How do we fix Yea Forums?
How do we fix Yea Forums?
By making satania threads autosage&ban
Post more satania
ban teenagers
You don't.
Most of Yea Forums's user-base is here because the board is so shit. Absolute majority of the users want it to be shit, and actively contribute to it. You'd literally have to remove the vast majority of it's userbase and very carefully police who is allowed to post to even begin fixing it, which A) goes against economical interests of the good-moot, and B) removes the point of an un-gated anonymous board in the first place.
This place is gone. There is nothing that can bring it back.
How do I make the gay thoughts go away
Make a nintendo board to quarantine all the smash and other childrens game bullshit.
Yea Forums is beyond redemption
It's nothing but bait/consolewarrior/e-celebs/tweetscreencap/resetera/smash/wojacks threads
Although, I don' think a shitaniafag would understand
Remove power tripping mods
Force Smashfags into a containment thread or to /vg/ and ban on sight any of their threads leaking out into the catalog
Filter more buzzwords
Ban twitter threads/eceleb threads
Change it from Yea Forums - Video Games to Yea Forums - Naked JCs
i wish gamergate never happened
>remove the only mods that actually enforce rules
>but also enforce these new rules
Permaban an*me posters.
More c*unny
>tfw all you desperately want on this earth is good ecchi of Satania with her in her panties, they even give you a good couple of scenes in the anime, but Dropout was such a easily forgotten show the best she gets is shit tier art of beastiality with the goddamn dog
I'm pretty sure I saved every decent art of her worth a damn. It's so sad, in many ways.
The pigs want to wallow in shit. They love it. Remember all those faggot Xbox squeakers who used to swear on cracking voices on their mics and talk about fucking your mom?
They got older and they post here now. They're still faggots.
Create a nintendo and eceleb board
I love this board. It's easily the most enjoyable board for me. It's just fun.
However, I think everyone would benefit if they cracked down on some of the more racy and questionable posts here, and made an entirely separate NSFW Video Games board, where slightly off-topic things are allowed. Right now, this board feels like video-game-themed Yea Forums, which is a lot of fun, but I think they should split both sides of the community into separate boards.
It's only good for shitposting. As expected of an user with a high IQ. It's too bad the entire site gets worse and worse each year as well though.
Just make posting wojaks and frogs a bannable offense. Board is instantly 50% better
Mind if I seethe? I fucking cannot stand Twitter, Reddit, and ResetEra screencaps (sometimes from their phones) threads. I don't even hate these platforms that much but seeing an OP get away with so many fucking (You)s because the retards that take the bait just want an excuse to say "LOL FUCK TRANNIES AND NIGGERS LOL BASED" annoys the shit out of me. I know i shouldn't get my panties in a bunch in here but its one of the few things that legit bothers me.
>They got older and they post here now. They're still faggots.
This is painfully accurate.
Filter the following as spam
I'd say 'Have sex' too but that's too generalized
More cats
You still have tweetscreencaps and offtopic bait garbage
This, I bet half these kids don't even know Caturday
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...
World War 3&4
You filter it yourself and stop replying to it. It's very simple. All we need is some self-moderation. The mods or Hiro will only do one good thing for us a year. We need to step up.
this is 90% of Yea Forums board culture
100% accurate. The board is shit because people want it to be. All the twitter/resetera screencap threads, all of the wojacks and pepes, all of the politics threads, the majority of Yea Forums wants those things to be here.
I dont get why all those guys shit up Yea Forums when Yea Forums is supposed to be the wasteland shitposting board.
Yep, this pretty much covers it. I think you missed "stop doing this/I will buy your game" but otherwise yeah I'd love to never see any of these ever again
woah... deep...
Sex with Satania
its a small start, but it will help
Ban "cute and funny" posts.
too much pron
mommy and dad no likey when son looks at nakid penor!
i kinda like "kino" though
perma-ban anyone that makes a twitter screenshot thread
Embrace the absurd.
Mods who visit more than once an hour would be nice.
Ban Boco and maybe cut his head off while you're at it. He has never made a good post on any board. He encourages derailment of threads with his mere presence. He is cancer, his removal would improve the entire site but mainly Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
Because Yea Forums has been taken over by jocks who spend days high-fiving over how many girls they fucked.
But the truth is, most people who are on Yea Forums are here not because they like videogames, or know anything about them, but rather, they know even less about anything else, which means they get kicked out of all other boards sooner or later. That is why the good old "I hate videogames" joke has become such an incredibly popular excuse for just being plain old shit around here.
Aside from comfy the first 8 are essentially up/downvotes, fuck off
Dumb Satanichia poster.
Not anime
Not meta threads
Over my dead body
Yeah we know the culture got murdered. We are discussing how to save it
Ironically, the more "based thread" and "great thread" type posts there are in a thread, the more likely it is to be offtopic.
Did you purposely contradict your own post?
I agree with all of these except comfy. A nice comfy thread with actual discussion happening is good. I used to (and still to sometimes) make comfy Metroid and Zelda threads.
Also if you idiots would just listen to pick related things would drastically improve
1. All political faggotry is banned. This includes sensitive whiteys and the sjw's that goad them into REEEEing everywhere that means me too
2. People are not vidja. No more "this shitstain plays video games tehrefore discussion of him is allowed" Fuck kritikal, sseth, and all these other welfare queens. They are not video games. Most fucking people play video games, so these ""people"" are not special
3. Reddit, Resetera, and any other website is not a video game. Stop whining you got banned from them and they hurt your fee-fees. Autoban these DOUBLE NIGGERS
4. Daily dose posts are immune and cannot be banned as long as they don't violate the rules above.
Just ban yuropoors and asian entirely from Yea Forums all together. This is an American only website
So where do you guys actually stand on wordfilters?
I said they should separate them. Take note that I never said I didn't enjoy the off-topic stuff.
We need more. The first one should be reddit. Reddit filters into Yea Forums
Yea Forums supposedly prides itself on its free speech and yet it has fucking word filters to put words in people's mouths. Hypocrisy. tranny jannies get so worked up over certain words and just empower them by putting a filter over it even though there are a million different ways to bypass a filter.
Thanks doc, good rules
How does asking people to post more fapbait for you contribute to separating them?
>innocent europeans
Ban b*omer, z*omer and SJW posting.
You can't. Yea Forums has been on a downward slope for years and is currently completely unusable. I used to come here multiple times a day, now multiple days pass when I don't come on at all. Every fucking thread derails into the same tranny circlejerk with the same people posting the same 50-odd pictures day in and day out
>Right now, this board feels like video-game-themed Yea Forums, which is a lot of fun
Separating them is not my job.
I do spend the vast majority of my time on this board actually talking about video games, but I'm still gonna participate in off-topic stuff. It's fun.
The separation will never happen, though.
>s m h
>f a m
>t b h
Simple, you bring back thread IDs. I guarantee you that it would cull at least 50% of the shitposting.
If there was a decent balance I'd be fine with that. But the shitposting has gotten out of hand. It's not funny anymore, it's just annoying
>Make filter threads
>Discuss what people should put in their filters
>Similar filters become so common that shitty posts get no attention
>Shitters stop posting when they aren't getting the reactions they want
Also better mods would help. Please start deleting literal who Twitter threads.
baka desu senpai
This as well. Post IDs and the removal of the tripfag menace.
Well a very minuscule amount of people actually try to use them these days so the filters actually do work
>if I ignore it, it will go away
>w-why do only 2 threads show up in my filtered catalog?
Just gotta find the right thread.
I like the off-topic stuff, and I do participate in it occasionally, but I think there should be different boards.
Create a nsfw Yea Forums board for all the waifu/porn/tranny dumps
It's not just shitposting in their own threads, it's also just regular threads getting hijacked by /pol/-tier and Yea Forums-tier faggotry and the fucking normies can't ignore it and start posting back, falling for the bait.
Do the filters work or did the fad of these words just die out? The filters don't 'work' they are just a byproduct of the jannies tired of hearing things they don't like. Nobody, even outside of 4chanNEL says f a m anymore so why is there even a filter?
Yea Forums is hypocrisy
Bit late to try and fix it user.
maybe if you faggots stopped whining about wojaks in wojak threads the shitposters would stop
seriously, do you faggots actually believe people will stop and rethink their actions just because you complained about them?
We need a nsfw Yea Forums board for all the kino porn games anyway. It would solve multiple problems, easy.
People stopped trying to use s o y too after a few days of having a meltdown
Loli is a shit meme fetish
It’s probably because of half of the “shitposters” are genuine
The fact that we keep having these threads should say enough. A lot of anons, especially those of us who have been here a long time, notice an obvious shift. The board sucks now. Talk about video games, fuckers
I tried to ignore it. It didn't go away. Now I want the faggot mods to do something about it.
hey maybe wojak threads aren't fucking video games
does it even matter? you should still not respond to their threads
it's that fucking simple, jesus christ
That's because it's mostly spamming soi wojak memes and nothing original. Feels like frog/wojak posters just hate the idea of OC
Yeah I'm getting tired of Yea Forums - ecchi, it's mostly Nintendo too, note that for every Ivy or Mai Shiranui thread there's always at least 3-4 Zelda/Samus/Lucina threads with the same dumb Shad/Akairiot/Afrobull OP
just delete this board or make a v2.
Ban anime and enforce strict 1 thread per game rules.
i know. let's block phone posters
Mods who actually do their job of getting rid of off topic shit and actual trolling instead of people who actually are logically and passionately arguing their fucking point of view who seems to be the only fucking people they go after for some beyond dumb reason.
Force storyshit "games" into Yea Forums where they belong.
>power tripping mods
i hate jannies as much as the next one but are you new here?
you clearly havent been on /vp/ or Yea Forums
Yea Forums mods are extremely lenient
Insulting children is fun
This, Yea Forums is full of brainlets who always take the bait. There was obvious bait thread the other day for botw, the OP images filename was fucking guaranteedyous.jpg and consolewarfags still took the bait.
back to gaia
>Posting Wojak or Pepe is an instant ban
>Obvious off-topic threads deleted on sight
>Threads that are just there to talk about their off-topic image or Twitter/Forum cap but ask something related to games deleted on sight
>Threads that are technically about video games but are clearly politically charged are moved to a different board
>Threads about licensed games or game ideas that include some off-topic discussion get to stay
>Crack down on threads that are nothing but softcore or fetish dumps, but if somebody is just posting sexy stuff during discussion threads of related characters while participating, let them be
>Metacritic score watcher threads deleted on sight
>Start being more active with word filters to annoy unoriginal shitposters; see and most of but also filter discord links/servers
And if you want to make a visible, immediate change, then thread-specific Poster IDs to immediately cut down on samefags and dedicated shitposters. Maybe that's a little drastic but you would see people getting called out for bullshit in a concrete way REALLY fast. In fact, it would be neat if the IDs differentiated computer & mobile posters if possible.
daily reminder that vigne is still best girl
ISP banned from this shit website rn. 8ch is far better because they don't ban users, left and right for no fucking reason like asianmoot does, just to force people to buy his "Pass" in order to shitpost here.
I miss 2010.
I make a vidya thread once a day. Do your part, anons. Talk about mother fucking video games.
Because its more fun to actively shitpost when people are trying to be reasonable than it is to contribute to what is a board designed for rampant shitposting.
Fuck the bait threads as long as they are vidya who cares?
A bait thread saying "YOU PLAY AS A BLACK GUY IN GAME X" isn't about vidja games, its about being black.. in a video game. You're talking about being black, not playing a fucking game therefore it should be banned.
Making nintendon'ts mad is fine just keep it vidja related, not political or related to jewtubers or other shit
>8ch is far better
a site that breeds mass murderers is better?
by (you) not posting
It's at least 4 whole numbers better.
You know what, maybe I will. I like to participate in threads but I almost never make them. I actually think that I've been an OP less than 5 times the whole time I've been browsing Yea Forums, and I've been here for 10 years (first visit 11 years ago).
>In fact, it would be neat if the IDs differentiated computer & mobile posters if possible
That's a bad idea. It will just turn into a new type of shitposting with opinions being dismissed because "lol phone"
Kys Yea Forums faggot
>muh poor muslims they dindu nuttin
Is there a hentai of Satania being filled by tentacles or machines?
What where you ban for?
Same here.