"OMG gamez are so politicAl now, they weren't that political back then"
"OMG gamez are so politicAl now, they weren't that political back then"
I assume people only care about it not being subtle anymore or something. Also, fuck Critikal, he's a boring hack now.
wow i guess politics is just a polite word for it and really everyone just fucking hates trannies
trash bait
this is now a morrowind thread
I like how those points are in quotation marks, as if those actually appear in-game, and not just some shit you wrote down.
Decent meme if not for the fact that it was clearly made by a retarded commie
bad faith post and bait post, conflating "politics in games then" (general political and philosophical commentary) to "politics in games now" (seen as intrusive, ham-fisted, hardline leftist by """""gamers""""")
>stating the opposition point in a retarded way, throwing in random caps and shit
>le reddit distortion effect
sage, I hope this thread gets zero other replies and dies so you can learn your lesson you baiting cunt
cutting your dick off isn't political
also cyberpunk is a dystopian warning of the future so mental illness fits perfectly
Every single thing that is written down was a point made at some point in the game.
cr1tikal got to shit ever since he deluded himself he could be a "critic"
he mocked video game journalists before doing the same shit, including rushing reviews when something is still out and surface value type of takes
Fallout did not make a good case for communism either, goddamn man, it was bad on all sides it's just that America was the BIGGEST bad guy around.
That fallout one is completely wrong. Though I haven't play the nu-fallouts so I wouldn't know if beth fucked them up.
The hilarious part is that you can't say that his content used to be better or he'll pull an h3h3 and get all triggered about how he was depressed when he actually made good things so you have to slurp up him uploading videos of him watching Youtube videos on a Twitch stream or you're literally Hitler basically.
The "leftist" shit in games you're referring to has literally 0 effect on you. It's there to make people who identify a certain way feel like they can identify more with the game or a character. No one is taking options away. They are just putting options in. This is in no way bad.
Politics were put in games back then to tell a story, there was no agenda. Now media is a vessel to feed marxist propaganda to kids.
Ignoring the fact that some of the points at the top are obvious leftist projections on the actual messages of those games...
The difference is that the games on top had actually interesting ideas that were more philosophical than explicitly political, while the bottom is literally "cutting your dick off is good".
That's an interesting misunderstanding of fallout.
user, the game is a dystopian wasteland where everyone is using bottle caps as currency and thinks that the past before the war was actually good.
Probably because they're pushing anti-white politics.
>cr1tikal got to shit ever since he deluded himself he could be a "critic"
his reviews are actually pathetic
It's just 6 minutes of him repeating
>it's just really really good
>it's just really really bad
over and over and over again. It actually lowers the IQ of anyone stupid enough to watch them, regardless of whether you agree or not
>taking the lying Patriot AI seriously
that is the biggest joke of this image
>no Deus Ex
You have no idea what politics in video games are
What level of no life brainlet does someone have to be to "identify" with fucking videogame characters?
Lol imagine being that much of a moron
>FFVII - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Tales of Vesperia - pro-environmentalism, anti wealthy elite
>SMT Strange Journey - pro-environmentalism
>SMT in general - anti-organized religion
>FFVI - pro-environmentalism, anti-industrialization
>FFX - anti-organized religion
>MGQ - intolerance is caused by organized religion
>Tales of Symphonia - anti-racism
>Tales series in general - anti-discrimination
>Sonic the Hedgehog in general - anti-industrialism/pro-environment (save the animals from the evil machines)
>BOF II - anti-organized religion
>Grandia II - anti-organized religion
>FFT - anti-organized religion
>Valkyria Chronicles - anti-racism against Jews, anti-imperialism
>Spec Ops - anti-American interventionism/exceptionalism, anti-war
>Mass Effect -pro- (genetic)diversity, LGBT
>Fallout -anti-American jingoism/ultranationalism, anti-nuke
>Fallout 2 -explicitly anti-Scientology, anti-American jingoism
>Oddworld in general -anti-corporation, anti-industrialization, pro-environment
>Doom - anti-corporation
>Ratchet and Clank - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Mind Forever Voyaging - anti-Reagan
>Bioshock - libertarianism and Randian utopianism ultimately fails and turns into a dystopia
>Halo (in general) - basically an allegory for post 9-11 fundamentalism
>MGS1 - your genes don't actually matter/define you
>VtMB - anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-elite
>Lunar Eternal Blue: anti-organized religion
>Assassin's Creed (in general): anti-organized religion (Templars are evil), religion is also a lie
>Arc the Lad- anti-organized religion
>GTA (in general) - le both sides are bad
>SMTIV - individualism bad, collectivism good
>RDR - pro-feminism, anti-racism
>Fire Emblem - anti-ultranationalism
>MOTHER 3 - pro-environment, anti-industrialization
>Catherine - pro-LGBT
>Fear Effect - pro-LGBT
>MGS3- pic related
He was shit the moment he started to put himself infront of the camera
As other Anons have said, it's hilarious that he will heap criticism on other critics for not being good yet he's basically one step above a caveman reviewing a movie.
>game has it's own made up politics that don't even affect or reflect the real world
>game has politics taken directly from the real world and shove it and cram it down your face because LOL DRUMFSDFFDHFSPH
Morrowind sucks
>trump invented politics
Imagine being that fucking stupid you completly ignore the point
>the presidential elections is the only thing about politics that matters
as is invariably the case with all tubers
speaking of, how's pyrocynical these days? still shit?
ah, that retarded bait image
Any internal politics in a game is going to at the very least come with the basic trappings of politics in the real world even if there aren't direct analogs, user.
No I got the point, you're just an idiot for trying to say your tranny bullshit is the same as final fantasy 7s gaia theory. But I'm sure you knew FF7 had gaia theory huh
>Thinking it's about consumerism
>Thinking it's promoting communism
>Thinking it's about cultural acceptance
What a fucking retard
Yes that's what you implied, are you retarded?
That's the excuse you use to put hillary and trump into your trendy indie game, eh?
Your reading comprehension needs extensive work and I would recommend some reading material regarding reading comprehension
thanks, i take pride in it
The past before the war was a lot better than the situation the people in fallout are in though.
>how the """"gamers""" saw it
Fallout is about acceptance, communism, and consumerism
>how the fucking devs actually did it
>A game where the basis of the lore is a company taking advantage of people's fears to get their money and conduct social experiments with no intention of ever actually doing what they promised isn't an anti-consumerist game
>racism bad
Thanks for confirming that you're retarded, post disregarded :^)
What makes you think the original Fallout games were pro communism? Also by “politics” people mean the vapid consumerist politics that are currently relevant, nothing actually deep and non specific enough that it would require thinking to make a decision based on. You forget that modern political parties aren’t competing ideologies, they’re competing businesses with differing ad campaigns, they aren’t appealing to people with anything that won’t get an immediate emotional reaction and that doesn’t correlate directly to one side of shitfling. When you play the older games you listed you don’t immediately think “this has a democrat/“progressive” bend to it” nor do you think “this has a republican/conservative bend to it”. When they say political they mean “directly politically relevant” because under the current “everything is political” ideology bear taking a shit in the woods is “political”.
You're looking at it the wrong way. You hide the thread on the catalog, hop into a thread like this and you just fuck with the people who are pushing this shit. So not only is your catalog not clogged up with shit but you're also having a good time
>The entire game is based around Vault!
You know how I know you started with Bethesda Fallouts?
It's about the double edged sword of nuclear energy, Cold War era fears realized, and the human condition
>FO3/NV/4 fag thinks that Pre-War was good
>What were the Resource Wars
>What was the massive energy crisis
>What was the New Plague
>it's another user can't distinguish between fictional political elements used for storytelling purposes in a non intrusive allegorical way and garbage pandering to contemporary political fringes episode
Not an argument
This video innately shows the issue it's trying to parody. Essentially, this image synonymously yells "WHY AREN'T YOU INVOLVED IN OUTRAGE CULTURE YET BIGOT?"
>le games aren't fun anymore
No, you're just an adult now. Kids/teenagers seem to think games are still tons of fun.
>Morals and themes about a potential world unrelated to real world politicals
>Something everyone can agree with
>Will have only a handful of moments discussing it
>Is executed well
>Attempts to pander to non-gamers with made up politics
>Panders to trannies, who are known for ruining everything
>Blatant political propaganda rather than universal morals
>Tells you why Cis straight males should be systematically killed
>Is not executed well
all of these lies lmao
All those quotes were said in context of the games though, they aren’t referring to the actual world. It’s stupid fruit loop hair dyed fucks that believe that shit in video games should have real world implications
People are dense as fuck. People dont have problem with politics in game, people have problem current politics represented in the game. You can have an ideology running amok in your setting, but when your big bad called Prumf and he is a blondie dictator with a nazi regime, its feels kinda forced.
Its like how comedy with political themes can be enjoyed, but talking about a current politican just a bad idea
It's more about not injecting personal politics into your game in such a blatantly obvious manner. At least try to be subtle if you want to stuff your own ideologies down our throats.
Politics in games than
>"The war industry we started has taken a pretty crooked course these past nine years. With no other options, soldiers have become dogs of war sent to conflict zones as "private forces," or PFs. Guys we fought alongside are dying alongside the globe for no reason - no banner. But it's how they survive. The demand for PFs here in Africa is especially high. Cold War standoffs, resource exploitation, tribal clashes... What's big business for developed countries has only brought conflict here. That mess you're standing in... is just the latest example."
Politics in games today
I think Charlies main complaint should be boiled down to the retardation of developers
This. It ruined the mystery. He's just a skinny degen manlet with a deep voice.
His content is just so lazy now. He's just consuming media while being recorded.
They can't tell the difference. When your brain runs on social justice and fake off brand communism then you start seeing everything as political and offensive, like this couch cushion for example. Sure, you and I see a brown couch cushion. To them, this is an offensive and non inclusive couch cushion for white people because only the privileged whites can afford a couch and illegal immigrants cant afford a couch.
Lol it's not a conflation if the center point is that it's not politics that you have a problem with, because you even admitted that before political commentary was acceptable. If you want to make the argument that you dislike when politics are "intrusive" you can try and prove that games today have "intrusive politics", but that's never the point gamertards make, Cr1t1kal just said "man all I want is to destroy things! why do games have to be political/have deeper meaning!". Ultimately if we lived in a perfectly honest world you would never win this discussion because it's very obvious you only have a problem with games including politics that you don't like, you're not consistent on anything, you can't possibly argue that because you see a black, female, transsexual main/essential character that that concept is "intrusive politics", any mention of fighting the status quo in our real world is intrusive to you, but commentary concerning political issues you don't have a problem with is not intrusive? Please stop lying to yourself dweeb.
>>MGQ - intolerance is caused by organized religion
But in MGQ the church is based.
The problem was the crazy goddess, and also a minority of zealots.
When the fuck has there ever been a Trump analog as a villain? And I mean in a AAA game, not some indie shit that no one cares about except to get outraged at. Half of the time I see Yea Forums get upset it's just because there's a black person or a woman who doesn't have large enough breasts.
>I think Charlies main complaint should be boiled down to the retardation of developers
what the fuck else is new?
>not being subtle anymore
Nigga, in MGS 2 there is a 12 minutes cut scene about how the government is controlling all the information we have access
How is that more subtle then just having trannys being an option?
it's tje argument of the activist radical, they want to define everything as political so they can then justify and push for shitty lazy pandering to further their goals
>games with politics in them
Wasn't there one in Mafia 3?
this image* not video damn
>big boss
He's the exact person he would have made fun of for ruining Youtube just three years ago.
>Terrorism can be a necessary evil
Absolutely not
Those in-game politics are definitely based off the real world.
That's all still better than post war life.
nigger it was back in 2001 remember that the very concept was nothing but high minded kojima tier nonsensical allegory
>world where you can modify your body pretty much however you want
you guys better believe there'd be cyborg trannies roaming around
>The problem was the deity that is being worshiped
It was actual politics back then
Now it’s disgusting propaganda
Because it's politics I agree with, which should always be in games. Politics I disagree with should never be in anything.
Monsters are the problem
Why does he even get views nowadays? Why do people watch him?
he probably lives in london
>forming a fantasy game world with conflicts that are analogous to the real world and offer a deeper conversation on human nature which handle both sides maturely
>politically motivated pandering about why the writer is upset about X issue and you should be too and invoking thinly-veneered screeds on the modern political climate which will become dated in less than half a decade later
No OP you're right this is all about racist gamer incels who are mad they can't say nigger and bully trans people on the internet
Define "intrusive and ham-fisted". When I was an unironic AMERICA #1 ANYTHING ANTI-AMERICAN IS EVIL lolbertarian I thought the original opening to Fallout 1 where it showed the Americans executing the Canadians while waving to the camera was hamfisted. I also thought the quest in Fallout 3 where you literally get good karma for murdering the objectively evil rich guy who discriminated against the ghouls was hamfisted, all of Bioshock was hamfisted, and the political shit on the radio in GTA was hamfisted. Now that I'm not longer that I don't think they're hamfisted.
Fallout never said communism is good, what liberal horseshit is this?
you wouldn't even have games under communism
Time to go back to your shithole, tranny.
>Nigga, in MGS 2 there is a 12 minutes cut scene about how the government is controlling all the information we have access
said by an AI who has been lying to you the entire game, so anything it says is questionable.
people will get mad but there's nothing wrong with transgender politics in my games as long as it's well developped. What I don't like is putting a transgender disabled overweight monstruosity and treating it as a logical hero that everyone loves
Because all of his content is people linking him things on Twitch and hoping that they get a shoutout for making him laugh or something. You normally only see behavior like this when it's a titty streamer or something.
>intrusive and ham-fisted
not that guy but BFV
>SMT Strange Journey
delusional. you've never played that game.
Literally this year
>government controlling information in a post 9/11 world is nonsensical
Hello, I know you werent alive during september 11, 2001. but the internet existed before that time.
Maybe to your overcooked brain, sure
imagine being this much of a fag
If you can modify your body, you can modify your brain seeing as how trannyism is a systemic dysfunction of the brain
So no? There probably wouldn't be?
go back to somethingawful you pathetic troon, at least in your containment board you'll be more likely to kill yourself.
Lmaoing at that loser
I mean trannies always say their existence is not political, we should come to an agreement on that front and be more transparent about our hatred if them.
Tales of Symphonia was pretty fucking hamfisted with the RACISM BAD theme, user
Saying the line once doesn't make you a Trump analog
That too.
Several monster races need to be genocided, such as the arachne. Homely ones like harpies, mermaids, and kitsune can be tolerated though.
Part of the game's story, its internal fiction, adds something to the universe and can be appreciated regardless of your agreement with message its trying to send.
Politics inserted not for the sake of storytelling within the game, but to appease the political landscape outside of it.
>that halo one
it's "literally" not
So it's just people looking to feel that temporary high or trying to feel like they have a friend for a moment?
Halo was in production long before 9/11 was a thing, 15 year old liberal kids shouldn't make memes
Notice how the top 3 are allegories or metaphors whilst the bottom is in fact just some chick
That's the difference between political themes vs literal rewriting of history to fit propaganda
that game came out long before he entered politics.
What you consider "common morals" vs. ""woke" political references" its entirely based on your individual political opinions. You just admitted that you like politics in games, but only when they're your particular politics.
please help i just want to cuddle and pound away at a person's mouth with my dick after cuddling
me too
Tenpenny was right about the ghouls though.
MGR predates Trump's presidency by three years, you faggot. Nevermind the fact that Armstrong is full blown anarchist who wants to see the world burn down in ashes and then it's ruled only by the strong.
What in the fuck lmao, degens are truly subhuman.
So if I say
Doesn't mean I'm talking about Mcdonalds?
Are you stupid?
>Valkyria Chronicles - anti-racism against Jews, anti-imperialism
You didn't play the game, darcsens are canonically evil.
Pretty much, and it allows him to be super fucking lazy with his content. Especially considering making videos like above, where nearly everyone has already given their take on it and he just adds nothing to it with his completely stock "Youtuber commenting on Youtube" set of opinions.
Because centrist stuff like deus ex is far better than "muh british women in the western front"
Politics done well by good writers without lecturing the player vs forced rubbish from fringe leftists
There's the difference bro
You do realize that only men with below average penis sizes can do that maneuvre properly and for both parties to actually enjoy it?
>The idea that people in power control information was only known about after 2001
must feel good to be young
>said by an AI who has been lying to you the entire game, so anything it says is questionable.
Whats your point?
this doesn't make the discussion any less politically charged or any more subtle
This is the real reason people have a problem with this shitJust come out and say you hate trannys you stupid fucks
Why don't trannies actually spend the time and money to make themselves actually look like women instead of those disgusting ass hack job frankenstein monsters you see literally all the fucking time?
>politics I agree with is okay in games
>politics I don't agree with is BAD in games
The top three discuss a concept and the bottom one rewrites history to fit the marxists/jewish propaganda.
>You do realize that only men with below average penis sizes can do that maneuvre properly
mafia 3, watchdogs 2, they both also made the allegory trumps like 400lbs and sporting enormous pompadours.
>How is that more subtle then just having trannys being an option?
Because trannies are promoted by people that intend to deconstruct Western Civilisation.
>Identity politics and literally rewriting the history of a Norwegian special forces unit to be replaced by a woman and her mother, as well as stating France are racist fucks who totally never honored their black soldiers (which is a facetious lie by Sweden, who have a habit of talking shit about neighbor countries)
>stating the opposition point in a retarded way, throwing in random caps and shit
>le reddit distortion effect
I agree with you but also let me point out that you just went and used "le" there, in essence following the exact same strawman method you're commenting on, and which sadly has become all too damn common in this place where people no longer present two things and let the stupid one be recognized on its own, instead they have to make sure to "mark" for you which of them is supposed to be dumb and bad.
The FO1 opening is so outlandish and exaggerated I could never take it as hamfisted, with the guy literally happily waving at the camera it just came off to me as indicative of what an extreme world that game took place in. Also I never thought of Bioshock as hamfisted because I never thought much of libertarianism as a "living" ideology, it seemed as dead as physiocracy.
Halo 1 was basically colonial marines from Aliens, even Pillar of Autumn looks like marine ship from the movie. I don't get this 9/11 meme, is it from Halo 4 and 5?
Reminder that if you don't let yourself go extinct while doing everything you can to help other races who won't give you the same altruism you are an asshole
>d literally rewriting the history of a Norwegian special forces unit to be replaced by a woman and her mother
Yeah, I think that was the problem and not "politics".
>this doesn't make the discussion any less politically charged or any more subtle
It is when the statement is an outright lie
How do I make a working enchantment in this game.
why is the ability to make a transgender character even considered politics
how does it impede one's enjoyment of the game so much that one must take to the internet to whine about it
just let people make what they want for fuck's sake
The top three are actual politics in games; the bottom is literally just a cosmetic change with no impact on the gameplay or story of the game. The only people who care about the bottom are triggered identity politickers.
When people say they don't want politics in their videogames, they mean that they want interesting/well written/well executed/clever writing that is subtle, and doesn't try to tell you what is right or wrong to believe.
When dumb pieces of shit like you say that they want politics in videogames, what they actually mean is that they want every game to costantly scream and preach their specific political beliefs and tell people what they have to believe and to agree with.
>Reading comprehension
But Critikal has been wrong about so much shit for so long. He's just being an edgy contrarian to get notis by youtube-senpai like PewDiePie did. Now all he does is post Maddox-level obvious bait but he's unoriginal and he doesn't wear passion well considering the rest of his appeal was having a very dull voice.
When people refer to politics they mean real world politics that are forced in for no reason. Not some made up ones for the sake of a game.
>This thread proving that people are too retarded to comprehend basic political messaging
Jesus christ no wonder why retards think that video games don't have politics
>Saying the iconic slogan for a politician’s presidential campaign and of which has been parodied several times isn’t political commentary
Namely Halo 2's expansion on the lore of the Coveneant and all.
Riddle me this: why the fuck does EVERYTHING need to be """Politics""""? You fucking niggers ever heard or metaphors, allegories, and similies??? Or is that shit too hard of a concept for you to grasp so you just shit a brick and go POLITICS!!!! DRUMPF!!!! DR ROBOTNIK IS LITERALLY DRUMPF HITLER!!!!!!!
God, I hope this is bait. I don't want to believe that someone can be this fucking dumb.
That decision was made literally because of DiCE's politics.
>the bottom is literally just a cosmetic change with no impact on the gameplay or story of the game.
>Claim you're aiming for historical accuracy
>Literally delete an entire Norwegian squad from history and claim their mission, which cost the lives of another squad who died in a crash landing in the freezing fucking mountains, was accomplished by a single woman
Did you even play battlefield?
so is there a father daughter counterpoint to oyakodon or oyakadon
>dude but games back then weren't hamfisted!
Yeah ok buddy, lmao
>Lying doesn't happen in politics
wow, I thought you gays were retarded
Turns out you're even dumber then that
When your entire philosophical and political experience is surrounded by outrage culture yet you have the balls to call /pol/tards "triggered" for getting outraged over your absurd outrage.
Call of Duty at least attempts to stay true to historical events and I don't recall anybody complaining about "some chick" in COD 4.
Assassin's Creed is a series involving secret societies, magical artifacts, what essentially amounts to time travel in an alternate reality-esque experience, and aliens in the later games.
Halo is "literally" a sci-fi game about people in power armor shooting aliens.
Battlefield 5 is a "historically inspired" game which shoves disabled black female soldiers into frontline combat roles. If you can play as a tranny nazi with a wooden leg then there's no reason I can't play as a muscular half-dragon half-warewolf with a fully rendered 10" penis hanging out
There's politics
>MGS, Fallout, Bioshock
And then there's "politics"
>forced diversity, calling everyone a nazi, etc
>thoughts on becoming a woman/man despite
>disgusting subcultures and politics
It's all a recipe for disaster really
>Entire game revolving around environmentalism
>As opposed to "DURR WE PUT WOMAN IN GAME"
It's more that so many of us were young at the time so the political dialogue went over most of our heads, or in one ear and out the other. Back then it was also easy to disregard it as "it's just a game" because it was referring to politics within its own world rather than being a poli-sci class simulator.
There were so many political cutscenes in any game back then that I just wrote-off as simple world building and basic lore of the game that I never thought had any relevance to real life. I'll admit that now it seems more blatant because some games are just trying to "get with the times" regarding social issues.
I like how you people play both sides of the fence but you don't even try to make it subtle. Then again there isn't anything subtle about a hammer
>political metaphors and allegory
Hmm really makes u think
>transabled dyke #punchingnazis
Yaaaas queen SLLLAAAAAYY
That's the difference you fucking zoomer
>politics i like
>politics i like
>politics i like
>politics i don't like
>get told to fuck off with your attempts to shove niggers and trannies and telling us that nazis are evil for the 6000000th time
>Call of Duty at least attempts to stay true to historical events
The only reason you care now is because you've been conditioned by reactionary gamers, /pol/ and braindead "CLASSICAL LIBERAL" youtubers into thinking that all leftist ideas are bad. Politics in games and other pieces of media have always been left-leaning, you just never noticed until now because you've become another cog in the Koch-funded Democrat-hating machine. Congrats, you're a mindless stooge for corporate interests.
There's a difference between a game having political themes, and a game being injected with the dev's hamfisted, bullshit "wypipo bad, orange man bad" ideology as if it's the only correct way to think. And "you're an alt-right adjacent nazi sympathizer if you disagree."
Way to reach.
I said that the statement that the AI is saying is full of shit because the AI is a liar. I never said anything you "quoted"
Do any of the other three games rewrite history and blanket call France racist?
Centrism is the ultimate brainlet position.
If that's true then let's make all game characters black lesbians. Good idea, user!
>calling others corporate stooges
Graphics more like TRASHPHICS
Putting niggers and trannies in your video game isn't politics, retard.
Jesus man did you pull a muscle when you reached for that?
>(which is a facetious lie by Sweden, who have a habit of talking shit about neighbor countries)
A while ago, Sweden literally put out a PSA calling Switzerland human traffickers and other horrendous terms because Switzerland has legal prostitution. Sweden is the epitome of a smug asshole who smells his own farts.
Hello /leftypol/ idpolitics squad.
If you honestly believe that all "SJWs" are idiots who get offended at everything then your only exposure to them is through Twitter screencap threads on Yea Forums.
You realize the whole left/right spectrum was made by the french who divided people to the left and right by those who were with the king or against the king in a fucking big ass room?
That'd get boring but I wouldn't be bothered by it at all. "Identifying" with any fictional character is for children.
Kys tranny
>Lmaoing at that loser
ok outlander
It's identity politics, aka politics you don't like.
Battlefield has never been historically accurate. All of the weapons are usually historically inaccurate as fuck, BF1 had a shitton of weapons that were either never used or were prototypes that were never even released but no one bitched then.
big brained Yea Forums chad dabbing on lefties and sjws larping as radical centrists
>all "SJWs" are idiots who get offended at everything
You heard it here first folks
Don't care nigger the memes are fun
>intrusive, ham-fisted, hardline leftist
so like MGS?
it's not politics if it doesn't challenge my assumptions :^)
And also milk is racist
Trannies are mentally ill
wow damn i got btfo guess i shouldve remembered those ai's the government was using with all of that great dsl internet infrastructure everywhere
look its genuinely not the same as what's being done today
>>Doom - anti-corporation
t. someone who thinks white genocide is real
Identity politics literally doesn't mean anything. It's a made up phrase used by literal crazy people.
It's boring. That's the simple answer. It's really fucking boring and played out. The only reason anyone gives one tenth of a shit is because it's current, so there might be some tiny chance that any of this wank could actually change things.
Gonna take a wild shot in the dark and say you people are mad about everyone thinking that Extra Credits video about Nazis was stupid.
well lets see the top three are legitimate political and social commentary and the bottom was is appealing to mentally ill sexual deviants
I fucking hate trannies and their degeneracy
You're just proving my point. You don't like it, so you call it invalid and stupid.
>people don't like things they don't like
Really stunning observation there dipshit
There is a time and a place for it. MGS is all about politics and both sides are usually represented somewhat fairly. Cyberpunk as a form of literature is highly political, but most people are into cyberpunk for the aesthetic, not some hamfisted acceptance message.
PLENTY of people bitched, too many automatic weapons in that game, should have been 99% rifles.
Now of course they made those changes for gameplay reasons, there's absolutely no reason to stuff shit that breaks the setting that has no gameplay purpose. People are only okay with it because it's happening to white people, imagine if there were white japanese soldiers. That's just stupid.
Nobody likes identity politics besides racists and sexists. Engaging in identity politics is literally the idea of categorising people by their race and sex, applying special privileges to some and taking away rights from others. Look at that concert that had some artist called Tiny Jag, a mixed race rapper, boycott the whole thing because the venue charged non-POCs double the standard rate because they made the presumption that all white people are rich and privileged while all black people are poor and their lives suck. That is racism, and fits the bill of identity politics.
When did I ever say that I'm a white supremacist, Resetera?
Because it is literally invalid. You being a nigger is about as political as me taking a nasty shit.
The left in my country is hell bent on opening the borders to people that wipe with their hands and bribing them with goodies that come out of my paycheck so they can stack democracy on their side.
LA has typhus and TB outbreaks, now how did those get there?
You didnt even watch Cr1t1kals video
He said its fine if you actually want to make a game about politics.
Just that people forcing politics into games and demanding all games have some political stance are fucking stupid.
Christ I dont think most people watched the video.
That's more like a mental illness tough as much like arguing the sky is pink
I'm glad we can agree that the "get politics out of games" are just people who want to throw tantrums when a game posits political ideologies that they don't like, and that their criticisms are all in bad faith.
>Nobody likes identity politics
Yes, very rational, definitely true thing to say.
>Because it is literally invalid.
Still proving my point. You make this really easy.
>r/gamingcirclejerk getting absolutely destroyed
Not even a political person but when people unironically call something like River City Girls part of a "globalist agenda" on the Steam webpage, it kind of shows that people will call anything SJW tripe nowadays, so it's not an actual insult worth merit.
So how is being a tranny political, user? Please tell me.
>games made by corporations
>against corporate interests
look its insanely fucking simple you idiots the will of the creator matters, someone can make a game that glorifies communism and slams capitalism without it being intended as a political works and without it being intended to affect political change
and dont give me this death of the creator bullshit that post modernistslike to lap up, the creator matters and with the death of the creator we are nothing but idiots running around calling the blue curtains a representation of something else
anti vaxxxxers, duh. If they just vaccinated those damn kids we'd be fine how dare they not vaccinate their kids
It's not a conspiracy when there's evidence that proves it. Republicans, especially in states with big black populations, intentionally pass laws to make it harder for black people to vote. Have you ever heard of the Southern Strategy, user? None of this shit ain't a conspiracy at all.
Why would you watch a Cr1tikal video in current year? He has nothing but the absolute softest takes on anything and is incredibly small-brained. It's basically like if Grug made a Youtube channel, except Grug would probably be more personable.
What you said was that "when a statement is and outright lie" the statement because more politically charged and/or more subtle
care to elaborate on how this is so or are you just going to stop responding now?
>For it be politics it must be real!
>analogies and metaphors aren't real!
>There for analogies and metaphors aren't political!
A logic king everybody
It is invalid and stupid. You'd do well to remember that any of this internet-born shit is invalid and stupid.
Yes it is
I don't feel sorry for Sweden anymore
only in your mentally ill retard interpretation.
>Tail buttplug falls out of purse
What a fucking punchline
>non-intrusive ingame politics and nuanced philosophical commentary is the same obvious pandering gimmicky garbage based off of current social justice trends
I don’t even know why you angry ideologue losers keep trying to argue this. It’s just sad.
The examples up top are actually thought provoking, the bottom is just corporate pandering to special interest minority groups.
You're being disingenuous, or you're just a fucking retard.
Shouldn't need to. None of that shit would have happened if it werent for retarded corporations and those who led them deliberately digging so far underground that they let the Fun Things out. And then tried to harness them for power.
>LA has typhus and TB outbreaks
Gee, almost like people won't vaccinate their kids because they fear them being a sperg over dying young. Though looking at modern Yea Forums, I think I understand the choice that they make now.
The UAC. Doom 2016 is more explicit about it.
like this
>PLENTY of people bitched, too many automatic weapons in that game, should have been 99% rifles.
There were a handful of people at best compared to the shitstorm over muh womyn in Battlefield. Battlefield has always had a history of having inaccurate weapons and no one ever gave a shit then
>finishing kick to the nuts
What laws, user? Are you talking about the ONE LAW that got found unconstitutional and was shot down by the supreme court?
Meanwhile a group of BLM thugs can literally kidnap, torture, and beat a mentally disabled white boy and face no consequences whatsoever.
Fucking idiot.
I usually dont but the video's title interested me, and this thread is about that fucking video.
Why the fuck would you act like you knew what a video was about when you didnt even watch it.
>For it be politics it must be real!
it has to be reasonably contemporary and relatable yes, the concept of a spying government could literally be related to any western country in the last 500 years
>analogies and metaphors aren't real!
analogies, metaphor and allegory aren't destructive to the medium as they are not cheap lazy garbage pandering like we see today
>both sides are usually represented somewhat fairly
>in MGS
MGS1 and 4 both had regular breaks in gameplay to just play FMV cutscenes to talk about the political message behind it. You really can not get more hamfisted or intrusive about politics than MGS.
No, nigger.
>getting an ID is SOOOO HARD
If conservatives were more open to immigration maybe they'd have a chance in your elections. Immigration is an objective net positive for economies and culture. I know hearing that is very triggering, but I'm talking purely about facts.
The modern GOP has tried hard to scrub the existence of the Southern Strategy from the minds of people, and deny that there ever was a party ideology swap.
>that come out of my paycheck
you're gonna hate what the military, big pharma, big ag, prisons, and other industries are doing with your blessing RIGHT NOW
According to /vpol/ anything that isn't a white male lead is forced diversity.
>Nobody likes identity politics
>Yes, very rational, definitely true thing to say.
So what you're saying is that you DO like identity politics? Then I'm afraid to say you're a genuine racist and/or sexist. You believe one group is superior and the other is inferior, that is bigotry. Coat it up and paint it all you like, it's the leftist equivalent of /pol/ ranting about the Jew Nigger Overlords.
>No one is taking options away.
Tell that to all the jap games that got censored and pushed out of the west thanks to leftist Soc Justice infection from "actvists" in the games press.
I could list all their sins. But go ahead tell me again.
Remember acording to them if you like big breasts you are a pedo.
They're mentally ill people
This literally proved nothing you retard
people just dont want social politics, economic and broader politics are more deep
>missing the point of the entire latter half of Barret's character arc
Because the surgeries to alter facial structure and such are expensive and no one else will pay for them as most programs only cover the operations directly related to gender reassignment, not other cosmetic surgeries that are only tangentially related.
Why does Critikal dress like a fucking douche now? I get that it's ironic, but why?
i just think that if you're going to look into metal gear like its some allegory instead of a cool jap game with some neat story elements youve lost the plot
it's like looking for hidden messages on the shitcovered toiletpaper you just whiped your ass with to understand if its going to rain tomorrow
I've watched him for years. I knew what the video would be about. He never has actually done anything creative, he only responds to things that other people do and does with an incredibly misinformed take.
also anti-military (doomguy was punished by being transfered to mars after he refused to obey an order to fire upon civilians)
crazy how lefties flip between denying that demographic replacement is happening to celebrating it
but here it is straight from the horse's mouth
difference between a game having a political theme and trannies forcing their own personal politics into unrelated games: to the liberal retard brain this distinction does not exist.
how fucking retarded are you?
bro all the anime porn games are on the switch now they still exist
Believable changes made for the sake of fun gameplay versus the battlefield being filled with immersion shattering harpie death screams
That fallout section is dead wrong.
its more about overconsumption in an environmental sense and only even to the extent of "non-renewables". its not brave new world lol
>be less afraid of other ideologies such as communism
communism in the fallout universe is portrayed to be even worse than whatever corrupt shit is going on in america. communism philosophically is virtually never explored outside its relationship with totalitarian china
>being racist kinda makes you an asshole
every fallout game makes being a racist or bigot morally ambiguous (BOS in 4, legion in NV, gecko in 2). It probably trends towards portraying it as overall negative but its arguably one of the most pro-racism franchise in gaming since its not 100% against it lmao.
You honestly think voter ID laws weren't passed? Why are you so confident in something you didn't even look up?
>put trans person in
You know you trannys would be a lot more liked if you did not go out of your way to be the most obnoxious faggots around.
It's not ironic. He's just straight up a normie.
Yeah dude i totally forgot MGS has cutscenes
>forced diversity
Is a meme. All you do is see a black person, then form a headcanon that the devs must have somehow been "forced" to include them at gunpoint by someone, and that's supposedly how it's "political". Meanwhile it extremely fucking obvious that the developers of Fallout, Oddworld, Bioshock, and etc. developed their games with a clear agenda in mind.
The former requires you to make a bunch of assumptions while the latter doesn't
Well I literally dont give a shit about his character or other videos.
He was right in this one.
It's almost as if all your examples present their politics in a way that isn't hamfisted and insulting to the audience, allowing the audience to reach conclusions on the ideas presented on their own, rather than having them crammed down their throats.
It's almost as if the issue here isn't the mere existence of politics, it's when the execution is sloppy and it devolves from thematization to blatant pandering.
Ya'll are gonna be really fucking mad when Death Stranding comes out.
No you dont get to do that bitch. Remember resetpedo.
You could watch hundreds of other videos on the same subject that provide more information or insight. He does nothing but say "THIS IS BAD" or "THIS IS GOOD" and that goes for his movie reviews too.
FFIV was about how humanity rules and we should murder any and all aliens when we find them.
>muh kock bruddaz
Nice fake quotes that fail to define the games correctly and only made to fit your agenda on the top you faggot.
Also the "politics" are told through fictional events and characters and made to make the player think of things on a general grand scale, principles, not like the politics of today that moralize directly to the player, judging him if he doesn't conform to the creators own personal, small minded political leanings of who they should vote for.
It's the difference between bringing up an abstract principle often with no clear outcome to mull in your mind versus telling you what to think if you want to be considered a "good" person.
Huge difference and only idiots can't tell the difference between the two, one is giving you food for thought, the other one is berating you for not doing as your told.
This is not directed at CyberPunk since the game is not even out yet, but at plenty of ideologically driven and simple minded people out there in the industry.
>tfw I've become so tired of outrage culture that I've become completely apathetic and circled around to just not giving a fuck anymore
>contemporary and relatable
To who you fucking retard
by this logic a story about African war lords training kids to be soldiers isn't political because it sure as fuck doesn't relate to anything happening in any western country
>analogies, metaphor and allegory aren't destructive to the medium as they are not cheap lazy garbage pandering like we see today
I see reading comprehensions isn't your strong suit
>that time during gamergate wehere game journos and devs unironically believed that gaming is too "white" and gamers are dead
Nobody gives a shit about Jap games that don't have white male leads. Gee, it's almost like people only hate "diversity" when it's done poorly, you fucking mong.
>All you do is see a black person, then form a headcanon that the devs must have somehow been "forced" to include them at gunpoint by someone
that's not what people mean though forced is the idea that they add them not out of design considerations but instead out of political considerations and they dont even care if there;s any demand for it.
look at bfv's launch and how they celebrated the botched sales on that because they believed they were virtuous, now consider if it would have been a good game where they had spent that energy on you know actually finishing the game instead
This. idpol is boring brainwashing shit.
OP, you are as the ocean, generating so much rightie salt.
>believable changes
The general gameplay loop of Battlefield has also never been believable, this is the same series where you can literally leap out of a jet in mid-air, zoom by and headshot someone else with a pistol and land back in the plane or use a bazooka to fly up in the air.
Does anyone know this one morrowind meme I saw?
The meme was this picture except the painting of Lincoln was replaced by the house hlaalu banner and the food was replaced by the food from morrowind.
Retard using the oldest, stupidest strawman. You have no idea how to think for yourself or make logical connections and give evidence so you assume it can't be done.
It's not that it's hard, it's that it's another barrier in the way for a largely politically disengaged and underrepresented demographic to get their voices heard. I know it's impossible to have empathy as an edgy conservative sociopath, but try to put yourself in their shoes. After years of slavery and even more years of being second class citizens, living in a country where people hate you for something you can't control of course things are going to be fucked up. A community can't just overcome all those social issues overnight.
>Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Bioshock
>Presenting politics in a way that isn't hamfisted and insulting to the audience
It's almost like you're basing your entire statement on a theoretical line that doesn't exist and changes to suit your intent!
>Halo and CoD had political themes, so please put a giant, screeching Donald Trump baby in your game. Make sure he poops himself too.
>anime cunnyfags posting 30,000 threads about marie from that shitty fighting game every day
>have the gall to accuse others of being pedophiles
i do wonder if mutts will eventually begin to complain that japanese gaming is too "japanese" and demand more shitskins in them.
It's always fucking funny how the most militant pro-vaccination people have such a woeful grasp of basic biology.
>To who you fucking retard
modern western liberals, its why they shove their paragon of virtue into every game they can get away with, identity politics is very contemporary and this gen its seen a boom in gaming through cheap lazy pandering
>I see reading comprehensions isn't your strong suit
aight man whatever im done arguing anyway just call me a faggot and move along
Anons, can't we all at least agree that Cr1tikal was better when he just talked about nipples all day?
>that isn't hamfisted
see If you replaced all of the aliens with KKK members or racists you'd be bitching about how overly hamfisted it was
LOL /pol/ drumpflets blown out how will they recover?
>All the voter ID laws were passed in places with big black populations.
Makes you think. I wish you retards could put some of that brainpower and skepticism to use outside of blindly hating on gaming journalists and SJWs and turn it towards things that matter.
That's possible in real life you idiot, its just really hard.
Are you implying it's some secret forbidden knowledge that America is becoming less white? Because it isn't.
but the far right's "great replacement" conspiracy theory of minorities being used to exterminate white people has been thoroughly debunked. White people aren't vanishing, and they're not going to vanish anytime in our lifetimes, even if demographic change trends continue.
Okay? I dont need you shilling me on how basic his opinions are.
Doesnt really change anything.
>90s politics in games
Bold, class based critique of economic and political philosophy
>00s politics in games
Over-the-top depictions of authoritarian governments of all stripes, militarism and subtle acknowledgement that conspiracies are not always fiction
>10s politics in games
Contemporary and rapidly dated social problems utilizing caricatured antagonists, inclusiveness, sexual orientation becoming more prominent than ever
Did that fucker have a tail in his purse?
This is pretty much the position you liberals take though?
you get mad when a white guy is in a star wars video game, even though that's not even political
This bugs me a lot too and I hate trannies
Remember When Gamergate happened and they wanted devs to do whstever they wanted because they wanted titty games? They're singing a different song now.
>that the devs must have somehow been "forced" to include them
Well yea. How else could you be stuck in the hoop earing and afros for blacks eh?
West cost white shit lib devs aint seen a black person IRL. They all watched Austin Powers 3 and copyed that.
representing a war that was fought in the vast majority by white europeans as being 50% black is what you would call forced diversity. but we see how the double standard works, whitewashing bad, blackwashing good and encouraged
Bread and circuses, friend. It's worked wonders in pacifying the plebeian population for millennia.
I like you
Well, then how is it racist if black people passed those laws in themselves? Those ARE states with majority black populations, as you said.
Difference is, the resetpedos got caught.
its literally impossible to you people to make any sort of fictional conflict in a world without seeing real world politics in it
fictional politics =/= pandering
MGS2 is set in a fictional world where everything is controlled by an organization called The Patriots and you know this through the whole game.
Yea Forums doesn't pretend to not like 2D children. Resetera blanked bans any and all discussion yet has been caught twice engaging in content involving children. Gee, why would this be perceived as worse than Yea Forums's stance? Is it because it's blatant fucking hypocrisy?
I feel like Death Stranding is going to be that game where people look back on MGSV and go "Wow, Kojima really was a fucking hack!"
>Thinking SMT is anti-organized religion
You have never played an SMT game
Only retards think that such a character can only exist if it "fits" a pre-existing narrative, other than what has to do with the game's story.
>character is black
>this story doesn't take place in the middle of a ghetto wasteland in Detroit, must only be there to fulfill a diversity quota
>why is this nigger the protagonist again? They don't belong in a post-apocalyptic RPG
You misunderstand, it wasn't that it made a case for communism, it's show what ridiculous and unwarranted fear does to people. They held beliefs about the communists that simply weren't true and it escalated things.
They weren't passed by black people?
Then why don't you niggers specify identity politics?! You people turn and and cry that words like Nazi lost their meaning then ruin the word politics in the same breath.
A person who likes 2D kids is a person who likes 2D kids. If you mug someone does it matter to the person being mugged that you did it to feed your family versus buying drugs?
>Fallout saying be nicer to communism
That's fucking retarded and whoever made it is a retard. It never says be less afraid of Communism, the world fucking ended because of communists. Vault tec did pretty inhumane things in some of their vaults, but they didn't end the world, in fact, the shitty part about America is the government growing far stronger than before and taking away people's rights through fear.
If anything it's a cautionary tale against trading liberty for safety, not "We should be less afraid of other ideologies"
The communists
1. Invaded American soil in pursuit of oil while America was emphasizing nuclear power to minimize oil use
2. Stole a biological warfare virus and smashed it open in an airport (And the American government used the following outbreak as an excuse to do a power grab and become more authoritarian)
3. Fucking started the war in retaliation to losing the counter invasion to their Alaska invasion
All of the ideologies and routes presented in Fallout have to do with repeating mistakes, or trying to learn from them, with the big bad in 1 being a totalitarian that wants everyone to be the same (Super mutant) or dead/subjugated, and in 2 it's an ultra authoritarian faction of the government that doesn't see the Americans as American anymore and is willing to just mow them down in a manifest destiny 2
The difference between cautionary tales based on philosophy (Trading liberty for security only to receive neither) and modern politics in games is that one is timeless and part of the human condition in our imperfect world, while the other is more often than not "Current topic bad and only bad with no nuance", and is more often than not just demonizing and going "I'm right, they're wrong."
NV, even with Sawyer who is quite outspoken about his politics, at the least understands you can't make a game like that, and gave people a chance to find merit in all these different factions and join them, regardless of his opinion.
Those games don't suck ass because of it though. Probably because they weren't trying to mirror every ongoing political issue
White people's severe negrophilia is getting too fucking obnoxious.
using demon shit to make new type of tec aka touching shit should not be touching
You absolute dumb as a bag of bricks nigger, all of what you just mentioned is for the purpose of F U N.
Battlefield is a historical sanbox game. They take a setting and allow you to fuck around with tanks and guns and planes. That's the entire appeal of the franchise. Minor "unrealistic" changes to create fun gameplay is NOT the same thing as the SETTING being completely torn apart by black female nazis.
Yes they were, those are states with majority black populations, as you said.
Social Politics =/= Governmental Politics
>he didn't RTFM
Wrong. Oddworld literally has the stereotypical men-in-suits as antagonists, Fallout 3 literally had an objectively evil rich man, FFVII literally has the generic corporate fatcat, Fallout 2 literally had a Dan Quayle stand-in as one of the bad guys. The only reason why it's hamfisted now is because either you were too underage back then to get the blatantly obvious references or because it's only hamfisted when it's politics you don't personally like.
Not really.
Something like “censorship is about control” is clearly a common moral while “WUZ KINGS”, “down with the cis-hetero patriarchy”, and changing historical events (in a series way) are woke.
Perception is just a meme used by people who can’t back up their own opinions.
why do you niggers think just stating facts about something is a response?
What does this have to do with my point?
You aren't on twitter you faggot, you can post more then 140 characters
Really? Do you have any statistics for that?
No, the left needs to acknowledge the toxicity in their platform and that the left can overreact
>what is disenfranchisement
Cringe bad faith arguer.
I'll just be amused at whatever dumb shit kojima comes up with, MGS has been downhill since 3, there's no reason to have a high opinion of kojima.
I want Critikal to fuck my ass
Well yea, you give a commie power all he does is send people who shit talk him to death and make stupid laws about killing birds and making the country starve to death.
A bi-partisan political system was a mistake and just makes sure that an us vs them mentality is all that more pronounced.
The concept of a middle ground is far too gone in modern day society and it's all about getting your team to win, not about improving things.
The pendulum will forever swing back and forth, and we will always be in a state of disarray.
>black people were stupid enough to disenfranchise themselves
Huh. I guess /pol/ was right.
>black people
Sweetie it's 2019 we call them basketball Americans now.
>Dan Quayle
Literally who
So what, cockbreath? That doesn't mean you have to flood the board with identity politics bullshit, twitter grabs or victim complex threads about feeling persecuted as a chubby white boy with tits.
Fuck your attention whoring and off topic bullshit and fuck you.
>It's almost like you're basing your entire statement on a theoretical line that doesn't exist and changes to suit your intent!
Actually, that's exactly what you retards do. See your friend here >If my ridiculous hypothetical scenario that I created specifically for this argument was true, you'd be mad about it!
Anyway, I'm not sure why you retards think you get to dictate anyone else's taste or subjective opinion. I'm the one who gets to determine when I feel that I'm being insulted, or that something is excessively hamfisted. There's not really anything that you can do but cry about it and dilate, like you're doing now.
Okay, here's an example, what about the transgender character in Mass Effect Andromeda? The one that just straight up drops their "dead name" like a hat to Ryder. The character so reviled that not even transgenders hated them. Is that not forced diversity? The character doesn't do anything besides basically say "Hey I used to be a dude."
>source: paint.exe
I don't know why but i feel extremely unsympathizing with Critikal since his face reveal. He isn't even ugly, rather, how would i say it, sleazy, dirty? Something like that.
Battlefield is a multiplayer online game. Players in these kinds of games like customization options and playing as different characters. Why is that bad but using a bazooka to fly in the air is completely fine? In the end you either prioritize the enjoyment of the player or realism/accuracy and most developers will go for the former.
Your penis =/= Big
Sorry *that even transgenders hated them
That's a very long winded way of saying black people are too lazy to get an ID.
Sorry but the security of the US electoral system is more important than people who don't care enough about their country to get an ID to vote. Maybe democrats should focus on making it easier to get an ID. Or help them with it. It's not like the real motivation is to allow fraudulent illegal immigrants to vote for them.
there are no black female nazis in battlefield retard
>Leftist spouts off that right wingers are corp drones
>All while having Apple and google up their commie ass.
How is being a sell out to big tech help the proles boys?
state has a majority black population, you fucking retarded
Please do not insult harpies with such comparisons.
The whole point of an ID is that it's hard to get, you fucking mongoloid. You're not convincing anyone with your faux ignorance and faggotry.
Kill yourself.
I've said this before and I'll say this again for you retards:
To "be political" does not mean "to talk about political subjects". It means TO BE A SUBJECT OF POLITICS.
Get this through your thick skulls. The push for games to be more political (and the subsequent annoyance about it) is a result of a claim that games have to be held to a responsible to political movements and ideologies. That is to say: that political organizations and movevements should maintain control over them, and use it to further their agendas.
WHENEVER somebody says "XY is/should be political", what they really say is "(my) political movement/body should have the authority to rule over XY". It does not matter if this claim is made by left or right, it does not matter what the subject of discussion is (the same exact movement has happened in all other media, as well in domains such as private and sexual life). It just means someone fancies himself to be your superior, and wants more total control over your fiction, or your personal life.
Understanding THIS, and fighting against THIS is what really matters. To reject the notion that private needs to be "Made political", that is: eradicated, given over to the authority of political discourse.
>Yea Forums revealing Critikal stopped being interesting to them once they found out he wasn't a fat unsuccessful slob they could relate to
The fact that he doesn't say "based" or "cuck" every five seconds like you fags doesn't make him not funny anymore.
No state*
>California soi boi tech employees are leftists
Yikes. There's a difference between people who voted for Hillary and people who voted for Bernie.
You type like a 12 year old
Social politics is just for retards too stupid to actually grasp issues. In fact, I will go one step further and say that current year social politics debase writing, relying on the fact that it's ripped from someone's twitter feed for an emotional connection with the audience
But I NEED the latest Iphone! I don't have a choice, I do it to survive in this system!
Hold up, I need a second one, for uh... Work, yeah, work.
>WHENEVER somebody says "XY is/should be political", what they really say is "(my) political movement/body should have the authority to rule over XY".
Fucking this. Just ask any leftist, and they all unanimously agree that "fascism doesn't have a place in our world" and they genuinely do feel like it's their goal to shut it down. It doesn't matter how underhanded, dirty, and overall vile their tactics are. Their goal is to stop fascism, and they will destroy the whole world just to do it.
Kill me yourself pussy.
But it's not only about that, you clearly can see how they are pushing their agenda on video games nowadays. Allowing the player to choose to be a tranny is part of their agenda if you haven't noticed yet.
wasn't tenpenny also trying to set off a nuke to wipe out an entire city just because it ruined his view or some shit? that's probably why you get good karma
i really dont understand how you guys dont get that having political concepts in your game doesnt necessarily make your game a political work
you can have whatever configuration of fictional political conflicts or concepts going on in your game and just have them be there as a backdrop without it being intended as a statement
Nobody wants identity politics. They don't have a purpose other than dividing people and promoting tribalism.
All of the things at the top are actual real problems and issues.
why are you asking the same dumbass questions I've already answered twice?
>Minor "unrealistic" changes to create fun gameplay is NOT the same thing as the SETTING being completely torn apart by black female nazis
Based and cuckpilled.
The funniest thing is that the majority of modern communists and lefties are drug consumers, porn consumers, members of the LGBT, engage in casual sex and other deviant communities such as furries, etc.
And all that exists thanks to capitalism.
deus ex did it a year earlier, turd
It's not kosher to draw the blood of salty neckbeards. :^)
posting in a bait thread
Ah yes, the agenda of having options is really controversial
The funniest thing about that is that fascism doesn't even exist.
Doesn't everyone have a fucking driver's license or something? How fucking hard is it to get a single piece of ID? I'm canadian so maybe it's hard as FUCK to get ID in the US but it's really super fucking easy.
If niggers are so fucking lazy they can't get a single piece of photo ID then they don't deserve to vote lmao.
It's not like videogames cause trannies what's the issue? Do you think loli hentai weeb games push pedo acceptance too?
OP is a huge fucking cunt and I want to rape his ass.
The only hatred that should exist among people is the hatred against the jews
You sound like the sort of guy who has a mini-stroke every day he wakes up to a country run by Trudeau's kid. :3
Honestly, I'm so tired of all the fucking 'iDeNtItY pOlItIcS" bullshit. Why does any attention need to be drawn to this stuff? Why can't game devs just put varied characters into games without being hounded by le alt-right? Why can't game devs also make a homogeneous cast without people claiming they're literally worse than Hitler? And I'm saying this shit as an actual, proper communist, not one of those fake posers. People should be allowed to just do whatever they fucking, provided it doesn't interfere with anybody else's lifestyle.
If you don't like it, fucking ignore it. Grow up, all of you.
Watch Dog 2
Mafia 3
Pretty much every game coming out in 2020
You do the same shit all the time
On one hand you shit on leftists and say SOCIALISM BAD, COMMUNISM BAD, CAPITALISM GOOD then suddenly when a corporation announces they wants to be pro-LGBT you go "oh you're defending a corporation? you're evil because corporations are evil!"
You also do the same shit with piracy and copyright infringement, COMPANY GOOD, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT GOOD, CAPITALISM GOOD oh but I pirate everything lol
while deus ex is neat with all of its prophetic knowledge i doubt it was ever outright intended as a political work
I just wish wish people specified that they meant pushing left wing identity politics because Japan has great trany and fag characters
I'll throw the leftists a bone here. Fascism DOES exist. The incident at Charlottesville proves that fascism is spreading to our youth.
The question I propose is: Who gives a single fuck? Fascism will never take root in the US, and if it does then I am more than willing to offer my life to stop it. Right now leftists are the ones in power, and they need to be stopped. Simple as that.
I've seen a nigger or two and they're disgusting, i'm glad japs make their brown characters look normal but with a tan instead of gross monkey people.
Never should of come here.
>Dude video games don't influence your thoughts! They don't make you violent
>Dude video games don't influence your thoughts! They don't make you sexist or racist!
>Dude video games influence your thoughts! The leftists inserting political agenda to make everyone trans and pro-diversity
>preferring capitalism to starving and bread lines means you love corporations
uh no
>These hoops people are jumping through despite the clear evidence that video games were always political
You're nothing more than sheep to grifters using you for money
What are they going to do? Leave their basement. Fucking pussies come at me.
Pff what the fuck are you talking about?, he has always been shit.
it was before /pol/ so Rightists didn't get offended by everything like they do now.
It's not spreading anywhere, retarded isolated incidents always happen.
the only right answer
yeah it's like saying 1984 is promotes totalitarianism. It's stupid lazy logic done by people who got through university by memorizing everything
I said this before and i'll say it again, if you care even the slightest bit about politics you are braindead.
>b-b-but without politics we'd still have things like slavery and...
yes, that was well over a hundred years ago, politics has run its course now, it has nothing to contribute nor anything to outlaw except things like "microaggresions". Caring even slightly about politics or discussing it in the present day is just how seething pseudointellectual brainlets spend their time.
Oddworld is definitely a political work, FO3 is as well. FF VII might be if it didn't become so stupid
>The leftists inserting political agenda to make every game shit and not fun
there fixed it for you
Of course user giving you the choice to be a tranny in a dystopian future where degeneracy is normal is pushing a agenda
>two years of all three branches of the federal government and most state governments being solidly republican
Tired of winning yet?
That's absurd, let's not pretend that white supremacy isn't pervasive. You can argue that it's counter-culture to the insane leftist dogma, and I'd be inclined to agree, but it's still white supremacy and fascism. If it walks like a duck...
Fallout one makes no sense.
>somehow is an issue when the whole cast is white
>when the game devs are white and they live in a (not for much) white majority country
>dude the only thing that matters is gameplay, we need to stop making games like movies!
>this game is shit not because of the gameplay, not because of the technical issues, but because there's a brown guy in it and a gay guy in it
This is true, he has said before that he never makes a script or something, he just turn on the camera and starts talking.
I'm shocked at the hoops people jump through to pretend that current year politics uplift writing. Social issues have always been the tool parties use to get stupid people involved in politics, it is literal lowest common denominator shit.
no u
Actually, that is NOT entirely true. While that may be a popular claim (it's a common and incredibly dishonest strategy employed by all totalitarian ideologies - left or right - to define themselves not through what they want to do, but rather what they oppose, makes it easier to shift attention away from the actual policies they want to employ), but the truth is:
They desperately need "faschists" and relish nothing more than their continued existence and even radicalization.
The ABSOLUTE majority of current left-wing ideologies is based on something generally known as "the theories of conflict". A very broad, over-reaching philosophy of history and social structure entirely and purely derived from the idea of all history, and all social structures being manifestation of inherent human propensity to constantly fight each other for power.
That fight, that inherent opposition, is the SOLE justification of their own existence and importance to the world. Without the so called "fascists", left would have literally no way to justify itself, to claim authority.
They fucking love the constant feeling of paranoia and strife. "The good fight" they can derive their moral superiority from.
They need their opponents. And the more their opponents resemble them, the more in power they become.
Nothing has boosted the power of left as much as birth of alt-right. They may claim they hate it, but they are fucking grateful for it.
Having blacl female nazis in a game isn't really political and pushing a agenda
>Leftists literally own every single major corporation, and they're more than willing to de-person you if you so much as step out of line.
>Large banks and credit card companies are starting to cut people off for being "alt-right".
>We're literally going to enter a future where grocery stores will come together and push out "racists", leaving people in a desperate scramble to find land and farm their own food.
Dilate me yourself pussy my neo vag will swallow your arm faster than a stoned Kirby.
>Catherine - pro-LGBT
maybe you should stop thinking in strawmen and absolutes, gameplay is the thing that matters most but everything else is also important as they can amplify the fun
I wouldn't consider that to be forced diversity. Since they don't design tranny characters to look like the abominations that we see in real life to tell us that visually, they involve shitty writing and characterization to tell us that. That's why it sounds forced. It's the same way with gay characters. There's no reason why or how for us to really know that they're gay other than characterization which usually doesn't matter in the immediate story.
In real life we don't know or care if someone is a fag unless they're doing something to tell us in that annoying way that they do. It's the same deal.
not for long lmao
This should of closed the thread
>>These hoops people are jumping through despite the clear evidence that video games were always political
t. zoomer with no experience with old games
The thing I hate about politics in games is not that politics are included. It's the way modern videogames handle it, they're extremely reactionary, time specific and age terribly. Criticisms and ideas like the ones found in Fallout or MGS are so general that you can play them today or in 20 years and they'll still apply, because they're making comments on the way society behaves as a whole. War, Economy, Religion, these topics will always stay relevant.
Talking about fucking Trump, racism or whatever are extremely focused and small-minded topics, they will age really quickly and fade into meaninglessness. Trying to reach for the quick, timely comment instead of looking at the greater scope of things is what ruins it for me.
Stop shilling your garbage politics in games
>reee they did it before
We used to have slaves too, should we bring that back just because we used to do it?
Yeah go build your own state if you don't like it, stop trying to bring everyone else down with you
Did you watch that Black Mirror episode about the black guy riding a bike? Corporations realized that they dont have to keep you away from thinking they're evil, they can just feed you media telling you that they indeed are and you will eat it because you will feel smart. The best part is they know you wont do anything about it and continue your daily life, maybe even more distracted than before.
Having a brown character in a game or a gay character in a game has no impact on actual gameplay, though. Neither does having a political story or theme. This is one of the reasons why anti-SJWs here are a meme movement because they'll ignore 99% of the game and spend hundreds of threads whining about a gay NPC in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
Yeah, it's not really "political", at least not in a clever or meaningful way, it's just dumb virtue signaling shit to pander to braindead Twitter activists like you.
Games with "politics"
Are you telling me that the large banks that have cut ties with alt-righters AREN'T leftists? You don't find it fucking horrifying that a bunch of major companies LITERALLY conspired together to shut down Alex Jones?
Like, we're actually living in a timeline where Alex Jones was completely fucking right.
Thanks for proving my point, dipshit.
Yeah it's social commentary vs preaching
>Tranny freak
>It's a Nintentard
Like clockwork
It's probably like the dev or whatever of Outer Worlds said. They include people with certain views and include certain themes, but they aren't calling out any specific politic view like capitalism in general, just showing a bad version of them.
Yeah sure as long as they're Jews
user, name a single SJW game that's good.
Mortal Kombat 11 was trash.
Mass Effect Andromeda was trash.
Battlefield 1 was trash.
Your side literally has nothing. You people are the vampires of the art world.
>Talking about fucking Trump, racism or whatever
No game mentions Trump though, you just have his cock so far down your throat you imagine everything and anything to be an attack on him
I guess we just dont want games to be dumb.
I don't care whether it's political or not. It completely ruins the setting. WWII in europe was 99.9999999% white men killing white men and seeing a bunch of women running around is just as immersion breaking as seeing a japanese army made up entirely of 6'4 ubermensch gigachads.
Let me repeat it again for your dumb fucking head to understand.
>gameplay changes for the sake of fun are fine
>changes to the historical setting that completely break immersion are not fine
>hearing the horrifying death screams of female soldiers in a game set in WW2 is just wierd
>Having a brown character in a game or a gay character in a game has no impact on actual gameplay, though.
yes it does though when game after game has the same lazy shit in there it gets just as boring as the cod straight white male paradigm we just came from
Yeah they have obviously-not-trump instead.
This is another way of saying "its only ok if it doesn't hurt my feelings".
It's all Birdo's fault
>gay characters doesn't act gay, never flirts with any men or anything, literally can't figure out he's gay unless the game explicitly tells you or some other lore tied to the game tells you
>Why is he gay then? Why isn't he straight? This is forced diversity, they just made him gay for brownie points
>see Soldier 76
>Gay character flirts with men, has a romance story, has a husband, etc.
>Wow dude stop shoving your gayness down my throat, this is forced diversity
>see Mass Effect
dude there's like a million games and tv shows that have snide trump references and "make X great again" snipes from the villain.
Games have always been political, but to argue that these modern games are on par with Fallout 1/2 or Planescape Torment is just laughable. The latter discusses broad political spectrums and argues in the place of both, showing the biases and failings, but also the successes of the people who follow them. It lets the player make up their own mind about which choice works, and that encourages discussion among players. That's why these titles are remembered so fondly after nearly two decades.
Modern games don't do this, they just throw in caricatures of political opponents and tokenise people they're supposed to be uplifting from the dirt. I have yet to come across one transgender character worth more than toilet paper. It's always about focusing on their sexuality over their values and ideals as a person. When Yea Forums says "stop forcing shit" they don't literally mean "stop doing it full stop." The average Yea Forums poster can't express themselves properly, but it's obvious that Yea Forums and most other people just want these topics handled tastefully. Go and create black characters, transgenders, people of niche cultures, and then create an enthralling person instead of a glorified mouth piece.
Yeah, the same.
Didn't bfv have bionic arms and shit like that? Why is that part always ignored? Wouldn't it be a bigger issue?
"great replacement" is a reaction to the very real trend of replacement migration being practiced by several european countries
dunno why you try to dance around the issue when it can be freely viewed as published and endorsed by the united nations
Have you been living under a rock since the early 2000s? Most companies are super liberal instead of holding centrists views.
>LITERALLY make character gay to cover up PR debacle
>not forced
ok retard
Just stop pussy-footing around and say that video games shouldn't have propaganda that the NatSoc party would condemn included in it you little fags.
/pol/ destroyed
>Actually defending the decision to make Solider 76 gay
You probably don't even remember that Blizzard made him gay to take away attention from their Mexican employee who became suicidal and left the company because of workplace racist harassment from a female manager. The Solider 76 gay bomb was literally dropped the same week that story went public.
>million games
There actually aren't that many at all that explicitly attack Trump.
There have also been a shitton of games that shit all over Bush but no one gave a fuck then. When a game explicitly namedrops and shits on the Bush Administration that's A-OK but when a game shits on Trump now, suddenly, that's "hamfisted".
This sums up the "why are games political" argument perfectly- you were either too underage to get the obvious reference, or you're just butthurt because it's politics you don't like,
>gay character
Dropped that homo shit there
None of those are endorsement for the democratic party, fucking retard.
Are you a schizo or something? What the fuck are you talking about?
fuck off retardera
Holy shit I spelt Soldier wrong twice. Neck me.
And? Are you so sensitive you can't even handle a subtle reference to your God? Were you alive when Kojima criticised the Patriot Act in Metal Gear 2?
Never reply to me again amerifat.
The only funny thing in that post is that straw man you've built yourself, to imagine yourself as a conservative. It's hilarious and sad at the same time.
I hate that so much too. There's literally no way to win. On the other side it's:
>why aren't there women and minorities?
>*adds women and minorities*
>Those women and minorities are problematic and there's not enough of them!
Everyone needs to get out more.
That's because the left didn't lose its collective goddamn mind during Bush's presidency.
How young are you user
Most companies don't give a shit about this left vs right crap they just side with whoever's doing shit that benefits tthem
>characters sexuality is political
You reply like an obese, kissless, 30 year old.
And that's why you have no right to talk about politics, because you're pretending to hard so you can dodge the issue.
So you're just...going to ignore my statement and prattle off about pointless bullshit. Awesome.
>it's okay as long as i don't get triggered
I might as well post pic related here. Sorry I type like a basedboy. Am I literally retarded? I feel like I got trolled
Why haven't you named any actual sjw games
People equate the covenants religious zealotism to Islam and the "to give the covenant back their bomb" scene to 9/11. I can't make this shit up.
Gays should be thrown off roofs.
>furries exist thanks to capitalism
Uh oh I'm a communist now
Oh so people are finally wising up to leftist bullshit?
Well I apologize for not being schizophrenic.
this. fucking this, honestly. i can't even begine to imagine how one reaches the point where they somehow perceive this as a contentious issue.
thank the left
There's a difference between creating political intrigue and a world's own unique political structure as worldbuilding (which is what MG does) and using a game as a hamfisted soapbox to preach at people about current trending issues.
I don't see why Charlie's wrong there. There's a shitload of games now that are built with a message to support a group or fight another group, all with some link to current day modern issues. They're intended to preach to people. This is different from say, fighting Senator Armstrong and hearing his speech. This isn't to say older games had no trending political content either, for example if any of you have heard of "A Mind Forever Voyaging" it was explicitly intended as a message to reflect the creator's viewpoints, and it's an ancient fucking text adventure game. The difference is that despite that, when that game was made, it was an exception, rather than the majority style, despite coming from a high profile company at the time. Platforms like Twitter and the like also didn't exist at the time, so devs were less likely to stand up and tell you this, even though he confirmed it in interviews.
There's also the issue of people who say "everything's inherently political" in which case it matters if there's intent. Is Kirby taking down a ruler who is greedy and corrupt "political?" In a sense, yes. But when they made the game, I highly doubt they wanted to push some sort of message, it was just a convenient children's game antagonist style.
Another point is that the devs have become extremely obnoxious about it when they do it, sometimes to the point of telling customers not to play their game if they hold different views than them, often due to how political the game is intended to be.
However, there's a point missing among all this, and that's simply that there really are tons of games that aren't jam packed with hamfisted political messages and preaching. If you look past the most high profile western AAA (cont'd)
Men with skirts being women is a very disputed issue actually.
I kiss your mom every night. :^)
Make me bitch
You have no idea just how frequently it happens. You get tired of it after the fourth of fifth time there's an unsubtle trump jab and just hope the writers will go back to writing the show/game and not their own personal political manifesto.
>Niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers
>Not SJW at all
Are you supposed to be the right? When was the last time you went to church, tardboy?
Now you've made it abundantly clear you weren't alive or too young to remember/care.
fucking based and saved
games, then there's tons of great stuff that isn't shoving a message that you have to support one group or fight another, or how virtuous or brave the devs are, etc. On the independent market, there's action games like Contra clones, fantastic games like Super Cyborg. Then there's some Japanese games, and while I wouldn't usually bring up JRPGs when arguing to threads heavy with WRPG stuff, the OP has one so just look at all the good JRPGs coming out like Dragon Quest or those ports of The Alliance Alive. Great games in other genres like management include Lobotomy Corporation, or in dungeon crawling there's Etrian Odyssey. Games like Baba Is You or any of the other games that have gleaned a deserved fanbase on here. Hell, even those fucking mahjong threads. I'm sure there's some light political message among these, but it's one I sure as hell can't detect, and if it's there, I highly doubt it's intentionally made as a message in favor of making a good game. Super Cyborg in particular is one of the best contra clones I've played.
So instead of just looking at all the huge games with hamfisted statements and trivial "bad political thing in real world is bad" shoved in your face, maybe give some stuff outside of the markets you've been looking a try. You might find that the things you've been looking for have been there the whole time.
This post reads like a 13 year old girl wrote it. I guess that's the average mentality of a leftist though.
good post lad didnt want this to 404 without you getting a (You)
How? It is not left that cries "politcal political ree" when a character is gay.
Nice no argument and childish insults
if the left didn't shut the fuck up about how great it is, there could very well be a case for it just being a glance, followed by a "tut tut, another retard."
>I kiss your mom every night. :^)
Speaking of typing like a 12 year old.
Straights give birth to gays and therefore should be thrown off a roof
last tuesday right after i banged your mum
>replacement migration
replacement migration is to offset birthrate decline
you can literally solve this by having sex, holy shit
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that the whole SJW leftist craze existed in 2011.
Fucking idiot.
>user, name a single SJW game that's good.
>Your side literally has nothing. You people are the vampires of the art world.
""""SJWs"""" make the games that you play.
MK 11 was actually a hit and so was Last of Us, which /pol/tards believe is an SJW game
Cyberpunk, Last of Us II, Wolfenstein, and Borderlands are all games that fall under your definition of SJW and they've all made successful pre-order sales and they're hyped as fuck
>It's not an argument if it triggers me
>an actual good poster
>on Yea Forums
But they do when a character isn't, so there's your argument out the fucking window
>the existence of black people is political
This is why people call you racist.
Having sex with an emancipated mudshark post-wall roastie with all divorce laws heavily favoring women.
Great idea.
Now you know why they bring people from places where they treat their women like property.
Your mom didn't think so.
sure, and there's a million ways to promote having children which dont include flooding your country with cheap labor who tend to vote in blocks and erode social trust to dangerous levels which has long-term net negative economic effects when done en masse
but thats a problem for future country, not right now! who even cares bro lets go smoke some doob
>”Bad thing was started in a capitalist country and we would be better off with communism”
>”No, communist countries would totally have planes and phones just like the capitalist countries”
Which one is it?
Watch how nobody bothers to give this a serious response
I appreciate you though, user
Read my post again user
>TFW cant play video games without the leftists and the right getting butt hurt over petty shit
All of you should neck yourselfs
>MK11 was actually a hit and so was Last of Us
Yes, and they're both objectively awful games. I'm not talking about the success of sales, they're all literally just shit games. How many people are playing MK11 right now?
Yes, blackwashing a WW1 game is SJW shit.
Churches these days are filled with leftists who will burn in hell.
>sage, I hope this thread gets zero other replies and dies so you can learn your lesson you baiting cunt
>and there's a million ways to promote having children
and replacement migration is somehow easier than all of those? do you really think this is true?
Really eloquent, go take your ritalin and stop pestering people with stupid, inane shit.
Still not political
The Left made it political. Yea Forums didn't give a single shit about black people until it was the calling card of every woke developer out there. GTA San Andreas is one of Yea Forums's most beloved games, and you literally play as a black gangster climbing the ladder from the slums into not-Las Vegas. Yea Forums fellates characters like Barrett and Sgt Johnson.
So what about the futuristic technology?
Thanks user
>MK 11 was actually a hit
Release the numbers user.
re-read the post
>How many people are playing MK11 right now?
It's the most viewed fighting game on Twitch
>Yes, and they're both objectively awful games.
"Everything that doesn't align with my politics is bad"
>replacement migration
I love how all the "right" can do these days is parrot retarded bullshit they've been fed from foreign sources. Truly enlightened individuals.
What the hell are you talking about?
I think true "forced diversity" is taking an existing character from its final print and suddenly changing them. I know it's already called "-washing" but there's literally no reason at all for a character to suddenly not be what they were first revealed to be. If a character is written to be any race, they should always stay that way. I wouldn't want to look back on the history of a character dating back more than a decade or two, and then suddenly see them depicted differently for no reason at all. I would rather a completely new original character, but I wouldn't expect any originality from Hollywood or the video game industry these days.
why should europeans race to breed like 3rd worlders to their own detriment, instead of just stopping the flow of migrants that only bring crime and disorder? ESPECIALLY with the coming automation that is gonna put this exact type of low skill workers out a job forever
>its your fault im crazy and get upset when I see a black person!
____ ___
It didn't start then. What is now is merely a continuation. It will keep going until everyone has civil rights. Buckle up, cuck, because it will just get "worse" for you from here. I know how painful it is to see other groups enjoy the same things you've enjoyed your entire life.
This is a very fair stance in the situation though i feel like it is too optimistic on the state of the industry and somewhat undermines the legitimacy of the anger of those that dislike the political messaging in modern video games. Yes you can still find some genuinely good games out there but if they aren't tainted with pandering they made already be tainted with micro transactions or casual game design. The truth of the matter is that gaming has gotten a lot shittier than it used to be except graphically and that's not going to go away any time soon.
regardless great post
I know this is a bait thread but that's completely out of context. The video was response to Extra Credits' retardation where they literally advocated games to implement artificial queue times for Nazi players because multiplayer shooters currently aren't woke enough and need to remind gamers about how bad the nazis were. To battle the alt-right for the epic winz.
People aren't against politics in games, people are against self-righteous preachers trying to use to video games as recruitment channels.