Make this Yea Forumsidya related
Make this Yea Forumsidya related
Other urls found in this thread:
It already is.
Lol incel
pack it up, thread's over, this guy already won
Call me edgy, but I don't like an idea of a gravestone. It'll stand for 100 years or so before someone replaces it with someone else's, sure, the family might visit, but more often than not graves are left alone for the most part, and you don't exactly need to come to graveyard to remember a family member anyway. Gravestones to me are akin to saying "I'm still here dammit"
Supremely underrated fpbp
Cremation, then?
kill yourself tripfag
here ya go
kys retard
Seriously, what is everyone problem with users using trips? It just seem out of place, especially knowing that everyone can become one.
based and sneedpilled (formerly cringe and chuckpilled)
Lol dude you look like this? Haha lol
>Insert the Sneed's Seed and Feed about 1/4 inch behind the OP. This kills the edit thread.
Why are you still fucking using your trip Gladium noone likes you.
Put your trip back on retard. Trips are only to be used when the OP NEEDS to be recognizable for a thread to have discussion. That is not the case for this thread or any other thread you retards infest. You're an attention-whoring faggot and need to go back to back where you belong.
But instead of just writing "Nothing" or leaving it blank, Simply putting his name, despite it being against his wishes, is the most poignant answer.
>tripfag trying to be relevant on anonymous image board
Trips are usually for people who have some sort of importance and not for some ugly, degenerate tranny lover.
unironically kys youreself
You have an obsession
I mean, anyone can become one since it really doesn't matter. Who is literally that important anymore that still use Yea Forums? I mean Moot is gone, who else is here, beside the Japanese con artist.
kill yourself tripfag
The OP of the mosaic threads when those still happen, video game developers posting in the respective threads and artists are the ones that come to mind.
Not degenerate tranny lovers with a sense of self-importance.
No you didn't.
One of these days I'm gonna livestream myself beating it so I can end this meme
the point of Yea Forums is anonimity but if you use trips, you're some self important dipshit who has to stand out from the crowd for some fucking reason.
same reason why there was a "tits or gtfo" thing back in the day, whenever someone proclaimed to be a female.
it shouldn't matter if you are or not.
So if I use a tripcode, I can get (you)s without making some stupid or controversial comment that the jannies might ban for being a shitpost? Woah!
Filtered ;)
I don't understand why he uses the tripcode
I've never seen him have an actual discussion because everyone just calls him a retard. For what reason would you keep using it?
People are in desperate need for attention, user.
it's pail you retardo
>pile of water
>the point of Yea Forums is anonymity
>has an optional name feature
pick one. i should trust some random person instead of the people who programmed the website huh
Reminder that Yea Forums X lets you anonymize all posters.
No, you'll get banned for using a tripcode when it's totally unnecessary to do so.
>The very same people that abandoned us to a greedy chink
>The same people who thought /g/ guro was a good idea
I could go on. The designers of the site are shit. As are the Janissaries.
You can't hide behind their skirts forever you dirty tripfag. Reveal yourself and choose another trip so I may filter your sorry ass again.
Why is Gladium still a thing then? God knows no one would cry if the autist was banned
The only time I even notice tripcodes anymore is when people start complaining. I used to angry about it, ten years ago, but not anymore. I'm not defending tripfags, they're obviously raging homosexuals, but who even cares anymore.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
could some drawfag edit pic related into that comic?
Gravestones aren't for family though
Because it has a use, you fucking retard. The point of tripcodes is for people to use when identifying themselves in a thread would be more convenient for everyone. Fan translators, artists, etc can use it in a thread discussing their work because its helpful to know what they're saying. It's like goofing around on a handicap scooter at a store and then going "Well the store provided it as an option! Why should I use it? I trust the people in charge of this store more than the random people judging me!''
Only famous peoples gravestones last long, everyone elses graves will be replaced eventually
No, the point of trip codes is that you can be identified within a thread. Ideally you should change your trip every thread, and for most threads you don't need it.
Imagine being THIS MUCH of a newfag.
Because every time he posts, someone else posts his ugly mug and we all have a good laugh.
fuck you
Get cancer tripfag
Or you know. Ignore the trip like every normal human.
preemptive seething. Just saying, you sperg.
what is the advantage of not using names? besides being able to samefag and validate your own posts?
Tripfags are fucking pathetic.
>No, you'll get banned for using a tripcode when it's totally unnecessary to do so.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
I'm doing this for fee. Bye guys!
There are some good websites where you can make an account
is there any actual proof that the ugly guy is actually the tripfag? seems like people spam that pic with nothing to back it up
Holy shit moar
still waiting on that suicide stream Gollum Tortilla.
>no one's posted his picture on the gravestone yet
If you want to use names, go to reddit, tumblr, twitter, any other site where participation requires an account.
Yea Forums offers a different experience by making its users anonymous (as it forgoes hounding people, blocking people, voting systems, etc). I find, outside of the endless shitposting, Yea Forums offers much better discussion than any other site because everyone has an equal chance to be heard.
The name feature does not exist so faggots can boost their own self importance, it exists to let people know which posts belong to a certain person - a person who's identity is actually important to the discussion - for example, a while ago on /vp/, someone used a tripcode to distribute a leaked copy of Sun/Moon weeks before it was released, and their use of a tripcode allowed people to know that they were genuine and the download links they posted were safe. If everyone used names then Yea Forums would just be a shitty copy of twitter.
If you have to have this explained to you, you don't belong here.
filtered faggot kill yourself
Man, even the quality of tripfags has degenerated. From interesting characters like ManlyTears to guys like this...
Thank you
They don't reply cuz truth hurts
If this was >Yea Forums rule 34 owlturd on the gravestone would be the first reply
The real question is what kind of SSS-tier loser need you be to come to an anonymous imageboard, and decide the first thing you need is to not be anonymous anymore
It's not like it's a secret that people basically want all tripfags to fuck off and be anonymous; you're right that they won't stop being annoying, but at least they'll go to being the ignored post rather than the shitty post in every thread; tripfags are always attached to drama and self-glorification. There's like two whole flavours of tripfag and the main difference now is that one flavour dilates. They're both self-obsessed flavours that insist everyone else is wrong and that it's truly worth it to just piss people off. So, really, they're just shitty in the first place.
I have no idea why tripcodes existed in the first place
Why bother being all "huhu anonymous" when you just have a soft username system whose use you encourage anyway.
No you won't.
Why exactly is tripfagging still allowed if signature and avatar use are bannable?
Because nobody on Yea Forums wants to enforce rules because it's constantly shit like that.
Just ban kiddie porn and be done with it
Yes. And if it was Yea Forums a loss edit would be the first reply.
eat a dick niggy piggy she's already dead.
And you STILL replied AND posted an immunity meme.
>Yea Forums offers a different experience by making its users anonymous
Except it doesn't. You are free to use a name and a unique identifier (tripcode) to verify who you are.
Nah i'm pretty sure you guys just pretend to hate me because thats le Yea Forums culture
shut up tripfag
Yes, you are, but only faggots like you use them. Other sites REQUIRE you to have an account, Yea Forums makes it so only idiots identify themselves.
No you're just another useless virgin tripfag, nothing else. Kill yourself.
You look like a literal pinhead
fuck u
>making this Yea Forums related
beat me to it.
I don't get it. I just don't fucking get it.
>this is what your average person who thirsts for traps looks like