I wanna fuck their boyfriends
I wanna fuck their boyfriends
stop posting this on Yea Forums, 4channel nazis arent allowed to play it. dev said so
they look like they fuck black guys
do you want to fuck black guys op?
this game looks like it will probably be good
on the other hand, the op that wayforward got trigger to animate for their next shantae looks like hot garbage
No they don't but it shouldn't matter to you, user, whether or not they do
Dumb gay phoneposter. Game looks good though.
They are so fucking cute and hot at the same time oh my god
Wayforward games are trash.
The girls or their boytoys?
The girls obviously faggot oh my god I want one at least one of them
I can't wait.
i mean there's a probability of zero that they don't know they have a dedicated fanbase here, so i would be surprised if they acknowledged this website at all
They look like they get off on being choked.
Did they? Link to tweet?
Reminder that these designs are cute because they were made by Japan.
Western devs are incapable of cute.
but are they funny?
Wayforward characters are cute
Too old to be funny.
One of the devs here. Actually yes I at the very least have been reading these threads and really enjoying everything you guys have had to say! You are free to believe me or not.
I won't be answering any questions or share who I am
Where did you find RCG_Kyoko?
Also post RCG_girls_beatup and RCG_girls_action. Do it.
What game?
Does the rest of the dev team know youre an ebil Nazi?
The director acting like an sjw leaves a bad taste in my mouth
i'm going to choose not to believe you because nothing good comes from the kind of bickering that comes from mentioning this website
just going to go about my business and buy a cute beat 'em up
I want to eviscerate her pussy
That's clearly an artist for the game, that image is used on the JP website for the countdown seen
but even if you go through the source images of the website, you can't get that picture without the heart clock on top of the hands. The only way you'd have the original is by having the original.
Is this the cuck's game of choice?
It was posted in another thread earlier today though.
I see
We won't ever mention this website specifically, just that we are pretty aware of what's being said around the internet collectively. Honestly surprised there's been so many threads here about RCG, though.