July 9th 2019 1:03PM
I am forgotten
July 9th 2019 1:03PM
I am forgotten
Other urls found in this thread:
And yet, Etika lives on.
That is, he lives in your head rent free.
but it is the 7th
stop shilling faggot, nobody cares about your nigger
never heard of him, who is this nigga?
kek havent seen this
kek havent seen this
kek havent seen this
I don't know this nigga but I hope his soul is resting.
kek haven't seen this
He said he would be.
Reminder Yea Forums, don't be someone you're not. His Etika persona drove him crazy because he had to constantly live the standard of a bat shit crazy nigga that he really wasn't.
he was literally mentally ill
your retarded epic story is wrong
kek havent seen this
the most ironic part about this one is that lowtiergod and Etika were actually friends.
Post the "GAME" one.
This one, user?
kek haven’t seen this
dead nigga
this thread will archive
Goddamn time travelers
kek have seen this
You keep making these threads so clearly he's not.
>tfw when you accidentally turn off noclip while levitating.
>Racism outside of Yea Forums
kek havent seen this
if you keep making these threads he will never be forgotten
haha that does look like that back guy that killed himslef doing the same thing that occurred in this video here
why are black people so delusional?
So these threads are perpetrated by just one or two people right? They're always the exact same
One of them is me
Babylon 5 tier Foreshadowing.
Sorry but can you pull your head out the dead blacktuber's ass and move the fuck on with your life?
Please stop
Was etika based?
whens the reaction video?
Will Smith looks more niggerer than usual, what happened?
funny, give it 1 month, then 6, then 12.
see if people REALLY remember.
i know 1 year they will, because stupid zoomzooms will post about how their HERO is dead.
but come on, no one really cares, if he wasn't a pussy, he would have had a "live event" on the bridge to announce something and THEN jump.
rip in pepperonis, kid and/or play