More like Claire Redpilled.
Yeah, I'm thinking she's based
I can't believe she said it
Claire is so cute.
I want to impregnate her.
CV Claire best Claire.
I love Claire
ew, wrong claire.
Freak is a harsh word but fucked up in the head and needs immediate psychiatric therapy might be better/more specific.
>hating on crossdressers
they're the most based of the bunch. none of the identity politics or non-gender binary bullshit. They're just cute guys that like dressing in womens clothes for sexy times.
Truly based. If you're a crossdresser I salute you.
>They're just cute guys
that's Traps, which are a subset of crossdressers. Most look like Ru Paul
I wanna stick 2 fingers in Claire and then smell my fingers afteafter. She's a great videogame character
traps are trans.
femboys is what you're describing. But 99% of traps now (just go visit r/traps on reddit) is transgender people that hate you for finding them sexy.
femboys & crossdressers = based
and that's just a straight up fact.
He was a freak that was crossdressing. I am sure Claire will look back on that and understand what part she had a problem with.
Yes I'm taking the piss.
>men giving up their masculinity? BASED!!!!!!
My grandpa didn't die on the beaches so fags could walk the street.
Post the webm.
>My grandpa didn't die on the beaches so fags could walk the street.
he didn't die for your sorry faggot ass to spend your youth on a video game forum gawking over 3d rendered waifus either.
Yes he did, he's the one who bought me my first video games.
Piss off, faggot.
your grandpa finds traps hot, he likes feminine penises.
Don't think he fucking feminized some poor prisoner and had his way with him in the great war?
Your grandpa has been balls deep in multiple boi pucci
My grandpa would have curved your faggot head if he heard you saying that. I would've fucking helped him.
Can't wait til your eyes are plucked out with the back end of a hammer you tranny.
>you tranny
lets not get hasty here, based retard. I'm a masculine man that likes traps, I'm no tranny.
your grandpa is a little bitchfag for setting you on this gamerpath. btw I fucking promise you he jerks off to gay shit
Kill yourself
>I'm a masculine man that likes traps
>I'm a masculine man that likes traps, I'm no tranny
So you're a faggot
Yeah, a little bit. I like feminine dicks and I feel zero shame over it.
btw your gay grandpa does too.
My grandpa died in the late 80s you retarded faggot cunt.
Fucking off yourself you piece of shit.
This is a 9/10 in raccoon city
May he rest in peace, shame his grandson turned out to be such an insufferable faggot.
imagine if he knew his grandson spent his days crying on the internet about nazis in video games. By golly, you sure are a disappointment.
I'm not a faggot though
you're not a faggot but you're a pro-nazi alt-righter that your grandfather literally would have fucking shot dead in the war.
imagine how fucking sad he 'd be if he knew you were upset that nazis were getting killed in Wolfestein. My god dude, I think he'd actually prefer it if you were a faggot.
You're actually giving me cancer, jfc.
not that user but my grandfather was Waffen-SS and lived a good and long life. I agree with Claire.
nu-Claire is so fucking ugly.
Oh my god, fellow 4channers, this is so problematic and unacceptable i'm raging about it right now on Twitter!!!!! #cancelcapcom!!!!!!!!!! Always remember that trans women are real women and that racism is not allowed on Yea Forums!!!
Isn't there a line in fallout 2 someone calling another a faggot
Recently replayed manhunt and someone saying faggot too
Could this still be done today even in a GTA game
no, the only way anybody would ever call someone a faggot is if it were some hamfisted political commentary on how bad the man is that does it.
it can no longer just be a simple insult
that doesn't mean your grandpa didin't load his chamber with feminine penis