I fucking hate this fucking animal

I fucking hate this fucking animal.

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Wait until you have to fight 2 at once. hue hue hue hue hue.
Sprint away when hes going to scream, dont dodge. big opening when he does the huge slow overhead, purple gourd can help with terror. learn his combos and he aint too bad.

Use the spear twice on his neck when he’s staggered. and literally git gud cause I didn’t know this shit till NG+2.

Huh? what does it do? i didnt know about this.
This game has so many hidden things like that, makes me feel dumb. I dont know how anyone deals with the corrupted monks ghost attacks unless you know to jump up onto the middle branch for a free deathblow ot get rid of them.
I guess most people would have guessed about throwing kunais at lady butterfly when she jumps though?
And the purple umbrella making all headless and shichimen fights a joke?

Who is the hardest, this guy or orphan of kos? I don't own a PS4 I cannot play BB.

>first phase
>stay on his right side
>go in for 2-3 hits after he finishes his attacks
>dash backwards when he throws poop
>jump sideways when he goes for the dive-grab
>fireworks frighten him, too
>phase 1 done
>onto phase 2
>parry his attacks
>he does a big wind up and swings his sword down
>parry that and he staggers
>use spear to rip the centipede out of his neck
>do that 2-3 times
>go for the kill
>easy peasy

he is one of the most fair fights where you see yourself progressively get better after each death

orphan of kos is way harder than this shitty ape, this boss fight is midway through the game, many more fights are tougher than this in sekiro.

It drags the centipede out of his neck hole and deals a shit load of poise damage.

Holy shit when they are going to release BB for PC?


One can really perceive how one is getting better through this boss.

umbrella blocks the scream

Ape isn't even the hardest boss in the game

>Boss area has like 30 trees all over
>Try to see why they're used, maybe the boss has an humongous sweep move and simply jumping isn't enough
>They don't serve any purpose and are only a minor hindrance

>Simio Guardian

What the fuck? That's not what it was called when I played

>fuck From
>fuck ridiculous hitboxes
>fuck giant swords that can’t be dodged
>AND fuck insta-kill status effects

Solo ape is probably not top 5.

Dual ape, both isshin's, demon of hatred, true corrupted monk. Might be forgetting some.

Ever try using the deflect feature?

You aint spanish, idiot.

>learn to read when he's going to do the scream

that's it. how the fuck can people make it this far and get stuck on this boss.

Really? He's so predictable and his second phase is even easier

just parry when he does that massive telegraph downward attack.

chu mean animal bruh?

>deflect grabs
Deflect this
*unzips dick*

Headless phase is literally a joke. And when the brown one shows up just firecracker and nuke him down.
Holy fuck, get good.

It might be easier for you to fight it sort of like a souls boss but the regular way will be much faster. I had more problems with this than the dual apes and actually most of the games bosses. Just felt awkward

I'm fucking trying

it's to give people the option to grapple away during phase 2 screams. Some players don't know how to unlock and sprint.

>just deflect lmao
No shit. But his posture recovers too quickly at high vitality and every time I get in a single hit, I have to contend with the terror scream (which reduces health even if you escape in time). This boss is the shittiest since post-patch Ancient Dragon. Just garbage rehashed design.

Cheese ninja reporting in, had no spirit emblems and no reaction times because the arena lagged my computer.
Phase 1: Look at the way he fucking moves his arms. He tells you every attack he's going to do moreso than any other boss in the game. Every arm movement corresponds to a different attack that he is about to do, so you can easily counter each by running away and getting into a good position or just dodging. Be cautious, you probably aren't going to kill him with poise damage so you can take your time.

Phase 2: Run away and attack after he does the sliding attack. Repeat for 15 minutes. GG no re. (lol

>simio guardian
fuck off

solo and duo ape are unironically my most fun fights in the game

i also had to skip the bull and was too shit to finish the game so if ape is too hard maybe reevaluate your video game preferences.

posture? for the ape?
some enemies in this game, mostly beast type enemies, the aim is not to posture break, their health and posture drain/raise at basically the same rate anyway. As a rule of thumb, posture break people, kill monsters.

The two fights that most resemble the souls series were your favorite in the game? Do yourself a favor and give the game another go with a fresh outlook, removed from dark souls game. It's definitely worth beating, and mastering the deflect/counter mechanics is a fun challenge.

It's nowhere near that level. Listen, I just feel you just suck and don't know what to do. His 2nd phase is easier than his first.

And if you're having trouble with his second phase, don't worry, you'll get a lot of practice later on after you beat him.

Monkey Trouble

i made it to the shura fight and gave up after throwing myself at a wall for 2 hours and making no progress. i think i made it halfway through the second phase a couple times but they felt like total flukes.

the combat finally made sense to me at the genichiro fight, which is probably my 3rd favorite fight, but it just wasn't meant to be

Try another ending, I've heard that ending is tougher than the other ones since you're dealing with the environment as well. I had the ordinary death end, where you fight sword saint isshin. It's probably the best boss fight I've had in years, made so since he's the culmination of all you learned throughout the game. A new play through with what you've seen and learned on the first will be a blast, I promise.

SS is much harder than shura isshin.

Second phase is actually easier than the first because there are no bullshit grabs or attacks that devour your posture.

just chip away at his health in phase 1 and use loaded spear in phase 2, it's not hard.