What should I do about Caesar's Legion?
Fallout: New Vegas
Whatever you want. That is the beauty of single player RPG games
Enjoy the writing.
Depends on the type of character you want to be
I want to be good/neutral. Caesar is evil but I don't know how long I should wait before I turn on them. I played this when it first came out but I attacked them almost immediately.
Wipe them out
The only ethical thing. Exterminate them.
They're all 'evil' in that they hate one another and are waging war in various degree's with one another, are spying on each-other, and generally with each-other harm
Walk into Fortification Hill in power armor with Boone and wipe them out
>how long I should wait before I turn on them
Well just draw it out then and attack the legion once your faction of choice absolutely tells you to act in a hostile way. And with attack I don't mean "rushing their camp like a supersoldier one man army", but rather following the story
No, Caesar is evil because he enslaves other human beings for "muh greater good" which is code for his consolidation of power.
you may turn on them immediately. Doesn't really matter
They'll send hit squads eventually but you should be able to deal with them
>*favorite Fallout is Fallout 4 in your path*
*turn 360 degrees, walk away*
>Do a legion playthrough with a short temper serial killer
>Getting annoyed by Caesar barking commands at me, what a rude asshole
>Play Honest Hearts before finishing legion questline
>In awe of the burned man, Joshua Graham
>Convert to Mormonism
>Get back to the wasteland, fix up the autodoc and assassinate the gentile known as Caesar
>Leave the scripture and a "Meeting People" magazine on his corpse
>want to do a Legion playthrough
>hear it has the least amount of content in the entire game
What are some good mods to make up for it? Should I give the someguy2000 mods a try?
Slaughter everyone, kill Caesar with ranger sequoia. In LR nuke the legion.
Actual worse path, do it to the NCR instead. The Legion is by far the only sensible path for civilisation.
>Pooject Memevada
>Empire that dies with Caesar, who’s already old
>next in line goes to Lanius
Nice b8 m8
>allows rape, murder, and enslavement
You can argue NCR is corrupt and bad, but there are good people who want to change it. Legion is for power fantasy man-baby faction who hate women and shun technology.
>do legion playthrough
>get bored immediately since theirs nothing to do
>do NCR playthrough
>smile as I have tons of quests to do with my sidekick boone
Is their even a single companion who likes the legion?
Civilization cannot progress without techology and sensible law that protect and give freedom.
>Legion shuns technology
Why would anyone take the legion seriously?
I'm not even sure there was even plans for a Legion aligned companion.
>falling for the old world meme
NCR>House>Yes Man>Legion
You may not like it, but this is fact.
Like rl leaders, these rules for you not for me.
>Wipes out tribal barriers
>Allows countless tribes to advance
>Wipes out NCR
>Wipes out a system that only lead to humanity's downfall
>Provides a future system for other nations to imitate
>Its collapse wouldn't be like Rome and instead like the collapse of Alexander's Empire
Wow so fucking evil
Based and generalpilled
Lanius is a brainlet meathead. He can be talked into backing down because of shit he hasn't considered. How is he going to run a sensible civilization?
I love the principle but I hate the execution of 'yeah, football gear and some sharpened sticks oughtta put those fucking Deathclaws in their place.'
Dipshit, the wasteland is dangerous because humans went from apex predator to damn near bottom of the food chain.
Anyway you kill them all, there's no other real way. Their path is absolute fucking trash, they demand you level all other factions basically and you're supposed to deus ex machina douche canoe's fucking fag-ass 'beat up miniguns with spears' plan by appending rocket bots to it. Good fucking job, you're such a piddly hypocrite that your entire principle is brought down on the pretense that you're basically counting on some fag to be holy benevolence and cure your terminal affliction of 'being a huge retard.'
Raul is indifferent about the legion
Good, he isn't supposed to run it, the best the Legion can do is benefit its descendants by letting them see how to govern an Empire sensibly and wiping out dead ideologies. Let teh successor states do the liberalisation of the system. Caesar is a genius and we should worship is forward thinking unlike the regressive NCR.
>>Wipes out tribal barriers
By destroying their culture, even if it was barbaric, cutting family ties to ensure loyalty to Caesar and the Legion only
>>Allows countless tribes to advance
Only the ones higher in the ranks. Everyone else is a practice dummy or rape slave
>>Wipes out NCR
Destroying the only place with factories and the means to rebuild society is so smart.
>>Wipes out a system that only lead to humanity's downfall
While following the path that lead to the downfall of real life Empire they're mimicking
>>Provides a future system for other nations to imitate
Why would other semi-civilized places imitate a dictatorship? People like freedom
>>Its collapse wouldn't be like Rome and instead like the collapse of Alexander's Empire
More like it's a poor facsimile of Rome on the surface and just a mad man's conquest of power
>Believing a computer
Implying Lanius could lead the legion to anything but their downfall
They are 100% evil nazi incels. Don't let a single one live.
>>Why would other semi-civilized places imitate a dictatorship? People like freedom.
Never stopped European Kingdoms after Rome.
>>Destroying the only place with factories and the means to rebuild society is so smart.
Implying people would just never advance on their own without the NCR luddites
>>By destroying their culture, even if it was barbaric, cutting family ties to ensure loyalty to Caesar and the Legion only.
Imagine finding 'tribals' of having worthy culture
>>While following the path that lead to the downfall of real life Empire they're mimicking
You're comparing the downfall of a relativley small Empire to the destruction of the entire world.
They're literally following the same path of the NCR. Expanding too fucking far and fast. You think unga bunga men have the resources to maintain that much territory? Without technology they will never advance in a true civilization. The hypocrisy of Caeser should have been a red flag to you legionfags.
see Its not supposed to last forever, nothing does, Rome was once one of the most stable states in the world, look how that turned out. The Ming dynasty had a literal mandate from heaven, saying they should rule, and they still fucked up. The legion shall provide a basis from which others can grow upon.
>synchronised sip
>Ah, ancient Rome. Now that was a good empire.
>Converting New Vegas to a Mormon safe haven
>Rid the place of sin
>Spread the Teachings of Joshua and Daniel all thru the wasteland
>Help and convert the Great Khans
>Take over
Nice play through user
Fitting seeing how a casino's name is Gamorrah.
Or, you know, Old Mormon Fort. Mormons retaking the town they were basically responsible for founding
I think I've decided a good "fuck NCR" playthrough since I think they're a bunch of scheming faggots in New Vegas.
Subvert the NCR outside of the dam through their side quests.
>charge the weapon at Helios One
>don't give Primm to the NCR
>don't expose Chief Hanlon
>turn the kings against the NCR
>blow up the terminal at Camp McCarren
>assist in wiping out Forlorn Hope
Then proceed to assist the NCR by giving them the Boomers and Enclave's aid. Complete the main quest for House, who is the moral choice.
What this does effectively wipe out the warmongering side of the NCR. They suffer a heavy loss of life, waste money and get slapped in the face at the very end by the Courier who they thought could convince to turn on his employer with promise of tin medals. They have absolutely nothing to fall back to since the Courier helped weaken most of their territory in the region. They go home, Kimball becomes a laughing stock and his bid for radical expansionism is over. New leaders focus on the homefront because nobody would want another conquest after that shit show.
I do not know whether killing Caesar would be the best choice. If you kill both him and the legate you would probably through their relatively stable territory into chaos. Leave either alive and they continue their conquests despite being utterly embarrassed by two failed battles at the Dam. I say leave him alive, kill Lanius.
Here's the benefits for New Vegas.
>New Vegas remains independent, open to anyone with caps
>its resources are not stolen to power governor's mansions
>House, who canonically isn't a retard, gets to do all sorts of experiments free from envious raiders
>death laser to fire at raiders daily for fun
>the Courier is free to wander afterwords like every protagonist before
>the outside settlements are relatively left alone and untouched, not that you should actually care about them
>Brotherhood gets what they deserve
If following traditional path, fuck them up on site to aid the NCR, then when you get to the strip you get a free reset then tread carefully.
The Roman empire lasted 507 years for a good reason user, if NV Caesar look at the mistakes of old Rome to learn from it and makes a proper Successor to take the reins for when he falls then his new empire would be a lasting one just like the empire before him
Any place would do for the new new Canaanites, people of good heart. honest faith and plain brutally will conquer the waste not the Enclave not the Brotherhood and certainly not the NCR
>The Roman empire lasted 507 years
And the Legion is nothing like the Roman empire, at any point of its existence
Caesar is more the monarch who took over his idiot neighbors. Its government is still weak and not likely to function on it's own. Each tribe should be allowed a number of seats on the council to help run government. While Caesar is at war with the army, they could use slaves to improve society. Savages aren't very good with technology but it could slowly be implemented alongside slave labour for infrastructure improvement. Large factory farms powered by slave labour. Mines. Foundaries etc.
Incorrect. It's similar to early early Rome/Latin people. Rome was initially seven tribes on seven hills that United together. These tribes tended to be full of runaways and other undesirables. Eventually they gained independence from the Etruscans (a heavily Greek influenced civilization) and expanded onto their Latin neighbors (sabeans?) Followed north to capturing blonde woman to watch them get raped to death by monkeys.
And at no point in any of that were the Roman people a roaming army of slaves with no civilian population or base of operations
So miss me with that bullshit
It could be user it could be just as great
maybe after he's done conquering and killing sure, once he get people following him willing to live and die for Caesar
Legion isn't a roaming army of slaves. It has plenty of small communities in it's territory that safely live and thrive because the legion brought law and order to the wasteland. NCR territory is very dangerous due to ambush by bandits, nessecitating armed caravans everywhere. Meanwhile merchants don't even need guns in legion territory to protect themselves because they have exterminated pests and bandits.
Well he's about to die and there needs to be a government to take over that won't instantly lead to a power struggle and civil war. That was one of the benefits of Republican Rome and Greeks representative government.