What's the angriest you've gotten at a video game?
What's the angriest you've gotten at a video game?
One time i stopped playing the game i was so mad
I was so angry I had to take a break to have sex with my girlfriend cuz I was so angry.
Video game Gaymer .
I audibly said the word "nigger"
How did he get fat so fast?
i broke a game case (without the disc) a few years ago.
stress eating
I dont play video games
Haha I hope you’re kidding user
He isn't fat, he's swole from all the testosterone that anger gave him.
I got so mad that I ragequit and sold the game at a local game store, then shitposted about it on Yea Forums for like two years
Google dinosaur with 500 teeth
I turned off the game real quick
Playing FFX and realizing I hadnt grinded enough to beat Evrae on the airship. No way to grind and no backup saves.
Never did beat FFX as a kid, came back in like 2010 and beat it then.
one time your cunt started dripping you were such a faggot
I popped it out, immediately drove to gamestop, and sold it. Not gonna say which game cuz I'll get bullied.
Stepping into a house in DayZ and breaking my legs, phasing through the floor and instakilling my weeks old character making me scream FUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH irl.
No joke: Starcraft 1 custom made maps. I was a pretty hysterical child, and for some reason, the most angry and frustrated I ever got was when my custom made maps in SC's map editor refused to work as intended.
t. delusional fatfuck
I think the most pissed I get is when I farm for materials and never get anything I want but shit for other classes like in mhw.
agressively slammed the controller down hard enough to break it when I kept dying in Jak 2 on that stupid fucking hoverboard escape mission
Broke a metal table over smash. It was online so I was alone thank god.
>Arma 3
>do the helicopter training
>learn how to fly it
>then proceed to a simple mission
>SAM warning
>get BTFO
>try again
>use flares
>get BTFO
>try again
>fly high and fast
>get BTFO
>try again
>fly high and fast, drop flares and altitude when the warning comes on
>get BTFO
>fly below the radar literally 3 meters above the water
>get BTFO
>try to circumvent the SAM flying far away from it
>get ambushed by AAA
>get BTFO
>smash desk and uninstall
I still don't get what I was doing wrong
I beat this game at like 10 years old, whats the problem?
I was like 14 or something
>NFS Underground 2
>playing a race that gave me a lot of trouble
>finally I'm ahead of everyone
>suddenly get a cramp in my leg (not enough muh vitamins)
>try to stand up and hit ESC to pause
>manage to fall on my ass
>game is still going and I see all the other cars driving by me
>finish the race last
Halo reach legendary. Was playing the campain online with four randos on the big city map. Everyone started leaving one by one. On the last room, the last guy left leaving me to deal with fuelrod sniper elites in the last room. I got quicksaved right as a rocket was about to hit my face so everytime I died I'd go right back to one second before my death. I was soft locked. About three hours went into this level and got so mad, I smashed my controller on the ground.
Not really the game I guess but my buddy and me agreed years ago to stop playing RTS against each other because of how much we pissed each other off.
I've never gotten mad at a toy because I'm not a manchild.
It wasn't me but my dad threw a ps2 controller at my head when we played Battlefront 2 one time.
I got so mad I grabbed my dick and masturbated.
It was a good fap.
>get cramp
>instead of just waiting and trying to stretch your muscle while sitting decide to cramp it even more by standing up
Wow you sure sound dumb.
based dad
Slammed my fist down on my computer desk so hard that I somehow jarred the heatsink of my CPU loose. I was able to refasten it, but still.
threw F-zero GX down the stairs on the timed explosion mission
I'm sure you regularly get mad from browsing Yea Forums you double nigger
80% of my squad got wiped out in a single turn in X-COM 2 because, as it turns out, the enemy doesn't actually need to see you in order to kill you with AOE weapons.
I just had to turn off the game and do something else.
I once yelled obscenities at the screen when playing dark souls 3
daddy said I have a potty mouth :(
Standing up helps with cramps.
Drawn to Life 2's ending. Not the gimped Wii version after everybody else agreed with me.
I would have been fine with it if there was proper foreshadowing or even an appropriate tone before the last half of the last level, and not the most terrible shit twist anybody has ever conceived.
Blood Bowl 2
Anyone who has played it already knows what I am talking about.
I eventually was able to beat that mission on Very Hard, but it took me so many tries. One time I got to the ramp at the end, but the door closed right as I launched, causing me to lose.
interesting that a Bodhisattva would spend his spare hours posting on Yea Forums
No it doesn't. Rest your leg on your sofa and try to straighten it without pressure. That forces the muscle to relax.
Some guy playing Rocket Raccoon with Sentinel Drones and Doom Missiles as assists in UMvC3 online made me throw my PS3 controller to the floor in anger after we went like 5 games of him winning in a row, and I was literally seething. Thankfully the floor was carpeted so I didn't break it, and I was in high school then so I don't think I'll ever get that mad again; in fact I think that memory is what has kept me chill when I lose in fighting games since.
I once slammed a controller over something I shouldn't have
>friends are all good at halo
>im not
>spend lots of time practicing
>eventually consider myself equal with them
>heckled into a 2 vs me
>getting bodied non stop
>they're talking the maddest shit
>lose 3 matches in a row by considerable landslides
>throw my controller
>they laugh some more
>yell back at them
>"bro it was a 2v1 you were never going to win, relax lmao"
>get even more mad
Retarded, I know - but that same controller still works and that makes me happy because it's like 10 years old and my favorite
Shut up shut up SHIT UP SHIT UP
Probably GTA vice city during the ambulance missions
Pic related though
Probably mission 19 of DmC 3, i hate that boss so much.
Idk what day z is but couldn’t you just restart the game before it saved your death or something
>get extremely mad at video game
>start cussing and screaming "how the actual fuck am I supposed to do this"
>hear how pathetic my high-pitched voice sounds when I get angry
>feel like a complete loser
Dark Souls? Cuphead? Crash Team Racing? Any fighting game?
I used to slam my keyboard and desk when I was a kid. I had one of those desks with a retractable keyboard thing and I got it stuck in the extended position.
I still get mad at games sometimes but I don't hit anything, wouldn't want to break something I paid for.
>that miserable couple of minutes when you take a break and just sulk afterwards
it's one of those dozens and dozens of zombie survival crafting game. I'm pretty sure it autosaves on death
Tell us, Nigger
Not telling you shit, you filthy pedo weeb
Finished vanilla DA:I hoping it would build-up to something. It didn't. I was punching walls over the accumulated frustration to get there.
Sounds dumb. Why would you play a game that auto saves on death?
There was a jump in Rayman 2 in a volcano area that I kept failing again and again, and I got so angry my parents had to turn off the N64 so that I could calm down.
What is DA? God I fucking hate it when you fags assume we know what game you’re talking about
Path of Pain
I played it for longer than I should have even though I was frustrated instead of taking a break but I eventually beat it.
Probably Mordhau, that game is so broken it's stupid.
"Summer isn't real," they said...
im power went out in one wow raid and I missed my first raid in over a year, but what sent me over the edge is an item dropped that I had been waiting for that entire time and it went to someones alt
I was listening in on my phone and I got so mad that I threw my phone against my wall and drove my car through a snow and ice storm with 0 visibility at reckless speeds at night in a suicidal binge
Dragon Age Inquisition I guess
lurk moar
Damn. This hits way too close to home.
smashed a hole in my desk
The angriest I've ever gotten has involved me just alt+f4ing straight out. I've never kicked a console or thrown a controller.
my bro punched a hole in the door when he died in lineage and lost 10%
woah its almost like flying over AAA in a helicopter is a bad idea
I'd do the same thing if I was browsing shitty fan pictures all day.
kill it one of those got me on the cock once
Playing on my xbox one and the lights went out, all data save lost, problems with my account, calm down, play ps4 next day, but the lights go out again, save were lost again, more sad than angry really.
It's not bad but the controls suck my ass.
I played it in 2008. I kept getting backed into corners or being stuck on tiny pieces of geometry then the enemies would stunlock the shit out of me. I made it up to a prison dungeon where every treasure chest was a mimic and the boss would deal more damage to me than I had at max health. I tried to look up walkthroughs at the time but the player were always several levels higher than where I was so I wrote the game off as cheap grindy bullshit. I've got more patience and I kinda want to give it a second chance, but I don't want to waste my time if it emulates like shit.
dark alliance 1
Uninstalled DQXI at the gay pride parade segment. I'm not completely intollerant but that shit wore out its welcome after the first 2 hours. Then when Sylvio goes "I won't stop until I make the whole world gay." that was it for me.
upvoted bro
Probably not the angriest, but most recently my friend convinced me to come over and play Smash Ultimate singles online. We'd hand off after 2 opponents left. This was the first time I got smacked by the game's mechanics so hard. I kept trying to up-B out-of-shield, but if you do that right after getting hit, it just eats your input. What's worse, if you do it again quickly, because you noticed it didn't come out, it ignores subsequent up-B inputs as well. I was tilted.
The last Psychonauts platforming section, where the room is filling up with water. My mom said she heard me swearing through the wall. What really pissed me off was that I knew the final boss was right after, and would probably be much easier than that section if I could just get to it.
Never finished that game.
Are you mad?
I’ve been here 8 years, just because I don’t know what your shitty game is doesn’t effect that
So which is it?
I’m not buying a fucking pc in the year 2019 when my fucking iPhone 6 can do anything I could want out of a pc. Stop fucking abbreviating your fucking games Jesus GODDAMN CHRIST
Literally chimped out playing Donkey Kong County 1:
>in Gorilla Glacier
>a couple stages in, blizzard stage, serene music
>game freezes, and I haven't saved
>start pounding the floor like fucking donkey kong looking for the banana hoard
>screeching like an autist
> friends look over, one says "the music is still playing, you sure it's not just paused man"
>"fuck you, do I look like a retard?"
>it was paused
fortunately I did go on to beat the game, DK is still one of my favorites.
I fucking feel you dude
>Used my free month of PS Monthly I got with my PSP and happened to get the issue they were shilling this game, came with the flag, demo disc, etc
>Played that demo until it launched and bought it
>Remembered playing the fucking christ out of it as a kid, but totally forgot about it until the PS4 remaster
>Bought it
>Holy fucking dog dicks just grind your weapons so you can fuse them so you can grind them so you can fuse them so you can grind them so you can fuse them so you can grind them so you can fuse them so you can grind them so you can fuse them so you can grind them so you can...
>Can just walk from one enemy to the next in the same area and just get absolutely fuckin' ass-raped when the enemy barely looks any different from the others
>GRINDAN FOREVER just to be able to move to the next room
>Elemental weaknesses just barely do extra damage
>Spam all your special moves to beat bosses by the skin of your teeth
>Steve Blum pirate just fucks off and becomes a villain for two seconds for the most ass-pulled drama out of fucking nowhere for all of ten minutes
>Your random fuckoff cunt of a protagonist becomes a legendary hero for no good god damn reason
The only thing this game was good for was having some nice pantyshots of the girl, and hilariously it was one of Yuri Lowenthal's first ever roles that I can remember.
The unquestioned ultimate example of "how the FUCK did I put up with this" from a game from my youth.
Ugh, Rasputin's death cry became the most annoying sound ever
Me playing Spider-Man. It’s all fun and games swinging around the city until some random scrub wrecks your shit with a shock baton.
Calm your tits and consider dilating
Yeah, it's not like we've had daily threads about it.
You are actually retarded
>play Persona 3 for the first time
>somewhat underleveled by final boss time
>go against it
>long and cool fight
>must have taken me 30-45 minutes
>boss at 10% hp
>boss charms my buff/heal character
>she casts a full heal on the boss
The one time I was dangerously close to throwing my controller. I had to get up and walk away for five minutes because this shit had me fuming.
I've never felt actual, genuine anger in my life. The worst I've been is mildly upset. I uninstalled Mordhau today since I wasn't having fun anymore, I found everything annoying and tedious to fight against. I sighed a little.
One time I told a former teammate that was terrible, "I hope you are better at your dayjob than you are at this game. Someone could seriously get hurt."
This is why easy mode exists. Work was hard enough, I don't want my video games to be hard too.
So? My brain filters out any threads that talk about games I don’t play or things I don’t care about. You telling me you go into threads about games you don’t play?
I get ripped on by my buddies for not wanting to play these competitive battle Royale games. This is exactly why. I just want to come home and zone out on easy mode for awhile.
Agreed completely. I've got enough stress with work and school as it is, not to mention family issues. Last thing I need is to play a game that screws with me as much as real life does. Can a dude just have a relaxing time when they finally find a spare hour for it after months of getting their balls kicked in?
Type "vanilla da:I" as the poster put you troglodyte and then kill yourself
>tfw I've been unironically playing fortnite for like two weeks
I can understand the hype, but I don't want to be involved with the bullshit so I keep it on the down-low.
It's so fun shitting all over what are very obviously kids when I play on PC. It's my way of unwinding and shooting fish in a barrel.
I unironically use cheats in most games anymore since I pretty much only play games focused on the story at this point
plus the lack of time and my ever expanding backlog of shit I want to read/play/watch
I got mad once. I took a nap.
Something western with an adult male character then. Gears of War?
I never understood this. how is it possible to get angry at a video game? how privileged and spoiled do you have to be? people who are upset over such insignificant things have never experienced true hardship. or they are very stupid and very bad at playing
Honestly I've been having this dilemma with myself recently. I've been wondering if playing online games, or difficult singleplayer games are even worth it anymore because of how much they can frustrate me. My life is changing rapidly and I want to move on to bigger and better things, and grow as a person, and idk I just feel like some online games like Siege and For Honor, and singleplayer games like Bloodborne are holding me back.
If you'd 'filtered it out' you'd know what it is you liar.
Just admit you weren't here.
playing a tank in league
>have 500 armor 4.7k life
>get 2 shot by an assassin
nice game
Late answer but I replayed the first half on an emulator, it emulates well.
Yup, I believe that they generally hold people back. I know this sub and gamers in general legitimize gaming as a great hobby. If you suggest that maybe you shouldn't waste the majority of your life moving around pixels and getting frustrated, they get mad. They tell you that other people spend even more time than that on TV. They tell you that they have great fun with their friends and it's a bonding experience for them. They tell you it stimulates the brain.
But really, the majority of the time they're just getting their dopamine fix, and this is not conducive to progressing in life. It is on the same spectrum as watching pornography or doing other cheap things for dopamine. I also think people underestimate the impact it has on brain health.
Having gaming as a habit is generally not conducive to pursuing life goals. Some people can manage it well, so you I don't need to hear anecdotes about how this medical doctor is a gamer or that accomplished musician loves to relax with games. If you're able to put in significant hours in gaming and also achieve everything you want in life then that's great.
I had to give up the games I was most interested in because of this. Apex Legends, for example - I could tell it was bad for me. Giving it up has done wonders. Since I study Japanese, I am experimenting with playing some Japanese games in Japanese, but that's pretty much it.
nothing sticks out in my memory
I saw this comic before I started playing any serious online games that people get mad at and it stuck with me
thank you cool frog
Few examples because I can't make up my mind:
-Crash Nsane Trilogy: Some of those gold relic times on crash 2 are insanely annoying. Threw the game case and phone halfway across the room at one point
-Ornstein and Smough: My first time playing dark souls, so of course this one would be rough. When I get angry I tend to hit my desk, well I just shoved my elbow back and it hit my bed (tall bed) and was sore for a few days afterwards. Oddly enough, once I beat anor londo the game was a cakewalk afterwards.
-Wily Capsule 7: No explanation needed
I suppose he didn't take it too well?
Laggy ass online fighting games make me rage like nothing else.
Games like dark souls make me mad but it's a good mad, where I'm motivated to do better. Laggy games make me want to kill whoever wrote the netcode
My girlfriend calls me out on this every time I play Dark Souls to relieve stress. The reason it helps though is it gives me a challenge that I can actually beat. Unlike most of my real world problems that just seem to overwhelm.
The final boss has like, nine stages with separate health bars. A full heal just sets you back by four minutes.
>First few boss fights in Lost Odyssey seemingly spike tenfold in difficulty
>The entire crappy progression system in Forza Horizon 3's Blizzard Mountain
>Morgana not telling you need two days to send the calling card in Persona 5
>Almost every boss in Peace Walker is such a massive fucking bullet sponge that i still can't beat the game to this day
Not on the last part. That health bar is much longer than the rest.
>about to finish off an opponent
>a random lag spike happens and fucks up your inputs
>proceed to lose
when were u when u got mad at vidya¿
I start (apologize 4 bad Inglish, I am an USA)
I to be 13, betacuck as fuck, picking berries all day and only playing vidya in higscool
Warcraft3 MVP because it was the only vidya I had (And pokemon 4 gameboi but doesn't count)
I play only of the internets the maps in online
Always playing the Polar Escape map with illidan samurai so cool, is nice play online with frens
I was very bad but with friends I start improving and I start being the very best
Once I get close to the end and exit. I am become the most best and I nearly win
I clicky the illidan into the safe road
Illidan slides into death wall and rip in peace
I jump from chair and throw at floor and scream AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
grandpa poor man is scare
Nothing can possibly top the absolute blind fury created by
>technical problem that gives you a vaguely worded error message
I literally don’t see threads that discuss things I don’t care about. Or if I do then I automatically forget a second later what I just saw when I’m hunting for a thread that talks about a game I’m interested in. Believe me I’ve been here far longer than you. And if the game is indeed Dragon Age Inquosotion or whatever the fuck, I actually have played that game for about 5 minutes on the Xbone anyway. You candy ass roody poo cock mongler
where did this picture come from? i like the art. are there others like it?
Truly, Cool Frog is the hero this generation needs and deserves.
>high and fast
Its a helicopter user take that SAM face to face and when you see the warning ascend/descend and pull away. Being a boss helo transport can make or break any game
>not competing to see who is able to get a rise
I think it's art from either Persona 4 Arena or Blazblue Cross Tag
seething retard
This, typically
>Phone poster is also a retarded newfag
Lmao seethe
I'm the angriest I've ever been at video games right now.
I never got mad at video games, only at myself.
games with input lag make me want to just quit playing video games altogether.
Playing videogames.
>8 years
Really activated the almonds
My ass. Guess you're gonna have to reach in fist deep for some more teehee :3
>I am an USA
fucking kek
League of Legends.
Couple of years ago.
Enough said, I think.
Who hurt you?
If that's even true that means you came here in 2011 which would make you a newfag.
Warcraft 3 Dota - Played 3 hour game that ended by getting back doored by a Rikimaru.
Dota 2 - Internet was being shit and I kept lagging during crucial moments, literally cracked my desk I slammed it that hard. (I only did it because It was already a shitty desk, I'm not retarded enough to break something expensive).
Those were spur of the moment things, fair to say I don't play Mobas on principle any more as they're literally the only games I've ever raged on.
In terms of absolutely seething but under control, when Diablo 3 was coming out I organized the day off and did a ton of food prep so I could binge it with my friends. My internet service was cut unannounced on the exact release day and I spent an entire afternoon on the phone arguing with them to come fix it. Normally I wouldn't be that upset about the internet going out, but in this instance I claimed disruption of livelihood (I required internet to work) and because the cut service was unannounced I got a 3 month refund. I was till mad however, called some Indian chink on the phone worthless and could literally hear her holding back tears.
>Game has crashed
>Detailed information: game.exe_crashed
>he needs to read the word sub to realize
He 'doesn't remember' DA:I, he wasn't here before 2014.
He's so full of anger
When my pokemon Pearl save got corrupted and I lost every pokemon from my Sapphire/Leaf days
He's a frog, they do that
I only get angry enough to yell "fuck" or "that was bullshit" then maybe slam my desk. I might stop playing the game for a bit because i'd be worried that my emotions would only cause me to repeat the mistake and frustrate me further.
Nothing gets my blood boiling faster than playing some competetive RNG shit like Hearthstone. To the point where I just had to walk away from games like that altogether.
Because I have the worst fucking luck a person could possibly have when it comes to RNG mechanics.
MvC2's final boss.
Doesn't help I was an angsty teen at the time but fuck this guy and fuck fighting game bosses in general
ActRaiser 2 was not ActRaiser it was slow clunky garbage and it was a waste of an entire week of gaming fuck that game
Try Gill in 3rd Strike, if his super meter is full when he dies he immediately resurrects with full life. I shouted WHAT?! at my tv
based retard
You heard of the term RNG mitigation?
Knowing how RNG works and how to play around it is how you avoid getting mad. If shit goes south anyway, then what ever, that's how the game works, get over it, the average game length is 7-12 minutes.
Hahaha what? Abyss is easy as shit my dude. Fighting game bosses in general are bullshit but it's mostly SNK that really does the cheap shit.
Probably those bullshit air missions in GTA San Andreas.
Fuck off
78 minute game of dota that we lost
A teammate fucked up and got really tilted at a teamfight that occurred at 70 minutes and then bought back and threw himself into them when we could've won. I had to quit for a while.
Conversely, I won a 100 minute game of dota and the other team was shit talking the entire time. That felt so good.
I don’t get mad at games anymore, been years since I got over like 99% of my anger. What little left is for people who mistreat others, then it flares up real quick.
I fuck up in Super Mario Maker 2 a lot goin for world records, I just crack myself up cause I know it’s my own damn fault and I make stupid mistakes when I’m rushing.
When I found out the models in SWSH are the same as 3DS but theyre still culling 90% of the dex just for dynamax. And it doesn't even look fun. All my friends who play GO are excited though, I fucking hate GO
StarEdit was a piece of shit, you should have used a custom editor, they were also buggy trash.
Instead of ragequitting when I get mad, I am physically incapable of not accepting a revenge match in Tekken 7 if I have more losses than wins against someone, doubly if I had the lead at one point, triply if they leave after demoting me. When they leave on me I feel insulted on a very personal level since I'm constantly trying to prove myself again.
The worst case was when I played some Devil Jin, won 5 matches against him, after which he got 20 on me in a row. The later matches had him taunting my ass off and going easy on me on purpose, and I still couldn't do shit. At that point rage shifted into pure despair.
Broke a controller on the last boss of Shinobi (PS2). You had to chain all these mob enemies deaths together then hit the boss and he’d fucking teleport away if you were .001 seconds off.
it's just a game bro
We're going to keep laughing at you for either being retarded or lying about how long you've been here
Or both, which is quite possible
I played Pokemon Shuffle for over 1600 hours (according to my 3DS Activity Log)
There was only one last thing I needed to do - beat Survival Mode
So I tried and tried again. And then I finally got to the last stage, the last boss, Mega Rayquaza
And then I lost when he had like less than 100 hp. You could barely see his HP bar
I couldn't believe it. I waited for this moment for so long, I wanted to get done with this shitty game since forever, and I was finally going to do it..but then lost at the last damn turn
I almost wanted to throw my 3DS to the ground and break the hell out of it, which I would, if I had my game saves backed up somewhere
Honestly I was willing to waste the $120 or how much a 3DS cost nowadays just to break the damn console over this
The moment someone taunts I stop accepting rematches, win or lose. I don't bother with bad sports
How'd you beat the aeon that regenerates health on Pulse
Man the fuck up and stop taking yourself so seriously lmao