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this looks aweful

>mfw the field models still aren't done yet

Attached: Recess everywhere.gif (500x375, 497K)

i tried using this mods once, they only modeled the main characters, everyone else is low poli, also a super high res character don't fit at all on backgrounds, i ratter have consistent bad graphics. It would be cool if they actually remade everything tho


Is remako finished?

i thought remako was done? they already released version 1.0

It's nowhere near done then. It usually takes until at least 1.2 to iron out the major bugs.

It unironically looks pretty unique and charming.


people are going to say it looks like shit, and it does, but this has potential. if you gave those models actual shading (not the fake shading in the texture) the models would stick out less. the background stuff just looks like shit.

I actually love this mod, but they never did the npcs so it looks really jarring having really nice main characters but shitty npcs. That's my main gripe with most of the character mods.

Unless you get a rare mod like this: youtu.be/ZThKu7PyyOQ

But the only problem with this mod is, Tifa looks like shit (I overwrote her with another mod) and the animations look weird sometimes.

ugly af

apply yourself

Is there a video which shows that mod in action? I'd be curious to see the gameplay with it in action

I don't know why people do this to their games. Do they hate a game looking old that much? I mean at least stuff like A New Threat makes sense, it's putting a spin on how the game is played so the player has a reason to go through again for a different experience.

That mod is so bad.

They could also fix the limbs.

these models look like they belong on a Korn album

Speaking of, apparently he's working on A New Threat for FF8 now. Considering that game is fucked in its stats gains in some way, I welcome it for that game.

>Do they hate a game looking old that much
How the fuck can you stand old graphics? I can't play a single 2D game of the NES era and only a handful of SNES era games are palyable.

PS1/N64 look unplayable.

>not using the NUDE Tifa mod

Attached: 1469904021635.jpg (508x524, 27K)

Unironically looks better than the """""""HD""""""" port they have on Steam and PS4

you say this like this means anything other than a resolution bump

these models look souless

>How the fuck can you stand old graphics?
Because in the year I was born, videogame graphics looked like this. This is what a 1986 game looked like, hell this is "amazing" for 1986, most games released that year looked nowhere near that good. But that's not the point, people didn't care that much about graphics back then. The focus was on replayability because games generally weren't very long at the time.

The important thing is how the games' graphics were compared to the standard of their time. In that regard, FF7 was a giant leap forward for square even if yes, even for 1997 they could have done better.

>I can't play a single 2D game of the NES era and only a handful of SNES era games are palyable.
Graphics should have no bearing on how fun a game is.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

FF8 looks a million times better than FF7 and everyone hates it

Yeah, because it's not particularly fun to play, the characters aren't as enjoyable, a lot of people think the story is either convoluted or stupid or both, and it has a backwards idea for leveling. You know what game uses FF8's graphics and people love because it's actually fun? Parasite Eve.

Are they making them?


These models are made from the concept art. It's as "soul" as it gets.

Yuffie’s arms don’t look like that in the concept art. The rest of it looks ok, I guess, but it just looks out of place and cartoony.

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