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I’m making DQ hero in Smash and also looking forward to DQB. I’ve never played DQ before. Recommend where I start.
Its weird they barely showed his stage but we saw all of spiral mountain
play 8 or 11
they're the most accessible
The NES games I guess.
where did you get these?
>Japanese Hero calls his attacks with Engrish names
>in English he just yells
his stage is just final destination with the DQ11 world in the background
Source or die
except for 4(which has better versions on android and DS) the nes games are kinda rough and not worth it. i would start with 4 DS and skip 6 and 7
3ds or ps2 for 8
>skip 7
bruh, I know it's long but it really is the epitome of "i want a JRPG that lasts forever". It's good.
3ds with the orchestral mod
Think we'll get the Geno costume and Chocobo hat along with Hero?
Joker came with the Knuckles and Tails costumes, so probably
Friendship with Robin might be over, which alt do I use, boys?
So literally everybody is using Eight right?
the cocky one that speaks spanish
So, all of them?
3 will be used by the rosterfagging shitposters
11 will be used by non-DQfags trying him out and by newfriends that liked DQ11
Horsefucker will be used by people that have played the series longer
So cool i cant wait to play as a human using a sword, smash will never be the same
i started with dq1 and now im on 5. ill be playing 3 in smash
>the nes games are kinda rough and not worth it.
DQ3 is still a masterpiece, but I would play the Gameboy color version.
Obviously 4-chan
I'll probably play Solo but I'll be wishing I were playing as Sofia the entire time
Fake fan detected, fuck off
If you honestly want to be a fan of a series JUST because they are playable in Smash, you deserve fucking death. We don't need scum like you.
This. Call me when banjo releases
So there are just the male characters? 4 different skins with no other color options?
>hurp a derp fire emblem bkore my mind
>that section of 8 walking through a poison swamp to pick up a sword
nice callback to 1.
i would like sofia if she wasnt GAY because yuri belongs in the trash
no. theres only one skin but you can change between the heroes in battle by holding zr and pressing down B
He's in.
Her girlfriend died you fucking asshole
her gayfriend was gayed back to life by the gaydess at the end of the gayme
Should have had a gay threesome with Alena
the dancer girls can join too
>wanting to try something because they saw it in a crossover game and liked it
>being a fake fan
Are you ok user?
Yes because they didn't care about it before they were in a crossover game
Fake zoomerfans like him deserve death, he most likely wouldn't have cared if Hero was an AT
Although I instantly understood the reference, wasn't it Loto's Seal that was in poison swamp, not his sword?
alena is not gay and is the best character of that entire game
>literally 4 Link echoes with Robin's specials
Absolutely disgusting. This is a complete disservice to Dragon Quest. Why did Sakurai pander to the fake fans? DQbros were asking for Slime since the Brawl days and we get more fucking generic anime swordsmen? Slime would've been one of the most unique characters on the roster. It's like they're cutting as many corners as possible with the DLC. So far we got a Marth echo, a Link echo, and a Duck Hunt echo. Bravo, Sakurai!
she's definitely not getting it on with kiryl
this is an example of a REAL fake fan. slime fuckers need to go home
He has the Command Menu and an MP bar in a fighting game, what more could you fucking ask of DQ representation
These are a month old.
Now THIS is shitposting
>start VIII for the first time on 3ds
>I've heard such good things about this game
>hyped as fuck
>not using the undubbed, uncensored, reorchestrated music mode
Do you have a link?
He's coming out either this week or next or not until next month, if they release a major patch right before EVO people will flip their shit
but the dub is unironically good after the first few hours
>its another off brand dragon ball thread try to prove anyone cares about their Chinese rip off of DB/FF
No dub is good ever.
the images are kinda old actually
dumb phoneposter.
>getting raped is not as bad after they mind break you
are you the same guy who made that retarded banjo copypasta? neck yourself.
fuck off bombermankun
Yeah it wasn't actually the sword, I think it was Erdrick's Token at least in Dragon Warrior.
>you can't play a character's games because you didn't know know they existed before smash
What do you want them to do, watch a let's play?
Luminary looks like ruber in that picture.
Probably this week or next. Random trailer drop a day before release just like joker.
Then on evo Sunday we get the announcement for a smash direct which will feature banjo's trailer, release date, and maybe the next character's reveal.
>Source: My own analysis and theories
The fucking pet in 8´s pouch
Nobody cared for Fire Emblem until they got released in Smash. Now look at how big it has become.
Calm down your fucking autism, fucktard.
ideal 3rd parties
Don't fucking gatekeep. We need more people to play Dragon Quest so we can get the next Monsters game.
Nevermind that I want DQX so we can have cute ogre waifus.
His name is Munchie.
Now look at Solo's earring
Any one of them.
Hero seems to have a pretty interesting gimmick. Can't wait to play him
In comparison Banjo looks super straightforward, which isn't as exciting to me
I dunno, something about these screenshots account posted these?
So when the fuck are they coming out?
Summer 2019
Roto (Erdrick)
Probably within the next two weeks as to not piss off EVOfags
>Playing thought DQ3 SNES
>Finally got a boat
>Wondering the world getting bits and pieces of information not really knowing where to go
I mean on one hand I'm really enjoying this. On the other I have 0 idea where I'm going and just visiting each places hoping to stumble onto something more than "this person has X"
>going from indifferent about Dragon Quest to disappointed to interested all in one day
With Banjo getting in Smash and Pokémon turning to shit in the same 3 hour period I'm actually interested in getting XI on Switch.
Dragon Quest is like Final Fantasy in that it doesn't have a proper linear story right? It won't be total nonsense without the prequels?
This. Just started 11 myself
Which Dragon Quest is the best to start with? I've never played a DQ game before.
Hard choice since they are all so good. I say play the one from whatever DQ game you like best.
time to pull up a walkthrough.
I would honestly recommend starting with either 1 and then moving on to 3, or starting with 4 and moving to 5. 8 isn't a bad place to start either.
You forgot about the Recall function, didn't you
Based. Can't wait to play the fuck out of Solo and Erdrick.
Maybe in a bit.
I know it. It's just the few things I'm given are like "Simon has change staff" But there's no mention of where Simon is. And that's pretty much most of my wondering has been. Just a NPC talking about people and things but never a direction or town. So I feel like I'm just wondering around in circles hoping to find something I'm missing.
It’s part of the experience
>he doesn't like the dub
Weebs get the old folks home game
Patricians get Banjo
fortniters get no Steve
all is right. Swing on swordie cancer, I can rest easy knowing all my never evers are here.
Just go south from where you got the boat to the lighthouse that's literally right there
>by holding zr and pressing down B
This is bullshit. It wouldn't be possible on a solo Joycon.
I really hope they aren't shit with a bunch of stupid decisions piled into their character like:
>costumes dictate which spells you get
>opening the menu gets you a random spell
>mana is too hard to get back
>spells are weak as shit and on top of the thonking animation way too slow
please be playable
I went to The death town And just said "get the Final Key than go to Lancel" Which isn't very helpful.
why do you think hes a phoneposter? how can you tell?
You joke but i wouldnt be surprised
Also with 3 songs instead of 2
He means "press special while holding shield." It's how Inkling recovers ink.
What he said is bullshit anyway, we already know the 8 alts are the four heroes with one alternate color each, but still.
user, your phone autocorrected main to make again
He's a swordie. that already nets you a near riskless short hop air, which is all you need in this game to be at least A/B tier. Name me one swordie who is shit. My guess is he will at least be as good as Link if not outright Joker level broken. Also fuck Joker that anime stick figure from Hot Topic.
Corrin and Robin are pretty shit
Also just happen to find the Red Orb so at least that's some progress.
The game does expect you to just go everywhere and talk to everyone and investigate everything, its intended playerbase had a lot more free time on their hands back in the day
The shoddy translation doesn't help either especially the red herring in Tantagel Castle with the guy that's in the place where you expect to find the Sun Stone who says some cryptic important sounding shit, except the Sun Stone is actually in some tiny cubbyhole next to the kitchen
Corn, Robin and T. Link are all garbage characters with an honorable mention to Marth for their retarded weakass tipper
Holy fucking shit this.
With Builders 1 and 2, the three international versions of DQ XI (3DS was Japan-exclusive), and of course Luminary, Roto, Solo, and Eight’s inclusions within Smash Brothers; I do hope that it’s enough to show Square that there’s an audience outside of Japan for both mainline and spinoff DQ games.
redpill me on this game Yea Forums, I wanted to buy it but it wasn't on sale on steam. What did they mean by this
As I said I'm just at two minds. One hand I enjoy wondering and finding things. But just wish things wasn't as cryptic as they want it. I get this was just how 80's RPG where back than but just random names and items doesn't really help in what I should do. Like I meet a Slime that said I should use the invisible herb in some castle that I haven't seen yet. So I feel like I have ideas what to do like getting some Gale Sword and looking for orbs around the world. But they never seem to want to say where they might be.
At least I feel like the game is doing better than DQ2 where in that they outright hates you and want you to suffer through the world.
That you shouldn't be a dirty PC only nigger
ive never played it either and im just gonna go with 11 on the switch because it looks cool
>Smash thread turns into a DQ thread where we come together and redpill others on Dragon Quest
Based DQfags.
>except for 4(which has better versions on android and DS) the nes games are kinda rough and not worth it
Maybe it's me but I never found NES DQ4 that grindy. Maybe it kind of feels that way since the way it's divided into chapters so you are always starting at level 1 again but you gain levels fast enough.
But I also someone that fucking hate the localization of DQ4DS so I prefer NES version fully.
DQfags are always welcoming new people who wanna play DQ
Why do people waste their time posting like this
It's not even proper shitposting
Wtf bros, why didn't they use Buzzbomber instead of Sonic!?
Real Dragon Quest fans want more people to play Dragon Quest.
Is it worth it to pick up IX if I just want to make a party of cute girls?
Here’s a question for the DQfriends, what do you think of the choices of playable Heroes? I feel like 11 was a shill pick but what do you all feel about them?
Perfect. I made to show why it's the perfect way to represent DQ. If I had to change anything though, I would swap Luminary with Erdrick as the default. I also love how all the other heroes are still in as a FS.
I would've switched 4 with 5 but overall they represent each generation of the series pretty well.
I remeber seeing some time ago a DQ chart with the recomended version of every DQ from first to last. Does someone have it?. Ill be needing it eventualy
I personally think Nintendo wanted to go with 5, but I know someone at S-E refuses to show him off as anything other then a staff wielding mage so they couldn’t use him.
I bet you saw Dragon Quest in a magazine instead of being introduced through the developer himself. Go fuck yourself, fake fan.
I'm guessing it was probably Horri himself since he's extremely autistic about things.
I'd rather have 4 because I feel like he reps the Zenithian Trilogy better. The Zenithian Equipment is a part of his design while 5 can't even equip any of it.
You guys ready for the shit storm?
Kinda salty that V's hero didn't make the cut but at least he has a color skin and part of the final smash
I hope he gets a mii costume.
Those are the Japanese spell names. The English names are way too retarded to pronounce out loud.
I just wanna play Builders though
Dragon Quest 4
Kinda wish it was 6 instead of 4 as an alt
Who would you choose instead?
For me, it's Gilgamesh
>no gifs exist of the float-o-copier sprites from dq4
I need my fix of chunky Sofia legs
6 is an underrated chad.
Horii seem to really love DQ4. As much as Japan seem to love DQ3 you see way more DQ4 references in later DQ games. I just think it's weird DQ3 and 4 does have the Heroine version.
I'll be using 3 mostly because he has my favorite sword ever. Going to still play as 4, 8, and 11 though every now and then. Probably will never use the alt color versions of any of them.
Why is Luminary so generic compared to all the other heroes. Loto and Eight look so much better it's not even funny. Even Solo is more distinct.
I made this while playing through IV. No Sofia though because I don't self insert as women.
I want to lick Senya's feet/legs.
Okay so I'm a JRPG vet and I just want the game with the best Story/Gameplay/OST in the series, not the best Beginners point.
What is the best game for that standard? Sorry to sound like an elitist.
8 and 5 brah
Redpill me please. What makes 5 gameplay good? Is it good old fashioned JRPG gameplay and what platform?
I might buy this just to support the series. Loved the first one but haven't touched my PS4 in so long and really have no desire to use it... it's just too far away from my bed
Play on DS. It has all the good stuff from 4 on DS but you can recruit monsters as party members and talk to party memebers at any time. It's also got a really cool story.
Doesn't 2 have online? It will actually have some replayability so it's not dropped quickly.
Dammit Peach, DO SOMETHING
Alright, alright.... i'll set up a TV and move my PS4 to my bedroom desk
How do I get V working on DraStic? I tried to play it but it gave me some BIOS error
shill choice
That's fine
Also a nice choice
Spot filler
Ok but what day are they releasing fag
It will be near the end of Summer if the way Joker was released is an indicator. It will probably be even way later.
actual cringe
how does someone enjoying games you like negatively affect you?
It's physically impossible for me to enjoy JRPGs but just let you know I appreciate DQ and its history and what has done for the medium.
And the huge amount of great DQ doujins and hgames holy shit, I never realized there were so many.
I can see the coming out in August, after EVO. Nintendo announced the 8/8 Direct during EVO so I can see them announcing Hero's release date too during it, maybe even a surprise release that same day like Joker's.
>Rocket Slime isn't one of the more popular spinoffs
that fact makes me want to cry.
Ah yes another anime swordsman
Just what we needed in smash
how about rocket slime 3
it ain't fucking fair. ITS GOD DAMN PIRATE SHIP BATTLES
There's a chance Spiral Mountain could be a traveling stage like Delfino Plaza and just goes to various areas around the mountain. Spiral Mountain itself could also be the only area that spins around when fighting, mainly for showing off the whole background.
Yeah, but they have a shield and cast magic, so they're okay in my book.
Six is truly great and I wish everyone would stop bullying his game.
I'd happily prefer Slime over the heroes but you are an idiot. I wish any of the Links used magic or their other items, it's obvious Sakurai hates Zelda.
No. I will unironically be using Gohan.
>He doesn't know
>another fag with a sword
To be fair it takes a really high IQ to be a Hero main...