whats wrong with america?
Whats wrong with america?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's gay
california and canada, nuke those out of existence and maybe we can start thinking about fixing this mess
just be glad that gore is allowed in the first place, games are much better if we can rip people apart rather than see womens genitals.
besides, we have porn for a reason, if you wanna jack off just go watch porn or download a porn game
aren't these 2 thinks literally what keeps America's life-support running?
>mfw i live on california
Fuck it, just nuke this shitole
You can't show fair skinned butts in America, only poop stained mutt ones.
Peak dystopia.
>the ol violence vs sex debate
can we not do it this time?
The ass isn't fat enough.
I don't think Canada cares, they're just arguing with themselves about why their economy is shit.
Oh look, the new bioware employees in action.
the sister wives in your flyover state don't want the right side either cletus
Postal was a very controversial game, your comparison is stupid.
Republicans and feminists.
yet it wasnt censored in the USA, while 0.5 sec of skin gets censored in a trailer
Americans closet homos.
We're secretly Nazis
Speak for yourself, kekistani
user that's not how it works, economically California is more of a leech and Canada doesn't do anything.
Tho if you want to know what states would cripple the u.s if they dieded Texas and new Mexico for oil, a few fly over states for mass starvation and your good that's all you need
and you know it
Not in the USA but it was banned on several other countries, every country has it's dogmas.
What game on the left?
And I hope Crystar isn't shit. I don't expect a masterpiece or something but at least good mechanics and a good story
Nope. It's SJWs. One can be liberal without being an SJW.
But censorship of nudity is actually aligned with alt-right beliefs.
I don't see how that contradicts what I said.
>One can be liberal without being an SJW.
Feminists screech against sexualization not nudity, dumbo.
>whats wrong with america?
i remember several years ago kotaku running some hit piece like "wow look at the games sony allows on PSP" with a bunch of VN CGs of girls bathing, with clearly the same goal to get it censored, but no one cared and i just saved the images to fap to later
why did people start listening to them?
Because as much as people will screech about it, politics have infested gaming like cancer and ruined everything about gaming. From sensibilities of developers going from "I want fun game" to "I want to make a political statement with my media". It's ruined it all, and there's no way to go back, and all it's really done, instead of creating diversity in gaming is balkanized people being racist because of how shoehorned into games racial diversity has been. they're literally causing the same racial divides and toxicity they whine about by not letting the "racists" have their safe space and just making new games that appeal to them, because that's not financially stable.
I don't care what euphemisms they use. In the end, the effect is the same: they want nudity censored.
Nudity isn't the same as sexualization.
>whats wrong with america?
We, as a collective whole, have deep-seated mental health issues that we would rather hide than address.
Whatever. If you want to nitpick over exact words, fine. Then I'll say this: There's nothing wrong with sexualization either, and they shouldn't be trying to censor it. Their objections to it come from the same puritanical mindset as that of conservatives.
I think the problem is that the left image belongs to a (virtual) adult whereas the right belongs to a (virtual) underage female.
>besides, we have porn for a reason, if you wanna jack off just go watch porn or download a porn game
You're the problem. Stop telling other people what to do and mind your own god damn business.
deep rooted puritan values with a predominantly social-progressive ethics system creates a weird dichotomy where flaying someone alive for supporting something you dont believe in is okay, but having cartoon pictures of girl butts isnt
I don't see anything wrong with it either, but particularly I think it's lazy to use sex appeal in videogames.
Sony is Japanese.
Real America (Valve) is so anti censorship that there a Steam user who posts child porn as "art" and they refuse to do anything about his profile.
Valve is strongly against porn though, specially involving teenagers.
Only because of legal reasons. Porn involving teenagers is straight up illegal in most of America (all of it?) and can get a company shut down.
Outside of "what is literally illegal to have" they don't care.
There's shitloads of porn on Steam. It just can't involve or suggest minors.
If you post your own "art" of actual 7 year olds doing some very adult things on your own profile, however, they don't seem to give a damn about that.
Thinking games and animation is exclusively for children, violence isn't even in their media that much more than other countries.
It's only when you get into media considered for adults or for teenagers only that they actually allow sex and violence in.
It's just that america as a whole considers game and animated movies kiddie shit.
And I don't mean 7 or 8, but like 3-5.
Is that San Franshitshow? Don't compare the entire country to that hellhole.
No. If you want to jerk off to porn, jerk off to porn. So tired of horny teenage boys and their manchild equivalents fucking up games with their need to hypersexualize everything since their life is devoid of female contact.
here's your game for children bro
this is what happens when you vote democrat
Modern games suck for myriad reasons. Hypersexualization is not one of them.
>If you post your own "art" of actual 7 year olds doing some very adult things on your own profile, however, they don't seem to give a damn about that.
Except that would qualify as child pornography by US law. An image can't depict real minors, even if it's "simulated" or drawn. Are you speaking about this hypothetically or is this an actual person they've refused to ban?
Mortal Kombat games are rated mature, or 17+. It's not "for children". The publishers "censoring" their own game are doing so to avoid those types of ratings. Your comparison is stupid.
>Big cities are shitholes
Color me surprised, living in small to moderately sized towns is the peak aesthetic
>Modern games suck for myriad reasons. Hypersexualization is not one of them.
Hypersexualization most certainly is one of them. There is a correlation between fanservice and how trash a game is.
and games with bare butts are rated teen
why should a game showing a butt be banned and one with lots of gore not?
Neither of them are banned you fucking idiot.
>The publishers "censoring" their own game are doing so to avoid those types of ratings
no, they're being censored by sony
replace banned with censored
that screenshot isn't real is it?
No, they're censoring themselves. They can always choose not to release on that platform if they object to Sony's standards and conditions. They want to sell their product on that platform, so they chose to censor the ass so they could do so. They were not "forced" to do anything.
>release trailer
>sony removes part of the trailer
>"t-they're censoring themselves"
>sony removes part of the trailer
They're not the ones who removed it. Spike Chunsoft did.
banning porn is the next step retard
sony told them to do so
stop being retarded, if sony wasnt here the trailer would be untouched, sony is forcing censor on the most ridiculous shits
Except the parasites are moving around. You need to kill the cockroaches not the house they live in
Nah. The US had laws that were against adultery and everything around it. We couldn’t ban playboy back when the country had morals, no way pork can be banned in today’s world
>instantly went for kekistan
rent free
So you're saying that a nude 300 lbs hamplanet is ok, but a nude 110 lbs athletic dancer isn't? You're stupid. If nudity isn't the same as sexualization in this medium, then artists should be able to design whatever they want. The attractive 110 dancer and the unattractive 300 hamplanet both exist and neither is unrealistic. Sexualization only occurs in explicitly erotic behaviors; merely existing and being attractive isn't wrong.
Fix your own problems before criticizing other countries. In fact, one of our biggest problems is fuckstains like you.
>sony told them to do so
No. Sony has a content policy that is clearly laid out. It's not like Sony brought down the hammer on them or discriminated. Spike Chunsoft chose to censor the .5 seconds of ass so they could sell it on the PS4. They didn't have to. They chose to.
You guys are so fucking retarded and know nothing about actual censorship so you call any alteration censorship and any kind of code of conduct policy censorship. It's fucking stupid. You aren't free to wear shirts of anime girls fucking to your office job. By your logic, that is "censorship" because your workplace has a certain expectation of conduct on the job.
Guess what you dumb fuck? Platforms for video games are no different. They have conduct rules for a reason and they have a certain threshold for the kinds of products they want to sell. Nobody forces these companies to censor their products and release them on these platforms. They fucking choose to do it because they're greedy cunts and want to read a wider audience. Clearly that .5 seconds of ass wasn't important enough for them to make a moral stand and not sell it on the PS4.
So fucking tired of horny weebs and their retarded little kid level understanding of censorship.
>They didn't have to. They chose to
stopped reading here
go back to retardera you'll be at ease there
Go back to your shithole, you dumb tranny freak.
You people are the problem, stop forcing censorship on everything amerilard.
So fucking tired of assholes that don't have a stake in the medium, don't play games, and feel they have the right to intrude on the creative agency of artists and designers of a medium that were catering to people that enjoyed and supported their work barging in and pontificating in a place that they don't belong. Literally, go fuck yourself with a broken broom stick.
Of course you stopped reading there. Because you're fucking stupid and don't understand the interactions between these companies or how they operate.
I think I'll stay right here and laugh at you pathetic fucks as more and more of your games get "censored" and you drown yourselves in tears. That sounds a lot funner.
You'll never be a real woman.
You disgusting piece of shit, with your outdated insults, you fucking disgusting cumsock, fuck you and your continent.
It's actually "more fun" you stupid sack of infection.
You're a fucking retard. I do play games, I'm older than you and have spent more on video games in my lifetime than you have, and there is no "intruding" on creative agency here you stupid fuck.
If these artists really cared about their artistic vision in the first place, they wouldn't work for a fucking publisher or huge AAA organization. These people are paid for essentially contract work. They have almost no creative influence on the overall product you fucking idiot. If the producer or main person overseeing the project themselves has a problem with the changes that corporate publishers want to make to the game to make it a monetary success, THEY CAN FUCKING PUBLISH THE GAME THEMSELVES. Or find a publisher who won't touch it but also won't make them as much money.
The simple truth is nothing stops these groups of people from self publishing or only doing it on a platform where they will not have to make any alterations to their vision. THEY WILLINGLY MAKE THAT SACRIFICE BECAUSE MONEY AND EXPOSURE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO THEM THAN THEIR PRODUCT.
All of you need to get a fucking brain and grow up. Writing this all down to "evil corporate entity censors poor baby artist" is such a childish retard take.
you're trying too hard
>Are you speaking about this hypothetically or is this an actual person they've refused to ban?
The latter.
You are retarded
You're wrong on all counts. It became this way due to external pressures and wasn't always like this, and if you were older than me and had be gaming longer, you'd know that and you'd know how it got this way. You're excusing the issue while trying to insult and you look foolish and pathetic.
>I'm older than you
Stopped reading there, if you feel the need to brag about that, that guarantees your immaturity
Actually, funner is recognized as a comparative adjective in modern english.
I'm sure tranny-kun would totally still be overly pedantic about semantics if they started censoring gay/tranny representation in videogames or his favourite Disney show.
I was bringing up my age for relevance on how much I've spent on games/played them, dumbass. Not as some kind of automatic leverage in an argument. The assertion that anyone that isn't crying a river over half a second of ass being removed by Spike Chunsoft must be some SJW tranny is a line the retards on this board push because they have no real arguments. It's not a reality.
Interestingly, it's the EXACT OPPOSITE in Germany.
The left ones dead
>Weebs sharing their waifus with each other daily
>Wonder where the cuckold fetish comes from
Fucking weebs
>>I was bringing up my age for relevance on how much I've spent on games/played them, dumbass.
You are the first user to even mention age. The other user could be 15, if you're older, that could mean 16. You brought it up waiting for someone else to say their age so you can say
>Ha I'm older and have more experience than you
As far as you know, you could be the youngest one in this discussion.
>The assertion that anyone that isn't crying a river over half a second of ass being removed by Spike Chunsoft must be some SJW tranny is a line the retards on this board push because they have no real arguments. It's not a reality.
That's one example in a line of many new censorship policies that have been going on in recent times. If you don't see that, then you are blind. Censorship is not a good thing(period)
Only thanks to retards who can't get it right. Yes it is now recognized but more fun is still the correct way.
>You are the first user to even mention age.
Because the guy I responded to claimed "I don't buy games". I'm illustrating that I'm older than the very vast majority of posters on this board, and thus the possibility that any individual poster on this board somehow has more individual "worth" to the gaming industry as a consumer is very unlikely.
>As far as you know, you could be the youngest one in this discussion.
No. I'm very aware of the average demographics of this board as well as the average demographics of the people supporting these positions and playing these types of games.
>Censorship is not a good thing(period)
Then it's a good thing that what's occurring isn't censorship. Labeling it so doesn't make it so. It's not censorship any more than it would be "censorship" for me to be banned if I posted hardcore pornography on this board right now since it violates the rules/code of conduct.
These publishers and developers have every right to publish their game on their own platform/on the PC/whatever without doing it through Steam, or the PS4, or anything else. They wouldn't need to follow any code of conduct or make any changes to their game. They choose to do it because the benefits of being on those platforms is more important to them than their vision. They are making the changes of their own free will, nobody is forcing them to do jack shit. It is not censorship.
>5th largest economy in the world
>a leech
>still the correct way
No, it isn't. While someone writing a report might have the expectation of sticking to writing "more fun", trying to insist that there's some "correct way" to type in casual conversation on the internet is fucking stupid. You might have a point if funner wasn't an officially recognized English word by this point, but it is. Language evolves.
postal 2 is a fun game and whatever the right is isn't. censorship is shit tho
I live in Russia in St. Petersburg and that's a large city, but I've never seen fucking aids needles littered the streets
Fuck off with the half-assed shit. Either go full porn or make a regular game. No fanservice-heavy game has good gameplay.
do as much word plays as you want, its still censorship
Not all big cities are shitholes. This might be a surprise, but it's true nonetheless.
I don't think American's opinions about what is beautiful and allowed are worth paying attention to. You should humor the lunatics, not let them rule over you.
this. So god damn much of the politically correct lunacy comes from Canada. I don't know why we're building a wall to keep Mexicans out when Canada is far more damaging to everything
Ignore the arguments all you want and call it censorship all you want, it still isn't censorship.
>nuking 2 states
nuke whole na while you're at it, maybe UK too
thinly veiled /pol/ thread
jannies do your fucking job
Both are brainlet-tier games.
Bin Laden was ahead of his time.
My friend just moved to Riverside, hope it's not like this jeez
That's San Francisco.
>Because the guy I responded to claimed "I don't buy games". I'm illustrating that I'm older than the very vast majority of posters on this board, and thus the possibility that any individual poster on this board somehow has more individual "worth" to the gaming industry as a consumer is very unlikely.
That includes you, why do you think you are so important? Bitching on here isn't doing anything but make you look like a retard who's full of himself
>I'm very aware of the average demographics of this board as well as the average demographics of the people supporting these positions and playing these types of games.
So? What does that change?
>Then it's a good thing that what's occurring isn't censorship. Labeling it so doesn't make it so. It's not censorship any more than it would be "censorship" for me to be banned if I posted hardcore pornography on this board right now since it violates the rules/code of conduct.
>These publishers and developers have every right to publish their game on their own platform/on the PC/whatever without doing it through Steam, or the PS4, or anything else. They wouldn't need to follow any code of conduct or make any changes to their game. They choose to do it because the benefits of being on those platforms is more important to them than their vision. They are making the changes of their own free will, nobody is forcing them to do jack shit. It is not censorship.
There arent other choices. It's either make it for that platform, or don't make it.
>code of conduct
>If their CoCs includes rules to not allow or CENSOR certain things, then how could that be called CENSORSHIP? IT JUST VIOLATES THE CODE OF CONDUCT!
Don't forget Sweden and Germany.
they dont allow certain games to release on their console and these games have nothing illegal, its censorship retard
>California is more of a leech
You're a fucking retard. You know, for as much as California gets shit on for being """"leftist"""" it's economically the most important state in the union, and it takes a communist's understanding of economics to not see that.
>why do you think you are so important?
I never said I was, you strawmanning idiot.
>isn't doing anything but make you look like a retard who's full of himself
Labeling my arguments "bitching" and calling me a retard isn't somehow winning an argument. You're not even saying anything, just trying to whine about me.
>So? What does that change?
Pay attention. If someone is trying to dismiss my argument on the basis that I "don't play games" and thus don't matter to these publishers, obviously being an adult with a job that has a life long history of purchasing video games at a high rate would prove that isn't true. Insisting that anyone who doesn't have a giant bug up their ass about this retarded .5 seconds of ass shit doesn't buy video games is patently stupid.
>There arent other choices. It's either make it for that platform, or don't make it.
False. They are free to pursue publishing it themselves on other platforms if they have a problem with the terms or code of conduct on any platform or console. They choose not to. You should be angry with these companies for not morally holding to their apparent vision, but you deflect it to platforms for having standards.
Not at all. Do you feel censored this very second? Because there are rules in place right now that you must follow on Yea Forums. And not following them could result in a lifetime ban, or a month ban, or a 3 day ban. You can't say or post certain things as part of the agreement to use this board. And yet until I brought it up just now, it wasn't bothering you. And it won't later on once this conversation has faded from memory. Yet according to your own completely fucking stupid logic, you are being censored 24/7 by terms of use, code of conduct, and social expectations in public. You are a moron.
Social Justice, aka, Communism.
I already said, yes it is a recognized word, thanks for repeating me. But the only reason it is now a recognized word, is because of idiots saying it the wrong way SOOOO many times that it is now accepted in official english because people couldn't get it right. Chillax is also a word but you're not going to say it in an interview are you?
>language evolves
It also devolves too, ever try to understand someone who speaks only slang?
Be smart, not stupid.
Terms of use and code of conduct policies are not censorship. Attempting to breach those terms and then having the behavior result in a ban or the content being removed is not censorship, and no matter how much you idiots want to insist that it is, it is not.
>Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient"
it literally is censorship
>there is some inherent "correct" way to use language and some person determined a long time ago what is and isn't allowed
You don't understand jack shit about language. It's clear you've never actually studied language if your understanding of use is there is some kind of inherent set of rules of English that were set in stone at its onset and that any deviation or evolution of the language is a bastardization.
News flash, you idiot. Every single fucking word we're typing right now is a bastardization of "British" English and that is a bastardization of middle English and so on and so forth. Being this pissy about "funner" or "more fun" in an informal setting just makes you fucking stupid.
>Be smart, not stupid
You're fucking dumb, so take your own advice.
Under that broad of a definition, the word becomes meaningless. It means bans from websites are censorship, telling someone something offends you is censorship, telling someone to have a thicker skin is censorship, having common sense rules of conduct is censorship, and so on and so forth. Trying to invoke a definition that broad is not helping your argument, it only illustrates how weak it is by needing to use it in such broad terms that essentially any objection or disagreement could be coined censorship. By that definition, I could argue that you're trying to censor me by calling me a "retard" and trying making me feel bad about my opinions. Absolutely stupid.
So no, it is not censorship.
>i-it's not censorship its just a change in their terms and policies! not censorship at all!
im done arguing with a literal autist
>I never said I was, you strawmanning idiot.
>I'm illustrating that I'm older than the very vast majority of posters on this board, and thus the possibility that any individual poster on this board somehow has more individual "worth" to the gaming industry as a consumer is very unlikely.
>more worth as a consumer (than me)
You implied you're opinion is worth more than the vast majority of this board.
>Labeling my arguments "bitching" and calling me a retard isn't somehow winning an argument. You're not even saying anything, just trying to whine about me.
You have said "fucking retard" in multiple posts, that's so much more civil right?
>Pay attention. If someone is trying to dismiss my argument on the basis that I "don't play games" and thus don't matter to these publishers, obviously being an adult with a job that has a life long history of purchasing video games at a high rate would prove that isn't true. Insisting that anyone who doesn't have a giant bug up their ass about this retarded .5 seconds of ass shit doesn't buy video games is patently stupid.
Obviously we all play games. You're the one taking this "dont play games" thing so defensively, that literally wasnt even on my mind.
>False. They are free to pursue publishing it themselves on other platforms if they have a problem with the terms or code of conduct on any platform or console. They choose not to. You should be angry with these companies for not morally holding to their apparent vision, but you deflect it to platforms for having standards.
For developer X, if ALL platforms allowed terms ABC in their games yesterday, but today term C is no longer accepted anymore by the majority, and X thrives in the C department, where is it going to go to develop the C content that a minority of people love? Answer me that
Just because black bars aren't being used, that doesn't mean it's not censorship, user.
as stupid as it sounds the 2016 election with trump getting into office amplified the cancer of pushing for things like equality and and gay rights 10 fold. i would say if he did not get elected, none of this would be happening. commiefornia went full retard after he got elected with petitioning to separate from the US just because they didn't want him as a leader. i really hope we have another civil war and kill everyone who lives in california, washington and new york
Nice try faggot, Valve is headquartered in Washington but guess where Sony's HQ is?
That's right California.
I'm sorry you feel that good arguments are autism, but having to fall back and say that resistant speech is a form of censorship is daft.
>No, I am sorry. We cannot reinstitute your account. We have a strict policy against racial slurs, and you called another player a "nigger" 55 times
That is you.
they're censoring the word nigger yes
nice example
Right but just because someone doesn't want to host your particular form of screeching autism on their platform doesn't mean that you're being "censored". You're free to do your screeching autism wherever else you want. Just not in my house/store/website/etc.
>forgetting about Jew York City
>in an informal setting
In my post I mentioned in an interview. At no point did I say it is wrong to use the word "funner", only that it is stupid to do so. Keep sperging about informal use all you want, but if you use the word "funner" in an interview, you might be looked at funny.
>there is some inherent "correct" way to use language and some person determined a long time ago what is and isn't allowed
I didn't say this, nor imply it. Don't know where you got that from.
yeah it used to be the fourth largest, it takes time for that prosperity to drain out.
>You implied you're opinion is worth more than the vast majority of this board.
No. You took that implication because you're a moron. I implied that the idea that I don't buy games is fucking stupid, and it is in fact the opposite. I have more "consumer clout" than the vast majority of this board.
>You have said "fucking retard" in multiple posts, that's so much more civil right?
If you were actually making points while being uncivil, I wouldn't care. When the entire meat of your argument is "retard ur bitching and ur such an asshole", that says nothing. You can call me a fucking retard, but at least make a point while you're doing it.
>Obviously we all play games.
>that literally wasnt even on my mind.
Then why do so many of you claim that people that disagree with you don't play video games you fucking idiot? That was the exact argument I responded to. Incase you're blind, here it is again:
>So fucking tired of assholes that don't have a stake in the medium, don't play games
>where is it going to go to develop the C content that a minority of people love?
Then they independently publish if it's truly important to them. They don't NEED to release these games on Steam, or the PS4, or whatever else. PC is not "locked" by independent releases. It just never happens for a multitude of reasons. The primary ones being that these companies want to make money. They want access to the userbases available to those platforms. And they are willing to censor their own games to get it. If their devotion to fanservice and ass were truly so important and vital to their company's success, nothing stops them from releasing independently. Completely unchanged.
>An image can't depict real minors, even if it's "simulated" or drawn
No, that's Canada. Drawings are not illegal in the US.
wtf? i love usa now
>If I cannot say nigger wherever and whenever I want, I am being censored
Okay, glad we're on the same page and we agree that you're a retard. You guys have taken censorship to such a broad degree that it is absolutely meaningless. If you're going to label things like that censorship, you are going to find that the label no longer carries the former "weight" it did about unfairly silencing meaningful speech, but that it will essentially mean nothing since you're now considering basic codes of conduct, rules for behavior, and the inability to call anyone a nigger to be censorship.
And this will just result in most of the populace being in favor of censorship because you're lumping in absolutely sensible policies with the term "censorship" in an effort to try and give these shitty arguments you have about anime tits weight. It's not going to work out.
>I'm older than you
>grow up
Just from these two sentences I can tell you're no older than 21, guaranteed. What, did living in a college dorm paid for by your daddy for a few years make you feel like a worldly adult or something?
Fuck that, classical liberalism has to go too
I don't give a fuck what you're tired of... you do not and will never get to dictate what someone else gets to enjoy. Ever.
>5th largest economy in the world
>also largest income inequality between rich and poor
>constantly has to beg Papa Fed for more money to put out their dumb forest fires and rebuild after earthquakes
That "economy" of theirs only matters if you're one of the tech CEO robber barons. For any of the serfs who live and work there California is a shithole.
maybe someday you'll grow a brain and understand what censorship is
banning a word because its unethical is censorship
>Under that broad of a definition, the word becomes meaningless
Drawings of real children is, in fact, illegal in the US. If it weren't, artists could circumvent the law by rendering images of actual real child pornography by animating each frame independently of the real film or trace it or whatever, and it would have to be legal. They don't want that loophole, so it's illegal and drawings of real children in sexually suggestive poses or ones that are deemed pornographic are still illegal.
america is the nigger of the world
>Just from these two sentences I can tell you're no older than 21, guaranteed.
>I don't give a fuck what you're tired of... you do not and will never get to dictate what someone else gets to enjoy. Ever.
Seems to be working pretty well so far :^)
>No. You took that implication because you're a moron. I implied that the idea that I don't buy games is fucking stupid, and it is in fact the opposite. I have more "consumer clout" than the vast majority of this board.
>I have more "consumer clout" than the vast majority of this board
You just said it. In other words, "worth"
>Then why do so many of you claim that people that disagree with you don't play video games you fucking idiot? That was the exact argument I responded to.
Still clinging to this? That was another user. But I would assume he meant that the people defending censorship dont play the specific games that are suffering from it. See how I used reading comprehension to understand that he was likely exaggerating?
>Then they independently publish if it's truly important to them. They don't NEED to release these games on Steam, or the PS4, or whatever else. PC is not "locked" by independent releases. It just never happens for a multitude of reasons. The primary ones being that these companies want to make money. They want access to the userbases available to those platforms. And they are willing to censor their own games to get it. If their devotion to fanservice and ass were truly so important and vital to their company's success, nothing stops them from releasing independently. Completely unchanged.
>they dont NEED to
>it just never happens
You said it yourself, it's WORK for these people. They need to make money. If all the popular consoles disallow your content and independently publishing means barely making any money, then yes, devs will kneel to the consoles censorship policies. And it's funny how you completely skip over the part about what if it was okay yesterday, but not today. Cause a policy changing to censor titties is NOT censorship, right? That was sarcasm, incase you missed it.
Yes. As in nobody has any reason to care about censorship anymore, because you're applying the term to completely sensible applications that most people would be in favor of.
For example, we instituted board and rule changes regarding ponyposting on this board because everyone hated it. Moot "censored" ponyposters by your gay argument by not allowing them to post here and elsewhere the same way every other board is "censored" with their rules. And yet this website would fucking suck way more if every board were basically Yea Forums.
If you're going to start labeling all rules censorship, you'll find that nobody will give a fuck about the word "censorship" anymore.
Not even remotely. You're just bitching into the wind.
Trannys and SJWs
Youre overrated, your state isnt good or prosperous, your just the western version of China using spics to zergs rush products.
>meanwhile in the rural areas
>You just said it. In other words, "worth"
Worth in a consumer sense, yes. If you're going to take that as an actual argument to superiority, go for it. I'm not the one who tried to bring up the argument that I had no consumer worth. Some other moron did just like they always do when they want to discredit those that disagree with them. "They don't play games". I merely corrected him.
>Still clinging to this? That was another user.
Jesus you're fucking stupid. You've been asking me for like 10 posts now what I meant, I show you the EXACT line I responded to, and you're now like "geez let it go". You didn't pay attention to the conversation, asked for clarification, and then act like a fucking idiot when I clarify what I was referring to.
>But I would assume he meant that the people defending censorship dont play the specific games that are suffering from it.
ASSUME, and he would still be wrong.
>See how I used reading comprehension to understand that he was likely exaggerating?
No, I see how you used an assumption and called it reading comprehension.
>You said it yourself, it's WORK for these people. They need to make money.
And making money to them is more important than their artistic vision. If they want to keep their asses and tits, they're free to do that on their own terms. Just not on Sony's dollar.
>If all the popular consoles disallow your content and independently publishing means barely making any money
Not their problem. Those developers are not entitled to those platforms. Sony can't "force" those developers to not publish their games, ass and all, in the same way those developers can't force Sony to publish their game. That's how business works. Are you starting to get it? No, of course not. You'll just idealistically insist Sony bends the knee because you're a moron.
>what if it was okay yesterday, but not today?
Different argument, but still not in your favor.
Great, so since it isn't working, you guys have nothing to complain about either. Your games are just the way you like them, right? ;^) Perfect. I'll continue "changing nothing" and getting my cleaner games while you pretend nothing is wrong and cry on this board.
You're wrong and not changing anyone's opinions. Fin.
Stellar argument. I don't care if a bunch of weebs stubbornly insist on plugging their ears and whining, I care about arguing my own case.
why are flyoverniggers so absolutely butt-blasted by a single state?
It's not working meaning you have no influence over what people decide to masturbate to. As if that was something to concern ones self with anyway. There's nothing you can do to prevent me or anyone else for that matter from jerking it to your "cleaner games" or whatever the fuck we want because you can't stop us. It doesn't matter what you do to the games. We're still going to masturbate to whatever the fuck we want regardless. So trying to say "just go watch porn" is a completely pointless statement because people area already doing that and more. Who would have thought?!
>M-Muh Flyover!!
>my states not a shithole Google images said so!!!
California has the most natural beauty in the country. Go ahead and post more videos of the city. I haven't lived in a Californian city in my entire life.
Is skeletons not being allowed to be shown in most media/games in China not considered censorship in your opinion? Obvious the games are allowed to exist, they just can't exist in China unless they are edited, and the government can choose to reject said game or whatever until it meets their standards; is this censorship or not?
>It's not working meaning you have no influence over what people decide to masturbate to.
Nobody has ever cared what you guys masturbate to, trust me.
>There's nothing you can do to prevent me or anyone else for that matter from jerking it to your "cleaner games" or whatever the fuck we want because you can't stop us.
Okay? Go for it.
>We're still going to masturbate to whatever the fuck we want regardless.
Okay? Go for it.
>So trying to say "just go watch porn" is a completely pointless statement because people area already doing that and more.
It's just advice. You're free to keep crying and wailing and demanding juvenile smut in your games. That's your right as a consumer, just as it's the right of other consumers to demand they don't want that stuff in. Only problem for you is they're more persuasive and winning. Unfortunately for you, the shut-in weeb demographic is dying and it's just not in most company's interests to pander to you.
>California has the most natural beauty in the country
That must be why it's the plastic surgery capital of the world.
>California has the most natural beauty in the country.
This is slightly trickier because, in this instance, it's the government getting involved between two private entities, and it's for the express purpose of isolating the population from speech they deem offensive. It is not for the sake of sales, or profitability, or whatever else, but specifically for the purpose of censorship of an idea. It would be different if the example you made wasn't a government body getting involved(like if the distributor in China just didn't want skeleton bones for one reason or another, and the gaming company could either choose to censor and sell there or go elsewhere).
I'm going to go ahead and call that censorship, but primarily due to government involvement. Private entities are a different matter, because if it weren't the government involved, the gaming company could always choose to independently publish or go to another platform in china etc. Great question, though.
America was founded by puritanical sects, their mindset always remained in American culture at least at subconscious level, and modern leftism that America spreads in the world is merely a new iteration of it, with supernatural elements removed to pretend it's not a religion.
>Juvenile smut in your games.
Nothing that wasn't ALREADY in games in the past.
>Only problem for you is they're more persuasive and winning.
That is because the crying and wailing and demanding juvenile smut be REMOVED from games is coming from you and your ilk. Not the other way around.
>this is slightly trickier because, in this instance, I can't figure out how to make you sound wrong and me sound correct since I do think it is censorship, where as all the other instances in previous posts I dont think it is censorship.
>That is because the crying and wailing and demanding juvenile smut be REMOVED from games is coming from you and your ilk.
I've literally never demanded anything from a gaming company, nor have I ever even thought of asking for anything removed. I'm indifferent. But even if I did, there's nothing wrong with it.
I guess the problem is both that as a demographic, the shut-in weeb is poor to begin with, and it's also dying out and they also suck at being vocal and persuading developers. Either way, you're either becoming an irrelevant demographic or you suck ass at being persuasive.
>Nobody has ever cared what you guys masturbate to, trust me.
That's ironic since this whole conversation started with being told to go watch porn or download a porn game if you want to masturbate instead or whatever they might want instead. >It's just advice. You're free to keep...
Your whole diatribe is built around a straw man. I didn't demand anything. I'm just telling you, you're wasting your time because you cannot and will not control the behavior of another adult. Particularly when you have no authority.
yes america runs on canadian bacon and hollywood capeshit movies you dumb nigger
It's trickier because it's a government entity making an entire blanket ban on a depiction with no option for recourse, which is entirely different from a private platform having demographic and profit oriented conditionals for selling the product on their own platform.
As you'll notice even with this shit you guys are whining about with the .5 seconds of ass, they released it on Steam unchanged because that platform will allow it, whereas they released it on the PS4 changed because it violates Sony's rules. They weren't banned for forcible muted by the government for trying to sell their weeb game and there wasn't some active campaign to eliminate their expression of speech, there was simply one platform where their product didn't meet their standards for publishing.
Do you not recognize the difference between those two scenarios? Because lumping in one private organization's refusal to publish material it doesn't feel meets their standards with aggressive chinese suppression of ideas across the entire country is laughable.
>I'm indifferent
>but I'll post in this thread til it dies defending it
>the problem is
that you assume it's only weebs. As an adult if I want to watch an R rated movie with equal titties and violence and I can do this easily, then why are M rated games losing the sexuality they used to have? And yes, they are more toned down today than they used to be there is no denying that. Please answer me this.
>Hollywood photos are proof.
Literally attention seeking insecure womens
it's the only thing they have.
>That's ironic since this whole conversation started with being told to go watch porn or download a porn game if you want to masturbate instead or whatever they might want instead.
I think you're misunderstanding. Not everyone wants their stories/media/fiction filled with a bunch of juvenile smut. They'll let developers know they don't want that, because they're more interested in getting other things from their entertainment. You feel differently, and that's fine, but they're merely pointing out that you can fulfill your incel needs elsewhere.
>I'm just telling you, you're wasting your time because you cannot and will not control the behavior of another adult. Particularly when you have no authority.
Okay, great. So we're in agreement. Everything is fine and going well. You can continue masturbating in your dark corner, and games will continue to make changes for the better. :)
>economically the most important state in the union
What does it produce that can't be produced in any other state
I am indifferent. You're confusing enthusiasm with arguing for enthusiasm for this particular topic. I don't care whether games get "censored" or not. I'm not 14 anymore and I don't care whether video games have sexy female characters or not. It no relevance to my enjoyment of a game. I don't need sexual stimulation through video games.
As to the other part of your post, why does it matter? If there's demand for raunchy titty M rated games, they'll get made. There isn't. That's the entire problem here. If you guys had market power, they'd be catering to you. You don't, and you hate it, so you bitch all day.
>it's economically the most important state in the union
If California seceded and became its own nation it would run out of water, electricity and money within a year. You have no idea how much support the California economy actually needs, unlike most of the country it's not feasibly self-sustainable. It's propped up by everybody else. Calling it "the most important state" or "most rich state" is like calling your piggy bank the most rich thing in your house; you filled it with money, it doesn't do anything and under any more pressure it will break.
Then again I shouldn't be telling you faggots this, once you realize it you try to move here and vote for the same shit-head blue policies that ruined Cali.
This looks like a lefty governed city.
Corporate prerogative. If you think it's an underserved community, you are absolutely free to start your own platform and host them. That's capitalism. You can't get mad that Walmart doesn't sell dildos, but you can sell them if you want. People should never have the power to force companies to sell things. The market will balance itself out. If there's profit in digital tits someone will step in and make it.
Since nobody wants to I'm guessing there's no money in it. You're a niche that is unprofitable. Deal with it.
>As you'll notice even with this shit you guys are whining about with the .5 seconds of ass(skeleton) they released it on Steam (rest of the world)unchanged because that platform(world) will allow it, whereas they released it on the PS4(china) changed because it violates Sony's(china) rules.
>Do you not recognize the difference (similarities) between those two scenarios? Because lumping in one private organization's refusal to publish material it doesn't feel meets their standards(aggressive sony suppression of ideas across the entire console) with aggressive chinese suppression of ideas across the entire country(refusal to publish material china doesn't feel meets their standards) is laughable.
Quite laughable.
That's west coast North America in a nutshell. Neo-liberals and their commie lapdogs running things unopposed is a total disaster.
>t. blind consumer
Video games today have reached mainstream, killing the old demographic's voice. You keep buying this shit and we get buried. Congrats, you are harassing and extinguishing an entire group of people. Hmm, who does that?
No. You're fine. San Diego is okay. Lot of bums here, but not like San Fran or Seattle or NYC yet.
The mayor of San Diego is often an R.
Home of the Niners
You very clearly havent been to any big cities in America
Telling someone that something offends you isn't censorship, but getting it forcibly removed by the platform provider is censorship correct? How much of a difference is there between 'If this part of the content is here we will ban this' and 'we won't let this content on the platform unless this part of the content is removed'?
Ah yes, a wonderful liberal city
Porn is boring
i like to jack off to interactive softporn more than i enjoy watching another boring and badly directed porn.
Not only that, that's Skid Row, a literal favela 20 minutes from Hollywood.
>Telling someone that something offends you isn't censorship
By that definition, it would be. Because you are socially pressuring at least 1 person with speech that directly or indirectly attempts to limit their own. Thus an expression of offense is censorship.
>If California seceded and became its own nation it would run out of water, electricity and money within a year.
You can say the same thing about Arizona and several other states, not sure why California is special when others are just as fragile.
t. live in Phoenix, which was at one point labeled the least sustainable city.
>governments motivated by suppression of ideas and maintaining state power and private corporations motivated by profit are the same thing
Quite laughable indeed.
here we go
Instead of being bootyblasted by superior countries you should just have sex.
We're talking about America, not Britain.
>putting words in my mouth
Never said that. censorship is censorship no matter the reason.
The EU is the 4th Reich. Merkel is the daughter of Hitler.
Except you deliberately provided an example that involved aggressive government outlawing of an idea, then attempted to paint me as a hypocrite for viewing soft corporate "censorship" to a single gaming platform motivated purely by profit/demographics and aggressive government suppression of ideas to literally over a billion people as the same thing. You're a disingenuous cunt.
All of you are way too broad with your interpretation to censorship to the point where, again, most sensible people would be in favor of it and it completely dilutes and diminishes the term "censorship" to essentially mean "disagreement". It's fucking stupid and impractical to boil it down so far that even setting rules for your own private organization is considered an act of censorship. It's just not the same fucking thing.
*as different things
I'm tired.
In both cases, they are censoring something no matter the reason.
>all of you are way too broad with your interpretation to censorship to the point where, again, most sensible people would be in favor of it and it completely dilutes and diminishes the term "censorship" to essentially mean "disagreement". It's fucking stupid and impractical to boil it down so far that even setting rules for your own private organization is considered an act of censorship. It's just not the same fucking thing.
Or, it IS the same and you are the one who is way too specific with your interpretation of censorship
>most sensible people would be in favor of it
And yet you are the only one here arguing on your side, where as
>all of you
Your words, there are multiple people opposing you right now in this very thread.
Outrage clicks, article of substance and taste is outsold by article saying something obnoxious 1000 to 1.
Same reason they keep fucking over comic books, tv, movie characters. They can't make money anymore without trolling. It's trolls all the way down.
This is the true "diversity and inclusion" boost that moves their marketeer needles so they keep doing it.
Nothing. The problem is the "people" from other countries who are so delusional that the actually think America isn't the best country on earth and are so far gone that they think they are somehow superior to American's. What a pathetic existence, my dudes. Be better.
- Big Dickin' in American
>In both cases, they are censoring something no matter the reason.
In the same way Yea Forums is "censoring" us by having rules and banning us for not following them. In the same way not being allowed to murder anyone I come across without being detained and jailed against my will is "censorship" of my expression. I could literally make it entail anything with how stupidly loose you're attempting to define it where any form of disagreement or resistance to any action or expression I take is an act of censorship.
For people that generally hate diluting terms to the point of meaninglessness, you guys are awfully eager to dilute the meaning of the word censorship to mean absolutely nothing.
>Or, it IS the same and you are the one who is way too specific with your interpretation of censorship
It is not. It is both completely different in intent, and outcome. Their is no intent on the part of Sony to subvert and stop the spread of ass shots. They just don't want THEIR product, THEIR platform, and THEIR corporation associated with those types of displays. They will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stand in the way of the developers making those depictions ANYWHERE else except on THEIR own space. In the same way I can kick you out of my own fucking house if you run around shouting nigger. In practical, real person terms, that is not censorship. There is a vast gulf of difference between the intent behind those actions(protecting ones own private property, image, and space from the association involved in an outsider's expression of speech) and the example you gave(aggressively stamping out an idea and attempting to silence it in all facets you can through legal or illegal means to stop its depiction)
That is not "too specific", those things are fucking gulfs apart and don't belong in the same category.
>in this very thread.
For one, weebs aren't sensible. For two, I'm in "your" den. Of course I expect most people in this tiny corner to disagree with me.
love scrolling through these threads to look at all the sexless posters hopped up on hornyness-induced anger lol. *doing the retard chest slap* TRANNYS!!!!!! DOI DOI DOI
Have sex
can you tell me how GDP is measured?
White nationalists, and the Dems not committing shootings against the states that house them.
>In the same way Yea Forums is "censoring" us by having rules and banning us for not following them. In the same way not being allowed to murder anyone I come across without being detained and jailed against my will is "censorship" of my expression. I could literally make it entail anything with how stupidly loose you're attempting to define it where any form of disagreement or resistance to any action or expression I take is an act of censorship.
Yes, 4chans policy of changing words to other words is censorship, maybe not other policies, but that one is.
No, murder is not censorship.
>It is not. It is both completely different in intent, and outcome. Their is no intent on the part of Sony to subvert and stop the spread of ass shots. They just don't want THEIR product, THEIR platform, and THEIR corporation associated with those types of displays. They will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stand in the way of the developers making those depictions ANYWHERE else except on THEIR own space.
So you are saying if a game developed simultaneously for all platforms has to censor parts of itself specifically for release on ps4, that cut content is NOT censorship? What exactly would it be then?
In the same way I can kick you out of my own fucking house if you run around shouting nigger. In practical, real person terms, that is not censorship.
No that's not.
>There is a vast gulf of difference between the intent behind those actions(protecting ones own private property, image, and space from the association involved in an outsider's expression of speech) and the example you gave(aggressively stamping out an idea and attempting to silence it in all facets you can through legal or illegal means to stop its depiction)
That was a different user. Plus, it's not aggresive stamping out or silencing in all facets. You were the first to say that. You keep adding all these details to the stuff I say trying to bolster your argument. And again, intent doesnt matter, both are censorship.
>Yes, 4chans policy of changing words to other words is censorship, maybe not other policies, but that one is.
By the definition of "censorship" you are using, all rules are forms of censorship because they impede expression. That would mean every rule on Yea Forums, including dividing boards by topic and banning people for posting, say, hardcore pornography from /gif/ here or posting about TV shows here is censorship.
>No, murder is not censorship.
That's not what I said. I said jailing me for murder is censorship. And actually, come to think of it, by the definition you guys are using, both murdering someone IS censorship since it impedes their expression, and jailing me for murdering someone is also censorship because it is impeding my expression.
In fact, by your definition, jailing anyone for anything at any time is an act of censorship because you are impeding the expression and actions of a free individual.
Do you get now why this incredibly broad, diluted use of the term "censorship" to try and make these companies somehow guilty for their own private platform having rules is an incredibly stupid idea?
>So you are saying if a game developed simultaneously for all platforms has to censor parts of itself specifically for release on ps4, that cut content is NOT censorship?
Yes, because they are not entitled to that private company's platform. Let me reverse the question right back at you here: let's say that instead of censoring their own product to try and release it on that platform, the company just decides not to release on that platform to maintain the integrity and vision of the product. Is that also censorship? Because the company otherwise would have wanted to pursue that platform, but their code of quality/conduct made it so they chose not to pursue business with them. Is that also censorship? Why or why not?
>No that's not.
By your logic, it should be censorship for me to ask someone to leave my private residence for saying nigger.
Sure if you don't mind starving to death.
Corporations doing censorship to their products is fine
Coporations and the government doing censorship to products that aren’t theirs is bad
As simple as that. If you don’t like it, don’t buy. Nintendo isn’t going to censor theirs games, buy a switch
Have fun starving to death on your hoards of jewbux. Good luck farming too when you run out of water.
Because sex is bad but killing, blood, gun and gore is good
No wonder why school shooting still exist in america
>Coporations and the government doing censorship to products that aren’t theirs is bad
Sony is censoring third party games
Sony is literally powerless to censor a third party title developed by an independent studio. They choose to censor themselves for the benefits of releasing on that platform.
A government censoring media they don't own is an entirely different matter and is "real" censorship.
>By the definition of "censorship" you are using, all rules are forms of censorship because they impede expression. That would mean every rule on Yea Forums, including dividing boards by topic and banning people for posting, say, hardcore pornography from /gif/ here or posting about TV shows here is censorship.
Yet again you put words in my mouth, even another user posted that definition of censorship earlier. But here is mine for shits and giggles:
Censorship:the institution, system, or practice ofcensoring
censor:examine in order to suppress or delete anything objectionable
Sony is an institution that deletes anything objectionable (on their platform)
>That's not what I said. I said jailing me for murder is censorship. And actually, come to think of it, by the definition you guys are using, both murdering someone IS censorship since it impedes their expression, and jailing me for murdering someone is also censorship because it is impeding my expression.
>In fact, by your definition, jailing anyone for anything at any time is an act of censorship because you are impeding the expression and actions of a free individual.
>Do you get now why this incredibly broad, diluted use of the term "censorship" to try and make these companies somehow guilty for their own private platform having rules is an incredibly stupid idea?
All of this based on "my definition" which YOU assumed.
>Let me reverse the question right back at you here: let's say that instead of censoring their own product to try and release it on that platform, the company just decides not to release on that platform to maintain the integrity and vision of the product. Is that also censorship? Because the company otherwise would have wanted to pursue that platform, but their code of quality/conduct made it so they chose not to pursue business with them. Is that also censorship? Why or why not?
Yes, the company censored the game entirely by definition above.
this is what almost every city is like, regardless of the country. you can find cities in france like this. cities are trash
>One can be white without being a cuck
If he didn't get elected, we would be in a much worse position that would have gave them more power. They are bullies, and the more attention you give them the more powerful they get. If you ignore them or push-back (even a little) they go after an easier target. Give in once though and you're doomed.
The difference is that people aren't going on about how important Arizona or New Mexico are.
>Yes, the company censored the game entirely by definition above.
I mean, I'm done posting about this topic since you're apparently an entirely different user making different arguments and you can just avoid responsibility for previously stated things, but I have to laugh at this.
A corporation(corp A) doesn't even have to talk to or lift a finger and by the mere act of another corporation(corp B) deciding not to do business with corp A due to their own private policies is CENSORING corporation B. Without ever even fucking talking to them or being aware they exist. That is the logic you're using. Hahahaha.
Okay, it was fun, but I think I've thoroughly illustrated in this thread why Yea Forums's use of "censorship" is utterly retarded and why these corporations have ever right to have standards for publishing and codes of conduct for their services.
Have a good one.
>I mean, I'm done posting about this topic since you're apparently an entirely different user making different arguments and you can just avoid responsibility for previously stated things, but I have to laugh at this.
>called out by multiple people but still think you're in the right.
>A corporation(corp A) doesn't even have to talk to or lift a finger and by the mere act of another corporation(corp B) deciding not to do business with corp A due to their own private policies is CENSORING corporation B. Without ever even fucking talking to them or being aware they exist. That is the logic you're using. Hahahaha.
I misread, if there is no communication, agreed no it's not. What I thought you meant was the developer submitted the game to the console for release but they denied it entirely.
>Okay, it was fun, but I think I've thoroughly illustrated in this thread why Yea Forums's use of "censorship" is utterly retarded and why these corporations have ever right to have standards for publishing and codes of conduct for their services.
>thoroughly illustrated how blindly people defend censorship
News alert: Wet streets cause rain.
Yes, but southerners unironically believe their cornfields keep the country afloat
Enjoy your mayflies, bro
>GEE i haven't played postal 2 in a long time
>go to install
>12 fucking GB
>game from 2004
what in god's name did they put in this monstrosity?
Yes, I do believe Obama himself oversaw Purdue Pharmaceutical as they bribed doctors to get people hooked on Oxy and by extension opioids knowing full well how addictive it was, a million Chinese labs as they capitalized on fentanyl and of course we all know he salinated the soil of much of Afghanistan making poppy one of the few viable crops back in the 1950s and later started the Afghan war to create the perfect conditions for the Taliban to come back from the brink. In fact every ill in the world today originated from a binary choice made by millions in the voting booths every 4-5 years.
4K intro
They really are
You would need a constitutional convention, retard
Who needs constitutional amendments when you can pressure ISPs, groups like cloudflare to "not host obscene content" ?
>Who needs constitutional amendments
You, if you want a ban.
Moral authoritarians have found a way to bypass governments.
Modern America already has an unaccetably high number of males who remain virgins will into their twenties. Limiting shitty fanservice games is one of the few things we can do to avoid turning into a sexless dystopia like Japan.
Decentralized internet is coming and this will do nothing except accelerate the process through sheer necessity. I don't look forward to the step backwards in speeds and latencies though.
Not that user and you both have a point, however funner sounds incredibly stupid, even if it might be the prevailing usage 100 years from now (I really hope not).