>get bullied on csgo
>they kick you for fun
>15 minutes cooldown
>bully someone
>they kick you for fun
>1 hour cooldown
>children order you to do what they want
>they kick you for fun
>1 day cooldown
This is probably the worst experience I ever had in games.
Get bullied on csgo
Stop playing shit games user, or even better, have sex
I have pretty chill matches, but can't win for shit, only got a tie recently.
It's a highly competitive game, just like Dota. It's not something you do purely for fun. What rank are you?
Stop playing competitive
>use skush
>get banned
why does it always happen to me bros
What is it?
Lol it's competitive from like MGE and higher, if even, and even then people start kicking for fun if they feel like the game is lost or that there's no way they can lose. MM is dog shit and you should play faceit for reasonable competitivity.
I don't mind being competitive. It's actually the opposite with a system that can ban you from accessing servers if the community full of children trolls you.
The game is highly toxic and you should be playing faceit if you really want to play competitive games, but let's not lie here OP. You're getting kicked for a reason.
You're either incredibly shit and your team is better off with a bot, or you're a tremendous toxic faggot screaming over the mic.
Comp servers yeah, not casual or community servers.
>People play csgo still
I only play arms race.
But you don't get a cooldown for getting kicked, do you?
You do, I've had it happen to me before.
Its really shitty, especially when you're playing on friday night or something and 90% of games are filled with retarded potheads who think they're being so epic and hilarious for kicking random people or running into fire so you tk them
Based, easily the most fun game mode.
Not CSGO but
>playing R6S last night
>pablo takes thirty years to load in
>finally loads in and the game can actually start
>someone TKs him with a shotgun blast to the face then immediately starts a votekick
>it passes and pablo is gone
Spent the whole round laughing. Some top lads right there
>>they kick you for fun
and how fun it is
>use skub
>get banned
why are anti-skubbers allowed to push their degeneracy bros?
>t. never been higher than DMG
>want to play a game of R6S
>other team being retards
>haha XD lets knife!!!
>fuck that, I'm here to play siege.
I hate you autists, I bet you smoke pot too.
Stop playing casual you shitter
Play Urban Terror.
>play multiple rounds gold 1 carry my entire team over and over, still lose every match because team does literally fuckall
>get a few lucky lobbies, and rank up
>new rank, absolute bottom of the scoreboard every round shit on every match by smurfs boosting their gold 1 friends getting 95% headshot rates
>derank back to gold 1, teams useless, rage quitting, team flashing, looking at floor, running and shooting
This game was hell. I saw it's free to play now, so im sure it's no better.
>downloading botnets
Sure, what could go wrong.