How do you feel about Dexit?
How do you feel about Dexit?
I don't care that that they are taking features being able to complete Pokedex and make you pay for it, i don't care that they are lying to the fans as to why this was the case, i just want to consume product without asking question and if you are a true Pokemon fan you should do the same
I feel like it's something they should have done a long time ago. How are you supposed to make a good game if you have to make 1000 3D models? They should cut some Pokemon and then use the time they save to add attack animations and QoL shit. The problem here is that they cut Pokemon and the game still looks like shit.
As if people really care about the dex, graphics and animations are the issue.
>How are you supposed to make a good game if you have to make 1000 3D models?
That's why they made the models future proofed and not by Gamefreak but another studio called Creatures inc.
This desu. I'd accept some Pokemon taking a break for a game or two, but when the game looks just as shit as the previous two gens, while having even less content and costing 50% more? No fucking thanks
This just makes the game looking bad even worse
They already have all the models for Pokemon from previous gens. Why do you think the 3DS games ran like ass im battles? It's because all the models were far higher poly than necessary so that they wouldn't have to worry about making new ones for a long time.
And the game is going to sell more copies than ever before. I really wish a Pokemon game would finally flop and force them to step up their game, but that's never going to happen, sadly.
Get why people are upset but it's a moot point. There are over 800 Pokemon now, likely 900 after Sword and Shield. Game Freak programmers are notoriously bad, but it doesn't change the fact that they'd have to model, animate and program in 900 buggers.
>But Muh simple animations
Try doing it 900 times over and then making sure everything works properly. Now, part of this is to make each game distinct which I'm fine with. I never carried Pokemon over and I like each game as a unique adventure. I'm sure Game Freak is doing it because they know it's only a vocal minority that actually cares about bringing over their entirely library of Pokemon
>reddit link
>people actually responding to this shit
this board is too far gone
based post
I didn't click on it.
I just wanted something to complain about, and this seemed like an appropriate thread for it.
Of course it's gonna sell because they have no fucking competition. I wish there would be another big franchise about catching monsters. But as long there isn't anyone else doing what pokemon provides, it'll fucking sell.
Digimon and SMT are leagues better than Pokemon, but they are more niche because they are harder games.
now i'm buying 10 copies
Digimon is shit and SMT isn't about catching the monsters, it's about defeating God each and every game and lately it's about fucking your waifu on top of that.
Is Dexit the term for posting this shit outside of /vp/
Collecting as many Pokemon as I can and transferring them forward through the years has been my favorite aspect of the series since I got back into it with Platinum. Taking that away is a huge problem for me, but I would still be willing to let it go if the games were evolving to the point that re-making all the Pokemon was a necessity. But Sword and Shield is just an uprezzed version of the same 3DS games they've been releasing for years. They're just pissing on our heads and telling us it's raining. It's more of a last straw than anything- I've felt like I was doing mental gymnastics to justify buying these games for a while now, and I just can't do it anymore. There's plenty more games to play, and all my old Pokemon are safe in my Ultra Sun cartridge until the series unfucks itself.
>linking reddit
>pokemon outside of /vp/
Yea Forums is dead
I don't get what people hope to achieve by complaining about this.
It sucks, sure, but it's not like they could change anything that far into development while keeping the release date.
Don't these low iq brainlets understand this?
Over 950+ models are done and have a complete set of overworld animation
Shit is no excuse when the largest part of groundwork is already done.
Don't care. The main problem for me is that Pkmn Sword doesn't meet the standards of a Console game
Shut the fuck up Pat, you don't even play pokemon, stupid fat ginger
They're not entitled to our money. But we'd like them to understand why we're not buying the game in the hopes that they deal with the problem next time.
Pat didn't invent the phrase "pissing on us and saying it's raining."
Ok then. Good luck have fun, but I'd personally rather buy a shitty pokemon and at least have something to play while waiting for the next good one.
Especially since all the models and animations are outsourced. Game Freak is the last company that has the right to complain about how hard it is to make animations for the Pokemon- all they do is make the models bounce up and down.
Once I played smt I have never looked back.
However, DQ monsters is also far superior to pocket monsters
Your last straw will come soon enough. I was one of the people who thought everyone was being silly about there not being a Battle Frontier in ORAS, but Game Freak has gotten lazier and lazier as the games have gone on and they're just removing more and more. And if you just want to keep buying the games as they get shittier and shittier, eventually you'll reach the breaking point just as all the people currently pissed off have.
I wouldn't care about the national dex if the rest of the game looked amazing, but everything so far looks mediocre as fuck
Lack of national dex is just the shit cherry on top
>Especially since all the models and animations are outsourced.
First of all, it´s already over 1k.
Second creatures are currently not doing the models and probably didn´t for gen 7, because we saw regional bird model at gamefreak office, also detective pikachu 2. Afaik, some models are redone for lgpe and if porting would be so easy, why isn´t there a lgpe switch hack with more than only kanto mons? The game has all pokemon as placeholders in the code, just swap it with the 3d models.
There is probably more to this shit than we know. Also the game looks great, only thing not looking great is the open world area. Still it is a major step from gen 7 and other companies would probably need 5 years what they do in 2.
The entire point of pokemon is to catch them all. If you can't do that then the game is inherently broken. That they're doing this means that they're releasing an inferior product than every one of its predecessors before it even hits the shelves
>How do you feel about Dexit?
Gonna to fail harder than Brexit, i.e. Sword and Shield are going to sell very well.
Why do you insist on talking about games you've never played?
I fucking hate you people.
why is it that gamefreak, the company with the biggest franchise in history is unable to make a half decent looking game while bamco is able to somehow afford to hire the proper amount of staff to make a better looking game? cyber sleuth came out 4 years ago, with a smaller budget and somehow game freak can't manage to finish a game properly?
I played almost all of the SMT games, get fucked.
Gamefreak could release a game with 10 Pokemon and itd still sell so they dont care
The entirety of the games are the issue. They look like massive shitpiles even by Pokémon's standards.
I argued with my friends yesterday and they know I'm way more involved in Pokemon than them. They really only play GO and they said " they don't care pokemon got cut, they'll just play other games with them in it" i said what about online, i love battlespots, I cant play with my bros in online battles, they proceeded to laugh, "were not try hards like you mate"
Doesn't really matter because the game will be shit either way. It's a shame mouthbreathers will keep the franchise afloat no matter what happens.
Its shitty that they're leaving out mons and gamefreak should give the franchise to someone more competent. Maybe pokemon would be worth playing again if they did.
Patches exist
>How are you supposed to make a good game if you have to make 1000 3D models?
By having access to basically arbitrary amounts of money. Pokemon is worth tens of billions of dollars.
I'm literally dropping the franchise because of it.
Yes and no
Look what happened to Star Wars after Lucas gave it away to Disney, it actually got worse
Why not just use sprites like they did all the way up to gen 5?
I don't care. But I also don't intend to buy the games. There's more wrong with SwSh than the Pokedex being cut in half due to reasons. Pokemon has been dropping in quality for a while and I just don't care about the series anymore so I'm saving my cash to buy something else. People need to let it go and move on.
Not really sure why this is where "fans" drew the line, but whatever. I stopped playing Pokémon after XY so I don't have anything else to say on the matter.
>Linking to reddit
Of course it will sell, the question for me is, can it somehow sell less than anticipated. I'm sure there's shareholders who'll get pissed, if they begin to sense a pattern of the highest grossing franchise's main games underperforming in sales.
Indifferent because I kept telling people that the proof was in the pudding, and all they would say is
>well the battle frontier is shit and I don't like it so whatever that its gone
>well following pokemon is too distracting, so it doesn't matter that it only shows up once every decade
>well I don't play the postgame so that means postgame doesn't matter
>like who cares if they keep removing features
>Well it doesn't matter that Gen 7 doesn't have the national dex and you have to pay $5 for it. you can still like have all the Pokemon anyway.
>lets go won't affect anything! It's a spinoff even though Game Freak, Nintendo, and the Pokemon Company have said otherwise! It literally means nothing that it sold 10 million copies
The bigger issue is that Game Freak flat out admitted that Pokemon is not a priority (or a concern) for them anymore. It's basically as bad as Konami holding their IPs hostage.
We are not the target market.
I won't buy it but it'll sell anyway
The series died with Black & White 2 (the last good games)
It's time to move on. The series is dead.
The models are already done and it's not like we're gaining anything out of this, graphics are still bad and some of the animations are arguably even worse than before.
>Second creatures are currently not doing the models and probably didn´t for gen 7
You fucking retard. First of all, Creatures ARE still doing the models. Second, if they weren't then GF would only have to start work on 50 to 80 new pokemon models. Quit being a bootlicker.
Small Indie company cant handle that many models.
pls buy both versions of $60 dollar game and pay for online service pls
It doesn't make sense, why cut 400 some odd pokemon (I think Sun and Moon dex had that many) for 70 new ones. Why get attached to any of the new ones when they'll probably never be in another game, and if they are it might be 10 years from now
So what happens if you transfer your pokemon to Pokemon Home, then forget or can't afford to pay the subcription fee one month? Do your pokemon get deleted? Why is it that you can't take them back out in any game but Sword and Shield, and CONVENIENTLY that game won't aplly you to take all of them out.
I mean goddamn, if you didn't want us to use them, add some kind of region lock, but at the very least let us keep them in the PC all one game.
>can't have national dex?
>better accuse Masuda for rape.
>First of all, Creatures ARE still doing the models.
and fucking detective pikachu games are done by a fucking fairy or what? Stop beeing stupid you idiot. Think for once in your fucking life.
Wouldn't it be funny if it turns out to be true? Masuda gets fired, apologists BTFO, Pokemon games finally get back to being priority instead of Town and Project Gear
I hope it is true
>falling for obvious falseflags
good goy defend them poor multibillion companies
this sums it up pretty well
>people replying to a thread linking to reddit without saging
Guaranteed success leads to laziness
>How are you supposed to make a good game if you have to make 1000 3D models?
Literally nothing indicates that sword and shield will be unique. Even the dynamaxing gimick is pathetically lazy.
People should've been complaining back in the 3DS days when they locked transferring behind a paywall and forgot the Battle Frontier in ORAS. I can't believe it took "you can't transfer your Blaziken from 15 years ago" to make people actually notice how fucking lazy the devs are.
lebbit needs to go, no matter how infected this site has become and no matter how muted my demands have become.
won't give up shitting on them, though.
you niggers are fucking slow. when I look at this obvious statement I only get the thought "did you wake up from a fucking 9 year long coma?
it's EA with SimCity 5 or Squeenix with FFXIII's lack of towns all over again.
'we don't have the manpower to do it' should not be a fucking excuse for devs at this level.