There are so many games about fatherhood...

There are so many games about fatherhood, it's even one of the most mainstream concepts for AAA story heavy games like The Last of Us.

So why are there so few about motherhood?

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because you write what you know and there are more dudes working in games development than women

Because women nowadays don't have to do anything. Even if they are a mother.
The modern woman has no responsibility at all and is held accountable for absolutely nothing.

Also fuck off.

Because in reality women are shitty, will destroy their family over muh vagina tingles and the father makes for the better parent anyways.

what an incel lmao

dude you are on Yea Forums, tf you expect? XD

Holy mommy issues, Batman.

You okay fellas?

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Do you think the same about your own mothers? I like my mom a lot
Have you tried hugging women?

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What games even have motherhood as a theme? The only one that comes to mind is Kara's story in Detroit Become Human.

I hate all women except my mom

the mother series obviously, even if most of the motherhood theme is drawn from the parallel between a mother/son relationship and earth/human relationship, it's there

>the father makes for the better parent anyways.
Yeah right.
>mother: hi honey how was school? dinner will be ready in a couple hours
>father: *comes home, beats up wife and kids* WHO LEFT THEIR CUP IN THE LIVINGROOM
>it was his cup but everyone is too scared to say it

There is literally a game series with that theme as a name

N1RV Ann-A will, the protagonist is a single mother.

What games exist that are about parenting anything at all?

Seaman from the sega dream cast?
There's really nothing about raising a child as far as I can tell. There are lots of games involving temporary situations where "and so this kid is here too" seems like a more apt description of what's going on.

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Todd's game.

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Because its sexist to promote the biological function of women
Women are supposed to be men in the current decade

>games about fatherhood
>The Last of Us
literally none of the gameplay in The Last of Us has anything to do with fatherhood


>>father: *comes home, beats up wife and kids* WHO LEFT THEIR CUP IN THE LIVINGROOM
I'm sorry your father was Alabama man.

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raising simulators are an entire genre
check out princess maker 2 if you want to try out a fun one

Woah the projection
My dad is fucking awesome and my mother ditched us both for some other guy
My dad used to take me hunting and canoeing
I wanna be like my dad when I get older, only not marry a fucking whore

>So why are there so few about motherhood?
Because abortion you sexist misogynistic nazi white male!

A game isn't solely its gameplay. Don't be obtuse.

What are you talking about, Princess Maker games have been around for ages.
>in b4 you play as the father
Fuck you, the father pulls double duty with both paternal and maternal roles in those games. IT'S 2019.

I bet you think we leave in a patriarchy also.

more dudes play vidya.
significant portion of dudes came from fatherless homes or with shit fathers.
the fatherhood theme really speaks to gamers. Motherhood would just be in too much of a contrast to our shit situation at home with a bipolar single mother.

Because, despite what news outlets insist on advertising, most gamers are still male and most of them have started to become fathers. Games have aged with their audience and the history of games and what's popular show that.

Take GoW, for example. Edgy power fantasy where the dude is an angry god who fucks a lot to a father.

>be me
>wonder how my father married a low IQ woman
>see mums old pics
>she's pretty cute then
Damn i need to not make the same mistake

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so you admit to also projecting

It's almost like a parent can be shitty regardless of sex.

>So why are there so few about motherhood?
There are but those games are R18+

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How is that projecting you fucking retard? Its a statement not a projection
I'm not projecting that my dad was awesome, he was

Well in the genre I would then have to ask you to differentiate between pet ownership and actually trying to raise a child of some sort.

I still stand by my original assumption though, especially with references like TLoU and such being thrown out as examples of "fatherhood" in video games.
It's just "And this kid is here too" and an adult trying not to let the kid get killed.
If that's all that fatherhood or motherhood is to you then any escort mission in any game is suddenly a fatherhood or motherhood gaming moment.

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MGS3, Bioshock 1

we can acknowledge shitty dads, but the mom could justify it by saying she was "unhappy" or lie or say he was abusive.
>Divorced Dad probably deserved it
>Divorced Mom, victim or empowered

No. Only women can love and care. Men are sadistic egotists.

Women are just children in adult bodies. That's why they get along with kids so well. Men create successful societies, but once they get high off their own farts they start doing stupid shit like letting women vote and work.

The role of a mother was broken down so that we could introduce more workers into the labor force to grow the economy. Nowadays most kids are raised either by grandparents (hopefully) or TV.

Not true, look at African Americans. They are raised by single mothers and they are doing great!

>Not true, look at African Americans. They are raised by single mothers and they are doing great!
That's some spoiled bait you got there friend. What else in on sale today?

I know you're joking but I take issue with the statement "raised by single mothers" because single mothers don't raise children. That takes effort which they don't give to anything.

This is a white man's world, we must fight the power and outbreed them

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The black population isn't even a problem because they're aborting the majority of their children. The problem is the massive flood of people streaming into western countries, however I am at least optimistic that the Muslims will make Europe less cucked.

>implying Muslims are like Christians and not just barely better than blacks

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imagine if mommy Bayo gave you a slow teasing hj haha

I haven't met a divorced mother that actually had a legitimate reason for divorcing. They all just decided they didn't like their husbands one day and went off to split up the family.

Not all single mothers were married in the first place.

If it's one thing I agree with the radical feminists on, its that marriage is an oppressive tool. Not towards women, but for men. In 2019 there is not a single incentive to become married. Don't bring the government into anything that you don't have to

actual incel lmao

Women are incapable of true love. Love is a male emotion.

>father: *comes home, beats up wife and kids* WHO LEFT THEIR CUP IN THE LIVINGROOM

Grow stronger tranny. Maybe you won't get your ass kicked next time

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More like about supressed pedophilic desires. I sure Joel was on verge of filling underage Ellie's pussy with his old semen

is not liking a person not a reason to stop being with them?


Not if you don't have a reason to not like them

Metroid Other M, way too much, its kinda disgusting really.

I actually would be pretty happy with a game about a woman protecting her young son, would be cute.

My father cheated on her with several women and she discovered when he was fucking her sister.

Animal Crossing, one character is a foster mother to her sister after their parents died.

Dunno. My dad did the same thing for his penis tingles. And the asshole also never paid child support.

He sounds based, tell your mom to stop being such an incel

>majority of gamers are men
>write stories about fatherhood
Gee, I have NO IDEA why they would do that. Can you help me think of a reason?

Was your father nigger?

>aborting most of their children
I wish. I see a bunch of little niglets running around.

I was raised by a single mom. She didn't do a lot of raising, but that was because she worked 13 hours a day to put food on our table during a fucked up post-communist economy. So shut up.

Nah, he is a good father and very hard working, he is just a terrible husband.

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That's not how it works, get your autism treated.

I hugged a woman yesterday. She left her scarf at the party and I, high as fuck on mephedrone, spent the rest on the night wrapped in her scarf, sniffing it from time to time. It smelled sweet. I just want her, I don't need other women. I don't love her but I feel comfortable around her, which is rare for me. Please God, give me some happiness, I was a good boy.

Go to your local psychologist and get tested for autism, my dude.
Nobody actually knows what makes them attracted to another person and just as easily nobody knows why they don't remain attracted at some point.


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The whole problem with modern relationships is that they're based on attraction and chemical reactions (AKA love). The reason marriage was created was to serve as a PARTNERSHIP where the woman could take care of and raise the children while the man worked and protected them. If there was love and attraction, cool, but marriages could succeed for life without any of that. Now that its all about feelings and sex, relationships rarely last more than a few years so people aren't getting married and children don't have a stable home with two parents.


Bayonetta really isn’t about motherhood
That’s what it tricks you into thinking but Bayonetta makes it abundantly clear she has no interest in being a mother.
The whole game is about her being her own person, outside the expectations of being a mother but also breaking out of the expectations of a father figure.
Bayo 2 expands on the idea by having her reconcile her relationship with her father and reconnecting with her mother, as an equal to her parents

Bayonetta's not a mother though?

I don't even know if I can still 'love' like I used to when I was a teenager. Now it's only 'do I feel comfort with this woman or not'. I loved her when we both were 13, 10 years ago, but weren't in contact for all this time and now I meet her again, almost unchanged from that time. A good drinking buddy, even better listener, a plump delicious woman, everything I dreamed of as a kid and I don't even know what to do.

You know I think it's because a father prepares their child to venture off into the world while a mother would just coddle them as a form of protection. If anything if there was a game about motherhood the mother would be the antagonist with you being a young adult trying to get away from her physically and most importantly psychologically. That could possibly make for an interesting horror game where the reality becomes more warped the more the mother puts you in her comfort zone.

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She isn't, but the games explore her character by putting her in a mothers position, and her reluctance to consider herself motherly as well as her relationship with her own mother is a part of her character

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>mother would be the antagonist
Oh, I've just remembered!
Death Gambit

>not having the protag to be the mother, and to have a twist ending when it's revealed you brought domm to your kid, when trying to protect him.

Same 2bh

Play Among the Sleep.

>Spent the night smelling her clothes
Bad news you've probably creeped her out already

>That’s what it tricks you into thinking but Bayonetta makes it abundantly clear she has no interest in being a mother.
>The whole game is about her being her own person, outside the expectations of being a mother but also breaking out of the expectations of a father figure.
That's still within the realm of what the OP said though. It's using motherhood as part of its character writing and theming.

Because for some reason those damn SJWs think it's wrong to portray a woman cumming and lactating uncontrollably from giving birth.

>cyberpunk setting
>protagonist is a cute, big titted, single mother working as a bartender

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