much just confirmed that you are just a tacticool retard that wants to play this game as if it was CoD. That is why you are getting extremely punished.
>There's a reason every other game in existence has maps that are designed not to let the other team kill you the second you spawn.
High risk, high reward. If you can't deal with a single run out, I don't think shooters are for you user.
I do agree though, that shield are broken though and Ubisoft has done a piss-poor job getting them to work correctly. They are still playable though.
>Spawn peaks are a bad mechanic
Stop getting out in the open, it is not that hard. There are a shitton of routes to get around the map.
The game's shooting system is poorly designed. The way you peak corners, the instakill headshots, it all contributes to a slow game of hide and peek. If you could take more hits then people would take more risks and you'd see real breach and clear tactics.
Not to mention the goddawful character design and weapon customization.
sounds like someone needs to
git gud
I do agree that Lesion's gu traps are annoying; but there are 3 operators that counter him.
Thatcher is obviously the easiest counter and is incredibly useful against almost all team comps.
IQ is a second decent counter (although her overall usefulness is not that high, she does have some good guns and can dummy the fuck out of annoying Pulse mains).
Jackal is a low-key counter to Lesion because having your visor activated makes his traps stand out much more (he's also quite useful on most maps and has a great AR).
Overall I think Lesion's traps could stand to be maybe 10-15% more visible to the naked eye, but it's a tough one to balance since he has to keep placing them throughout the round to be effective and they're VERY loud when thrown.
The only shield operator that is is invulnerable from the front is Montagne and you DO have to ignore him to a certain degree if you don't have explosives. Keep him in your peripheral vision or out of his line of sight and wait for him to take the bait. When you hear him lower his shield (quite loud), you can turn on him and shoot his exposed head while he's trying to ADS. It's not the easiest thing to do, but everyone can do it.
The spawn peaks are cancer and are just trial and error. They try to adjust maps to limit it, but it's slow fucking going. Learn where the bad spawn points are for attackers and don't use them. Or spawn there expecting a peak and counter them if you're feeling froggy.
>haha cod amirite
kys. its a 5v5 game, 2v1s happen all the time. And guess what, if there's no shield you have a chance at winning those trades. If you weren't garbage you'd be able to as well.
But then again, you're the type faggot that defends clash saying you can "totally win against her 1v1, you should have just picked capitao XD" as if that justifies that absolute boring and shit aspect of her character.
>high risk high reward!
its extremely low risk. spawn peaks from windows are even lower risk depending on the map and usually you'll see them long before they see you. and running out allows you to catch people by surprise giving you the advantage, unless they just happen to know you'll be there.
cope harder.
>spawn peaks from windows are even lower risk depending on the map and usually you'll see them long before they see you.
t. silver
On a lot of maps there are window who's angle gives the advantage to the window, even if you know to look for it.
Of course, your response on maps like bank is "lol just don't use that spawn ever"
which yeah, that's the "work around", which is also why its a garbage design.
Pre-fire, retard.
dilate, retard.
>And guess what, if there's no shield you have a chance at winning those trades
Just focus on his teammates first before dealing with Montagne. Montagne can only just stand there when he has his shield up. They take ages to unextend their shield just so they can plink you with their pistol, and the sound they make doing so is very audible. If you allow Montagne to just waltz into the objective then that's your fault for not holding the angle or placing any traps beforehand. You can easily stun Montagne by meleeing his shield whenever he tries to unextend it, leaving his torso temporarily vulnerable.
>its extremely low risk. spawn peaks from windows are even lower risk depending on the map and usually you'll see them long before they see you. and running out allows you to catch people by surprise giving you the advantage, unless they just happen to know you'll be there.
if you're sprinting like a moron towards the building with all of its windows then you deserve to get spawnkilled
just take it slowly and peek the windows before moving in, you can memorize most run-out locations anyways
please don't be such a stereotypical Yea Forums user, it makes you look like you lack self-awareness
>all those retards picking clash now that she's back into the game
can't somebody pretends to the devs she has again an exploit and needs to fuck off already?
Yea shield designs in this game are so 1-dimensional and boring, I have to think the only reason they keep her in the game is because pro-league teams use her occasionally.
Just remove them already.
>don't be so stereotypical
retarded posts deserve retarded replies.
is less of a problem despite being a giant bullet proof wall in those situations. But any other shield, or monty without his full shield up, can be immune to body/headshots, but in those 2v1s their pistol still kills you incredibly quickly, which if they're smart, they would do.
But as is, the game is if you see a shield, you back off because its not worth dealing with. Is that balanced? Sure, is it fun though? Does it really feel like you lost fairly when some blitz comes up and you have to shoot his feet before he just punches you in the face, or a monty sits in a doorway.
Yeah shields can be dealt with, but they still don't belong in the game.
The game is nothing but kids now with a few 20 something stoners here and there. They're marketing it to their biggest demographic target.
FPS PVP, in general, is aimed at the lowest common denominator... dudebros, edgy teenagers, and fratboy types.
> dudebros, edgy teenagers, and fratboy types
that's vidya in general.
>instantly die
Stopped reading here. They fixed almost all spawnkill spots
re: spawnpeeks you're literally just mad cuz bad
>literal trannies
rent 4 free
If you are bad in a game, you can always call the game trash, go fuck youself
Reminder there's a difference between spawnkilling and spawnpeeking
>children ITT don't know the difference between peak and peek
In all 3 of those maps, there are locations you can kill people who spawn before you get tagged.
Hence, spawnkilling.
And that's ignoring the other extremely annoying maps like yacht.
Peak Yea Forums culture lmao
Why is Zofia so good?
Cute aryan waifus
>before you get tagged.
That's irrelevant and you're describing spawnpeeking. If you and your opponent both have guns up, anything is fair game
Yeah Siege is fucking garbage that encourages rampant camping and headshots.
In my mind the only two games that value player skill/gun accuracy right now are
>Apex Legends
CSGO still has a pretty quick Time To Kill but generally speaking because of player movement you're incentivized to avoid camping
Apex has the bullshit of Battle Royale but because of Armor it plays a lot closer to Halo which means that the person who wins engagements, generally speaking, is the person who is better at the game and aiming.
>Silvers ITT
>hurr semantics
its equally retarded and you can die in under 2 seconds of spawning. For everyone else in the world, that's a spawnkill.
Is this worth picking up now for 10 bucks?
Worried I'll just get shit on by the people playing for years
Take the Quake pill
Quite the contrary, you'll be met with a ton of retards who just find a corner and camp
I paid $40 and I'm pissed
>playing comp
its just too damn long really
>avoid camping
lol what, the recoil mechanic incentives moving as little as possible. CSGO is literally "hold corner" the video game.
expect a shit ton of grind to get the good operators.
it's not a competitive game, it's a casual game.
Honestly, imo, if you can get the standard version for $10. yeah. But you get resource gated if you pick the cheapest version and can't upgrade (complete scam) and you only get the beginner ops if you get the full version. Its not a big deal because those are the most useful anyways, but the grind is a bitch.
Overall, its a subpar game, but the shooting mechanics are good and its nice having destructible environments.
considering the state of other FPS games, if you can get the full thing cheap, I'd say go for it.
It's wolf ET for me
>tfw enjoy siege despite Yea Forumstards constantly shitting on it
feels good daysue
>For everyone else in the world, that's a spawnkill.
Except Siege is a special case. If you spawn and instantly die to a enemy without having your gun up, you got spawnkilled. In this case, the devs fixed all these gamebreaking spawnkill spots. If you spawn and die with your gun up, you got spawnpeeked. In this case, as I said before, if both players have their guns up it's fair fucking game. End of story. If you're aware of these spawnpeek spots, then you should literally be ready to counter it every round
>spawn, instant death
That’s a retarded thing to say considering both teams start on opposite sides of the map and you only have one life per round
>infinite health shields
Not even a thing, what the hell are you talking about?
>literal invisible traps
Again, not a thing. Did you play the game?
It’s a suppressor dumbass
>game starts
>look at clock
>look back
>siegefags unironically defend this
When Siege first came out, I fucking LOVED it. I couldn't play it enough. But, as time moved on, the state of the game got progressively worse.
Early 2016
>Rarely ran into anyone under the age 16
>Everyone actually did work together and played the objective.
>People checked corners and cleared rooms.
>Operator gadgets were believable (ok, Pulse was a little out there, but you could suspend your disbelief a little considering the balance with the other ops).
>Maps were fresh and everyone was still learning them.
Players in 2016
>Mostly adults
>Worked together
>Played the OBJ
>Where before I never ran into anyone under 16, now I never run into anyone OVER 16. The occasional "adults" I do run into spend more time telling us how incredibly high they are instead of making call outs.
>Maps are stale and worn out. Everyone has them memorized and knows them by heart.
>No one plays the objective anymore. It's all just team death match regardless if it's Bomb, Hostage, or Biohazard.
>No one clears or checks corners, it's all run and gun.
>Operators went from "reasonable" to now being able to shoot lightning from a shield, use nanobots to give their teammates quick reflexes and the same OP can literally "will" herself to get up when she's been shot 50 times... let's not forget the magic drone that can some how make you visible INSIDE a fucking building if you move while it's active.
Players in 2019
>Teenager who's watched too many Macy Jay videos and thinks he's going to 1v5 the enemy team.. gets immediately rekted and rage quits.
>10 year olds who team kill because you took their operator
>Dudebros rambling on about how many bowls they just smoked.
The game is fucked and isn't worth playing anymore. Ubisoft is too busy nerfing operators that don't need it and buffing operators that need a nerf. They have their collective head shoved so far their "e-sports" ass they have let the game go to shit.
This is what happens when they keep making Operator after Operator and feel the need to top themselves each time so that people will want to buy them. Power creep is a bitch, and it is pretty much inevitable in most game's micro-transaction models.
To be fair, the microtransactions in the game aren't invasive and in no way give a player a distinct advantage over another. They're mostly out of the way and mainly for buying skins and charms and boosters.
Ubisoft is guilty of feeding the run and gun META. By nerfing defenders gadgets. Kapkap's traps used to kill, now they just hurt you by knocking your health down. Not a single trap can kill you immediately now.
It's obvious they've changed their marketing target to focus on kids. Clown masks, Fortnite style skins, pushing the run and gun META. They do this, I believe, because R6 doesn't make it's money from sales (that's why the game only costs 20 dollars when not on sale). They make their money from that stupid ass "e-sport" pro-league of theirs. They make fuck tons of money on it. And, who watches "pro-league?" 12 - 16 year olds make up the vast majority of followers.
I think nerfing trap gadgets is fine. Kap used to kill, but they were also more noticeable making it easy to avoid. Now you actually have to take the time to look for them.
Lesion being added also slowed things down a fuckton.
But the thing is, there "run and gun" but nobody actually pushes the objective, most rounds take like 2-3 minutes before everyone is being a slow faggot due to the traps. And the thing is, you need to be wary of the objective rushes. That's the point of having anchors. If i run in with ashe, grab the hostage, and run out in the span of 30 seconds, that's your fault.
___________get good______________________
>slow-paced tactical SWAT clone
it was never like this. youre delusional.
Get rekt faggot. Shields have been in the game since day one, lots more shit needs to go before they get rid of Shields.
And yes the game was better during year one, but then the E-Sports/streamer Zoomer faggots got into it.
This guy gets it. I mostly agree.
>The only “competitive” game I play is rocket league because it’s the only game left on the market where pure mechanical skill is the only way to win.
Well that's simply untrue. There's a lot of coordination involved in Rocket League whether you realize it or not, the most 'skilled' players do not always win, and this is true in any competitive sport/game. You'd know this unless you're low ranked, in which case you wouldn't understand
Acquire Skill
>but in those 2v1s their pistol still kills you incredibly quickly
If you were smart you would hover your crosshair over Monty's head the moment you hear him unextend.
>Does it really feel like you lost fairly when some blitz comes up
Blitz and Clash are indeed shit
>or a monty sits in a doorway
Monty blocking a doorway isn't an everyday occurrence and forces you to adapt on the spot, trying to figure out a way to damage him through a hole in the wall or baiting him into opening his shield
The invisible traps are just retarded. With that kind of tech why doesn't Valk make her cams invisible? Or Maestro's evil eyes? Or how about Jager's ADS? Or Kaid's electro claws? Or hell, Castle's barriers? God that'd be some looney toons shit. I can understand Kapkan not using it because his are mines meant to explode, but come on why not apply this magical shit to other gadgets?
>The invisible traps are just retarded. With that kind of tech why doesn't Valk make her cams invisible? Or Maestro's evil eyes? Or how about Jager's ADS? Or Kaid's electro claws? Or hell, Castle's barriers? God that'd be some looney toons shit. I can understand Kapkan not using it because his are mines meant to explode, but come on why not apply this magical shit to other gadgets?
who gives a shit if its realistic or not
it doesn't have to be realistic it has to be consistent. While this game spits in the face of the other R6 games that came before it, even the game itself clearly states that they share information, techniques and technology. Also:
>who gives a shit if its realistic or not
I'd imagine the man whose name hangs over the title might give a shit had he not died of AIDs
People who aren't faggot Zoomers who only play because the tranny streamers told them to
because after 1000 multiplayer matches the setting and the supposed realism of it ceases to matter
at most its meant to draw in new players, it's silly to believe that it is what keeps existing players coming back to play the multiplayer again
please don't be such a stereotypical Yea Forums user, it makes you look like you lack self-awareness
The Kap change was fine, his traps were way too obvious before and now they can heavily punish rushers especially 1 armors who will either be killed by another mine or one burst of smg fire. The only downside is his deploy time takes too long.
>because after 1000 multiplayer matches the setting and the supposed realism of it ceases to matter
So this is your first R6 game, got it.
You're here too nigger, and on top of it you have shit taste because you're a liberal zoomer
My favorite thing about these google tests, is that they always break the search results. So you can put any self-fulfilling prophecy you want in there. Tell people if they google "white children," they'll get pictures of black gangsters, and they'll google white children and start looking for pictures that are vaguely "black gangster," and click on them, thus recalibrating the search results for everyone as more and more people do it.
The game would be so much fun if I wasn't shit at playing it. I wish it had a TDM with respawns mode
Git gud
Imagine having your head buried this deep into the sand
Good one user, you almost got me.
Truly the power of consoles.
how are they wrong?
Basically denying that Google doesn't goose the search algorithm and suggestions by saying it's a self fullfilling prophecy, when if it worked like that search queries that are negative about globalists homos would auto fill, not just ones that that smear nationalists.
>say word
>have your $60 purchase stolen
>That’s a retarded thing to say considering both teams start on opposite sides of the map and you only have one life per round
Spawn peeks.
>Not even a thing, what the hell are you talking about?
Those deployable shields as well as Montagne.
>Again, not a thing. Did you play the game?
Lesion's traps as well as Ela mines.
Not him but these things are obvious.
Montagne is perfectly fine and in fact needs a buff. You're full stop wrong if you're ripping on him.
There's a difference between broken and unfit.
Monty is unfit for the game, he's horrible to play against, he's shitty to play. He might be a niche pick, but when you play against him its pure cancer.
He's completely fit for a game where everyone dies in a couple of bullets, he's mobile cover. If he's shacked himself up in his cuck cage, you can still kill him with any explosives or by simply shooting into the 10 degrees of gap between his shield and the corner of the wall he's probably placed his ass in. Monty is a big distraction.
>any explosive
you mean if you happen to be playing the 3 ops that have c4, and manage to get it behind him without him just shielding it.
2 impacts won't kill him.
smoke is the only other real counter.
>10 degree gap in a corner
do you even play this game
>trans niggers
>no nigger word
>season pass
>tacticul shooturrr
>make a hole and STARE
if any of you are still playing this game you are without question a fucking faggot
everyone knew this game was shit OP you are a dumbshit
His shield only covers 80 degrees my man, sorry if you never noticed, Also, if your whole team is getting consistently rolled by a solo monty, I don't know what to tell you other than I'm sorry.
What should I be playing in this day and age?
>i-it totally works!
no it doesn't lol. the shield curves around him. i don't know what fucking game you're playing.
Rocket league looks fun...I never played it but it looks fun
Do you know what a degree is? Have you actually ever been beside a monty and noticed that his sides are basically entirely exposed?
opinion completely disregarded. drop the stupid vocabulary.
I've played this game and had teammates go on opposite sides of him without being able to shoot him. if he's in a corner, you can't shoot him. That's all it is. if you want to provide evidence on the contrary, feel free.
... Are your teammates retarded?
>white children
i have never googled this before here is my result
show me some evidence you can.
The only time monty is basically invulnerable is when there's something blocking access to one side of the corner like this random video I found
And that doesn't happen in objective areas.
Had fun the first couple years but now it's just turning into Tom Clancy's Overwatch except you have to buy new heroes instead of getting them for free.
>go play a match, get a monty in the corner, and shoot him
I could tell you to go read the wiki but you'll obviously call it a lie.
>it works
>post video where it doesn't work
>post video of an example where it actually doesn't work to show that in fact there ARE examples of Monty being invulnerable, but none of them matter
Go read the wiki.
>its on wiki so its true
maybe you should play the game
Is no one going to mention the epidemic of Xim Apex users on console and the out of control cheating on PC?
Montaigne, despite your assertions of invulnerability, sees very little play at higher skill levels. I wonder why that is, even though he's literally invulnerable in corners?
Because being invulnerable in corners isn't all that useful in the long run?
If you could actually understand english you'd have seen I said multiple times he's not OP, he's just garbage to play against for reasons like this.
He goes into the corner, you can't do anything, he can't do anything. And now you're stuck there.
>the game went from slow-paced tactical SWAT clone to rooty tooty goofy hero shooty
Only a fucking retard would ever claim that a game with this movement, stance/lean changes that don't affect aim, and a fucking one shot headshot mechanic was ever anything but a twitch shooter.
zoom zoom
A montaigne in the corner wins bomb matches and forces stalemates in bio matches. He is also a constant threat if he isn't solo, being able to pressure an entire room if at any point the team fails to keep him pinned.
OP is a retard without the IQ to truly appreciate a tactical shooter like siege. Siege is THE best shooter out now, period. If you disagree, you either haven't played it or straight up suck. Siege is the chess of FPS'. Stay mad retard
Wasn't this game in a really good spot 2 years ago? I didn't really play it but I thought I heard it was good. What happened? Is it unbalanced now or something?
Yes, which is useful, but its not the problem with him.
Because a good player could just pick twitch, enter a room, and kill 3 people in half a second.
The problem is, like your example, he enters a room, goes into the corner. He's not solo so one person needs to sit there and watch him. It doesn't break anything, but it essentially removes someone from the match to sit on his face. Which is just boring.
Zoom zoom zoooooooooooom. You want to share the "ela thicc" meme you drew in study hall last semester and posted on r/rainbowsixsiege?
No seriously, what's a better current shooter than Siege? Apex is deads and doesn't update, and the developers don't know how to balance their game.
Arma destroys that shitty unbalanced CoD clone in both tactical play and team play.
Ah yes, ARMA, the fucking simulator. Real thriving sense of competition there.
Poor console pleb… never had the chance to actually play it.
You stick with your "tactical shooter" with special forces operators with green hair in yoga pants and anime girls with knit caps and iPads. The people who appreciate REAL tactical play just laugh at you.
>the chess of shooter
LMFAO... the game is sooo IQ dependent that literal 10 year olds can master the maps, "tactics," and operators.
I play on PC, but you are actually retarded if you think the PvP arma scene can compete with just about any other shooter on the market.
WoT requires higher IQ play than any shitty FPS game.
>I play on PC
Sure you do.
>you think the PvP arma scene can compete with just about any other shooter on the market
That's douchebro thinking. Run and gun "muh K/D" 360NoScopeSuper733TSkillz and all that.
Here's a pro tip, Jayden (I call you Jayden since you're a huge fan of R6 and considering R6 is predominately a kid's game now... well).
>There are quick twitch arcade shooters: CoD, R6 Siege
>There are tactical shooters: ARMA
>There are arena shooters: Apex Legends
Do you understand, hun?
>the game
>posts a completely different game from the same franchise
>what if it was a bad shooter
>but get this
>I had to stand at an angle to use my defense
I hope this is copypasta, because hoo boy you sure are exemplifying that autistic Arma fanboy stereotype.
>have to know how to properly use cover to hide your weak points
>have to know how to angle against multiple enemies from different sides
>need to know the weak points of other enemies
>need to be able to know when its safe to peek and hold angles because it takes time to aim
>have to play tactically with your entire team or you instantly die
>large variety of different play styles
in terms of tactics, there's no FPS game that's remotely close to WoT.
If you want to argue that R6 Shit is the best arcade shooter... you can make that argument. But, you're trying to argue that it's the best "tactical" shooter makes you look like an utter retard.
Again, when literal 10 year olds can reach the rank of Gold 1 and even Plat because they've mastered the maps and strats… that doesn't say much about the intelligence requirements for your "its like chess bros" argument.
It's a shame that in return for those simple, memorized tactics they sacrificed all the mechanical skill required.
I'm not the "It's like chess" poster.
>muh reaction time
Why are you talking about IQ and tactics if all you care about is how fast you flicked to someone's head? Literal brainlet tier right there.
Did you know that reaction time has a very high correlation with intelligence?
Did you know stupid posts like yours have a high correlation with being underage?
except it doesn't. oh wait... yeah... I'm sure Hawkings and Einstein would have rekted everyone on "the map" and teabagged while doing so.
Quick twitch shooters appeal to the lower IQ crowd specifically because they don't require "thinking" and rely more on reflexes and muscle memory.
Did you know that brain functions decrease considerably with age?
>h-haha old people
you have school in the morning, go to bed.
Sorry grandpa, RTS is dead and even if it wasn't, physical speed and reaction time would filter you.
too bad the game is designed like shit and was on life support until ubisoft gave everyone free operators
Play better
Sweetie, you shouldn't be up this late. It's not good for someone your age to not get their sleep. That's when you grow! You don't want to end up a 5'8" like your biological dad, now do you?
Siege still has best FPS gun feel imo. No other game has come close.
I don't think I've ever played a shooter with such poor/inconsistent hitreg and damage values, and killcams having a completely different perspective compared to what you saw.
The game does have some good gadgets and could be nice if the shooting was actually good, but the shitty operator pricing means that you have to slog through the grind if you want to buy anything that isn't a year 1 operator.
Be sure to get your calcium before your osteoporosis curves your spine and breaks your fingers.
based as fuck
>Why are all competitive FPS games complete garbage?
Clearly you've never played Hunt: Showdown
I love Hunt but I wish they'd add a more PvP-focused mode (with a partner, so not quickplay), even if it's just periodic events. It can be a slog to trek around the map and only have one or two shootouts before having to do it all again.
This game was shit when they added Battle Royale and let you take other peoples weapons
the game was never slow paced tactical
>mfw the sounds for the footsteps
>can't tell if they're above or below
Git gud
>get shit on in casual
>come to basket weaving forum to cry about