Normalfags on Yea Forums are seething
Let's get this thread to bump limit
Megaman Thread
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is he wrong, though? you can say the same thing about zelda threads unless there's a new release, they're 100% homos lusting after link just like mega man threads are 100% pedos lusting after a robot
>so triggered by a post calling you out for being a pedo that you need to make a thread about it
you're the only one seething tbqhwy
I'll just let the shota spammer dump his "sfw" folder for the 15th time and hide the thread like I usually do.
the "pedos" are also edgy normalfags ,whats your point?
You could always stop visiting Yea Forums if our website bothers you so much.
B-B-But it's only IRONIC!!!! Can't handle some banter???
>don't post images on this imageboard!!!!
>don't post images that I don't like!!!!
fascism is on the rise again I see
Or you could stop being a massive faggot and stay on topic
How much do yall want to be that man probably defends lolis in secret
bet not be*
thanks brain
Wow. It really is that easy to upset you, huh? I just have to post a picture of a video game character and you tourists flip your shit. Video games are the topic of Yea Forums. Posting video games is on-topic. If that upsets you, leave.
shit thread
try again
im not a pedo I just think there's something weirdly erotic about MMZ's artstyle
He's right though.
Make your own image dump threads if you're that desperate.
I'm not a pedo but I want to fuck Roll so hard
i have a sneaking suspicion this thread wont actually be about any of the megaman games
I can't decide if I like X1 or X4 better. Any thoughts?
This is why we can't have comfy megaman threads
Dunno, that ass looks pretty comfy.
Do you need someone to tell you what you like?
Literal perfection
I think x4 is better because of the extra playable character, and the weakness order is really good at minimal backtracking.
But the question which doesn't matter since x5 > x4 and x2 > x1 anyways
>sexualizing robots
I'd like to hear some debates. I go back and forth.
Interesting and rare opinion. I don't think I agree, but I'm not gonna sperg about it either.
I wish they would try with X again. X zero and ZX are peak megaman, never was that into the classic series.
If 20 years from now we're all fucking robots and I went to a guys house and his robot looked like a 6 year old I'd be disgusted and cut him out of my life.
Yeah, 4 year old is where it's at!
Dude. It's a robot. Not a sentient being that's getting abused.
I don't care. The fact that he's even attracted to that would disgust me on a primal level. You don't understand because you're broken inside.
I mean there isnt much to talk about. The (good) games are TOO good so all discussion is used up after a few threads. They’re just all nice compact games that do what they need to do and nothing more.
If his deepest desire is fucking something in the shape if a 6 year old, that's fucking foul.
When people with working brains see a pedophile, it evokes the same mental reaction as looking at putrid, maggot-filed meat. A deep, ingrained disgust.
You'd prefer they go get their fix on real kids instead?
>Let's get this thread to bump limit
Obviously you've never been to a megaman thread before newfag
No. And I didn't say it should be illegal. Just that I would find them disgusting and want nothing to do with them/
I dont think I have autism but Im completely unable to feel atraction to robots, even if they are essentially humans in all but how they were created, so I dont understand why any of you guys feel attracted to Roll.
just like CTR threads
fuck you porn addicted retards
Fair enough
Post your favorite Soul.
>he hasn't read
I literally just started the bn series so I have no idea what souls are what, so after a quick 20 second search, it's a tie between napalm, knight, and Colonel.
Not every Megaman thread has to be a Roll thread. Once upon a time we did discuss the games you know.
This artist draws the best chubby loli assholes.
Tomahawk soul is a close 2nd
Souls are the mechanic that replaces Styles in 4 and 5. You basically sacrifice a chip of a specific type to use a soul for 3 turns.
5 introduces chaos souls which are basically souls except you use darkchips for the cost, this replaces your charge shot with the chip you used as the cost which allows a safe way to use darkchips without losing permanent HP. Some are good, some are bad depending on the darkchip they get to use and they only last one turn. Chaos Knight for example replaces his charge shot with pic related which is just satisfying to use.
And how easy are they too get? Do I have to spend lots of zenny for them or do you get them by beating their respective bosses like the classic/x series?
>And how easy are they too get?
Souls are gotten by progressing through the plot and yes it usually involves a fight with the respective Navi. Chaos function as well. Dark Chips do require some searching in 5 since they're sold by random NPCs in some corners of different maps like if they were shady drug dealers. They're not really expensive though.
I want to Fuck Ian
Hey look its Megaman legends 3
fuck you
the majority of the board
>edgy teenagers trying to sound mature so they don't get banned
>Sony shills with iq's in the mid 70 range
>marketing departments from google and blizzard posting ads
>redditors visiting to "blow off steam" and sound edgy since they can't do it in their hivemind r/ subs
>meme posters who don't even game or own a platform
And this fag
And finally, the 1% of people who actually want to have conversations about vidya and aren't here just for the lolis/weebshit posts.
Yes, I forgot to add them. Their posts usually get 1 or 2 replies before they vanish into the archives abyss, while some stupid "who was wrong here" bullshit gets 400 replies.
I haven't been to a Mega Man thread in a long time, but I've been here since 2006 and people have always wanted to fuck Roll.
Hell, it was a thing even before Yea Forums was born.
Yeah I'm sure. I think I remember seeing people talking about wanting to fuck Roll on Gamefaqs in the early 2000s, but Gamefaqs moderation was very strict back then and they often deleted them quickly.
LMAO newfag 2005 here Iurk moar
Please forgive me, Ancientfag-senpai.
Ended brotherband with Luna now Bud is my best friend
This is where you realize sonia is the superior choice.
Dead thread
X2 > X1
>tfw toaster
Took him being brainwashed into going crazy to start asking the important questions.
>Tfw there will never be an ape escape x megaman crossover for double the cunny
Ciel and Mayl are top tier.
Jannies and admins being fags it's an universal constant
I'm gonna make some awful bait images for specifically megaman threads over the next two weeks. Any suggestions?
insinuate megaman x6 was a good game
some shit defending crapcom cancelling games, and defending that awful mobile game
You don’t know what fascism is.
Roll is such a generic little girl there is no way around it. There's so little to her outside of "little girl"
It's like just having a huge blow up picture of a dick in your wall so you can see it as you may in bed bug saying your not gay. A real masculine dick, too. Not any of this less gay feminine dicks, but a real manly dick on the wall
On no nothing about the games.I've never played more then an hour or this stuff. Needs to be smutt or generalized as possible
Yeah dead
It's kinda hard to have constant MegaMan threads, everything has already been said and mega waifus are too hot
We could talk about Gunvolt being kino though, any hype for the new game?
which one are you?
Mega Man Legends 2 or BN2?
battle network 2 is overrated user, the fucking freezeman scenario is cancer and ruined the whole game for me
3, 5 and 6 are better
Why do anime girls upset you so? Is it because you're afraid your discord group might find you out and oust you for being a pedo?
It's actually normalfags who are posing as pedophiles
oh it's already been said As soon as Yea Forumsnormies find out there's a girl in a video game, and that people like her, they will immediately jump on the bandwagon and run it into the ground
Holy shit I don't know what this is but I can already feel it's soul crushing. Is it a happy ending kind of thing or what?
>he isn't into robots
The fuck is wrong with you?
it's a happy end in a way, read it
what she ment by that is she's gonna shut your mouth full her ass
Hey man, this picture makes me horny.
Just Nova Strike it's ass.
This looks annoying.
left is best
luna is the best, no question
Disgusting meat bags
What's your favorite battlechip?
This doesn't have best girl Hope
Think we'll ever get a new spin off series?
Seems like we'll just get distantly released from each other sequels.
Lan Hikari isn't a robot.
What kind of challenges do you like to do in the classic series? I've been doing a "1-6 robot masters buster only" thing for a while but I might add 7-11 not &B to it too.
X-Over didn't last long enough for her to get swimsuit art.
But that would mean they wouldn't be part of the le epic secret club on the internet. Normalfags and /pol/fags can't stand the shit the way it was and that's why they seek to undermine and change it.
>this entire thread
Doesn't change the fact you're a pedo. Makes it worse, actually.
I don't care lol
Everytime I reread this, I think I'll have an aneurysm
leave and never return
> read it more than once.
But why?
Prove me wrong
Kalinka is best girl, as usual.
thread dying
the normalfags have won
Roll doesn't call you every minute to give useless information.
you need to stop right the fuck now. No.
>le sekrit klub pedofag
Leave Roll alone, you disgusting freak.
lolifags have always been an infestation on this website since its earliest days and people are finally pushing back against it harder
Pedos like you should be fucking slaughtered before you hurt actual kids.
wasnt there supposed to be a battle network thing at e3
Megaman stuff is been announced during anniversaries lately.
imagine seething this hard
>posting pictures of cute robot girls makes you a pervert who deserves to die
>except for when I do it, that's fine!
I don't understand. Did you attach that image to your post by mistake, or are you admitting that you yourself "should be fucking slaughtered before you hurt actual kids"?
Roll is cute. The image I posted of roll wasn't sexual at all. Yours is. Pedofag.
ey fuck you buddy
>cunny thread
what's this?
On 4 January, 1989, the four boys challenged Furuta to a game of Mahjong, which she is said to have won
>dat trombone
Rollfags are the core and spirit of Mega Man threads.
Just like she supports Mega Man, rollfags support Mega Man threads.
normalfags reported and got several posts in this thread deleted
is this a comfy thread?
Yea Forums doesn't want to discuss megaman today
megaman as a whole is a pretty terrible franchise, honestly.
Thanks for reminding me that whatever my game's level design ends up like, it'll never be worse than this stage. And X6 shipped like this, so I have nothing to fear.
BN5 GBA or DS, which is better? I already have GBA with WiiU patch installed on my 3ds or should I proceed with the DS.
Kinda, yeah.
are the switch ports any good?
not a fan of the ds OST, but the extra content seems cool