>Physical release
>Upgraded characters, textures, etc
>Original PlayStation music with better quality
>Several people of the original are working on the remaster
What the fug? Did Squall win this time? Not even VII got this treatment.
>Physical release
>Upgraded characters, textures, etc
>Original PlayStation music with better quality
>Several people of the original are working on the remaster
What the fug? Did Squall win this time? Not even VII got this treatment.
>this low poly crap
looks even worse
I wish we have gotten this treatment for FFVII
Not shitty Midgar HD demo
Why have the given VIII this treatment? I’m not complaining, but it was to my understanding that it’s the least popular of the PS1 trilogy.
You're an idiot.
Square understands it is actually the most kino.
What's the point if they're not going to fix the gameplay?
Seeing stuff like these remasters makes me want to get int off but none of the games have gripped me yet.
I tried ff7 but didn't get far due to not being able to tell what's a door and what's a wall and getting lost
Tried ff9 and got lost before I even got to my first battle, stuck in the town square wherever after just finding out my ticket was a fake
You're right it's very generic looking
Is it true?
Because they literally lost the source code and it kept fans wanting for it for a long ass time because every other 3D FF was getting remastered. So seeing as they managed to find a way to do it now they may as well touch things up and make it a big deal. I always look at that Squall and wonder if they just reused his Dissidia model though
Because the source code was lost and it had to be reverse-engineered. It's why it took so long to finally get an FF8 rerelease. With a full reverse-engineer, they can adjust so much more than they would if they just had an old copy of the game's source to retrofit.
You sound retarded.
Try FFT.
Then try FFTA and FFTA2
Those were my gateway into the series proper, outside of retarding my way through FF(2)4 on SNES when I was like 6 years old.
>ff8 is getting a better remake than 7
its not fucking fair 8 isn't even good
When it comes to rpgs, yes I am.
FFT as in Final fantasy tactics I assume?
How different are those from the numbered series?
>not being able to tell what's a door and what's a wall
If you played Dissidia for 300+ hours like I did you'd know the model is nothing like it.
It has a similar art-style to Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts, but the model itself is completely different.
Even the fur model is nothing alike.
It's a tactical strategy game instead of turn based rpg
Case in point, see how the Dissidia model is actually simpler and less detailed than the FF8 Remaster one? Even the fur only has one layer of "spikes" and they are rather big. The FF8 Remaster has more layers and generally the model is more detailed.
I'm excited for the new remaster, but am not a fan of the anime style they've gone for. Looks too cute now.
FF8 is the best FF, you are a faggot.