*Ruins your game comunitty*
*Ruins your game comunitty*
literally who or what
I'm going to say the N-word.
Hi ResetEra
>People are still mad about GG
You're welcome.
why did Yea Forums feel obligated to give her the free attention she wanted back in the day?
Cuz Yea Forums is proper feminists and respect women
>Anita is completely irrelevant
>her employees are working for free
>Zoe Quinn never paid her employees at CON
>her Chuck Tingle game's never coming out
>her comic book failed and DC Vertigo has been killed off after 25 years
>Brianna Wu lost her election
>Nick Denton had to sell Gawker after getting BTFO by motherfucking Hulk Hgogan
>Univision bought it and lost hundreds of millions of dollars before selling it again
>tons of layoffs everywhere in internet journalism
>NeoGAF imploded
>ResetERA is already dying
to watch her lose it all in 2019 and beg for money from ea lol
It's pretty funny when a journo tries to use GG as a scapegoat whenever they get caught being a sex pest or what have you.
>>ResetERA is already dying
Is it? I never checked the place after neogaf imploded.
more like
*ruins your Yea Forums*
>want reviewers/game """journalists""" to do their job properly
>they dont
>they even use it to help shill their friends """games"""
>call them out
>"wtf stop raping me???"
>somehow demanding ethical journalism is rape/targeted female harassment
>but only because everyone involved with this problem, is able to move it away from the real problem
i dont care who youre fucking. if you fail at your job's only fucking requirement you need to fuck off
also the people with "i survived gamergate" shit need to fuck off too. you survived nothing, you danced around being called out by throwing a fucking tantrum
all the pedos from neofag hang out there
>Wil Wheaton used Randi Harper's blocklist so that GamerGaters would be blacklisted from Hollywood
>she added trannies to the list because she's a "TERF" (anti-tranny)
>angry trannies went after Wil Wheaton and drove him off social media
based trannies
>brianna wu
it was only a fraction of GAF's size to begin with
then they did their usual thing of banning tons of people every day for wrongthink
after the pedo discord leaks and Etika thing the traffic took a hit
Thanks for proving OP's point, reddit refugees
>proving op's point
>by stating the truth
spin it however you want, fuck everysingle part of the event
The truth is that it ruined Yea Forums. You couldn't refute it, so you went on some tirade that had nothing to do with anything OP said, accusing him of being something that he never even claimed to be.
of course i cant refute it, because every retard and their tranny boyfriend is part of the problem
i want to enjoy my games yet all i get is years of the industry going into the shitter again. we need another video game crash, or some company thats a hardass and doesnt tolerate this bullshit
Why are you not mentioning the death threats, kneejerk reactions and generally deplorable behavior from GamerGoobers?
Yea Forums was bound to be shit since the beginning. Video games attract underagefags and they shit up the place.
>do literally illegal shit
>as a group fuck over any reputation you may or may not have in your field
its perfectly warranted, and the best part is when checking in on it many reports were verified fake.
either way OP wanted a shitty bait thread, so I'll give him what he wants
Hi fellow 4channer!
imagine being so much of a hack you need to involve gaypergraypes to get people riled up, zero finesse
this kek
She's broke nigga she's broke!
>mentioning the death threats
the fake ones that the fbi deemed not worth following up on and both anita and wu were caught faking repeatedly?
>people dig and point out that video game journalists are giving higg scores to a game they funded on patreon or had involvement in
>journos literally laugh in their faces at the mere suggestion of putting disclaimers at the end of reviews
>one mail bombing the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION later and every review now has a disclaimer
Thank you gamergate.
just let her fade away
>i want thousands of innocent people to lose their jobs because i had to see a brown pixel on the screen.
Tell me how you're any better, nigger.
I like how she tried to claw her way into 2077 development while insulting the game and the developer in the same breath, calling them sexist.
Best is when they theorized the death threats were written by women.
>actually arguing against a videogame crash with how shit gaming is now
fuck right off i dont give a fuck about their jobs they shouldve had the balls to argue in favor of a product worth selling to begin with
and no this isnt just about politics, vidya is completely corrupt and the people involved with these companies are at best inadvertently involved with selling skinner boxes, gaming has needed a crash since 2012
GG did to gaming what the nazis did for the white race
both blew their loads prematurely
You'll never be a woman
You sound like a child, and a communist one at that.
yeah this haha its weird though how film and comics didnt need a gg to get tot he same point haha almost like it was inevitable and could only be stopped by speaking out against it
Video games are the best they've ever been. Another video game crash will never happen, fucking niGGer.
Only Yea Forums because Yea Forums is that autistic
Pretty much everywhere else is an improvement from it
>defends muh innocent workers
>calls other commies
ok retard
>See a guy with a Vivian James avatar
>He's hyper sensative and can't take a joke at all
Same reason no one's mentioning the bomb threats and doxxing done by anti-gamergate retards. No one cares anymore.
What Etika thing?
>The truth is that it ruined Yea Forums
Yea Forums's been a cesspool of offtopic shitposting since 2010, newfag.
>Video games are the best they've ever been.
imagine having such objectively garbage taste i bet you love eating at mcdonalds
>fucking niGGer.
hi partisan
I never fully grasped what happened. Can an user give me the full story but make it quick?
thanks doc.
>conveniently forgets about the fappening part #3492748639
>not communism
okay, retard
It was OBJECTIVELY better and more usable before gamergate, not that you would know that
who mentioned the gubmint you mouth breathing retard
GG was necessary but brought a lot more unnecessary attention to the site
the 2016 US elections were what truly killed this place
Of all people, Angry Joe's video talking about this game off as the most sensible
I’m a man user
My field is being automated away and likely won't exist in ten years, yet all I hear is "lol get a better edumacashun!" Why should I care that a bunch of onions-chugging faggots from California who make childrens' toys might lose their jobs in an industry crash?
Because I love to see incels getting triggered
GG was unironically cringe
>The Reddit teamup
>The "We're not sexist because we made a female OC who agrees with us" shit
>All the fucking garbage e-celebs squabbling over who gets to be in charge
No it wasn't, Yea Forums hasn't been video game related since Japan Time. It was ruined by retarded newfags like you who think spamming >2012, ISHYGDDT, >implying and "that feel when" are the height of humor.
>People freaking out because genders and "journalism"
>mfw I just played the gems instead of the turds through the whole thing.
>no arguments
At least I know what side of the firing line I'm on. When it comes to choices, nobody can be neutral. Indecision eliminates progress. Commit yourself. niGGer
Most of that didn't happen until the youtube e-celebs got involved and co-opted it into being about "ethics in game journalism." For the first three months it was an unholy alliance between Yea Forums and /pol/ to ruin the careers of various SJWs, and that's when 90% of the results were achieved.
>Commit yourself.
I did. I'm on the side that's ascendant all throughout western civilization while you're crying about the government not paying for your hormone replacement therapy.
That "Day we went to war" collage was made super early on
Because that has all the games media has done for the past 5 years with their inability to let things go and do their fucking jobs?
>brings up hormone replacement therapy for no reason at all
You're obsessed & insufferable
>no arguments
ok provide some yourself then we can argue
>At least I know what side of the firing line I'm on.
right so you're clearly a biased partisan that belongs on /pol/
>When it comes to choices, nobody can be neutral.
whoa deep and vague well done not saying anything of worth
>Indecision eliminates progress.
more irrelevant and nebulous "progress" ok
no the problem was you jumped to conclusions ans showed your true colors when your prejudice linked disliking political pandering to supporting gamergate exclusively you fucking idiot its no surprise youd have shit taste in vidya (though tbf nier was an exception to the rule)
>It was ruined by retarded newfags like you who think spamming >2012, ISHYGDDT, >implying and "that feel when" are the height of humor.
Better than the crying hat men and frogs you shill 24/7
gg made me vote for trump.
i would have to say that GG won pretty decisively
That keyhole is vaginal
>ok provide some yourself then we can argue
I just said video games are at the best they've ever been. A crash will never happen in your lifetime. Everything's fine and well. Literally read the causes of the 1983 crash because none of those causes are happening right now
>right so you're clearly a biased partisan that belongs on /pol/
uh, no
>whoa deep and vague well done not saying anything of worth
Yet you still replied, niGGer
>more irrelevant and nebulous "progress" ok
not an argument
>(though tbf nier was an exception to the rule)
Thanks for agreeing with me that video games are at the best they've ever been
>Immediately following the Sutherland Springs church shooting on November 5, 2017, Wheaton on Twitter stated in response to Congressman Paul Ryan's call for prayers for the victims that "The murdered victims were in a church. If prayers did anything, they'd still be alive, you worthless sack of shit."
aight man either you're genuinely too retarded to think logically or you're baiting so i'm going to give you your last (you) and wish you a good day
Really, blaming a group of autist on the internet for ruining the "gaming community"? We all know what really ruined gaming, is identity politics. The idea of a community is a joke. There is no gaming community, there are games, people who play games, and assholes who want to assert their own belief structure on everyone else. Fuck off op, gg didn't do shit except expose assholes like you.