Don't play VRChat. Predators are already waiting for you.
Don't play VRChat. Predators are already waiting for you
Other urls found in this thread:
Like the “skin you and hang your corpse in the jungle” kind?
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Joke's on them, I'm actually a girl.
VRChat is for closeted and actual gays and trans people only.
Fuck off /vrg/ you fucking niggers, you made me hate both VR and anime by how much larping faggots you all are.
post it
Don't wrap blacks into this degeneracy fag, kys
do people with anime avatars just never speak so they don't reveal their manly guy voice
shits gay and pathetic as fuck. I dont say this very often buy please have sex.
some run voice changers, they are known as robo trannys.
niggers would be even worse if they could figure out vr in a hundred years
i dont play it because no one is actually a lg, im not into faggoty roleplay
Yeah they almost never speak because you would be able to tell they are a balding 28 year old dude or a fat tranny.
They are honestly scum.
Post more lewd webms.
Poor assholes that can’t afford it lol.
but lolidom is one of my biggest fetishes
I can't. I'm not so lonely that I wouldn't mind actual men ERPing as lolis doing lewd shit.
day of the rope can't come soon enough
OP is a fag.
based and sexpilled
fuck off matsix is cute
reminder to not be stuck on only playing vrchat u homos
play beat saber
not even joking, can you tell me why they do this crap? i honestly just dont understand
Do what?
>a loli will never ever trick you into looking away so she has her chance to rub her face in your crotch
Life is suffering.
vrg is busy playing pavlov now, maybe i'll try making some webums for normalness and wholesomeness sake
I don't play it because it's boring.
They're horny and they're okay with it being whatever else on the other end. That's kinda it really. I suppose you could look into the state of mind you would need to be okay with it in the first place but only they could probably tell you that. Probably with some idea that it's not hurting anyone but every action you do affects your mind, even if it is a little bit. Eventually it all adds up after a while.
The fuck is even going on?
I can't afford a VR headset nor a PC to go with it so I rely on webms as an acceptable substitute
>I dont say this very often
Hugs it looks like
So what's up with all the normies getting appalled by this? Is Yea Forums getting linked on Facebook or something?
>Look over there! It's your Waifu!
>*sucks your dick while you're distracted*
Was it that hard to understand, user?
SL is better
Because they're deeply closeted faggots or have some sort of mental/emotional deficits and do that to fit in.
I'm too cheap anyway.
That actually makes sense, i watched a video on sexism in video games by some lady and she said the exact same thing. It affects us no matter how you put it and it's better to diminish the effects of it.
Very interesting. I think it should be taken into account when making these experiences for the good of other people, they really don't know what theyre getting themselves into, that theyre being manipulated by the games. They don't know better, but we do and we should advocate for meaningful change in the industry.
Every day you fuckers manage to somehow make me pray for a nuclear holocaust
Play a real vr game like DCS. What's wrong can't afford it lol?
FOTM anime addiction turns men into raging faggots.
>but every action you do affects your mind, even if it is a little bit. Eventually it all adds up after a while.
Only to some people
Ive fapped to dicks for decades and I still find the real thing gross
song name?
...uh... overkill?
I think you want to advocate censorship and you need to fuck off and let people do what they want
That fat cunt is wrong sexism in media does not make you more sexist IRL
Not subtle enough/10 bait
I wouldn't waste my money on VR even if I had a fucking billion dollars. What a pile of shit. Enjoy being blocked off from the real world while you stumble around with motion control garbage that's been shit ever since Nintendo forced it all on us with the fucking Wii.
How do their eyes and expressions work?
I wish I had a decent enough job that I could afford to save up for a vr set up. I hate my fucki-We are, We are VR
We are, We are VR
We are, We are VR
We are, WE ARE VR
Troopers, three Yo! Virtual Realitay
Troopers, three Yo! Virtual Realitay
Troopers, three Yo! Virtual Realitay
Troopers Three yo!
Dick status: MUH
Go work minimum wage, you'll have enough money for 10 decent rigs before VR becomes worth it. You're not missing out on anything yet.
>says the guy playing a free thing that isn't even a game
Arms too. Do you use a controller for them?
But it does, i hate women and i hate people enjoying VR. Thats proof enough.
I'll get VR once the Blade and Sorcery guys make a shooter or when Boneworks actually releases.
>but every action you do affects your mind, even if it is a little bit. Eventually it all adds up after a while.
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks user. I didn't used to watch porn and imagine getting fucked up the ass but after years of it I do now. It's like the psychological version of erosion.
could someone give me a ballpark figure of what a VR-set up would cost me assuming I have none of the things I need already
Me too. Ive been on pol for so long and watching all those nigger dicks made me crave black cock so much. Bit by bit it adds up. I can't be the only one.
VRchat is beautiful cancer
Riot - Overkill
>i hate people enjoying VR
What? Why?
IIRC, the eyes use the concave eye trick you'd see on dolls or plush toys. the expressions (and in some cases, extra props for the model) are toggleable based on a number of factors, most commonly it's connected to hand gestures, but probably there's other ways to do it.
Blinking is automatic (you can set it yourself in Blender), eyes follow (You), it's local, so it looks like everything is looking at you constantly all the time.
Face gestures are tied to finger gestures (for example, doing a handgun with fingers triggers a happy face), mouth moves when talking on its own.
Hands follow controllers, arms are IK, so are legs and everything, but it's possible to have a tracker on your feet and hip so your anime catgirl can move entirely.
Of course you can do whatever you want if you know your Blender and Unity. There's a CATS plugin and setting a lot of the things above is 2 minutes tops, so it's the most popular setup.
I don't understand why people like to hate on virgins playing VR. It's just like with sex dolls. They are the losers, the ones who cannot ever get laid, so this is all they have. If they are having some fun on their sad lives, let them be.
oh wow animefags so based am i rite
I might be getting too old here, Yea Forums - be straight with me.
Do people really listen to this shit?
niggers generally hate faggots like you, though
Nah, just edgy teens
>IIRC, the eyes use the concave eye trick you'd see on dolls or plush toys
You don't. They're literally set to follow the player. You see all eyes focused on you. The guy next to you sees all eyes on him.
Wow that got him, he won't be having fun any more
I mean, the most impressive thing I find about this webm
is being able to sit through this shit song.
He's extremely jealous of them because he either can't afford it or he's an evolutionary dead end who can't handle more than 5 minutes in a headset without wanting to vomit
Inflated sense of superiority makes their brains create a physical image of a person enjoying VR based on stereotypes from comic books and tricks them into despising them. Much like SJW's and Conservacucks imagine each other. Reducing them to cartoon like characters.
Its a sign of poor mental development and emotional instability.
You can build worlds in vrchat.
Can you code your own game logic?
Like make your own game inside their world?
Last time i checked it was fucking nothing at release but they promised upgrades. Game needs some content if it doesn't want to be pure degenrate erp home like second life.
>abloo bloo im so lonely
>im the victim
shut the fuck up
you're just a cum addict sleazy degenerate with no backbone
ah, right. that is much simpler and does the same thing but with less resource intensity.
>please anons let me be a pathetic shit
>dont make fun of me
clear your vr lenses you shitstain
It's summer.
This is absolutely natural behaviour. norms are enforced by shunning people who fail to follow them. The people who flame them are absolutely normal unlike those who erp.
desktop users in VRchat are fucking annoying
God I wish that were me
what's with the smudge in the middle of that webm?
>not in view: Len giving me a blowie (no homo)
>vr chat faggotry
>not being normie
they even have a dedicated twitch category
it's lame and gay
how come
I don't use vrchat
You don't make fun of actual retarded people because it's not funny, it's just pathetic and sad. I think the same goes for people who are so into VR they act this way. Their existence is already sad, I don't see how it's funny to call them out.
it's the cursor you dumb bitch
>You see all eyes focused on you. The guy next to you sees all eyes on him.
that doesn't seem true
Yea Forums is full of normalfags except extremely right wing and racist instead of SJW normalfags.
you don't have any handicap that forces you to be
pathetic weirdo in vr.
fuck off and go touch yourself you monkey
they just stand there and watch and pretend to participate, but they aren't actually there. They only have preset animations obviously and can't express naturally in VR which stand out like a sore cock and they mostly use some piece of shit laptop mic which echoes everyone else's voice which doesn't happen in real life so it just ruins the immersion for the VR users and makes them realize they are still talking to crusty assed pajeets using their dad's work laptop from 2008.
I make fun of these avatarfags and weirdos so they stop being like that. It isn't healthy.
This is why I never tried Desktop and won't try it until I get a headset and controllers.
I just peek into these threads and hope one day one of you faggots will post a webm with a nude model. How the fuck haven't you horndogs done that yet?
It's not that they have a handicap, it's that they are so pathetic and sad that it isn't even funny to call them out. You know someone who is so fat that at one point it doesn't even matter if you call them fat, because every single moment of their lives they remind themselves that they are fat? It's like that. That said, you do whatever the fuck you want. I just think you are shitting on someone who sleeps on feces every day.
It's calculated using the client, it's true. Eyes switching between people happens all the time, it's dynamic
we can't post nudes here, this is 4channel
That's what imgur is for
either that or they just focus on the closest person. It's probably one of those things you can set.
Have you ever seen VR with wheel and pedals or at least demoed beat saber?
Fuck off already you basement dwelling twat
if you could afford it you would buy it if not for yourself then at least for your friend whenever they visit you - if you had any that is
and they try to gather attention on themselves the only way they can - by yelling into the mic.
If you want completely nude characters that's gonna be pretty rare because that technically isn't allowed in VRchat and you would be banned if if you were reported more than a few times. The best you can get is microbikini girls
If you had a fucking billion dollars, you could go pretty crazy to make sure you get as much immersion and enjoyment from VR as you possibly can.
I'm well fucking aware of their rules and well fucking aware that it happens anyways. Stop being such pussies.
>guy who has literally never played VR in his life
Then you should be well fucking aware of where to find it then, cunt ass. Or stop being such a leeching piece of shit and record it yourself
So basically, VR chat is for gay men to pretend they're women so they can give other lonely men boners? Gonna have to pass on this one, fampai.
>tfw you bought a PSVR/WMR and as you were setting it up you was singing this theme tune.
Even the cheap stuff is still pretty enjoyable to me.
you're in luck, this song will make you want to kill yourself
play beat saber
no they pretend they're ANIME WAIFUS(500 year loli) so it's BASED and COOL
It's basically VR Discord. There's nothing of value in there.
fuck off k, I'm not playing those beatmaps for ADHD weeb autists.
Yeah, maybe in the current age when Full Dive is not even close to being here. Come back in a hundred years.
the jealousy is real
Jealousy of what? want to see my VR setup, or what?
An NSFW offshoot of the VR general recently started up on /trash/, so go look there.
Every teenager's first time being drunk, wow what a video
I don't care what people do privately, but sadly thanks to them VRChat has gotten this "ERP game" reputation and now all the degenerate people like furries and discord trannies are infesting the game and ruining it for the other players.
>other RPers are bad because they are different than my RP style
oh ok
Have the VRChaTrannies been kicked out of /vrg/ and they're resorting to repeating threads on Yea Forums to have their garbage dragged about?
Well the devs did nothing but encourage people forming cliques and avoiding public instances like a dumpster fire they are. Everything more complicated than a fucking mirror gets broken all of the time, there's literally nothing else to do than ERP.
I used to dance but networked IK fucked that up good.
Yeah this is pretty much what I'm assuming my team mates are doing in overwatch other than actually playing the fucking game.
lol I have literally died in a ranked match because I felt a connection to one of the characters in the game, on more than one occasion
With how much the general is shitposted it's hard to tell. Maybe some kind of exhibitionism/recruitment of fresh blood scheme. Or maybe just more shitposting.
Either way its cancer
VRG members are the absolute worse and i crash them on sight
what's with the blue eyes
play vrchat
That's not VRchat that's Blender
that's VR chat dumbass
Well it's great news if you're into that stuff, but it's pushing away all the other users and just becomes this horny nest.
I've never touched Second Life but I would assume something similar happened to it too and it doesn't have very good reputation nowadays.
yeah why are they the same colour as the fire?
i wouldn't call it acceptable. i doubt anyone who's seriously enjoying vrchat would ever record vrchat webms, except maybe some big events which are meant to be watched by public. most of the stuff you see on webums is pretty much the worst side of the game.
that's why there are different rooms you can join, and you can even play an invite only session user
Thats not Vrchat
the physics on the skirt+hair are too flimsy to be vrchat
is that webm supposed to motivate me to do that?
what the hell shit is this
It's not VRChat yeah, but you can get those physics ingame too
what the fuck
You're a genuine moron, you can customize how flimsy you want each bone to be in a model
it's supposed to motivate you to donate to himehina's patreon dumbass
but why
fucking answer me bitch I don't watch that piece of shit
>These types of fags are the ones on Yea Forums telling you that your favorite games are shit
Yea Forums, I rarely post anymore but I have to say it. All of you, come here and read what I have to say, it's just a brief message that I need you to take directly into whatever of a heart you may have left:
Look at that video, and after, please, PLEASE never wonder why nobody takes Yea Forums seriously AT ALL. Nobody cares about Yea Forums's opinion as a board, nobody cares what Yea Forums is doing. And when you wonder why, remember this video.
never played the game
I tried it and it was pretty fun but I found no predators, just a bunch of shitters with tiny bird avatars. Fuck you birds.
change Yea Forums with anime fags
obviously they're not in the ones with a bunch of people, dummy
Dynamic bones and unity cloth are shit and if you want to try and prove otherwise, go ahead
i don't think that's Yea Forums though, just some random faggots. vrg has some issues, but exhibitionism is not one of them
If you don't recognize the shake of the headset or the feet not lining up on the ground or the jerky leg tracking after a thousand hours then you're actually a fucking idiot
Thats /vrg/.
PurpleHeart, Kaj (the guy recording) Digitravix are all people who hang around that cancerous squad.
I don't hang around FBT faggots because they're insufferable retards, just like you're being right now
Post more lewds webms and I'll think about it.
the sad part is this is unironically a common occurrence
based, futhermore, lenpilled
guess you have to watch and find out eh
Then shut the fuck up because you have no idea what you're talking about
have you made a single good avatar in your life, my dude
Show me your best avatar
I'll be waiting
lol I already forgot about it
You're butthurt because you couldn't recognize the game you play so you want to change the subject? lol fuck off
Natural does not always mean good, and there's nothing wrong with not being normal / not following norms.
Im calling you out for being a faggot who doesn't know shit about avatars
thanks doctor im glad you diagnosed every single people with in vr chat and decided that none of them might have underlying mental illnesses
>my opinion matters though
you're an even bigger homo for saving this moot shit and posting it now
Your self diagnosed illness because you read a tumblr isn't a real illness, you fucking inept monkey
At least post funny shit.
not him, but, if you're gonna talk big like that you really need to post YOUR best avatar otherwise you're just as much a dumb faggot as him
As soon as he posts, sure.
>the way they jiggle
god damn full leather body suits are the best
another very scientific assertion from all that data you analyzed i presume, good job dr.faggot can't wait to read your next research papers
That's not a smudge that's a waifu
no worries faggot, now go dilate
Because I already called you out for not knowing shit about the game? Lmfao
>underlying mental illnesses
pathetic drones believe in the
"mental illness"
you're just an idiot raised by idiots and masturbate with goggles on.
stop tying to find excuses
>look up their music
>okay this isn't that bad
>starts to rap
nog I bet you play in desktop mode
I'm still waiting for your bitch ass to show something impressive
Hit too close to home?
Fucking depraved
did i?
>no u
good one m8
here we have another scientist in the making, do you also believe brains run on magical energy and are not physical things molded by genetics?
Good assumption but no
Desktop niggers are the worst
I've already done more than you deserve, I'm sorry I have a more aware eye than you but it is how it is
>here we have another scientist in the making, do you also believe brains run on magical energy and are not physical things molded by genetics?
is VRChat the cure for that
lmao you little shit
Thanks, now go cry to your /vrg/ fuckbuddies about how bullied you got on Yea Forums and that you need another assfucking to get over it
>there are people right now who deny themselves the full anime waifu experience
>including myself
Shit sucks yo
the self projecting is real
Do I have to play as an anime to meet other animes?
Ban Anime.
damn bro you ran real far with that goalpost, literally no one has mentionned curing anything here retard
desktop faggot confirmed
I literally posted a picture via a camera ingame
only VR can use the camera ingame
Sorry you're retarded
>posts pic of game
>"see guys I play the game!"
Go find that picture somewhere else, then.
>100's of fat fedoralord neckbeard weebs pretend to be loli girls in VRchat and ERP and have sex with other people.
>not even using a voice changer
this is some shit.
Whatever makes you happy I suppose
>still mad he couldn't recognize the game
I'm merely proving your retarded ass wrong
by frantically trying to change the subject from being wrong yourself? keep trying
And this is how humanity ends
>tfw fucking your cute anime gf but her sister keeps criticizing your technique and shadow people keep coming in to watch
This. Someone should tell these filthy degenerates to at least put some effort into it.
remember that the next time you see an animeposter on the internet
Why should I be bothered that the person on the other side might be a neckbeard? In that moment, all I would see is a cute catgirl, and if they start speaking with a masculine voice I would acknowledge them as male, but recognise they're not able to do anything to harm me.
dat Astolfo model.
Why are you so upset?
Which VRchat rooms are you even supposed to go to for this autismal shit
Or are they all private erp rooms
Someone legit coded an Undertale boss fight in VRChat. You use the keyboard and everything.
God help us all
this is your brain on cheap self gratification brought to full, brazen addiction
For starters join the tranny discord on trash