HP: ???

>HP: ???

Attached: kira.jpg (996x558, 137K)

Why does this thread always have to start with that lame picture. Some variety is appreciated, anons.

Attached: 1554880196727.png (540x540, 72K)

>Objective: Don't turn back.

Attached: 192381290.gif (300x200, 1.6M)

>attack has unexpected effect

Attached: 1560612985849.gif (372x340, 3.84M)

>1 damage dealt to enemy

Attached: 1092310230.jpg (1987x1989, 1.26M)

>but every boss has it

Attached: unimpressed.gif (270x270, 2.43M)

There was a fucking game thay did this and it annoyed the hell out of me. Can't remember what it was. Also

>Unwinnable fight but you Game Over if you don't survive till the plot kicks in

Attached: 1511836043279.png (1280x720, 641K)

don't know if that's what you're thinking of but I remember Devil Survivor doing it for majority of the bosses

>No MP
>No MP Recovery items
>Defeat boss with attack items

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

>Objective: Survive

Attached: The Champ.jpg (823x945, 426K)