More than 10 runs and I haven't seen the new boss. What is this horseshit? Why does it only spawn on one map?
Risk of Rain 2
Anyone up for a game?
Thanks to the help of some anons last night, I've managed to solve the issues with Risk of Rain (2) Royale. Today, we'll actually be able to play with it without it crashing all the time! For the unaware, here's the details:
- Up to 10 players spawn in
- Death is permanent, but you come back as monsters on the map when you die to kill the remaining players
- This continues until 1 player is left, where they then get godmode and a shitload of bonus damage for 30 seconds in a TF2-esque win sequence
- No mods required on the client to join.
To join, all you have to do is hit Ctrl + Alt + Tilde to open console and type 'connect' to join. Server's up now, all are welcome.
Actually, it's a bit early for this, not a lot of people around yet. I'll have it up later.
open again
Fuck pink name trannies
How do you change your name coliur anyway?
Only ever seen one guy whose name was red
How is this possible? How can we follow your progress?
There's already codenin the game that allows players to control monsters. Presumably it's for debugging purposes, but any competent coder could turn it into a versus mode, easy, since it's solely manipulation of code already present and requires no 3rd party API to, say, display a menu.
>focus on killing clay templar
>turn around
>20 pink wisps straight to the face
The one time I got killed to the Grovetender. Otherwise it's pretty straightforward.
Has anyone ever been reined in by the chains?
They reign you in? I've only ever been hit by them and they feel like glancing blows.
I don't think they do that, I had two grovetenders once and got hit plenty by the rng chains
I don't know, I just read the wiki and saw it. I assumed it would grab you when the chains retract, but I've never seen it because it gives you plenty of time to get out of the way.
how do I beat the vent boss in the science facility map as physicist
mod only accept it
what do I want for rex?
syringe aegis leeching seed & brooch I suppose ideally?
I don't know if I really like him desu not too exciting
Getting backup mags allows you to dish out BIG burst damage when you hold m1 and spam m2
ded gaem
1 backup mag, syringes, crit glasses, crowbars, AP, every healing item except bungus because that's engi's
We're back.
"better than crashing", eh?
My screen faded to black then to the main menu... did it crash?
lel good job host
he just HAD to say that, didn't he
We're back.
We're not.
you fixed it huh?
Okay, NOW I've actually fixed it.
this is your last chance
>server is full
anons, is this game fun for solo play?
steam sales are over, i can't afford it for shit and piracy seems to be my only option till the next sales
hoopo don't deserve your money so just pirate it
the sale is still ongoing until tuesday but it doesn't matter since ror2 wasn't on sale regardless.
Hey modanon, since people connect to you via direct IP, do you reckon pirated versions could join you?
what is hoopo?
yea,i wanted to say "almost" over
but what the hell, i was pretty sure i saw the steam sale icon near this game
>what is hoopo?
This beautiful birb.
Defenders of the Portal did well this day.
"Survivors" are a joke.
RoR1 is on sale!
more like cucktact light
Is it over?
EU Monsoon, hop in
Anyone know why this game might not be fully utilising my CPU and choosing to have a shitty frame rate most of the time?
stealth kit and fungus for memes
ded game
Where is my 10man?
Ten man Risky 2 w/ sacrifice enabled. No downloading. connect
Get in here
6/10 get in and show this planet what for.
ok i found out what hoopo is
nice birb as well
>mfw i cant even afford a 2,5 euro game
it was a bad year for me...
Did you test it before you started? Mod will likely not work.
Tested it.
9/10 get the fuck in
I was in and then suddenly I was sent back to the main menu?
No idea. Someone mentioned similar in versusanon's game.
Wait no it's my fault. My computer just decided go offline for no reason.