When will they make another one?
When will they make another one?
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Literally this year on the switch
I don't have a reaction image for this.
Next month. :)
When will they give us the fucking hundreds of dollars of dlc for the 10 dollar ancient game
I'd prefer another Tag Force.
Tag Force? More like, heh, Cuck Force.
>over 9000 cards
>over 9000
Post Ace Cards. Do you still use them in today's meta?
I watched some videos on "archetypes" and god this game is a clusterfuck
>the story duels don't even go like the anime anymore because the ame is locked at MR4
>when even fucking YGOPro has multiple formats and MRs for over 6 years now
must be hard being a brainlet
What's so complicated about that?
Post your deck master
What was the archetype
Mostly how the archetype is done via name and then that changes in the english version, and then there being different rulings among the different languages and then language exclusive cards.
The mechanics are a pretty big clusterfuck too but I guess that's what you get from a game that has a single non-rotating format and was cobbled together from scratch after it was in a manga and how its resource system works
did they fix any of the bugs? it had tons and certain cards just straight up didnt work on the steam version
The ones I watched were red eyes, madolche, ojama, toon, and blue eyes
Nice big numbers card.
>Mostly how the archetype is done via name and then that changes in the english version
Not all the time but yes, this is retarded and it's been going on since "Summoned Skull" at the minimum.
>and then there being different rulings among the different languages
It's just OCG and TCG, and there aren't that many differences, and the ones that do exist are extremely niche shit like "Does Hallowed Life Barrier let me destroy your monsters or not" that doesn't matter most of the time.
>and then language exclusive cards
There's also not that many of these other than the ones that have been released in JP early, and the ones that do exist mostly do so for "reasons". There's Magi Magi Magician Girl (they wanted to censor her and Kaz said he'd never do it), Shuttleroid (blatant NASA shit), uh... Horakthy I guess, since it was never printed in English?
Useable retrain when?
There was some loli android card (that didn't seem too lewd) but I think they said sometimes it just takes several years for a card to come out in english for some reason so that might be it
>it get retrain
>because it a Joey card, it has a Red Eye added
>require dice to use it effect
>a bad result will destroy the said monster card
One thing that I do really like about the game though is just archetypes as a concept, like capital t tribal in mtg but not even restricted to common types.
The retrain thing is really cool too and how they go back to older cards in the art a lot
This is the most soulless game I've ever played in my life. It's as if it was created entirely by back end developers without an ounce of creativity. The tiniest changes to the GUI, sound effects, and animation would do fucking wonders.
neck yourself, cuckboi faggot
take a look at that screenshot and tell me it doesn't look ugly as fuck
you don't it to look flashy, just not ugly
>you don't it to look flashy
Funny how much better the psp games looked
Go back to work Konami employee
Atemu is still the best protagonist of the Yu-Gi-Oh series. Literally can't be proven wrong.
There's a mod to get rid of the watermarks by the way. Makes the whole game look better.
Its not even just that, the speed in which every card is played is slow as shit.
Even compare the Summon animations (which you cannot turn off) to the ones from duel links:
it already came out on switch.
>take a game made under MR3
>add MR4
>don't either rebalance the pre-existing story mode matches or just let them continue under MR3 and only have the Vrains section and the non-story mode sections under MR4
bravo konami
all of those outside of madolche were just random shit that eventually got frankensteined into being archetypes though
I don't mind archetypes in concept but, as someone that's mostly on the outside looking in (barely played yugioh in the last decade-ish outside of doing the story mode in LOTD) it feels like it's cancer for people like me that just enjoy shitbrewing. half your deck is already there and it's just a matter of filling the rest with staples like upstart goblin or finding a decent pre-existing engine that helps you along. I could be totally wrong but that's the impression I get anyway.
I've never played the game, I just had some of the elemental girls and kuribohs back when the first and second series was going on. I was just saying I liked the concept since i liked tribal in mtg
>I could be totally wrong
You are. There's a ton of theorycrafting, it's just that after 20 or so years, people know what works and what doesn't. The game is no more restrictive now than it was back then. The 2005-6 goat format meta was arguably worse.
Isnt the Vrains part only like 3 whole duels too