At what point does a game stop being "challenging" and just starts being unreasonably unfair and anti-fun?
At what point does a game stop being "challenging" and just starts being unreasonably unfair and anti-fun?
This is infinitely easier than guardian ape alone
Pic not related?
Why the fuck did From make Sekiro enemies so generic and boring? Only humans and fucking apes, no eldritch abominations, no oni stuff, nothing.
>b-but muh demon of hatred
The only fucking demon in game looks like just another fucking ape that was born after Lawrence sexual adventures.
>b-but muh dragon
Yeah, very original.
>b-but muh kappa waifu
Doesn't counts.
Sekiro failed not because of lack of replayability. It was failed because of boring and mediocre setting where you have literally not a single reason to explore the world.
There was oni stuff you dumb nigger
I like Bloodborne but the enemies were all humans or giant dogs to be fair
no there fucking wasnt
Pic not related I presume?
or alien abominations, or fishpeople, or whatever the fuck those scary crazyrunner things were in the chalice dungeons
Filler game
I found Sekiro's locales and setting to be refreshing after so many western fantasy titles, no idea what you're on about.
In Sekiro everything felt fair imo
In Bloodborne main game was fair, dlc on the other hand was too much for me, some bosses took 100+ tries, kos took me 200 tries I gave up and used summon
This, it took me 8 tries for the ape alone and did this one on my first try.
Nigga WHAT?
>Giant squids.
>Giant glowing centipede.
>Flightless crows.
>Giant Snakeball.
>Human-headed spider.
>Giant one-off spider.
>Ghost thots.
>Weird one-off dog demon at the bottom of Cathedral Ward.
>Weird skeleton box thing.
>All manner or giants, ogres, yetis, etc.
>Giant pigs.
>Giant fucked up nightmare pigs.
>All sorts of fish people, fish wizards, etc.
>Giant sharks.
That's just off the top of my head.
Eh? What do you mean you "gave up" and used summons? Summoning is literally an ingame mechanic
It was another "Dark Souls 2" aka a "wacky experiment game"
Nah dude, its only fair if you beat boss 1 v 1
confirmed for being filtered by Gascoigne.
They set out to make a certain type of game and they succeeded. Only the most cynical people would consider it anymore of a failure than Dark Souls 2/3.
>At what point does a game stop being "challenging" and just starts being unreasonably unfair and anti-fun?
Having to repeat long easy shit monsters or levels just to get to the challenging boss is what ruins it for me - definitely not unfair but gets to be unfun
as long as the game testing you in a new way or upping the ante on a skill you have already been tested on before it's fine, nothing in sekiro bothered me besides having to fight genichiro and skip 2 cutscenes before every isshin attempt
It's hard to forget those fuckers
The ones with the scythes I never got used to fighting.
>Nioh and Onimusha 2.0 but without oni
Yeah, very refreshing.
It was definitely refreshing compared to Nioh.
Those are easy, the ones with the pick can be tricky. Also, sometimes the rolling fatties can be unpredictable. In FRC the fireball spewing witches can one shot you if you don't pay attention. And the summon maidens oh dear lord.
>Dark Souls with shitty levels, atmosphere, music, enemies, bosses, etc.
>Oh, but it has Oni.
When you have no real means of fighting back
Only in terms of world interconnection and plot. Everything else was pretty meh.
Sekiro is the most japanese game to date I think.
We don't use word "fun", boi.
Oni are boring just like the mouthbreathing westerns who only know of them from video games and cartoons
Both Ape fights were the most boring and tedious shit I ever had to deal with
>inb4 lol just parry bro
Suck my dick, nigger throws a bajillion attacks and a single mistake will kill you. There is no point in bothering to parry his shit, it's the one boss where pretending you are playing Bloodborne and running around him like a bitch is a better approach.
They're just intimidating. Actually they're weaker than most enemies because they have big gaps between their attack patterns
If you didn't beat a boss at least once by yourself then you are a little bitch who never really beat that boss.
not really, parrying is faster than running around and hitting him a few times, tho I agree with you the fight is absolutely tedious
Onis and ogres are the same thing, autismo.
It's faster but one mistake and you are fucked.
Running around him and hitting him when he shows an opening is so fucking boring that it's practically a chore but at least you stand a bigger chance of beating him that way.
>t. panicked the first time he encountered 2ape, died and assumed it would be too hard
try again faggot, it's easier than the first guardian ape fight.
The only boss that I ever felt was unfair was the second Owl boss fight.
I beat him by the skin of my teeth and some of his moves were bullshit, that move that 1 hit kills you is horsehit.
First Owl fight was a cunt but very fair.
The other boss fight that gave me trouble was the demon of hatred but thats only because of the third health bar, it was mostly a test of endurance.
Isshin kicked 10 shades of shit out of me till someone told me to use the umbrella and then I beat him first try using two heals and no rezs.
>just cheesed a mini-boss and beat another one by spamming firecrackers
I feel so dirty.
git gud noob
>summon maidens
All those fucking spiders...
This, I just ignored the second ape.
actucally beat them today on my 2nd attempt, you can kill the brownie simply by throwing charged shurikens at it.After that, parry ape, spear-pull, continue parrying. ez pz
I miss Dead Space...
>it's not difficult, it's just annoying
heard it a thousand times before already, pleb
When the fuck are they going to fix that shit that removes the lock-on when you dodge or move too close to a wall?
I can accept a boss being too hard or me being too much of a scrub but that shit isn't a fucking mechanic, it's a fuck-up on the devs part that they haven't bothered to fix yet despite removing shit that didn't bother anyone like the first steatlh deathblow in the second Corrupted Monk fight.
I've only ever used ai summons
Why are you posting one of the easiest bosses in the game?
>me wantee lovecraft gib tentacles gib niggerman waaah waaah waaaah!
Is this the intelligence of bloodborne players?
>tfw drunkenly cheesed this fight with the spinning kunai
It's good against beast flunkeys, brown ape is a beast flunkey
His first form is really fun though. Headless is the one that sucks
Augur fucks them up. Pop it while they're running at you and you get a free parry 50% of the time. The other 50% they get knocked over and you can try again.
yeah fuck them for wanting enemy design outside of "fat human" "skinny human" and "ninja human"
>Game doesn't give you any damage/stun immunity after taking damage
>Game has multiple enemies that'll spin around like tards and stunlock you until they finish their long drawn out animation
God of War was never challenging outside of the Valkyries and that stupid fire world, but holy shit did this piss me off whenever it happened.
Theres no eldritch stuff because Asian folklore doesnt have very much to do with eldritch abominations
ok heres your monsters
>Japanese game can only be a folklore cirlcejerk no matter what
Apes aren't monsters lol. Watch some discovery.
As soon as RNG decides your demise, it becomes unfair.
>great serpent
>palace nobles
>okami warriors
>the giant retards with hammers, shields, bells, etc
>the Mibu Village tards
>test subjects
>regular ghosts
>Shichimen Warriors
I genuinely hope this isn't a case of pic related, because that version of the fight was far easier than the original fight.
>We will never have another Dead Space thanks to EA's unrealistic sales expectations.
It's not that its hard but more like annoying
The majority of the boss fights in the game are annoying