I regret buying a Switch

I got suckered in early on by the premise and the promise of games like Mario Odyssey and BOTW but I haven't given two fucks about anything released since then.

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>buying a console known for having no multiplats and only 3 IPs they've been running into the ground longer than most users on this board have been alive
I'm sorry OP, but it's kind of on you

I'm just going to buy it at the end of the gen like I did with the Wii and WiiU when it's cheap


Those are literally the worst games on the switch

Sell it then.

Because nothing has been released since then aside from sm*sh. They're already finishing up the next console


I don't :)

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>5 bing bing wahoo games
>2 minecraft games
>2 tetris "games"
>fucking fortnite
>and a bunch of indies/multiplats



If you don't like the games that a particular console is known for, then why did you buy the console?

Enjoying playing BotW for the 50th time while you wait for a real exclusive? It's been 2 years, hang in there bro, you'll get a game soon for sure (laughs)

wait for next console with next iteration of core ips
repeat ad infinitum

Yes I'm copeing over all the amazing fun im having with the system fuck me think of the pussy $300 buys brehs

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Are exclusives the deciding factor here?

I don't give a fuck, reply to this post or else your mother will die in her sleep

Its definitely not that 440p 15fps DOOM port.

OP i'm not sure if this is bait but i unironically agree. they hooked me with BOTW and Mario and I thought "wow this console is going to be Nintendos big comeback!" and then fucking nothing for over a year. and now the only game I wanted, Animal Crossing, got delayed a year. Fuck this shit.

>and Mario

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man you can just smell the underage coming from this post

are bad because...

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>i don't like platform, it doesn't have enough games
>no, those games don't count because reasons

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that's just your mom lol

Yea Forums is the shittiest board on this website.

Because “le onions xd”

*basedboys fuck autocorrect



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Sounds like a you problem

but my nigguh hbomb proved they don't exist

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daaaaaaaamn Nintendo games look like THAT???

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Seething falseflagger

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>nintendo so desperate it goes for the soft-core fanbase which is literal teens that live with their parents and can't get away with full uncensored porn or hentai

how the fuck is this a good look?
if anything i respect sony a bit more for turning away that type of community


>i like getting censored because daddy sony says its good

I don't really like the softcore games but don't like seeing them censored and appreciate people enjoy them but holy fuck it's all Yea Forums goes on about to the point I wonder if it's their only source of softcore porn or something. Calm down.

Nintendo: "we do the opposite of what everyone else is doing because it's probably dumb"

Dilate assblasted tranny

why are snoyfags so desperate they make the same thread every day? Must suck not having any new games to look forward to this year.

you're not fooling anyone retardera

its hilarious because they've been extra mad recently with the extra amount of nintendo hate

I guess they snapped when nintendo kept announcing new games when they no longer have anything to expect

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what censorship (related to lewdness) affected your game experience?
besides even games like doa extreme never appealed to me, it's just a cock-tease without actual nudes.
i thought it was cool in 2004 when you could see boobies on a ps2 game and i had no other mean to watch porn, but i was also 10

They hated him because he told them the truth

>a bunch of inferior switch ports of already existing games

ok cuck

Y-You'll see, Days Gone and Dreams is going to DESTROY nintendo this year!

the whole PS4 library is multiplats though. Name 5 games coming out this year that justify owning a PS4

I can't fucking wait for Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4. So glad Nintendo came to their senses and scrapped what they had to include Retro in the development.

>hurr censorship is ok because i don't care about what it's affecting
Enjoying Sony's boot down your throat, cuck?

this, I had red flags from the start when they said prime 4 was being done by a different studio. If anyone can revive the series it's Retro

>my wifes boyfriend tells me when it's ok to fuck my wife, thanks jamal

Ultimate low test COPE

Yea Forums praises it because 90% of Yea Forums didn't buy a WiiU so all these ports on the switch are still fresh to them.
It's a nogames system for the most part.

>Bayonetta 3
Fucking KEK
Raging Manlet Japanese Phil Fish had one of those hissy fits he's so famous for when DMC5 came out and scrapped everything. It's never coming out

literally spergout non arguments
we can do better nintendobros, provide your arguments

This is the new Nintendo method apparently. Scam people into buying a console with launch titles and then abandon support, if the launch titles couldn't sell it then just make another console.

no need for arguments. you already outed yourself as a cuck

All those porn games are fucking trash and don't pretend otherwise Nincel

how, you're not making sense

The biggest draw is the homebrew. Homebrew that shit up, get the free games, and the comfy big screen emulators. It’s the main thing I bought mine for given a lot of the best games are on pc anyway.

>no argument
>pick the overused jamal haha meme shitpost

sucks to be you fag

this! based resetera bro!

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portability :)

>hurr censorship is bad because i care about what it's affecting
lmao fuck off virgin

Nice phone games.

sad reality for snoys

Same honestly, I'm gonna try and sell it at the end of summer.

Seething copecel

>Nintendo 30fps

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What do those images have to do with this, bingbitch?

>nintendo selling point 2019-
>semi lewds
nigga i can get free hentai and vn
for free

I got one because I like Zelda and got tricked into thinking BotW was good. Turns out it's a massive turd.

Odyssey and MK were equally disappointing. Really, the only game I enjoyed was DK. Haven't touched the Switch in almost a year now. Should probably sell this crap already.

They are going to do the same thing in 3 years again, I shit you not. I'm done with nintendo. Never again.

I literally saw someone saying this exact thing in a super mario maker 2 thread

false flagging nin10cels spam the same shit in every thread, what's new

All this anger coming from Snoyboys... Because Switch gets Digimon.

>no multiplats

Uh oh, someone's retarded

look at all those wii u games and other ancient ports.

>But those ports don't matter.