>Game is amazing but is marketed poorly
Game is amazing but is marketed poorly
Other urls found in this thread:
> tfw the guy who made this movie got shat on by warner bros then went to disney
> tfw he made one of the best failures disney ever produced (Emperors new Groove) and then they ruined his next film and turned it into chicken little and he left the studio
> tfw he vanished for a few years then went to work for dreamworks
> tfw dreamworks canceled the movie he was making so they could fund kung fu panda 4
that was a good fucking movie, furries have ruined it tho
American animation is cut throat as hell.
What movie was he working on?
All that talent, wasted.
literally every Dragon Quest game in the West
Wasn't ENG a success? It got a second movie and a tv series
What happened to all the faggots that shit on the CoD:IW that even the community somehow manage to agree they didn't like it. Only for the game to sell more than titanfall 2. Even BF1 ended up being garbage in the end and it sold more than TF2.
He'll hit the big one eventually
That was his only straight up success
The entire animation studio talents were wasted. It's still sad that even the iron giant didn't do good.
Theres 4 parts of kung fu panda? Whats even the point wasnt it established hes the strongest at the end of first movie?
Thank you samurai for putting Hero in smash so all these fuckers in the west can experience the glory that is dragon quest
>It got a second movie
wait what? was it any good as the first one?
Isn't he directing a sequel to Book of Life?
>titanfall 3 never ever
IW was unironically a good game with a nice campaign, good MP and great zombies.
Second movie is actually better than the first, it’s about tracking down his missing family and about the ever marching tide of technology destroying tradition
It’s a bit faster paced than I would have liked but it’s a great movie, one of dreamwork’s best
BF1 had shoddy gameplay but excellent modes and maps.
Kronk's New Groove
fuck it dude the trilogy is actually pretty damn solid bring on a 4 if it keeps the quality.
Yeah, after going to development hell. They scrapped the original movie and did it all over again. It's amazing it came out as well as it did.
Only 3 so far. I think they meant 3, but apparently the studio is considering possibly making Kung Fu Panda into a 6 movie series. I haven't seen the third yet but 2 was pretty good
Eh. For a musical movie the songs weren't that good. I liked All Dogs go to Heaven better.
Kronk’s new groove, more of a direct to TV/DVD movie. Isn’t terrible but doesn’t hold a candle to emperor’s new groove
That scene where the main villain escapes from prison was amazing.
They said that they have plans to make another. But because they want fucking apex legends to be good they're wasting their time focusing on that and pushing aside the next titanfall game for now. The BR genre is a curse
Shrek was originally going to be 5 movies but after 4 they stopped
Plans don't mean shit when EA is holding them hostage. If the star wars game flops and it will then the only thing saving them from the noose is that flavor of the month. Who knows how long that'll last
>"haha sabrespark uploaded a new video!"
>"its an animated movie about cats!"
>"oh boy! i want to discuss this on Yea Forums!"
>"Yea Forums here i come!"
>And it will
Oh to be so naive
Battlefront 2, even with all its controversies sold gangbusters. Yeah, it didn't meet their outrageous expectations, but the fact that it even got that high in the first place is a sign of how good brand recognition and marketing can still carry a shit game.
He has the perfect port folio to start a Kikestarter
Last I heard Shrek 5 was in development though
I wouldn't recommend watching 3. It was completely sanitized thanks to soccermoms crying about 2 being too dark and it actively shits on 2's ending too.
>this is your brain zoomer memes
>An off-topic thread!
>I will go post in it instead of reporting, hiding, and moving on, ignorant of the fact that my post is also off-topic to Yea Forums!
looks like your picture suits you well, chief
especially in regards to knowing whoever the fuck you're talking about
I doubt it'll sell like shit. Have you seen how much of a shill star wars fans can be?
And people wonder why anime is popular.
I'll likely watch it at some point, can't be as bad as the 3rd TMNT movie or even the Ice Age sequels which I forced myself to sit through because I like torture
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's definitely watchable if you want to compare it to that kind of slop. Looks and sounds nice too, so there's that at least.
Honestly the only animated film whose treatment upsets me more is fucking Treasure Planet
>MFW We'll get a soulless remake of it within the next 3 years
That said, I'm glad fucking WB is struggling at the box office after fucking over CDD
To be fair Kung Fu Panda is good.
Well, 3 was just okay. Not sure how they could make a fourth movie. New protagonist maybe?
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
God ice age was really milked till the last drop.
>best failures disney ever produced (emperor's new groove)
Sorry, what does this mean?
Is it me or the pacing for that movie feels odd?
Not popular enough to overtake me
I'm happy at this moment because Respawn have actually partial control on what they want to do.
Like how all their games use Source, UE4 and not their cancer called Frostbite.
>one of the best movies Disney made that wasn't at least TLM-tier.
Actually I wonder how long it will take for western studios to hit a breaking point. A LOT more young people are getting into anime since its free and simply higher quality then western media. The only thing western businesses are using to hold it back is the weeb/dorky status associated with it but that probably won't work forever.
I didn't know dogs browsed Yea Forums.
I might try and watch it before the summer is over. I only just watched 2 earlier this year and thought it was pretty good.
It was. I felt like I was going insane while watching the fifth movie and had instant regret as it kept going.
>not shitposting in a thread you've reported until its removed
never gonna make it user.
>pretending to be retarded
user, there's no need for that.
They still making them
What the hell is with all these live action adaptions we keep getting now. I didn't even know we were also getting mulan and the little mermaid. Do these fuckers have to leech on old shit to make it by now? What's even their next plan when they're done making live action adaptions of all the old animation stuff?
Not everyone watches Sablespark user
the ironing of telling that user to stop pretending to be retarded when you're wearing your full retard hat and everything
>MFW We'll get a soulless remake of it within the next 3 years
That would imply that they even remember Treasure Planet
>hurr everyone is pretending to be retarded if they don't know what i know
How does it feel to be delusional you autist?
They remember it!
They remember to never do something like that again.
Even though they fucked with it so hardcore, holy shit
I think 5 might be the nail in the coffin despite that new game coming soon.
But if it isn't, I wouldn't be surprised.
They don't have to, it's just an extra means of getting money while "making the films for a new generation" or "improving the product" I think. Despite barely any improvements being made in the shift from animation to live action and despite most of the films being remade still readily available on DVD.
>game is a fond childhood memory
Wait what game?
Nostalgia pandering + easier/faster to shit out than actual animated films. Blame Maleficent for being such a success, Disney had attempted live-action remakes before but Maleficent was the true break-out.
>mfw my fat-tittied aunt did that with her new kitten
This one
Disney fucking CANCELLED a MOUSEGUARD movie because it was too financially risky recently but they keep pumping out soulless live action crap.
Fuck the mouse, Mickey is even one of the most boring charcters they could have picked for a mascot.
Fuck disney and fuck the movie industry.
What? Last one i watched was with the aliens. Are they still making more after that piece of shit?
Retarded white women made Beauty and The Beast's shitty remake of a success so Disney keeps throwing every movie at the wall and sees what sticks
Disney doesn't give a fuck if the movie was a success, they'll do remakes just to try and make money
Although I could watch an Atlantis remake done with the visual artists who did King of the Monster's underwater city
>Disney fucking CANCELLED a MOUSEGUARD movie
The old ones are still better so they won't get a cent from me
I would say Alice in Wonderland was first, but Maleficent as well, yeah.
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Whoa boy
Allegedly yes
oh ffs, is this because of that saberspark youtuber latest video? fucking go kill yourself you faggot
I'm too lazy to post webms because I don't have them at hand right now but check this out for some test footage gifs
>Disney wont die in your lifetime
Amazing even my little sister who watched every ice age movie at least 10 times disliked the one with aliens.
>game is fucking good, but is forgotten by everyone, forcing the developers to do a full restructure
It was the last dreamwork 2D animated movie.
>Disney will continue extending the copyright law bullshit until it's well over 100 fucking years and never stop
This hurts. Goddamn are their movies less and less creative
>Reddit spacing
True but Alice in Wonderland is basically part of the Burton filmography and stands out from the rest (for better or worse), all the post-Maleficent Disney remakes share a lot in common.
>Although I could watch an Atlantis remake done with the visual artists who did King of the Monster's underwater city
Atlantis will never return, it was Treasure planet tier in the box office.
and it's a shame, the girl in it was fucking HOT.
What's your first crush Yea Forums?
what's your first vidya?
mine is pic related and Castlevania Bloodlines
Final Fantasy Tactics
>newfag meme
They already remade Atlantis, they combined it with Pocahontas & Ferngully and got James Cameron to do it
I myself doubt they're going to go full force with a 6th movie (because it's fucking Ice Age and no one but hardcore fans and maybe some kids actively still give a shit about the series), but Blue Sky seems to do a non Ice Age movie and then an Ice Age movie.
If there's a new Scrat short before their upcoming movie, expect it to act as the trailer for Ice Age: Extinction or some shit.
>tfw i have asian friends who are defending the mulan live action because now they are getting the representation they've been asking while trashing the animated for having "transphobic"songs
They literally just couldn't stop at 3.
> as a kid, thought this was just a cute homage to Annie
> as an adult, get weirded out by anything remotely similar to this no matter how innocent it really was
I just can't enjoy shit anymore. Thanks, Weinstein and Epstein.
You know who I hate more than Disney? The normies who support Disney.
>tfw disney will extend copyright laws past the heat death of the universe
unironically Labo
What the fuck that's absolutely retarded.
I never thought much of sinbad though it looked great, but was recently surprised to learn things like spirit and el dorado weren't considered that good by most of the public/critics. I always thought they were well received, especially spirit.
Regardless, dreamworks 2d stuff was really good.
God how I wish theatrical 2d animation in the west wasn't fucking dead.
That's true. I haven't seen any of them aside from Maleficent (which I was invited to see by a friend) and didn't bother with any other ones because I don't really see the point, especially as they keep making most of them derivative of the animated counterparts with more fluff added in.
Dumbo is tempting for the semi Batman Returns reunion with Burton, Keaton and DeVito, though.
charlie was my first crush
>saw a single ad for Gotcha Force in a Nintendo Power
>bought it based on that alone
>Capcom doesn’t even remember that it exists
>Disney took well known public domain stories and basically put them under lock and key
Walt was an evil genius
Pic related
As for the game, Diddy kong racing
something something iron giant something something earthbound
Thought that was the girl's name at first. You could do a lot worse than Burt Reynolds, in all fairness.
all the dreamwork 2D movies were fucking good, and really well animated, but all did meh to bad box office.
I'm still convinced it was entirely disneys doing. The fucks are literally the EA of animation.
>"transphobic" songs
Did you tell your friends that they're retarded and wrong?
remember when disney animated fairy tale stories even if few weren't really based on actual fairy tales like the black cauldron? remember how they were so good at creating wonderful worlds and stories using character we could easily identify with?
walt disney wanted to create a fantastic world inside and outside the screen but jews choose to turn into into a corporation having pointless sequels and soulless remakes
Not sure how much you know about the Eisner-Katzenberg feud, but it was almost definitely because of Disney fucking over the competition. In all fairness, both were equally strong at the time.
>You could do a lot worse than Burt Reynolds, in all fairness.
well don't leave me in suspense, user. do share
when trying to reason with them they blocked me
The sequels to those always suck and they're straight to dvd shit. Cinderella has like 20 sequels/spin offs or something
>not anne-marie
fuck off furry
I do, and those non-fairy tale movies were a financial failure. The mouse does what makes money.
>However, pre-production (which resulted in all this material) halted in April 2019, when Disney — Fox’s new owners — scrapped the project just two weeks before production was to begin. Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that Disney deemed the project “too close” to Disney’s own animated features. The film was allowed to be shopped elsewhere, “One possible home could be Netflix,” the publication wrote. But ultimately, the film’s $170 million production budget proved too costly to produce.
...what the fuck is that container made from?
>"Hoooooow does the kitty cat goooo?"
Straight to VHS movies don't count. They are always a way of recouping costs of work in progress sequel or TV show that got scrapped after the movie flopped
Was just saying that Burt Reynolds was Charlie's VA. He definitely added a ton of charm to the character that you wouldn't get from most other guys at the time.
walt was a pedo? i thought he just left Disney to build Rapture.
It was more the critical reception that surprised me. I guess I always assumed spirit was considered good by most.
Synthetic diamonds
The crop is from "Universal Solvent" by Don Rosa
That's not what's copyrighted, it's their original works.
Disney doesn't use copyright to protect their public domain stuff, they just bully companies into not messing with it or make sure it's not successful.
This gave me a good laugh. Thanks for sharing user
Imagine getting JUSTed that hard
Holy shit that's fucking hilarious
This is one of those movies that I constantly forget existed but at the same time remember anytime someone brings it up.
>source: tumblr
oh yeah, not gonna bother
wtf why are the dogs sexier
I really need to get around to reading duck comics
>First crush
Pic related
>First vidya
Either Donkey Kong NES or Putt Putt Saves the Zoo, can't remember
Would you Yea Forums ?
>Not stopping after Kun fu Panda 2
Seriously 3 sucked and they nerf’d the furious 5.
Actually, the historical idea behind a "universal solvent" is weirdly clever in a pseudo-scientific kind of way.
> A potential problem involving alkahest is that, if it dissolves everything, then it cannot be placed into a container because it would dissolve the container. However, the alchemist Philalethes specified that alkahest dissolved only composed materials into their constituent, elemental parts; hence, a hypothetical container made of a pure element (say, lead) would not be dissolved by alkahest.
Different from the comic but I can at least follow the logic here.
Doubt he was a pedo but I'd totally believe it happened. He started to fuck with people more and more as he got older.
I don't know a single person that wouldn't
What happened to you Disney? You were the kings of animation. You helped animation break through to the Hollywood mainstream and almost became the first animated film to get best picture. I fucking hate how the west treats animation.
Christ I fucking hated that movie so much. It felt like it only existed to shit on the original while looking like an ugly monstrosity from start to finish.
The Wonderful 101
The Wii U in general
Even if they block you, just know that you were right user
>Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that Disney deemed the project “too close” to Disney’s own animated features
am i reading this right? disney cancelled its own project because it was close to another disney project?
>believing this meme
lol kys
The solvent can dissolve anything but diamonds. That comic, and the two comics involving the Black Knight are some of Don Rosa's finest.
2D animation NOTHING. You know what the West's problem is? The concepts for animated movies are horrible. 2D or CGI it means nothing.
The animated movies that are getting made are fucking uninteresting crap. The last decent flick I saw was Rango. Moana, Tangled, and Frozen are just Disney Princess Shit for twats. Then you have Dreamworks who mostly makes trash. Then we have the constant sequels that are blatant cash grabs Toy Story 4 being the most recent.
Western Animation is real shit. And you know what else is hurting Western Animation? The constant political correction and diversity and feminism in films. Pure agenda pushing garbage with emasculated dopey good for nothing male characters for the most part. And Zootopia by Disney is the worst of the propaganda animated movies of recent years.
Oh hell yes.
Is Kung Fu Panda even good? Watched it years ago and thought it was shit aside from a few scenes like his food training and furious 5 fight with the antagonist
Absolutely, since the first time i laid my eyes on her when i watched the movie. I can't imagine who wouldn't
>first crush
Pic related...i was 10, so it wasn't weird.
>first vidya
Soul calibur 1 on arcade
Fucking EA killed Titanfall 2.
(((They))) probably weren't comfortable with pushing so much money into a setting that the company didn't 100% own. I can understand that but stringing the creator along for so long is inexcusable.
>financially risky
Disney of all people can fucking afford a moderate risk, god fucking dammit!
Disney bought Fox and they were the ones working on it. Can't do anything when your new master controls you and don't like certain shit about you
Never heard of it.
>look it up
Oh shit, this looks cool.
>And Zootopia by Disney is the worst of the propaganda animated movies of recent years.
dont even mention this shit, we finally were able to move on from this shit movie that furfags are already forgetting it exists
Yeah it is. And 2 was even better
Cecilia Nuthatch.
First videogame: Sonic Adventure.
What really gets me for theatrical animations in the west it is STILL considered "a genre" rather than it's own medium. They always treat it as a kids only genre rather than a medium you can do literally anything with. This is why I love the European indie animation scene, there are some genuinely great shit that comes out of it but nobody focuses on it because it's not from hollywood which puts Boss Baby and Ferdinand up with artistic films about Van Gough and Your Name. I really fucking hate Hollywood's treatment of animation.
>amazing projects get scrapped, shelved, shafted or if none of that, just simply underperform for no real reason
>mediocre projects always thrive and boom big enough to warrant multiple sequels
>The Prince of Egypt was in production at the same time as Shrek
>workers who underperformed on PoE were sent to work on Shrek as punishment
>PoE came and went with little applause
>Literally everyone knows billion dollar IP Shrek
What the fuck went wrong in this world. Why does this have to be the order of things
>too politically correct
>walt disney found 2D girls attractive
based. 3d women are disgusting
The girl from Atlantis is cuter. and got with a manlet.
I've got the autumn and winter books, they are genuinely great reads. I also have played the Table Top RPG once.
fine taste
why are western lolis the best
>financially risky
The fuck?! Those fuckers are goddamn loaded, they're a damn empire and you're telling me they couldn't take a fucking risk on a animation film? Holy shit when did Disney become so fucking retarded?
i've never saw spirit, what's the deal with it? is it really good?
I preferred All Bitches go to Hell.
If you didn't see it, I recommend watching Into the Spider-Verse, maybe even The Peanuts Movie
This is just my own experience, but I remember getting anxious about watching the film as a kid because it was pretty long (nearly two hours for a 90s animated film?) and because it was based on the Bible. It's easy to think that the film is going to be boring.
i was sexually attracted to every character in this movie
I admit I like the new Mickey shorts though, but yeah, he's pretty shitty.
copyright renewal
It's financially risky when they can't make a fucking billion dollars for their jews in the board of directors. Fuck Disney's executives, nay, fuck every executive on the fucking planet for their bullshit
yeah, if you are a furfag who wants to fuck/get fucked by the horse
ratchet & clank
You had a crush with a regular dog? I would understand if she was anthropomorphic. But why just a regular dog?
It's Native American propaganda
Don't you talk smack about my boy Milo Thatch
Two friends of mine said it was the film of their childhood yesterday.
should i be scared?
I have the latest full published collection of Rosa's works in Finnish, and it includes a fair few interviews with the man himself. My favorite quote from them is his thinking process that pseudo-science coupled with cartoon logic equals magic. He even goes into detail how the inertia cancelling gun works.
Was he fucking with them or was he an actual weirdo? I can't even tell anymore
That sounds pretty great, in a fun Dan Akroyd on Ghostbusters kind of way
you know, even after disney owns everything and buy their awards and everyone puts disney style above everything, i still think don bluth style is the best one ever made, no other western style has worked so well with expressions, and in an animated format, is very important
inb4 buzzword spewing fags
-Rayman (GBC)
-RC De GO!
-Tourist Trophy
-Downhill Domination
-Most Treasure games.
But the kind of woman who can kick your ass will NOT want your beta ass. That is entirely the fantasy of a Beta Loser.
And I resent this stupid lie being spread in media. Yeah be dumb, be fat, be weak, etc and a good looking or maybe even HOT chick will love you especially if you're unemployed to boot. Fucking bullshit. This stupid cliche has done a lot of damage because most men are weak mentally and can't handle women being portrayed exactly like how they truly are.
>amazing projects get scrapped, shelved, shafted or if none of that, just simply underperform for no real reason
happens to the best of us
>mediocre projects always thrive and boom big enough to warrant multiple sequels
most mediocre projects don't thrive and boom tho. the ones that do are simply special.
Might as well add Rayman Origins and Legends to that list too
I agree with you overall but Milo earned her respect. He put in a lot of effort to understand her culture and was genuinely curious/fascinated with her as a person, not just as a piece of ass. I think it's fair to say that extreme effort and talent in certain areas can compensate for a lack in other areas.
Having a person just fall into your lap without any effort is a pretty cancerous fantasy though. 100% agree with that.
Even with his worst films you can tell that he still puts in a lot of effort into it. The Drej from Titan AE still remains one of my favourite designs for an Alien ever.
He was an underground comic artist, drawing a lot of satire, parodies and weird stuff before he caught himself drawing Duck comics (or Carl Barks fan fiction) professionally.
The pic related is from his first Duck comic before he drew the Son of the Sun.
i still find it wild bluth is related to mitt romney
as a furfag, this movie is medicore. sorry fellas, had to say it.
Titan AE would probably be my favorite Western animated film of all time if it was a little edgier and less family-friendly.
Cats Don't Dance is a beautiful movie. Outstanding animation, solid script, stellar music and voice work.
But it goes right into the bin of forgotten classics like Road to El Dorado, The Emperors New Groove, Titan AE, Treasure Planet, etc
he just needed a better writer/storyteller
dont forget the fucking godlike esthetic of the kung fu crane
>still no news about Dragon's Lair the movie
where the fuck is it Bluth?
>like Road to El Dorado, The Emperors New Groove, Titan AE, Treasure Planet
it's much more forgotten than these
>mfw he's so old he can die at any moment
Even though I'm a pretty big furfag, I had never even seen Robin Hood, Cats Dont Dance, or All Dogs Go to to Heaven until pretty recently. I've still never seen Fox and the Hound.
Arashi no Yoru ni is better than all of them.
I agree with this, and it's the weakest of the series, but I still enjoyed it.
Since this is an animation thread can anyone help me figure out this movie my grandma had that I watched as a kid?
>Guy gets turned into a whale
>Helps Navy by locating enemy ships and subs. I think this may of been wartime propaganda film
>Around the ending it's implied the the whale dude finds a whale lady and they end up fucking offscreen
>It turns out it was a dream
Which is bullshit because it was so good.
I hated the iron giant though. Cartoon network would play that movie all the fucking time and I hated it so much.
but all of disney's classic movies had Straight To DVD Sequels
>what's even their next plan when they're done making live action adaptions of all the old animation stuff?
3D animation remakes of said live action adaptions
dear god, i didn't know there was a weeb part of the furfag community.
You can't name a planet Bob!
New Earth(Planet Bob)
>Arashi no Yoru ni is better than all of them
That's a funny way of spelling leafie a hen in the wild
You should give it a watch though, seriously (I did subs, don't want to see it butchered with dubs)
It's fucking sad
disregard gabufag, he's obsessed with arashi no yoru ni
Not my fault you're retarded.
I love the Iron Giant but its appeal is in how different its tone is from most other animated films. There's just this constant sense of anxiety and tension from the Cold War setting and it's completely justified from the military's point of view. Totally understand why oversaturation might make you hate it though. I can also see people thinking that it's "overrated" if the wrong elements of the film are built up too much.
You didn't know?
Kemono >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>>>>>> Western Furry art
not all of them are straight to video
appropriate western furry art(good toon shit) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kemono >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most western furshit
its a reboot
Kemono are literally superior in every way. but you're still a worthless furfag for wanking to it
I'm not Gabufag, I just like most animated furshit.
Lilo and Stitch 2 is the only one that's actually good.
And by 2 I mean Stitch Has a Glitch, not Stitch The Movie.
Will western animation ever be as based as it was in the 70's?
I judge per media, not by per medium.
weird way to spell Cinderella 3
I was thinking it would be like a soft reboot. Like maybe having Shrek tell his kids a story about himself when he was young or some shit and have that launch some new franchise following his teenage years.
Although to be fair, that sounds unappealing honestly
I'll never watch these because Disney ruined one of their better attractions by making it cute with Stitch
Yes, and it's clear you're a biased weeb from the outset, so your judgment is pretty irrelevant.
It's not like it's amazing or anything anyway, it's actually really well animated for a DVD movie and it actually looks like the original
Boy, you don't even know the half of it
If you say so
Nice try fag
Good, then.
Brony youtuber
Maybe trying to trigger barneyfag
It's not fair.
>this season has Sacred Beasts
>next season has Beastars
>this some time in 2020
Are you ready for nonstop werewolf anime?
Yeah, RIP.
I just wanted the Majora's Mask pin. It was fun
You made me look that game up again and found they have a modern port of the game and it looks amazing, played that game on the N64 a lot back then so thanks user
Don't give them any ideas user!
I fully admit I'm biased towards Arashi though. But it's not because it's Japanese, it's because I ship Gabu and Mei. Sue me.
>losing too winnie the pooh
Silly mouse.
Dub is fucking trash, all the voices suck and they censored the ending. Film is absolutely a masterpiece, but only in Korean.
>gabufag lives
holy shit
it's no him but he might still be alive for all we know
Will animation ever be as based as it was in the 70's?
I'm not Gabufag.
Sequel soon
Oh for fucks sake. Where are your parents, kid?
>Most Treasure games.
Bangai-O HD Missile Fury and Sin & Punishment 2 are fun shit
>All this furry shit coming from Japan
>Still no human dude hooking up with fur grill outside of doujin and hentai
Just one, man.
I didn't like Sinbad mostly because it wasn't faithful to Sinbad at all. All that source material to work with and they made it about a Greek goddess.
While we're on the subject though, Road to El Dorado is one of my favourite movies ever.
here's a few more
-Nascar Rumble
-Speed Punks
-Destruction Derby 64
-Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
-Hybrid Heaven
I always thought el dorado was a great movie, I was fucking shocked to learn most people hated it
Fags today would bitch about SJW and "anti white" propaganda with Cats Don't Dance.
Great movie, but people today would ruin it with all the pissing and moaning.
lol the first thing they'd be bitching about is the fact the characters are anthropomorphic
I thought Zootopia did fine
I thought you'd meant -here- specifically, oops
I have literally never seen or met someone who didn't at least like the road to el dorado.
>kung fu panda 4
is Po and tigress finally gonna fuck raw on the big screen?
Kung Fu Panda 2 is unironic kino
looks like it would have been cool
wtf disney?
Did they hire Kurt Vonnegut to write for them?
it did pretty shitty critically and financially
Kung Fu Panda 2 is legit good, but 3 is a fucking piece of shit mess. It looks really good, but it's such an unfocused movie.
I understand that, but outside of that anyone I've encountered who have watched the movie thinks it's good, online and offline. I've never seen negative sentiment directed at it in my personal experience
Are you fucking implying Shrek 2 isn't one of the greatest children's movies
A blank image with the words 'all Sega games that aren't Sonic and Yakuza' written on it would have the same effect.
>All these Kung Fu Panda 2 praises
Shit, anons, now I'm downloading it to see if it's as good as you say it is.
But Path of Exile is still going strong, I played it just last week
shocking, the furfag has shit taste
The one guy who was an actor in that was outed as a pedophile so it was better to just scrap it all to move away from any association with him.
It really was a step down from the first two, but yeah at least it looked nice. I liked the villains weapons and Tigress' new outfit. Shame about the five becoming less and less important or useful.
This, Cinderella 3 is better than it has any right to be.
good to know your opinions shouldn't matter because is clear you based it on your faggotry rather than a more general aspect
who knows but the guy was clearly talented since he did work on who framed roger rabbit, lion king and ENG. The last movie he worked on was wonder park? which was shit
Nah, Pillars of Eternity is dead, SJW writers killed it
>game is a 9/10 or 10/10
>good and memorable characters
>great graphics
>almost perfect story
>no one give a shit
Jeffrey Jones, who was also in Beetlejuice and Ferris Bueller. I think the Defunctland film put it best that rides tend to close for a mix of different reasons instead of just one or two. Wanting a "cuter" attraction along with wanting to dump Jones probably both combined with a bunch of smaller (more boring) reasons.
>only one that's actually good.
Well I actually like Lion King 3
only lilo and stitch, that one about the two mice and the lion king and kept their quality intact in their sequels, everyone else got a fucking downgrade is insulting
ikr? whagt a fucking coincidence this thread was made using that image right after some youtuber talked about it
Hoping the best for Book of Life 2 then, I think he's directing it
looks like furshit
It was one of the best beat-em-up games for its time.
That happens all the time. These people aren't creative
Based.Thanks user I really appreciate it.
Why are people shitting on this guy for being right?
>that filename
Most Usagi will get is cameos in TMNT unfortunately, don't even think he showed up in the 2012 show
>It's actually really well animated for a DVD movie and it actually looks like the original
I think it was meant to have a theatrical release but it was changed to only have a direct-to-DVD release.
he's not wrong about the opinion part. All Dogs Go to Heaven was way better
He's also working on some garfield shit which i wouldn't hold my breath for, not after tale of two kitties
shush you dogfucker
Don't call your mother a dog.
>ywn cuddle charlie in the backseat of a car
>call out youtuber e-celeb on Yea Forums
>he starts malding
there is a show slated, cgi apparently
he did, jei too
Is Dreamworks the last animation studio to make films featuring STRAIGHT WHITE MALES? How to Train your Dragon trilogy was so fucking kino. Wreck it Ralph doesn't it count, because he's practically the villain in both movies (don't even get me started on the second film, holy shit, what a free fall into unmitigated shit.
I think back then critics didn't really review animated films based off the animation or art but rather reviewed them like they were normal live action movies. There are plenty animated films that look fucking amazing but the plot and pacing is meh. Look at Hercules, art style and animation are dope but the story absolutely butchers the myth and the story is rushed through out the entire film. I think critics probably gave them bad scores for that alone
It bombed financially, but is still considered a modern classic.
Anyone who objects can suck a dick.
It depends on what it is for me, I don't mind the Garfield Show and those CG movies in the same style were alright I guess, but plagued by a shit TV budget
It had godlike solo campaign but MP was shit.
> Awful balance. Tone and Ogre shitting on other titans.
> Hitscans.
> Cancerous combos like assault devotion.
> Awful maps.
Cats Don't Dance has been a popular topic on Yea Forums for literally a decade. Shaming someone for being reminded that a film exists is petty bullshit so he deserves to get shit on.
that makes me think of this
lol no, animators have always been degenerates and walt was a chad who would mock people into shappening up, jews just take everything personal
wasn't Woody all of that
Shit I don't even remember what episode or what he looked like, and I've seen each one of that show. I'll have to look into that again.
Now that I think about it I do remember promos showing him but I don't remember the season it was or the episode
Sony Pictures Animation probably.
> Toy Story films have all started TWO straight White males with straight White love interests for two decades straight
Pixar is truly redpilled
it was very obvious, i know /incel/ threads are so often on Yea Forums but now going after those who don't even talk about vidya is reaching a new low, besides you don't suddenly talk about this just after the youtuber did recently, at least try to bait to bring it up after a few posts. though it was a fun thread until the furfags came
>game is too ahead of its time visually so publishers sabotage it in order to make sure future games aren't held to the same standards
This. All they are about nowadays is CGI animation instead of classic hand drawn anination. CGI animation is lazy as fuck.
I heard that management changed mid-development so the new guys decided to just rush the rest of the project instead of honoring past agreements.
Executives can be cunts.
but never his own show he deserves atleast a movie
to financially risky bro, even disney knows
Arashi no Yoru ni
It's kinda gay.
>studio makes some of the most visually impressive games
>refuse to hire a good writer and games end up feeling generic
fuck mean to this
Furries belong on cess pools
I haven’t bothered watching Ralph 2. That movie sucked balls from what I’ve heard
fuck you Shrek was great and so was 2
>we'll never ever get 2D animation ever again
>only ones that still does it is degenerate indie fags from tumblr
I really want to like Ralph Breaks the Internet because the moral about toxic friendships hits home for me but what botched it was the execution
That's Bunk and you know it.
Yeah, it is financially risky to deliberately not market your own movie in order to make it flop so that you have an excuse to gut your traditional animation department.
Well it also was using the same plot line from the last film I heard. The first film was exceptional and I still love it.
Ralph 2 was definitely....a movie.
That's the best thing I can say about it. It fits the requirements to be a movie, and it has a plot.
>Well it also was using the same plot line from the last film I heard.
Sorta, but the 2nd film completely contradicts the first one on its moral.
>only ones that still does it is degenerate indie fags from tumblr
good thing wee have japan
only then it'd be redeemed
2D animation is fucking tragically looked down upon as an art form, even compared to 3D. At least 3D is seen by the plebs as a straight upgrade from 2D, even if they still see it all as kid's stuff.
Basically the live action movies are an easy way for Disney to make huge bucks off nostalgia and reach a wider audience because more people without kids will go see these movies in theaters.
Pathologic 2 ;_;
If you have Netflix you can give it a watch. But it really is terrible, I went into it thinking "Wow it really can't be as bad as every one says it is. They did so well with the first" and it really is pretty terrible. Nothing happens in it at all, and there's a sense that through out the entire film they're trying to force some antagonist shit onto Ralph since they couldn't figure out who else to make the antagonist. Legit thought that the black YAAASSSS girl was going to be the villain or something but nope, it was literally just Ralph subconsciously being toxic?
DQ8 on PS2 sold enough to get a Greatest Hits release. 11 also sold well from what I heard.
>It's still sad that even the iron giant didn't do good.
This and the movie was made by based Spielberg as well. Agreed, sucked that the movie didn't do well despite being a fantastic movie.
Pretty great Third Person Shooter Strategy game, had simple yet varied team customization allowing you to take pretty much any team you wanted, Enjoyable characters, but got shafted hard by Nintendo since they didn't advertise it at all as well as they initially revealed it behind closed doors at the E3 it was announced at rather than during the digital event.
I don't want to:
>BotW gays coming to threads about lesser known games to rub it in now, too
When I read OP I just wondered, was BotW marketed in a big way? All I can remember was the E3 trailer and that you saw it a little in generic Switch ads. But I can't remember big ads anywhere just for Zelda.
>first movie
don't go turbo
>second movie
go turbo
same shit with pixar and toy story
>woody is a toy that has been with andy for years and the mother even said its been a family's treasure or something (probably passed down each gen) only for andy to give it away to some mutt girl who in the next movie she never bothered to look for it
I did watch spiderverse last night though and that film was amazing. I can care less if the lead character is black, that animation is fucking beautiful mixing both 2D and 3D. That film should be cherished more than most modern animated films now
Also peni was fucking adorable
>no name director spends decades producing game
>creates one of the greatest games ever created
>goes mostly unnoticed
Not exactly. The first movie was mostly Ralph learning he could be a hero despite his label as the antagonist of his game, and learning to accept his role in his game, but the second is about Vanellope possibly losing her game because Ralph's actions led to it needing a new part and them exploring ways to earn money on the Internet to get it on eBay. Less game jumping involved and instead most of the plot sees him try to become trendy on BuzzTube
Saying it out loud, the plot honestly sounds worse than when I saw it in the theater and part of me wishes that they just left the first movie as a solo project. It has its moments but overall the execution and some of the story beats is what killed it.
The scenes with all the princesses were fun though
both movies are AMAZING
every horse in this movie have bed-room eyes
baxter talent really shine here
Ahh, still, looks pretty unique for an animu.
It's 5 bucks, so I might check it out.
Kill yourself, furnigger
i think it was a good movie though, ralph has always been toxic so plus for pixar
At least with 3 it kept them all together and it was a satisfying end. Even though I haven't seen 4, I've heard it touches more on the existential shit the other movies did but I'll likely just wait to see it later on or something
I don't think Pixar was involved
>I can care less if the lead character is black
sorry my dude, but you don't deserve to appreciate such moivie, go off yourself
Wasn't there something similar with the Lion King and uh... Pocahontas? I think?
That Lion King was the B-Team.
>DQ8 on PS2 sold enough to get a Greatest Hits release. 11 also sold well from what I heard.
DQ8 is the only DQ game that's ever gotten marketing though (aside from DW1 being handed out for free)
your asian mate is a retard
the chinks hate mulan becaus was to american for their taste,
but for AmAs they loved had will hate the new one, because is trying to appeal to the chinese market
Yep. but to be fair did anyone care for Pocahontas?
shocking, the furfag is utterly retarded
>DQ8 is the only DQ game that's ever gotten marketing though
You must not have been alive when DQXI came to the west, NoA shilled it hard.
you mean DQ IX, and that game also sold very well
huh.... user
CGI is taking the lead
funny enough is the asian americans or asians who live in the US that are defending the remake, meanwhile chinks outside the US don't care
i think i'll keep living just to spite you
God I hate that EVERY slightly popular mangas has to become a anime beaststars style doesn't even fucking fit.
I also hate it because it draws the worst fucking mouthbreathers into the discussion.
hmm, yeah I heard 9 had TV commercials. I never saw one though.
read some opinion on twitter
i get chinks to hate the movie
Is this the real Gabufag this time?
I want Gabu to sit on Meis dick.
>i get chinks to hate the movie
they do? that's news to me. what did they say about it?
I liked that movie
they are right though, disney's mulan is very transphobic and im glad the remake is fixing that
(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))
would youa cat ?
actually JUST finished watching the wire yesterday after putting it off for years. Man what a show
God I hate furries bros
I would go ballsdeep non-stop inside her.
>Treasure Planet
>you now remember the guy and his arm
sweet lord yes also higher res
they really needed to eat it out of the ball park with the first game. Not only that EA released it inbetween fucking CoD & Battlefield and left it to die without advertising it.
yes i would fuck that pussy.
unrelated but getting cartoon theatre vibes from this post
wow so he couldnt catch a break
On the other hand,
>Your lifetime will be over before Disney literally rules the world
>the only way i can watch scooby doo movies and balto
I legitimately wouldn't have had a problem with the guy if he tried to make a half-decent prosthetic instead of the weird shit that he was really doing. My mind can't accept that it was a non-troll.
>Game has shit presentation but is actually kind of fun to play
The day of the rope is coming furfag.
A lot of people on Yea Forums have pointed out that she's just a totally normal girl if you look between the lines. Max just puts her on a pedestal so she seems unattainable.
v specific but i rarely saw this film and when i did it was usually only on trips w/ the senpai to maine
real mf soul hours bros
got strong feelings with this film and that irl place
doesn't stop the true talent from shining through. there's some good shit out there, like Mob Psycho 100, 0 cgi and every episode is handled with incredible care. if you need a showcase watch episode 5 or 11 of the second season, pure unadulterated animation kino
why would you do this? we where having a great discussion...
I just got done reading the comic and it was a fucking ride, the sequels would have been INSANE.
Yea Forums is a furry board
>0 results
I still get genuinely upset. Cancelled for fucking Frozen 2 and a bunch of awful live action remakes.
fuck off sasha
we're openly gay user we're not closeted furry degenerates like you
>CDD is all about an industry of people on top surpressing people on the bottom, talent and vision mean nothing in a cut throat industry.
>He is constantly surpressed by those on top despite proving he has talent and vision.
Its not all like that it sounds but its still like that.
at this point I wouldn't bet on it
I tried to read the comic a few years ago and I thought the game was much better paced in every way.
People were disappointed with everything but the gameplay in titanfall 1 and didn't give 2 a chance because EA.
>human guy and furry girl
Absolutely patrician
I'm downloadan a buncha disney movies for reference
imma be the best aminator
>I just got done reading the comic
Her voice actress was shot by her dad before he set himself on fire.
opinion discarded. no one cares what you think.
Anime is just as shitty when it comes to this kind of stuff.
What game?
No question, the games did a better job of telling the story for the part they adapted, so just think of how great the sequels would be.
There will NEVER, and I mean NEVER be a Treasure Planet remake, and you're insane for even thinking so. You have no idea how much Disney hates that film and wishes they could forget all about it. It bombed so hard it single handedly destroyed 2D Disney animation, and that's not an exaggeration. They shuttered their entire 2D division and laid off thousands of employees to avoid financial ruin because they lost well over $180 million thanks to Treasure Planet, it failed that hard. Disney won't even talk about the film any more because of it, they will flat out refuse. It's not featured in any of their attractions at their theme parks, it's never incorporated into their advertising. They literally pretend they never made it.
You're as likely to get a Treasure Planet remake as you are to get a Black Cauldron remake. Which is not at all.
No story of animation development hell will ever beat the Thief and the Cobbler.
You can blame size fetishists for that.
>my shitty thread is at over 400 replies
thank you Yea Forumsros
why does she(?) have a bald face?
How long was that fucking film in development for?
Too bad the only thing Ubisoft put out was a shitty point and click which was a remake of the first game anyway.
you mean he shot judith and her mother in the head, stuffed them in body bags poured gasoline and then lit them on fire.... and then shot himself.
plague's artsyle has always bugged me on some level and I don't know why
>game gets a questionable adaptation
okay it's not out yet but I don't expect much
I disagree, 3 was as good as 1 and 2.
Maleficent isn't a remake.
>It bombed so hard it single handedly destroyed 2D Disney animation
exactly as intended
Not this time. Usually they ruin shit like this, but I know this time it was just Disney being a bunch of lazy greedy shits. And I say this as a giantessfag. We ruin most things that look promising and are related to our "interests", but this is clearly all Disney.
I am not sure the specifics, but it was started when Vincent Price was actually alive.
Modern Ubisoft can't make a proper sequel, and it wouldn't be the same without Adam West, but I had to make my peace with that a long time ago.
No wonder they cancelled it, it looked like pure dogshit. It reminds me of Delgo.
I'm no artist, I like the guy, and he's clearly making constant steps to improve his art. That said, sometimes his characters look a little stiff or the shading feels like it's "off" somehow. I don't have the technical ability to say anything deeper than that.
I can't think of anything that made me more jaded about media in general than Atlantis 2 crushed my poor little heart
TF3 wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Apex. Apex is funding TF3 cause lord knows TF2 wasn’t enough
There is a guy on youtube named saberspark. He reviews animated movies an usually when he does you will see threads on 4ch that reference those movies a few days later. He's not actually bad or anythng, its just a shared audience.
Also like 4ch he is a secret furry who gravitates torwards movies that have fotm characters.
He'll never do Rule 34
Walt was a true troll to the end.
Sounds like a possibility. I only started to notice it after the pokemon video. The humans look really off in it to me.
didn't he use to under an old name?
You're one of those faggots who edit and thank for likes on YT also, huh?
Don't pat yourself on the back. It's a shitty off-topic "What are some games that..."-tier Yea Forums thread. Make a thread about actual video games hitting postlimit THEN you can be happy about it, retard.
I still have to see it myself
Right, I'll give it credit for trying something different at least
A staggering amount of people who grew up both watching this and reading Artemis Fowl have revealed they all envisioned Butler from Artemis Fowl as Max from Cats Don't Dance.
i can't stand saber4spark voice. sounds like he patronize you when he talks
me in the back
Pippi Longstocking is mediocre!
it's done by the studio that did HnK which was fantastic, not sure what there is to worry about
>cats don't dance is good
>umm well because a youtuber told me is good
great thread
I fucking LOVE this bitch.
Duchess was so fucking hot
remember to report avatarfags
Why is Disney such fucking jews? They own Marvel, Fox, Star Wars... why the hell are they always so scared of one goddamn shekel getting lost?
Dude this movie is literally my childhood and maybe gave me a giantess fetish down the line when I got older that and Pirates of the Caribbean
According to Wikipedia it lost less than 50 mil. Where'd you pull the other claims from?
I've just never been a fan of CG stuff compared to even the worst traditional animation.
>wont watch a movie depicting real life ethnic issues because muh jewish propaganda but goes crazy about shitty kids movies using animals as allegories to depict racism like cats don't dance and zootopia
>Why is Disney such fucking jews?
because is owned by jews
>Reddit bitching
Dokapon not smash64
>Disney finally gets fully bought out by a (((certain))) group of people
>moves away from the very best 2D renditions of classic stories possible in favor of re-hashing crap in live action
Wow who could have guessed
oh boy another thread about some youtuber with a steven universe style avatar.
>financially risky for a company that can make back the cost in a fucking day
Fucking disney
>480 posts
>Zero(0) mentions
What's this from?
I seem to remember it from something.
>fan favorite character dies off-screen
its not about race its about segregation in general of any kind
Developers claimed in interviews that a change in management led to massive budget cuts right after pre-production finished, screwing over the film because they wanted to cut losses and move on to other projects. The rest is just speculation following the timeline, since this and Home on the Range were the last major 2D animated projects before huge portions of their traditional animation department were laid off. When you add the interview claims with the circumstantial stuff, the whole theory becomes more plausible.
Personally, I believe it.
>character everyone hates stays alive and even shows up again in the sequel
Last I heard he was happily working on his magnum opus, and based on a recent interview you get the sense it will be his last major work and he knows it. He does say he absolutely loves all the programs and technology available to indie animators nowadays, so that’s cool. He seems like a nice guy who did some great things and got screwed over but still has a good attitude.
>Disney makes a live action Mulan movie
>it has a fitting cast of Chinese actors
>Disney announces a live action Little Mermaid movie
>they aren't going for a fitting cast but for "diversity" instead
They don't even hide it
>Game has a fantastic trilogy from game 1 to game 3
I can't wait for MCC on PC
Because shareholders demand constant growth. Collecting dividends is for chumps, the real money is made when you buy high and sell even higher.
Yeah, RVGL is a good thing. The thing that blows is the Korean fucks, WeGo Interactive who bought the IP in 2011 made shit sequels. If you want to know some lazy, LAZY sequels, then Re-Volt 2 is up there, because it's literally the same game with F2P shite on it. The good news is that the servers are dead, let alone the company itself.
>Retard doesn’t understand what scale is
The bigger your company gets the harder it is to absorb failure costs.
honestly I'd implore you to give HnK a shot. I felt the same but seeing a studio that's actually competent with the medium is really refreshing, helps too the series itself is fantastic
Time to make her black
Shareholders and Capitalism you dumbass.
game gets lazy coverart
It means the film is fantastic but actually did horribly in the box office. Its probably why Disney abandoned 2D movies, if ENG couldnt sell then nothing in 2d will. The bitter pill of hoolywood is the best movie does not mean its the best selling movie.
I personally think the movie made disney ealize its okay to have actual comedy in their movies, stuff that will actually make adults laugh.
Personally I prefer the books but I can definitely see why the films didn't straight up adapt the story of them since they got more and more drawn out and long as shit by the end of the series
It's all about tapping new markets. Mulan wants the Chinabux, while more domestic films are trying to hook the low IQ urban audience who do genuinely only care about the skin color of the characters. This audience is desireable because they, like young children, have no fucking standards whatsoever and just clap at the pretty pictures on the screen.
>watch saberspark video
>the movie failed because it was warner brothers
okay, enough of this disneyshill
I legit thought they might take the book ending and kill toothless but the more I thought about it, it wouldn't sell merch as well. That said the movies were perfect.
>protagonist realistically ages over the trilogy from a wimpy teen to a strong and capable young man
Kinoest part of the whole saga.
"star wars" fan died the moment they left the theatre for episode 7 with their kids in tow wondering why daddies crying. Theyv'e been replaced by no joke sjws that think being nerdy is cool. just like new marvel fans, all they care about is mary sue females in leading roles
Don Rosa is alive and he's a sort-of autist architect/engineer who got into drawing duck comics because he was a huge Carl Barks fanboy and wrote his stories to be in line with Barks universe to a tee.
He also happens to be the best by far Duck writer and made tons of 10/10 Pulp-inspired materials like Western, Gold Rush, Out-there-science, conspiracy theory ala Knights Templar, Mythology etc inspired stories all connected by Scrooge, Donald and the Nephews.
They still charge like 3-5x the cash for a single-issue reprint of his than they do the regular duck comics. (including those of decent writers/artists like the Italians)
>movie only gets appreciated because furfags wants to fuck the dragon and faggots finally have their representation
big yikes
I haven't seen the sequels but I did hear they took some elements of the ending for the 3rd film (odd, since they barely used anything else from the books aside from some names) so I may check them out someday
For me I kind of liked how in the books he was basically always a wimpy teen, but his legacy and many adventures helped give him more experience
disney fails a lot
90% of the movies that they do fail
>because furfags wants to fuck the dragon
stop thinking only degenerates can like dragons fuckface.
Define "fail," because a poor box office performance doesn't mean much when they merchandise the fuck out of their properties all the time.
The say it was too risky but lets be real, they cancelled it because it wasnt their idea. Studios cancel projects when they eat other sudios all the time and its because the guy who was pushing for the movie left.
Mouseguard didn't deserve to die. I'll never get my Redwall movie. Fuck this.
people actually like it cause they think it's a good movie. I still think it's fucking boring but kids love that shit
>retard continues to display his shameless and abject retardation
It wasn't that bad
every movie that dont use established IP fail
Over 30 years, and even after all that it never got completed, not really.
The supreme irony is how big gatcha mechanics are jn games now.
tranny here, your friends aren't apparently the smart logical Asians, not once have i ever heard that. its a huge fucking meme that all trans people, men and women love mulan and its songs.
You could list a dozen examples and they'd still only be a fraction of all the crap that they're pumping out these days. I'd also argue that film was never intended to make money when you factor in Oprah's appearance. There was definitely some back-channel deal going on, possibly to the point of it being a vanity project that she paid the costs for.
According to articles from back in 2003 (which you can still find through Google) it lost more than triple that amount.
I'd take anything you read on Wikipedia with a grain of salt.
Wrinkle inTime broke even in the box office. Blu-ray and DVD sales + merchandising were profit, plus they got clout points and media coverage for muh representation and diversity, which for a company like Disney is more important than the money. Wrinkle in Time was a success
What was that movie even about in the first place?
>AAA studio releases game
>only a few people like it
fucking loved that shit, why did it have to fail?
I liked everything but the actual Atlantis funny enough. The Leviathan is the best scene in the entire film
This one has a pretty high kill count for a disney movie
Poor nerdy girl has to save her psychic little brother from aliens. Little brother later grows up to be a genius who can mentally link with his ancestors to change history.
That's what the books were about anyway, I doubt the movie was anywhere near as interesting.
They don't spend enough time going into the lore of Atlantis itself so it just feels like a generic Polynesian/Mesoamerican hybrid with some magical/sci-fi elements. Compare it to the Road to El Dorado where the setting feels way more fleshed out and interesting despite being a lot more mundane (outside of the sorcerer and giant statue).
The film that failed so hard Dreamworks never did 2D again.
I remember being somewhat obsessed with this movie back in the day, especially because when i first saw it on TV when i was a little kid the name of the movie skipped me, and only found it years later when it already was deeply stored in my mind. Fun movie with good memorable characters, too bad it's just too short.
>>they aren't going for a fitting cast but for "diversity" instead
I don't get it.
Why are jews like this?
Why does having them around always mean they strike out at you?
wait a minute...
It's probably just as says, shit sells. They also know there aren't enough people to actually complain to change it, while there are drones ready to be smug and defend it for woke points
I never knew it was possible to be as wrong as you.
This is a scalie board.
Blacks have lower standards and buy more than whites. Simple as that.
The Emperor's New Groove wasn't a failure, it was merely a disappointment. It even made enough money to warrant Disney shitting out a DTV sequel and a television series. They even paid David Spade to come back for the sequel (though they got some literally who to replace him in the tv series, but other than him they actually paid the entire original cast to reprise their roles in the sequel and the tv show).
Big muscular Black guy has always been a common character type, unless you mean how criminally underutilized Barracuda was. Still waiting for Ennis to bring him back (or a similar character) someday.
China eats this shit for breakfast, they're not made for western consumers.
Considering stories like Little Mermaid and Aladdin are still new to them, they'll buy tickets out the ass to see them.