ITT: Games you could play if you knew Japanese.
ITT: Games you could play if you knew Japanese
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That exact one. I should probably get learning since unless they announce a switch port it doesn't have the slightest chance of getting translated
all of them
not a whole lot because I'd die after a week of continuously jacking off to porn games
Are there any good western dungeon crawlers aside from legend of grimrock?
Pokemon but with cute girls.
I already learned Japanese and it was worth it for pic related alone.
What exactly is it that makes Dungeon Travelers so much better than every other dungeon crawler?
Serious question, I always see people praising the game and these pictures make it look like a fairly average dungeon crawler (although the art is great).
Best ones get translated anyway
Great Deceiver
Is this even a good game?
what game
>le word play
Japanese humor really is for brainlets.
Are the Langrisser games any good? Art and music is great, but what about story and gameplay?
If only that were true.
Does it have a petting and care mechanic like the 3DS Pokemon games?
I mean you could learn kana in like a week or two and understand 80% of that image
>word play
It's just replacing one kana with a number
Where are your Rance 10 and Evenicle 2 translations?
What use is knowing 80% if the 20% remaining is what matters? The sentence with the kanji is the only thing that's important to know there, everything else you can get by visual clues.
Or you can just masturbate, that will save you 100 hours of learning a useless language, 5 hours playing a shitty hentai game and hundred more pretending to be a weeb on the internet
No, sadly not. You just give them orgasms.
Venus&Brave and pic
Tomato Adventure
Like eigo's any better?
One Kanji*
New Touhou games before translation
All these games for PC-98
Im@s starlight stage
How about you pick out some series that aren't actually getting translated right now
>baka gaijin
>learning japanese
I'm sure there will be a dozen more games by the time they get translated
dungeon design and overall game length
It's very low budget but it's good if you like dungeon crawlers
Your typical anime stuff.
Nothing great.
Of Rance? It literally ended with 10
I learned Japanese years ago for games. I don't regret it. I regret getting into translation as a career, but I'm trying to fix it.
Fuck, I thought the pattern on her shoulders were blue Anki stars
You can pet them with your dick.
Of good games
I remember six years ago telling myself I'd replay ToD: DC when I could actually understand it, but I passed that point years ago and I still haven't gotten around to replaying it or any other Tales game I wanted to replay except Vesperia.
PlayAsia would become my number one online game store.
>tfw you know Japanese but don't really want to play any untranslated games
This sometimes happens to me when I'm really busy with work and/or other things. When I have a few calm days to myself, I always go back to wanting to play games in Japanese.
If I get 5 or more replies to this post I will being learning japanese earnestly, and if I don't my only fate is misery for betraying my word, same as the ones who reply to this post if they do not learn japanese
I've already learned it, but good luck. Keep your motivation up for those early stages, they're the most dangerous.
learn it to play loli games
Realistically by the time I learn enough Japanese to struggle through these games Google translate will be almost perfect. It's already pretty good for stumbling through porn games
>Google translate will be almost perfect.
I'm already learning but still have a long way to go. When I play japanese games sometimes I get so tired, I can't read nip properly anymore but it always reminds me how much there is to learn and continue next day.
be honest. how long will it take?
We're talking three to four years from now. Do you know how much that shit's already improved in the last few years?
That's what people were saying four years ago when I started, google translate has not improved in any way during these 4 years. 4 years from now, it is extremely likely to be exactly the same as it is now and was 4 years ago.
>It's already pretty good for stumbling through porn games
I do, but I also know Japanese and have common sense and understand that a machine translator will never approach perfection. There's just too much context needed in casual language.
Lazy asses have been saying that for years.
Good luck
This this this.
>Text isn't aligned with the games
>Do you know how much that shit's already improved in the last few years?
not very much apparently. Check the google ''translation`` for the game in my pic here
Abosolutly nothing, overall google has getting worse in all of their areas even the captcha has gone to shit
The sentence with the kanji in this case isn't important at all. The resistances are basically the only thing with kanji you need to understand there.
I miss when Google search results were good.
>a few days to start playing games in Japanese with dictionary
>a few months to ditch the dictionary
>two years to be fluent enough to pass as Japanese in online games
if you're autistic enough it's easy
I learned Japanese and I literally only use it to jack off, play h-games (miss me with that overproduced shit though), and watch a few obscure youtubers. Which is still worth it, I think, but I dunno. Most of the "normal" untranslated games I see don't really appeal to me; the ones that do appeal to me typically get translated or localized anyway. It is nice having the option to play those games early, though. Bottom line is, don't get memed into learning Japanese by yourself or by anyone else.
Can I get by if I learn all kanji that japs learn from Kindergarden - Grade 12 and then rely on furigana for the rest?
>not using it to skim the cream off the top of untranslated porn powerpoints with good stories
you're missing out on some wild shit, my man.
You want to learn words, not kanji
this, learn it to play the most insane games no-one in their right mind would translate
>started one of the taorukettos but never finished it
I really gotta play those
>a few months to ditch the dictionary
>two years to be fluent enough to pass as Japanese in online games
You're not ditching a dictionary in a few months, man. You'll use it somewhat less, but that's it. You'd have to speak in Japanese with Japanese people constantly to get good enough to pass in a couple years.
>The Game of my life living in Japan with a QT Japanese GF
that one, yeah
>Community Pom
>Community Omoide o Dekishimete
These are the exact same game; they just added a subtitle on the re-release under a different publisher
>Linda^3 Again
You don't want this on PS1; 90s Sony was Snoying it up in Japan and made them censor gore and stuff that was too "disturbing"
You either want the Saturn "Kanzenban" version, or the original PCE version for the original art and misc changes e.g. the kiss scene at the beginning doesn't have an illustration in the PS/SS versions.
>I regret getting into translation as a career
Is there something special about the PS2 version of Zwei? (as opposed to the Windows version that's already in English)
>the ones that do appeal to me typically get translated or localized anyway
Sometimes well, sometimes very poorly. The latter is what pushed me to learn Japanese. I didn't know how bad Dragon Quest localizations were until I already got into playing the series in Japanese, but I'm sure glad I don't have to deal with the localizations.
Is that actually good?
>Sometimes well
Good game translations are like finding a needle in a haystack.
It's not particularly hard to make Japanese friends through games. For me it was mostly twitter back in the day but now there's discord and a bunch of other social media too.
Translating stuff you don't care about five days a week is pretty awful, and you don't even get paid well to do it.
I've beat 3 and it was really short, like 5 hours
But man those were some of the weirdest hours of my life.
They're not *that* uncommon, I don't know why so many tryhards here act like they do. But they are certainly in the minority. Things are better than they were in the 80s and 90s, but they can still be pretty bad at times. I feel like the early to mid 2000s was probably the best time for game localization since companies were trying to take them more seriously at the time, and the industry hadn't yet been completely taken over by jackasses.
I like the art style and the game looks fun
can I get a name? I'm always down for weird.
thanks man, even went the extra mile.
>word play only exists in japanese
so this is the power of being a retard...
you're welcome.
Apparently that game (Towelket 3, chronologically the first to come out) actually got a partial translation, but I doubt it's ever getting finished.
>start learning japanese 2 weeks ago
>can recognize hiragana
>start learning katakana
>still don't know a single word
>still cant tell why sometimes theres spaces, and sometimes theres no spaces
>It's not particularly hard to make Japanese friends through games
fucking normalfags
What the fuck, first time I've seen that game mentioned on Yea Forums.
I'm kind of confused. Which one is supposed to be the best translation? It looks like the fan one to me, but it's less literal so hard to judge.
That and Rance X
There actually is a translation for Towelket 3. They started work on others but those aren't finished.
The GBA version. The literal TL is "The town of Zozo is nestled in the mountains to the north. A lot of rogues wander around there."
>tfw you'll never be able to play the confiest series ever made
GBA is probably the closest, though it's taking unnecessary liberties and going out of its way to use a phrase like ne'er do wells.
The Legendary Bistro Recipe (Fighting Foodons) Gameboy Color games.
is 3 really finished? Maybe it's just the old file I have, but none of the menus were done.
Is the script all kana, like in Pokemon? It's useful to tell words apart in those cases.
I’m literally just now getting to chapter 10 in DT2. I really hope they bring 2-2 over in some form. My wife Grishna is too damn cute not to bully.
Okay maybe someone who does translation can answer me this question:
Why the actual fuck is it contractually required to turn the titles of japanese things into alliteration in English? Is this some blood oath that all paid translators must swear? Is there a secret guild of editors that overwrites everything after you leave? Why the actual fuck? Why always with the alliterations?
I need to know.
It's a kid marketing fad thing.
Loot system isn’t absolute trash, it’s fun trying out different classes and skills, level reset is convenient, dungeon map design is genuinely smart and engaging if not a little cheap with some of the necessary invisible walls (looking at you Underground Waterway). If you know what you’re doing the game is a blast.
It certainly is done, yeah. You can find the archived link in the uboa thread. I liked the beginning a lot but it kinda hurt seeing the main cast of characters get wiped out right at the start. It's still good though.
>tfw there are games that will never be translated because literally, they cannot be.
If someone can prove that wrong and come up with an honest to goodness way of making Kotobattle work in English given the limits of the GBC, as well as the fact that Kanji are a thing that simply does not exist in English, that person needs to be made a god of some sort.
Yeah but it's spread to EVERYTHING now, regardless of how bad you have to warp the titles.
>Land of the Lustrous
>Quintessential Quints
I fucking hate it, it's gratuitous and it needs to stop
I really liked Daibanchou.
its usually a mix. You saying when kana is introduced its a new word?
hold up I'm getting really confused here. You mean mou ichido or mou ichido 3? According to
it's mou ichido that has a translation. I only played 3, first untranslated and then looked at the translation in here
Oh, yeah, you're right, mine is mou ichido. I was confused because I thought mou ichido 3 was the first one, and that was the one translated, but nevermind. It's hard to remember with a naming/numbering system like that series.
No I'm saying all kana scripts can be sort of a pain to read with no spaces whatsoever, kanji exist for a reason.
Translating is a broad term. There is certainly a way to make it work, but as to how much of the original essence would remain is debatable.
you made the mistake of not just learning words immediately after getting your Kana down.
"mine" 20 words a day and flash card those bitches. Rule of thumb is card the ones you see more than one time. Do that for a while and you'll start running out of those more common words. And make your cards with Kanji. If you know the Kanji, you also know the Kana, but not necessarily the other way around. This will help later on as well.
Learn verbs in their base form (使う、戦う、売る、聞く) and understand that while yes, you should briefly study the grammar of verb tenses, it makes a lot more sense when you actually see it in use and make the connections yourself.
For example, the させる form of verbs fucks with people because we really don't have an equivalent in English that isn't really wonky sounding (usually we just use the "opposite" verb and move on).
So when you go to "give" a pokemon an item, they are "made to have" it. 持つ becomes 持たせる. In Ace Attorney, when someone wants you to tell them something, they ask you to "make them hear/listen to" it. 聞くbecomes 聞かせる.
It's literally easier just to intuitively understand what it is than to make some convoluted link to English that doesn't work well.
I like alliteration, and if it works, I might use it. If it's dumb I'd rather not. Sometimes you don't have a choice. Like, after I translated some scenes in something faithfully, I later found out that the editor made on guy super over the top despite it not fitting his character because "It's funny lol" and other translators agreed with with her, so she did it without running it by me.
Fuck editors.
I just watched playthroughs of them
Fuck localizers
I feel like it's a bad habit in general to look for a reason behind every grammar convention, and that it's best to just accept the weird stuff and move on. For instance, recently I had a sentence going like 「ものぐさ百姓がある朝」 and I had no clue why it would be expressed in this fashion with 朝 just being modified by a verb phrase to show all the details. I spent a while writing up a question to ask why this was, before realizing it didn't matter and that knowing the meaning was enough. There are a lot of things that only make sense through exposure, as I'm sure a lot of non-native English learners here can probably attest to.
That's a case for using the target language differently for the same effect. He told her to pleasure him or something, so she retorts "go pleasure yourself". It's the same thing in essence, she told him to fuck off. The translator just saw an opportunity to use English in a different way to get the same point across.
>tfw learned the grammar but too lazy to study kanji and words
>tfw still at 300~ kanji even though it's been more than half a year since I started learning
How do I improve myself, bros
You just admitted your faults.
Play games. Read NHK EASY. Learn words. You must triumph over your own laziness.
You're right that there's not exactly a viable explanation as to why it's modified like that. How would you translate it, by the way? I'm lacking context, but to me it looks like it's something that's along the lines of "A morning filled with lazy people".
I like the "Obenkyo" phone app because it has the words and kanji singled out and grouped into tiers, and I'm currently going through those. Are there any other sites or programs that have such sort of classification?
The full sentence:
The provided translation
>A lazy peasant got up unusually early one morning, and then started planting seeds in the field.
If I came across this independently, I would probably think something like, "One morning with a lazy farmer," or something nonsensical like that, so it was surprising, but this sentence does work smoother in Japanese with how you can append nouns to verb phrases smooth as silk to get something across faster. That's why I think you just have to get used to it.
Isn't that just poetic license? Switching around some stuff to change the feel of a sentence. We do that shit in english all the time, it doesn't necessarily *mean* anything specific, but if you were to translate it you could simply rephrase it in a nonconventional way.
I really want to play the mother of otome games
it took me a few minutes, but isn't that just a variation on "ある日"?
I didn''t get the meaning of the sentence, but might be right, even though I didn't know you could replace that kanji with the one for morning.
I guess the sentence makes sense if you look at it from that perspective, and it fits with the translation you provided.
I suppose so, yeah. I hadn't come across either before but it works.
It's definitely a sentence that would make more sense if you heard it spoken aloud since it would be abundantly clear that they weren't describing the 朝
Hey guys, so I would like to start learning japanes, even if it's just a side project, what would you reccomend/ how did you do it?
Learning from media is also cool, thanks in advance user.
I read the first Genki, an online guide, and started reading manga and playing games. Practice your ass off, try to read stuff you like, don't force yourself to read children's stories or something. Do know when something it too far above your current level and shelve it for later though.
>wasting time studying Japanese
>not just watching anime to fluency
Do it, it's worth it. Ppl will give you shit for it till your decent at it then they start changing their tune. Also Imo it's only hard at the beginning (first 6 months). After it gets much easier as you can do it way more passively through media. And yes you gotta get to a certain point before you can learn through fun media (TV, games,manga) otherwise you're just larping.
When can we start the final conquest, Yea Forumsbros?
Also check out language exchange apps or sites like HelloTalk and lang-8. This way you can ask questions to natives directly instead of asking DJT and getting the wrong answer.
one billion years with translation, one billion -1 years with you learning niphongo
>then they start changing their tune
Except here, where everyone will attack any minor mistake you make and act like it invalidates everything you know. But you shouldn't pay attention to what people here thing.
>I read the first Genki
What about the second one?
I miss this faggot, what is this guy even doing nowadays?
Just read Tae Kim, and look up other grammar as you go.
And read NHK EASY, and re-read previous articles to make sure you remember most of the stuff you learned from previous days.
Usually don't beg, but anyone got a list with some
recommended VN's to practice/ up my game on moon runes.
I really liked how thorough Genki was at first, but it had gotten too slow by the time I reached the end, so I didn't read it. I got the info from Tae Kim's site and some other places.
>but it had gotten too slow by the time I reached the end
Yeah, it is a bit slow in some places, but you should check Genki 2 as well, especially because it has even more important lessons. You can skip the exercises, of course. I also think the words singled out in the lessons are pretty good. Of course, the best thing is to read from many places, read as much as you can. Genki, Tae Kim, Maggie Sensei etc.
Fastest way to max Japanese is to do the following:
1. Learn all the Kana (2 weeks)
2. Skim Tae Kim, take detailed notes only for the the conjugation section (1 week)
3. While reading Tae Kim start
get Anki and start doing core 2k (takes around 30mins -1hr a day)
4. After you do a breif browse through Tae Kim, torrent genki 1+workbook and do the worksheets. They are easy as fuck after Tae Kim and this will solidify core concepts. (will take 2 months to complete if ur consistent, you dont have to complete it)
5. After you are 1/4 through core 2k start reading NHK easy daily for an hour. (this is key).
If you follow the steps, you'll be pretty ok at Japanese. From here you can start learning shit pretty fast and transition into fun learning. Ideal commitment is like 2-3 hrs a day that's it. Can do a lot of this shit on a commute if u have one.
Say no more, senpai
>watch anime in English
>main character comes across as a dork, or super corny
>watch it in Japanese
>he's the coolest, politest motherfucker on the planet
It's actually insane how bad English dialogue is at getting across the same meaning.
That was six years ago. I don't really need to do much but look up some weird stuff here and there anymore.
Where would Kajiri Kamui Kagura fit here? S? Or would it have a tier of it's own?
Ignore me, I didn't see it under Muramasa.
>Dies;Irae at 5
My ass.
I can't answer that, sorry. I only have the image saved, and I haven't even started playing the VNs on the image yet.
Having never played any of those VNs, where do you reckon the 逆転裁判 games fall on this list? Probably 3?
Yeah it's unfortunate, just gotta ignore them. I blame it mostly on Americans. They try to make language learning out to be such a complicated deal because most are monolingual. In every language learning forum they ask the most retarded questions and get hung up on stupid bullshit. The rest of the world learns languages by going with the flow and realizing shit will just come naturally at some point as long as you stick with it.
part of it is the stuff we find cool and the stuff they find cool don't always match up well at all, we just don't have the right words with the right connotations to get across the same feel
the other part is shit translations.
i really like the "dunks on losers with super elaborate wordjitsu where they can't even tell he's making fun of them" characters but they really don't fucking work in english unless you assume the listener is functionally mentally retarded.
They're fairly easy, but the vocabulary needed for them won't relate to a lot of other media obviously.
It's alright, I just saw it under Muramasa, although I disagree since I can read Muramasa well enough but K3 is just fucking impossible.
>Twinkle Crusaders and Dies Irae are roughly the same difficulty
you can find translated version on nyaa
thank you sir now i continue my quest
I keep forgetting about that one because I rarely read Japanese imageboards and BBS.
I know it's just a bunch of 四字熟語, but would avid readers of this series be able to read all of those or not? I'm curious
I can't seem to recognize hiragana or katakana well anymore. It's like I have dyslexia for it now. Used to study years ago. But I can understand a decent amount of easy Japanese when spoken what the fuck.
Thanks anons!
Gonna chech them out.
did i fucking hallucinate this or is there some nip imageboard slang that's literally "grass cannot be avoided" because you can't not wwwwww
the retarded part is i only remember the explanation, not the actual phrase
Based on this guy's reaction, I'm inclined to believe even Japanese fans of the series probably couldn't read all of it at first glance.
What's the equivalent of this in English, if any?
SOON (2028)
There's not really an equivalent to 四字熟語 but there's also another sort of joke where something is hard to read I've seen in Jap media, usually it's when someone is really autistic about a topic and just go off basically reciting a Wikipedia article and you don't know a bunch of words.
Like: "Thermal motion in liquids can be decomposed into elementary longitudinal vibrations (or acoustic phonons) while transverse vibrations (or shear waves) were originally described only in elastic solids exhibiting the highly ordered crystalline state of matter."
Now just imagine those words you don't know are made up of kanji like 粉末冶金 or 熱塩循環 or 熱可塑性
I don't even know what that means in English
Fuck I hate being an ESL
Nice, reading has payed off.
That exact same joke exists in English media, too. It's nice to see commonalities like that.
paid off*