Why do people still play Pokemon? Don't they realize that Digimon exists?

Why do people still play Pokemon? Don't they realize that Digimon exists?

Attached: digi.webm (640x360, 2.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:


peekatyou is my favorite yugimon

What are some fun digimon games I can emulate?

Digimon has shit monster designs.

digimon will never feel like anything but the cheap fad trying to cash in on pokemon, even if pokemon is bad now it doesnt make digimon less lame

That looks awful. Don't you have something better to show?

I downloaded digimon world 1 and right now it’s just an endless loop of raising the same digimons it’s weird.

This is Crabominable. Hes a crab abominable snowman. He is a cartoony version of the yeti crab.

Attached: Crabominable.png (800x741, 186K)

This is Mudsdale. He's a mud clydesdale. He's a cartoony version of the clydesdale horse.

Attached: 1200px-750Mudsdale.png (1200x1200, 505K)

This feels so weak. The models and the animations are fine but the UI is so shit, attacks barely have impact and the stat up is literally just a font with "stat up"

pokecuck seething

You forgot your Pokémon webm bro.

At this point, so does Pokemon.

I hate pokemon though you stupid fanboy

This is Yungoose. Hes a young mongoose. He is a cartoony version of a mongoose.

Attached: 250px-734Yungoos.png (250x250, 31K)

Digimon World 3 and the World DS games. There's a bunch of Japan only Digimon Story games that will NEVER EVER be translated, but give them a try if you can read moonrunes.

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>Attack down
>defence up
Am I supposed to be impressed?

are these fake? Tell me these are fake

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yu kai watch pokemon and digimon have all gone down the drain

ironically the romhack pokemon cock is the best game in the genre I've played in the past 10 years
pokemon platinum is the best pokemon game

eat my ass haters

Nice cherrypicking, fagmaster

Meanwhile, in digimon...

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ok but this isn't a fucking console-war thread you fanboy, yes pokemon is even worse no shit

no it doesn't.

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that's fucking cool though

Maybe if you're a middle schooler on deviantart

>n...nice cherrypicking! S...sure those are bad but what about le epic cartoon pupper?!

We did it reddit! A heckin' doggo corgi mayday! An upvote for you good sir!

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Why do people still breath oxygen? Dont they know chlorine exists?

I want LadyDevimon to step on my while I bury my face in Lilithmon's heaving digital bosoms and suffocate

Gundramon is based as fuck though, plus he's in a group with a cowboy with guns for legs and a mom cosplaying as bayonetta.

I like the, that is a human attached to it tho.

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that looks fucking badass

Wow, you sure owned me epic style with your stuttering greentext strawman!
Seriously, did you unironically think this was an intelligent response? I bet you didn't even watch the video


Do you earnestly think that thing is a good design?

I grew out of Pokemon/Digimon and just beat my dick to them.

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keep crying incel

This looks like a Persona boss.

The bosses in Digimon are much cooler than anything Pokemon has. The Ultra Beasts felt like an attempt but they cucked out on them.

>i cant refyoot a wurd u sed so i axe u loded kwestion dat don't got nuffin 2 do with the argument at hand
I accept your concession
>>>/dilation station/

>Cyber Sleuth is released on the PS4/Vita
>a few threads per week, mainly because this was the first Digimon coming west in years
>barely hit 200 replies

>Hacker's Memory is released on the PS4
>no threads at all
>the very few that pop up that aren't shitposting about the director begging for people to buy the game don't even hit 100 replies before dying

>game is announced for the Switch
>multiple threads up since it was just announced yesterday
>"I-I always loved Digimon haha! M-Much better than Pokémon haha!"

I thought Nintendofags didn't care nor need Digimon. Really shows how they only aknowledge a game once it is on their shit systems, not to mention how this shithole is literally Nintendogaf.

He's so ridiculous it turns back around to being cool, not to mention it's a weird design even for Digimon standards.

When did this board git filled with underage reddit zoomers? Back in my day, everyone hated rooty tooty shootymon. What's next, you'll start praising Fo76?

I love Digimon, but i never had a way to play the modern games, since i felt no need to own a PS4, so naturally i'm excited for these ports.

You didn't say anything that could be refuted? Stop dodging the question.

You posted a video of a reddit dog design and said that it proved that Pokemon designs are actually good and not shit. Then you went into tard rage mode when you got made fun of.

Do you or do you not think the reddit dog is a good design?

You don't say...

>lvl 99
>spends 5 turns adding buffs
>against a mid-game boss

If you hate Gundramon you're probably a cuck who gets enraged and confused at anything that isn't blobby primary colors like Pokemon.

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you gain levels really fast in these games, and you gotta revert to lvl1 quite often so hitting lvl99 doesnt mean shit
i grinded like an autist and had a full team of lvl 99 megas mid game

Gundramon is a stupid ridiculous design, but that's what makes it so great, bad Pokemon designs are just kinda bad, there's nothing to them.

Digimon has actual game mechanics, unlike Pokemon

havent been since original ruby, the only monster taming games worth a damn if you arent 7 years old is DQ monsters

Consider context. People are pissed off about Pokemon and are looking for alternatives, digimon was the first thing that popped into people's heads, and all of a sudden digimon announces a remake of what some consider the best digimon game on switch. (It's not, that would be the World 1 gameplay line)

A quick google search would provide you the answer to that.
But to save you the effort, no, they are not.

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>You posted a video of a reddit dog design and said that it proved that Pokemon designs are actually good and not shit.
You're a literal retard. I posted that video to the faggot that posted an animation of a double kick from an outdated spinoff game. Not to mention the fact that "reddit" is not an argument. Also, every one with half a brain knows that the doge dog is the REAL reddit dog.
>Do you or do you not think the reddit dog is a good design?
Better than

>status effects
Wanna try that again, chief?

>People are pissed off about Pokemon and looking for alternatives

No, it's digiautists swooping in and trying to steal people for their dated franchise.

I dont have a ps4 because I'm not a cuck but I do have a PC so I finally get to play these games

>pokemon vs. digimon threads
You must be 18 or over to be on Yea Forums.

Absolutely SEETHING pokefag

Digimon barely exists, and I say this as someone that prefers Digimon to Pokemon.
Hopefully Survive is good/actually comes out.

Nobody under 18 gives a shit about Digimon or Pokemon

>literally zero argument
>resorts to ad hom
Absolutely B O I L I N G digisoy

Reminder that Rust Tyranomon is best giant mecha dinosaur.

Attached: RustTyranomon_b.jpg (320x320, 49K)

>yfw cyber sluts pc version just got announced

imagine giving a shit about pokemon games after gen 5

Imagine taking a shit

Pokemon still has young senpaitachi, but Digimon fans are all adults now. Thankfully Bamco is aware of this fact and adjusts their media accordingly.


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>Digimon has shit designs
>Look all they did was add rockets and a jetpack to a wolf
God pokefags are retarded

Nah, we actually got pokefags regularly swinging by our general asking where to get into Digimon nowadays.
Gamefreak really fucked up this time.

>status effects
cyber sleuth has all of these.
these are shitty gimmicks.

digimon is /m/ as fuck therefore it is superior to poketrash

Consider this:
Digimon games have a hard mode that requires you to use game mechanics besides attacking.

Xros Wars is shit though

>franchises for children
>no children care about them
Why is Yea Forums in denial about every single thing? It's okay, kids, people honestly don't give a rat's fucking ass about what you actually like even though you peers pretend to because they want to annoy you.

see youtube.com/watch?v=ZKK4cscvb3s&t=1m6s
Oh wow, a couple contrarian 4channers. You sure got us!
For stating the truth? Shoot yourself with your gunmon, figgernaggot

Deputymon is fucking cool

Attached: digimonisthebest.jpg (594x1053, 75K)

>level cap

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It’s legitimately saddening that Digimon threads are now going to be continuously started with bait just to shitpost about Pokémon or start console war faggotry.

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i saw a lot of kids play pokemon go back in the day

level cap doesnt mean shit in cyber sleuth, you go back to level 1 every minute

fucking kill yourself

Hey, i'll take a couple fans at the time.
I don't actually care how well Pokemon does, but if they fuck up and alienate people and that helps Digimon grow, that's just dandy.
I wan't both franchises to do well, but one of them is clearly lacking passion right now.

>Digimon games have a hard mode that requires you to use game mechanics besides attacking.
So do Battle Tree and multiplayer modes in pokemon.
Literally black mage with guns and a gun for a chest. they literally stole from FF, and they couldn't even mangage to do that right. Get that outta here
>offended by words

>you lose levels
wow awful game design

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You're using Twitch lingo on Yea Forums, you do not belong here.
Kill yourself.

>So do Battle Tree and multiplayer modes in pokemon.

serious question, why are you shilling a franchise that has been shit since x&y ? especially with how gamefreak likes to shit on its fans on a daily basis
no memes or shitpost answer please

Battle tree and multiplayer are optional challenges at the end.
Pokemon main stories are always piss easy, with no way to ramp up the challenge, besides self imposed challenges.

its called ascension, classic mechanic in videogames since inception

I actually like how the silence status effect in digimon turns you into a 2D sprite

Which of the PSP games should I emulate? No I don't own a Vita or PS3/PS4

>people ITT are legitimately arguing that Pokemon's PvE is at all deep or challenging

Holy fuck.

You literally can't refute a word I said. Sit down, shut up. You're owned, beeyotch

nah, here's how it works
you fight digimons, get battle data from the fights and eventually you can make your own digimons after gathering enough data
these digimons will have a pretty low level cap so you gotta devolve them at first which will increase their level caps, then you level them and can eventually make them digivolve if you fullfilled certain conditions (like having X stat at a certain level, enough friendship with the digimon, etc) and digivolving also increases your level cap
so you basically gotta grind and constantly devolve and evolve your mons to make them stronger, oh and every digimon has multiple evolution paths of course

i should have expected you to just answer with memes, boring
oh well

no, they're gimmicks because they're gimmicks. dynamax is a shitty lazy replacement for megas and z-moves. raids are a transparent attempt to pander to the pokemon go zoomers. neither of them add any real substance to the game.

are there options to turn off the attack effects? That's the only way I could remotely stomach Pokemon's endless chore of endless boring battles.

"Haha I was only pretending to be retarded"

then get one, fuck off.

yes actually, i did that for when i wanted to autism grind

I think when we get the ports i'll play Cyber Sleuth on normal, to get a grasp on the mechanics, and then i'll try to play through Hacker's Memory on hard,
i also heard HM has a more balanced hard mode with less bullshit involved.

cyber sleuth is more like smt than pokemon of course its far better

>Multiple evolution paths
Try all of them if you can navigate yourself around the evolution tree

>no, they're gimmicks because they're gimmicks.
Google what a tautology is, kid.
>dynamax is a shitty lazy replacement for megas and z-moves
Objectively false.
>raids are a transparent attempt to pander to the pokemon go zoomers.
Raids existed before pokemon go, retard. Not to mention the fact that they work completely differently. Ironic how you outed yourself as the zoomer.
I didn't even use a singe meme, retard

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>Google what a tautology is, kid.
i know what a tautology is. what's your point?
>Objectively false.
objectively true. megas required them to put effort into redesigning the pokemon. z-moves had special animations. dynamax is DUDE JUST MAKE THE MODEL BIGGER LMAO.
>Raids existed before pokemon go, retard.
not in pokemon.

I don't think it's worth arguing with him, he's either just shitposting, or such a diehard gamefreak cocksucker, that nothing we say will convince him of anything.

>i know what a tautology is. what's your point?
My point is that "HURR DURR ITS A GIMMICK CUZ ITS A GIMMICK" is a retarded excuse for an """"""""""""""""""""""argument""""""""""""""""""".
It also changes the moves. Way to prove you have no idea what you're talking about.
>not in pokemon.
So anything new is a gimmick for mobile zoomers? You're a retard
Shut up, faggot. I'm the only one being even remotely intellectual.

Thinking if i should emulate some of the older games, in preparation for CS, but i don't wanna burn myself out.
So i guess is should go with ones that have different gameplay like World 1 or something.

It is weird. It was also a different time.

>I do the same time over and over again
>I wonder why I keep getting the same results?
>maybe this time, 2+2 will be 5 and not 4!
Why do videogames attract the dumbest types of human beings?

Why do people still care about star wars when warhammer 40K exist?
sometimes its just what you grew up whit and no matter how bad things get or how superior the alternative is you can not let go...

HM was ded as fuck, but I remember a ton of CS threads with people comparing builds and spanking to Nokia. Even the fan translation of that PSP game had enough threads that I remember some people telling us to go to /vg/

grow up

If they'd release something half decent on 3ds on steam I'd gladly play it. Unfortunately I can't torrent roms and shit because my ISP on campus blocks those and vpns.

Cyber Sleuth and it's sequel are coming as a bundle to PC and Switch in October.
I assume PC means Steam, atleast i hope EGS doesn't care enough about Digimon to try and buy it.

>You're owned, beeyotch
Oh you're underaged.

when i was a kid I thought the dreadlock was a tongue

>when i was a kid
>Sun and Moon came out 3 years ago

>when I was a kid
>3 fucking years ago

HM is not a sequel though, it's a sidestory game

i was 15

you're still a kid retard

Well, it doesn't really affect the statement.

Well Nintendofags actually buy games. Ps4fag just watch movies

You are fucking lying, but teens are still kids.

user I know I’m SUPPOSED to explore the island to find more denizens to raise my tamer level so I can keep stats on death but right now I have to re raise my digimon from scratch every X days and grind bits for healing items.

Well let’s see you do not offer an argument or counterargument and prosed to insult as a first measure when someone responds your question whit nothing but what you want to hear, to me seems like the one who need to grow up its you.

what? why?

>user I know I’m SUPPOSED to explore
Then do it and stop bitching. I only raised my digimon for around 3 in-game days. That's like literally 10 fucking minutes. If you got a champion pokemon, then just go out and explore you fucking inbred.

Also, your problem was you were raising the same digimon over and over again. It's a mathematician game. If you keep raising your HP to 1000 and your attack to 140, in every single digimon you raise. Of course you will get the same fucking evolution. Because 1000HP+140ATK = X Evolution, while minus 1000HP+140DEF = Y evolution.

You're in a loop wasting your time because you're a dumbass, nothing else. You should finish that game in 5-8 hours tops.

>grinding for healing items
>not just buying them in the local shop
>he doesn't sell meat
Why do videogames attract the dumbest people?

Nice projection, hit a never?
I was raised with Star Wars, my parents are avid star wars fans.
I grew up out of Star Wars and into Warhammer 40k, its the better universe.
Just like I grew out of Mario games.

user, Cyber Sleuth was REALLY rough. I really wanted to like it, but I had to more or less force myself to finish over a year period of playing it on and off.

What sucks is it had potential to be decent with a proper sequel and better budget, but Hacker's Memory was literally just the first game copy and pasted with a new story and no major improvements.

See boy now that is a response it wasn’t so hard was it? For your information I did use the Warhammer example because I did that as well, and since pokemon has shit the bed so hard in this last game while digimon has been doing better and better at a steady pace I may switch sides there as well, but my point was to show you how no matter how bad things get most people will hope for the better. Hope is a prelude for disaster most of the time tho…

Grow up.

Pokémon was never good. Dropped that franchise in gen 3.

Why'd it take you 3 gens user?

Cuz they were adding content in gen 2, and then completely scrapped it in gen 3. Dropped it and never went back.

I also dropped Digimon when they went the DS route with shitty pokemon-like games. Fuck pokemon.

You don't talk shit about Muricamon

Pokemon had a cleaner and far more organized evolution structure than digimon and had a hand at making videogames what they are today, digimon main gimmick had to be scraped entirely, also better design’s when it came to the humans who live in said world (which is the only saving grace remaining). Also not try so hard to grow out of thing just because that is the line of thought that gave us all of these Disney shitty remake’s for “grown-ups”

Gundramon is based, fuck you nigger.

cyber sleuth wildly outsold bamco's expectations in the west when it was a sony exclusive. meanwhile, nothing sells well on nintendo platforms except for bing bing wahoo, zelda and pokemon.

Because Digimon are digital monsters while pocket monsters. If I can have a real monster in my pocket instead of a data one then that's cooler.

Oh my god this thing may have enougth DAKKA!

I have a cell phone in my pocket and the entire world is connected by the internet so Digimon are more realistic

Also digimon have giant boobs

Realism is the opiate of the masses.

whats the name of that dark Lilimon? plesae tell me is not actually dark Lilimon

is Porygon a Digimon? it's a Digital Monster

Digifag here, what is wrong with this one? He's one of the only SM Pokemon I thought looked great.

I got into Pokémon the same way I got into Digimon. Anime on TV, couldn't give less of a rat ass about the art design of each franchise. It was all about recreating the anime in videogame form.

Digimon did it perfectly on their first console game, so did Pokémon in their first handheld game.
Digimon went weird on their second game, still like it. Pokémon improved the formula of their first game, and it was all good and dandy.
Digimon's third game went more into a final fantasy game with digimon, didn't like it, never even finished that game, but it had the best minigame ever made, a card game inside the game, shit was absolute fun, loved digimon to death. On the other hand, Pokémon's third game went backwards and was all around a shit game, finished it and never went back to pokemon.

Dropped both franchises at that point. The "cleaner designs" "organized evolution" and whatever else you're memeing me about here, don't mean jack shit to me. It's all about whether I can immerse myself as Ash Ketchump or Tai Kamiya into a world of wonders.
Nowadays, I just try games if they look well animated and have good soundtrack, don't really ask for more.

It's a Digital Pocket Monster. A Dipomon.

Literally just a cartoon horse with a lame as fuck name


Ok, but what's wrong with being a cartoon horse? Not everything needs to be some zany twist design. It's simple but pleasing to look at, I also like its color palette.

Good, I was blogposting in an attempt to end my conversation with you, it worked. Grow up.


Attached: Bantyolilimon_re_collectors_card2.jpg (360x480, 75K)

Cyber Sleuth hard mode was such bullshit

>mash through unskippable cutscenes
>auto-pilot through free first phase
>get fisted by Athena
>do it all over again until RNG lines up

The only reason to play a Digimon game is Nokia, and she isn't even that hot

Both Digi and Pokemon suck.
There's not a single good "mon" franchise now.

watch a movie, inbred, and jack off before logging into Yea Forums with your Yea Forums pass, nerd

Only if you think every monster in every game needs to look like a Pokemon
Pokemon are specifically designed to look more naturalistic and animal-like compared to normal JRPG monsters which are inspired by D&D or mythological beings. Digimon doesn't do that because that's not what Digimon is about.
You may as well say SMT has shit monster designs compared to Pokemon. They're going for completely different things.

What does Digimon play like?
Can I get cool robots?
What is the most recent game for me to try out?

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>digimonfag's method of selling people on his game is just shitting on the more popular franchise
every time

Digimon for me has a different problem, instead of adding too many digimon they added too many goddamn stupid evolutions, that shit should have stopped at ultimates.

>playing modern videogames

are you a angry white boi? or a beaner mimicking angry white bois?

Digimon have always had 3 evolutions. champion-ultimate-mega, that's it.

>a angry
>not "an"
dumb nigger

youre a angry white boi

please, any modern digimon evolution chart goes from blob all the way up to discount gundams.

I don't understand what you mean.

>Digimon has typical rpg mechanics

Looks like I missed Dynamaxfag getting BTFOd

The World series is kind of like Tomogatchi if you're old enough to have had one of those, you attend to your Digimon's needs and train it, and its stats determine what it evolves into, but it eventually dies and you start again with increased stats.
It's very different from Pokemon or other RPGs, you have limited control over your Digimon, it's much more focused on the raising aspect.

The Cyber Sleuth series plays like a traditional turn based JRPG. It has the same elements as World in that your stats determine what your Digimon evolve into, but there's also a "catching" mechanic like Pokemon and you have a party/collection instead of just one monster. It's also more story focused

Based on this information you should either get Digimon World Re:Digitize which is a remake of the first World game, or Cyber Sleuth which is the first in the Digimon Story series and is about to get a PC port.

Anyone know of a good bracket website so we can vote once and for all on who the best Waifumon is?

Attached: Digiwaifus.jpg (2367x3161, 3.94M)

The good ones aren't on accessible platforms

Hes including Baby and In-Training forms

They're coming though

Pic related was the last digimon game I played. How is Cyber Slut on vita ?

Attached: !!e!U9,wEGM_$(KGrHqV,!mEEz+2E7be7BNP37QVYg!___35.jpg (266x266, 33K)

>Ranamon in your pic thrice
As it should be.

I wanted to make one of these tierlists on that website for all the waifumons, but i don't know where i should draw the line,
whether to include the furry ones, like Renamon or Gatomon, or only furry ones with canon boobs like Meicrackmon.

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What a dumbass. Babies form don't even engage in battle.

its about at least 6 million times better than the absolute trash you last played.

>Witchmon (when she's drawn with the correct mouth with sharp teeth)

These are the top tier.

Attached: da0rhuc-c6862e7c-dba5-4d20-a815-3a019c6e6753.png (565x720, 426K)

I'd say any Digimon with tits is fair game, though the overlap is so negligible that would basically only include MeiCrackmon

>Don't they realize that Digimon exists?
Does it, though? Also why can't people play both? Were you born retarded?

But why would you still play Pokemon games aside from Showdown?

Include Meicrackmon and the humanoid furry ones like Renamon

Best digimon games? Gonna be getting the cybersleuth collection on the switch but I dont know what else to play

1, nothing else.

Yeah i think Gatomon would be a little much, cause then i'd need Pyiomon and whoever else aswell, but i guess i should atleast include Renamon.

if you like monster raising with limited lifespans before they are getting reborn, I would recommend Digimon World: next order
there is also the Digimon Adventure PSP RPG game, I think it's also fantranslated

Digimon World
And the PS1 card games

I never understood the mass appeal of Pokemon, the anime was always garbage and the games are incredibly boring.
But it seems the consistency of Pokemon games and the appeal of collecting shit is quite appealing.

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Why wouldn't you? If you enjoyed them before you're not going to stop enjoying them because of whatever mess of an argument you're trying to cobble together in your head.

>I don't understand the appeal
It's literally in the god damn name

Nintendo has always made collect games
Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon all focus on collect shit.

I dunno. Soulless animations, PS2 graphics in CURRENT YEAR, and a cut roster for $60 would make me stop enjoying them.

I never felt like there was a strong theme around digimon. In pokemon you have some baseline: These pokemon are out there in the wild and you catch them, grow with them, and battle them. There can be a lot of the same pokemon but that's okay since they're animals and it's expected that they'd look roughly the same. In digimon it's just that there's... a digital world, I guess, where these programs (?) just kind of hang out and do their job (?). You can evolve them into these different forms but they all are very unique in and of themselves, but the digimon isn't actually unique. It's just one instance of a digimon. So there could be fifty lilithmon's in a room.

Not to mention that there's a million different ways up or down to digivolve and the choices a digimon has when evolving don't seem to have any real bearing on what they are originally. I think to the shows then there's this really nice Agumon > Greymon > MetalGreymon etc. line, with some offshoots that made sense. But then you go into the games and Agumon can digivolve into Meramon, that fire guy, who you can also get from Candlemon, Impmon, and Solarmon. So who was the Agumon you knew? What about when they turn into Meramon. How is that Meramon different from a completely different Meramon that came from an Impmon? The digivolution paths up and down seems really arbitrary and it kills the concept in my head.

>If you enjoyed them before you're not going to stop enjoying them
That's where you're wrong, retard.
>loved fallout
>hate fallout now
>loved pokemon
>hate pokemon now
>loved bioware games
>hate bioware games now
>loved final fantasy
>hate final fantasy now
>loved x-com
>hate xcom now
>loved Mario games
>hate Mario games now
>loved age of empires
>hate age of empires now
>loved spyro games
>hate spyro games now
>loved command and conquer
>hate command and conquer now

It a formula gets stale or changes in a bad direction, it can't be enjoyed anymore.

That's sure a whole lot of nothing you said.
All I could glimpse from this was RIGIDITY GOOD

I have never understood the disdain for this thing.

Attached: 1561738710093.jpg (2169x1658, 2.58M)

>lv 99
>still do shit damage
Call me when hard mode isn't some tedious bullshit.

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It's that fucking donald trump?

Because people can play and enjoy more than one franchise?

Even so, Digimon's quality is too inconsistent. Literally half the games are absolute trash.

It comes kinda out of nowhere, you have a boxer crab, and then it suddenly turns into a yeti.
Plus you're likely to catch it early into the game and won't get the mediocre evolution until right before the elite 4.

half of it's the goofy-ass face, the other half is the disappointment of a boxing coconut crab turning into a retard with lanky, misshapen arms.

It's the only nintendo franchise that never really tried to innovate on every new iteration. Even Mario Party had tons of new crap in every game.

wow that thread hit a nerve, pokefags in full cope mode

Up until recently it was a PlayStation Exclusive.

And before you say anything about Vita piracy, it wasn't until last year all 3.61+ firmwares were hackable.

Cool, thank you. I will look into it.

Ah, I see you're more of a fan of picture books. Let me boil the thoughts down for the lizard hindbrain you operate on: Digimon designs are incredibly individualized despite there being multiple copies of, and multiple ways to get to, any one digimon. This means that their actual personality is arbitrary. Even worse is that this doesn't apply to ALL digimon. It's just a tossup whether you get an individualized Digimon or a more animal-like generic template digimon.

This. The design feels like a high school edgelord made it

Because it was locked behind Sony's grubby hands. Now it's coming to Switch and PC I am going to play the HELL out of the modern Digimon games. I am so excited.

>Digimon designs are incredibly individualized

What is this meme I swear digimon uses the "metal animal" or "knight" motif for a million digimon. Or titty monstermon. Most are super forgettable.

>the design
what are you even talking about?

I disagree. I think Digimon has the much stronger premise, with every element of it linking back to the fact that they are digital.

Digimon are monsters made of data inside a computer. They serve functions on the internet and are composed of data from different programs: some are from virus scanning programs, some are from military software, some are from RPGs and other games games, etc. Everything about them links back to the fact that they exist as digital creatures, while also maintaining a primitive animalistic theme.

Their evolutions are triggered when they download enough data and get uploaded to the Digivolution Matrix to be reconfigured. Digimon grow more mechanical or magical as they get stronger as they are reconfigured into new, more combat-oriented forms. Your Agumon turns into a Meramon because it has more fire data to work with when it's being recompiled; it's finding what "template" it fits best into. While it had its origins in the franchise's roots as a V-pet, it fits into the world the series is setting up.

That's by choice.
Digimon has always been about bonding through growth with your Digimon partner. That Digimon can become ANYTHING! A waifu, a gundam, a giant robot dinosaur, etc. It's up to you and they way you grow with your partner that shapes who you both become. And that individuality is expressed through the Digimon designs.
In Pokemon it's super likely for you and a friend to both level a Charmander to level 36 and get Charizard. And that's fine, because Pokemon is about teams and your unique collection of monsters.
In Digimon at least in the Vpet and early PS1 days before guides came out it was highly unlikely for you and a friend to raise a Digimon the same exact way, so you were likely to end up with two entirely different Digimon. How different they end up from each other is a big draw and a big part of Digimon as a concept.

What's even better is the cowboy reminds me a lot of DMC5 Dante, with the hat. So it's Dante, Bayonetta and their pet gun. I love those three, they're amazing.

As opposed to pokemon where it's all of them

>people replying seriously to this dumbass that doesn't even understand the premise of Digimon the moment it was conceived
It's clear as fuck he is underage and low IQ, like most pokemon fans. Don't bother arguing with him.

That's more interesting. What determines the digivolution path? Like with Agumon to Meramon, what is 'fire' in this context. Like a firewall? Is an Agumon that mostly destroys Virus Digimon more likely to become Meramon, or is it 100% their choice?

As shit as Pokemon is right now, Digimon is even worse. CS and Next Order were just as mediocre, if not worse, than XY/ORAS/SM. Both franchises have been on the same downward trajectory since about 2007 where they both peaked.

Basically what I'm saying is, give me DQM on the Switch.

Not sure why you're trying to argue with me

name of that game please

>You can evolve them into these different forms but they all are very unique in and of themselves, but the digimon isn't actually unique. It's just one instance of a digimon. So there could be fifty lilithmon's in a room.

That's actually interesting though. Your Digimon can be an instance of one of the Royal Knights or Demon Lords, but also you know you raised them from an egg. Does my Lilithmon know the things the real Lilithmon would know?

I actually like this conceptually but in practice most digimon games I’ve played have not actually had very many end evolutions for the premise to hold up and too many times an ultimate digimon has a cool look it can’t carry into a mega form in any way.

The main meat of Digimon is the anime anyway.
Games wise, I'd only recommend World 1 and the offsprings like it.

It depends on the monsters personality, how its treated and environment.

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In practice most digimon games are made by incompetent hacks.
We are in good hands now.

The 90s were great for digimon fans.
The 00s were terrible.
The 10s were good again.

That shitty coo coo never got a name nor did he ever appear in the games, fuck whoever hated that digimon so much they erased his existence, he looked cool. Wonder what his MEGA would look like.

In the games it'a based on stats; in some of them you have experience based on what types of digimon you defeat, like Pokemon EVs.

In universe it's supposed to be due to the circumstances they undergo in the Matrix. Mamemon for instance has evolved through millions of years in a nuclear wasteland; for you, it's still your bro that you just saw a minute ago, but its data was run through millions of years of simulations in order to extrapolate what it should become. The lore for Metal Greymon says he is a Greymon who was not capable of surviving in battle without cybernetic life support systems. Even though that didn't happen to YOUR Greymon, it's what happened within the Matrix simulation.

Its Parrotmon


Which one is that? Can I play it on PC?

If you really love the anime I recommend trying Digimon Adventure for PSP with english patch

How wrong you are.

Attached: 232_Parrotmon.png (310x266, 22K)

Cyber Sleuth, and it just got announced for Steam


>my metal greymon has suffered that much
He will always be my nigga from now on.

Attached: bro.jpg (540x304, 19K)

Looks good, thanks.

His evolution is based.

Attached: Crossmon.jpg (320x320, 101K)

If it's the orange one he's okay. Only the blue Virus-type ones are rotten cyberzombies.

>A Cyborg Digimon which has mechanized more than half of its body. TheMetal GreymonofFile Islandwere able to drastically extend their vital functions through remodeling, but their flesh portions could not hold out and were discolored blue. However, perfect Metal Greymon are Cyborg Digimon that succeed in evolving fromGreymon, and draw out a stronger power. In order to evolve to Metal Greymon, it must fight its way through and defeat the formidable opponents who come against it.

Attached: Metalgreymon.jpg (320x320, 72K)

The evolution system is a complete crapshoot if you don't have a guide.

itt post favorite digimon

Attached: Triceramon.jpg (500x502, 63K)

Don't listen to them it's just poorly thought out. Digivolution tree changes every game as Bandai attempt to force in popular new Ultimate/Megas into existing lines.

>raise speed, get speedy mon
>raise attack, get attack mon
wow so hard

kill yourself

Betamon is my favorite digimon.

Andromon comes close, but I'm a sucker for form changes and cool attack names.

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I bet it is lol jk hes one of my favorites too

Attached: Seadramon.png (323x600, 157K)

have sex

The game is infamous for having so much hidden shit, terrible engrish and very little handholding.

Turn based games are actual shit. That said, at least Pokemon has the draw of feeling like virtual dog fighting. What you posted looks boring as fuck.


Betamon > Seadramon > MegaSeadramon > Metal seadramon

Best evolution path, shame the games always make the seadramon line midget as fuck.

Who is the nigger of digimon?

Your personal issues are not infamous or widely known. You're a dumb fuck, too stupid to understand a game or read the manual.

I finished that game before I could even read proper English, which isn't my native language. You have no fucking excuse, you're just fucking stupid and you're trying to deflect the discussion from it because you're scared, weak, and pathetic.

Game was piss easy.

Bullshit, there were daily HM threads until it got released.

Have sex

Chimaerimon. I don’t know why but I love the abomination theme.

When I was a kid I thought I was so clever for thinking that line up, only for it to be made canon and like every other kid online coming up with the same one. I guess everybody thought of it because it's one of the few digimon that has as clear of an evolution line as the Digimon from the show.

kek, pathetic.

Attached: ulforcedickdramon.jpg (194x259, 13K)

It's one of those few natural evolution where you go "it just feels right".

But most digimon have a proper evolution line. Meramon line is also a very easy evolution line.


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Arukenimon and Kuwagamon have one too.

Kunemon > Dokugumon > Arukenimon > Parasimon
Kunemon > Kuwagamon > Okuwamon > GranKuwagamon

In no particular order:


>unironically defending nu-Pokemon
couldn't be me

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I'm kind of glad Digimon doesn't stick to rigid evolution lines and families.
Some Digimon are cool having a related family and a natural progression (Greymon, Seadramon, Tyrannomon, Kuwagamon, Kabuterimon, etc.) but some designs are just so unique they'd never happen if the artists had to worry about making similar forms to go alongside it.

i just want re:digitize decode to be alive

>Kunemon > Kuwagamon > Okuwamon > GranKuwagamon
I like that line.

But I was sure Kunemon evolved into the hornet digimon Flymon.

I was at the gym
Nice ad hom
Not an argument

Not an argument

He can do both. Flymon seems like it was intended to be the Greymon to his Agumon though.

Attached: Flymon.jpg (320x320, 56K)

not an argument

Autistic people dislike change. That's why they buy the same game every time.

Reminds me of this one manga where you press a button for 1 million yen but have your consciousness transported to an empty dimension where you have to live for 500 million years. Afterwards you lose all memory of the 500 million years and get your money.

Captcha was fucking up so I found the video: youtube.com/watch?v=CN_eL5ukCbw

who's the one to the right of Lilithmon X? The one with the multiple eyes

I was always curious, is skullgreymon stronger or weaker than Metal? I thought skull was cool as fuck.

He is a virus type so weaker. MetalGreymon is vaccine.

Attached: 23.png (1586x442, 353K)

>MetalGreymon is vaccine

Attached: MetalGreymon_(Virus)_b.jpg (320x320, 76K)

I somehow made it to the Eater Adam fight before giving up, being forced to run Lilithmon in order to get anywhere in Hard Mode was bullshit.

Same level of power, but MetalGreymon has the advantage due to being a Vaccine type if they were to fight.

that would be interesting

no one knows, I think.

is the Digital World in Digimon World 3 just a game which was made by humans?


It was an Isekai before Isekai was a thing.

>that would be interesting

Huh? The Virus one is the original Metal Greymon. The orange Vaccine one was created exclusively for the show.


there were a lot of those, user.

nah, digimon 3 was the first

thats a lie leveling takes ages even with platinnumemon

What's your favorite evolution line?

Attached: agumon.jpg (1087x1000, 403K)

What are you talking about? A frontline of 3 Platinums with 3 Tactician USB turns most late-game encounters into an easy lv 80

Why do people still play Digimon? Don't they realise Siralim exists?

No I don't, is it good? Let me googl-
This? This cringe shit is what you're shilling?

Fuck off.

Attached: ss_ac27d918cd7904791e50a743e0f6a55d2d98f926_1920x1080.jpg (1328x778, 398K)

>caring about graphics over gameplay

Not him, but it's less about the graphics and more that everything looks like a generic JRPG boss.

I want to lick every inch of that popsicle and swallow all the creamy goodness

It's all about the party synergies and team building. There are hundreds of monsters with unique skills and abilities, and the game's built around exploiting them with various combinations. It skimps on graphics because it's made by one guy and he puts all his time into the mechanics.

They need a shower

Attached: Hot dogs.png (1200x994, 920K)

You already did.

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shut the fr*ck up. Metal Greymon is the best monster design of all time

Mechanics make a game, but not a memorable one. Looking generic is a death sentence honestly.

You'll grow out of that mentality.

How accurate is it to the anime?

Do I need to turn 30 before I start buying things that lack decent hooks just because shills vouch for them?

>mechanics make a game, but not a memorable one

I mean that mechanics mechanics make a good game, but a unique mechanical hook or visual identity is needed to make a good IP.


Goblimon Ogremon Etemon Metal Etemon is mine

have you seen the Mega they made for Ogremon?

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I remember playing World Dawn/Dusk when I was younger. Kinda fun but too fetchquesty. Does Cyber Sleuth use the same gameplay?

I'm 29 and that game looks like hot garbage my dude. I doubt my opinion will change in the next 9 months.

>x navel
>eye penis

It would look good if it wasn't so sexualized, yikes!

They made a data version not tooo long ago too.

Does he have cute feet?

yes i will stick to metal etemon tho

Bros how does someone simply come up with a Design as epic as Wargreymon? Where did they get their creativity?

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Attached: titamon.png (900x594, 487K)

It's just so fucking cheesy

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oh...his pelvis isn't actually the focus of the design.

This changes everything, he is my nigga now.

looks good but what's cheesy about it?

No idea but he is amazing.

Last time I checked this was the strongest thing whit tits in digimon is that still true?

>really want to go back to playing cyber sleuth and hopefully finish it
>can't find my vita's charging brick anywhere

the best digimon are the waifus

prove me wrong

Attached: Bellestarrmon.jpg (360x480, 53K)


Siralim is okay but the creator is a bitch. He used his position as a dev to contact Valve and get people's whole accounts banned if they discussed Easter eggs in his games on the forums because they were "spoilers." Imagine losing every game you have just because some thin skinned creator didnt like you discussing things in his game he wanted to keep secret.

Fuck that shit. Pirate those games.

Shakamon is the equivalent to yggdrassil which is basically god

Attached: Shakamon.jpg (738x369, 57K)

where the tits

i never finished this game because the grind at the near end killed me. i just wanted apocalymon and it took forever. AND IT WASNT EVEN GOOD

i mean its female...maybe under that armor?

how come these games never got as popular as pokemon? they're cooler

cyber sluts is one of my favourite games, but the gameplay is really flawed

No clear aesthetic, too much variation in what the fuck digimon actually is across different types of media.

That design is fucking great though.

I've never noticed that greymon straight up broke that birdos beak


Nintendo was a mega powerhouse in the early 90s, a literal end-game boss company that bullied everyone around them. They built the Gameboy and made a handheld revolution.

Meanwhile, Tamagotchi, where Digimon came from, were legit a couple of dudes working on these garbage devices.

I'm glad Digimon blew up the way it did, because it could have easily died when Pokemon came out and killed their sole way to get income. Just be happy Digimon exists because its a miracle of its own.

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Why does every second digimon thread keep talking about pokemon?

Digimon games vary a lot in terms of genre and mechanics. Plus the designs vary a lot and are less cohesive as a roster than Pokemon.

Attached: Magnukidmon.jpg (320x320, 67K)

Shut the fuck up retard, that isn't why it didn't get popular. The Nintendo game behind pokemon is, and how the pokemon anime came to the west before digimon anime did, and how one is a game in the fucking game boy and the other had to wait till the Playstation to have a game overseas.

/vp/ is super depressed right now and the news of Cyber Sleuth coming to Switch as a direct alternative to Pokemon is cathartic to Pokefags.

I always thought Agumon was really basic and too straight forward to like as a kid, but god damn when I saw WarGreymon for the first time


Attached: Galacticmon.png (640x416, 190K)

I really wish Digimon could have gotten just as popular as Pokemon.


The anime is far superior to anything Pokemon has. And the games may not all be good, but I respect how much they tried to make things unique and interesting each time. Pokemon just does the same thing every time for their mainline series.

I really hope more people give Digimon a chance with the PC and Switch ports.

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holy shit didn't know that fkn based

This is the coolest thing I've ever seen

I mean, it's possible to enjoy both franchises equally. monster-catching games are my favorite genre. Although I have been shilling digimon on /vp/ for years and I'm elated it's starting to go my way finally

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Lol. I personally think it is a little too edgy, but him, this guy , and this chick are all part of a trio

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I love Pokemon, too, but I felt like Digimon never got the love it deserved. But I feel like with Pokemon, it has really gotten stale, and I'm only really nostalgic for the older generations. But Digimon somehow seems to have gotten new life with these recent games and I'm absolutely ecstatic about the future for this franchise.

>new digital pets coming out
>sold out everywhere
>scalpers are going to gouge to hell
I hate it.

>Why isn't X as popular as pokemon, the biggest thing in the world.
You people are fucking pathetic

Greymon is based, never understtimate it.

pokemon appeals to a wide audience of different ages, digimon mainly appeals to males, plus they aren't as marketable.

Attached: Omegamon.full.1106718.jpg (1000x706, 156K)

>weregarurumon doesn't have big feet
>gargomon body is not even right

As far as the bio goes, Skulgreymon's a monster. It has no flesh, so it can't feel pain. No matter how much you damage it, it'll keep fighting until it dies. Its brain can't comprehend anything except killing everything it sees. You can't just beat it into submission, you have to destroy it completely. In that regard, it has an advantage over Metalgreymon, which can at least feel pain. It's also bigger than Metalgreymon.

Still, it's a mindless, raging berserker, while Metalgreymon is intelligent.

It's summer

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Digimon and Pokemon are nearly opposites in terms of execution.
Pokemon committed to a formula so hard it kind of pigeonholed itself. Sure spinoffs have their fans but core Pokemon games will always be RPGs about competing in a Pokemon League while fighting gangs on the side.
Digimon played fast and loose with its IP, trying a bit of everything. It can be a training sim, a JRPG, a fighting game, an couch co-op hack-n-slash, etc. Even story-wise it can do just about anything so long as Digimon and friends are involved somehow.

>I really wish Digimon could have gotten just as popular as Pokemon.
im glad it isn't, have you seen the latest thing happening to pokemon? the game has becoming more mediocre and lazy, people policing over skin tones and acting puritans for sexualizing the underage trainers. being the underdog has pushed them to put effort into making digimon games fun and look so good. also the community is more stronger because there is actual love for the game and lore. is good digimon isn't in the spotlight because everything they release is what continues to bring hope on their fans and appreciate every work done into it

Gen 8 is the death of pokemon. The turtle is okay and crow is great but everything else looks like its made of clay and toothpaste and put togeather with toothpicks

>normies can draw a better rendition of gargomon than the furfags that self claim to be bigger fans of

Attached: galgomon happy.jpg (1080x608, 54K)

>couch co-op hack-n-slash
That game is fucking stupid, but I can't help but admit that it actually is pretty fun if you play it with friends. Also don't forget Digi Card Battle! That's one of my favorites of all time.

Eh, I suppose you're right. I just hate it when people dismiss Digimon just because of what it is or what it's not without giving it a chance.

Thank you, Digibros. Let's be hopeful and continue towards a bright future for Digimon.

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Deputymon is cool gundramon comes off as rediculous

I liked the DS digimon games (especially dawn/dusk) will I like Cyber Sluts? I mean the digimon look great but it looks kinda generic like the digimon savers game on the PS2.

It plays almost exactly like Dusk/Dawn, minus the stupid tribal exp shit.

the game has a concept was good for a side game not a real digimon game. Also the execution was terribly done and it was overall quite lazy compared to all the others.

Its meant to be ridiculous so I guess its good as well.

Stop being so closed minded and taking shit so seriously. It's not serious, it's fun and cheesy.

>all these replies
>not a single person replying with the literal shit digimon himself

Attached: Sukamon_b.jpg (320x320, 81K)

I've spend a rather large amount of time in DW3 card battles, is that game basically the same mechanics?

>i cant wait to raise a bunch of badass digimon
>200 hours later walking around with a mommy harem
every fucking time

Sounds good, does it still have the farm and anime character cameos in the tamers tournament?

No, it's completely different. I recommend giving Digi Card Battle a shot, it's a ton of fun.

Attached: 19-PSOGL019.png (640x480, 68K)

It's sort of intimidating to start Digimon with a baseline of 0. Way back in the day, I chose and grew up on Pokemon and ignored Digimon for the most part. I'm very interested in the Cybersleuth games though but I've stopped myself from getting them because I don't think I'd know where to start from.

Are they beginner friendly? I actually like the monster designs and the artist for the games is also great coming from the Devil Survivor games which I also loved.

>I just hate it when people dismiss Digimon just because of what it is or what it's not without giving it a chance.
dont bother, is better to keep normies out of it, no fandom end up well when normies become the majority of a community

>start game
>completely misunderstand how stats work
>continuously reset/devolve mons to Lv1 and then to Lv99 and then Digivolve them to their Ultimate forms again, thinking their Lv1 base stats would start higher and higher each time
>realize almost at the end of the game this is absolutely not how stats or leveling up works at all
>devolving them at lv99 doesn't make their base stats higher when re-leveled
i put 80 hours into this game for fucks sake. i should have looked at a guide

The farm is still there, though the post game is totally different.
The girl from Dusk does make a cameo, but no anime characters.

desu it kinda feels like the devs of these Digimon Story games care more about the digimon brand than the actual owners of the digimon brand. they are the only ones doing anything really interesting with the digimon lore / universe and the gameplay's not weighed down by a bunch of gimmicks or meters

But you did increase their Ability, which increases the amount their stats CAN be raised.
Stick them in the farm now and set them on a stat course.

mfw I got stuck with this fuck all the time in DW1

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Just start with the first Cyber Sleuth, buddy. Get it on PC or Switch, it'll come bundled with both Cyber Sleuth games. And this should be the enhanced version of the original, which has balance changes made in Hacker's Memory and all the mons from it as well.

As far as beginner friendly goes, yeah, Normal is pretty easy. Hard mode becomes insane later on in post-game content, if you want a challenge. Difficulty can be adjusted whenever you want.

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i feel like digimon looking human just defeats the point. they're supposed to be monsters. angemon/angewomon were like special exceptions.

thanks brah I'll hunt down the rom

is the process similar to DW3? thinking about getting em on my switch

>harmless pokemon battles
I like how the buck is passed to the Pokemon to thanklessly beat the shit out of each other to solve human problems. That totally solves the moral conundrum.

Why does every goddamn bit of official Digimon art 1990s res?

Alright thanks user.

To explain it simply, the more you digivolve/digivolve your Digimon, the higher their ABI gets. The higher their ABI is, the higher level your Digimon can get to, and more stats they can gain when training in the farm. Some Digimon require a specific ABI to be digivolved into.

honestly in a game like this hard mode is basically masochism, it just demands more grinding and sticking to broken moves above all else

Because people are into different things you silly goose
i like a lot of different games my favourite being summon nightsword craft games on gba

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You can ABI by evolving.reverting, which determines how much stat training you can do at the farm.
For example, at 16 ABI you can put 16 points into your stats while training at the farm.
Training is a matter of setting Digimon at the farm and waiting a couple minutes, though there are certain modifiers that I won't go in-depth on that determine training time and what stats get raised.

sounds like they actually fleshed out and explained the mechanics that were present in DW3

the game is absolutely fucking terrible at explaining any of this btw so just read a guide. the bad translation combined with the lack of proper explanation is just a pain

I admit that I like some fanservice Digimon, and some humanoid ones that aren't fanservice, like Devimon, but I do think there are too many humanoid ones now. I liked the designs the most in the early, early days when Digimon were mostly monstrous, and their final forms were even tougher looking monsters instead of humans in armor and cosplay.

such a relaxing song makes me wish it was a real world to go into

look at this devimon redesign

Attached: devimon.jpg (1500x1548, 321K)

if anything i thought devimon was supposed to be humanoid to show he was a little more intelligent than the other monsters (and thus the antagonist), same with myotismon and piedmon. the smartest villains you had to keep an eye on were all the humanoids


Pic related shows a Digimon requiring a certain amount of ABI to be evolved into for examples.

Yeah, game doesn't explain ABI very well, but something similar was present in the Digimon Story games on DS so I understood it immediately. So either a guide or friend would be helpful to explain these things.

Attached: abi.png (600x360, 260K)

it looks like a straight up mecha though? is it devimon redesign or a later evolution?

call me a faggot but i like that redesign

Where the hell is that from?

This looks like Devimon X to me. So it's Devimon infected with the X-antibody. Separate Digimon, basically.


Attached: angemon.jpg (1400x1482, 268K)

youtube.com/watch?v=ikWx6htR9CE reminds me of this

just give me a dating sim where I can romance renamon and be best bros with machinedramon and bully puppetmon.

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Incineroarfags WISH they husbando was on this level.

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lol digimon always sucked anf pokemon turned to shit after gen 4

couldn't find one without some fag talking over it?

Ok yeah it's not Devimon X, I thought it was something with the new Digital Monster X v-pet. But we got LadyDevimon X, not regular Devimon.

Dunno, I switched to SMT ages ago.

still mad they never released dukemon

but digimon is fun i loved the DS games and gen 5 pokemon was great

>not posting the best bancho

Attached: Banchogolemon.jpg (320x320, 33K)


here's the song though


2010 was a bad year for Digimon.

Attached: 6-21_Analyzer-12_JP.png (1280x720, 785K)

Start with the Cyber Sleuth games.

Ty big fan of the ratchet and clank soundtrack as much as i liked the remake it doesn't hold up to the original ps2 games

is Black Wargreymon available by default in Hacker Memory? One of my biggest irritations was not having my favorite digimon in the whole series because of a fucking preorder bonus

Question for all the rattlers inside.
I have never played ANY Digimon game, i missed out on it for pokemon instead and dropped it after BW2, the peak. Are Cyber Sleuth and the other one thats coming on switch any good? i am willing to try

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that's not banchostingmon ya dingdong

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they already did that with agumon on savers

He's in Hacker's Memory, yes. Not in the original Cyber Sleuth without DLC.

However, he should be in both games once the PC and Switch ports drop. And every mon from Hacker's Memory should be in Cyber Sleuth. So I'd wait for those.

Yeah they're fun. At least the first one is, I haven't played Hacker's Memory yet. I won't lie, they don't feel like they had a huge budget, but it's fun to experiment with Digimon and build your favorite teams.

that's a gross xros, but the new Greymon is really dope

Attached: Greymon_(2010_anime)_b (1).jpg (320x320, 56K)

They're relatively standard JRPGs.
I'd rather recommend Digimon World 1, Re:Digitize or Next Order if you want something more unique.

Main meat of Digimon is in the anime.

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Yes, play the Cyber Sleuth games once they drop on Switch/PC. It's a great start-off point for those who have never played a Digimon game. It's at least familiar ground if you've ever played an SMT game or Final Fantasy X.

We have no idea about Digimon Survive, though. That's coming in 2020, we have yet to see much of it, but it looks a'ight so far.

I've wondered that myself. I would assume the guidebooks would have better scans by now but I guess not.

I agree with this. I like humans alright but I feel like nowadays there are too many humanoids, and far too much of an overreliance on Megas. I hate how everything is always a mad dash to Mega level, with no time as Champions or Ultimates.

The Angemon/Devimon redesigns are okay as their own thing but I don't understand what the point of them was. Wasn't there an Angewomon one too? Or am I thinking of Mastemon?

not him but what differences will there really be on the switch/pc other than it coming in one package with DLC

Looks like a shiny metal greymon.

no, this is metal greymon

Attached: MetalGreymon_(2010_anime)_b.jpg (320x320, 39K)

Are you going to be able to share your digimon between Cyber Sleuth to Hacker's Memory?

Cyber Sleuth should have the balance changes from Hacker's Memory. This includes a nerf to several moves, increased ABI (aka stats your Digimon can gain through training), and every Digimon from Hacker's Memory should be available in the first game. There might be more, although I'm not sure. But it's a more complete package than anything we've gotten in the west before.

Only DIgimon game I have played is Digimon World 1, one of my favourites and a classic in my eyes. However I have never played any other Digimon game.

What are the other top tier Digimon games? Preferably something I can emulate.

that's how the original releases were like if i recall so yeah

>and every Digimon from Hacker's Memory should be available in the first game
any info on this or are you assuming that is should

Digimon World 2
Digimon World 3
Digimon Card Battle
Digimon Re:Digitize
Digimon Dawn/Dusk
Digimon Championship

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Re:digitize and Cyber Sleuth.

I like World 3 and Championship for the DS but some don't.

Assuming. It's how the Japanese version of the game was, though. The Japanese version came bundled with both Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory, and all Digimon were available. When brought over to the west, we got Hacker's Memory without Cyber Sleuth bundled in, so there was no way to get the mons from Hacker's Memory to Cyber Sleuth.

righton hopefully you're right i already own them on the vita and ps4 but might aswell wait to give the games another shot on the switch

Forget pre-order bonuses and QoL changes. We should be asking the REALLY important question:
Will NAcucks censor Sistermon this time?

this is a very pressing matter but another pressing matter is will it be physical on switch and if so will it all be on 1 cartridge

>Digimon Championship
This is the most underrated one I think. There's no real story to it which will turn people away but it does the virtual pet stuff better than digimon world 1 or next order


Its sad but also makes me happy. Digimon is pure love nowadays.

Why can't Digimon fans and Pokemon Fans be friends? They're both good games and if only they were to combine forces with DIgimon's Gameplay and general philosophy, with Pokemon's Story and designs it'd be the perfect casual RPG.

Attached: 256px-Pokemon_Nobunaga_Box.png (256x228, 134K)

>Every digimon game has different gameplay
Based franchise.

Now give me Survive

God tamers was based, got real weird too

i feel like for the most part they can be friends it's just the autistic few who can't handle the others being fans of something different

Nothing wrong with mind-tentacle torturing a little girl and feeding off her despair while making her relive her mothers sudden death over and over again.

Attached: [PLSP-card] Digimon Tamers 50 (H264-AAC) [90174819].mkv_20131001_231025.165.jpg (640x480, 59K)

muh nigga Angemon hit the gym, based

Cyber Sleuth's story is trash due to your choices not mattering and the fact you're in a SOULLESS version of the Battle Network cyber world.

"I love you, Yu"
"Haha just kidding"
I wish the third game actually has the budget to at least have romance options or other basic features RPGs have or some sort of post game

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Man a srpg pokemon game was the best fucking idea yet Conquest felt poorly done. I wish they'd go back and fix Conquest's issues with a remake sequel or somethings or make a new srpg pokemon series. Pokemon can be so much better if they branch out to different genres and actually improve on them.

finally, a fellow Conquest Bro, don't worry if Pokemon Ranger can have 3 games and TMS was apparently a success, then our time will come.

>with Pokemon's Story
This is why we can't be friends. Pokefags are stupid and have retarded opinions.

Describe your main game parties.

>Cyber Sleuth: Dianamon, Lilithmon, Minervamon, Bancholeomon, Titamon, Mugendramon, MirageGaogamon, Holydramon, Wargreymon, Mastemon, Omegamon
>Hackers Memory: Omegashoutmon, Durandamon, Cherubimon, Metalseadramon, Chaosdramon, Shinegreymon, Metalgarurumon (Black), Rosemon Burst Mode, Beelzebumon Blaster Mode, Rusttyranomon, Tyrantkabuterimon
>-Next 0rder-: Omegamon, Mastemon

It's funny how Omegamon isn't really all that strong in these games.

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
Just don't post at all, please.

i honestly think the only pokemon game spinoffs we will see now are let's go, rumble and maybe another dungeon i unironically loved playing let's go

game isn't even out yet how would I know what my main party would be?

>Pokemon's story
full retard

Comparing Pokemon's story with Digimon's is the equivalent of turtle races. At least Pokemon's story has a sense of progression and post-game. With Digimon Story games it's "Do these sidequests until the story mission is available, then fight the big monster, then New Game + the same game". At least the DS games had a world to explore and a decent post-game

Next Order's not worth mentioning, huh?

I can't believe that was done in the first place, I haven't seen anyone censor religious things because of fear of Christians in nearly two decades. At least it can be fixed on PC even if they do.

>At least Pokemon's story has
Stopped reading there, I will finish that sentence for you:
>At least Pokémon's story has
Nothing, it has nothing at all.

Cyber Sleuth has a billion post-game bosses, though.


Oh no.

i just miss mystery dungeon. loved that world

what fucking game
i love jrpg's and edgy designs

tfw no flamedramon gf

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Ok while I thought it was dumb at the time, I still think it's kinda cool that censorship basically created a brand new Digimon?

I dunno, it's kinda neat honestly.

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I will give them one thing: it was benign compared to the censored named in the Xros Wars dub.
>Lucemon Wild Mode

I remember hating tamers as a kid and loving season 2, then I ended up watching a couple episodes of season 2 and wondered what kid me was thinking. Never checked out tamers again though, I assume I’m not the target audience now.

Cyber Sleuth

Redpill me on Habu.
What did he do and why does everyone love him do much?

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>censoredmon catches on
>makes her a unique thing with a katana instead of guns
Neat. In a perfect world Noir and Ciel would both be in the Complete Edition.

Gentlemen, tell me I can build a Lilithmon and Angewomon team.

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Are the games even considered in the Digimon franchise? Like, do they even make a considerable amount of sales when compared to Angewomon figures and rereleasing Digivices and more Original Series pandering?

Tamers is actually fantastic and holds up extremely well as an adult.
The writer actually knew what he was doing and the amount of effort put into the writing stands out.
As long as you watch the sub, you'll end up liking it. Just gotta get through the first 3 awkward episodes, where Takato cries a lot.

yes you can, but you better know the digivolution tree and proper farming because you better fucking commit

Good lord, those are bad. Why on Earth would they change Slash to Slush?

I think Tamers is still up your alley. It was written by Chiaki Konaka, who did Serial Experiments Lain, so the latter half of Tamers gets really fucked up and weird. It's honestly great.

Right? She even gets her own official art.

Attached: Sistermon_ciel.jpg (320x320, 21K)

You can't build a Lilithmon and Angewomon team
It's 3v3 battles so fuse Angewomon and LedyDevimon into the yuri goddess, slap another waifumon in there, and have fun

i like it

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someone wanna give me a rundown of sistermon, I'm kinda confused by the wikis

next order is dogshit

That's what I like about pokemon, the naturalistic designs. Digimon doesn't have that, so it's worthless to me.

thats habu
he tries

It's sad that these texts never actually go anywhere like does answering the trivia actually do anything?

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Not sure what exactly to explain, but, in the original Hacker's Memory, Sistermon Noir and Blanc were in the game. When releasing the game in the west, Sistermon Noir was censored as Sistermon Ciel, which was like a blue recolor, but instead of cat ears, it was mouse ears. Ended up being a completely brand new Digimon, which I think was a really great idea down the line.

Attached: Sistermon_ciel_reference_art.png (1604x767, 922K)

I'm thinking of trying it out when it comes to PC or Switch. I do have a Vita but might as well get the complete editions when they come out.

fuck off narutaki
dont you have some magenta son of a bitch to bug?

who cares

In cyber sleuth 1 answering it right gave that 'mon a single point of cam but in Hacker's Memory I think they're bugged and no matter what you answer you never get a reply.

I guess I just don't really understand the reasoning behind the censorship, there's lewder mons out there

tamers is overrated, but still worth a watch. my only disappointment was how they started to less and less use the TCG to fight, the only time it was used often was if it turned into a blue card. the tcg gave them a huge advantage and main feature of the digivice but nope, it was discarded

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I do since Armageddemon wants to celebrate my birthday and Wargreymon wants to know who made the Mona Lisa

Digimon does have an aesthetic.

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Someone in charge of localization didn't like nuns? It's really a mystery, especially since it's just a color change.

The cards were discarded because they had served as ways to explore the characters personalities.
The stuff that comes after it is way more compelling

i love digimonstory trivia

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What waifumons are there in this game?

Everything posted in this thread has just made me more convinced that all digimon designs are hot garbage, even compared to nu-pokemon.

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All of them.
All of the waifumons


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half a national pokedex has been deposited into your pokemon home

>Look at these characters we spent building up and passing some dumb torch
>Let's just throw them into the plot dimension where they can't do anything not even fellate the original cast
Tri really was the worst 5 spent on anime.

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It only affected the American version, Noir was in the European version, so it was someone involved with the NA branch that didn't think it was appropriate, or was afraid of a group of people no one's cared about in a long time.

What's that blue, blocky one above Kuzuhamon?

>they had served as ways to explore the characters personalities.
with cards?

Lets forget about Tri.
wish we could forget about the 1st destined too and not wank them to infinity but whatever

>let's forget about Tri
No you won't, because we got more Taichi and Agumon toys and Blu-Rays to sell your ass. Don't you want Digimon to thrive and not die? Well keep buying more Omnimon figures

>Takato overzealously uses the cards to help Guilmon any chance he gets
>Ruki withholds using cards to challenge Renamon and only uses them when it takes too long or the fight is going badly
>Jian uses the cards expertely in creative and possibly unintended ways
Odd, its like Takato is a naive child, Ruki is a proud, cold bitch and Jian is the most mature and skilled and they're showcasing that there


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The person who translated the quiz questions just did not give a single fuck. There's no consistency. There's like a 50/50 chance they labeled the answer wrong or labeled the correct option wrong.

It's coming to PC.

It'll be on PC come October

>Giving a shit about Poekmon or Digimon
I only care about pokemon for the girls porn.

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these fuckers get ALL the movies and specials while tamers and frontier are starving

>not having a vita


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the best thing tri did was remove those garbage characters from the canon

Vitium's final form, from ReDigitize.

Thanks. Been meaning to play that game ever since I learned enough Nip to do so, but that was several years ago, I keep forgetting.

Mudsdale is based though.
Of all the shit/generic designs you could've gone with you go with one of the cool ones.

Well if you insist...

Attached: tailmon and yagami hikari (digimon adventure 02 and etc) drawn by toku (ke7416613) - ec52b74e8680026 (960x864, 232K)

Do Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon have this problem? Like yeah, Dark Magician and Blue Eyes get some cards, and Pokemon Gen 1 wanking is just Charizard, Pikachu, and Mewtwo. But is Digimon the worst with "Taichi and Agumon are the real heroes of the franchise". I want to say Pokemon is the worst with OG wank but I'm starting to doubt it with Digimon "The Last Evolution"

Just how bad was Tri?

Okay, imagine 3 episode bursts dedicated to each character per burst. Now imagine if 2 of those 3 episodes are almost static images with voiceovers from characters. Also, it's all about 3 characters you never cared or heard about. How bad is it?

That sounds like a recipe for disaster

They do.
Pokemon likes to shill Pikachu, Eevee, and KANTOOOO in everything.
Yugioh can't stop dickriding the first series so there's constant Yugi/Kaiba products, new Blue-Eyes cards, and they even started a set based around giving literal who characters new cards.


This but unironically
I'm bean ironic, it was bad even with them overusing to death butterfly

>new chosen children
>takeru and hikari are experienced in the field, they could be great leaders now that taichi and the others are too busy being grown ups
>no, let's make this recently chosen children be the leader because he looks like taichi and has a mary sue for a digimon

Pokemon shills kanto shit like no tomorrow
Yugioh not really since each MC has their own shit going on and wont cross over with another unless its a weird AR world like GX

Yugioh had this problem a while ago with Arc-V where numerous characters got sidelined for "REMEMBER THIS CHARACTER?". The only weird thing is they didn't actually bring Yugi or Kaiba back so it was like if there was weird Gen2/3/4 pandering during Sun and Moon

But no matter how much Taichi and Agumon try they will never surpass Pikachu, Charizard, and Mewtwo being pushed forever.

Keep crying pokefag

more like
each movie is divided in 4 episodes, now 3/4 are dedicated to pointless talk and drama, but that means the last episode will be all about battle, right? well no, because that last 4th episode has also talking and the last 15 minutes are fighting and is the most boring fight

The animation quality and lack of action isn't the biggest issue.
The series just doesn't know what it wants to be. It's trying to balance deeper Digiworld lore, a plot driven by literally who characters, and Digidestined character arcs all at once. And for a nostalgia series it fails to keep a focus on the latter.
There's also the problem of a lack of expression or impact. The characters like to stand around and not emote.
Also also they force the new original the character as a love interest for Tai at the last minute.