Why do people hate this game? Sure it's very hand hold-y but aside from that it's an amazing entry in the zelda series
Why do people hate this game? Sure it's very hand hold-y but aside from that it's an amazing entry in the zelda series
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The hand holding is the worst part. The game gives you puzzle and second later Phi tells you the answer. And that you there is a 98% chance you've been playing for an hour so need to rest.
I've got nothing against the controls. The WM+ does desync a lot so makes things feel shit though.
>controls are trash
>overworld is trash
>bosses are trash except the final boss
>combat mostly consists of swinging your sword the right way, which results in really slow and lame fights
>tons of tedious sections
>unmemorable soundtrack
>visual style is arguably the worst of all 3d zeldas
Way too handholdy, filler third act, too many shit Imprisoned fights, low enemy variety, terrible sky overworld, etc.
I still like it more than BotW as a whole.
I didnt like motion controls and it came out when hd was taking off. It looked blurry compared to my pc games. It looks great emulated tho
I'd be ok playing this game using botw's motion control setup on the pro controller. Remove the waggling from sword fighting and tell Phi to shut the fuck up, and it wouldn't be too bad.
It's undoubtedly the worst major installment of the Zelda franchise.
I've tried playing it through again, but like Twilight Princess they made the first five hours of the game such a tedious boring slog.
There are some praiseworthy additions (the time-travel was particularly fun) but it's buried beneath a whole ton of mediocre content and forced motion controls.
The controls are great, specially if you start the game+, the only real issue i have is how it holds your hand. It was a good game, but the zelda fanbase is retarded.
I liked how they added the Metroidvania aspect of returning to dungeons to explore further when you had more items but it was so half-heartedly done that they may as well have not bothered.
It’s different
That UI is fucking atrocious.
>controls are trash
nah, you just suck
>overworld is trash
looks pretty though
>bosses are trash except the final boss
the sword duel bosses are the best in the series and the creature boss fights have good gimmicks, minus the imprisoned
>combat mostly consists of swinging your sword the right way, which results in really slow and lame fights
again, its your fault
>tons of tedious sections
only a few
>unmemorable soundtrack
some of the best boss fights and ambient tracks ever
>visual style is arguably the worst of all 3d zeldas
i like it quite a lot, therefore this in incorrect
thanks for reading
The final bosses were ugly and bad.
That big mouth foot thing was dumb
The waves of bad guys trying to hold you back from getting to girham was tame looking
Demise was out of fucking nowhere with no character development.. and even before that going over every level twice to get those spirit tears or whatever they were in the spirit realm made for a completely anticlimactic second half of the game
That's because Skyward Sword is a shitty Zelda game whereas BOTW is a decent Ubisoft game. Shit Zelda beats decent Ubisoft every single time assuming you're not some zoomer dipshit.
The haters are basically just bad at most games, and they blame the games instead of getting good.
souless artstyle
I like Skyward Sword and hope it gets an "HD" version soon. The only thing I absolutely hated were the fucking imprisoned fights were absolute dog shit, the motion controls could be extremely wonky, and the overworld was hell because you were constantly going through what could have very well been a giant dungeon just to get from point A to point B.
With a few QOL changes, Skyward Sword could very well be one of my top five Zeldas.
The controls contribute to the problem though, it becomes that a lot of the enemies will strafe around you and wait for you to strike them in a specific manner, and punish you for taking too long or doing the wrong motion (which might not be your own fault).
At least as the swordplay opponents are concerned, they aren't very interesting, you aren't exactly reacting to anything.
And that's to say nothing of the content issues of revisiting the same three or four major areas repeatedly, with a divine fetch quest planned out by the goddess Hylia to waste your time with preparation until the very end.
But hey it gave us Ghiraham.
Too much filler and the hand-holding was really egregious at times. Probably the only 3D Zelda I'll never replay.
>Demise was out of fucking nowhere with no character development..
ikr, botw was so much better in that department...
It could be salvaged with a Switch remaster, all you need is a dual Joy-Con control scheme.
But it won't change that the fundamentals of the story/quest are bad, it's Link getting strung along by divine bullshit the whole time.
Would've thought the origin story of the Master Sword would've sucked.
its a great zelda game with great dungeons, this "criticism" has never made sense and can only really be applied to BotW.
Horrible game design and terrible attempt at using the fan canon “timeline” with lousy waggle controls and an art style that couldn’t look good on the console it was made for.
Once I figured out I can hold the sword to the right and then swing right more so that he does a slash from the left to get by any shields the game got way too easy.
i like SS but who gives a shit about scores when the Zelda bonus is a thing.
Calamity Ganon is fine, it's the basic premise that the reincarnation of Demise's hatred/Ganon got so fed up that it said fuck it and just turned to pure mindless malice. Calamity Ganon was a real problem and had a lasting visible and palpable impact on Hyrule.
BotW's open structure lent itself better to having a problem that you need to build strength to resolve, and it's up to you to prepare however you feel, even if that ignores everything else in the game.
>controls are trash
>nah, you just suck
don't even need to read the rest of this inevitably braindead post
The motion controls were pretty easy to cheese.
Like the bamboo minigame, if you hold the Wii Remote between both your hands and swing it in the straightest vertical rotations as quickly as possible, you can actually overflow the score.
never played the game? you can get rid of the wii remote and other thing on the screen.
Even so, it doesn't change that the default UI looks bad.
the music is good and I think the motion controls are pretty fun but otherwise it feels incredibly bland
keep denying the truth then, faggoo.
It's no masterpiece.
Unlike Dark Souls, a game that released 1 year ealier.
so why is it that the controls don't work for some, but works just fine for others?
Only fat people hate SS
no more heroes unironically had better swordplay. this game is a shining example of everything wrong with motion controls.
Ask Kid Icarus Uprising that.
>it's an amazing entry in the zelda series
This is why I don't like it. But I understand that's lost on manchildren still holding out hope to recapture their youth through brand identity.
It's my ultimate example of a game's quality being killed by a thousand small cuts.
but it barely even had motion controls? its not even really comparable because the sword fighting in SS isnt really a combat system, its more like a toy. that sounds like a cop out, but whatever its what i think.
>Introduce 1:1 swordplay
>90% of the combat is against Bokoblin reskins
There's really no upsides to it, easily the worst of the zelda games.
The structure of the game isn't very good. It has the Twilight Princess syndrome of an unbearably long tutorial segment of the game. The sword play was the best part of the game but it should have been mapped to buttons.
Its there for the new people. This game was deigned for all the new "gamers" that had already stopped giving a shit about the wii by that point. Why did Mario's move set get nerfed in galaxy? why was brawl slower and have tripping? I don't know where I'm going with this, never mind. LOL
Pretty much this. Swordplay in this game isn't combat, it's too heavily choreographed.
Nintendo Land's The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest actually did the swordplay better, the implementation of Wii Motion Plus controls was better, and it was more challenging, albeit largely due to your character's movement being on-rails.
No that's completely true, the Wii era was designed squarely with accessibility for all ages and backgrounds of players.
The design philosophy that lead to some of the weakest core games in many series on the system. Though Mario Galaxy 1+2 were still superb and balanced the content around Mario's capabilities just fine.
oh, so its because it has niche appeal?
okay cool, but what did you think about the game though?
Maybe it's my nostalgia but I also like it more than BOTW despite liking that game. And ALBW as well
It's hand holdy to the point of frustration, has by far the worst sidekick, introduced the stamina meter in its worst form, more railroading then the zelda game that's literally on rails, and motion controls are shoehorned into absolutely every possible mechanic, no enemies are actually fun to fight just endless simon says bokoblins, the sky is completely pointless, the soundtrack is just canned orchestra and would be completely forgotten if it weren't for Koloktos and Groose.
The sword play works well, only brainlets complain about motion controls in that respect. Motion controls are just shit because they forced it into everything. Fucking boss keys dont need motion control, bow/hookshot/whip aiming should have been done using pointer aim, flapping your fucking bird is stupid, you could have moved the beetle with the analog stick. I could go on if I remembered the game better. They just got fucking obnoxious replacing traditional controls with inferior motion controls.
There's no simple fix to skyward sword it's just a fucked game.
motion control was a mistake.
the only way to give this game some life is with a full remake for the switch and cut off all motion controls.
zelda "combat" has never been much of anything, so maybe thats why i didnt mind it in SS.
>right handed link
Combat was much more elaborate in Wind Waker and Twilight Princess though. Both had multi-floor gauntlets that really showcased this well.