Ninjabros... what happened to us?
Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers
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Who gives a shit about fflogs even the worst meta team comp can kill Savage content piss easily
Just play what you have fun with
what's the most japan gunblade aside from the pvp one
Surely the Yanxian Gunblade must be japanese?
When will the game let us Eternal Bond Mommy Crystal?
NINs were always trick attack sluts
At 10.5k with a 10% per minute contribution that's actually not bad.
Reminder you too can become a mistery nigga.
please do everyone a favor and play a tank that's actually useful, you aren't even good for doing damage anymore
explain this mystery nigga meme
Reminder that even trusts can heal me through multi-pulls in ShB leveling dungeons. Are you worse than a trust party...?
I was slightly disappointed none of the Sin Eaters really had characters. Innocence alone was a wasted design overall.
Reminder that XIV can't kill WoW, it's essentially the LotR of gaming and too big to fall and cannot be surpassed for long.
9.0 is going to be the biggest expansion yet.
I'm so glad they stopped that body + head and legs + feet combo-gear shit halfway through ARR and it was never seen again.
Buff rdm nerf drg
doesn't WAR still melt trash with inner whatever
Now this is a proper story explanation
Don't ever let ESL niggers try to explain more than a sentence of plot
Who cares, nu-blizz is killing themselves and its all to appease the Chinese/Mobile/Console market.
>Heal me Urianger
>Thou dost not needeth a healeth yeteth, niggaeth. I shall expand upon thine enemies with a few more stoneseth before I heal thy asseth.
>Whoopseth, thou hath diedeth.
I like Feol Ul but their part in the story was pretty forced. Gets introduced early on just so the WoL would be friends with a fairy and never gets mentioned or talked to outside of scenes they're relevant in.
we still have the highest physical damage, what's up
Cruel! Cold! Heartless!
Nothing, the job has always relied on trick attack to make up for its own subpar damage.
Which the main reason I don't want to play it.
we literally couldn't have climbed mount gulag without her help
Nascent is one of the most broken abilities in the entire game :ok_hands:
Cute armpit.
someone link all openers and rotations
>you'll never take Ryne to costa del sol
I want to get a better look at her tummy
being white never felt so right bros
Post lalafells
Reminder that WoW killed WoW years ago.
I kind of agree, wish her story was a bit more than what we got.
We get it, she likes us because we're her property due to the pact we made but it could be a lot more. What we got was just a plot device disguised as a character to help us use our retainers.
which one is that
>No bad ending where we take her offer to ascend the throne and become a sin eater, and conquer the world alongside our fairy waifu
>it was never seen again
Level 70 weapon, get it at Rhalgr's Reach for poetics.
Those overlapping aoes are giving me fucking PTSD just looking at them. Christ i hate dps players
Why doesn't neutral stance work with celestial intersection or celestial opposition?
Got this beauty in The Great Gubal Library. Almost makes me want to make a MCH.
post >yfw
because AST
>we're her property
It's kinda both ways. Fae are weird and take things like that super seriously. Which is why that nu mou was ready to garrote you if you say you brought the wrong number of the item he wanted during his quest.
All she wants is for you to take the pact seriously and have as much admiration for what she can do for you as she does for doing stuff for you. It's also why she would have happily given up her king and all of it's powers to make you an immortal fae creature like herself if it meant saving your life.
Try not being underaged
Stop spoonfeeding
>alright, time for some comfy sunday night grinding, so that I may one day get to shadowbringers...
>server full
>players in queue: 331
You think you have it bad? You don't know the pain and suffering of maining AST. Urianger must have decided that it was time for him to plunge further into hate and misery in ShB.
She's OUR property, we're the sapling and she's the branch. Hence why she is willing to cede the throne once Titania dies and even would be willing to serve and protect us as we become a corrupted sin eater
>the light in her champions begins to fade
Why can't caster or ranged DPS use LB on trash mobs?
the chad fae: dapper and sexy, everyone wants to fuck them, rulers of the land living in beautiful castles, kill mortals for shits and giggles
the tranny poodles: literally just pets who learned how to talk, ugly as sin, try to make up for it by being extremely submissive and clingy, live in barns and under mushrooms
>That quest where a Nu Mou was going to force an Amaro to kill himself for eating his clay familiar.
>He doesn't abuse the crafting menu and the retainer bell
>Thancred keeps calling Ryne family
SE can't into healer design.
TFW you wanted the mch anemos set and literally nobody is running that shit anymore
Someone failed the QTE when I did it and it really spoiled the dramatic effect.
They and they alone just flopped dead in the cutscene.
Seriously how the fuck can you fail it?
he's calling her his daughter though
God I want to be a minigirl's property
The only dick he's letting near her is yours, buddy
I wish you cutscene skipping faggots would go back to WoW
That'd be broken. AST is already more than fine, people just don't know how to use it and then complain about running out of MP like fuckwits instead of getting more Piety if they are too stupid to press Lucid Dreams and Lightning Speed.
Zenos saved billions in order to fight one guy
is dnc really easy to play or something? the ones i get in roulette all do good dps. this is from a playerbase that couldn't play rdm and sam properly
>Which is why that nu mou was ready to garrote you if you say you brought the wrong number of the item he wanted during his quest.
I told right number, but holy shit
It's one of those jobs that looks a lot more complicated than it is. It feels a lot like Red Mage in simplicity without getting too much into it.
actually based
how do you spawn the frog mount fate
Based tomoyo
imgur when please I need it
When I did it first time both healers fucking died. Fortunately being a SMN I was able to revive them but damn.
>level 80 WHM skill literally has light wings bursting out of your body for 20 seconds
>when you hit level 80 in the MSQ you've nearly transformed into a sin eater
>AST is already more than fine
What world are you living in? You can't keep the tank alive during multiple pulls without burning multiple cooldowns and you certainly don't have any time to cast gravity, not that it matters because your damage is pathetic even when you do get a chance to pump a full lightspeed into mobs.
Just bought the expansion and trying to figure out what job to switch to after all the shb changes. Ignoring numbers, what jobs are actually fun/feel good to play now?
Yeah and daughters are literally meant to have sex with their fathers. It's the most natural thing in any world. How do you think Adam and Eve made so many generations? Adam had to have a lot of incestual sex in order to populate the world.
He goes absolutely ballistic if you try to cheat him, or give more than what was agreed upon
Nu Mou have no chill
>switch to English voice acting
>wow Arberdt and Yshtola are really good
What the fuck
You are given a choice between 1, 2 or 3. If you give him a lower number, he's confused as to why you misunderstood how many things he wanted for the service. But if you give in 3, he gets absolutely livid and threatens to destroy your gear because you dared assume he wouldn't do as good a job for less.
>Dancer link each other
>Dancers link healer
>Dancers stay melee during boss fights
Otherwise yes, they are pretty easy to play
Not as easy as sb rdm, but still pretty easy
Also their single target dps is really fucking bad
We already knew he doesn't give a shit about pointlessly killing people weaker than him from how he acted in the stormblood msq. Now he's really just out for 1V1 FOX ONLY FINAL DESTINATION with the WoL and will slaughter any ascian or primal that gets in the way of his anime rival fight
Dancer is easy as shit. They've been saying for months before release that dancer would be an accessible DPS job. Which makes sense since the whole theme of the job caters to women and casual gays.
sekrit club
From what I play:
I don't like that she sounds like an old granny in English.
There I said it.
>no bad ending where Feo Ul reverse rapes you after becoming Titania
>creatures from Scottish mythology have Scottish accents
fuck ryne where's the khloe imgur
The moment has come to make your stand, to call upon the every last reserve of your strength Fight for those who shared your journey, and for those you met along the way. Fight for those who awaited you coming across the boundaries of time and space!
From distant stars yet undimmed, you are joined by seven summoned champions, for only together can you hope to prevail against the staggering might of this ancient Ascian - the immortal and implacable Hades!
Seraph is a qt but I wish we had lore for her and that you could keep her around more than 20 seconds every 2 minutes
Yes I can, you just suck if you can't heal on AST and prefer ungabunga big numbers long cast heals and WHM without understanding that lots of quick small heals are just as good if not better
Congrats, you aren't mentally ill.
You have to be in melee in order to use your procs user. The aoe attacks for Dancer are centered like DRK or PLD and they get free procs from one of the skills.
>Titania fight
>Only melee dps
>All the other dps are Dancers
>They don't move when you need to stack up
>They use limit break as soon as its available
>Ascii spam every time they limit break or do anything
Why are people like this?
Damn, and I bet it doesn't count as cutscene so I can't rewatch it
It saved Minfillia, but can the C save Lyse?
because only retarded people play this mmo
>lots of GCD heals that prevent you from casting attacks are better than lots of oGCD heals that actually heal for significant numbers
I can only assume you're trolling at this point.
Only aoe demands you to be in melee, all single target procs work from range just fine
Is Gilgamesh the Reddit server?
It kinda shows.
can you actually make that glam
Can you just mash any button during these qtes?
I just mash my hands on the keyboard
Oh I didn't know there was Scotland on the First.
The lore is really deep.
AST has worse damage and worse healing there's no excuse for how shit it is. In every extreme group I make sure the listing is only for WHM/SCH
user take it easy on that sharpening.
Hello everyone Mr. Happy here
Is Ronka the first's Allag?
I'm hoping she's meant to operate as our Midgardsormr replacement for the rest of XIV's story, else she could have been replaced by anyone else with little consequence.
Pretty sure it's any bound input.
Elidibus bros when will Yoshi delete the katana menace?
I know that I was just letting anyone know why they might see a DNC in melee.
offer rare pepes to the four lords
The fucking music during this part put it on another level. I wanted to fucking cry around the time I started talking to people in Amourot.
Bunch of snitches and killjoys on here.
I'm not sure if every EU server is like this or not but the majority of my server are french, it became more appearent than usual when you had to /say stuff in Il Mheg and the chatlog was just full of people going "Mon ami Feo Ul"
Kinda but they're almost purely magical and not the futuristic magitek shit Allag had.
It's really just for turning in greens to my grand company. it just happens to finish those QTEs in .30 of a second.
What melee dps should I level? I also kind of want to play machinist since it seems extremely chad now but I haven't even unlocked it and I'd rather go bald than enter palace of the dead again.
So Elidibusposting stems from Zenos saying he's a huge pussy who fled as soon as he saw his blade, right?
What? How?
I know I'm a pretty good button masher, but I literally had like five whole seconds left when I finished it.
Did they get sudden bouts of narcolepsy halfway through the fight?
Because you practically have to put your controller down and stop playing in order to fail that.
some people are physically handicapped and have trouble button mashing
All that celestial opposition needs is a shorter cooldown. Other than that it's a 400 potency ogcd, maybe adding the stun back would be nice since stun = mitigation.
Which is really bad for elidibus because that brings the count of people that can kill an unsundered Ascian up to 3.
He can't make any kind of power play. But as before Elidibus is the only ascian with different goals than the other ones. He's the only one that seeks a balance between light and dark.
Sorry tank brainlet here, when both tanks have their stance on, what determines who generates more enmity?
Mogstation but why would you want to play SAM when you can DRG?
post lalafells
Clearly you should play either Monk, Samurai, or Dragoon.
They're all pretty cool but I'm weeaboo trash.
dick size
Elidibus is a strong, independent ascian who doesn't fear no samurai.
Yes, it was created by completely false reports stating that the Genius Elidibus was a coward. Obviously not true.
Off topic but does anyone know where I can find Warriors of Light?
I would suggest MNK or DRG personally. SAM is just...tacky wouldn't you agree?
>put both hands' index and middle fingers on the face buttons
>vibrate them at extreme hihg speed
But reminder that people STILL click the gray button with their mouse instead
extremely tempting
>motherfucking Alexander boss just combined into a super robot
Well that was rad as hell
Monk or Sam for ShB?
Actually asking not baiting for Eldibius posts.
Ah yes, Warrior of Light from shard #9, we meet at last. Now is that a katana in your pants or are you happy to see me. No really, tell me that's a penis and not a katana.
Controllerchads win again
>he's more interested in parses instead of fishing
Yanxian Merchant's Haori + some cash shop hakama or the Nameless Hakama you get at the start
You sadly can't have a wakizashi along with your katana
I don't get the elidibus scene after the ending. What is he even implying by having the WoL killing the Warrior of Darkness? like does he honestly think to mind control us or something?
Man, Lyse's hair is terrible
best girl
though it's possible the different tank stances have different enmity multipliers. I think they did once long ago anyway. In general though whoever is doing the most damage will have aggro.
>that cutscene where it shows your character dead in tartarus edgy outfit
Not gonna lie that made me diamonds for some reason.
bard plays pretty much the same. you have an aoe sidewinder and a charged shot that I'm not really sure when its optimal to use
SAM does slightly more damage and is braindead easy
is BLM on the meta?
Are the new monk spells any fun?
I've never given monk a fair shot, I already know sam is fun though.
>Want to create a perfect wife for myself
>"Haha what if she had a penis that'd be funny. super gay but kinda funny oh nooo"
He most likely means to use Warriors of Light from other shards to do his work for him. You know, like he did in 3.4 with the whole Warriors of Darkness disaster that backfired horribly. He wants to do that again.
oh god I just noticed she has freckles
>AST is already more than fine
Both virtually and numerically incorrect. You have less responses to out of starburst, your level 80 is invalidated by the existence of a SCH, or worse, another AST because it's shields don't stack. Your rDPS increases don't equal the pDPS of even a SCH. You are the only healer with an actual down time in healing phases. And don't be retarded. Lightspeed is not even remotely equivalent to thin air when it comes to casts. Horoscope has a conditional that demands you overheal to even use it.
And I want you to look me in the eye and say this pic related shit is alright. No it's not unplayably awful in feeling. But it's undeniably shit.
>everybody in the world across 7 different forums 3 languages, and world best parses are wrong and I'm right
Is not a compelling statement genius.
>A smile better suits a hero
Why does this image trigger the shadowniggers so much?
If you didn't use that line then you have no soul.
everyone is saying playing mnk feels like shit
BLM is literally the highest damage job right now.
What do you think?
>make a female character
>start liking some of the NPC girls
>start to imagine my character being a futa and fucking them
>We will never get to give her a headpat thanks to lalafells
This is the last straw.
give back my thumbnail hiro
>play in Japanese
>get to hear her cute voice go "baka baka BAKA BAKA BAKA!!!!"
Oh Moot, you card
some one convince me to not boost a new character to 70 and play through the story again. I feel like I'm about to waste a fuckton of money, but I'm a NEET loser with nothing else to do (already got BiS on 2 jobs).
this has to be the fucking best batch of dungeons we ever got on an expansion launch, the only one that was kinda boring was malikah's well
When will someone draw Zenos standing in front of garelemalds flag saying the Ascian fears the samurai??
Why is dancer so much fucking fun? I just hit 78 without realizing it.
>other dps in the party salivating for my buff
>tank begging for my damage down buff when he pulls big
>healers wetting themselves when I pop the radius heal
>the entire party is in the palm of my hands for the damage buff from technical dance
You will likely give up 20 minutes after you do the boost. Either do it right or don't do it at all.
Left or Right?
NG+ in 5.1 allows you to do so for free.
>Monk gets Godhand this expansion
>Class is shit so it doesn't feel as great to get
>No optional leveling dungeons for the first time in xib history
Just wait for 5.1 when they introduce new game + that's what I'm doing.
what fanfic is this
It's literally what Bard was suppose to be before they made Bard into a shitty DPS class.
Basically. People give Elidibus a lot of shit but when you break it down, his track record is pretty solid up to that point. He played the Warriors of Darkness, played Ilberd, then played Varis and we know for a fact now that he would've succeeded in his calamity unlike all his buddies if Zenos didn't show up.
Problem with Elidibus is that being the second scariest villain doesn't mean much when you're up against the scariest one, but when you break it down he did way better than Lahabrea who totally shat all over Gaius, and people give Gaius so much credit in the first place.
How the fuck is that a bad thing?
The Lightwarden of Malikah's Well had a great design.
>being this much of a delusional dancer
Shut up slut and give me your damage buff. Everyone knows you wont be doing any anyways by existing.
sex with minifilia while resting my balls on lyse's face
That's retarded tho and the only way I would see that pan out is if the lad is stronger than us. Which is equally retarded since we now both harvest light and darkness.
Jesus christ are these nips seriously fucking doing that
that's it i'm switching, i'd love to keep emet in english though
yeah, it was a really fun boss as well but the first 2 bosses are just boring as fuck and the music in the dungeon is nice but way too quiet imo
doesn't NG+ require you to start the MSQ from level 1 though? I have zero interest in doing anything besides the Shadowbringers story. Maybe some parts of Heavensward again.
Koji's lalafell smut.
I don't actually like having DNC in my groups. In extreme even if those two DNC are on point it's still a slower kill than just getting a BLM and DRG.
I only give my buff to Chad BLM's.
Why bring 2 DNC?
I really fucking hope not, I wanna start from the beginning from Heavensward.
Do you have
>I have a hammer
Truly best girl, shame she isn't trust, would bring in every dungeons just for hilarious dialogues
It's what you end up with sometimes in high-end duty. Shits like playing the slots. But a clear is a clear is a clear so I can't complain.
They already said it's a toggle that you can turn on and off.
Balance patch will come hold your pants, they are going to buff AST and SCH to oblivion and NIN too if they notice NIN is the shed, but I highly doubt it.
innocence EX time now bros, wish me luck
Yeah they really have a good track record with x.05, x.1 patches. Oh wait they actually don't.
>Collective literally ticks less for aurora and nerfed Eos embrace
>Have to hold it anyways to get anything out of it
Fuck man if they wanted to stop AST's from just weaving it for free regen they could have made it worthwhile to hold it, or something. Instead they just nerfed it and everything else AST has cuz fuck me I guess.
its fucking easy.
Give me a qte that requires me to actually mash.
It's easier than titania because there only personal responsibility mechanics, so you should do it without problems
they need to give MNK wind tackle back
using anatman in the opener just feels wrong
have drg and pld at max now, what class should I level next? im thinking another tank but maybe a healer, though i dont really enjoy healing that much
ninja is dead. even ninja mains want to move on.
You say that. But when I was doing my clear the pugs I got were just magical motherfuckers.
>a healer using a lb3 when 1 person is dead, not moving their swords, and skewering the entire party
>a dps shooting the bomb right next to us on the mechanic that spawns only two
>people getting two stacks of vuln and just dying during swords
>tanks pulling their adds to the middle and giving everything vuln down
And more. Shits fucking wild.
Sword shit can still get you. Mfw DPS fucking put it where it hits me as a MT.
Will her minion finally supplant Wind-Up Succ?
I liked her, not as much as other characters and the faeries were handled very well but she was definitely neglected.
They are autistic dogs but not innocent autism more school-shooter autism.
He's the boring guy playing the long game. It was a flippant arrogant risk by Lahabrea that got himself killed. It was a less flippant risk but too much arrogance that got Emet-Selch killed. Edilibus is now the last of the last. I am not sure if he knew that Emet was dead when Zenos showed up but he's not someone playing fast and loose. The good news is we got Emet-Selch's characterization in an expansion and 2 or so patches. There's more than enough time for Elidibus to raise in stature.
What did Eldi do in the undivided world? I know Lahabrea was the master scientist, I'm forgetting what Emet and Elidibus did.
only if it's also anatomically correct
meanwhile, in reality:
>you're going to have to switch jobs, Steve
Go back to discord you faggot
>What did Eldi do in the undivided world?
He was the emissary of the Convocation of Fourteen, but we have no idea what that actually entails.
Why isn't Shoha tied to third Eye?
Doesnt happen in pugs, nor in statics with actual friends.
it should have been a upgrade for seigan.
>ping sucks cocks
>not even mudfish could unfuck it
goddamn, how much talking do you need to play on jp? i can probably manage dungeon greetings but nothing more detailed. i heard they do savage raids with macros
nothing should be tied to third eye
God Lyse's tits are pathetic.
AST is unironically the only shed class right now, horoscope is a cluster fuck over heal you should never use. It's rDPS got fucked, collective is gutted beyond a point of recognition, it's personal DPS is in the shitter, celestial is a shitty, literally the only thing it got that was worth half a shit was two ED charges.
Also remember that Lahabrea got fucking eaten by a primal. Not even some vaunted primal but elf pope and his cohorts primal. I'd wager the Ascians have all the reason to be concerned about being near a primal or someone with a mastery of the echo (Zenos) given the power of the echo allows you to possess bodies and primals can consume ascians.
It's fun to rag on Edilibus but he did the smart thing given the circumstances. I don't think Ascians are ones to just yeet through existence but rather prefer to scheme and prepare everything so they have an overwhelming advantage. They're schemers not warriors of light.
Sounds like that'd be liasoning with either the populace of Amarot (I am always mispelling that I think) or with other cities.
It's still better than hoping that 6 people wouldn't fuck tether mechanic or start positing themselves ONLY FUCKING AFTER they see who got chains for tree roots mechanic
Seriously, they should down tether to 4ppl, shit is impossible in pugs
Not the kind of macros you're thinking about
There has never been a case where this has happened.
>200 pot
>power doubles every successful third eye
>caps at no cap
there i fixed shoha
If the next expansion has upgraded graphics, how do you expect them to handle older areas?
just have tank take 3. EZ
Textures, they're going to upgrade the textures. Nothing else.
>Yo bro, I live forever so I can just let you guys do what you want
>Plus like, your champion is going to die from light cancer anyways
I get why he did it and all, it was a very emotional and personal thing, but goddamnit Selch.
La-hee, little one.
Leave them looking like shit like they do now.
By keeping them the same
Nothing should be tied to meditate either
PLD and WAR on fuckin suicide watch
NIN and SAM on suicide watch
BRD on suicide watch
SCH/SMN on suicide watch for now before they get buffed to top tier
Feels good man
I wouldn't expect them to do shit, they barely scraped by this time and had to cut corners everywhere.
So 6.0 is sword autist again then 7.0 is Elidibus, right?
Dude nice
>PLD on suicide watch
>2nd best tank DPS and best tank utility
You fucking wot?
Emet-Selch was actually genuinely offended when you didn't come to his town by himself and actually arrived there to kill him.
I watch japanese streamers play ff14 sometimes and by macros they mean guides for the fight
Do you want to do good dps or help someone else do good dps?
>feo ul
It has a man's face and a man's body. It is small because it's a pixie not because it's a woman.
PLD is the best tank and SAM has the highest physical damage what are thou smoking
Bros. How do we bring Ryne back with us to the Source?
Considered locked in, you pair it up with any of the other tanks depending on the fight
People are already cucking MCH in favor of arguing between BRD and DNC
It's the best at actually healing despite having garbage damage output. No one's doubling up on WHM yet.
*DRK and WAR on suicide watch
>Want to play DRK but PLD feels much better to play
redoing textures for every zone is too much work so that's out of the question. the only thing they can really do is add more other graphics options. examples would be resolution scale slider, more physics on cloth/hair, better global illumination, etc.
Pixies are spirits, they don't have a sex.
Ask Gilgamesh
>It has a man's face and a man's body
This is what anime does to your brain
post best girl alisaie
I just saw Yoshida in Paris' Japan Expo, nothing new on the radar.
He mainly presented his mindset of making xiv as another final fantasy mainline and not just a mmo with a final fantasy paint.
He confirmed playing BLM, the shortage of mmo devs, and said they're already thinking about 6.0. When he asked what class people want for it some fags yelled healer, which made him laugh. Others yelled Necromancer, and Yoshida just said "Aren't pets annoying?", still laughing.
He seemed pretty based to me.
how do i get an orange parse without a dancer? is it even possible? okay 95% might be, but 97% and futher...
Is the robofrog mount FATE about to spawn on any worlds in Primal?
Zenos will be around until we kill him while he's possessing Zodiark.
Dripping blades got taken. Ninja would be in a good place if they had left blades in or just nerfed it from 20 to 15%.
if you look at her and see male features you have severe brain issues
As a DRK can I technically take all of them?
Shadow wall
Rampart + TBN
Living dead
>get hit with third eye on cooldown for the almost entirety of a fight, let's say for 8 minutes
>6,400 potency shoha
The face is more feminine than 90% of the female races in the game
Unless they remove TA or change it up NIN will always only ever be wanted simply for it
Are you on moogle?
are you guys looking at the same graph as me
its literally right there in the OP image you idiots, SAM does less than fucking utility dragoon, WAR and PLD are both neck and neck for dead last
>only 42k players peak
That is my dilemma with it: how much do I trust strangers to do their job as well as I would if I was them and 99% of the time I want to say the answer is no. I am not even fillating myself, there are some pretty mediocre players and I think I am a pretty above average player.
Omega but I see people from moogle in the duty finder all the time
It's given an incredibly feminine voice in JP and refers to itself as female in the localization.
>there are people that use the steam client.
hey woah posting here is costing you some valuable azerite farming time
I'm impressed there are that many steam users
isn't the steam launcher bugged? I don't play it through steam so I don't really know though
why not? steam money is easy to get for free
>steam client
Why would you run it through program that scans all folders on your pc every few hours?
>using steam client
>sold less than half of BFA
Is there like a site or something that has these macros?
I'd love to translate a bunch and start using them on NA.
Because the client is shit, is an additional layer of DRM, you have to always buy all expansions through it, and you're subject to steam outages on top of bugs It's the inferior option by a mile. Nobody uses it for that reason and more.
Is Cunfillia or Alisaie more cute and funny?
why would you u use an OS that
>scans all folders on your pc every few hour
>tfw bought it on steam before anyone could stop me
Love this dumb wet elf
Aren't her next tank buster requires you to keep at least one for yourself?
>didn't even get to shadowniggers
>emet is already the best character
based, he still looks like asahi taking mtf transition after jobbing though
Surprised an AST cosplay didn't try to attack him with a card.
>There are more Raen in the Crystarium than there are in Doma
twitch viewers are all that matter to judge a game's playerbase activity
the soccer mom voice just doesnt give me the impression
OT tethers bruh.
They aren't Raen
A guy actually had a shitty cardboard with "FIX SCH / AST" on it
amaurot is Yea Forums
creation power is memes
ancients are oldfags
calamity is newfags
powers going haywire are shitty memes
Groups are deciding between brd and dnc. If they are taking a selfish dps, it will be blm not mch.
You literally have to just roll your hand across your keyboard without pressing enter
forget the damage done, look at the number of parses
>warrior is now the least played tank, DRK most popular
>Why the fuck is SMN so popular
>WHM is the most popular class in the game (well this is probably a skewed statistic)
Delete this immediately
If you playing with friends who are good, dnc is great. When you are playing with bad dps it is horrendous though.
How do I join a static? Most people I've met in this game are unlikable.
Both are teens.
Is this one a shop item?
I fail to see how the ascians are wrong.
Mankind was given life by the ascians, the ascians are higher beings than us. Sacrificng man to Zodiark is no more immoral than man sacrificing cattle for food.
in the OP image BRDs gap between MAX and left column is 3K dps
BRD literally cant function without a DNC partner, you take both or you take none
Does dnc links stack? Or using it on each other is waste?
>Why the fuck is SMN so popular
lots of people's first job to level is SMN or SCH so they get a free DPS and Healer at cap from the MSQ XP
WHM and RDM were the most played jobs on SB. You can check luckybancho for that.
DRK makes sense since a lot of people wanted to play it for the canon of it.
Got to Mor Dhona for the ARR missions there.
>try to get to a mission
>aggro giant frog
>aggro giant newt
>aggro giant frog
>aggro giant newt
>aggro giant frog
>Doing BSM Crystal Means
>Gazelle leather is almost sold out so overpriced as fuck
>Gazelle hide is now 10000x the price
>can only farm the hides from a location with about ten of them with a low droprate and now contested
fuck off Yoshi
Probably a trickle down from the super secret jp discord.
I just get my macros from other jp dudes after everybody is finished greeting each other.
>Run past giant frog
>tongue lash pulls you back
They weren't wrong. Even the scions agreed it was completely understandable and a justified course of action. They just refused to take it lying down.
Fairies, pixies or bells?
I remember that feeling all too well
Why can't we play cute girls like Ryne??
Incredibly so
>The Crystal Exarch isn't gone after we changed the timeline, i wonder why!
How come not a single scion said "Maybe the calamity is still a thing"? retards
>still barely enough glamour spaces to keep every job af
He theorized why and that's because he became such a key part of our timeline that he had to remain.
Who /DRG/ chad here?
>Remembering when getting attacked by an overworld mob while mounted afflicted you with Heavy
Could just be multiverse theory
>Expecting a bunch of filthy savages to understand how timelines work
Can't you purchase most of them from NPCs?
Because I unironically enjoyed SMN and though it was thematically cool and I enjoyed it's rotation. Now it's just spamming ruin 3 during bahamut phase, and phoenix buttons during phoenix phase. All this shit to barely do more damage the RDM of all things now fuck my life.
>That gap in the rotation where firebird will be up in like 7 seconds but you have to reapply your dots even though firebird will give you tri disaster.
What's the source friendo
oh god is art of her finally popping up
time travel is retarded fiction anyways, there's no real rules to it, they can do whatever they want
If ascians are so perfect then why are we currently kicking their fucking ass? Only elidibus is left. Murder his soul and it's over.
>Go to Trial for the first time
>Do poorly even if you checked out the tactics beforehand
>Don't have the courage to do any duty roulette for the next few days
Why am I like this, Yea Forums? How do I fix myself?
wew halfway there. II Mheg was so disappointing for rank 3.
Do i get 30 free days for both the base game and shadowbringers purchases? I was thinking of buying just the base game and maybe catching up with the expansions before buying them, then getting 30 more days.
>Dancer has more parses than any other DPS class already
don't being insecure
It's new what did you expect? Every day I see less of them in roulettes. Not a reliable sample size but the shine is already coming off that particular apple.
L A - H E E
It's worse when you suddenly become a complete retard for no explicable reason and fuck up the most basic shit.
As a tank
>the job that's mandatory for good parses has the most parses
Gee i wonder why
Do the icons mean anything else or are they just another representation of the data to the right?
Only the base.
I never had this much trouble with aggressive mobs before. I think it's partly how this area is relatively narrow so it's nigh impossible to weave round them like in other areas.
>go to group up with imperial convoy
>aggro two giant mudpuppies
>also aggro GIANT FATE MORBO sitting five feet away from mission checkpoint
Because we are an ascian ourselves speedreader.
Doma doesn't have a lot of Raen because most of them are from the underwater city in the Ruby Sea and not Doma. Even Yugiri is from there and not a native Doman.
Stop being autistic
It's a new class that everyone expected to be mandatory for its support.
You may only post in this thread if you have all 4 innocence accessories and your Titania weapon
minfilia's eyes and hair ruin all your images
Alexander already established rules for time travel in XIV.
Try again fag. We're still incomplete. The ascians are complete, unsundered. I thought you said they were above us?
Have no friends who play and i haven't made any.
But I play WHM, I have no excuse
They are the same thing.
ShB time travel is something like this.
Why would you want to do DPS as a healer
>There are still retards whining about parses in a world where the math is utterly irrelevant due to DNC and AST fudging all the numbers
How are people this stupid?
>not wanting those eyes staring into your soul while you're deep inside of her blessed cunny
hard gay
I've leveled up one job and done the MSQ.
What is the best way to level a new job?
it does happen, I leveled blm first to 80 and got rejected from several LEARNING extreme groups because people take stupid fflogs shit seriously
it's super fucked because once some cum guzzling nigger posts this kind of stuff on reddit where it gets lots of exposure, the community latches onto it and takes it as gospel
absolute fucking retards this community
Welcome to party finder, user
>two ED charges that don't even do half the healing they used to
Sometimes I'm not even sure I cast it, it goes on cooldown but the tank's HP doesn't go up
The Raen are isolating themselves from the empire and any of its potential enemies so they won't be targeted. Yugiri was cast out by the rest of her kind just for training under Domans.
Only 3 are unsundered, and 2 of them required massive crutches to kill
>Given power by hydalen, the most powerful being known in this game that literally spilt the planet along with the ascians god
>Hurrdurr y we more strong
Go sam. Trust me you won't regret it when you get a shitter in df
retard or blind?
>numbers out of context
fucking lmao apply yourself nerd
What are the odds they'll buff sch and ast instead of nerf whm?
When is she gonna fuck the WoL?
There's one aspect of the story that either I didn't get or is just really dumb. The idea of umbral calamities occurring when a shard is rejoined is fine; A world is overrun with water aether, the shard rejoins, there's a sudden massive surge of water aether on the source and a great flood happens. Or earth aether and an earthquake etc. Alright that makes sense. But what about the 7th and 8th calamities? The 7th was the garleans bringing down dalamud. How the fuck does that correlate to an overabundance of aether? Same with the 8th being the garleans using black rose. It makes sense for an overabundance of elemental aether to manifest in that aethers form, like water and a flood, but the 7th and 8th were just man's actions
Then further on top of that, if man's actions can be determined by a shard rejoining, doesn't that completely remove the agency of characters on the source? Like Gaius going on adventures to halt black rose. If black rose was a consequence of the first rejoining, then that means his actions either straight up didn't matter as it was ours that determined if it would happen or not, or it means his actions were determined by our loss/victory. And that's kind of stupid because it means he basically doesn't matter. He losses his worth as a character
Maybe I missed something but it kind of makes big events in the source hard to care about
>BRD and NIN flexin' on SAM and BLM
hahahaha what the fuck
Those 3 are the only ones that matter and the only ones I was referring to. We've kicked their ass so hard that Elidibus would be wiser to run and hide the fuck away from us until he can get a replacement for his friends. If he dies then its done, kapoot, over.
All along the ascians have been mocking hydaelyn for being weak stop skipping cutscenes. From ARR to HW to SB they laughed and laughed and smirked smugly as they declared hydaelyn weak and almost out of power. Now it's "oh no how do we compete against hydaelyns power hax hax hax"?
Probably a little of both will happen
Should i worry too much about crafting on my first character?
AST really sucks dick in low level content too now, I thought it would be great to get gravity earlier but the joke was on me when they changed gravity to do the same damage as a wet fart.
Loking to lvl my next dps now that my SAM is 80, effectiveness aside which is more fun at 80: DRG or BLM?
You ruined scholar and now that I switched to monk you ruined that one too, Fuck off with your shit, do I have to play Black Mage to stop being disappointed?
Got claimed by Feo Ul, the window closed.
>the source is hard to care about
That is what SHB actually taught me, I really don't ever care to go back.
>Alisaie being jealous as fuck when Feo Ul was summoned in Il Mheg
I'd like to think that those acts were a catalyst. If black rose didn't happen, eventually something else would.
Pretty sure it's literally against the ToS to do this. The GMs are super fucking liberal and you can take advantage of it so easily.
Has the WoL been tempered by Feo Ul?
She WAS going to before some mangy cat pulled her away to the first leaving her butt naked and confused.
Do you think she was still wet on the other side despite her body being back at the source?
Black rose evolved from a simple man made weapon to a world ending plague due to excess light aether.
It was the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a small ember.
i just want a robofrog mount, why does it have to be so difficult
>wanting anything to do with minfilia
>is mad about a job that mashes one button for dps
>wants to play another job that mashes one button for dps
It's against the ToS to refuse certain jobs and yet party finder specifically gives you the tools to list for certain jobs.
What the fuck are you talking about?
If you can defeat an ascian you can defeat a 135 lb barbell for 10 reps
level BLM so you have a ranged job to play with to compliment your melee job.
At this rate she isn't far off from just crawling into the WoL's bed at night and demanding a fuck.
Are you okay?
probably the other way around
Also for the role quests if you're into the lore.
I want to cum inside pixie mommy
So how does splitting the world into all these different shards affect the rest of the universe? Did it all get fragmented alongside us?
>Dancer partners with the DRG
>after his third death, DNC partners with me the DRK instead
Pretty sure I just cucked that dude
>the 7th and 8th were just man's actions
Black Rose and Dalamud could only happen because of a strange abundance of aether. If the other worlds weren't fucked, the calamities couldn't have happened. That's why Black Rose would lose most of its effectiveness if the First was saved.
>that moment when you can ask about Graha Tia at the start of the expansion
You know his heart fucking jumped and he had to do everything he could to contain it.
DPSlets never learn
>watashi no kawaii kawaii SUNEEKU
What does she mean by this?
Combining with Arbert as a female midlander be like
You would be calling on her at every possible opportunity.
The water element rushing in doesn't cause the flood, it enhances the already water-aspected disaster that was already happening, which was the overuse of magic in the War of the Magi. Magic in XIV's world is water-aspected. Industry is lightning-aspected, and so the Lightning Calamity was caused by industrial pollution. Get it?
So Dalamud was a disaster that embodied the Darkness/Astral aspect, an incredibly active, chaotic state of aether. Primals are also Astral-aspected because they're made with creation magic and throw the aetherial flow around them into chaos. Thus, Bahamut was used to cause the Darkness-aspected crack on the Source's end.
What happens is, a shard world has a certain type of aether well up and it pushes through to the Source. In the Source if this is not dealt with properly (cause why the fuck would it be), it will inevitably lead to some tragedy whether people are pressured into war, or mages fucking with the aether too much or what not. This tragedy then damages the source (the least clear part of all of this) which causes the shard world to shart aether all over the source causing the catastrophe to become a calamity. Then the Source repairs itself by absorbing the shard world.
What does he say again? Do you have a screenshot?
I hit 80 during early access and about to have 2 days off. There's so much to do that I don't even know where to begin when I get off work.
Should I do roulettes for tomes or use them to level another class?
Should I focus on getting SCH/WHM to 80 since AST didn't get any better at 80?
SMN is the only level 70 DPS I have due to SCH but I don't want waste experience from FATEs on it because I can level SCH via dungeons. So should I try to get a DPS class to 70 and jump on FATE trains before no one gives a fuck about gem stones?
Should I just focus on primal farms?
Decisions decisions...
No, it's really just our planet.
Don't ask how it makes physical sense, I doubt writers thought about it either.
>warrior of light is such a mary sue that she saves the world even from beyond the grave
Imagine how much he had to contain it.
Does DNC have 70AF or just 80?
Do 430 rings even exist? I've been stuck with this 418 ring forever
idk but she make my suneeku really big
what's the name of this song on the orchestreon
I kept seeing the elezen female in Ardbert's memories, yet she's not in the WoD group. Who is she?
only 80
Dungeon drops 430.
drops from the level 80 dungeons
Only 80. Please understanderu
You've got two years to level another class but only a few weeks to get prepared for Savage
>This tragedy then damages the source (the least clear part of all of this)
It's perfectly clear. The disaster is organized on the Source to reflect the relevant aspect in order to blow out the dimensional boundary in said aspect. Then the element rushing in from the Rejoining shard enhances the Calamity on the Source.
She ded
Conveniently written out because Urianger took her place in the MSQ. Will probably be explained away somewhere
>People talking about PLD being OP
>Turns out they do the least damage
B-b-but it was our patch, bros!
>bought item for 600k cheaper than normal price
>trying to sell at normal price for a 600k profit
>the item keeps selling several times a day but always like 1gil cheaper than the one I listed
I grow tired of this.
Imagine finishing shadowbringers without knowing anything about the crystal tower storyline. Exarch must look like the biggest asspull ever to those people. "Random catboy gets inspired by tales of a dead hero"
Cool argument, really gives me a lot to discuss with you.
>warriors in the shed again
fucking tired of paladins and dark knights keeping us down
What element was the 7th calamity?
Source: your ass
For your sake I'm going to assume this is a joke post
Do Alexander.
>The GMs are super fucking liberal
Oh man, you have no idea. I once got gaol'd for calling a Lalafell a potato, and when I put in my info that my character was pro-Garlean, I got gaol'd AGAIN until I removed it.
It's surreal.
she was in arr for some reason
The last time WAR was in the shed was six years ago fuck off
every job is in the shed
Read the chart again
Darkness, aka Astral. Astral is the aetherial polarity that embodies activity and creation, pushed to an extreme it's pure chaos.
Stop skipping cutscenes.
It's explained thusly.
The traditional source understanding of the magic elements was wrong. Darkness is equal to chaos and activity. Light is equal to inactivity or stasis. 8th calamity from the 1st being consumed by light is a calamity of stasis which is what the black rose does, it's stills all the aether in it's victims and kills them.
The 7th calamity was caused by overactive aether due to all the fucking primal summoning on Eorzea and the accumulated aether from Bahamut absorbing shit in the sky for literally millenia. It was the element of darkness/chaos.
>PLD in the cuckshed during HW
>strongest tank from SB and above
>WHM in the cuckshed the whole SB
>strongest healer in shb
palace of the dead and daily roulettes.
And this made nothing in the world actually dark, froze Coerthas, and had most of the world blown to pieces? What does that have to do with darkness?
>Trying to level all the crafters and gatherers pretty equally
>Splitting up the Crystareum deliveries equally
>Get a quest that only one class can turn it
>It's worth millions of experience
>I put in my info that my character was pro-Garlean
i'm gonna do that
meta literally doesn't matter. You're playing an easy PvE game.
NVM Answered it
what the hell happened to XIV where paladins are better than warrior in DPS?
Based SAMbro, show those DRG what's up.
lmao i love this shit post more
Did Vauthry's dad fuck a Sin Eater or am I taking him too literally when he says he's part human and part Sin Eater?
>his tears at the end when you call him by his name again
How can one catboi be so pure?
WAR's asked for one buff too many.
They explain it after you beat his ass
>Please let this work, just this once...!
quit skipping cut scenes fag it's literally spelled out
Play the game.
Go for it. It doesn't seem like something they can outright terminate your account for, so if you want to see what the jail's like, it'll work.
the same thing happened in 4.0 they will fix it by increasing war dps by 500 and nerfing pld
>You can kill Lord Necc
Is it a dungeon, trail, raid or MSQ quest?
>Be G'raha Tia
>Through sheer force of will and perseverance of humanity, you are woken up after a calamity
>Learn that hero that came to inspire you is actually fucking dead
>Everything is fucked
>Gotta get back
>Back to the past
>Arrive in The First
>Begin construction efforts
>Once the city has suitable means of defending itself enact a plan to save Warrior of Light AND The First at the same time by killing yourself
>Know that WoL wouldn't go through with it if they knew
>Try to mask own identity, even enlist Urianger, the galaxy brain, to help with hiding the true name of the Exarch
>Finally snatch WoL from The Source and by some miracle end up not killing them in the process
>Holy shit they are finally here, might have bumbled the spell a bit but they are here!
>Time to start wearing a hood, though it's not like WoL would remember me
>WoL figures out who summoned them to The First in less than 5 minutes from our introduction
>"Hurr when are tank queues coming back, bros?"
>After there hasn't been a new healer job for 2 expansions
>After they neutered 2/3 healing classes
>After they made it so AFK healing retards actually have to pay attention and use oGCDs when pulling wall to wall
I give it a few weeks, relax.
Delete this meme stealer
holy shit play the fucking game for more then 2 minutes to go shitpost you inbred mongo
The only time I remember it in-game is before you do mt gulg.
Emet selch gave the power of a lightwarden to baby vauthry as part of his plan to flood the 1st in light in order to bring about a rejoining.
is mateus an erp server? I just made a character there because it's the only server you can roll on right now, and the first thing I see is some retard RPing
It sucks because I like DNC in pretty much every FF but I guess I will shelf it until I get a static and/or a good circle of people to do stuff with never ever
in all honesty she'd probably let you
yes, balmung and mateus are erp central.
You seem upset
in need bonuses have never been as balanced as they are now and I hope they stay this way
so did you play the game or are you just here to shitpost
Balanced? They're almost always Healer, it's just trading the Tank one for Healer now. Yes, DPS shows up occasionally for Alliance raids, but thanks to DNC that's not even all that common now.
Is there more of a demand for melee or ranged dps from what you guys experienced?
Yes, but despite what Yea Forums will tell you, it's not literally fucking everywhere. Avoid the Quicksands and you're fine. With Shadowbringers introducing a literal strip club, the Quicksands will probably be cleansed while the ERPers head to the strip club.
Cutscene skippers need to be hung from a noose.
So what's the best way to level a second dps job 70-80? FATEs and the side-quests I didn't do in the new zones?
what about the small form, how would she take it all
>tfw see multiple DPS in needs a day
How the fuck did this happen by not adding a healer? I'm confused, but at the same time intrigued
>start trial as monk
>DNC and DRG bond the SAM
>about 1/3 through the fight they both switch to me even though the sam didn't die
Filthy parsers.
i spawned into the game a minute ago and the first thing I saw were a bunch of naked midgets rping in the starting area
>erpers reaching level 73-80
only 20% of them will
Balmung is the same damn thing. "Avoid the Quickiesands and you're fine". Mateus is literally 80% Balmung refugees from free transfers anyways.
Bought it this morning
Going as fast as the MSQ cutscenes allow
>first thing I see is some retard RPing
How is he retarded user? Also, if you want ERP go to Primal actually. Ultros is filled with actual retards who don't know what RP is and are eager to jack you off with their new bunny girls and perma catsluts.
penis hugs
scholars and ast eternally btfo either rerolled to dps or quit the game altogether
Because GNB hype + "easier" threat-gen has Tanks temporarily saturated. Once people realize it's still a job about responsibility and paying attention it will dwindle back down to Tank in need
she died
dungeon ques in between fates and quests
Reminder that we are tempered by hydaelyn
But that would mean less DPS in need, not more
It is. Balmung then Mateus in order of RP/ERP presence.
Just picking the highest level available after doing roulette I reckon?
Easier and harder, honestly. It's nice I can pick up aggro so easily but for some fucking reason I have trouble keeping it when I get a Red Mage.
bros what if tank queues never get better
Which one bros
fake news, ultros is a server of purity...
Now that I think about it she is big enough to take a whole dick actually
Castrum abania
>90% of healers are now white mages
what the fuck square
Suck it, shieldfags
no shit
hydaelyn was about free will and independence "hear, feel, think", zodiark was about order and entropy
I haven't seen a single ERPer in the strip club and I'm on Mateus. I don't think they hang out at endgame spots and just fuck in the quicksand or in houses/apartments.
they're already better, at least on primal.
>think of the children
He gives the theory that the calamity still happens but on a world separate from any other because of time travel.
lv1 fuck alts can't get to lv70+ areas, silly. That's the same reason the Hotsprings in Kugane never exploded.
Based scholar "mains" abandoning ship.
God dammit.
>boring vanilla or generic chocolate
Nigga have some creativity, get colors besides the two basics
That means Zodiark tempered them, doesn't mean Hydaelyn tempered people. Not all primals do.