Which controller are you using on PC Yea Forums?
Which controller are you using on PC Yea Forums?
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Wii U Pro Controller
Did you buy it for PC, or do you have a switch as well?
>Wii U Pro on Switch
user, i... also have a switch, and its pro, and the mayflash usb adapter for it as well, but i prefer the Wii U controller very slightly for its layout and battery life
Xbone Elite. Would get the Elite 2 if I didn't have the Elite already.
Did you have any issues with it?
How long have you had it?
I actually play videogames, so DualShock 4 with DS4Windows with appropriate profiles for different periods of PC gaming.
Imagine using an xbox controller and being too retarded to notice the fucked analog axes and the combined triggers. It's sad how many people play videogames on PC and not even notice this shit and insist it works fine.
About 3 years now. I haven't had any issues with it, aside from me slightly jabbing one of the stick caps by putting too much in the case so the profile isn't perfectly smooth anymore. But nothing by itself, bumpers still work perfectly.
I have Xbone Elite. I works nicely. Got a battery and charger set up from Walmart for cheap. No complaints, no issues.
Explain when that would ever be noticed.
Same, the dualshock 4 feel comfortable and i like the position of the analog
I've got a DS4 and I recently played a game with too many inputs needed to use the ibuffalo. Fucking threw the thing away to use an xbon because of how mushy the DS4's dpad is.
Xbone, but I only use it wired. I find bluetooth entirely useless for it. Is it my cheapo adapter or is bluetooth just inherently shitty? Does the dedicated xbone windows adapter just use bluetooth?
XBOX one as a main and DS3 as a secondary.
The Xbox One Wireless Adaptor is like 18 dollars on Amazon. It works great.
that thumbstick looks comfy
Dualshock 4 is shit. The Share and Options buttons are basically nonexistent and the fucking touchpad is useless. Dualshock 3 is better.
I got an 8bitdo adapter to try out all my controllers and it works great with my Xbox One controller.
>Does the dedicated xbone windows adapter just use bluetooth?
No, it's some proprietary shit. I believe it's better and less latent than bluetooth. I use that since I have an older controller without bluetooth, haven't had any issues.
Connect your Xbox controller to PC. Go to joy.cpl
Notice your analog sticks don't reach the far corners when pushed diagonally, and how both of your triggers cancel each other out.
Unless a game explicitly supports the Xbox controller through Xinput, the fucked inputs there is what you're stuck with.
Combination of Switch Pro controller and DS4 depending on the game
Dualshock4, super comfo, plus useful d-pad when I play platformers.
>The Share and Options buttons are basically nonexistent and the fucking touchpad is useless.
How does this even affect a controller's quality?
the one on the left
Easy SMX
have sex
>No, it's some proprietary shit.
Noice, thanks. None of the product pages seem to show how it works.
Everything in the middle of the controller is useless. Menus? Map? It just isn't there.
have a job
Switch Pro for anything Gyro aiming. Xbox One S/X controller for everything else.
Fucking give me one.
Skills: I can cook minute rice in 58 seconds. Also I snort glue
I used a DS3 specifically to play Dark Souls, and then when Dark Souls 3 was going to release I bought a DS3 in anticipation
still works very well on my computer but I'm very tempted by the Switch pro controller nowadays, sadly it's £55 on amazon
Steam controller for steam games, 8bitdo pro controller for everything else
How is it (((useless))) again?
Oh my god somebody help me pls. My xbox controller broke down and i bought an switch controller since i heard good things about it and i own one but holy fuck it just doesn't want to work on pc properly. Like the right stick functions as a mouse, emulators don't see it and all those remapping programs dont seem to help either. It sometimes works with steam and sometimes it doesn't. Anybody knows how to unfuck it?
>not playing dark Souls with mouse+keyboard
What a fucking pleb. I bet you even lock onto targets.
*I bought a DS4 in anticipation
>Notice your analog sticks don't reach the far corners when pushed diagonally
*stick, right stick works fine. And I can't remember the last time I played a game that I wanted to play with a controller that didn't support xinput that I wanted to also use analog input on.
It's why the new controllers having bluetooth was a big deal, so they can more easily be used on PCs without needing a proprietary dongle. But fuck bluetooth, it's just "good enough".
Sold that shit right away and then I got myself some real controllers (PS4/xboneS)
>Like the right stick functions as a mouse
It looks like the game has set some fucked-up configuration. You need to change it to the default xbox one. Find the game in the steam library and look for controller configuration on the right.
shut up, you aren't welcome here
dualshock 4. my wired 360 controllers all stopped working and i have little reason to buy an xbone controller. i might buy another wired 360 controller eventually but it'd just be for 360 use.
i hope next gen controllers are less retarded or they just keep using this generation's.
Still have a PS1 controller with PS1->USB converter because holy fuck, modern controllers are insanely expensive. Why are modern controllers insanely expensive? Makes zero fucking sense.
>Everything in the middle of the controller is useless
You can map it to whatever you want. How is that useless?
as somebody who played through the first dark souls with only a keyboard (no mouse mods), I can tell you that it was not worth the effort.
I love Nintendo controllers
Comfy steam link games in livinng room with big screen that require no precision, like VNs
>Pokken tournament
Old games and Mario Maker 2
>Wii U pro
General PC games that are not FPS
>Switch Pro
General Switch games
Smash obviously.
My Wii u pro is 5 years old and its showing with a little drift, thinking on what to replace it with, was thinking Switch pro but I don't wanna unpair it from my Switch.
Pardon me m'laria, didn't know this was a mobile phone gamers thread only.
Git gud, scrub
Have a fucking job user, how is 60 dollars expensive
I'm sorry you're too retarded to use advanced input devices.
a controller isn't worth 60 dollars unless it beats you off and cooks you food
Get a third party for like $10, it will not have that same premium feel though.
using pic related because poorfag. It's as good as the xbox controller though.
I have a cheap SNES controller from aliexpress for emulating and nostalgia bait like shovel knight . Surprisingly, shovel knight doesn't even work because it requires an analog stick which it can map your d-pad to.
>buying cheapass 3rd party controllers
It'll be broken in a month.
How is $60 NOT expensive for A FUCKING CONTROLLER? Jesus fuck, modern gaming has really brainwashed you fucks into paying a shitton of money for everything.
It is worth if it lasts you many years.
Wonder how expensive a PS1 was back in the day, probably not $60 but close.
>no rechargeable battery pack
It's my only complaint. It's great otherwise.
>retard posts something about a keyboard and mouse in a controller thread and then brings up mobile games
no it works as the mouse on the desktop. forgot to add
>it's as good as the xbox controller though
Logitech is comfy. No need to be ashamed.
Still using the same wired 360 controller I have for the past 7 or 8 years, but I fucking hate the dpad more than anything. The buttons in general are just really poor quality compared to a DS4, I'll probably make the switch at some point soon.
A new game costs $60, you use a controller to play hundreds of games for several years.
At least the batteries last ages. I'm honestly amazed people can use wireless Xbone controllers. I'd burn through AAs so fucking quickly. with that thing.
I'm also happy to know that I'll never have issues with a built-in battery pack losing charge.
Depends, i use both ps4/xbox one controllers
Although i just got this wireless adapter for my Xb1 controller and it's fuckin great
I'm the kinda guy who can get into a game and jerk the chord from the socket; so this adapter is kino
Games are free on PC.
Dualshock 4 because it's the next best thing after an Xbone controller, which I don't have.
>A new game costs $60
if you're a bootlicker and buy bad games
>It's as good as the xbox controller though.
If you can't afford an actual controller, don't lie to yourself at least....
>invest in wireless charging packs
>I'm also happy to know that I'll never have issues with a built-in battery pack losing charge.
user I...
You can get rechargable packs for xbone controllers, and they last pretty long.
>I have a cheap SNES controller from aliexpress
>Surprisingly, it doesn't even work
>AA batteries with a wireless xbone controller
>built in battery packs
>having to change batteries vs plugging in a cable and still playing a game until it's charged 30 minutes later
I like the steam controller but come on. The battery situation is lame.
A PS4 controller, because I actually do own a PS4 as well. I use the DS4Windows application for any game that only accepts Xbox game controllers
>It'll be broken in a month.
1 year and a half and still going strong. Got any more bait? Tomorrow I'll go fishing, could do with some more.
Xbone for win10
I have batteries just in case i forget to charge my packs
If the ps4 controller is dead, you have no choice buy wait that 30 minutes
Either way they're both fine, who fuckin' cares at the end of the day
I use the bone controller hooked via USB
>no driver install
>have a 4 in 1 USB adapter to plug in multiple bone controllers
>never a worry about battery life
>works out of the box for pretty much all games past 2004
>the D-pad is excellent for emulation
how they do it bros?
>PS1 controller in the 90s
According to an ad I looked up from back then, $25.
Inflation is bullshit, it may be a little more now vs. then, but it certainly doesn't inflate $25 to $60 over fucking 25 years.
You can just plug in a cable with the Steam Controller as well.
Nah, it's just shovel knights shitty way of handling controller input.
>can't afford a controller
>can't afford games
real gamers right there
No need, I consider the Xbone controller a joke for other reasons anyway so I don't own one.
The steam controller cable is legit 3 feet long. It's retarded.
You can't see how much the batteries will last, can you? So the controller can literally die mid-game, right?
Yea but it's the same shit with the xbone, really only you don't have to change the batteries out. The way you get them out is janky as fuck too. It's this flimsy plastic button you push into the top of the controller.
Batteries last a long time though.
PS1 controller cost $25 in 1994 (I didn't check, I'll take your word. Accounting for inflation that would be $43.25 now. This Xbone controller I just found on amazon costs $43.85.
Sure user.
>PC gaming
Enjoy your broken console ports and f2p junk
>implying inflation isn't as bad as it really is
>>never a worry about battery life
I'm getting my xbox controller tomorrow, and it'll be my first xbox controller ever. I went with the DS4 years ago because of the battery thing, is it really something good? I feel like I'd spend so much money on these batteries, but perhaps I just don't understand how much they last. I'm most likely going to use it wired though anyway.
I use an Xbox One controller. It works beautifully.
Oh. This kind of poster again.
Oh well it was a good thread o.o
Bye! xDd
>Console gaming
Enjoy your... umm what? A few shitty movie games? And before you shit something out again, I do own a PS4 Pro, and it's just collecting dust.
Oh yeah, enjoy paying for online and gaming not even at 30 fps.
I can't believe I bought into this ps4 meme. Bloodborne and Persona 5 are amazing, but two games aren't worth it obviously.
D-pad on the Xbone is better?
I remember the 360 dpad was kind of bad.
They properly fixed it?
It costs almost half of the controller.
It's $20 to never have to buy batteries for it again. Ive had mine for going on 3 years with no battery issues and I only have 1 rechargeable pack.
DS4 for 3D games and PS2/Dolphin emulation. 8bitdo for 2D games. They're coming out with a gamepad that has a rumble pack & gyro aiming and I'll have to stop myself from buying these things like they're actual video games.
Stop seething and just go play some vidya games you fucking sperg.
it looks awful and uncomfortable
Maybe if you've never held a SNES controller.
Yall are fags. how do you live without pressure sensitivity?
Also black/white is boring.
I use this.
it gets power from the USB port.
yes, i loved 360 controller but that Dpad was fuckin shit.
Mein triplenigga
What games use it? MGS2 and 3?
Yes, emulated ps2/3/ games it's really useful. Any PC game you can map the face buttons to axes too, so plane games and stuff you can have partial yaw, etc. I haven't tried it yet but I'm sure there's plugins to set up pressure sensitivity as 2 different inputs to pull off mgs type control shenanagins in normal games.
>Yes, emulated ps2/3/ games it's really useful.
MGS2 and 3 are on PS2 though, so why even mention PS3? Or did you mean "No"?
>Any PC game you can map the face buttons to axes too, so plane games and stuff you can have partial yaw, etc.
Lmao, good luck.
PS3 games use pressure sensitivity too. And yes, I do use the pressure sensitive bumpers and face buttons on flight sims and racing games.
Easily the best controller for PC gaming
is there a xbox controller alternative for ps4 that has similar input delay to the real thing?
>xboners will never have this
What are you taking about?
DS4. Grew up with the left thumbstick/dpad layout of playstation controllers and have never been comfortable with the dpad placement of the xbox controllers.
>PS3 games use pressure sensitivity too
I just asked what games, and you replied that yes, it was only MGS2 and 3. Which if you don't know, are PS2 games.
Wipeout HD
Armored Core 4
Gran Tourismo 5
Metal Gear Solid 4
Any racing game with face buttons available as throttle/brake controls
Those are just the ones I can think of right now.
>I actually play videogames, so DualShock 4 with DS4Windows
this for me
xbone for pretty much anything other than civ, for that I either just use the mouse or a ds4's touchpad so I can sit back
it uses wifi
Well, I have some kind of black Xbox gamepad, that I... looted from my dead brother.
Along with a 1920x1080 monitor
Are the new xbox elite controllers out yet? Anyone tried them out?
>micro usb cables of any length can't be bought
This or an OG SNES controller with an adapter for older games.
I use a xbone controller right now that a friend let me have for a while, I absolutely hate the bumpers, they feel awkward to press especially in games where I have to press them a lot. It also feels less durable than the 360 controller but that might just be down to this one since my friend apparently already fucked two different buttons
Ds4 cause I'm alpha af
Okay thanks, only took you half an hour.
>Any racing game with face buttons available as throttle/brake controls
I seriously doubt every third party game implemented it.
>it doesn't charge your batteries no matter the length
The battery situation is shit and anyone defending it is retarded.
fighting games are trash on xbone dpad
>everything is on steam
I saw one of these at a pawn shop for $60, is it any good?
How do I get a Xbox controller to work on a laptop?
plug it in, retard.
I did, didn't register.
>use Xbox One controllers
>love them
>new elite controller gets announced
>it uses a fixed battery instead of regular AA ones
Such a shame the controller looks great otherwise. Would buy if it weren't for thag
Calibrateing controllers for games that dont already have the calibrations set up.
i have both ds4 and xbone controllers and i prefer xbone because it just works flawlessly with everything made from the xbox 360 era onwards, and in my personal experience it works better with emulators as well
it's not.
have you ever measured the input lag?
Haven't really noticed that.
I use xbox360 wired controller or dualshock4. No real difference for me
Is it slippery?
here's what it looks like
You need extra software for the PS4 to work yet the Xbox one controller is plug in play? Were you born normal then made retarded user? The only reason you want a PS4 controller on PC is for PlayStation now for PS4 games.
no, but it does feel uncomfortable as shit to use, just like the rest of the controller.
I was using the Xbone one for about a year but the USB port broke and wouldn't connect anymore. I ended up using my white DualShock 3, it works fine.
shit thats what I use too because the design of the xbone controller port is fucking atrocious. and I can't use them wireless with my shitty computer.
Call me a Faggot .
>FPS with a controller
Beyond gay.
ps3 ever since i got one for Persona 5
>fps on controller
Faggotron 9000
It's probably because it's convex. Some people just don't like it.
I've been a PC guy my whole life, and I got my first controller in 2013. (I did play on my friend's PS1 a lot back in the day though, and it was my first gaming experience basically). But for some reason I really got into gaming with a controller, now I prefer using a gamepad even for FPS.
Not trying to be an ass, but in what game would a pro controller feel more comfortable than a DS4?
Not him, but usually people prefer the DS4 for dpad games.
I don't know how you can endure using a controller for FPS; I'm playing the original Borderlands 1 on Xbone (through BC) and aiming a sniper rifle or a revolver feels like shit since you miss out on being able to make minute changes in your aiming.
I played BL2 on PC recently and it felt like heaven being able to aim sniper rifles quickly and efficiently.
I Have a Ps4 and too lazy to get a xbox360 or xboxone controller to use with my games on steam.
I would recommend playing GTA V and platformer games using a controller on PC though.
>i can't wait for Spyro on steam...... didnt get it on ps4
waiting for retrobit's analog saturn controller
Yeh, AA batteries were and are the best thing in terms of longevity. Fuck MS for panderiing to retards who don't understand integrated batteries are cancer.
BL does feel like shit with a controller.
Try Destiny/CoD/Titanfall/Battlefield instead.
How long will the batteries that come with the controller last? Let's say I play for about 5 hours every day.
what kind of chinese shittop do you have
I bought a chunk Xbox 360 adapter for like 15 burgers since I had like three of the controllers collecting dust from when my 360 worked. It takes a little driver fuckery but it works like a charm after that
I still use my 10 year old 360 controllers. They just don't break..
Go into the controller settings in steam and change it to generic controller? My 360 controllers fucked up like that with mouse input until changed it away from a 360 controller
Around 30-50 hours. The thing is to buy rechargeable batteries so you always have spared. Integrated batteries always fail around 300 charge cycle and many times are soldered to the board and are a hassle to replace. AA batteries are much better in long term use. Just get a rechargeable battery pack (they usually come in packs of 4 so you always have spares).
bloodborne alone is literally better than any game pc has shitted the last 30 yrs
i remember seeing dead rising 3 tutorials tell you to move your controller to shove zombies - it has to use the kinect for that basic feature of competing controllers.
>all that dust
you sure use them a lot
if you're one of the underage retards suggesting steam for input mapping instead, you can kill yourself right now instead of replying.
my old dualshock3
i even fixed it once already, i'll part with it when it dies completely and i won't be able to find a new one anywhere
I just play another game that not required controller.
Destiny is basically if Halo and Borderlands had a baby........ then gave it vaccines and became autistic.
Destiny Forces the player pay for microtransactions for good loot and mindless and useless grinding for shit rewards and loot.
Did Bungie literally fucking stepbackwards and don't know how to make a fun FPS, not to mention it's no surprise that activision/blizzard cucked bungie for being such a disapointment.
Oh and BL and Halo have a splitscreen option, no need to jew ur friend to buy another console and game jsut to play co-op.
>TLDR:Better off playing Halo or Borderlands than Destiny
wired 360 controller from early 2014
I really love the Xbox One controller I gotta say. Still have a old 360 one but have been borrowing an Xbone Controller from my brother for a while now and it is so much better I love it.
I would, but the left bumper broke after a couple years of light usage. I guess Sekiro pushed it over the edge.
I don't use controllers, I just use a keyboard and mouse.
Xbox 360
Please, no.
What’s wrong with steam? At least you don’t have to deal with the exclusivity issues.
My nigga.
I have been a pcbro my whole life so if I'm playing at my desk its always mouse and keyboard, but on my couch I use this. Fine for turn based and slow fps games, also the best controller as a remote control.
I also have a 360 controller too which wasn't bad, much better than the piece of crap ps3 controller. Don't know about the current gen stuff because it all looks like the same shit.