Why is it so soulless?

why is it so soulless?

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to much focus on realism. no taxi, ambulance or police missions. no fun allowed.

It's not, you just complain too fucking much.

its got plenty of it

its you who lacks a soul

you need to get off Yea Forums for the rest of the day. it wont stop being filled with angry white bois and angry beaners.

it caters to zoomers

because its subject matter is the most soulless region of america and because rockstar only care about epic set pieces and cutscenes at this point because they know it's what sells reliably to a mainstream audience.

it's not

the Japanese are VERY jelly of it

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Thanks for the advice but i'm not really bothered, just enough to put in my two cents.

Because it lacks a consistent creative vision, I can't actually describe the aesthetic or the mood the game has without it seeming like a contradiction.

GTAIV had a bigger focus on realism and it was soulful

California setting.

No buying houses or aracde Mini games

No RC cars too

>only three heists
>only two of them are actual heists

Because IV was too soulful for the zoomers who wanted jetpacks and wacky shit.

>Greedy 2K ruined it

I wish i knew user, But i don't. This was pre GTAO money, And Leslie was still working there, Maybe they just lost it. Grew too old.

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Swapping between 3 boring characters made it hard to feel involved. Story is too tryhard and over the top to get invested in. City is detailed but feels like you don't belong there. IV felt like you were part of the immigrant area and worked your way up and were part of LC. In V the lives of all the characters stay the exact same aside from Franklin being given a mansion and getting back with his gf you never see or hear about aside from the start and end of the game. Trevor is annoying and is embarrassing having to control him. Michael has some sort of a story arc but it's still so shallow you barely care.
All show and no substance

Bad map

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It is your way of coping because V is better than IV and San Andreas.


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There are taxi missions.

this. not sure what it is about GTA V but even the roads feel bland

you should work on your material a bit more if you're trying to be funny

>Brown and bloom
Literally soulless

The doomsday heist is peak coop.

Am I the only one on Yea Forums who has loads of fun just driving around the V map?


>replying to shitposters

This, wheres the all bright colors

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It's not a terrible map, it's just soulless to get around. It fits GTAO perfectly though there's tons of variation which is nice.

What were they thinking?

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I tried that numerous times and never got 'lost' in the world as I usually do


this desu

IV isn't boomer at all

For me, it's the only GTA I love driving around in aimlessly. Rainy nights are especially comfy.

It's not, boomers just have shit taste. They are the same people who think the shitty grey city of IV had "soul" and that the game was better despite having shit gameplay.

they focused too much on the main story and quests that everything else fell to the wayside

Anything past 06 is zoomer tier

It's been a decade since it came out.

Instead of adding single player content they focused on the multiplayer. That's about it. It's about as soulless as 4, except with a much better map and engine.

This, Trevor was hilarious and my favorite character.

That marketing now has a way to talk about how "massive" the map is as long as they avoid mentioning that the city part of this gta game is only 1/3 of the area.

Because people tell you it is

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>GTA3 uses color filters to accentuate a mood
>SA uses color filters to accentuate a mood
>IV uses color filters to accentuate a mood

why are autists like this?

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I like roaming in RDR2, hunting and setting up camp. Then going into town to find a saloon and buy provisions. But V just feels empty to me, just my personal opinion. I feel like I'm alone, in a bad way. What do you do when exploring?

Anything before 2010 is boomer

PS2 had better "filters"

Please be joking. Literally the worst protag in GTA history.

>Hideo kojima
He's a giant westaboo so of course he loves it

Of course I'm joking, I'm not a zoomer fuck.

Trevor is a bit too redpilled for my taste but at least his early missions are hype.

>anything contrary to what I believe should be disregarded as a shitpost
nice shitpost

based he knows he is nothing compared to western companies

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This, Pair it with a CRT screen and you have a fine aesthetic

tech wise Japan can't compete, the holy only thing their games win in is hot women and free of pozzed shit

I just hate the cops in this game

Biking, hunting, parachuting, races, getting into various mishaps in the form of random events, like helping a dude out of a sticky situation with the Lost, or rescuing a Mafia bosses daughter about to be buried alive, helping a bride to be escape from her crazy fiance, or saying fuck it and delivering them to the cannibals in the mountain.

Probably San Andreas or VCS/LCS are the last ones I would call boomer

to be fair those bright colors are from people playing the game, not the game itself. You can make all your cars/guns/character grey and black if you want to, the actual environment and UI isn't overly bright either, it's sunny because of Californi

The same people who bought SA and VC are the same people who bought IV alongside the million others who just bought. Either way they it's been a decade and they're old as fuck.

>tech wise Japan can't compete
yeah why are jap games always a gen behind?

>getting back with his gf
What? He never got back with her. She's still fuckin' wit that lawyer or brain surgeon she fuckin' wit. Nyiggaaa.

I still consider IV new, we are talking 5 years of difference