How do we fix mech/mecha video games?
How do we fix mech/mecha video games?
I'm learning to draw for this specific reason.
Get From to make an Armored Core in the likea of 1-3, maybe set it between LR and 4.
It's fucked, just let it die.
Fully Remake Mechwarrior 4 and add loads of celebs for the FMV's/characters
Exactly what was worse about DaemonXMachina compared to Armored Core V/erdict Day? I mean, aside from the art style.
The demo felt lackluster, no real weight behind amything, you could barely feel if you hit something. Seems they fixed it, gonna look forward to it.
And they couldnt top the awesome switching weapons from V. That rotating weapon holder thing was cool.
I'm having fun with Hardcore Mecha.
Lack of customization in multiplayer kinda sucks but most mechs have alternate versions with different loadouts, and there's a good amount of variety of playstyles among them so it's not too bad.
Main issue I have is how wonky melee is, but maybe it's just me having problem controlling it.
Overall it's not anything too big or serious but damn if I'm not having fun.
more battletech content.
take the mechwarrior license away from the piggy
>more content for a garbage game
microsoft hold the license dummy
Can someone tell me what was so bad about that last Front Mission game ? I keep hearing horrible things about it but from the videos it didn't look so bad, like an armored core game.
By having sex
the game's fine.
if your definition of fine is a pile of shit then yes
Personally I hated that system. Give me back weapons all day, fuck handhelds.
I'm also sick to death of dual wielding instead of single weapon + laser or shield of old.
are you able to explain why you don't like it?
Ditch the concept entirely and invest into tank games.
woT and warthunder already exist.
?? You must be talking about Evolved. There's value in it basically being a less good AC game. It's Left Alive everyone shits on.
>dude, bricks, lmao
FInd out what mech games do wrong and then dont do the things it does wrong, not hard
Yeah, Evolved. From the user reviews and the feedback I was getting it seems like nobody really liked the game
woops oh well dont think the konglets come out of their /vg/ hole
I unironically want a tank game with the customization level of AC
>extremely poor performance
>really bad peoples GPUs were literally melting
>did I mention shallow
>like no fucking content
>just do the same meta strategy over and over it's so easy
>oh and the shitty story shoved down your throat
>nobody has bothered to fix it with mods because it's that bad
for 10 bucks it's a good enough garbage bin deal if you are curious
I see. To be fair it does somewhat deserve the reputation it has but you can still enjoy it if you don't mind all the lackluster bits like the TPS ground stuff.
So what you're saying is your PC couldn't run it
Fucking Marikfag. Everyone knows that only the Federated Suns can bring peace and freedom to the Inner Sphere. I hope you die along with your league.
That's a pretty awesome mech, what's it called?
maybe you should get a better rig then. most of those sound like technical issues.
First person mech games suck.
Make them not first person.
Not sure if serious post...
yeah it's perfectly fine when a shitty looking unity game struggles to run on a 1080ti
Post your Jarls shitter or I'll tell Kakos on you
runs on my system without problems.
[spoiler[I have no idea what a Jarl is but fuck Cuckos[/spoiler]
>Press X to doubt
Considering I played it on a 1060 6gb and a gen4 i5, I'm thinking ur full of shit, bud.
MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries works fine on modern PCs. Just set controls to WASD for acel/decel and it works fine.
get fromsoft to realize that they can't subsist on souls-likes for the rest of their fiscal lives so that they get off their asses and make chromehounds 2
>works for me
we're talking back when it was released, go ahead look shit up
nice greentext. game still runs on my machine perfectly fine though.
First by acknowledging and making a clear distinction between mech games and mecha games, like what exists between jrpg's and crpg's, arena shooters and mil-sim shooters, rts and moba, 4x and grand strategy, and so on.
I have mech warrior vengance and the latest BATTLETECH game but i cant seem to finish either of them, the mecha series has worn off on me and idk why
even if it does, that has nothing to do with the game itself being a huge pile of garbage
Are you sure its the mecha genre and not just the battletech games?
it's not garbage. it's also not the game's fault that 1) you have a shit computer 2) you have ADHD.
atlas scout lance FTW
Hmm not sure but i loved mech warrior 4 mercenaries. i guess i prefer a specific style of gameplay, vengance was too hard and battletech was too elongated
>vengance was too hard
That's weird, I find Vengeance to be one of the easier MechWarrior titles. If you want balls hard MechWarrior you play Pirate's Moon.
mech warrior 3 was great! does it hold up to current hardware? but ive never tried pirates moon,i should though
1)Put anyone who can't tell the difference between Mechs and Mecha in a concentration camp
2)Stop giving licenses to indie/AA leftist shitters
3)Set firm goals to what you're trying to achieve with your game
4)Build a proper battlefield sandbox as per the given lore/universe, not just CoD or Σοylentfield with mechs or robo-ballerinas
5)Make a fucking respectable narrative, for a fucking change
6)Proper fucking netcode and hitboxes
7)Freedom of choice and heavy RPG elements
8)Visuals grounded in reality; don't just flood the screen with autistic robo-ballerinas doing somersaults at mach-6 while spewing an entire country's worth of firepower
9)Treat consumers with respect, not like ADD/ADHD riddled retards
10)No fan-service bullshit
11)No cancerous anime plots
>does it hold up to current hardware?
barely. If you want to get it working there's quite a bit you have to do.
it is garbage, that's why it has such garbage reviews
>still carries only a pair of autocannons
>in a chassis that could easily fit a full blown cannon with weight to spare for armor and engine had it not been a stupid transforming mech
I guess ill wait on the next mechwarrior game then. damn. i really hoped for oldschool gameplay mechwarrior 3 was the shit i remember most every mission the bushwacker was my jam
Go back to the power fantasy of Mecha and ditch the wargaming paperwork roots. We don't care about there being -50kg and 1.5 jiggawatts difference between Medium Red Laser and Large Red Laser, or the nuances between minute caliber size changes on our machine guns compared to the per-centimeter armor thickness of different parts of the enemy robot.
Then again I'm a sucker for Zoids so... grain of salt. I just loved the idea of having these really unique robots that were designed for very specific roles.
>Then again I'm a sucker for Zoids so... grain of salt. I just loved the idea of having these really unique robots that were designed for very specific roles.
Elaborate further cuz is the first time i hear that word
That’s pretty cool user post pics
Defend the fact the optimal pilot skill tree is bulwark and multi-target/breaching shot to counter bulwark. Defend the fact the optimal mech loadout is maximum jumpjets, full armour, and as many of the heaviest, highest damaging weapons you can fit on it, Defend how the go-to battlefield tactic is to bunnyhop everywhere with jumpjets, bulwark every turn, and called shot CT's and heads. Defend being limited to only a single lance while you will face up to a company of enemy mechs. Defend the fact lights become useless and there is no incentive to not bring a lance of your heaviest mechs every mission. Defend the fact that repairing armour is free and is completed instantly, Defend how despite having up to 18 mech bay slots you only need 4 unless you're a total shitter and actually manage to take structural damage in a mission. Defend how braindead the enemy AI is with how it suicides its light mechs, never focuses fire, and barrels headlong into obvious ambushes. Defend how evasion is useless. Defend how money almost immediately becomes irrelevant. Defend the fact there is not shopping cart in the store; you have to select the component, hit buy, and then confirm every single time, there is no buying multiple items at a time. Defend the awful, teribly written, overwrought story. Defend the main character of said story being a mary sue (what, you thought you were the main characters? Kamea is.) Defend the complete lack of useful mission briefings, both in the story and in the free roam mode. Defend the game babying you with ramshackle enemies. Defend how the kinds of mechs you will face are gated by your campaign progress. Defend how you will never interact with any of your crew in any meaningful way. Defend the bait and drop of the 'off the board' contracts set up in the second tutorial mission of the campaign. Defend the flashpoint paid DLC missions reusing the same maps that are available without it.
give them actual weight and heft to their movements.
none of that aerial only laser battle, tracking missile, zipping around 360 degrees like its made of styrofoam bullshit
why even give them legs if they just fight in the air nonstop.
more melee, hand to hand combat emphasis
I pirated it, thought it was dull as shit. Strategy felt shallow as hell, zero reason to take lighter mechs. Game's idea of challenge means throwing more opponents at you rather than good use of AI. Can only control 1 lance. These were just off the top of my head.
Just say that you want arma 3 with mechs instead of shitting on the mainsteam genre.
Oh and before I forget, game wastes your fucking time with unskippable dropship cutscene crap, interrupts your movement between locations with updates from your crew members that cant be turned off. Combat is slow even with the speed up option, the animations are cute but after a certain point I just want to get on to my next move.
no, user just wants more mech games, not mecha games.
Make me an Imperial Knight game that's as fun to play as Space marine were, and without a shit ending.
It's definitely not a 'serious' mecha setting at all. It was a toy-line supported by some extra media featuring giant robots themed after animals called Zoids. In the lore they were metallic bio-mechanical lifeforms re-purposed as mecha but that's just some horseshit that doesn't have much impact as far as I remember besides some mildly important AI functions.
Each type of Zoid had very unique physical appearances that contributed to how they were used in battle. You could have a tiger themed zoid that did well in light skirmishes, or a medium sized raptor zoid which acted as a mobile gun platform, but if it found a good spot it could also stop and straighten its tail to act as a giant sniper rifle. I won't hide that I got into it from Anime as a kid and isn't in nearly the same category as the harder sci-fi things like Mechwarrior, but it's always had a soft spot in my heart. Zoids Vs. was a pretty fun line of games when I was younger as well. No clue if they hold up.
That new zoids game is pretty alright by arena fighter standards. Roster is too smol tho
By sending a plethora of letters and emails in Japanese and English telling FromSoftware to put a complete Armored Core collection on Steam.
Same mech designers that worked on AC
>tranny bullshit rewriting Mechwarrior lore
No thanks
>This will never happen in our lifetime or even in our timeline
I hate this
Incorrect, they’re doing Metal Wolf Chaos so it has the potential. Again, send them letters and emails.
I've been enjoying Garrison: Archangel, it's still in EA but it plays like a mix between AC and Custom Robo, pretty fun.
To be fair tanks are pretty much the only things with firearms in that manga. The MC and FEMC's mech pretty much only uses a special sword, melee weapons like pilebunkers or just punches the shit out of monsters.
I think the fact that your max group size never goes above 4 was why i eventually droped it
it reminds me of xcom in a way, one of the greatest additions to it was incrasing the squad size to 6 (with even more in long war mod and base defense / special missions in xcom 1 and 2)
Its like, once i had pushed out 20-30 missions and light/medium mechs become obselete, you've seen everything the game has to offer
Just get bigger mechs and more tonnage and do more damage to kill more and repeat
I will still say it was fun for a while, but its not a game that I can bother to finish, 6/10, decent, but nothing memorable
Curbstomp Harmony Gold for starters.
You don't get it. When it first came out the game would shoot GPU use to 100% and heat it up like nothing I have seen in my life. My fans spooled up like a fucking fighter jet and I had to manually under clock my card by 30% to keep temps stable. It had no effect on game performance under clocked the game was just that badly coded a piece of shit.
take advantage of the fact you're piloting robots
Is this supposed to be a Battletech Crusader / Armored Valkyrie?
By actually making them.
As of right now Mercenaries 2 seems like it's in developer hell and only thing coming out soon is Deamon x machina.
I think Hawken is getting reworked and relaunched, right?
it utterly baffles me they give you 18 mech bays, enough for a full company with replacements, yet you are never going to deploy more than 4. Hell, you hardly even need more than 4 mechs in total since you rarely take any significant damage, repair times are so fast once you get even a little bit up the upgrade path, and travel time between contracts is long enough that everything is fixed by your next mission.
Mech warrior has the shittiest goddamn designs in existence
You can't just say that and not post a better design.
you do realise that battletech predates mechwarrior, zoomzoom?
Anything from any other mecha franchise
>it utterly baffles me they give you 18 mech bays, enough for a full company with replacements, yet you are never going to deploy more than 4
leopard dropship can only carry 4 mechs.
Raid style gameplay like hunt/tarkov. Your mechs at risk of suffering irreparable damage. When that happens your pilot gets damaged and disabled. Also the pilots are cute girls you level up. High risk missions put your pilot and mech at risk of total loss if you lose.
My fellow african american of culture
make more trips, or land the argo. Why does every drop have to be a hot drop?
>make more trips
takes too long
>or land the argo
>more indepth customization
>better balance between the various parts
>no stupid retarded waifu pandering
>no anime DBZ magic spirit ball shit
>must be completely grounded ala Battletech or Mechwarrior.
>if it approaches Gundam Territory, have it be something more military, no magic chosen one robots that save the day with love and friendship. Keep that filth out of the mech genre
That's how I'd fix it personally.
Does your ideal /m/ game more of a linear story focused thing with carefully designed levels bosses and characters or an open ended thing where you have a big open area to do what you want in?
An ideal /m/ game could go either way, as long as they're both good. The former is easier to do.
just give me a votoms game on PC.
There's a decent PS2 one that you can emulate, but it was never translated
>takes too long
what time restrictions are we under?
the argo is a dropship m8, designed to ferry cargo and personnel between orbit and the surface
if it's a dropship, then why does it have leopards docked with it?
why would they stop using the leopard? They still had a lease on it.
anyone have the summer sale pasta list?
Place them in a realistic combat scenario, ie: Planetside 3 with giant battle mechs. This makes the combat that much more interesting and intense given the complex armour/aircraft strategies already used in the scenario. Instead of feeling like an on-rails shooter where you steamroll npcs or a strictly mech vs. mech dual arena that quickly become dissatisfying when a un-fun mech-type is inherently superior, you can develop grand strategy with the versatility of mechs on top of the tactical depth they already possess. Use VR to simplify controls.
Support Nintendo, for they are slowly taking us to the pro/m/ised land
Honestly another arcadey game like Mechassault would be fun.
When will someone translate Soukou Akki Muramasa? I want philosophical mecha kino.
My ideal /m/ game is Zone of Enders 2
You do realize that they’re rehashing the brand name and writing in SJW bullshit right?
>tfw Robotech boomers are still fucking everything up
>no magic chosen one robots that save the day with love and friendship.
Name real robot series that you believe are guilty of this. Your answer will determine whether or not you're making a genuine effort, or if your taste is too shit to ever save mecha.
Gundam Breaker 4 FUCKING WHEN?
What are some mech games that focus on big meaty guns and missles? Laser mechs are super weak and gay
nah you get Nu Gungay Breaker. Didn't enjoy? lol see west and pc gamers don't care about Gundam games :^)
After New Gundam Breaker you really want them to make another?
Just bring back Front Mission in some non-fucked capacity shit
All I want from them right now is a fix for the twin stick controls. Once they do that, it'll be my mech game of the year.
>dude what if you had to pick up every part individually and turn them in 5 at a time
>doesn't this game have literally thousands of parts?
>Yeah? So? Oh also make sure the players can see if it's a duplicate part they're collecting.
Nah it doesn't run well on my 1080ti ryzen 7. I refunded because of stutter and I don't care about the tranny nonsense. I love xcom and wanted to play a mech styled xcom, but the performance was literal shit.
but hey, at least you can play gungay versus for ps4. we localize just for u. lol enjoy :^)
man im so tired of seeing this game in every single discussion about almost anything involving warfare.
I somewhat like the setting but boy am I tired of the fan base. Can't even have discussion about battle tech without this none sense.
This ain't a discussion about Battletech though. It's a general mech/a thread. And you bet your ass I want to talk about knights because they hit my absolute sweetspot for mechs.
I just want more super robot games like Sandlot used to make