I legit see repeatedly these Yea Forumsirgin circlejerk faggots shit talk this game because it has a reoccurring character. All of the people who hate this game either never played it all or sprinted through the main story. Because all these retarded people just blindly accept the repeated mantra put against this game and spew it all over this board like a sewage pipe with its gate left open.
The absolute lengths Yea Forums goes to hate this game
Other urls found in this thread:
bro ill shit on any game. even my favorite game. fallout 3 is pure trash
To be fair Fallout 4 does make Fallout 3 look like a masterpiece
I have a constant fear that something's always near!
Then explain.
I don't shit talk this game because of s recurring character. I shit talk this game because of the boring and retarded story, universally level scaling enemies, lack of interesting side quests, shitty gunplay, the broken finale, and general lack of interesting places to find that aren't part of the main quest.
i love fallout 3 and i hate faggots who complain about good games when theres a slew of shit out there.
Fallout 3 isn't good. It's a shitty hack of oblivion, which also wasn't good.
I'm kinda found of the shit gunplay because its rather thematically fitting. The player isn't a supersoldier, they're just some kid whose only experience with guns is limited amount of time spent shooting roaches. If I wanted to play a game with good shooter, I'd play a shooter.
Also I don't think you explored much at all if you think there's little interesting to go outside the main quests. The most interesting and memorable locations and quests are never even mentioned in the main plot. Big town, Arefu, the Dunnich building, The Republic of Dave, and Oasis, just to name a few are all completely out of the way of the plot.
I understand you're complaint about side quests though. Sure the side quests in Fallout 3 are great and memorable, but too much of the game is focused on dungeons and combat arenas, meaning there's only about 40 or so quests to do.
nah im just kidding i love that game. it just feels too old and clunky to play anymore. i put in tons of hours though
People give it a lot of shit because people prefer it to new vegas (despite new vegas being the better game).
I like both for different reasons.
Yeah I can see that, game doesn't run even on modern systems unless you go through various hoops and shit and install some mods to get the game to work well now. But still I like to think that it's an oldie but a goodie
Who the hell on Yea Forums prefers 3 to NV? (Except maybe me, I think both are great on their own ways.)
i love that tree quest and the reward that gave like 5% damage reduction perk.
Big town and arefu are ordinary and tiny settlements. The other three are pretty neat, and were the ones I was thinking of.
Only contrarians and people baiting for (You)'s, which they always get because people can't resist.
Then you're a fucking moron. NV surpases 3 in every concievable way.
Here's three places where Fallout 3 is better than NV
1) The city of New Vegas itself looks completely retarded and small, it feels like walking into a small hamlet, not the most important city in the wasteland. Fo3's DC made itself seem grand by having you only explore small gated areas of it separated by subterranean pathways making DC seem like an actual city.
2) Level design. In fallout 3 dungeons were designed to make interesting combat situations and to create a memorable enviroment where the player would not be easily lost. In the few dungeons FNV has it's nigh impossible to actually tell where you are since every part of it looks the same and the make up of the map is rather maze like to boot making dungeon crawling in NV fucking cancer.
3) Fallout 3 has places and areas in which the player is rewarded for exploring. Unique guns, bobbleheads and skill books make every detour worthwhile, while NV has exploring be boring except for finding a bottlestar cap. Making every location without a quest associated in it feel hollow to explore.
I can give you more if you want.
me, no word of a lie. label me what you wish but it doesnt change the fact that its the better of the two.
Alright neat, what makes you like 3 so much fren?
Literally everything you said there is false. It's like fucking double-think for fuck sake.
>because it has a reoccurring character.
I have literally never once in my life heard anyone mention Harold in Fallout 3. The game is shit because of the engine. It's fun if you play Tale of Two Wastelands, but that technically isn't Fallout 3 anymore.
I don't have screen caps but I have seen multiple times people shitting on Oasis or Fallout 3 in general because either A) they weren't aware that the tree growing out of him was already a plot point in fallout 2 or B) because they find it mildly unreasonable that Harold could go from California to DC.
Both of which are completely bullshit.
You can't deny any of the thing I said. The New Vegas ruins are so small and unmemorable that they make Fallout 3's clunky subway system look like gods grace by comparison. The dungeon design of New Vegas is so confusion, maze-like, and similar that exploring large building in New Vegas is a shit show. And when you explore non quest related areas there's fuckall to find. These are apparent and obvious issues that New Vegas had and to deny that is pure double think.
>unique weapons
It’s the reverse.
4 is a bad game, but it’s a massive improvement on the shitheap of 3.
I'm not saying Fo3 had more weapon variety, that's just factually wrong. But New Vegas unique weapons were almost always quest rewards or in quest locations while Fo3's uniques were placed in locations round the map for explorers to find. Making exploration more enjoyable.
>The only fag who likes the game , saves the thumbnail
>putting a space before a coma.
its a long answer to cover all the bases so at the risk of sounding like im parroting an eceleb:
this guy sums up the central ideas that i can think of quite well, mainly that 3 has more freedom of exploration and combat than nv contrary to popular belief.
Honestly same that video is completely right
>I'm kinda found of the shit gunplay because its rather thematically fitting.
Guns shouldn't fucking sound like shit just because the person firing them is a dumb kid.
DC was almost entirely uninhabited. You're comparing one settlement to a giant expanse of literally nothing. You're also only talking about the strip. A fairer comparison would be comparing DC to the strip, freeside, northside, westside, and the airport.
NV and F3 dungeons are basically the same, being essentially just oblivion dungeons. NV still has the edge though, as F3's level scaling means you'll never find anything you can't easily beat. F3's ond unique dungeon like thing were thd metro tunnels, which sucked dick.
>Fallout 3 has places and areas in which the player is rewarded for exploring.
Are you fucking retarded? NV has WAY more non-level scaled and unique loot. It also has skill books and snowglobes, that game's equivalent to bobbleheads.
You did burn him alive, right Yea Forums?
even at a higher level when you should be a gun firing master you still aim like shit
>Bethesda raped Harold
>Couldn't even bring Charlie Adler as VA
Fuck Pete, Todd and Emil
The hate for FO3 makes no sense to me at all. Its my favorite of the series, I love the desolate atmosphere and how it truly feels like its after a nuclear war. Everything just has the feeling of being irradiated, and exploring always felt worthwhile with great rewards and interesting interiors. To me this is the one Fallout game that really nails the atmosphere.
I can.
Even the smallest settlement in NV is bigger than the biggest settlement in Fallout 3, which by the way actually has the FIRST settlement you are railroaded into be the absolute peak in terms of amount of content, scale and detail. NV's New Vegas (or more specifically, Strip) may have been visually underwhelming (something that was caused by Bethesda, not Obsidian), but it was still SEVERAL times and several dozen times more filled with proper content than anything in Fo3.
As for dungeons, they are for the most part actually larger in NV than they are in Fo3, and more to the point, they all actually employ proper environmental storytelling to guide you through, AND are more sprawling, to accomodate multiple different playthroughs, as opposed to Fo3 that is entirely linear and brain-dead in its level design. NV is objectively better in this regard in every single fucking way.
As for exploration, NV has several times more unique items and shit worth exploring. Fo3 on the other hand has far less content, less weapon types and less items in each category, not to mention it completely blows it's load in the first third of the game, handing everything to the player due to obsessive fear that it's targeted MONGOLOID audience will get bored. The lack of gating and level scaling removes ANY sense of progression or reward from the game what so ever.
You are literally claiming the exact fucking opposite of what is true. Again: this is fucking doublethink. NV has larger and more impressive, far better scaled settlements, better level design, more unique content and better facilitated exploration.
You could have actually say something that isn't absolute bullshit. Like the fact that NV lack the random encounters that Fo3 has. You know, something that isn't a lie?
>more freedom of exploration
More like homogenization of exploration. If every location offers the same level of risk and reward there is no fucking point.
NV was always way more buggy than F3 was for me. I read that some people never saw a single game breaking bug or major hinderance bug. But for me, just fast traveling in Old World Blues would crash my game. Sometimes even entering building in OWB would freeze up my game too. It was strange that this happened only in that particular DLC, although I distinctly remember crashing on the railroad track near that one airbase faction. I never experienced any major bugs in Fallout 3.
There's only a handful a Snow Globes, many of which in plot locations, and they only give you 500 caps, a meager amount of money in New Vegas, hardly a reward. The amount of skill books in New Vegas is pitiful only being about 80 across the entire map compared to 3 where there were hundreds.
I was also talking about loot that was special and not just the random junk you take off of enemies. In that regard New Vegas has fuck all useful shit compared to Fallout 3.
>resorting to using typos or grammar errors as arguments
Desperation = 10
nice try, nice try but *blocks your path*
What is your favourite game?
its a flawed game but i still enjoyed it, especially like it over 4.
wish theyd done more with the outcast though, the're the coolest BOS version yet
>Harold should have the same voice actor, even after being turned into a tree and going through decades worth of torture.
Cope faggot
> I love the desolate atmosphere and how it truly feels like its after a nuclear war.
>200 years after the war
>No one tried to clean their cities and start farms
I think people forget that Fallout is about a post-apocalyptic world.
>"Hey, this room is gonna rad-kill me if i go in, can you go in and do this for me, super mutant friend?"
>"No, it's your destiny."
Hahaha no, fuck off.
Fallout is supposed to be about post-post apocalyptic civilization. If you want an actually good nuclear apocalypse game, play metro, or better yet, STALKER
>the're the coolest BOS version yet
For me, it's the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel
>NV has exploring be boring except for finding a bottlestar cap.
You post this in literally every single Fallout NV thread
We get it, you never actually played the game, considering it has 50+ unique weapons that are only found in off the beaten path locations.
i was so close to getting away with it too
>All of the people who hate this game either never played it all or sprinted through the main story
I quit it midway through the tutorial because it was so fucking shitty.
ok, so maybe it should have been set 20 years after, and not 200. who cares?
i can't deny those horns and wiring look fucking badass
yeah but those games truly feel totally grungy, FO3 has quite a unique atmosphere of desolate but strangely serene, that I havent seen in any other game.
and how did nv do it better exactly?
The problem is not the fact that it does not reflect the 300 years that has pased since the war, actually.
It's a common argument, but it's stupid.
The problem is that it is brain-dead, and does not reflect ANY thought what so ever. The lack of any actual consideration for environmental storytelling, the incredible laziness of environmental design, the ugliness of it all: that is the real problem. It feels entirely artificial, like what a little child would put together after binding on the bad Mad Max movies.
If it actually build a good post-apocalyptic world, nobody would care that it feels like 30 years after the bombs instead of 300. But it does not feel like 30 years after the bombs either. It feels like nothing. It feels like nobody gave a flying fuck about what they are jamming in.
you are like an infant, i quit nv 1 minute into the first cutscene due to its shit quality
>Who cares about story in a RPG
>What are you
>Some kind dork
>Just turn off your brain faggot
by having plenty of non-level scaled areas
Snow globes pay out 2000 each.
NV skill books are much more powerful and you can take a perk which boosts it further.
NV has way more unique loot, and NV's unique loot is more powerful than F3's unique loot.
>If every location offers the same level of risk
why have you randomly decided this is fact? the town full of deathclaws and the shopping mart full of radroaches feel completely different regardless of any scaling or adjustments
Look at all that rage and double think. Did you get just as angry when momma told you to go outside? I'm sure your 'arguments' won her over
Have sex, incel
People think the lore of Fallout 2 was an untouchable bible, when Fallout 2 was already shitting all over Fallout 1's lore and atmosphere
Truth is, the majority of these idiot's first Fallout game was New Vegas and they never played the original games
>found in off the road locations
fucking all of the unique weapons are either quest giveaways or in major locations
I hate you
Why on earth would you take that shit perk though? You only get 15 perks in base game NV and the handful of skill points you can get out of those books is useless considering they will almost always be in shit tier skills, like unarmed or explosives.
F3 deathclaws are bitchmade, that's why. They're slow and have no DR.
Bethesda wants to make themeparks, impressive attractions that won't influence on the other attractions, walking around with a super mutant won't change the behavior of people because he is not important, you are, you are the most important creature in the universe and everyone needs to you to fix their shitty problems.
Not that user but examples off the top of my head
>crashed vertibird will get you a tesla cannon early if you brave the robots
>Black Mountain can net you some decent loot if you can sneak past the deathclaws and kill a few super mutants
>is possible to start lonesome Road early and grab some gear, being weary of the high levels
>some old town west of goodsprings has bandits with combat armor, unique unarmed weapon, a .44 repeater and other decent loot
Problem with 3 is the level scaling meaning you can beat anyone at any level (minus a couple of locations like the deathclaw sanctuary or old Olney). New Vegas can net you some really good stuff early on if you're a good player.
Pic Related, I suppose
They're also only in like one place
I could elaborate but it would be a waste of keystrokes. The tl;dr is: RETAAAAAAAAAAARD
You'll still end up getting 20-30 skill points in skills you want, which is decent. But you're right, it's very sub-optimal for base game.
Enemies that are mostly static in difficulty, and loot all the way up to very powerful weapons and armor being available from level 1 but blocked by appropriately powerful enemies.
In comparison to its successor, Fallout 3 feels more "whole" than Fallout 4. Maybe because it knew what it wanted to be.
Fallout 3 provides a greater experience (overall) than that of Fallout 4.
>walking around with a super mutant won't change the behavior of people
this is bethesdas biggest jarring issue for me, liking how being an imperial in skyrim you can still join the stormcloaks or how kajit arent allowed in towns so they camp outside but for some reason a kajit player character is allowed in.
it blew my mind the first time i played vampire the masquarade and realised being a nosferatu actually had real consequences and people ran and screamed
What is this, a bait for ants?
LMAO no, 4 has zero rpg elements, at least 3 tried. Failed, but tried.
How exactly did 3 fail?
I wouldn't know, I played the first Fallout and never tried the others; I apologize for being (((That Dude))).
Please leave a bad-team-player score on my profile.
Very much, yes. Frankly, I genuinelly believe the good old rumor about Bethesda using manuals printed for american education instructing teachers how to handle children with ADHD as their main reference material, to be if not true, then at least fucking spot-on description.
They HAD gotten a little better, though. As much as I despise every single game they made past Morrowind, it is at least true SOME degree of improvement could have been seen across their franchises. Fo4 put bare minimum consideration to it's environments, and fixed a lot of the level scaling issues. Skyrim, while mechanically gutted, at least had semblance of a cohesive atmosphere. 76, the fucking CLUSTERFUCK that it was, actually had some half-decent environmental storytelling involved.
But still, I despise their fundamental design propositions and general approach. And I suspect the tiny improvements are just token nods for the PR to work with, rather than genuine desire to improve on their work.
true yeah its static enemy placement afforded greater tension early game, but also means theres no progression in difficulty for mid to late game. it may be cheap to fight super mutants in 3 who are buffed for late game but i dont just breeze through every enemy like i do in nv late game. by the time i hit nv dlc im a living god.
>My headcanon disproves your facts
>le BTFO
This misses the point so fucking hard. You don't need a big fuck off magitech device to clear radiation from water, you can literally just filter it through fucking SAND. The post doesn't address why the machine stores radiation near the controls. Rad-X doesn't save the player character in the same situation.a flash grenade should not have incapacitated the player. The post doesn't explain why it matters who controls the water machine when it just dumps pure water in the river (remember, nobody in the enclave knows about the poison). Nobody is going to fight to the death to be the one to hit a button if it doesn't matter who does it.
>I genuinelly believe the good old rumor about Bethesda using manuals printed for american education instructing teachers how to handle children with ADHD as their main reference material
Well then it's a good thing the DLCs take counter measures to a god tier PC, like limiting or stripping your gear, making it so you just die if you fuck up puzzles, or, in the case of lonesome road, deploying god tier enemies.
kid ur so far off base its a waste of energy to respond
>I was born in 1996 and the games I played in middleschool are flawless!
Where’s the follow up?
This one ?
Why not? It's not like Adler is some super-expensive VA anyway.
yeah that's the reason why people hate fallout 4
it has recurring characters
Well, there has been a claim that Bethesda has actually heavily relied on a famous pamphlet printed by I think American Department of Education and distributed to schools somewhere around 2000 with detailed instructions and tips on how to handle ADHD children (in response in the "pandemic" of ADHD that has been going on since the early ninetees).
The pamphlet lists, among other things, how to spread and time stimuly to make sure kids with ADHD are sufficiently engaged to not become a nuisance. According to the rumor, Beth actually took major lessons from it to spread out content, establish pacing etc... to make sure the game is easily accessible to ADHD audiences.
I have never found anything that would actually confirm this rumor, but it is true that the game sure as fuck looks and feels like it is true, with its almost mechanical content distribution and pacing.
No, there’s the aftermath where it’s “oh wait never mind” after the point got through.
but thats just artifically induced difficulty, like anchorage in fo3. but unlike nv the main game of 3 isnt full of statically level scaled enemies. ive personally never found nv dlcs that hard.
This is the lowest IQ opinion I see parroted on this board. 4 has nothing going over NV/3. It's terrible as an open-world shooter, rpg, and survival game.
Hating on any of Bethesda's massively successful and pop-culturally influential open world RPGs is the definition of contrarianism. Cue standard contrarian incel defense mechanisms like >sales don't equate quality, normies reeeeeeee
fallout 3 was shit on release and still is
I'm not going to buy your game, Todd
>5 replies so far
>Only one even attempts to address the points you made
Its hard having Patrician taste sometimes
I nearly 100% completed the game when I was 13 and , now that I've played more games, I realize that it was pretty terrible in general in terms of the overall reduction of role playing elements compared to the other previous main fallout games.
New Vegas pretty much fixed everything that Fallout 3 lacked, however, If wasn't a terrible game. Its just that it was Bethesda re-using concepts from previous fallout games in the most uninteresting ways possible. Some of the DLC was pretty good but the main quest is terrible, weapon variety was extremely poor, and the combat was broken as all hell.
>Abortion of science
[Intelligence] Fallout 3 is shit.
>artifically induced difficulty,
It's 2019 bro
It has
>far harbor(aka the best “”rpg”” bethesda has produced since oblivion)
Over 3
do you honestly think todd ever thinks about the handful of contrarian incels who screech constantly for YEARS after the fact about how they hate his games and aren't going to buy them?
4 is the better for it by abandoning the half assed RPG mechanics of 3, and instead focusing on just being a shallow but fun game. 3 plays like shit in favor of poorly done RPG mechanics that don’t work.
Fallout 1 was goofy as shit and the amount of jokes in Fallout 2 is not a problem.
You're a faggot
No, which is why Fallout 76 flopped because that retarded nigger and the entire board of Bethesda doesn't understand their own fan base
>1) The city of New Vegas itself looks completely retarded and small
Literally an engine limitation, not even an argument
DC is empty as fuck, what's grand about it? There is literally 1 (One) settlement in the entire city.
>2) Level design. In fallout 3 dungeons were designed to make interesting combat situations and to create a memorable enviroment
This is just your opinion, and an exceptionally shit one at that. The only "Dungeon" from 3 I can recall off the top of my head was the Dunwich Building, which is only compelling because of the mystery, not it's joke of a "level design"
>3) Fallout 3 has places and areas in which the player is rewarded for exploring.
So does New Vegas? What the fuck is this argument even?
This whole post reads like one I would have made when I was 14, thinking it was intelligent because of how wordy it was
Have you ever seen a massively popular celebrity take time out of their day to respond to one guy who says they're an asshole on Twitter or whatever?
Yes. People tend to notice when other people hate their creative efforts.
So why did the Enclave bother fighting the BoS in 3? Why didn't they just let the BoS reclaim and repair the water purifier, and then send in an undercover agent afterwards to inject their modified FEV into the water supply like you can do yourself at then end of the main campaign? Then the Enclave would have gotten what they wanted by exterminating every mutant in the wasteland, and could also have turned the remaining public against the BoS by blaming them for contaminating the water with their purifier, all without having to fight a single battle.
>Have you ever seen a massively popular celebrity take time out of their day to respond to one guy who says they're an asshole on Twitter
not often, no, though the reality television celebrity you retarded americans elected to be your president does this quite frequently, so I understand why you might think it's a common practice.
i love the capital wasteland
After hearing him on the hot mic recently, then answer is yes.
>and then send in an undercover agent afterwards to inject their modified FEV into the water supply
I don't think that was even the Enclave's plan, just President Science Abortion's, which raises even more questions
Fallout 76 was developed by BattleCry Studios in Austin, not the Maryland studio that makes TES and Fallout games. It was literally a side project made using their infinite Skyrim and Fallout 4 fortune for funsies and they didn't give a shit that it wasn't received well. Whether it was an actual commercial flop is yet to be seen, given that it's still being developed for and still making them money.
>you retarded americans
Rent fucking free
The enclave didn't know about the virus. They wanted to capture the purifier for no reason at all. If they wanted to DESTROY it, that would kind of make sense, but no. They just decided to waste dozens of lives capturing it so that they could be the ones to turn it on.
Covert agents and spying are etrogen-filled plans prone to massive failure. The Enclave had superior numbers and superior firepower, and had no reason not to take what they wanted by force, especially when their objective was unaware and undefended. Their plan only failed because the Brotherhood had a secret underground Deus Ex Robot and a literal wasteland god fighting on their side.
Ok, then WHY did the enclave want the purifier?
You really think they didn’t work on it at all? If that’s true then it’s been 4 years since the last true BGS game and itll be at least 5 until the next one. That’s their longest hiatus yet
To purify the water, silly
Unironically enjoyed it more than NV
Then why stop the brotherhood? Just go downstream and take as much water as you want
He who controls the spice controls the universe.
I've never imagined i'd be saying i wanna stick my cock in a tree's mouth..until Harold
Just turn off your brain and go fight some aliens, don't worry about it
>why not just let someone else own and operate the vault of infinite wealth? just search the dirt outside the vault for crumbs if you want some!
Lemme tell you why 3 is shit.
It's not just because the gameplay is shit(though it is. It's not just because the worldbuilding is shit(though it is), and it's not just because the writing is shit(though it is).
It's because they made the fucking BoS, the poster boys of the franchise, entirely different from how they were in the first 2 games, and made them even more of a fucking focus to show off how much worse they're made.
I finished my mod the other day for fallout 3 if you guys are interested. It's like gun runners arsenal but fallout 3
Megaton is their comfiest city
People still believe this? It’s been proven the same day it happened that it was a commercial from a sitcom playing in the background. I can link the exact video that mentions the “walking out” segment if you’d like
So the modified FEV wasn't a major part of the Enclave's plans? That makes 3's plot even worse, honestly.
Barring the horrible gameplay and graphics, nothing in the story makes sense. It's like a bunch of writers were told to put something together independently then tried to connect the pieces together in the quickest way possible.
It's not even a town, much less city.
A bunch of metal shacks around a fucking nuke does not a city make.
Your argument falls flat once you remember that you can spec into guns, which doesn't vastly improve anything.
stop using the word "absolute", you don't know what it means.
4 is a step backwards as a game, but a leap forward as a mediocre shooter.
you are an absolute virgin
Every 3D Fallout is shit.
Why couldn't Bethesda just leave the series alone.
NV is great tho
“3 tries to be good but it doesn’t work most of the time. At least 4 embraced being shit all the time and thats why it’s better”
it's shit.
Not really, I got more out of 3 then NV
No, it's not. It's easily the best fallout alongside 2.
>Biggest moral conundrum in the first game is deciding whether to fix Necropolis's water purifier or stealing the water chip outright, dooming the ghouls living there to die of dehydration
>Fallout 4
>Ghoul in fridge for 200 years lol
Bethesda doesn't do "thematically fitting". This is the series where an ex-soldier has the same problems with weapons combat as a 19-year-old who trained in combat with a BB gun, and where you can offset the karmic penalty of destroying a town by shoveling water into the face of a water beggar who never gets better despite having enough water to bathe in. New Vegas got its leg up over 3 by both allowing ironsight aiming and using fixed encounters to make you feel like a weak motherfucker before you level up. New Vegas also handles themes of reconstruction, adherence to past values, moral ambiguity (you get a comment from the narrator if you're good and support the Legion, but it's not like you get a -1000 Karma penalty for supporting them), and redemption for past misdeed through proper character analysis and writing that doesn't encourage savestate reloading for a proper Speech outcome or giving you brownie points for being INT 7 and being able to deduce basic shit like "this radio station we're both in broadcasts the message you're talking about".
Because it gets boring as fuck as soon as you hit the strip. Goodsprings was the best part of that game, I was expecting old west shit after that but every town just got worse and worse
> The city of New Vegas itself looks completely retarded and small, it feels like walking into a small hamlet, not the most important city in the wasteland. Fo3's DC made itself seem grand by having you only explore small gated areas of it separated by subterranean pathways making DC seem like an actual city.
Most of vegas was destoryed, and if you've ever been to vegas you would know that the city is basically a bunch of big buildings on the strip followed by a slightly urban backdrop. It's nothing like DC or even LA. Not to mention 50's style vegas wouldve been even smaller.
>Level design. In fallout 3 dungeons were designed to make interesting combat situations and to create a memorable enviroment where the player would not be easily lost. In the few dungeons FNV has it's nigh impossible to actually tell where you are since every part of it looks the same and the make up of the map is rather maze like to boot making dungeon crawling in NV fucking cancer.
I heavily disagree. Fo3 dungeon design is bad. But so is FNV and i can agree that some dungeons (Vault 22) can be an extreme annoyance if you don't know/remember your way around. The subway was just as awful and totally forgettable beyond that vampire gang.
>Fallout 3 has places and areas in which the player is rewarded for exploring. Unique guns, bobbleheads and skill books make every detour worthwhile, while NV has exploring be boring except for finding a bottlestar cap. Making every location without a quest associated in it feel hollow to explore.
Fallout new vegas vanilla had more exploration, lore, and story + unqiue weapons tahn fallout 3 did by the end of broken steel
I guess if I went in expecting a cowboy game I'd be pretty disappointed after goodsprings. That's fairly reasonable, though I don't agree personally.
>posting literally the only good questline in defense
hey I'm thinking about buying fallout 4 on steam sale. would sail the seas for it but i want to mod. does it have begging and crying from the characters when you kill them? this is important. otherwise might just get dishonored 2 instead.
The Enclave wanted the purifyer because being the ones to turn it on and control it would give them significant influence in the wasteland. Injecting it with FEV was only Eden's plan, not Autumn's.
Kinda? They get freaked the fuck out when you cripple a limb or get them to low hp but that's it.
The water putifier offers the enclavd nothing they don't have. It also can't be "controlled", at least not without major renovation. The river goes in one side wnd comes out clean on the other. I guess you could set it up to collect as much water as you want in tanks or whatever, but why would they? The enclave doesn't need water and they don't have any reason to give it to anyone else. This could have been easily fixed by having the enclave's goal to be to destroy the machine, but apparently everyone at bethesda is retarded.
What influence? The enclave wants everyone other than themselves to die.
if I blow off a limb do they die right away? do they have dialogue if i kill characters around them or characters they would know? do they all have the same whimper noise? asking for a friend.
Unless you count bad AI getting stuck on obstacles, I never encountered a single bug in either F3 or NV and I've played both of them multiple times. Feels good to be part of the elite.
>after binding on the bad Mad Max movies.
Reminder that the tier list is:
Fury Road > 2 > 3 > 1
3 was my first, but I liked NV better. I played the originals but they sucked ass so I didn't finish them. Isometric is such a godawful perspective. UnderRail is the one and only isometric game that I can remember enjoying.
Dishonored 2 is great, I'd recommend that over F4 100%.
Never played FO3 but i've played FO4 and thought it was really good.
Who listens to these shitposting fags who shit on games to try and fit in? Make your own opinion.
That’s literally not what I said at all you retard. A game not being an rpg doesn’t make it shit automatically, especially when that game is better at being not an rpg than the other is at being a shitty rpg.
Fallout 3 is just a bad game. Get over it, dude.
That want to control the wasteland. That's why they have all the posters around and you hear stories of them killing people who came to them for help. The purifyer is a means to an end.
The water purifier doesn't help them accomplish that goal. There is nothing they can do with it. It was even DESIGNED to give wastelanders such easy access to clean water that they would not be dependent on such a centralized power.
>Autumn this
>Autumn that
I can swear to High Hell and back that your nigga Autumn deadass alludes to being a fucking construct if you grill him about 'but I watched you die.' He says something like, "there will always be a Colonel Autumn to carry out orders?"
They've certainly set up Synths by FO3 so, maybe that? Enclave is all about that shit and Doctor What'shisfuck is clearly prowling around trying to bring Synths back to the commonwealth; maybe he sold them the Autumn model android.
But seriously, wasn't Autumn said in-game to have been 'built' during the interactions following, and questioning, his death?
Because it's easier to hate something for obvious flaws than to spend time learning its subtle qualities.
I STILL get giddy when I start crafting my own weapons. Dart Guns change the fucken game, playa.
>he didn't burn down that eyesore of a tree
lol fuck toddler and fuck bethesda.
I disagree about the dungeons because navigating those metro tunnels was a massive pain in the ass. Other two points were pretty spot on tho I must admit.
special literally does nothing in fallout 3. you can wield a minigun with 1 str and talk like a scientist with 1 int. that combined with the fact that it's a typical nu bethesda theme park world where all locations are designed to be cool and for the player to discover instead of being believable part of the bigger ingame world
>Shittalking Harold
Just as insufferable here as you are in /hoc/
They wanted the goodwill which came from turning it on. Autumn says it in his speech, about how the Enclave must secure the American future.
Based and maiden pilled.
As far as I can recall that video spends more time trying to convince me that the other Fallout games are as bad as 3 than it does trying to convince me 3 is actually any good.
Oblivion is OK.
It still had soul even if it was lazy as fuck and didn't work properly
i dont hate the game but it needs updated for modern systems it barely runs on windows 10
>I can swear to High Hell and back that your nigga Autumn deadass alludes to being a fucking construct if you grill him about 'but I watched you die.' He says something like, "there will always be a Colonel Autumn to carry out orders?"
This is entirely made up in your head.
Were people too busy picking their fucking nose during the scene where your dad dies? Autumn is in the player's view the entire time and you can clearly see him inject himself with something before he falls down.
Fallout 1 is literally about B-movie tier villains like super mutants and insane cults helping them. Why do you tryhard faggots act like you played the game? New Vegas with rpg mods is 1 trillion times better in every way when we compare it to Fallout 1.
They're just factually wrong. Even small settlements in NV are as populous as megaton, and NV has more and better unique loot.
tell me im wrong i dare you