Play Shining Force 2
Play Shining Force 2
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where's the porn?
i dont replay games after i beat them, sorry
holy shit user wasn't fucking around neither
Odd-Eye did nothing wrong
Shining Force 2 has a great artstyle.
2 is great, but 1 is better.
I played 1. It was good. Might wanna try 2.
>Fire Emblem
>omg your units die FIVEVER when they get crit by some asshole across the map, this is 4 hardcore gamurs only!!11!!
>Shining Force
>Can actually enjoy the game and don't need to restart every time your healer gets crit from full health by a stiff breeze
>Modern FE
>Turn off permadeath
>It literally just becomes Shining Force
It's how I cope with not having to replay Shining Force 1 and 2 for the five hundreth time just to get my fix.
This also allows Shining Force to have actual boss fights.
SF is still better in the end
>playing SRPGs
yeah that's gonna be a cringe and a yikes from me famalamalam
cope with your poorly paced maps that offer little to no strategy some more and play a real man's strategy game like Age of Empires II instead
have sex
dilate, horsefucker
stay mad
RTS will never be a respectable genre.
>healer gets crit from full health by a stiff breeze
If your healer gets hit, you must be retarded.
>actual good games getting remade
shining force 3 basically perfected the genre with the rock/paper/scissor on different weapon types, affinity bonuses, decently hidden characters, and a lot of polished things.
The only flaw imo is the overly RNG stat gains at level up that rewards resetting hundreds of time to get better characters
Old Shining is dead, user
>Sega Saturn emulators are fucking garbage and need 200 IQ to get them to even function
guess ill never play it
SFO2 has a fire breathing turtle.
*blocks your path*
man I love me some cheedle
I remember that fucking blowing my mind as a kid. I couldn't believe this otherwise medieval game having fucking robots and lasers out of goddamn nowhere.
Now magitech is one of my favorite cliches.
and the first game has ninjas and a flying jellyfish that can rain glaciers
I'll concede on the jellyfish, but 2 also has a ninja.
Make more centaur ladies in games.... 2
fuck your OP shit OP
its a stupid fucking topic starter for faggots, such as yourself.
but does it have a honorabru samurai
You can always play the gba rom.
Saturn emulation has came a long way. It's still somewhat of a IQ filter but it's better then I remember it when it either "Have a super computer and barely run like, three games or tough shit"
I'm busy playing brigandine
isnt that just a remake of the first game?
i tried for many hours to get it to work, i had the correct BIOS and everything but it still wouldnt run. i tried dozens of different roms just in case they weren't quality rips. FUCK mednafen.
Hm. Perhaps trying SSF would be a better idea for you. At the very least, it's good enough.
I know a thing or two about Mednafen, I just use it for PS1, but I think I will give the Saturn emulation a spin.
The original waifu.
I fucking love this
It just werks for me
I have. It's not really my thing. I think the way the game's balance is too lopsided towards tanky frontliners and caused all my ranged units too fall way behind on experience.
Always confuse Shining force series with Dragon force.
does it have horse pussy?
based and horsepilled
I'd love to see Dragon Force come back as well, but I also feel that without Working Designs, it just wouldn't be the same.
I'd prefer anything but working designs ever coming back thank you
Based and horsepilled
Look how cool this motherfucking rat is.
The sideburns really make Slade's design.
What's your beef?
Why is she so mad?
Vic Ireland is a retard
Wait I should expand on that. Not only were their translations completely fucked, they messed with the balance of just about everything they put out to make them harder because WD was anti rental. Look up unworked designs to see just how much they messed with each game
FE only gets to have hard final chapters but they are usually worth it. FE8 is an absolute highlight.
So I got it working, and got Shining Force 3 up and running just fine. What error were you running into specifically?
>crotch tits
Why arent' there more games with centaurs in them? Shining Force is the only one I can even think of
We need more centaur girls in games.
i mostly had two errors, either "the filesize is too large" or pic related happened
Not him, but are you able to check how it runs Shining The Holy Ark?
Here's the proper bios
I will if the ending changes and best girl wins
ill try it, thanks
i was dropping the .cue onto it before though, maybe my BIOS were just bad
As the other user said, I think it is just BIOS related as well.
Sure, I can run a test.
Yeah mednafen is picky with bios for saturn
It is running fine at a solid framerate.
That's a lot rougher than my nostalgia goggles remember, but thanks.
I am sure you can scale the internal resolution a bit to smooth it out a bit, but if someone can make a filter that accurately did CRT display, I am sure it would look a lot better.
It would look better if you disabled bilinear filltering in the mednafen config
>best class
>best girls
A man of taste I see.
Yeah you want this option at 0 not 1 unless you like shit softened to hell
I am a simple man. I see a Shining Force thread, I thank OP for not being a faggot for once.
Shining Force 1 and 2 are some of the best games ever made. Its a shame the guy currently in charge of the series absolutely DESPISES them and their fans (especially in the west) and thinks Shining is better as a shitty waifu anime game instead.
People fondly remember Shining Force. I can't remember the last time I even saw someone talk about a game in the series after Shining Force 3. People fucking forgot another one came out last year a week after it released because it was forgettable trash.
The blame will always be on SEGA's side for the quick drop of the Saturn for the Dreamcast, and how that essentially cost them Camelot's support.
Why don't more fantasy games have cute centaur waifus?
Yup. Then Camelot went to Nintendo and made Golden Sun. SEGA fucked up.
>Shining Force 1 and 2 are some of the best games ever made. Its a shame the guy currently in charge of the series absolutely DESPISES them
worst time line. at least you can still play them even if just about all the games since are horrible
That's the story. But aside from Dark Dawn, they've been relegated to just Nintendo sports titles, which I really feel is a misuse of their potential.
That gif really drives home how weird it is that centaurs have human skin, horse hair and human hair at the same time. If you shaved her pink horse hair would her body and legs be the same skin tone as her torso? Imagine what that would look like.
i liked shining soul 1 and 2. those were after shining force 3. but yea that's the cut off point for sure.
I think they helped make fire emblem fates. I'm almost positive i read that somewhere.
I don't get why it is on by default. I know I disabled bi-linear interpolation when I was playing MML1. The raw input is better than having the emulator try to guess how it should blend pixels. I know the settings are not universal, but I was just doing a quick test, but here; have a proper comparison.
It is a misuse of their potential, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't proud of them. The Mario tennis games are really well done, even if they aren't the kind of games I like. Plus they are responsible for creating Waluigi. Again, I personally don't like him but he is definitely a fan favorite and he fits right in with the rest of the cast.
My dream is that Nintendo buys Shining Force from SEGA and gets Camelot to make another game.
Centaurs were never really plausible, my dude.
My dick does not care, nor should yours.
Why don't games have centaur riders?
>Centaur uses melee weapon
>Human rider uses bow
ultimate unbeatable combo
Shining Force's boss fights aren't nearly as memorable or fun as something like Great Wall or Final Boss Takumi in Conquest. That fucker killed my kids and then some.
Wasn't EXA (March 2007) the last NA title until Resonance Refrain (July 2018)? I never played any titles beyond SFO3 Ep 1 (well, a bit of Soul 2), though my younger brother had his Saturn modded so he could play the other two, with assistance from GameFAQ guides.
Wikipedia doesn't list any credit towards them for that, but I'm willing to be wrong myself.
>My dream is that Nintendo buys Shining Force from SEGA and gets Camelot to make another game
And then SEGA will make Phantasy Star 5.
I love everything about this image.
SF3 and Golden Sun's artstyle is so comfy and nostalgic.
>SEGA will make Phantasy Star 5.
You don't want it. Some series are better dead when the current team can't reasonably make a good follow up. Star ocean 5 still hurts
Here, have a better quality pic. That one was just a test. It looks better now.
SO4 was one (of many, many, many) games that never found its way out of its shrinkwrap. Was that a miss?
Nope. 4 wasn't that great either. Not as bad as 5 but I wouldn't play it again. 3 was the last good one
This guys dick gets it.
I fapped to her exclusively while playing through SF2 in bed i would imagine what it would be like to have her as a girlfirend
I know what will be inspiration today, thanks OP!
>dem thighs
I missed the PSP versions of 1 + 2; kept waiting for that good ol' PSP liquidation sale, but then they were just gone, and I don't think were ever on PSN. Of course I could always always track down the ISOs if I wasn't so lazy with my game playing. Or wait and see if First Departure R makes its way Stateside.
First Departure R was confirmed for US. 2 was the absolute best game of the series by a wide margin, find a way to play that
Part of me would say "just do the PSP version" and another is "you've waited this long, just wait until Second Evolution R."
That one tan elf in 2 gave me my fetish for gyaru.
I enjoyed this one
Kek, I prefer srpgs but dude rts like starcraft have giant events built around them
Laser Eye
General Elliot
The rest after aren't so memorable since you get the light sword either during or after Mishaela depending on version. But these five were all pretty memorable in SF1.
In SF2 for the more memorable ones that I remember:
Octopus on the Boat
The Giant
Chess Board
They had a lot of good bosses in this series. I defend Conquest heavily but the bosses I felt were one area it could have used to take a lesson out of SF.
The first couple was adorable, I wish they had their own show , even without the sex, I'd watch it
Only played 1 but bump for Shining Force
I can really recommend 2, and it's especially fun after your first play through going in with the Configuration mode.
Hi, I'm here to trivialize your game. Say something nice about me!
Dammit, Peter. I'm trying to use Config mode to level up my healers, stop kill stealing!