Why are people so rude in PvP games? Why do they make such a big deal out of someone losing when, undeniably...

Why are people so rude in PvP games? Why do they make such a big deal out of someone losing when, undeniably, statistically, 50% of games are lost? Most days I can laugh it off, but sometimes I get an episode of existential dread as I realize that I share this planet with such unreflective creatures.

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lol u mad

They're like that on the off chance that end up playing against a crybaby like you who crumbles after glancing at chat.

Aren't you making a lot of assumptions here?

>be winning by a big margin, opponents are pushovers
>one of them gets a lucky rocket and kills two of us
>one of the victims snaps and gets really mad at the other one, calling him a shitter for not shooting the rocket guy in time, whining about having to carry, etc, even though we are way ahead and go on to win easily

Sometimes people just want to be mad, op

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retard logic... winning does not excuse stupid plays

Not really; if you literally cannot stand listening to someone say something stupid without coming down with existential dread, I doubt you've got any mental resilience at all.

imagine being this sensitive

Being involved in a stupid play doesn't excuse sperging out either.

because these people are good at nothing else and so losing threatens the only thing they have

of course it does you brainlet, they are playing a game. if you cannot accept people get mad like that everyday at the most stupid things you'll have a hardtime when you finally leave your mom's basement and try to interact with people for the first time in your life

I don't exactly lie down on my bed for the rest of the day, you know. Just makes me feel sour seeing someone so arrogant, so sure of them pointing at someone else in a place with so many variables.

I was defending people getting mad and venting away (this is something natural), but I do agree the arrogant ones are trash

use this instead OP

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>every game now locks chat to team only
>you still act like a 12yo


>50% of games are lost?
Personally I think it would be time to stop playing video games if you are loosing that hard against zoomers.

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What you see as a problem others see as pure entertainment. Your stance towards it is your issue not the people. You won't convince them of your opinion on what is right any more than a soccer player will convince a baseball team to change the game.

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It's fucking irrelevant when the game is already won you retard.
I see this shit all the time too. I can be in a game where we are crushing the enemy team with no chance to lose, and some autist with a god complex gets killed and proceeds to lose his shit.

Some people trash talk because being better than others at a video game is the only way they can feel good about themselves.
Other people trash talk because they're just kind of assholes.

The only winning solution is to not take it seriously and remember it's a game at the end of the day.

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This is kino bait, subtle and beautiful. Right out in the open once you know it's there but invisible if you don't, like an optical illusion.

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Maybe it's time to stop visiting the internet if you misunderstood that statement and didn't even make a double take before making a worthless post.

>Yeah, let's ignore the demographics for each individual game and just go by overall numbers


>Friends always want to play meme comps that are goofy and obviously won't win but are great to troll with
>But then get absolutely furious when we lose and spend the rest of the night bitching at you for not "pulling your weight" on a team they specifically requested and couldn't ever have won
I hate my friends so much

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This sounds like League of Legends

Worse. Smite.

Have you confronted them about this contradictory behavior yet?

Tell them to pick good characters instead of shit ones.

Because well adjusted people don't even turn on the audio for other players. I'm a friendly person, very personable and easy to get along with. I've been muting matches since about 2003. Nobody coordinates as a team and at best you get assholes taking it way too seriously or trying to attack you. Not worth it. I listen to music or talk to my wife as I play.

carry me plz