>2019....I am forgotten.
2019....I am forgotten
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STFU Barry
Oh I didn't think it was time for the DMC5 thread already.
Why the fuck is there so little costumes in this game? DMC3 had like 8
how do I into DMD? Nero missions easy bc exceed mechanic and V is easy bc V. But I'm just complete shit with Dante when he was my best character in previous difficulties
this game is like quilfish where everyone remembers it because it's most memorable feature was being so forgettable
There's no advice for Dante aside from gid gud. Personally though V was shittiest on DMD, his pets die too quick
someone post the archive
im playing it right now for the first time actually, having a fuckton of fun, very very happy with it
was wondering where the DMC thread was
I am playing every game in existence at the same time. No game is ever forgotten.
Use real impact and quadruple S to wreck everything.
at least they BTFO all the preorder kids by releasing the preorder "costumes" for 2 bucks. The steam comments are hilarious
the best dmc4 bp player in the world has uploaded his second run of dmc5's bp as Nero (trying to get the highest time added score).
mostly just solid, efficient play but some really cool set ups on some floors (e.g. floor 30, floor 60 etc):
hope someone tries to do the same thing as V
Why did they downplay Nero's revenge angle in favour of "he called me dead weight!! :(("?
Nero's "I've got a score to settle with that son of a bitch" quote in the E3 trailer was hype as fuck and made it seem like his story was going to be more about getting revenge on Urizen for stealing his arm/yamato, but in game he's just a whiny bitch who's always second place to Dante.
This stuff is still sort of in the game but it doesn't really feel like it was made clear enough, most people honestly come out of DMC5 thinking Nero's story is about proving he's not dead weight, which makes him seem comical.
every character is comical to some extent in DMC
His arm grew back magically and he obtained power greater than Yamato. How'd you imagine his revenge arc?
Can we get the mods to auto-delete these shitty "I am forgotten" threads?
You do have a filter, don't you?
these threads are outright spam/shitposting.
There's like 3-4 "I am forgotten" threads up on Yea Forums right now
RE2 Remake and Devil May Cry 5 are the only remotely good games that released this year so far.
This autumn
Kh3 and ffxv are both fucking trash
>Why the fuck is there so little costumes in this game
Capcom really wanted to show off flex their scanning tech, so only scanned clothes allowed, and since the clothes are expensive, no more outfits.
Maybe in a possible special edition for the next generation, I doulb they'd re-release it this far near the end of this gen.
>Beat the game the first time around
>Fun game, thought it was good but nothing amazing
>Second play through, suddenly more gameplay options and abilities
>Becomes the best action game ever made
What other games do this?
Pretty much every jap action game, Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden in particular are the best examples of this alongside DMC.
I'm too lazy to make webms
that's true but barry is a bigger pile of trash
This is how i played every DMC game, except for 2 maybe. I forced myself to play 4 for the first time on DH, but it became 10 times better and funnier on SoS and further difficulties
Never Ever?
git gud. Well I what I did to do that was play more defensively and watch out for enemy attacks more. And always be prepared to trickster out of way, I didn't care about trickster until DMD. Watching the enemy attacks more intensively also helped me get good with RG.
These threads get posted every week, and idiots still dont realise that when you post a >2019... im forgotten thread, they are actually remembering it.
thats like every game with a NG+ feature, what the fuck have you been playing user?
I think half of those threads are fans of the games, just trying to bait people into talking about it. It worked for RDR2 and spiderman earlier this year
Is this what DMC5 will look like on Switch?
DMC5 isn't my most played game on steam, but the 70 hours I do have on it have been straight up some of the most fun I've had with a video game.
Say what you want about inertia, reversals, or whatever else lacking, but it's still DMC, damn it.
What are your jukebox settings? I replaced Nero's and Dante's themes with Lock n' Load because I fucking love Lock n' Load, but left V's vanilla.
>>Second play through, suddenly more gameplay options and abilities
I love this part of dmc. Its like the the first playthrough is a tutorial that still feels like a full game. But I can see how that might be annoying for veterans of the series. dmc is a tricky game to balance because of its technical gameplay yet alot of people complained about normal mode being the easiest its ever been but I've seen newcomers die in normal easily to the first boss. If you make it too easy then people who are used to these kind of games well get bored, but then too hard and beginners will have no hope of moving forward.
It is truly over. Tameem has won.
so forgotten that we have this thread everyday
People stil CARE about Donte.
Not so much about V.
those 3 furies on floor 80 always fucked me up at first but after getting used to dodging their attack pattern their honestly one the easier enemies in the game. Now its the judeccas that really piss me off
oh thats sick I rarely see the megaman arm in these combos
Sekiro was alright. From what I heard Mario Maker 2 is pretty good if your into bing bing wahoos
2025 when special edition comes out.
I have been playing Devil May Cry since the very first game, and 5 is in my opinion the best in the series. I am not kidding.
It has the best graphics
It has the best gameplay
It has the best enemy design
It has the best soundtrack (though DMC1 is a close second)
It has the best story (DMC3 fans will hate me for this, DMC3's story is better told but I find 5's story way more ambitious and interesting; especially V's character)
I don't even think it's a perfect game, the demon tree level design definitely deserves the shit it gets, and the story is quite poorly paced due to 3 characters, the writing could also be better; despite all this I find this to be the best DMC. My ranking goes DMC5>DMC1>DMC3>DMC4>DmC>DMC2
This is not a meme, this is not bait, this is my 100% genuinely my opinion.
He'll come with next gen
waiting for Lady and Trish's DLC.
i'm not even done with the game and i agree with your entire post, ranking included
i picked up DMC1 on launch when i was 9 after having played (over and over) the demo included when my big brother rented Code:Veronica. It remained my all-time favorite game until Bloodborne. (BB is still my favorite but that's really due to its personal appeal to me; I think DMCV is a technically better game)
I will always prefer Coombs's voice as Dante though, even in spite of the mumbling.
I disagree on basically everything there aside from graphics.
>DMC5 soundtrack
>better than 1's
Come on, how the fuck do you faggots actually like this meme rock over Ueda's music?
DMC5's story is just alright, I was mostly expecting more given how it was suppose to position Nero as the main lead getting his revenge when in the end it felt rushed thanks to Dante & V stealing the spotlight majority of the time.
lock n load 1 a best, i never liked the later games' music more than 1
I agree with everything you said except the story. I still think the story was rushed in the end and untapped potential with Nero in the beginning, and Lady and Trish.
Mostly default, except for Ultraviolet
To whom? Did you expect him killing Vergil or taking the Yamato from him?
DMC5's soundtrack is fucking wonderful my man, I know a lot of people will pull the "not memorable" card like they did with MGSV and BotW; but it's seriously just a great OST that fits the game perfectly. The production quality is just excellent.
Furies are cute!
>DMC5's story is just alright, I was mostly expecting more given how it was suppose to position Nero as the main lead getting his revenge when in the end it felt rushed thanks to Dante & V stealing the spotlight majority of the time.
Vergil is actually the stealth main character of DMC5 though. It's really a story about him, and his relationship to Dante to an extent.
Didn't Itsuno mention last year that Nero would get the most focus as a main protagonist for the game post-announcement? He felt like a third wheel compared to the rest of the cast.
I mean, Nero is the person who convinces Dante and Vergil that their feud is fucking stupid and born out of pure habit; so there's that.
I only have the default songs cause I never got the dlc. I think the deluxe dlc is a rip off with content that should've been unlockable like in previous games, but I can tolerate it because its just cosmetics and musics and its just how games are made nowadays.
>main character
V just isn't the same
No one can steal the boomers spotlight even if Nero is in the spotlight most of the time.
actual costumes when
Agreed but for the soundtrack I still wished they got shootie to do Dante's theme. As for the story I like it but they really needed to add things from the manga and novel to flesh it out.
First play through I didn't touch the jukebox and then in my subsequent playthings I changed it up, mostly 1 and 3's ost.
Sworn Through Swords for Nero. Dante and V are still default. Though every once and a while I get a wild hair up my ass a swap Subhuman for Devils Never Cry.
It'll come along with playable Vergil;_;
I leave everything default.
The dynamic OST is too good.
These threads just turn into DMC Threads instead of people taking the bait now. Based.
I wanna poke his cheek dimples.
Actually, some folks pulled of guard flying and buffered reversals.
>Dante has sword formation
>Vergil has summoned swords
>V has royalfork
>Nero has nothing
why doesn't Nero have any DT consuming moves?
Because Nero only just got his Devil Trigger and hasn't really had any time to do anything with it, story-wise. Dante got his early in 3 and Vergil seems to have been using his DT for fucking ever. V is part of Vergil so that explains that.
Dimples are niggers of the cheeks
smiling vergil is cute
>The Duel starts playing youtube.com
>Think it's just a brand new synth-heavy track
>mfw those DMC3 Vergil riffs starts playing
DMC5's ost is so fucking good.
do we have any news on capcom going to tgs?
i'm playing this for the first time right now, how long do i have to play as this fucking edgy faggot V?
Did they confirm coming?
Showdown and Maximum bet consume it.
Just has to be in DT to use it IIRC.
He already manages consumables with his Breakers.
Don't worry he becomes better after the game ends :^)
oh shit I forgot all of this is on spotify
Unironically buttonmash
that's what i'm doing and it is horrible gameplay. not to mention "pin them to the wall" every 2 seconds
Capcom usually goes to tgs, I don't think they ever miss it.
Change your controls, Bird to L1.
Always charge your Bird button and with the cat do the pause combo (it's the most damaging).