So what's your favorite class in fantasy games? I mean mainly rpgs
For me it's archer
So what's your favorite class in fantasy games? I mean mainly rpgs
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If combat is optional, some kind of illusionist thief. Otherwise a guy in plate with a big ass sword or halberd
i like to smite evil
never something else, no matter what, except if it's not an option
For me it’s the Monk
She's 100% a priest though
I play as the Human Warrior who uses a sword and shield, as well as practical armor.
either FIRE mage, or two handed warrior type
inquisitors/witch hunters, but those are rarely ever an option so paladin is my second option. if there is no paladin, then i'll go for the most interesting hybrid class available.
i like summoners - necromancers, warlock, druids you name it
bonus points for shields and plate armor
Oh boy.
What do you call a class that is a Knight and a Thief at the same time?
Arcane trickster, but there is only a handful of games in which it really works. And by works I mean You get the job done leaving everyone wondering what happened, how it happened and when it happened.
I really liked shapeshifters in nwn. Too bad it's basically the only game that does them half decently.
Amazon warrior
Summoners are usually my thing. I'll also go blue mage if it exists.
anything angelic and divine, so usually priest.
people always wish for elemental magic irl but I think just simply having heal would be better
How many cocks do you take it in the ass daily?
Cute Loli with giant sword.
Barbarian, usually with the biggest weapon I can find.
Why are most elves portrayed as Archers?
I'm always torn between knight and wizard.
Early game mages usually suck though, so I usually go with knight for my first playthrough.
Seek the lord, user. Nothing will hurt you anymore.
Because they are fragile and love nature.
But like, ancient EXOTIC KNIGHTS OF THE WIND that move really quick and well despite being in armor. Though there can be assassins/rogues that are even faster, and other bigger armor guys that actually defend.
Whichever is the most versatile fucker of the lot.
Red mage. Though fencers are pretty nice too.
Mystic Knight or anything that lets me make my sword into a fire sword
Rogues. I'd like to say wizards but video games too often have uninspired, generic, repetitive, boring magic/spellcasting mechanics. At least with video game rogues you know you'll always get the stealth, lockipicking, and pickpocketing and those things are open-ended enough to allow for a good amount of player choice. Reducing a fucking wizard to spamming different colored fireballs and calling it magic is just about the most boring thing you could do but it's what you'll get 99% of the time in a video game.
God damn I wish there was a game all about being a wizard with an emphasis on spell creation, interesting and inspired spellcasting mechanics, and a wide variety of actual spell effects.
Monk or Battle conjurer (magic to create weapons and armor to suit the situation) if the game allows, but thats not very often. Archer is a safe bet.
Necromancer but only when it has death magic that isn't solely focused on raising minions. So far only GW1's necromancer really fit the bill with it's huge amount of hexes, ability to turn corpses into aoe fonts of various effects, self-sacrificial blood magic, and direct damage death/cold spells. Plus the way they'd gain mana every time anything in range died, ally or enemy. What a cool class that was.
play dragon's dogma, fellow mkchad
because tolkien did that
Mahjyyck Users because they're guaranteed to have the most interesting toolkits unless the developers suck balls and made them into the most boring shit imaginable. But also not straight up mages with an uncohesive set of spells. I need that juicy flavor in my maahajjiiiiques.
In team games I like healers because the only thing I like more than proteccting my frens is making it so my enemies don't get any satisfaction and validation for their shitty unga bunga tryhard attempts to farm kills.
Blased and flamepilled
my bruthuh
i prefer playing a drunken fist chaotic neutral/good low int high wis monk
I wasnt planning on being mad about GW today, but here we go again.
Fantasy gunners
They guy who buffs himself a lot
something that's bulky enough to go in the front lines but also capable of dealing damage at range
the holy knights in fft or paladin with hunter sub and sonic boom in ffta or paladin with magic frenzy in ffta2
arcane/magical archer. bows are neat, elemental arrows are neat, acrobatics are neat and archers are a believable fit for thief skillsets which are usually the most fun side mechanics in games
sadly this weird class mashup is usually never possible
For the glory of God
Engineer by far.
Or any class that lets me friendly fire.
>magic-powered guns
I hate this so much
Then we are destined to be enemies.
For me, it's the Necromancer.
I always play brawlers when given the option, but not many games get them right - either by not having fit/musclular options during creation or by making them some mystical magic monk shit.
The world needs more blue mages.
Dicking around getting spells for it in xi was the most fun ive ever had in a mmo.
Probably talking about the dude behind her, Mograin.
>being a dumb dumb punching drywalls
>not wanting to be the instrument of gods will, delivering fathers holy judgement through your fist straight to the sinner's mind
Uncivilized cretin
Mage, Priest or Wizard, depending on the game mechanics.
or a fighter if its a dnd game because my small brain cannot comprehend the spells
brawler if they get to use gauntlets
if gauntlets arent an option i just go whatever class gets the big sword or hammer
Name a game that did Necromancers right?
No arcanum allowed
I'm usually a knight kind of guy. Stack as much armor as I can and then laugh at bosses ten times my size dealing no damage.
No need for magic like a paladin or spellblade either.
No no no that sounds great good sir, I was referring to the type of monk that shoots magic dragon projectiles and other nonsense that doesn't actually apply your fist to the enemy.
I want to marry and impregnate an Elf
You should work on talking to girls first before playing with such fantasies
Whatever does the most damage
You are absolved, my child. There is a close circle in heaven where other based monk anons reside and there is a place reserved just for you.
Think Enchanter from Everquest.
If there is no support/CC, then Paladin.
Heavy armor wearing, sword and shield wielding Clerics that use their spells to protect and buff themselves and their allies.
Bonus points if it comes with a pet.
Dude, I'm serious. Im willing to donate my left testicle for science if I could find couple games that did Necromancer playble
Id go berserk on her.
I just tried playing an archer in dragon age origins on my first play through and it sucked so bad I stopped before even being a quarter way done.
Always Wizard
Play an Arcane Warrior.
demolitionist for me, get to nuke everyone
>Your favorite class in fantasy
There is no better feeling than beating the snot out of your enemies with your bare hands
I'm more of a Sword user, so I'm always fine in most rpg games
It counts if its magic
Tank / Warrior / Bruiser. Call it any way you want. Especially with Flail as main weapon.
I like Rogues, slipping around the battlefield sticking unsuspecting people in their exposed bits, breaking into heavily trapped and guarded fortresses without anyone noticing, stealing everything of value that's not nailed down (and coming back later for the nailed down stuff with a hammer to pry the nails out when no one's looking).
Necromancer for me. I used to be all about that archer class, but no games do them any justice.
same man. In any rpg that i have the choice, i go for archer. But they love mixing archer with rogue / thief. It's a little annoying.
If you like that kind of stuff I'd like to recommend a manhwa called Gilgamesh.
For me, it's rogue/assassin
Ive got something for everyone
Invisible summoner
Until I find out that just using a bow and doing it my own damn self takes half the time.
Black mage lalafell. Get decked on full edgelord gear and high DPS all over the place
>that clip
Literally the sorcerer in pathfinder.
cook is best
>sharp knives
>welcome in any party
>can take the heat
If it's available, a pugilist or monk. If not, the one that uses a big ass weapon.
Non-forest non-hunting non-trickster pure soldier archers are the shit
very few games let you just use the bow as a pure weapon of war. Its always magic or trick shots or "shoot three arrows really fast" or all that bullshit, and they either include you sneaking around doing silent takedowns from the shadows or they give you dumbass forest ranger powers.
I aint trying to prevent forest fires im trying to drive a chunk of tree through your chest.
support gunner
Jack of all trades
Very hard class to get right. Either too good at everything or too useless at everything. I love a character that's just riding the wave of an adventerure's life, picking up skills here and there. One who can cut his way out of a desperate fight, but would die at the hands of a sword master. One who knows little utility spells and a cantrip here or there, but knows fuck all about the true power of magic. I love a multitool class. His only calling is the next destination, his only discipline to see more, to do more.
Reminds me of the Adventurer in Wayward Souls, probably my favorite phone game of all time.
Spearmen of all flavours, western, eastern, magical or martial.
My boy.
>enemy closes the gap and stabs you while you reload
this is why Archers are shit. Games would be boring if all you do is stand on a wall and chuck arrows for a few hours at enemies far away.
Depends on the game but if the unarmed is any good usually monk or whatever they call it
what games let me do this?
Legolas was an archer and everyone has to copy Tolkien, even though Tolkien had elves fill other combat toles as well
Seducer/Poisoner/Beast Tamer
Unmatched Charisma, able to use aphrodisiacs to seduce others into giving information. Able to befriend and ally beasts/humans through intense sexual contact. Not very strong, fast, has low HP, high dexterity, high chance of critical hits Capable poisoner will not be able to learn Master-level poisons. Mediocre Beast Tamer capable of taming small beasts, medium beast will need to be regularly seduced and serviced to remain friendly. Large beast will require constant seduction, moderate chance of attaining damage, large beast may randomly gain Enraged status and will attack party in or out of battle.
Able to carry semen of other monsters/humans for consumption,animal/beast husbandry, medicinal use, or impregnantion but will be vulnerable for the duration of the pregnancy. Is always capaple of lactating which can be used to restore some health, create cheese by speaking to the cheesemonger to greatly restore health (70%) or cure blinded status by dripping milk onto eye. Will always garner favor with young male NPCs regardless of traits including the Eunuch trait). Reduced chance to attain any status effect by 35%. Carries the "Benefit of Doubt" perk which will make her always be struck last. Extremely high chance of seducing almost NPC/enemy, Can distract enemy NPCs for the duration of their entire turn (65%)? Femme Fatale ability will immobilize both Seducer and the chosen target for the entirety of the battle, all EXP, Gold, and items from the target will be lost (Will not work on bosses, key items will not be lost). Can small items in 2 other slots apart from main bag.
Part 2 Below
Dragoon/Dragon Knight
Weak against monks/sorcerers/Monsters with no sexual organs and NPCs/Enemies that carry the Eunuch trait.
Grants all party members moderate buffs (20%) in attack and constitution during battle. Can use the "Massage" ability to raise charisma, theft, perception, spirit for large buff for high amount of time(15%,10%,10%,15% respectively).
Reduced enemy perception to all opposing team players. "High-Class Girl" perk reduces all gold gained in battle by 35%. Low chance (10%) of party member who is under the effect of the Massage ability to become enraged when Seducer is attacked. Reduced Charisma when Speaking to those with the "Pious" trait AND in a public area (No penalty given when in an inaccessible area to the public unless NPC also carries Eunuch trait), when Seducer is an active party member. Greatly reduced chance of garnering favor with female enemies/NPC who carry the "Elderly" AND "Pious" trait. MUST regularly use any ability or attain the "Aimless" status which greatly reduces ALL abilities(75%).
>reading all that
Whats your VRChat name?
OG d&d Cleric that goes around killing things.
You know, like a Paladin without being a faggot.
I actually really like this game. I was expecting to be able to get with someone, though.
Is this a real thing?
Modded Skyrim?
The guy with the big sword or the guy that punches hard.
The future called. Too bad you stone age fuckers don't know what a phone is
Whatever class can use enemy skills, if that's not available I tend to gravitate toward self buff magic.
My abilities can cripple any standing nation and enslave populations through means of day to day wages
Juggernaut tank class with tower shield in full plate armor with maximum stamina and maybe some support magic just so I can cast defensive buffs on myself. I always win because I can't die.
Archery is not for fragile people. In fact, warbows take more strength to use than nearly all other hand weapons.
Maybe for normal people but elves are puny and weak so obviously they practice archery by asking the wood in their bow to bend. The trick is to ask nicely.
this. summoners are my all time favourite. also, I almost always pick the puppet character in fighting games
aion's spiritmaster was the most fun I had with a summoner by far, too
This has the be one of the most stupid weeb shit I've ever witnessed
Based jewbro
Hedge Knight/Mercenary
Tolkien's elves killed Balrogs by the dozens.
Sounds like you don't know what you are talking about.
>playing a healer online gives stress and anxiety
>but playing a healer offline is stupid and pointless
Why? I've always wanted to play a tabletop game as a wizard that enchants bullets or just a regular guy who has a stash of magic fire/ice/lightning/etc bullets and a healing bullet
Akshully faggot, there were only 7, and they mopped the floor with the elves of middle earth until melkor was killed.
in tabletop, i have to go Illusionist/Beguiler. Tremendous flexibility, your only practical limit is your imagination.
in vidya, Paladins or Dark Knights.
Priest is my favorite
I like to support the team!
How about you support my cock
God I'd love to see that elf critically wounded with an arrow stuck on her leg and abdomen. Imagine her begging for first aid.
The only good elf is a dead elf.
Mograin? Thats clearly Hulk Hogan
A classic JRPG Hero. Someone with good physical stats, some offensive, healing and support magic. Basically someone that can fit on any team and compliment other classes, while also being able to go Solo if you're into that.
I still find Dark/Black Knights, Mages, and Assassins to be pretty fucking rad.
Anything that lets me use a spear or polearm. I dont know why but they're so damn cool.
Melee/fist users
>playing a healer online gives stress and anxiety
Only things it gives are anger management issues and loss of hope for the future of humankind
Even after years, I still refuse do anything else
>Picture of White Mage
I have the body type and mentality of a warrior, but i always play the Rogue like classes in every game.
Usually with no fear and leading the way on any frontal attack unless told otherwise.
Even in World of Tanks i primarily play Light tanks, it's a class that requires more nerve's and calm actions over shear speed. I'll often lead assaults to show the team what is ahead, and to show them that a small lightly armored vehicle has no fear for the coming storm and neither should they.
Because that's what Heroes do.