Fuck you, Valve.
Fuck you, Valve
>a valiant effort
By the rigging team before they got caught! Corgichads, well done!
This was the worst built in game for any steam sale ever.
It didn't even work right. I haven't gotten points since the 2nd day for anything that should have given me points.
I had a max point capacity of 15k, then the next day when I wake up, they fucked it down to 13k instead even though I didn't refund anything, I didn't touch the race at all.
Everything would've been fine if the teams were random
worst event ever
Yeah, a lot of this would have been fine with a bare minimum of thought put in to it.
>Valiant Effort
>When Corgis exploited shit daily and imbalanced teams
>When Rabbits out-exploited the Corgis multiple days in a row
>Why the fuck are turtles in 2nd? They didn't do shit most days
>No love for Cockatiel bros even though they hit 2nd a few days without being cheating faggots, same as Piggus
That's not the DDOS reddit flash game event
pretty much this. or they could've kept the balance changes instead of rolling back because reddit cried
>same prices as the past 3 years of events
>no daily flash sales
>spend money to increase your worthless steam level, don't you want a friends list you'll never fill???
>adults screaming their pay to win game shouldn't be fixed
So do I have to use the free money in this sale or can I keep it for whenever?
>5k away from a discount
rip man
Should have claimed those points and got a discount immediately
Reminder that Day 3 was a cover-up.
The original standings from first to last were Hare, Tortoise, Cock, Pig, Corgi. Valve then decided to reverse the placements, giving the podium to Corgi, Pig, and Cock respectively.
Someone had an image of the standings from right before the Steam day ended but I didn't save it
I also want to know this. It the tokens don't get saved for the next sale I'll just blow them on the account leveling thing
Man they did team cock dirty, nerfed them to hell after day one but let corgi shit slide.
i think most people stopped caring about the event after this
No event has ever had its junk carry over to another, if I recall correctly.
At least the turtles beat the hares.
As it should be.
You have no one to blame but yourself.
You should have known cute wins over everything.
Thus ends a shitty event that will only be remembered for how shitty it was. An extra 5,000 free games randomly handed out is eh, honestly I would've preferred a fucking $5 discount like chink new year sale had. I guess all those weirdos who wishlisted a $15 GTA game left a big slushfund over for them to use on more copies of Cyberpunk. who the hell was wishlisting that many copies of GTA anyway how the hell did it manage to be a most awarded game on several days?
im 350 away.,.. thought it ended on the 9th and not the 7th
What the fuck is the point of leveling up your badge?
>tfw didn't get a free game
It's for ERP marketability.
remember steam is accessible in southamerica
>>No love for Cockatiel bros even though they hit 2nd
Hurts man. But at least I won free game during day 2 I think.
i'm at 14700 points fuck me
What should I do with these? Level the badge or save for the next sale?
the only "profit" with high level is bigger chance to get random card packs every week, which you can sell for $0.10
Why the fuck did they end it two days before the sale ends?
I was saving tokens for two more days and I would have been able to get a discount but not anymore.
the 5$ discount was still there
100 levels didn't increase my account
this one did. it told me it added leftover points from the chink pig sale or whatever it was called.
It increases your steam level.
The badge is easily the best part of the event because its triggering all the people who spent money leveling up the usual way (cards -> badges).
>bought a game that cost LITERALLY the amount of the free money because i thought i wouldn't make the cap
>suddenly i have 15500 points
What the fuck bros where'd the extra bonus come from? Now I need to find another cheap game to buy and I've already bout the shit I wanted in the sale.
You got a bonus to your maximum point total or something depending on participation in that event. That alone should tell you that leftover points here probably won't matter.
seems you bought some shit on lunar chink sale
This was fucking nothing.
Did they give him the chop ?
Welp, ya snooze you lose I guess :)
I could have fucking sworn the sale ended on the 9th, but now it's been edited to the 7th?
you have to use it
Shittiest fucking event.
I hate you all.
2 hours ago the page said it ends on 8th
alternatively not picked such a meme animal for one of the teams, they might as well have made it a shiba-inu
anyone who didn't think the masses would have flocked to that is a retard
Did anyone notice certain teams speed would go slow as shit with high boost speed but would go fast at an abysmal speed.
This whole event was just Valve's way of making as much money as possible from the sale and throwing in the Greek tale with a (meme dog) twist.
Apparently now they say that the Grand Prix ends on the 7th but the Steam Sale goes on to the 9th.
was write on the rule
valve should VAC ban themself
If you care about your steam level go for the badge, otherwise take the gamble for next sale because there's fuck all else you can get with them.
Now the dust has settled
/grandchads/ ww@?
people with this badge are tranny redditors
so is a good way to spot faggots
With how popular corgis are with normies compared to the rest of those choices, the only logical choice was the corgi. Sorry you faggots were too autistic to deduce that.
You actually won? That's not too bad, user.
>I will forever have a badge of honor on my profile
Go to the Summer Sale, then click the Pit Stop. Under your Token Balance it says "View Details".
If you click that, it shows you leftover tokens from the Lunar New Year sale with a (?) explaining how they rolled the points over.
On the bottom of the tokens page it also says:
"Can I save my tokens for the next event?
We haven't designed the next event yet, so we can't make any promises! However, you won't be able to redeem these tokens for Grand Prix rewards after July 9, 2019 @ 1:00:00 pm EDT."
So they DID rollover this time but they might NOT rollover next time.
We don't get token anymore after buy some games now right? Fuck I should've bought MHW before
>got a DRM free single player game
Whoop de doo.
I remember seeing a chart of the team members and every team except corgi had like 300k people in it, while team corgi had 3 million+ people in it.
These sale gimmicks fucking suck, bring back flash sales and lock out retards from buying the same game for a while should they get pissy about buying too early
unironically the redditors choice for #1
What does Yea Forums think abot the forest? is it a good survival game (I'd play it solo)?
this is how the events always worked, the final day or two were always just top-sellers parade days where they used to slot in the best sellers of the sale event to provide one last spotlight to them.
So when am I getting my free wishlisted game given away to 5000 people?
Does the discount expire or do I need to use it during the sale? I have 40k points and there's no games that I really want right now.
What's #1 on your wishlist, user?
You are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than win a game.
What do I buy with my free money? I'm not spending more than an extra dollar or so.
>cockatiel would've placed if not for valve arbitrarily nerfing them
it's not fair
Agreed. Steam events are all fucking retarded. I only have Steam to play games I’ve purchased from their store, I ignore everything else. I sell those dumb cards you earn for free money, but I still have no idea what mouth breathing neckbeard is buying them, or for what purpose.
go out and buy a lottery ticket
>tfw team cock
Someone please massacre Valve staff.
if you get something it will be within 48 hours
How come cockatiel was doing so well in the first days but then got annihilated by everyone else? Is it because it was Yea Forums choice so they gimped it?
Semi related to steam
I want to get into pc gaming , I’ve never owned a gaming pc in my entire life and the only pc games I’ve played were the sims and roller coaster tycoon, can anyone link me to a $500 or under build that will satisfy my needs? I would like to play steam games and dip into what a more powerful pc can handle
based poorfag
My #1 wishlist game is Tropico 6.
Hahahaha, laughing at you trancels
t. corgichad
dont buy pre assemble garbage
At least i got bloodstained for the equivalent of 14usd dollars with the 15,000 point discount. Not bad for a new game.
Glad I didn't get invested in any of this racing shit.
i get a lot of chinks and japs buying my cards. they seem to like collectibles of games i think
It's funny, cause I got a bunch of points under the details list for "purchases during lunar new year" and when I click it it brings up a bunch of purchases I didn't make dated at times outside the lunar new year event.
This stuff is so broken.
cockatiel blew its load trying to fuck with super-buffed corgi its first few days instead of realizing to attack 2nd and 3rd instead so they'd at least place, and then cockatiel ran out of points and everyone lived off of 100+ more each day
They added penalties but Corgi was so numerous and kicked up about it. They decided to just nerf the second best team because it was of comparable size to everybody else. This allowed the other teams a better chance at the podium at the expense of a minority of users.
Im more glad there is now a mark of shame badge to filter out corgifags from my friends list from now till eternity
>Join cocks
>Get absolutely nothing
>8k coins to go to what?
I'll level my profile I guess.
They tried nerfing teams to make things more balanced but Corgi was so broken it just fucked the other teams more. Cocks were second so they got hit the hardest next to Corgis and couldn't recover from it.
Why did every fucking person ranked cyberpunk on top of their wishlists? It isn't even out yet and we don't know how good it'll be. Plus it's single player and will be repacked within a couple of days after its release. Instead of putting some good multiplayer/co-op games on top of their wishlistes, every single faggot placed cyberpunk on top.
>you picked Corgi
>you will now forever wear the badge of shame
Feels bad, man.
Did any of you won any game?
So I got like 19k points out of nowhere, so I got Baba Is You for £3, which is pretty nice.
Is that why I stopped getting points to boost my team no matter what I did after about 5-7 days?
I was on team bird and I just could not get boost points no matter what.
>Implying such a pathetic sore loser has friends
Fucking lmaoing at you
Who gives a fuck about this dick waggling contest though
You can also try keeping them on the off-chance that the winter sale will also use such coins
That's a fucking lie, they had the 2nd highest boost speed consistently throughout the whole race. Checking the multiplier throughout the race showed them getting the shaft from Valve.
Cockatiel generally had the best stats besides Corgi, it was just Valve's multipliers that caused it to lag behind. At one point it had a stronger penalty than Corgi.
Logical increments and pcpartpicker, you're not getting a competent pre-build for that little so build it yourself.
Because it's literally the only game most people don't own yet.
name one good multiplayer
because everyone is curious about it and it would be nice to try it for free, nigger.
a $500 prebuilt is not going to go very far
Can you blame them? The game's nothing short of breathtaking
How badly did we get nerfed exactly? I never saw numbers, only hearsay.
Didn't matter much, I blew my point load in the first 2 days and didn't buy more shit so I got 100 points every 2 days. It didn't reset daily for whatever reason.
>Forgot to contribute yesterday
Shit. Oh well, not like I was going to win anything anyway.
>my meme team lost
>therefore, the game was rigged
I still got points each day but every person I've heard this happened to was a cockatiel lol
How high did you guys manage to get?
>friend was proud of his 60 lvl profile (kek)
>event happens
>got fuckload of points from the new year event I never bothered to spend
>get some discounts and dump the rest of points into badge
>instantly outlevel the friend
>he can't catch up with me now without spending ginormous amount of cash
it didn't reset daily for anyone, which was shit. valve went full greedmode instead of fun mode, and you had to earn 100+ point cashout by spending money instead of getting achievements/playing your games to earn as many points as you wanted
Not him but
Resident Evil 2
lvl 80
I have about 2,50 $ left, any good little gems for this kind of money?
>implying a bandwagon hopping faggot redditor is worth being friends with
So is the race finished then? Its not even going on for the duration of the sale?
my top 3 are slay the spire, dusk, and underrail. im a corgi so maybe i will get lucky
>20€ game
why having a chance to get a free game and ask for something so cheap
Yeah I literally got no points ever from that point on. No daily points, no points for purchases, no points for game achievements. It's like I just got booted from the event.
I didn't get the freebies anyway so it doesn't really matter to me
Not my fault valve thought choosing a meme would be a smart idea
well, you can get me the dragon age dlc, it worths that $2.50
>surprised the biggest meme animal won
At least we got second place OP.
I can't remember if it was always stated to end early or if they cut it short because it was such a monumental disaster, but yes it's done.
based schizo boomer whos out of touch
I like it
Would these dumb games be more appealing if the winning team got a final day where everyone on the team got an extra (stackable) 25% off whatever game they wanted (95% at most on games that would go over 100% with it)
Level 110. I got fucked over. I didn't get any points for my previous purchases.
Thanks! But I still didn't win any games :( money well spent, true good joob goes to Lord Gabe for emptying our wallets
Didnt know what else to put
at one point cocks were ~85% as fast as the other non-corgi teams, without the numbers to overcome it
profile link
That's not The Last of Us Part 2 friend. :^)
I just wanted UNIST give me a free game Gabe you fat fuck
Wait, what? Did the summer sale end already? The fuck?
no the little race minigame did, the sale goes for 2 more days
Nah you got about 47 hours and 15 minutes left before it ends. Just the stupid Grand Prix event ended.
One of my friends did, I thought he pre ordered cyberpunk thinking he wasn't going to win, but when I asked him, aren't you going to be mad if you win but already bought cyberpunk, he said to late already won it.... I was like dam thanks for telling me about it! He was on team hare.
>tfw you are #1
Can I still get more tokens? I was only a few hundred from 15,000 and I didn't think the event ended two days before he sale does.
Great. Managed to clutch a podium spot but will only get a bronze badge and no free game for participating.
I imagine the corgis over at r/steam will be seething regardless.
Well that's fucking shitty, ending the stupid broken race before the actual sale ends. I was waiting for the last day to buy things.
>8075 Tokens
If I don't spend them I'll get bonus for whatever the Winter Sale's fake bullshit currency is, right?
It's worth noting that I spent about 15 bucks after the Grand Prix ended and I still got tokens for my purchase so the event technically isn't over yet.
My red team brother, how could you wear the corg of shame
God fucking damn it I was literally 200 points away from the discount and I thought I'd be able to sale on just the 100 points from the last several days to get it. I'm fucking pissed and now all I have to show for this is my badge which gets me to level 80. But honestly, who the fuck cares about that?
if you dont care about easy levels
this badge will never comeback
Prolly. And even if you don't what's the harm? Those coins are pointless if you can't get the discount.
What I do? I reedeem my points for the medal or I try to hope they will be used for the next event?
oh they got rid of flash sales years ago
reddit complained "i cant believe you expect me to wait at my computer all day uhhh"
how many points for that?
Yeah this was pretty bad. Whoever / whatever team designed implemented and executed this should be fucking fired.
did people seriously complain about a scheduled, once a day time when things go cheaper than the entire rest of the sale for that day
Or buy a bunch of games with cash, increase the point limit a shit ton, get the points, spend the points and then refund all the games you purchased with money.
Labyrinth of Refrain
which one of you is right?
>badge of shame
You mean honor, user. We picked the winning team, we are on the team that made everyone butthurt.
They got rid of flash sales because they introduced refunds and it made no sense to have them anymore.
Well. I got a discount. So I decided to use it to get £5 off Bloodstained. Seems like the kind of game I'd enjoy playing.
the fuck i do with 600 coin shits? I tought they would give free games
69 lol.
Yes, the thought of someone getting something they couldn't drives them nuts. Inequality is unacceptable in current year.
you deaf faggot? you have 5 minutes
I don't care about cosmetic or e-peen shit. I'd rather have a better chance at $5 off in Winter without spending more than I would have normally.
I'd rather chance being 55% of the way to the discount next time than get a bland background.
if you cant boost you dont get token
>how could you wear the corg of shame
I don't just wear it, I show it off, the mere sight of this badge incites anger in the masses.
>harekeks BTFO by tortoisechads
It just keeps happening
>next time we invite you to the races
They want to do this fucking horseshit again?
It only works on games you can purchase, incel.
Any good games that can be bought with a single bonus discount come to mind?
what can i do with these?
DQXI for me. I was gonna put KoFXIV but it would come without the DLC so I prefer to buy the complete edition myself when I make some money.
buy the discounts nigga
Yeah we don't know...But at the same time we kinda do. I don't doubt them or the game for a moment. Though I forgot to put it on my wishlist. There are not as many multiplayer games as you pretend and none are as good looking as cp.
fuck now thats a bueno goy
Doesn't matter, I never win anything anyways
>Yes, the thought of someone getting something they couldn't drives them nuts. Inequality is unacceptable in current year.
That has actually always been unacceptable and always will be.
I spent 14€ after the event ended, got like 1600 points for my purchase and was able to immediately spend them in the pit stop even without the ability to boost.
I mean you can buy something cheap to make it to 15000 and get the coupon.
I got another 3000 tokens just now buying Bloodstained with my £5 coupon.
Same here. I should have paid attention to when the event ended since I was actually planning to buy at least one more game before the end of the sale that would have put me over.
15 burgerbuck discount, or just save it for next time
You can get three discounts with that.
well time to find something for 2 bucks
Devolver Bootleg with its literal 1% sale at $4.94
Or you could find a $5 game that wasn't on sale this time around. Marlow Briggs comes to mind if you want a fun little hack and slash with good production value for a downloadable 7th-gen game.
So besides the obvious, did any of you have fun? Get any free/good games? An user got me Dishonored Definitive, Killing Floor, and Defense Alliance 2 so I'm happy!
XIII Century
Imperium Galactica 2
Sudden Strike
cuckatiels and reddit are on suicide watch
most of these fags probably have two team badges
Dishonored is the shit. Such a great game.
You are in for a rude awakening. Hint: life is inherently unfair.
you'd have gotten a message if you won anything, everyone who won already got their games
look at PC part picker.
$500 is good enough if you're a smart shopper.
but how did you even win a game?
>So many based retards thought that Gold/silver/bronze version of the badges will be worth more xp
>tfw i boosted so much but it still didn't matter in the end
People unironically participated in that shit? Why?
I won no games, my team got fucked by the algorithm, but at least I got Yakuza 0 for cheap.
At random.
Man who the fuck still has GTAV at #1 on their wishlist
>switching teams
that's a yikes from me
I can't believe the amount of effort they spent on this stupid bullshit. I took one quick look at the rules page and said "fuck this".
I couldn't give a fuck about this at all.
it was at random at the end of each race day, as long as you did something like a boost or otherwise you'd be entered. but with 300k-3 million people on teams I think the percentages to actually win a game were like 0.01 or something
>wanted the shitty discount
>less than 100 tokens short
>didn't notice the race would end 2 days before the sale
>Now have almost 15k worthless coins
You know what? I'm gonna keep them and pirate the game, eat shit, gaben.
to inflate their steam level for fake e-prestige and a higher card booster drop rate.
>Devolver Bootleg
I was considering that for the Hotline Miami parody. But is it an actual game?
god, i hope i'm one of those 5000 people who won a free game
well not everyone is 300 iq and loves rick and morty like you man
That's why you do mass shootings, user.
how the fuck did you even enter the race?
i bought 30 dollars in games and my max capacity stayed 100. pigbros btfo
I liked it.
what? you can still buy the discount code for 2 more days user
>say it's until 9th of july
>"oops did we say the 9th? we meant the 7th"
fuck you
wow just got my level to 47 and already dropped a dota 2 booster pack.
I just cared about free 1100 tokens. I knew I wasn't gonna win shit.
>1st day get slow down
>get a steal on day 3 or 4 when they introduced it
>get NO slow downs or steals for 10 days
>on the last day get a slow down
>use it on pigs when they were only 1 KM ahead of cockatiels
>COCKS get 3rd
I know it didn't but I like to think it helped
-t corgifag
To get that $5 discount and for fun.
I picked corgi and I'm having a fucking blast at how pissed people are at my team.
You can't get tokens from bought games anymore so no, you can't.
scratch that I read what you said too quickly and fucked up
would spending 9000 tokens on the badge make a difference for my steam level if it currently is 15?
the sale is until the 9th, the race was til the 7th
It's a collection of smaller versions of Devolver IPs with bootleg names and simpler sprites. It's a real game made up of smaller games, same developer as Gato Roboto actually. I think 1 or 2 of the 8 have a local multiplayer focus but the Hotline Miami, Ape Out, and Luftrausers parodies look solid for single player.
Valve, PLEASE go fuck yourself with this ending 2 days early shit.
I wish I won free games.
yeah you'd easily get at least level 40 with that
Did they copy last year's Yea Forums april fools game? It sure looks like they did.
I'm sorry. Hopefully the sequel still makes it out.
It makes a big difference,
>no free games
>no booster packs
no nothing...............
>be on corgi
>never get any prices
fake. can't win "coming soon" games this way
Yes. I was level 26 at the start of this event and I spent 8,700 tokens+100 xp from team switching badge. Now I'm level 48.
This is what switching your store region to RU gets you
117k tokens worth either 700 rub discount or 1170 badge levels
You only get 100 rub for every 15k tokens, but you also get like 3.6x more tokens for every dollar spent.
You thought lvling up your steam account was ez as fuck in US? you haven't seen shit
You could abuse the shit out of this event thanks to VPN
This event was fucking retarded
imagine wasting your time just for a chance to win 1 (one) free game that's worth 5-40 bucks when you're just as likely to win the lottery
>be on team with 3 million other people
>not a team with 300k people
>surprised when the odds to win on the team with that many people are worse
any corgis who were in it for free games were retarded
Redeemed a $5 ticket a week ago unused. Now that the race is over it says I have 18k tokens left to redeem.
Can I buy the $5 token again so it stacks to $10?
>Don't forget to redeem your tokens!
what do tokens do, what happens when you click on that?
you can, you just can't get games without prices
Yes, they do stack.
people got banned though
>You can't get tokens from bought games anymore
but you can
Did anyone win a free game? I got nothing.
It's not "coming soon", idiot. Those are mount&blade bannerlord and Halo master chief collection. You can add games available for pre-ordering on top of your wishlist.
They didn't get banned for this one particularly
These was an exploit which people used to gain millions of levels
as far as I know they didn't even get perm banned
wished theyd remove games from the front page that you already owned or put on the ignore list
Tokens came from increasing your boost meter and boosting, without the boost meter you cannot earn tokens.
you no longer need to boost, tokens are now automatically added to your pit stop
they indicate that youve pledged eternal servitude to israel
I have 30k points but I am not allowed to use them because I didn't join a team, rip
Your odds were slim. Even if we give generous odds like 5k games given a day and "only" 50mil people joined your odds would be so low as to not matter.
>5k random people get a top game from their wishlist
>tfw bannerlord is the only game on my wishlist
fuck this fucking bullshit
all those games bought on steam for years and they're not even worth one coupon for a measly 5 dollars
fuck you gaben
Bow down before the awesome power of my giant e-penis. Quake with fear, mortals.
people with shit taste packs up where the shit resides
I won a free Valve Index kit (with controllers).
Valve sales are not about the costumer anymore, the industry caught onto it and now does calculated sales, it's all about moving units now, they know retarded normals will buy it at a discount, no matter the discount.
That's how steam sales are these days. There are some good deals, but nothing amazing.
They got rid of flash sales and daily deals because they don't work very good with refunds.
Devs stopped competing to be featured on the front page so there are no more super deals.
Steam sales are now for picking up a few games you want to play, but don't want to pay full price. If you miss them this sale, just pick them up next sale, no biggy.
Still, feels good getting a couple free games during the sale by stockpiling $5 credit tokens.
Can I save the bonus savings for after the sale? I've only got enough money to barely get 15k tokens right now.
Because most people want it for free instead of paying $60 for it? Plus it's the most anticipated game of 2020.
Neato. Got my profile to level 42.
where's the free game?
Points you spent in the lunar sale were still counted as unspent on the first day for some reason.
Went from 18k to 3k.
Anyone getting problems redeeming the 5 bucks token? I have one activated but the second one isn't going through. It keeps telling me to redeem my tokens which I have clicked on multiple times now.
what the fuck are you even trying to say
>valve didn't give me a free game for just being here waaaaah!
thats not how you spell the last of us part 2
Proof is needed. Show a before and after.
can i still get tokens if i buy?
cope redditor
Feels good man.
>calls someone a redditor
>post pick of the most reddit tier shitime coming out of gookland ever
kek co-op games
I don't give a fuck retard. The race should only end when the actual sale ends. It's the only way that fucking makes sense. Fuck you.
Bird up niggas.
yeah bro, multiplayer games are the only thing worth anything!!1
I wonder how long this ass pain is going to last.
>the popular team is reddit and tranny and evil and soi and cuck and stupid!!!!!!
>a fuck retard
I don't know what this is.
But the way they did it makes sense. So that when the race is over and you have all those points, you still have 2 days left in which ti use them. Why would they end the race when the sale is over and the points are then worthless?
its official anyone with a steam level over 50 is a irrevocable faglord
Balance has been restored. Through a slow, steady grind, the way it should be done.
>Wishlist of my turboautist friend.
Post yfw you didn't pick meme bird team
>why do people want the most anticipated game of 2020 for free?
gee user I wonder
I've had a Steam account for 6-7 years now and have never had anyone on my friend's list. I usually don't add people, but I also don't have friends IRL either.
Finally bought DMC5 and am having fun. I don't want anons to hate me for picking Corgi, I had no idea what was happening when the sale started. Forever bros?
but the masses are corgis
after the 2nd day i could only get 100 points max, what the actual fuck was this event?
>halo: the master chief collection
seems based to me
Team HARE?!?!?
What the fuck happened
why do you think we care
>tfw didnt game my games
>>Why the fuck are turtles in 2nd? They didn't do shit most days
because they are honests. They didn't cheat.
We'll win next year bros.
Slow and steady.
Have the fucking points be usable a week after the sale ends. The sale should end BEFORE the points become unusable, not AFTER.
>pick team corgi
>didnt get a single free game during the whole event
Yeah but that retard placed it on top. It's not even available for pre-order yet.
Probability is so low
Anybody who was actually competitive in this needs a bullet to the head for being such devoted sheep.
>saved $20 by spending $600
>will buy it at a discount, no matter the discount.
I actually have a grading system
if a game functions to some extent under WINE/proton I'll take 75% or higher
if its platinum/flawless in WINE/proton I'll buy at 50% or higher
if its natively linux I'll buy at 25% or higher
Got 36k tokens out of nowhere aswell. Bought myself the guild 3 for €12 and bumped my steam level to 57 as a side bonus to piss off on collector fags.
until 9
So if I haven't won a game now I haven't won?
Can't help but feel I deserve to win something.
thats what he said
your friend is cooler than you and deserves friends who don't snidely post about him on korean logsplitting forums you shitbird
some reddit fags won multiple times
fuck this garbage
Y-you still there?
I placed factorio on top because I'll never buy that shit when it's developer refuses to put it on sale, EVER. If I ever get it, I'll get it for free. I refuse to buy a game from such a kikey developer.
All you had to do was play games. If you had a new one, all those achievements just shat out points. Sorry you hate video games, man.
I'm sorry ;_;
Do you still get tokens for buying shit? Confirm or deny with proof, you fucks.
you still had to spend money to cash them out user
so then you have to use them on full price games and not during the event itself? You're not thinking too hard. Or maybe you are which would be depressing.
>unexpected twists and turns
>let everyone choose their team with no team balancing
>display the current results before letting anyone pick
>everyone joining the same team is unexpected
They're either stupid or lying and I can't tell which any more. I would normally say it was all just another obtuse social/economic experiment (as Steam Sale games have always been), but this was exceptionally stupid and I can't imagine what the experiment could have been. Unless it was just to collect data on the outliers who actually went anything but Corgi.
*sips to victory*
your time is over. user will buy me a game now
>the users that have been selected will receive their gift within 48 hours from the end of the steam grand prix
so you are telling me theres a chance?
If you had 60000 tokens then you know exactly how the event worked. Stop pretending to be retarded. Achievements gave points, not boost meter capacity.
Privileged asshole generation everybody. Did you play sports where losers get trophies too?
You "cash them out" by participating in the race. Boosting turns the points into tokens and the tokens get turned into steambux or other shit no one cares about.
no proof from me but you still get them
I-it can't be
>still pretending to be retarded
Quick, Do you still get tokens from achievements? Just need 500 more tokens.
now you're just pretending to be retarded
i dont get if redditors are retard or something
is useless doing quest, the tank reset to 100 and you have to pay to refill
They literally are the anti-kike their game is a FLAT dollar amount no X.99 bullshit, they gave everyone two weeks notice of the price increase, they have stuck to their policy of no sales
it is you user whom are the kike just pirate the fucking game and when you've racked up 30+ hours buy it
>Now owns starbound
>Lots of points he can't cash in
Anyone got an image of the starbound sale spike?
Your guess is as good as mine
For like 2 days hare god insane boost
What they should have done, to apologize for the fucking travesty that was this game, is to give everyone who participated the $5 coupon for free.
I mean, if Epic can give a $10 discount on every game, Valve can give a $5.
Just go to /g/ and ask them to pick you a build.
You have to be an advanced level of retard to screw the actual building up
>turtle beat hare
All is as it should be
psssh nothing personnel kid
their multiplier was 0.02 when everyone else was at 0.00X
Ops, wrong image
There are a lot of stupid people out there
>All you had to do was play games.
>spending money getting cards
Nah man, only stupid people do this.
Still bummed there weren't any cards this sale
Didn't spend a single cent! I win!
>everyone pisses their boosting away to beat team meme dog
>lose to turtles on most other days
>"bruh what happened"
if I didn't have 60000 tokens I wouldn't be able to get a 20 dollar discount, now would I?
*sips starbound soda*
Reminder that the race operated on real physics.
>have 3,000x boost
>still in last place because your team just got it
>other team has 20x boost
>but it's been going all day long
>so they're almost to the end
You can't get to the end if you don't have any gas
>tfw slow and steady actually worked
Was on vacation for most of the sale
I made $300 and got went from level 15 to 120. It was a nice event even though I didn't know what the fuck was going on.
Hi user. I just tried buying something, and the money I spent was converted directly to tokens immediately (although these tokens aren't enough to buy anything). Screenshots, of course, are the best proof I can offer.
By the way, I find it interesting that even the sales tax cents were turned into tokens.
Oh no shit. Pig event tokens and all the purchases you made since the lunar new year were secretly tallying up points. I thought those came from playing games. My bad.
How'd you manage that? You spent that much on games?
so 5000 people from any team will win. Does that also include the top 3 winners getting rewards too? If not then what was the fucking point of playing
Yeah I think thats where people got the main chunk of their tokens, not from spending cash. Spending cash to earn tokens in this actually blew.
I put it on top simply because it's the most expensive game on my wishlist
ITT: popular means reddit
Indeed, those didn't get banned either
I bought a Valve Index + Knuckles set, didn't like it so I sold it to some Canadian fuck. Still kept the points and shit though.
>1K under another discount
Every 1st, 2nd and 4rd team won games every single day as long as they placed 1st 2nd or 3rd. Games were given out at the end of race days, they aren't all being handed out suddenly now. You'd know if you won, because you already would have.
FFXIV, I'm having so much fun with the free trial, god dammit, i hate being a poor fag
If i spend money, do i still get tokens? Im thinking about using 1 dollar to round up my medal to lvl 120
Extra tokens in the Chinese Pig Day event were also gained from purchases, though. Were unspent Piggy Tokens worth more in this event? I figured it was $1 == 100 Tokens either way.
so how do I know if I got my game?
do I have to wait or I lost?
you lucky bastard I'm still here. post your profile link
>1000 bucks
oh no wonder, enjoy your games though user 300 bucks at random must be nice as hell
>harvest crops in Stardew Valley
>quit without saving
Surprised I didn't see a lot more people doing this.
>tfw got to lvl 50 for nothing
>people paid thousands of dolleroos to get this far
if i would be one of them i would unironically hang myself lmao
Don't spend any left over tokens, Like the lunar coins they will be useful next time.
It seems you do still get tokens from purchases, as of right now. See .
I have never seen an event they had to keep updating information on how the event works basically until the last day. What a cluster fuck
but I remember them saying at the end 1st, 2nd, and 3rd would get prizes. Not 5000 of any team. They screwed us even harder now
Seems like it because theres no way I deserved 13000 total boost limit for buying 2 5 dollar games
That's equality for you.
FTL is only $2.50. You can get all three The Room games for $3.25. The Valve Complete Pack is $7, definitely complete that collection if you haven't already (worth it just for mods even if you're a valve anti-fanboy). Frictional Collection is likewise $7, or you can get just the Penumbra collection for $1 (which honestly I'd recommend, SOMA was okay but Amnesia is hugely overrated).
Oh yeah thats definitely not something that happened, its strictly the 5k
troll or poor reading comprehension?
That's not confirmed.
>not going doggo
Fucking idiots, it was obvious since like day one who was going to win
>Picked Corgi day 1 and contributed almost nothing.
>Win by a landslide and get 10 bucks off my purchase for the sale.
No I mean literal fags on reddit, there was a thread showing their posts
>going doggo just for badges and "lol we won!!!"
>not going on smaller teams that constantly got 2nd and 3rd place to actually have more than a blip of winning games
you havent even played dragon age, fuck off
I didn't get anything. Fuck valve
>not backstabbing doggos for 2nd team and free points
why would the losers get a chance? Don't pick a meme team next time, it was the first 3 teams who would win at the end
kek, get rekt dumb turd
you still have a microscopic chance of winning
>10 bucks off purchase
In tokens or did they hand out a 10 dollar off to any corgis that were there from day 1?
Last time i checked, the rules were:
Daily prizes:
100 people from each winning team (total 300 people) get games, each day, for 10 days (total 3k)
Grand prize
3k people from the first place team, 2k from second place and 1k from last all get a game, total 6000 people
Total of people who get prizes: 9000
just bought it in this sale
and for some odd reason the definitive edition is not available in my region so got the base lel
different user
wanna buy me something instead. i have a huge wishlist of random crap i think looks neat
>Joining the team with so many people the odds of you getting something is minuscule
Because you're retarded
get fuck
>tfw went from Steam level 71 to 112
In tokens. I spent the rest of my tokens on the badge.
>missing out on 10 free dollars
this is what I have been saying! Now it's anyone who can win
nope, our meme team won, it's just that we caught the jew fuckery and called out it out immediately
>go in
>have bluberry fields ready to harvest
>each blueberry collected counts as a harvest
It was nuts
>see all of this fuckery happen
>not choose the winning team
Why would you do anything else?
>he didn't abuse the starbound soda glitch for infinite points
wrong, it's
Daily prizes:
300 people from 1st place, 200 people from second place, and 100 people from third place each day for 10 days (total 6000)
Grand prize
1k people form each of the top 3 teams for a total of 3000 people
I know they just said 5000 random people were chosen here at the end, I have no fucking idea where that came from
because being on the winning team was only cosmetic and having to hope you get picked for one of 3000 free games for 1st place out of 3 million people is a crapshot
haha, HAHAHAHAHAHA so close to that free game guys. Imagine choosing anything BUT Corgi for any fucking reason at this point imagine being that stupid LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
it came from we fucked up here are extra prizes
>he thinks points were the bottleneck when anyone who plays video games had immediate access to tens of thousands of points while the average user accumulated only a few thousand boost capacity throughout the entire event
I thought the games have to be on sale right now in order to get them free
The coins literally equal out to a nice little coupon man, you get something for winning.
did you guys won points or something for joining winner team? genuinely asking
How do you do fellow losers?
the dumbest part about that retarded fucking event was the capacity bullshit
>get a piddly 100 extra capacity per day, only other way to increase it is spend shekels
>points used doesn't reset daily, either, so capacity is basically just the max points you can spend across the entirety of the event
>made playing games for more boost totally pointless (not even mentioning fact that you got tens or hundreds of thousands of points retroactively anyway, i dont even know why the fuck people were buying games for the sole purpose of exploiting them for points)
also i didnt really pay a ton of attention during this clusterfuck event, but if i recall, there was a period of time where boosting would reduce both your points AND your capacity
honestly, they should have just eliminated the concept of boost points/capacity entirely and just simply said "the more money you spend the more points you get" rather than obfuscating it behind a ton of confusing bullshit, because that's basically what it amounted to anyway
The event is over. Why are people still trolling with fake news about what the rules are?
Nobody got tokens for being on the winning team.
Shut up dude, you come off ass all retarded and stuff.
I didn't get any free games but I got a fuckton of tokens.
>he didn't play normally and then spam sips once a day
user, you didn't seriously expect to win did you?
No. He's being retarded. Points and tokens were not awarded for that.
>I got a fuckton of tokens.
Not for being on the winning team.
You earn five bucks off of any game user if you get enough coins, why are you in denial? What are you a tortoise?
>tfw CorgiChad
>tfw redeeming all those emotes and badges to make losers seethe in the future
at least we have the coolest car :(
You should have seen the writing on the wall arouynd the start of it all. I ended up getting about 30k points and used it to get the $10 discount. Not sure what I want to get, but that's a pretty good deal for doing next to nothing.
I’m liking baldurs gate so far. Can’t wait to get to later levels with my sorc
Just in case you're a third-world ESL who genuinely didn't understand the rules: the tokens were awarded for a combination of participation in the event and money spent on Steam, but had nothing to do with each team's standing in the race.
I just put the most expensive game at the top of my list. Since it isn't released, it's full priced, whereas even other $60 games during the event would have at least a 10-20% discount, typically. Why would I want my free game to be something that's cheap?
dont forget to check out the other old dnd games too user. planescape is pretty beloved
Go seethe somewhere else, loser.
>People saying it's the worst event ever
>Got a £30 discount from tokens
Not bad
Any poorfag with >100 games wants original Deus Ex and Postal 2 from another poorfag? post your profile link
I was on Team Corgi, third-world subhuman.
What's your Reddit user name friend
>tfw team corgi and always slowed cocks when i got an attack, cause i knew it's the Yea Forums team
You will never be a real Corgi, double nigger.
>open steam for myself
>see this
What the fuck Volvo?
I'll try my hand. I'm also on the fence of selling a TF2 hat to get L4D2 for tonights party Yea Forumsan.
now thats an insult
Me too user, me too.
can i redeem this for a game besides deus. ill take postal but already got deus
>didnt buy anything
>clicked 2 times on the event
>27k points
lmao, what the fuck are you guys doing wrong
Fucking disgusting
i had 100k, wtf
Can we all agree that the most pathetic thing this event were the desperate third world poorfags fighting tooth and nail to win some AAA game that is years away and likely will be mediocre at best considering how TW3 was?
Never seen something as pathetic as all those faggots desperately trying to win 2077. Fucking poors lmao
wouldn't you have had to spend like ~$1000 across this event and the lunar new year event to get that much of a discount, lmao
If it was another dog people would have flocked to it because it's a doggo or puppet. If it was a snake people would of flocked to it because it's a snek. If it was a cat the other 4 teams wouldn't have moved because it's a damn cat.
Their flavor of the month 6/10 movie actor keanu reeves endorsed it of course they're fighting over it
They’d have to actually pay a programmer to do something like.
what the fuck am I supposed to do with these tokens, buy emotes?
>1st place: 1000 people get top 3 games
>2nd place: 1000 people get top 2 games
>3rd place: 1000 people get top game
3000 people get a total of 6000 games.
I have no idea where you got 5000 from.
Why are the anti-shills so vehemently against a good game coming out? Who hurt them guys?
Dont tell me you didint have faith in cockatiel team.
But it worked as intended.
The whales spent their subscribers money to boost their profile level.
I like Keanu Reeves as an actor but pretending an actor is anything but a downside to a game is peak Reddit. Even if he doesn't take a large chunk of budget, having famous actors in games is fucking shit because they break the immersion.
Then again when was the last time a AAA game had anything resembling immersion? Guess it doesn't matter.
From the main page you greasy fuck. It says right at the middle of it. Holy fuck you retards are hopeless. First you couldn't find your way to bottom of the page with psa and now you quote it that the event is finished with shitload of changes. Kys.
I have to wait 48 hours to know if I got the game?
Nigga pls. I was a (((Tortoise))) all the way
>based tortoisebros were the #1 non-reddit team
immersion went out the window with ingame purchases during gameplay
>not getting free stuff
You're overreacting a bit.
>Boosted by 115K points
>Didn't win a single game
>I have no idea where you got 5000 from.
in the steam client clicking on the event banner
>Thank you to everyone who participated in the Grand Prix. We realize that the race track had some unexpected turns – we tried to straighten them out when we could, and we’ll anticipate the curves better next time we invite you to the races.
>As an extra gift for those that participated, we have randomly selected 5,000 users that contributed from any team in the Steam Grand Prix to receive the top game from their wishlist. Users that were randomly selected will receive their gift within 48 hours from the end of the Steam Grand Prix.
>The Pit Stop remains open through the end of the sale, so be sure to exchange those tokens for the Summer Sale badge, profile backgrounds, and more before July 9th, 10 am PDT.
I guess I'll spend my tokens on that badge.
valve admitted they fucked up and gave the top game to 5000 people from all teams. it's right there on the main page, user, come on.
>Thank you to everyone who participated in the Grand Prix. We realize that the race track had some unexpected turns – we tried to straighten them out when we could, and we’ll anticipate the curves better next time we invite you to the races.
>As an extra gift for those that participated, we have randomly selected 5,000 users that contributed from any team in the Steam Grand Prix to receive the top game from their wishlist.
Imagine not being mentioned as the winning team.
It was a bit of a shitshow but at least I got Tropico 6 and Rise of Nations free. Can't complain.
cock and tort was reddit as well, just go there and take a look
what a terrible waste of winning slots
>a valiant effort was made with corgi in 1st, hare in 2nd, and cockatiel in 3rd
>the actual standings are corgi, tortoise, and hair
How do you get the Corgi badge? I was in the team but I only see the event race badge
>just go there
fuck off, redditor
Thanks again, Aki! Really appreciate it.
eat a dick faggot
Volvo rigging it so hard they don't even know who won any more.
you get it automatically when you pick a team
read the page from the last day grand prix and not rules section speedreader
based user got free things. enjoy dude sex muh man
Grand Prix? More like Grand Disaster.
is the graphic correct or the description? This whole thing has been a mess.
>didn't get anything
>some knob gobbler wastes two (2) free games on absolute shit
6/10 a bit mad
you can still get tokens for buying
Lmao cope you immature failure.
I don't remember buying much this year, I just know when I first looked at the event I had 63'000 max points.
how the fuck do I only have the event badge but not the team badge
bravo firefox, looks like a geocities page from 1998.