Is there a more based game director out there?
I don't think so
Hodeo Kojuma
Wtf this is
Kojima being ahead of the curve
Snatcher and Policenauts. Early Kojima ludo.
Just went through snatcher and halfway through Policenauts. Having a blast. The man would be crucified nowadays for shit like this.
Unironically one of Kojima's few good games, mostly because 90% of it's lifted from other peoples works.
Just like george lucas
it's hard to realize he's 50+. Dude has been based and making games before half of us were born
The blatant transphobia and sexism hurts. I thought Kojima was better than this.
Hyodo Kojuma's magnum Opus. Blade Terminator and Miami vice in space, which i didn't play.
>before half of us were born
It's a lot more than half
They did have a Kojima church in Snatcher.
I've always wondered why Hollywood never adapted any of his games for cinema, like half the work is already done for them. Policenauts is just Lethal Weapon in space
What ass?
>The man would be crucified nowadays for shit like this.
more like someone would make a tweet and write a kotaku article
Don't know what this is and never played but it looks like it needs a remake
zoom on by, little zoomer
That is basically crucifixion.
for the thin skinned
>calling she a he
Very problematic
Kojima is canceled
No, you can't be more based than this
Does Meryl show you her breasts/let you touch them if you break her shooting record?
you get to touch them