Friendly message from /vp/.
Do not buy Sword and Shield
Guess I'll keep playing Let's Go Eevee and Pokemon GO. Thanks /vp/!
a tranny made this didn't they
I'll buy it regardless of your dumb shit
Imagine the person who made that image
what a fucking gay image
>anime girls all over
>writes I... Like.... y-you
I bet you 100 bucks this was made by some tranny
Okay. I stopped caring about pokemon after ruby/sapphire. Those games were the beginning of the end for me
Were the anime girls really fucking necessary? I hate RPGs now.
I will now adopt and conform to your opinions because you included cute anime girls in this image :3
my gf is a hardcore pokemon nerd and plays before bed every night, basically got the switch for her for the ever elusive actual pokemon rpg i knew would be coming. she took 1 look at that retarded legendary and combined with the last few games lost all faith in that stupid company.
alienating their core audience with absolutely childish gameplay and idiotic gimmicks, whoever designs that shit should be shot through the head. they really just cant make a good game its not even hard just take any AAA rpg and replace everything with pokemon you stupid fucks
Fuck off normie.
All of those games are shit though.
Your gf is retarded and by proxy you since you made her up her that way
if i told you she had a feminine penis can i come back?
Just because it's a kid's game doesn't mean it has to be awful.
Not that you have a gf anyway but yeah im sure you gf looked at the legendary that doesnt look any more fucktarded since they did in gen 3 and this made her decided not to buy the game
But a bunch of retard trannies say Masuda raped someone.
its not even a childrens game a fucking toddler can play that shit. would it be so wrong to grow up a little bit with the people that enjoyed the og? keep making the shit for kids too why not but dont act like a real pokemon rpg wouldnt sell massively
Go buy Dragon Quest Builders 2 instead.
It's fine for children and the game is directed at children. Just except the fact you grew up and move on
What about a manly vagina?
who cares bro, (figuratively) dead franchise
get it off my board
Why complicate things? They know you manchildren will eat up anything they shit out. They don't have to try and the games will still sell well
I fucking love the Cyber Sleuth games, and as a Pokemon fan, I understand the frustrations with Sword and Shield, but advertising Cyber Sleuth as "A great monster battling RPG with actual high quality animations" is hilariously misleading, almost makes me think the person who made that pic hasn't even played them.
Beyond the Digimon each having one unique animation for signature moves, the presentation of the game is extremely low budget. I hope you enjoy Kowloon, Nakano Broadway and floating glass platforms in a void, because you're going to see those lot over the 100+ hours it takes for both games. Anyone going into CS in the hopes of seeing something that out-pretties Pokemon will probably get a lesson in how Pokemon does in fact use that budget it gets.
>why doesn't this kids' game pander to me, a 40-year-old virgin who deserves everything I demand because I'm so loyal to my masters?!
why would i completely make that up? if you really wanna get jealous check this out shes got a factory sealed pokemon red that she got for 10 bucks when she worked at a consignment store that some dumbass brought in. sorry your life is sad!
and yea theyve been getting worse and worse but cmon holding a sword in its mouth thats retarded
im just saying they should make a game for adults as well wow mind blown right
>a bunch of small chested """cute"""" anime girls doing cute girly things
Did you even need to ask, trannies love gay shit like this
Explain what's awful about Pokemon without sounding like a whiny 30-something nitpicking about things no one in the target audience of the game would care about.
>if you really wanna get jealous check this out shes got a factory sealed pokemon red that she got for 10 bucks when she worked at a consignment store that some dumbass brought in. sorry your life is sad!
Wow I'm totally jealous that "she" has paid money for an old game.
Fucking loser.
And how exactly would an "adult" Pokemon game work?
>instead of buying SS..Buy DQ11!!
these are entirely different games. i can just buy both. which i’m going to.
You fuck pokemon
dont worry about it you can buy the kid version
You brought it up, now speak.
yes im a loser cus my gf scored a rare collectible for cheap. i feel really bad you bruh would it have triggered you a little less if i said it was my old gamer buddys opinion?
>generally seen as one of the best RPGs of all time
If it's to make such shitty bait, you can keep your garbage /vp/.
You had to drive home your point whit that last paragraph instead you went the UWU route, be concise OP not a faggot!
imagine the witcher but replace everything with pokemon.
This is not an incongruence. You can have criticism with SwSh AND still hate trannies.
How did not buying Let's go! work out for you?
edit the witcher pasta
>Hmm... Zubats, gotta be
What was so bad about ORAS? I've just finished playing through Omega Ruby on 3ds and I thought it was good.
Delete this.
Fuck you XY might have cursed us with EXP share all but i still liked it. Megas are fucking sick
Literally Add Youkai Watch 4 user, come on, don't be a memeloving cuck.
Digimon and youkai watch are bros for life.
the Pokemon game for Switch looks like a N64 game no joke.
and now they are gone forever! while the XP share is still there, was it worth it?
XY was great though. It's a shame to see PSS and Friend Safaris leave. And that pre-bank era where not many people knew how to inject? That was pretty neat.
Thank you anime girls, but I'm going to buy this jrpg instead.
Handholding and lack of Battle Frontier are the main complaints.
I personally thought they were perfectly fine games, but I was disappointed at the lack of a Frontier. I enjoyed Delta Episode though, so it's give and take I guess.
Already pre-ordered.
Just because the new games are orders of magnitude worse doesn't mean XY didn't suck too.
So have Nintendo released a list of which mons will be cut?
I don't care if it was made by a tranny!
The person who created this image has a beautiful soul. Thank you
Gold and Silver were the last good pokemon games. Fight me
>1000+ Pokemon
>people actually want them all in
I dunno. Feels like that's just kind of... Arbitrary autism. Aubtrism.
black and white
I know it's trendy to shit on them all but X/Y wasn't that much of an offender. still has the best bike paths for egg hatching, o-powers are gay though
shit designs
The legendaries have good designs, though.
But I already have Cyber Sleuth on my Vita...
Shit region and pacing as well.
Johto is the shortest main region. Kanto's barebones inclusion hardly makes up for it.
I tried playing playing it after being disgusted by ruby and sapphire, beat second gym and dropped it.
>Has had games regularly since the late 90s
>Only 2 ever got given to us, a remake and a spin-off
longetivity has nothing to do with how much you enjoy a game.
And? It was still more fun than any other pokemon. Maybe I just grew up, either way the later games don't have the same magic and somehow got even more casualized. Unless you're a tourney fag in which case you need to re evaluate your life
Found the actual normalfag
>used to like cute anime girls doing cute things
>can't now because it's associated with trannies
feels bad man
>Shitty turn based RPGs
>Not even good ones
Never trust women tastes
Anime creates trannies. You can deny this and respond with S E E T H I N G but in your heart you know it's true.
>Dragon Quest
Cyber Sluts is pretty good though
Thank you user :3
I'm not a tranny, just a regular wagie who is dreaming of the day when he'll marry an asian bride.
Want to join my Discord?
if you're blind, i guess
I am not getting it. I will use those 60 dollars in pokemon gacha to get waifus.
Every single person on /vp/ will buy them.
not even /vp/ can produceas much faggotry as OP just did
jannies do the board and Yea Forums a favor. prune this shit
But /vp/'s going to buy Sword, Shield, and its sequels. Why are you lying to yourself? Fanbases have never shown self control in the past, even Battlefront II's community buckled. And this is the fucking Pokemon community. You'll all slurp it up as you shout how insulting it is.
Who would listen to a Veiny Penis anyways
There's that projection again
Cope, kiddo. My last Pokemon game was White. You should've got out when they switched to 3D models.
Picture fixed. Now it's actually legit.
>D-Don't buy Pokemon!
LMFAO how pathetic can you get?
>seethe because i flipped and turned a heart
keep crying bitch nigger, your image will be real
>Yea Forums is so fucking contrarian to the point where they would shoot themselves rather than give in to reason just to spite the other person
>crying because i don't fanboy over the CS games and can actually recognize their flaws
Go correctamundo your Bakemon of a brain.
You’re trying so hard to shove rationale down our throats and it’s just creating more contrarian buyers.
You're low IQ
Wrong! The answer was "chest". Low IQ is what you need to play the games.
Before Trump Yea Forums would have thought this was funny
you could expect everything that isn't
getting the cut.
XY had good designs but it's still the shittiest game in the franchise
>recommends DQ11 instead of the DQ monsters series as the alternative monster catching game
>not even a single SMT rec
What a fucking faggot.
>someone tells me not to do a thing
>i will now do that thing
get trolled faggot
who here /based/?
I mean, the image explains that those are RPGs recomendations for your Switch.
I don't think DQ Monsters has an entry on the Switch yet and we all know that SMTV is getting cancelled in favor of a Persona x Cooking Mama Crossover at this point.
Man, boys are so obsessed with being feminine and girls with being masculine. The world's gone all topsy turvy! It-It's just not right at all!
I'm not looking to buy an RPG for my Switch, user. I'm looking forward to Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina, but there are no RPGs I am interested in.
>Subhuman trannies are digimonfags
Of course lmao
I'm going to laugh so hard when you find out she's been sucking nigger dick behind your back.
People don't want them all in, they only want to transfer their old pokemon in. This is perfectly achievable even for a small studio, and as big as pokemon is gamefreak has no excuse.
Shit like randomizers, romhacks and wonder trades will become shittier due to the lack of available pokemon.
You sound retarded honestly.
I can't imagine someone having taste so shit that they would cringe at a good RPG while holding Cyber Sleuth in high regard.
Where is the yokai watch 4 recommendation?
I don't plan to but use a less shit image in the meantime.
There's no reason for me to waste money on a game that's guaranteed to be as subpar as all the other recent ones in gameplay, but with the added negative of not letting me transfer in my team after finishing the story. I don't use old Pokemon in the story but the collection/trading aspect and the huge variety of selectable party members was the only thing that made Pokemon worth playing. Otherwise it's just a completely bottom of the barrel quality JRPG without any real standout aspects. I'm not even going to transfer them into Home, I'm not paying money to have my Pokemon sit in purgatory for 5 years while I wait for a game that I can use my Shiny Nihilego in again.
The 3DS is the end of the line for me in Pokemon games.
Add a busty mommy and a loli to your pic and I will buy your games
Everyone's calling this image tranny shit, but it mostly just looks like something from on of /trash/ or /tg/'s CYOAs.
>Recommending Cyber Sleuth.
I fell for this meme in the early days of the PS4.
This is hands down the worst Recommended picture I've ever seen even if it is just shitposting.
Hopefully nowhere.
Im buying the double pack now.
Blatant lie because it has references to /vp/.
tg is full of trannies, you dumb nigger
I'll just pirate it, just like everything on Switch.
Even Neptuniashit is a masterpiece compared to pokemon
>Five years ago it was "ironic" anime fags doing this shit
>Now they're all trannies
Really makes you go "hmm"
Before Trump, trannies weren't such a big unit.
it's a tranny image because it recommends switch games.