Kinda lackluster after playing 0.
Kinda lackluster after playing 0
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All discussions/reviews of it warned people it was a mediocre expansion pack of 0, Sega even made it a budget game in Japan.
playing the worst game in the series right after the best one kinda does that to you
It is just the first Yakuza (PS2) with better graphics.
Kiwami is bretty gud, but dear god Kiwami 2 is trash, what were they thinking with that shit engine.
At the same time, there's a lot you miss in substories if you don't play 0 first.
But is it worth $14.99?
majima everywhere system quickly overstays its welcome
Devs can never win because no matter how many times you say it the customer is always a drooling retard that won't understand.
Beast > Slugger
Rush > Breaker
Thug > Brawler
>Rush > Breaker
I played 2 before 0 and now I can't play 0 because it's so janky.
I divorced it so much from the story, that it took me a good half-minute to realize the pier fight is shoved in purely to explain why he's got a gut bandange in the soapland despite you having seen him several times since he got stabbed at the batting cages.
Playing 0 now, please tell me there is only one fragile blind waif escort mission.
I think so, either 1 or 2.
There's only 2 if IIRC.
I can tell you that. But that won't make it true.
They're not even that bad from what I remember, there's only 2 at most
We fucking told you starting with 0 was a mistake
If you let her get kinapped, it reloads you at the exact fight you were at with her bar replenished. I wish I hadn't found that out in the last fight of the last escort mission. Could've saved me a lot of sweat.
Why is the dragon engine bad? Its cool booting people across the floor
I started with 3 though, and then never played 4 and 5.
I did not approach this series well.
Receive You ~Tech Trance Arrange~ > One-Eyed Slugger > Force Addiction = One-Eyed Dancer > Receive You The Subtype = One-Eyed Assassin > Crash Addiction > Parry Addiction
Oh boy you are in for some even worse escort missions later in the game
Should have just emulated 1 and 2, bought 3 4 and 5 then played 0 when those are done
I skipped most of 5 cos playing as Haruka was fucking excruciating, enjoyed 3 and 4 though
It was budget here as well, but because the Steam launch of Zero was budget it tends to trick players who don't know better.
I'm playing Kiwami right now. Where the fuck do I get a wooden sword to train with Komaki?
Great, more uneducated opinions from people who played all but three Yakuza games. Exactly what we need.
It's slow garbage, just regular fighting feels like a chore.
Kiwami is lackluster after 0 but Kiwami 2 is fucking amazing after Kiwami. The dragon engine is awesome.
2. Have a zapgun, or a shotgun. Or breakdance a lot
Pawn shop or coliseum shop
Kiryu's killed people.
It kinda sucks that styles don't have unique battle themes anymore, especially the sick ass Receive You remix for Dragon style that was in 0.
Overall, I'm still enjoying the game though. Majima makes me kek at almost every turn, so I hope he shows up more in the story.
Just switch to breaker and Light, Light, Mash Heavy
Only played 0 and K1 so far. Should I go for K2 or Judgement next?
Those triads members killed him
>sega made it a budget game in japan
no, they didn't. They sold it for full price when it came out, although it dropped pretty soon after. People who pre-ordered it did it at full price
Either or, doesn't matter since Judgement is self-contained.
After K2, play 3, 4, and 5 before hitting 6 though.
I have yakuza 4 on disc used. I should probably dig out my ps3 and play it. I also have 5 registered as a free Plus game, but I have little to no interest in renewing that.
Holding a guy up in front of bullets you know are coming constitutes killing him. Pretty sure the law would agree.
I mean, what was he supposed to do? run away like a fucking pusssy?
Don't worry, if it wasn't rubber bullets it was surely rubber people
Clearly a paid actor hired to make kiryu feel bad, however he is far too smart to fall for such an obvious trick
Kiryu should have made an exception to that Never Killed Anyone Ever rule and fucking shanked Majmia
>tfw they come back with knives
Is Kiryu literally /ourguy/????????
us real gamers right
There is 3 afaik.
Sounds like you're the drooling retard because it's nothing like the PS2 game. Actually play and tell me with a straight face nothing changed in Kiwami except for visuals
Can you really blame him? The vast majority of women that approach him are either trying to take his money, get him to do a favor, or are actually men in disguise trying to beat him up.
Not that hard once you have tiger drop and an arsenal of stamina royales. If you ever have problems with it try the cannon you can purchase at the pier before meeting Terada. I don't know how good it is but it sounds powerful.
he spends nights in love hotels with a lot of them
He already have one in 2 that made perfect sense and work it, but writers said no[laughs].
isn't he like 50+ as of the new games?
How does Judgement compare to the rest of the Yakuza series? I've only played 0, kiwami 1 & 2, and that fist of the north star game. If I play judgement will the story of that game spoil 3,4,5, and 6?
getting a checkmark for all substories in the phone minigame sucked my will to 100% it
I know a huge chunk of yakuza fans are girls who like Kiryu. Are they autistic about characters being virgins like the normal weebs are with anime girls and idols?
Yeah, but instead of thinking he's a virgin cuck, they like to think he's a closeted homosexual using cute girls who attract chads to pump out babies for him since he can't make them himself
Well, I could argue there was a corner he could duck behind, but that's beside the point. Just proving my point that he has killed people.
I don't know, girls that like videogame characters that are actually masculine and not complete androginous anime pussies are super-rare
girls are weird
Who fired the gun?
They're boss characters, so bullets and cannonfire do jack shit damage to them.
Tiger drop
Sumo slap
Well just master tigerdrop then I guess, That's how I beat it. Hard af to use against the agents and Jingu but once you hit it has an impact
The only hard part is that every time you get hit by a bullet kiryu flops down on the floor for like 20 years, while you can still be taking damage. And you're getting shot at from 3 different places.
20 years old in 1988 (Y0) so 48 in 2016 (Y6)
I like the Hokuto no Ken version of Receive You too though I don't know where I'd rank it.
Also, I hope you saved up points and bought the dragon mail like I did. That helps a lot.
Dragon mail prevents that.
I want to hold hands with Nishiki!
RealYakuza discuss their thoughts on Yakuza 3.
Sorry Reina, you just get shot.
That’s pretty pathetic, can’t take an old virgin seriously
The rhythm games are what prevent me from going after the platinum trophies.
The sleep inducing mindless grinding is what’s preventing me.
Hell I could barely get through 0 because there is so much lazy padding and pointless dialogue.
You dont know how to "patty nayte"?
Karaoke is a cakewalk but FUCK disco
No shit. Look at the highway sequence in 0, Kiryu shot at people and blew up a helicopter.
Reminder: if you're having difficulty during any boss fights just spam tiger drop and cheese your victory.
And don't forget you can pause and heal as much as you like during fights.
I'm gonna make her mine
Wear headphones and hear the beats, then press the buttons. That's how you rhythm
Now try to wrap your head around the fact that he officially has never killed anyone.
>hear the beats, then press the buttons
100+ ms input lag would like to have a word
Aren't they like Sega's Hatsune Miku rhythm games but easy?
The only thing I know is that did it that way. Make her mine was perfect to time it with beats with the "dun dun dun" on the back
I cannot accept that at all. Makes me laugh when I think about it though.
Dumb question but am I supposed to start with Yakuza Kiwami (remake of the first game?) or Yakuza 0 (the prequel?)
And there's a reason I don't play those.
Nah, disco plays nothing like project diva
t u s k > Everything
seems like a very japanese anime kids show thing
Thanks guys.
Judgement won't spoil anything. Aside from things like the Tojo Clan and it's setting, it's essentially a standalone that anyone can jump into. I've only played the same games as you and there have been no spoilers.
You're welcome user, have a great time playing.
So is Yakuza 0 the best one? Do I have to play the other games to understand the story or are they all separate?
4 was pretty good too.
>So is Yakuza 0 the best one?
storywise yeah, but gameplay is on par with ishin and 5.
>Do I have to play the other games to understand the story or are they all separate?
0's a prequel, and each other one has it's own story but characters and their circumstances carry on from each entry, so if you were to jump into say 3, you'd be wondering who half of the characters are at the start.
>hiding double quickstep skill book in a MISSABLE fucking story section
what the fuck were they thinking? How long do I have to wait until I meet the nigger who sells the shit I missed?
jennifer best girl
Yakuza 0 is a prequel to the first game, so essentially it tells the very beginning of the story to the series. Yakuza kiwami 1 is the remake of the first yakuza game on ps2 and most people consider it weaker than yakuza 0. If you want to get into the series start with either yakuza 0 or kiwami, preferably 0 because it's a lot better.
iirc he appears significantly later
are you fucking serious
guess I better get used to getting fucking stunlocked by any boss with a katana
This mini game is such bullshit
I hated the phone minigame more
my mistake, he actually shows up in the sewers in chapter 5.
thought it was way late in the game because judgment feels pretty long.
my fuckin kyodai
It's almost like it makes no sense to start playing a series with a prequel.
They should have summary movies at the beginning of 0 like with all the other sequels.
It's so fucking good I refused to change styles
I liked 1's combat better than 0's, it felt more satisfying even if it wasn't as complex. I haven't played Kiwami yet, though.
first time I played it and had no idea how anything worked I got 1.2 billion and thought this isn't so bad
That's still a 4 chapter wait if someone misses the book -- awful progression design choice for such a basic skill. Thanks anyway user
kiwami feels really derivative after you come from 0, since 0 remakes choice sections of the original yakuza but puts them in a new context (highway chase, tojo clan hq escape, etc)
then you get to kiwami and it has those exact sequences and the same style based system from 0 with a few adjustments.
Judgment is a different game. Has no relation to Yakuza games.
Play 0 and drop the series there. Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.
You're lucky if you manage to finish even just 0 without getting bored. But remember, the others are all far worse.
What about 2?
>waaah people aren't playing five shit games before playing the good one
Just because you wasted your time doesn't mean everyone else has to
Can't they play Kiwami -> 0 -> 4 -> Dead Souls -> 5?
>playing 0
>take five steps
>beat them up and take five more steps
>beat them up and take five more steps
>beat them p and take five more steps
Is Kiwami any different or should I prepare myself for another 30 hours of beating up trios of generic troublemakers
Of course. There's nothing stopping people starting with 0 and going from there. But there are some crybaby types who are mad about this because they know how bad the other games will seem compared to 0
im liking k2 a lot
just finished the Fourchan cabaret club thing
lots of nod backs to 0's cabaret club missions
In pretty much every game you quickly learn to spot enemies from a mile away and avoid them. It's especially true of 0 where you level through money.
This game's tone is fucked up. It's like if they made the first game with 0s tone and it doesn't work. Yakuza felt more grounded then
90% of the fight in this game are garbage
the knife gang is top shittiest fight ever
in Kiwami it's Majima every time instead
git gud
non canon gameplay
If you want to add Judgment, Kiryu is 50(Judgment takes place in 2018).
>finally beat 0 over a long period of time because it’s so boring
>hear it’s the best of the games
Yeah no I don’t think I’ll bother with the rest of the series which much be terrible then. Thanks for memeing me into playing 0
he's not in it
shut the fuck up
that fight was terrible
later you have cool skill to avoid shit like this
zoomer opinions don't interest me
Looking back yes and I don't have much motivation to finish my legend playthrough after getting to mission 6. But I did have a pretty good time the first time around, knowing who everyone was from zero made me way more interested in the story. Not as exciting the second time around though.
The combat was dank asf, instant style switches felt sooo good. My only complaint is the tech Receive You theme from 0 doesn't play during dragon style, that song kicks ass so hard.
It's really excessive, but I love majima so goddamn much and I can't count how many times he's made me laugh my ass off popping out of fucking nowhere or doing some weird ass dance moves.
I thought girls like experienced men? Or fujo think differently.
Even before then, you can just run away from 90% of the guys before you get forced into a fight.
You are gonna love Judgment and the Keihin clan.
>that gif
how come the west can never come up with anything this funny?
One of the move descriptions in Jusgment does mention Kiryu(Tiger Drop I think) but yeah besides that, he's never mentioned at all. Not even Majima, Akiyama, or the rest of the Yakuza cast. Speaking of Akiyama, his Sky Finace loan business isn't there either.
I know Judgment is a spin off of Yakuza(although takes place 2 yers after Y6), some of the Yakuza cast should've made cameo appearances or helps out Yagami at certain points in the game either in the main story or side quests.
I played the imported version and tried to warn people about this, but no one believed me. Everyone was too hyped for more Majima after 0, to realise how shit that system was.
Didn't Majima have anything better to do with his time in Kiwami
No, blame brain for making you autistic enough to dislike 0.
did he ever?
Batting cages cost money, messing with Kiryu is free.
>don't enjoy doing the same mindless shit over and over and over and over with literally no challenge
>lol u got autism bro xD
I think you're the one who needs to "blame brain" you absolute retard.
Gambling is what would hold me back from platinum, and I just decided the only completionist stuff I go for now is finishing all the substories and getting all skills. I'm not going to do stuff that feels like work just for the sake of a trophy.
If we completely ignore every overworld fight, and count only events in the story that he's actually done, how many criminal counts has Kiryu racked up and what would the total jailtime be?
Explain to me the difference between Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance, because I'm lost on that. Omi sounds Chinese, but clearly they're not.
Did you try all the difficulties if you wanted more of a challenge?
That's a fair criticism though, I find there is a risk in these games of upgrading defense and damage too much (especially zero) because it can make things too easy.
>The Omi Alliance (近江連合, Ōmi Rengō) is an Osaka-based yakuza clan that often clashes with the Tojo Clan. They are the second largest clan in the country, behind the Tojo Clan. As of 2006, the Alliance has as many as 35,000 men and 120 families.
>The Tojo Clan (東城会, Tōjō-kai) was founded by Makoto Tojo and, since 2006, is headed by sixth Chairman Daigo Dojima of the Dojima Family. As of 2012, the clan had more than 30,000 men; however, in late 2018, it had fallen to 25,000 men.
They're just another larger organization like the Tojo, but they're from Osaka
meant for
Why does Kashiwagi look younger in Kiwami than he does in 0?
Makes sense, losing Kiryu is losing 10k men.
How does that work with Ryuji?
Did he survive and end up in prison for life or did the Omi guy who shot him end up getting 100% of the blame even though Kiryu beat him unconscious afterwards?
I binged it for 96 hours because I loved it. Weird. Not gonna try to 00% it but still
No, they want to have their objects of affection fuck each other. Ex. Kiryu fucking Majima is favorable.
The Japanese criminal justice system is fucked beyond belief. None of us can reliably say.
There has never been a more correct opinion posted on this site.
They're honestly just so fucked up... trying to control all crime by infiltrating the Tojo
he bled out after being shot
I get so fucking PUMPED everytime I hear it
Reign is sick too
I like story driven games and I like dialogue but sometimes I wish people in these games would just shut the fuck up
>try to 00% it
0fag zoomer
>wounded japanese samurai confronts confirmed western pedophile, circa 1988.
yeah, they have a habit including more exposition than necessary.
good thing you can skip the cutscenes, and as of the dragon engine, skip the text only scenes too.
staring down big white cock
It’s a problem in many Japanese games generally.
They go way overboard with quantity over quality and just pump out a lot of shitty pointless dialogue that goes nowhere.
I really wish there was one more flashback scene of Nishiki, after he snaps, showing how he got so many family memebers and influence after going 'fuck morals". I was hoping for that.
Lmao I loved host club and real estate, really regret neglecting them until a year after I finished the game originally. It was fun getting introduced to the side activities I hadn't bothered with before. These games make me laugh so much and telephone club was no exception.
I felt so ripped off when I found out you have to access legend styles through the menu though. Just why?? Whose idea was that? They need to get tiger dropped HARD and die
finally got over 5million in outrun today.
feel like an absolute god now.
Majima's head looks like a damn VTMB character next to all those mocapped dudes.
You know they all have a distinct voice/background character matchup right? I think I got 1 repeat in my entire time doing it.
>tfw can't be assed with Clan Creator in Kiwami 2
They really went all in on this minigame, a fuckton of people in town want to join and they don't even matter when I have all the SSR ranked dudes or whatever.
it's tedious. i found a lot of the side shit in K2 was boring and just busywork. Cabaret is the exception - I liked that, but clan creator and the bouncer shit was so fucking boring.
I get really high when I play yakuza and it starts feeling like a lot of reading at times.
Sometimes I'd have to record and go back a bit for lines I missed. Really made me appreciate the Judgement and FoTNS dubs.
if you have the dlc SSRs, it doesn't take that long and it's very easy so you don't have to try very hard
Is it more boring than real estate and cabaret in 0? I’m finding that extremely boring and mindless waste of time trash
I like the idea of bouncer stuff since I thought the series was missing the ability to fight a lot of dudes at will, not just a few street thugs. There is a similar feature in Ishin and I missed it in 0 and Kiwami.
But yeah if you are going for 100% and not just playing that stuff for fun then it's tedious especially if you put it off until later in the game instead of doing some every chapter. But I still think it's good since it's the good ol' beat 'em up gameplay and not a shitty minigame about moving dudes around. What were they thinking making you NOT take part in battle in a brawling game but be at the sidelines directing it.
Hard to say as I actually liked those minigames and hate clan creator. Maybe you will feel the opposite.
cabaret club > clan creator > real estate
What happened to Kiryu's real estate empire after 0?
The bubble economy
real estate requires no work so i can't say it's bad. cabaret is great once you get into the swing of it.
CC and bouncer are just repetitive and slow as all hell.
Behead those who didn't get into the games back on the ps2
beating media king in dancing is the hardest thing in any of them
and if you don't, have fun levelling up these properties to S one third of a bar at a time
should i play kiwami or the og? ive played 0
bruh breaker is fucked, even maxed out it works like shit. sluggers the onky style that works on majima
just get dtected and kill them with rush style
I keep seeing faggots like you and every time you're just fuming little autistic retards who are fuming over nothing.
You're mad 0 is the peak of the series and you're mad that everyone knows it. Any real Yakuza fan would be glad they got a great game and that many others got into the series because of it. It's also why you're getting PC versions and remasters. But you're still mad. Like a little baby faggot. And why? Because of some bullshit "purity" that exists in your head. You played all the shit ones first so everyone else has to as well?
As someone who started on the first game on PS2, kindly kill yourself. You're a blight on the fanbase and you and your sort contribute literally nothing other than crying about secondaries, 0fags, PC players, normies, women, blah blah fucking blah. You don't talk about the games. You just cry at everyone and hope someone listens. Well I did and there's your answer. Now go back to being an irrelevant crybaby.
It would probably feel really weird going back to such an old game. From what I hear Kiwami is faithful to the OG and pretty much a straight upgrade.
One thing to note when doing disco against a cpu opponent: If you're playing on easy, then they're playing on easy. Going to normal, and more preferably hard, makes them more likely to mess up.
I gave up on media king and let him beat me, but I used this knowledge to finished the disco substories in Osaka and best Isobe.
I think the new Yakuza game is going to suck dogs dick. The game will probably have a Haruka request moment/achievement for the side girl. Judgment was shit to play, should have been a visual novel.
i'm not talking about playing them release order i'm talking about all the nufans who started from like 2010 onwards
>They sold it for full price when it came out
Source needed.
Real estate isn't a real mini-game, it's a meta-game that rewards you for the shit you do in side quests. So real estate is just a way to encourage people to try other side content and it does that job very well. Clan Creator on the other hand is one of the worst games I've ever played in my life
im concerned about this majima everywhere stuff, dont even know what it is thpugh. also wasnt the original legendary foe its terrible english va?
absolutely fucking based
it's worth playing the og
Don't talk to pasta.
Also, stick with the series, but only if you like watching long-running TV shows. It feels like it.
How is Yakuza Dead Souls? I'm curious and thinking of picking it up, looks pretty ridiculous and pretty fun because of that.
harukas request was easy in K2, so it won't be that bad.
Why? Don't tell me you only went for story missions?
I thought clan creator in 6 was alright. K2 made it shit.
Um, how does that matter? I don't think you're getting his point. Gatekeeping is stupid as fuck. These games need all the exposure they can get to continue being localized and put on current gen. Really you should be thankful for the surge of new fans if you actually care about these games.
I agree with this post but 5 makes 4 obsolete and unecessary.
it's by far the worst one.
story is decent and better than you'd expect, but the gameplay is extremely mindless even on the hard difficulties and lacks any sort of variety.
also, performance issues out the ass to the point where it's normal for it to be sub 30.
It was easy and boring in 6. I like Kiwami 2 version way more, though controls suck ass on PS4.
i don't need them to be localized and i'm not gatekeeping just dislike the way the fanbase has become
Marred by perfrormence issues and shit controls, would be better liked if they remastered it.
i like 5 more too, but 4 has tanimura and it's own setpieces so i'd say it's still worth it.
worst in the series by far. just move on to kiwami 2
Majima Everywhere is a system where Majima will randomly appear and attack Kiryu at certain points, with the goal being the fights give Kiryu new skills, or rather his old skills back. It's kind of at odds with the original story, because in that, Kiryu only sees Majima twice after getting out of prison, and both times they meet their original interactions don't mesh well with the new system, but you can overlook that.
>playing all the low effort boring mini games
>want to try to not upgrade damage as much as i could
>6/kiwami 2 both lock skills behind needing to upgrade the attack stat
>triple dodge needs me to get to the initial 200 attack cap which already feels like overkill
They suck ass on PC too, it doesn't really feel like an RTS
ok so basically ignoring majima everywhere its 1:1 to the original?
>not learning shogi and mahjong
Yakuza 1's story is just pretty shit there was no real way to make the game good with that problem
I liked majima everywhere
In what way has the fanbase become? It's bigger?
the older games don't really have the problem since the damage is static.
0 introduced the powerstat, so if you attempt to replay while fully upgraded, you just steamroll 3/4's of the game
but i don't blame the individuals and i'm sure there are some ok people like you maybe any fanbase that becomes bigger and bigger will end up annoying as fuck and unfunny filled with memes
I think there are some extra substories that weren't in the original but yeah
it seems fine if you just want to play the main story but if you have autism and want to do side content that's when most people get tired of it
the irony is the only part of the fanbase that are annoying are the old guard who are fuming about everything constantly
Honestly, I would have liked expansion on the story. A few more cutscenes to flesh things out further would have been perfect, if you ask me.
only person caught fuming is the user who first replied to me all i said was behead those who didn't start at the ps2 games as a cheeky little joke
that's what you have with the nishiki flashbacks, yakuza 1 didn't even have those.
Really? Well, I liked those. I actually wanted 1 or 2 more, frankly.
there was a thread on Yea Forums last month on what was The Sopranos of vidya and I just realized.
Yakuza is the Sopranos of vidya.
lol fuck i just realised i have majimas haircut (but kiryus facial aesthetics)
Fuck I love faceapp.
Okay but it sounded more like being an elitist butthole rather than a cheeky little joke. Also rip quads.
Majima should've been the protag
lets see it
>Majima is just pretending to be retarded
I don't know if this is the worst twist in the series, or the best.
Yakuza is an alpha simulator for betas
It's about mobsters but it's way softer than Sopranos. Yakuza can get pretty warm and fuzzy at the end of the day.
>1:1 to the original
user Yakuza 1 had a fixed cam, it was nothing like Kiwami
Should I be copypasting my responses to you too, based mentally ill poster?
Excellent pic, saved
I enjoyed it. It was free exp. Way better than Mr Shakedown
How do I pull off Majima's haircut?
I kinda wanna try it.
Well yeah. Who would deny it? Denying it would be truly beta.
I like to think of it less as he's pretending to be retarded and more as he's always had the potential to go full retard and just stopped fighting it
>Having to declare Open Riichi five times in the wareme games.
Dear lord it's like they want you to have a heart attack from the nervousness. It doesn't help the speed of the table is like twice that of the other mahjong tables.
There's more substories continuing off of 1, the movesets of bosses are reusing bosses from Ishin and 0 instead of the ones from the original 1, there's only two hostesses instead of ten, there's Nishiki cutscenes at the start of each chapter to flesh him out because in the original he was just a nothing character who you didn't care about, the ring scene at the start of the game is brand new, Amon's fight is completely different and his reason for fighting Kiryu is completely different, Komaki continues Majima's story from 0 and I believe he got a new new moves, the music is now this dubstep nonsense on a lot of songs, Kiwami has a fully controlled camera instead of fixed camera angles, and there's minigames and restaurants that weren't in the original 1. I think that covers the changes.
>Yakuza 0 and Kiwami come out
>discussions everywhere, Yakuza threads are a normal thing
>Yakuza 6, Kiwami 2, FotNS and Judgement come out
>people are still only talking about 0 and Kiwami
Please move on
If goro was the mc, it'll be like the sopranos alright. Only i don't picture majima as Tony, he's certainly a christoper moltisanti
M: I've never been to Okinawa, but Kabukicho is dead on.
S: You mean the old Kabukicho. Governor Ishihara's totally ruined the place. It's like a ghost town.
K: It's like going back in time. Koma Theater is there, the pink salons, the Pronto Coffee shops, the Shinjuku Batting center, the love hotels.
S: You got your salaryman in there, the delinquent school girl and her sugar daddy, Chinese people, and even those Nigerian touts. What's with all the fucking gaijin (foreigners) in the area anyway? It used to be just Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.
M: Don't say gaijin. Say Gaikokujin. It's more polite. Jake's a gaijin.
S: Yeah, I forget sometimes. What's with all the fucking gaikokujin in Kabukicho anyway?
K: Internationalization. The world's a smaller place. The Nigerians? They marry Japanese chicks. They get a permanent visa. They stay. The cops can't get rid of them and they're good at steering customers into shady places. The young Japanese punks we hire, they give up, they don't browbeat drunks into bringing business to our establishments. They got no backbone. The Nigerians are aggressive. They can make good touts. By the way, Adelstein, usually when we say gaijin we mean non-Asian foreigners like you and the Nigerians. Not the Chinese or the Koreans.
S: Yeah, Koreans are chosenjin, not gaijin.
M: I like the fact that you power up by eating real food. Shio ramen gives you a lot of power — CC Lemon, not as much. It all makes sense.
S: The breaded pork cutlet bento box is like mega power. More than ramen. That's accurate.
K: If they had shabu (crystal meth) as a power-up item, that would be realistic. It's a yakuza game.
S: They have sake!
M: Kiryu is an executive, right? We all know the guys at the top don't drink or do speed.
S: Yeah, not anymore.
M: Can you smoke in the game? I forget. That should be a power-up.
S: Cigarettes and shabu should be in every yakuza game.
>playing a cop
who the fuck would want that
i rushed to finish 0 and now im really enjoying kiwami, doing all the sub missions.
i dont understand why ppl say it sucks, it's more of the same (0) with more kiryu and majima
>discuss Judgment you guys!
It's just another Yakuza game. Same map. Same shitty combat. Same fucking game we've been playing for over 10 years. But with less to do in it. What's there to talk about?
Answer me, seriously, what "discussion" do you want? There's nothing to say. Until they release an ACTUALLY new game then there's no discussion to be had. People who are sick of this shit will say they're sick of this shit and the autistic fanboys who refuse to hear criticism or allow others to express it will say they're wrong (without explaining why) and insist that we all swallow the same shit again and again until SEGA goes out of business or the sun explodes. These threads are the only thing which are bigger wastes of time than the games themselves.
I ask you again: what do you want to "discuss"?
People are talking about Kiwami 2 too though. Release the other games on PC and I'll talk about them. I've only played 3 back in the day
a lot of mini games have been cut out. cabaret club for example.
Mr Shakedown becomes piss easy once you learn what the zap gun is.
Felt the exact same way which made YK2 that much more impressive over YK1, the graphics are sleek and they removed all the (minor) flaws I hated about 0's combat and level system
Bring a weapon. Fuck it that fight is garbage. Go in, katana ready and heat action those cunts.
>using weapons of any kind
I think what's really ruined Yakuza threads is insecurity and defensiveness being at an all time high.
If someone criticizes the combat (which is fair) there are faggots who immediately start screaming about PC players, 0fags, zoomers, resetera, etc etc. Same thing if someone says they would like to explore new areas after playing on the same map for over 10 years.
Every Yakuza thread is now packed with prime examples of this newfound unbearable childishness in the fanbase. Yea Forums doesn't "hate yakuza now" just because you saw a post with criticisms in it. Get a fucking grip. If anything has ruined Yakuza discussion, it's not PC players or 0fags or any other kind of "invader" but actually the incredibly paranoid and autistic old guard who are more interested in lashing out at everyone rather than actually discussing the games.
We used to be able to say 3 was bad. We said it all the time. Now? You're a secondary zoomer reddit tranny PC 0fag blah blah blah. Fuck that. Step back and ask yourselves who is really shitting up these threads. It's not the people who are saying what parts of the game are weak, it's the people chimping out over mild criticisms. I mean, what the fuck do you want? 500 post threads around the clock where everyone just says "I LOVE YAKUZA IT'S FLAWLESS!"? Where's the discussion?
The irony is if any of these faggots wanted to discuss Yakuza, they'd do it. But they don't. They want to complain, over and over, about imaginary enemies. Just fucking discuss it if you actually want to, but you can't, because you're too busy chimping out over someone saying they would like to see a new map. Which isn't even an unreasonable thing to say.
well, you have to reach rank S with 2 girls at chapter 7, ask them to go out with you, play some sht, unlock cringe sexy tease
>learn his attack patterns
>build your heat meter inbetween
>cheese him with melee weapon specials that take down one bar at a time
Is this the Judgment thread?
The song that plays when you switch to slugger is a banger
discussion isn't a problem it's the constant memes and unfunny posts that i dislike
The controls and framerate are terrible, it has aiming bound to left stick for some insane reason and the framerate drops to the high 10s if you see fire at all and there's burning trash cans and molotov throwing zombies everywhere. Ryuji's QZ is incredibly annoying, particularly if you want to finish his hostesses because it means traversing the same 5 minute long path back and forth every single time you get to a dating event, QTEs are based on difficulty so if you're on Hard or Dead Souls difficulty they're basically impossible without XMB buffering, some substories would be one long substory in the main games but here they're like four separate parts for some reason, and mashing R1 is actually better than aiming outside of very specific instances (Like taking a shotgun to an Aggro's head, shooting a Hermit, or shooting a Diptera).
As for the positives it has some great interactions for Majima and Ryuji, it has a lot of funny substories particularly on Akiyama and Majima's side, the Heat Sniping stuff has some neat animations here and there though it's not always useful, it's quite enjoyable to run around blasting away zombies in a destroyed Kamurocho, the boss fights are alright but nothing too special, you actually climb Millennium Tower and get to fight in Kamuro Hills for once, the reward for beating Amon is pretty awesome, and you can find it for around $8-12 nowadays which is definitely worth the price of admission.
At the end of the day it's got a bunch of problems, but if you can look past them there's a decent game inside there. The RGG team also love the game because they keep referencing it and sticking stuff from it in the games that came after it. Judgment even has a HotD minigame based on it.
Forgot the 1
Fug was related I guess
Finally unlocked tiger drop. I'm hyped as fuck to finally be able to take out enemies who weren't a threat with even more ease than before
TONIGHT is the better karaoke song
Who else expected Kaito to be the Mole the entire time? The whole game he acted cartoonishly moronic, and it made sense for his motivation to be that he still wants to help the family, even though he was expelled.
I feel bad for doubting him now.
It's weird because there's never been a better time to be a Yakuza fan. In the past it was waiting forever for every release, or waiting forever just to hear if MAYBE we were getting a release at all. Now we have everything we want and the fanbase has turned into a bunch of fucking babies. I guess that's what spoiling children gets you.
M: The corporate yakuza guys get a thumbs up for realism. Nice suit. Smart. Financially savvy. Obsessed with money. Sneaky and conniving. Ruthless.
S: There are a lot of guys whom I feel like I know. The dialogue is right too. They sound like yakuza.
K: Braggarts, bullies, and sweet-talkers. I agree — it feels like I know the guys on the screen.
M: Kiryu is the way yakuza used to be. We kept the streets clean. People liked us. We didn't bother ordinary citizens. We respected our bosses. Now, guys like that only exist in video games.
S: I don't know any ex-yakuza running orphanages.
K: There was one a few years ago. A good guy.
M: You sure it wasn't just a tax shelter?
K: Sure it was a tax shelter but he ran it like a legitimate thing. You know.
Author's note: Kuroishi and Shirokawa are both wearing dark green suits, the former by Armani and the latter handmade in the posh Ginza district from local fabric. Midoriyama is wearing gray sweatpants and a faded sweatshirt emblazoned with a drawing of Doraemon.
M: What's the deal with Kiryu's scarlet red shirt? He's supposed to be a former boss of the Inagawakai--and he dresses like a chinpira (low level yakuza punk). He's a yakuza, not a host.
S: Except for Kiryu's crappy shirt, it's realistic. The top executive yakuza are all wearing good suits. They look like businessmen. The cabaret girls have incredible outfits.The hosts in the game are dressed like hosts. Somebody did his homework.
K: The lady cop, her outfit is perfect too. The boring black suit with the white blazer. That's what a woman yakuza cop dresses like.
M: Except for Kiryu's shirt, good. And his tattoo.
S: Not much of a tattoo.
K: Only on his back as far as I can tell. Maybe he ran out of enough money to get it finished.
that image man, good shit
Just wait till you get all the flux upgrades
honestly i disliked the cabaret a lot. it surprising me tht its so populr
S: Nobody ever dies. It's unrealistic.
K: Kiryu is fighting all the time. He's gotta be a fucking idiot. No yakuza is going to run around getting into fistfights like that. Especially not an executive type. He'll wind up in jail or in the hospital or dead, maybe even whacked by his own people for being a troublemaker. These days, he'd probably get kicked out before even going to jail. Guys like that start gang wars and nobody wants that now. When a yakuza gets into a fight, it's serious business.
M: A real fight--it's short and it's brutal. Over in a minute. Nobody goes around trading blows and crap like that. Usually the first guy to punch wins.
K: I like that you can grab things like ashtrays or billboards and beat the crap out of the punks bothering you. Or smash their faces into car windows. That's what you'd really do in a fight, grab something and use it as a weapon.
S: Why doesn't he just shoot them?
K: That would be unrealistic. Nobody is going to waste a bullet on some street punk, like the ones that keep bugging Kiyru.
M: If they wanted to make it realistic, he'd pull out a gun and shoot it and miss! Or the damn thing wouldn't fire. That would be realistic. (They all laugh).
K: Shooting people sends a message.
M: So does shooting anything. Shooting people gets you sent to jail.
K: That's part of the job description.
I think I would've liked it more if I wasn't an idiot not noticing him under that cone for several chapters so I ended up having to grind him over and over with his 4 healthbars.
finished 0
about to finish kiwami
anxious to "replay" 2 (kiwami 2)
any news about kiwami 3 on pc?
>the delinquent school girl and her sugar daddy
Pains me that I'll never be able to afford being a sugar daddy
M: The whole plot about resort expansion in Okinawa and the CIA and the politicians involved and all that? Wow. That game came out last year, right. That's totally happening in Okinawa right now.
K: The politicians and the yakuza always have worked together. The game has got that right.
S: Yakuza and politicians, pretty much the same thing. We all have badges, we all have factions, we all have our oyabuns (father-figures).
M: Don't forget that there are some yakuza who became politicians.
K: And still are. The CIA part of the story, I don't buy though. Too nutty for me. What do you think Adelstein? You used to work for them right.
A: I never worked for the CIA. Well, not directly.
M: The Mossad. You're Jewish.
K: He'll never admit it.
A: I'll admit it. I'm Jewish. You overestimate the CIA. The CIA is not nearly as competent an organization as the Yamaguchi-gumi.
S: Well, I guess they wanted to make the game more international. And let's face it, these days, Americans and the CIA make great villains.
K: And the Japanese yakuza kick their ass! Go Japan go!
>K: Sure it was a tax shelter but he ran it like a legitimate thing. You know.
Fucking based.
hes always easy, you just gotta not be greedy jab jab jab dash. he shouldnt be harder than the final boss but lol he is. hardest game in 0 is the wrestling when you bet max stack
it's "if i iirc correctly", you fucking dolt
Honestly, Judgment is the hardest Yakuza game on Hard of any. Though it's mainly because enemies do ludicrous damage and have a shitload of super armor, especially when they're doing mortal blows that instantly do 80% of your health in damage. And Yagami's attack animations have so much recovery and don't cancel out with quicksteps outside of some in EX mode.
But goddamn does it do damage.
>S: I don't know any ex-yakuza running orphanages.
>K: There was one a few years ago. A good guy.
>M: You sure it wasn't just a tax shelter?
>K: Sure it was a tax shelter but he ran it like a legitimate thing. You know.
I love these guys
>shogi and mahjong
I’m honestly too intelligent to play such retarded games made by rice gobbling peasants
I liked it for awhile but hated it once you get fights that don't do anything for you. It should have been new encounters only once you reach SSS.
>my mfw when reading this post
>my mfw when i have no face
Kiwami is better than 0.
Only autistic retards who like the boring mini games and grinding to 100% completion would say otherwise.
Well said.
Maybe by the time you're a fat bald old man you can pull it off.
dropped. no fucking wonder the yakuza is fucked up. they let kikes inside their ranks now. No wonder they're now infested with nigger porn
He's just interviewing them.
>buy all 0 and kiwami on this sale
>beat both, looking forward to the rest of the series
>learn from Yea Forums that kiryu forever stays a cuck
aaaaand dropped
>If they had shabu (crystal meth) as a power-up item, that would be realistic. It's a yakuza game.
I know these are criminals and all, but I'm still amazed there's Japanese people who've even heard of meth, let alone done it.
That's the interviewer, dumbass.
It’s so the fans can relate
that's not how power fantasies should work
Should be a sticky. Ban all retards crying about 0 and PC releases on sight and watch the threads return to comfy city.
Pretty sure he gets raped by that middle aged woman in the catfish substory
But PC fats ruined all discussion.
>the rhythm games
>not the board games
I will never understand mahjong
it's basically texas holdem but with drawings
you just need to learn the hand combinations
and the people complaining about it ruin the discussion too
what? really? the japanese drug cultures not really different to the rest of the world. for example i knew 3 people in high school that smoked marijuana. a lot of doujin have drug use too
I can learn mahjong. I can't learn to be faster.
how do you figure that its like texas holdem? its completely diffeent from poker
kiryu is a bad role model desu. Nobody wants to be THAT good guy. If you started with 0, you would know that Goro is the real protagonist
Just like Batman didn't kill anyone in the Arkham games regardless of how badly he broke people's bodies and left them on rooftops bleeding out for hours.
He's also a cuck for letting makoto go
I just finished it last night and I'm on k2 now. Give me tiger drop back please.
was there a trophie for outrun? because i remember people struggling to beat the tech king
Wonder how people would feel if RGG dropped a game where you only play as Majima.
You'll get it much later. It's not OP like in K1
5mil in Outrun is needed for completion
>cuck for letting makoto be happy
yeah sure, buddy.
He stop showing up for me after the pier fight. I just gave looking for him after I was near the end.
i thought the sega chick was only 3 mil?
>hey y-you better take good care of my girl!
that doctor is slamming makoto every night while goro jerks off using his eyepatch
I imagine they’d feel very very good, character polls revealed Majima is actually more popular than Kiryu
>kiryu does the same shit in 6
they're either both cucks, or they're not
>kneeing bad guys in the skull with heavy iron armor so hard that they fly several meters into the air and land on their head
They're fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
but majima fucks bitches left and right to cope. sounds alpha as fuck to me
I do hope you are not calling his adopted daughter getting knocked up as him getting cucked. some of you fags are disgusting.
Reign's better.
>raises his wife's daughter
>raises his wife's daughter's son
he's a double cuck
i'm not saying that.
i just think people are fucking stupid for slapping the cuck label on everything, but when another character does the same thing, they suddenly aren't.
>just let Tyrone fuck my wife because it makes her happy
You are literally a cuck
He was trying to be responsible and not bring an innocent woman who has suffered more than anyone should into the world of the yakuza.
5 mil is needed for the completion list itself, not for the girl. You also need to do it for the Electronics King but if you lose it doesn't stop you from fighting him, you just end up having to raise more stores to S rank instead.
The boss fights in kiwami were aids. That fucking pistol nigger on the roof made me rage and those 2 brothers in the club holy shit.
Just use a katana lol
just get the ability to resist bullets and knives while in brawler heat mode
which for some reason didn't actually work against knives
Real yakuza use their fists
>go for the boss
>get stabbed by guy a
>go for guy a
>get stabbed by guy b
>go for guy b
>boss throws a grenade at you
>kill a and b
>they stand up again
Wear dragon mail
Pack staminan royales
Use tiger drop
I barely sweat that fight.
What are the chances we'll get a Kiwami 3? I've just finished Kiwami 1 and im looking forward to playing K2.
3,4, and 5 are getting ports.
3, and 4 hold up well, and 5 feels as refined as 0 since 0 uses 5's engine.
we might see a kenzan kiwami though.
Pretty low for the foreseeable future just due to the HD ports of 3-5.
they didn't in the west though, got my steelcase one for like 38 bucks pre-ordered, kiwami 2 was full price though
By being a cuckold?
*canadian dollars
Maybe in 10 years considering 3, 4, and 5 were all just remastered within the past year. There's no reason for them to get a Kiwami, 3's arguable but 4 and 5 do not need one at all because they're so close to the newer games in terms of gameplay feel. Kiwami Kenzan is an idea they're floating around according to an interview though, and it makes sense because the game has the most missables of any game in the series and the gameplay's a bit annoying with enemies always blocking, stabbing you, or sumo wrestlers grabbing you through iframes then taunting you. Gion even gets locked in the final chapter despite there being no reason not to let you back in, it's just because Musashi leaves for the final fight that he's not allowed back in which is a really dumb design decision because that would be like locking out something like Sotenbori in the final chapter of 0 because Kiryu and Majima are both in Kamurocho.
is that nishitani?
Kiwami 2 was real boring. Fuck Sayama
that's probably because it came with a ground zeroes type demo for 6.
hopefully if we get one, we can actually carry all our shit into premium new game instead of just the level and heat gauge.
>参考価格: ¥7,139
Kiwami was a full price game in Japan, the west is the only one that got it for $30 in a steelbook. It eventually got a New Price Version which goes for 2000円 but that's normal for Japanese games. Judge Eyes got one after they replaced Pierre Taki and it costs ¥4,903 while the launch one is nearly $90.
When are we getting the 3-5 ps4 ports, anyway?
Just tiger drop bro
>mfw I unironicolly start to groov it to the rythm of the song whenever I do disco
Fuckin love that shit
no idea, they've not said anything about them at the moment.
i'm hoping we get the at the end of the year as a bundle.
>falls in love with his assassination target
>beats the fuck out of every piece of shit that tries to kill her because "muh lot"
>realizes that she's been through an inhuman amount of shit all her life because of said plot
>To stay with her continues that; to let her live a normal life spares her
>Is a cuckold
user, are you a token Nice Guy?
overleveled my kiryu in K2 and now I can't lose no matter what
Are ther nerf items to make the game more fun?
I've completed enough story and substories that I don't want to start from the beginning again
They haven't said. There's going to be some stuff about Shin on the 10th but I doubt they'd announce anything there, and considering the Judge Eyes announcement being for worldwide release announced at TGS they'll probably announce stuff there considering E3 didn't offer us any new information.
Just plow through and do NG+?
Or unequip your shit and get slapped around
Is it true they cut the tunes from the yakuza 2 remake?
do you guys still trust anything to come out from japan? how could you forget already
I used to get so mad at disco, but then I became one with the beat and danced with it while I hit flawless beat after flawless beat
Here's the replacement.
Too soon man
Yeah the one everyone complains about is during the bridge stabbing scene at it’s warranted since it changes the tone of the scene. They use the song again for the ending but I for one actually like it there. I didn’t notice the other changes but I haven’t played Y2 since it came out
Shouldn't have missed so many pigs.
Gross the old song surely couldn't have cost that much to put in the remake right?
best track in any RGG game ever
That one is for the credits
This is the replacement
I fucking hate Yagami, there is something about his design that really repels me from playing Judgment.
Oh, whoops, I don't know why I was under the impression he was talking about the credits when he posted a CKB picture. My bad.
Reminder that snoyboys are behind the psyop of shit talking the games to steer newer players away from the franchise since titles are now being ported to PC and are no longer snoy exclusives.
I hate the gang shit, i'm trying to fuck aname and this fuck texts me
>go to karaoke with majima in kiwami 2
he's great though, the jacket is tacky but he's a fantastic character and way less of a autistic loser then kiryu is.
damn right, nothing tops this
>way less of a autistic loser then kiryu is
but kiryu was very relatable
or the best man i could be
i don't want to be a chad who bangs meaningless women anyway
i think the current kiryu is virgin but ps2 yakuza 1 and 2 are their own different timeline because kiwami are canon now and he started a family with sayama and haruka
>never has any children
>pc yakuza
>some esl kid represents the pc community
don't worry he does weird shit, dressing like a vampire for one. but when it comes to women he's not a virgin, you can fuck a 19 year old lol and a crazy hot fortune teller
Except 3 still follows after Kiwami 2 so that's not possible. There's also the argument that because of Minamida K1 can't be canon because it conflicts with 6 and the rest of the games due to Amon and several substories but K2 works because the rest of Amon's brothers want to straight up kill Kiryu. That's just an argument I'd make though, doesn't mean you have to agree with it.
I will never forgive them on how much they butchered Funk Goes On. The song was the thing I looked forwad the most and it's a behemoth disappointment.
>19 year old
i sleep
>he's not a virgin
>you can fuck
Why would I want to play as him?
Ichiban needs to be a virgin and have a daughter just like Kiryu did otherwise he's not a compelling dad simulator character
>30fps4 exclusive
>If you declare an Open Riichi and need a Dragon tile the NPCs will literally play a losing game just holding onto the tile.
I can only imagine how pissed this would make someone who had a really good hand ready to win before that happened.
Dumb incels always focusing on having sex with virtual women.
it's not about sex, it's about a happy ending
kiryu should've had a waifu and kids, not raise someone elses kid twice then dying alone
Kiryu could have gotten a typical happy ending with a new waifu and adopted daughter if the series stopped at 2, but they kept going. I'm really hoping they don't turn Ichiban into another Kiryu and he only gets a few games for the sake of story telling and writing.
I played the fuck out of 0 and still enjoyed kiwami despite it having less content. Guess I'm a freak amongst weirdos huh.
I feel the same. I loved the Majima anywhere system compared to Mr.Shakedown. Majima was just more versatile in how he would fight and the roaming boss fight gave you a lot of chances to experiment with your styles that the regular goons can't
His backstory is literally just Kiryu's
I keep wondering who are these female Yakuza fans? It doesn't seem like a series women would like other than for the shirtless muscle men brawling. The series is seeping with testosterone and honor, both concepts women wouldn't understand
Rank em
I can't find anything so pls help
Do you have to do all substories you've already done again in NG+? that would kind of defeat the point because I might as well start a new save if I have to do the entire cabaret and all again
Substories always reset with the exception of 1 and 2. It's to allow you to experience them again if you feel like it in a Premium New Game, and I'm sure complaints from 2 probably helped aid in that. If you want to make it a bit harder then unequip everything you have but the Champion's Ring as this makes enemies attack you much more frequently and they deal more damage. There's no way to debuff yourself but you can at least buff them if it's bothering you that much.
Kiryu fits way too well in the animal crossing universe
The way Reina's corpse is just unceremoniously dumped in front of Kiryu was unsettling.
Honestly Majima was more of a challenge than the Mr. Shakedowns since you could just rush style them into submission most of the time if you didn't use the zap gun because it was dishonorabru and also because Tiger Dropping Majima felt way more satisfying.
>play the boring diarrhea piece of shit before the good game
great advice fag!
I guess I'll play the Clan Creator then
I have my doubts about how much that can remedy having 300 damage and health but i suppose we'll see
it actually seems I have some 10+ hour old saves before I did the coliseum and accidentally limit broke everything so maybe I'll look into those and see how much grinding i'd have to do again in the cabaret and so on
His desires and lifestyle directly correlate to doing endless small tasks for others to make them happy.
300 damage will always make you overpowered, there's just no way around that but at the same time you did upgrade Kiryu to this point as well so you could have stopped yourself if it was getting to be too strong. The Champion's Ring will help make enemies a bit more threatening but it's not going to be a massive game changer, and with max health most attacks aren't going to do much even on Legend even with equips off. You'll still take decent amounts of damage from the wrestlers, Amon, and I guess Ryuji but you'll be hard-pressed to find guys outside of the Coliseum that will pose a threat.
How resource intensive is kiwami 2? I have a 1050 and 12gb worth or ram, is that gonna cut it?
i have an obsessive compulsion to click upgrade when it's available and I didn't understand how badly it would screw normal thugs because I was doing the coliseum
I'm playing from the earlier save where i'm in the 180s, shame i have to do 10 hours of cabaret and coliseum again at some point
you'll be fine on medium/high
Nah, I get it. Stopping around 200 to 240ish would probably be your best bet. In Yakuza 6 you'll want to sit at around 200 as well because 300 means grab spins more or less insta-kill all mooks and the final boss and Amon are really the only threats at that point. I think 6 also had the Champion's Ring so there's that to consider.
imagine the kino that could've been if they found the carriers and brought amerimutts to their knees
>mfw Judgment is actually really really good
>mfw making a petition to get rid of Yokoyama right fucking now
>mfw the dub doesn't suck like I thought it would
>mfw it's another Tail the Suspect mission
That weren't too bad, but there were too many of them for sure.
Is it me or do they recycle the same dudes every single time in dubs? You've got matthew mercer, yuri lowenthal, steve blum, crispin freeman and up and comers like ray chase and greg chun in literally everything.
yeah they do
but whatever
You have a very small number of competent VAs willing to dub and tons of trash actors not good enough for voicework in cartoons and western games.
Not a big mystery here as to why most of the same people get used.
>guy playing Yagami is a legit singer
>no karaoke minigame
What the fuck?
maybe a dlc is coming with singing...hopefully
I like that Rockstar uses lesser-knows. The pool of generic voice-actors are so trash. They try so fucking hard to enunciate every single line which comes off as so phoned in. Roger Clark who voiced Arthur in RDR2 should remind them how to actually act.
Him being a legit singer is exactly why there’s no karaoke. He’s quite popular and it would be really expensive.
maybe that's the exact reason why
I ain’t complaining desu like all those guys
just be patient.
Fuck dat bich
>can't just wear a disguise whenever you want
I wanna run around Kamurocho beating up niggas dressed like goddamn Dracula.
>still posting the jew's obvious fake fantasy
He was debunked eons ago
yeah I was hesitant on getting it but caved and wasn't disappointed, unlike Y6
That's exactly why, he's a major Japanese popstar, hiring him for a singing jig would cost an additional gorillon yen.
>that scene in judgment when the bomb is strapped to murase
jesus christ
>Tachibana Mahjong requires 30 Rons/Tsumos when you can get all the requirements in 10.
I don't get why they did this when the other two were just 10 Ron/Tsumo.
I don't get why they lock it in Premium Adventure as well. You'd think of all places they'd let you wear your attorney outfit or disguises there but nope.
I want Ichiban to be a fuckin asshole. I look at his hair and think he’s gotta be some wild ass dude who just does what he feels like doing, sort of like Majima. As much as I love playing as someone with a complete heart of gold it’d be nice to switch it up after so many games.
Kaito spin off when? Actually just replace Ichiban with him for Shin.
It’s such a waste of content. You barely get to wear those costumes throughout the whole game.
No, that's off the topic of dubs. Why do DUBS have the same shitty pool?
>Actually just replace Ichiban with him for Shin.
why though?
he's saying that it's not dubbing when it's the original language
i saved a lot for post game which cut down on the monotony of Haruka's bullshit whims. I spent way more time doing that than just about anything else in the main story. It was still a fun post game, unlike K2, which had more to do than K1 but was much easier to complete overall (aside from bouncer missions)
Considering how he's shown as acting in his prologue story he's going to be a cocky but hard-headed guy who is deeply loyal to his friends. I have no idea how his new stories in Online paint him though.
And dubwork has a different pool than original English voice acting.
wait til you get to the car chase haha
>I have no idea how his new stories in Online paint him though
pretty much just like what you described, from what i've seen.
there's also a scene where he almost beats a guy to death but is stopped by someone else.
terrible advice, playing 0 first is necessary if you're going to play Kiwami versions of 1 and 2. This kind of shit is just trolling. K1 and K2 are almost identical to the former versions except with worse combat and much worse graphics. K1 is a hollow story that is more like a cheap J-drama/soap than it is some sprawling gangster epic that it turned into. This is painfully obvious when you play through the first game and is why they made Zero to begin with. So they could flesh out the characters more. Even with the much needed backstory, 1 is a rushed, jumbled mess.
I love all Yakuza games
i just don't like that Okinawan nigger look he's got going on. He'd look much better with a haircut. I get their trying to paint first impressions as
>a wild zany guy!!
but it feels forced. we all know he's going to be a self-insert character that mumbles and grunts along to whatever is happening. It's Kiryu with a slight personality attached.
the face he makes during the first DAME DAME always get me
especially the one where it shows pocket fighter guy in the photo, fucking died laughing
That's called being a fanboy.
go be retarded somewhere else
>move is called essence of choking
>clearly hear the poor guy's neck being snapped
did you get upset by reading words?
>They got rid of styles in kiwami 2
Kinda disappointing desu
pocket circuit is the best mini game
dumb secondary
It's the worst, actually.
They "retconned" the dragon of dojima style in 6 to be a mix of the moves Kiryu had between all 3 styles in Zero and expanded that in K2, i was never a fan of that decision even if if it does make kinda sense.
Here user have one without the annoying karaoke button sounds
It's never been a series staple so it's to be expected. Kenzan, Ishin, 0, K1, and Judgment are the only ones with styles changeable on the fly. Black Panther 1 and 2 also have styles but you can only equip one to use before you fight. I'd hope Shin has styles though, especially after Judgment, but even Judgment has problems where Crane is wholly inferior to Tiger outside of EX Mode just because it doesn't have super armor or charged attacks.
>can't even call 3 or 6 bad anymore without getting blasted
Dead Souls is a great game now, I suppose. Fucking fanbase has gone full retard.
The video is kind of important
That will probably be fine in medium low but K2 sucks more CPU resources than it does gpu so if you have a potato no amount of graphic tinkering will save you
what the fuck is up with the saturation in Judgment
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 0 > 6
I think they are trying to give a certain unique look to fit the mood of each game kinda to compensate that it's always in kamurocho
Ironically Y6 still has the best looking and most colorful Kamurocho yet, even if it's incomplete.
I really hope they finally bring Ishin and Kenzan to the west someday. I have a huge boner for samurai shit and them being set in the Yakuzaverse is just icing on the cake.
Kamurocho looks kinda bad and cold without a color filter. I actually like the red hue judgment has going on
I want to play Judgment but the backlog is too big.
He looks poor and scruffy because he is poor and scruffy.
>wojak repellent
he looks like he's wearing make up and should be in a boy band. (or like he's having a mid life crisis).
All those are true if you are talking about the actor himself
Which kinda sucks.
Look at all these lights and neons coloring the night that they had in their first attempt at the dragon engine
>not packing up with enough weapons to fight this bs fight
okay retard