What were some powerful moments for you in gaming
What were some powerful moments for you in gaming
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imagine getting upset by pixels
What game?
The irony of this post is not wasted on me
Imagine pretending to be this retarded
Finding out metroid was a girl
>DOA game
Why the fuck do people obsess so much over sexuality? It's a completely arbitrary trait but people, straight and gay, make a massive deal about it.
Lots of people do not know what they want to do with their life. So they define themselves by this.
I just don't mean gay people making a big deal over being gay, but also straight people. I've had straight friends who bring up me being gay fucking constantly, ask me questions about it, probe into my personal life, ask me about my relationship with my dad, and show me pictures of supposedly hot women asking "you SURE this doesn't do anything to you?"
Lesbian pixels dont upset me. Subversive jewish no gamplay tricks upset me.
it's too bad right wingers don't have any artistic talent otherwise you could be playing some games made for people like you.
It applies to straight people aswell. But it sounds like they are just doing that for amusement to you, because you’re a rarity in the group.
>a couple of underage girls snogging noisily
I almost feel like this was some magical realm bullshit on behalf of the director and no one at the studio noticed
Hi Faggot, you have to go back
yes right wingers enjoy gameplay over shitty cinematic jew marketing propaganda experiences.
There are plenty like that pixilated cyberpunk game that gets blacklisted by tranny hacks
wasn't oneangryincel freaking out over the gender options in cyberpunk?
We already knew she was a dyke though, what's powerful about that?
Western satanic pedos love watching 3d cinematic underage girls kiss and experience ultra trumatic mature violence. Video games need more Stunning and brave mentally ill feminist power fantasies instead of gameplay.
wow you're not like those virtue signaling fags on twitter at all user
Dont worry im sure Sony will censor this sick behavior. But i dont buy their shit products.
>imagine getting upset by the position of specific atoms relative to your atoms
what, would you have a problem with getting hit to the face?
there is NO way this shit won't bite TLOU2 in the ass.
movies and advertisements use beautiful actors for a very good reason: people rather look at them, than ugly people. puprosefully making your protagonist ugly is a stupid way to shoot yourself in the foot.
Thank for the upvote
Just watched the gameplay trailer. This game looks amazeballs
Ugly women like to role play as ugly dyke video game characters
>pretending female homosexuality is real
a relationship of two females is friendship + sex. female nature simply would not allow for the female to reject a high-quality male if she was able to attain one.
seriously, how many of you know an attractive and well-adjusted women who voluntarily abstains entirely from sexual intercourse with men? lesbians are a trope from porn, for fucks sake. other forms of media have adopoted it for political and entertainment purposes.
yeah, ugly women must be a huge audience for console games
>Cyberpunk 2077 has transgender characters and romance
Oh yeah cool
>Mario has a bride outfit and Link dresses with female clothes
Oh yeah cool
>In Bully, you can kiss boys
Oh yeah cool
>Two women share an innocent kiss in Last of Us part II
literally none of those are cool you faggot
>how many of you know an attractive and well-adjusted women who voluntarily abstains entirely from sexual intercourse with men?
How is she going to fuck a man if she's infected...?
she's not fucking women either as far as we know. the intimacy we're discussing is limited to kissing, which she would most realistically do with a man.
MGS has a bunch of powerful moments but I think perhaps one of the most powerful moments, perhaps the sequence, is in the ending of MGS4.
It's the end of pretty much everything that was started by an incident kicked off by a madman in some russian jungle shithole decades and decades ago.
Once more, even with all the games (MGS3, Peace Walker) and all the shit that's been revealed or pushed about how Big Boss may have not been the actual bad guy, and even as Snake is there paying respects to that man, when Big Boss shows up Snake STILL considers him a big threat and immediately draws a weapon on him.
Then Big Boss shows why he's Big Boss and immediately disarms the geriatric 35 year old. But in the end, after all the explanations, Snake helps Big Boss carry out his last salute and take a pull from his last cigar.
Big Boss' words of "This is good, isn't it?" being that final realization that it was him, and centrally him, that threw the world to the brink of ruin and that his final passing (along with the passing of all that was connected to him) the world may come to know true peace.
I also think it's powerfully hilarious if you think about how Snake's natural desire to not be noticed would have had him just leave the corpse of Big Boss and Zero in that graveyard with the couple of guns scattered about. Imagine the grave yard attendant that had to stumble upon that scene.
Ellie only kisses her father/husband Joel
Isn't that against the law in China?
>she's not fucking women either as far as we know
>post zombie setting
>hormonal teen
>could die on any given day
>not fucking anyone
Yeah sure.
I'm genuinely curious about how such a relationship would play out in a real-world post-apocalyptic setting with no societal norms to appeal to.
I'm sure an evolutionary scientist could could give an answer as to what sort of relationship would Joel realistically form with Ellie.
My guess? It would not be the father-daughter one that was written, but instead a sexual one.
>inb4 both
I mean, I agree. And she would sure as fuck have sex with the hottest Chad in the community. Females will never choose another female if they could go with an attractive male instead.
>t. incel
t. obvious incel
Yeah. I have absolutely no interest in top-toeing around the reality of female nature, unlike normies who need to delude themselves of their own worth to females created by their personality.
Anyone have the jew nose edit of this?
t. emcel
>I have absolutely no interest in top-toeing around the reality of female nature,
What about male nature?
If you're so hung up on "realism", then there would be no game. Ellie would have been overpowered, raped, and left for zombie food by the 1st horny stronger male she came across a long time ago.
I can admit this
I mean, I'm no /pol/fag, but they knew what they were doing
Because the big gay is bad for society
That was some impressive facial animation, i will give them that.
Absolutely, you hit the nail on the head. I hate the trend where entertainment media pretends the sexes are equal.
>inb4 what about other unrealistic elements? do you want everything to just be a documentary of boring reality?
This is the retarded "counter-argument" I always hear when I voice my displeasure with powerful female characters.
The way I see it is that everything in a work of fiction that is unrealistic by our standards, should bring some considerable value to make up for the potentially compormised immersion. I see almost no upside to the pretense that females are just as capable as men, but the downsides of destroyed immersion are severe.
Maybe if we're talking generations down the line and no semblance of former civilization could be re-reached and you get into like mad-max sort of shitty tribal encampments in constant war with each other, sure.
But it's only been a few years since the collapse and the collapse was probably not all in one night. It was likely a process that eroded at an increasing rate and then hit a stagnation and that's where the meat of the game picks up but it may have hit that stagnation for a few years anyway and things were starting to attempt to be rebuilt.
Joel wouldn't fuck Ellie because the societal norms still exist within him. It's why, despite his attempts to do the opposite, he can't help but try to protect and nurture the CHILD as a CHILD.
And let's be clear about something, compliance to a set of morals and ethics is as much, perhaps more so, about the individual's comfort from compliance as it is for the sake of the social fabric of the society around them.
Joel protects Ellie not only for the sake of Ellie but for the sake of himself, his own conscience.
Parental concerns don't stop at blood relations nor do they stop at modern society. it is actually a big part of what makes a community a community at all. It's somewhat natural, actually.
>In Bully, you can kiss boys
oh yeah, i forgot about that, imagine the shitstorm if it was released today
None. I'm not a brainlet so easily manipulated by shit tier storytelling.
>ice poseidon kisses kimberly (circa 2020 ad) colorized
I hear what you're saying and I'm not saying that what's written in TLOU doesn't feel like it could realistically play out like that.
But I'm just thinking the silent nights between Ellie and Joel. There's no way some sexual tension would not gradually develop between them.
Here you go user
I think whoever greenlit TLOU2 needs to be taken out behind the studio and beaten to within an inch of their life. They've taken an extremely well-crafted story about a man seeking redemption and a young girl seeking salvation and turned it into a story about hatred, sexuality and gender-politics. And I'm not even talking about the story of the game, I'm just talking about the story of the game's development.
TLOU2 is the second-worst kind of sequel. It's one that not only didn't need to be made, but making it actually takes away from the game that came before. It exists purely because the first game was so incredibly popular that Sony and Naughty Dog absolutely HAD to capitalize on the success for as much profit as possible.
game is not even out yet and you retards are this mad
I can't wait for the remake.
False equivalence faggot
That gameplay trailer looks DOPE. I don't care if the whole game is about muh patriarchy and stabbing white dudes as long as I see all that viscera rendered on my glorious 4K home theater getup.
have sex incel
>and turned it into a story about hatred, sexuality and gender-politics.
You don't even know the fucking plot yet retard
when you win a grand prix in mario kart and get to see the little cutscene of yourself in the winners circle while the losers all cry about not being good enough. anybody saying a moment having to do with a game's story is a faggot
way ahead of you
imagine getting upset by atoms
As the other thread got deleted, I'll post this at you
">good character (Ellie)
Gets an obsessed Shadman tier artist to produce porn of her
>Bad character (Samus)
Has porn made by a variety of uncommitted artists"
I just want to see the violence
Because today "I'm gay", "I am brown" or "I am strong female" is a lazy replacement for a character arc. See: every Disney movie in the last 5 years.
That girl that's hanging isn't Ellie r-right...?
Cause she looks revolting
It isn't. She is named Anna.
Congrats on not having emotions, bro
Thank god
Ellie a cute
the scene where garret found siris dead