What if Resident Evil 3 remake....
Except the main character is a strong heavy licker?
What if Resident Evil 3 remake
and it's like dead by daylight and multiplayer only
Wouldn't it be weird if a licker licked Jill's butt haha
That'd be so different...
Maybe the licker..... Could get genetic enhancements as a gimmick thing for gameplay,
like upgrading your guns in RE4 but much more options and much better.
what would you do when playing it as a licker?
All the enemies are Jill's. You have to lick them
Imagine if you could wrap her up with your tongue so she couldn't move and then you licked her feet haha
Imagine being this much into Jill
I want to be all the way into Jill.
What if the licker character had boobs and stood upright and it had tons of muscle?
>What if the licker character had boobs
neva bin dun befo
are you dumb
I also said standing upright and very buff.
She played Jill in the games you know
I'd fucking destroy my target
What if you fucked the fuck off?
What's wrong friend?
I want to rub my dick on the exposed muscles while they bleed and pulse so bad bros
If the Umbrella coporation transformed you into a very hug muscular licker that can walk on both legs and you could mutate yourself when ever you needed to and you can regenerate health back while also walk around naked, would you?
What if she got her own campaign?
That could be a DLC expansion pack.
Isn't that what happened to that idiot from 6?
There's not going to be any expansions.
No not for realsies, he wasn't any licker.
What if he instead crawls around but he still buff, but he's a very mutated licker that's even more deadly?
You guys wouldn't shoot a licker, right fellas?
As a matter of fact, I think you can beat the game without killing them or injuring them at all!
I think a licker would look so cute in a dress
If Lickers could exist in real life I'd want to marry him.
You would feel her guts and rip them out and eat them?
They are so cute, I wanna hug one.
This is exactly how child-me would have said this sentence. God damnit.
unless ??
I have the Licker model loaded up in SFM right now. What should I make him do?
Right? Holy fuck... Lot of these 4channers are immature af.
They say the grossest thing they can think of for no reason too.
what Lickers could be played like how you play aliens in avp? But the whole game is you being a licker.
I just want an outbreak remake
God that would be amazing.
I'd rather 3rd person view..
I'm pretty sure he was just trying to be funny. Chill out.
Yeah you're perhaps right.
I'd star in a fuckton of jav.
Monster role playing, but for what purpose? Who want be friend with a monster?
imagine 69-rimming a licker