Everyone who should be in smash is in already no one knows the last two
Smash Roster
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I happen to know who one of the last two will be
I know who the last two are
Banjo is in. Smash can finally be over now.
I'm in Smash
You're in Smash
Everyone's in Smash
More people join up the community.
Less of a % is genuinely happy with reveals as time goes & will go on.
Fuck Refugees.
>true ballot winner
I want Ryu Hayabusa along with the ports of Black, 2 and RE to PC and Switch
Still missing many character though
>everyone who should be in is in
>the roster is perfect noone else can possibly be added in
You fags have been saying that since sm4sh.
Needs more Pokemon.
Guarantee one of the reps is a Sword/Shield or Sun/Moon mascot
It's miku and shantae
Adol Christens!
noone is a careing guy i can see why you want him
Ahem, Daily reminder:
>Sakurai purposefully held back Sega's virtua fighter mii costumes when Joker came out so they could be released along side Goku to contribute to a fighting game theme DLC pack.
>Bamco has the video game licensing rights to dragon ball.
>Bamco only has one rep and they made the game.
>Sakurai stating bamco has not much to pick from. Goku winning by default.
>Most dlc has been highly requested never evers such as Banjo, KKR, and Ridley... Goku's next.
>Heihachi mii costume coming with Goku's dlc pack too.
literally who?
We've still got a ways to go.
imma stop you right there
>me want non Nintendo characters
Friendly reminder that if your most wanted list consists of nothing but 3rd parties, you out yourself as a fake Nintendo fan, who fell for the shitty “bing bing” meme, and only bandwagon smash releases like every other normie. If snake was never revealed in June last year then sales wouldn’t be where they are today, but that was all for the wrong reasons.
not vidya
not a video game character
Anyone have embarrassing predictions from before Hero and Banjo were revealed?
I remember a lot of people being real confident in their stupid lineups which have been completely BTFO at this point.
I know that's not Viewtiful Joe, but that just makes me want Viewtiful Joe, which makes me think of Capcom and makes me want Amaterasu.
just say stevefags
>Ridley too big
Hes in
>KKR too old and irrelevant.
Hes in
>Banjo too never ever micrsoft will never ever.
Hes in.
>Goku didnt originate in a video game.
Hes in
He's in, boys.
I posted this already in another thread, but screw it might as well share it here.
I can see either of these timelines happening.
>Kakarot in development.
>Over hundreds of video games even had an mmorpg.
>handful of games on nes and snes.
He's in that rule will be broken. Sakurai will count Goku as the one character to rep 4th party.
>>Everyone who should be in already is
>Pointless Plant
>Cloud, ever
>Everyone from FE that isn't Marth or Roy
>Rosalina and Palutena
>Dark Pit
>Lucas in but his game not localized
>Only one F-Zero character
>Isaac isn't playable
>Geno isn't playable
>Bomberman isn't playable
>Rayman isn't playable
>Chibi-Robo isn't playable
>Travis Touchdown isn't playable
>Neku Sakuraba isn't playable
Okay buddy
>it's another "smashfag knows nothing outside of their bing bing wahoo" episode
>how dare you want a non Nintendo character in a NINTENDO. ALL. STARS. GAME
It wasn't just Stevefags though, people had theories based on all sorts of ridiculous patterns like only the publishers with reps already getting new ones
worked. and. seething.
Smash is on a stronger system
No one said anything about KKR being too old
Banjo was a top pick in the ballot
Sakurai said they must have video game orgin
i play plenty of games i have no idea who that bitch is
>Only one timeline has a female character
>Its from FE
Goku not originating in a video game is merely a limitation.
Just as all rules Sakurai has laid out before this one... It will be broken.
Because... Limits... Were made to be... BROKEN!
Doomguy should be in Smash.
it celebrates videogames not manga
Heh, you sound fearful that Kakarot's gonna show up last minute and kill you saiyans.
Goku is from a manga, Cloud is from a video game. Stop.
"4th party vidya games are still vidya games and have contributed massively to the video game industry. Goku has.more games then any other 4th party character. More so then Superman, Spiderman, Batman, or Mickey Mouse.
this kills the gokufag
omg goku isnt getting in stop talking about him niggers
Goku's been in more video games by a longshot then cloud.
And many many nintendo consoles.
Mike Jones will be to coincide with Startropics 3 which is developed by Retro.
>Smash is on a stronger system
Not that user, but I don’t ever recall Sakurai ever using console limitations for why Ridley wasn’t playable.
I would love to have a second F-Zero character but all the DLC characters are going to be from franchises new to Smash. That rules out almost every Nintendo character.
Highly requested on ballot
Highly requested on ballot
highly requested on ballot
Winner of the ballot
Yoh he's fucking in.
Bayonetta won the ballot
You think goku.
Now i know what autism looks like.
The phrase "Everyone who should be in already" does NOT imply that every character in the game should be in. It means that every character who should be added has been added- regardless of characters that shouldn't be.
??? They literally said bayonetta had the most votes
>Bayonetta was the first pick among realizable characters. Above her, there were old veterans like Snake and other characters that were already tried negotiating but got rejected.
Snake won
Its gonna be Leon Kennedy you fags
>captain syrup
>chad warden
NOPE. no moveset. No gameplay mechanic.
Is this really happening?
wait there's a star tropics 2?
>You know Bamco is getting at least one more character they made the god damn game for crying out loud.
Why do you think theyre saving the Bamco rep for last? Because its fuckin licensed ass goku.
don't lose hope yet, raybro because there's always next time!
Quote and Crash
>Everyone who should be in smash is in already
Yeah. Zoda's Revenge. It's cool, and about traveling through history, but they casualized the gameplay which made it worse.
I know who the Pack 4 challenger is. (and if he's not 4th he's 5th)
>b-b-but muh perfect roster with no anime characters.
Stfu they'll add whatever the fuck they want, in fact theyll add Goku just for the shock value.
die pedo
Kiryu would be perfect for Smash prove me wrong
They can say that just so people can stop asking about the results, but it's impossible for them to have edited data to begin making a character only a few weeks into the ballot and by some miraculous reason she won the ballot? Yeah, likely story.
Every list I saw before Bayo and Corrin were shown, she wasn't even in the top 40.
It's been leaked already
not vidya
sick false flag cringe bro, here's your (You).
Absolutely based.
Who is this character and why is this posted in every smash thread?
>implying I wouldn't main the absolute shit out of goomba
I dunno yet. It's been a week and nobody knows.
I never lost hope, I'm with you all the way!
ikr they never say who is is baka
It's Marx's new form, will be the last reveal, and this version of Marx will be shown a few months beforehand in a trailer for a new Kirby game.
Yeah he's pretty bad assed like
They gave a moveset for a plant, a dog npc,yoga instructor, a pair of Eskimos, another NPC.
Not everyone likes a character due to sexual attraction. Projection much?
I imagine he would be able to stance change, that he would have a heat gauge, that his moves would have different properties depending on his heat level, and that he would be able to use heat moves. Heat moves are so iconic that he has to use them, but heat moves by design give you an unfair advantage over the enemy, and wouldn't work in a PvP game so they'd have to be redisgned. He would probably have Tiger Drop as the strongest counter in the game, maybe a red heat move. No idea what his recovery would be.
>some green iggy's reckin' balls lookin' ass dude
>marx's new form
>final reveal
>spell cards
>physics-based yin yang orbs
No other character would be as unique as Reimu
Marx posesses Mumbo-Jumbo to take this form in a Banjo-Kazooie/Kirby crossover game, where Kazooie and Mumbo-Jumbo need to be rescued by Banjo with Kirby in his packback. You'll all see for yourself in a few months.
i wish solaire was in.
No. You larping is not believable in the slightest.
If sakurai allowed non vidya I would love captain america and goku
they really should have stuck with the aliens invading a tropical island setting the first game had. that shit was comfy
>Smash character with three(3) different gimmicks
Mate come on.
Uses moves from every plant ever made in smash. That’s far from a hard moveset to make.
>dog NPC
Uses things from his game + is a fucking dog and bird combo that has a lot ot play off of.
>yoga instructor
Uses yoga moves in all of her attacks. Fucking braindead easy.
>a pair of eskimos
Their whole gameplay mechanic is that they’re a duo. HELLO. You’re just making yourself look bad. Besides, they still use shit from their game.
You don’t really have anything to fall back on here. All of these characters are fantacy creatures or people who have powers or something wildly unique about them. Leon is literally just a regular human that does nothing but walk and punch a few times in his game. The best he can do is have a basic boring ass moveset that is nothing but the most bland and basic punches and kicks possible, and lets not forget that he has absolutely no possible gameplay mechanic what so ever, only thing that could save a somewhat boring moveset. Leon has none of that.
this. At best they may make leon a snake clone by making him use different types of guns and knives and shit.
>walk and punch
can't you at least get it right next time?
Doom Slayer and Ryu Hayabusa.
You're right, it would just have to be the heat gauge. Three different properties for each special move whether he's calm, blue or red. But Kiryu without heat moves wouldn't be Kiryu, so I don't know heat moves would be implemented without being a second gimmick of their own.
>costume theory
You're boutta get btfo'd by the power of sakurai haphazardly releasing shit
What are the chances?
None of these timelines make any real sense
you have seen the light my brethren
after banjo there is no other never ever character besides maybe geno, and there's still two slots left
Goku is in.
>Goku's gimmick would be that he has insane launching power even against low percent enemies, but anyone he launches gets bounched back off blast zones, and can only actually kill when in super saiyan mode.
>Essentially anyone he fights would be getting bounced all over the fucking place just like a DBZ fight, even on battlefield/final destination, but even though it makes Goku look and feel ungodly powerful, it's actually easier for the opponent because they keep getting bounced back to the stage rather than needing to recover from offstage
That’s all he does.
This comment tells me you've never played smash before and you dont know how retarded this sounds.
It's actually the opposite way around, I've never watched DBZ before and was wondering how to make a Smash fight feel like a DBZ fight.
>i worship a comany so i am smart
>gokufag hasn't even watched the show
I like your idea, maybe it could be something like an auto instant transmission instead of just bouncing them off the blast walls
Nice pasta tendie
Kasumifag and the gamefags autistic?
Sounds like shit. At this point, you're not even playing Smash Bros anymore.
3 is the best timeline by a long shot.
That sounds so fucking annoying to play against
Based Jibanbro
Shantae release date will be announced along with her announcement as the final DLC character in Smash. Both games are the 5th in their series, she'll be the 5th DLC fighter, and we got this snippet from the opening.
literal trash like you doesn't belong in smash
means fucking nothing, her window always looked liked that and she's a spirit.
>no leon
Yeah you're retarded
>me want Waluigi, Rex, Ashley, Fire Emblem Fighter 8, and (insert le epic obscure GCN/GBA character here)
Thank fuck your kind don't decide paid DLC. There's no way your shit would sell or generate meaningful interest.
I want to believe!
>7 stars
>one color for each dlc character announced
>one stage missing from the full stage list
Is it possible Geno may be announced after the Fighter Pass? After all, he’s really the last major smash request, behind Banjo, K. Rool, and Ridley
No shantae no goku stop being dumb guys
absolutely everyone deserves to be in smash
>still no galacta knight
I dont see hollow knight
It's going to be another fire emblem representative and Geno.
>another East & West character duo revealed
>Kiryu for japan, CJ Johnson for west
I thought the historical settings were great for the sequel, and for the series, but, I agree that if they ever make a third one it should be set on C-Island and the surrounding islands. It is an extremely comfy setting, and it is my most replayed NES game.
Only I know who the last two are and this is who they are.
You're not getting Goku.
You're not getting Shantae
You're not getting Master Chief
You're not getting Rayman.
You're not getting Reimu.
You're not getting Edelgard.
You're not getting Porky, Isaac, or fucking Sans.
Quit it.
Arle Nadja!
>Fatlus are listed independently in the credits from Sega despite Rare not being listed for Banjo
>Virtua Fighter costumes not coming back despite Akira being an Assist Trophy
>company diversity is still just a fan rule
Makes ya think, don't it?
Would be pure unfiltered kino
One Doomguy please
but goku already got announced as dlc
>no Goku
This, the remaining are
Is it just me or do the renders for doc fighters look a bit... Off? Not as good as the base game renders?
are you upset?
>chosen undead
He may not be artorias, but he’s still pretty damn based
Timeline 3 look ok
With timelines 1 and 4 you just loost subscriber
Don’t forget Geno
goku isnt vidya he isnt getting in C O P E
>claims to he a dbz fan
>can't tell gohan from goku
>Everyone who should be in smash is in already
Not true.
He's a spirit. trust me I want it to happen too Genobro.
but hes already in
>he still can't tell gohan from goku
Lmaoing at your life
cope harder, Goku is confirmed
Goku getting announced along side the release of Kakarot for switch
where did you get this?? Looks legit but I don't wanna get my hopes up
>Rulefaggers? Fuck off because there rules can get broken and anyone can get in when the character I wanted got in.
>You want character I don’t like? There not fucking getting into Smash ever because of (insert rule) so you should shut up!
Literally who is this cutie
Joker and the Hero's default renders cam definitely up feeling less dynamic and detailed than the base game renders but I think their alts and Banjo (apart from the mouth) look great.
Where's mike jones you nigger
yeah you have to be retard to believe this fake leak
Have you taken the &pill yet, mateys?
>Nintendo have to buy Goku license, which is probably a lot
>Toei would probably win nothing with Goky in smash
Yeah i don’t think so
What a brainless and uninteresting way to take the &pill though.
If there's gonna be an SNK rep, she needs to be adorable AND hilarious.
>Neku Sakuraba isn't playable
>Toei would probably win nothing with Goku in the biggest crossover event in history
keep coping
Bamco has licensing rights to Goku.
Also you have no idea what youre talking about, stop pretending.
This is the best possible outcome lads. May Sakurai deliver.
Why do Incineroarfags insist seethe so hard every time someone talks shit about their character?
On what planet is that true? Why ask for [generic platformer animal] and Diet Doomguy? Give us a dark souls rep or something of the like.
Toei are fucking japanese jew. They wouldn’t let their print money bay, the 16699 dragon ball games gave them more money that some DLC from some game
Yeah, Namco, not Nintendo. Just because Namco worked in a game with them doesn’t mean they have the rights. They have to buy it to Toei and that shit will cost a lot
>dark souls rep
We already have plenty of fantasy thank you, we don't need some swordsman in a generic suit of armor. Also Master Chief is unironically a better choice than Doomguy. Leave him to Mortal Kombat or some shit.
Doesnt know shit about the licensing agreement.
>pretends to
Okay then explain to me, and with source. Unless you’re a fraud
>some DLC
>some game
you are deluding yourself so hard its incredible
Mike Jones time!
>Never been represented in Smash
>DLC is catering towards series that haven't
>Out of left field choice which Smash loves doing
Likliest candidates in my eyes:
>Terry Bogard (titfags and cunnyfags need not apply)
Main protagonist of one famous fighting franchise and one of the most prominent perfect attendees of another famous fighting franchise. Mascot of a significant family of hardware and company. Bonus points for amazing potential music from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters.
His case has been made ad-nauseum. You know it by now.
Pseudo platform mascot, a major rival franchise that squared off against Nintendo. Exists now as a cross platform franchise so Smash rights probably wouldn't be especially difficult to get.
>Resident Evil rep
A seminal Japanese franchise that pretty much put horror/survival as a genre on the gaming map. Could possibly pull a Hero and have different characters as skins.
I have no fuckin clue what would be the most likely for them, but they definitely seem due to finally get a second character. Tales Of, Dark Souls, Tekken, or Soul Calibur are the probable ones to pull a candidate from.
Hardmode: post characters that aren't
>RPG characters
>Bing bang wahoo characters
>Generic swordsman/fighterman/gunman
>Platformer mascots
That pretty much leaves Phoenix Wright Professor Layton Tetris block some shit from any cartoon/MOBA and unironically Steve and Sans
Anyone have that one image with all the 3rd parties on it by company? It had basically everyone
awoo nerds
>it's okay for people to want obscure Capcom characters in their Capcom crossover
why are you frogs like this?
That's cringy as fuck
Hasn't been an RPG character for a while now
At this point I wouldn't mind Sans as long as Layton and Luke got in, they just have so much going for them
>companion theory
>doesn't have to be a full swordsman, he's got MacGyver gadgets
>DS rep, we need more of those
>Level 5 is basically 2nd party like Gamefreak at this point, they could use a rep
Here's your final roster, bro.
In my opinion, we are getting a Capcom and a Namco characters.
Also, Joker and the Hero both will get a new game in 2019 and Banjo seems to be getting either a remake or a new game according to both leakers, the Amazon shipping stuff and the company that only makes products for upcoming games and/or movies.
So we should be looking for characters that either got new games this year or the next one.
My bet are Leon Kennedy from RE2 remake and Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia definitive edition.
Someone from a horror game, hopefully. Simon/Richter don't really count. Closest thing is that Fatal Frame AT.
If Mii Costume Theory was really a thing, why wouldn't they bring back the Akira and Jacky costumes?
Having origins in a video game or being strongly related to the industry is the only true rule of Smash. Get it through your head, video games is the entire fucking point of Smash and it doesn't matter how many DB games there are, it's anime/manga NOT video games.
Gokufags are the most delusional kind of roster fag.
companion theory is suck fucking stupid
>hey nintendo what characters should we add to our game as DLC
>i dunno but they have to a COMPANION! In atleast the loosest definition has possible!
>uh.... for patterns, of course
In my dreams, nigger. I wonder why they never added Suicune or another legendary. Is it just Gamefreak autism?
My guess is that they will release the "unpopular" costumes in another wave, while the most popular get packed with the newcomer franchise's Mii costumes.
Our lord and savior Hatsune Miku
Now that we broke the gun rule can we add Chris Redfield? I'm not really a REfag I just like how it's a staple series for Marvel Vs Capcom and that game proves RE characters can definitely fit in a fightan
Hey I think it's dumb too but in this case it works, Layton and Luke would look good on the spread
You're gonna take your FE Three Houses and Pokemon Sword character and like it.
The third-party koolaid made everyone retarded
People often forget that Heihachi costume came with Ryu, they might be holding the fighting game costumes for a fg char
Reimu, of course.
I think we'd get Jill and I'd prefer that but I'd still love Chris if only for the resurgence of Chrisposting.
I don't buy it, more FEs and Pokemon would be the definition of anti-hype after Banjo. I say it'll be someone like Ryu Hayabusa or Chris/Leon/Jill sharing an RE moveset like DQ Hero
Kula Diamond from King of Fighters
>We already have plenty of fantasy thank you
So why are you asking for it?
>we don't need some swordsman in a generic suit of armor
We have literally zero of those, stop being retarded.
>Also Master Chief is unironically a better choice than Doomguy.
No he isn’t, he’s just doomguy lite with less moveset optential than him, and has way less character than him. Chief has no personality.
what is generic about the Klonoa games?
Funny because the only one that’s actually likely there is steve. Just because you only like those characters doesn’t mean they’re the only likely ones.
It's even worse when you tell this and then they drag the mii costumes up
Despite us having a entire game worth of evidence that mii fighter waves are seperate from the fighters
He's fucking IN
"but muh rules" shut the fuck up, if Nintendo wanted to brute force him in, he would get in. It's about making money, not some fake rules, which Goku would be the perfect exception to in the first place considering he has more games than 90% of the roster.
Goku's gimmick would be getting new transformations based on the amount of damage taken, each with brief periods of armor after the transformation in the form of a Chi meter. Ultra Instict final smash. Alternatively just base Goku with a Kiaoken mechanic which damages you as you use it, but boosts your power. Final smash would simply be Super Sayain.
Spirit Bomb would be something you can charge up similar to Samus's cannon, but with a slower charge time and a higher potential for damage.
Kid Goku would be the coolest but would never happen
Based as hell. She’s in.
>So why are you asking for it?
Klonoa isn't generic fantasy shit like Dark Souls
>We have literally zero of those
We have plenty of fucking swordsman already
>less moveset optential than him, and has way less character than him. Chief has no personality.
Wanna know how I know you've never played a Halo game before? Chief has shit ton of weapons, armor abilities and tools in his games to pull from, he legitimately has more moveset potential than Doomguy does. As for Personality, again, you've never played a Halo game. What kind of "personality" does an angry mute have?
>dude le epic niche Capcom characters xd
>I don't buy it, more FEs and Pokemon would be the definition of anti-hype after Banjo.
For Smash fans? Certainly, but except for Geno, Isaac, Waluigi and Bandana Dee, there isn't really anyone left who was as requested as K. Rool, Ridley and Banjo.
A Pokemon character is (almost) always spot-on and Pokemon fans might drop a few bucks to buy the new Pokemon.
And Fire Emblem attracts waifufags, so there's that.
you cannot convince me otherwise when i say the ONLY video game mascots that are iconic and big enough and still isnt represented is Steve and Master Chief. Name another character that would make as big an impact as those 2 characters.
the next pokemon would only be another shill nobody wants.
the pokecommunity does not want another incineroar representing the franchise
Not bad honestly. The first party additions are way better than the third party ones though, I godda say. Only real complaints I have are minor ones other than that, like having Demise replace Girahim and replacing anthony higgs with something like an Omega Metroid or a Metroid Prime.
Yeah. Remember how well beloved Corrin was as a DLC addition? Oh wait, FEfags who played her game despise her as a character and non-FEfags despise her for pushing Nintendo's retarded FE bias to new levels. Literally the only people who like her are footfagging degenerates who don't play Smash or FE.
Woah, guess you can't be a Smashfag anymore.
Nigga a character getting a new game has literally NEVER meant we’re getting their character. We’re getting characters that are popular with games that are still in the minds of the people, meaning 2016 releases and auch are just as likely.
Nigga who the fuck is the dolphin?
Black Shadow should have had Ganondorf's moveset to begin with in Melee. Ganondorf deserves a more unique one.
>zoomers don't know Ecco
Echo the Dolphin if I had to guess.
>Nigga a character getting a new game has literally NEVER meant we’re getting their character.
Well, at the moment, the three characters we got from the pass are all getting a new game. Joker is getting P5R, The Hero is getting DQ11S and Banjo is getting a new game according to the insiders and cable guy.
That's why I think Doomguy is likely. But I don't believe in the costume theory.
No moveset potential
>I say it'll be someone like Ryu Hayabusa or Chris/Leon/Jill sharing an RE moveset like DQ Hero
Nigga what? How on earth would that work? Chris is a big muscular man and jill is a petite little woman. It doesn’t work at all. Lets not forget the fucking negative moveset porential an RE character has.
What ninja moveset? Chris uses punches and a flamethrower and shit. Also he has a stun baton.
>Everyone who should be in smash is in already
Not everyone
There are over 70 playable characters in Smash.
Can someone explain to me why anyone give a shit about 5 more characters? Have you even played 20% of the others?
Fair point on the size difference but MvC easily proved an RE character can fight on par with Ryu
its gonna be hydralisk, and geralt of rivia. why doesnt anyone listen to me?
>Klonoa isn't generic fantasy shit like Dark Souls
You’re right, he’s generic platformer furry shit! Besides, if you think Dark souls is just generic fantasy dungeons and dragons shit, then you’re undeniably retarded. Stop embarrassing yourself.
>We have plenty of fucking swordsman already
That’s not what you said. You said we have plenty of knights in armor with swords in smash, ehich we have none of what so ever. And you’re genuiniely retarded if you think the character will be generic just because they have a sword, even though we already knew you were retarded. Swords are party of the main three fighting types. Everybody knows having a unique gameplay mechanic is what makes you unique, not what weapon you use or what your moveset is. Stop embarrassing yourself.
>Chief has shit ton of weapons, armor abilities and tools in his games to pull from
Not nearly as much as doomguy.
>As for Personality, again, you've never played a Halo game. What kind of "personality" does an angry mute have?
That’s just it, retard. His personality is that he’s always angry and wants to fight in the most brutal way possible. What’s Chief’s personality? That’s right, he has none. He just stands there and talks in a monotone voice in everything he’s in. Chief is just doomguy: lite no matter which way you slice it.
How does being mute work against doomguy when 90% of the characters in smash are mute. Hell some of them even have their voices TAKEN AWAY from them in smash.
someone doesnt know what a hydralisk is? or geralt the witcher is? are you like 7 years old?
>muh vidya icons
Nintendo doesn’t care.
What game?
thats why theyve consistently lost market share each generation.
>no Dixie Kong
>no Ashley
>no Lyn
>no Edelgard
>no Gen 8 Pokemon
It will never be over
Those have nothing to do with it. Joker’s rerelease isn’t even coming to nintendo consoles.
The DQ game only accounts for one costume in the whole of the character
Banjo has nothing concrete about him and this whole fucking patternfag theory is hinged on “”””””””leaker”””””””” “””””””””rumors””””””””””
He was never mute at all
Even the newest Doom brought his grunts back
Oh, great, a generic punching man, just what smash needs!
Likely because they're incredibly insecure faggots in the first place who are likely rarely correct and/or welcomed into groups. Notice how they still gloat like assholes and still obsess over "That One Time I Was Right" over eight fucking months later (which doesn't work well anymore when the bring roster warfagging into it since the most cared about fake fighter from the Grinch "leak" is now real).
MvC made up a moveset that has nothing to do with RE by making jill some anime ninja fighter who flips around and uses giant anime rocket launchers. MvC should ONLY br used as an example of what NOT to do, especially when sakurai is against that kind of shit and tries to make the character as close to the source material as possible, unlike MvC.
Time line 1 is hype killer
Time line 2 and 3 are ok
Time line 4 is what we probably get
>a game about punching people doesn't need another punch guy
>and he's not even a punch guy, he uses weapons like Snake or Joker
Smash already has Solid Snake who has infinite grenades, rocket launchers, & missile strikes.
Who do you think turned down their character being in smash?
What about Chris though? His moveset ultilizes a number of staple RE guns and even makes an amusing nod to his boulder punch from 5
So we all agree that crash is in?
We'll know when Hero comes out and we see which characters start crashing the game
But does he have a flamethrower or the Broken Butterfly?
It doesn’t need a generic punchy guy, next time actually read the post. Him just being some regular human man who does generic punches and kicks is fucking terrible. Him having a few weapons that are similar to snake doesn’t make him any better. What are you saying here? That even at best he’s still just a complete retread of what snake ALREADY does. He offers absolutely NOTHING to smash. What’s his gameplay mechanic?
On top of this, none of it even makes sense to begin with, given the fact that it represents the series HORRIBLY to begin with. The game is about fighting zombies. Generic punchy man with a glock does 0 justice to the series. If someone who has never played RE before plays as an RE character in smash, what would they take away from them? That RE is a shooter? Another grey colored army FPS? That’s all it’d be.
See And
Let my boy play with the big leagues.
The most likely actual winner (just considering vidya characters) was probably one of the following:
>Banjo-Kazooie (who is probably the last we'll see of the Smash 4 Ballot)
>Cloud (keep in mind the Ballot happened before his reveal)
>K. Rool
So use Jill from MvC2 as a basis but tone her down a bit
>summons zombies by dodging them
>uses herbs for minor healing
>has a 'shove away' attack
Then just add the stun baton, flamethrower and maybe a Magnum
FS is Nemesis showing up and wrecking shit while you 'hide'
r8 this roster
and feel free to suggest who else i should add in the future
Also the unique mechanic you have to reload, bullet count appears above your percentage
>he’s generic platformer furry shit!
Every fucking time.
when is the next direct so i don't have to deal with the suspense anymore
retarded wojak poster, as usual
>You said we have plenty of knights in armor with swords in smash
Reread the post, >we don't need some swordsman in a generic suit of armor
While the rest of those moves are pretty generic, I like the zombie dodge move. There should definitely be a lot more of that then the the other things you mentioned. Still don’t know what the actual gameplay mechanic would be. Maybe have it tied into zombies somehow. Run with that.
This really isn’t helping an RE character shake away the “generic FPS” image to new players. Save the ammo for someone else, like Doomguy and have the mechanic be more related to the theme of the game.
Well, I mean, he IS just generic furry platformer shit.
Piranha Plant and Rosalina are both unironically much better picks than Geno the represent the Mario franchise.
You say Lucas game didn't get localized but Geno's game didn't even come out in Europe.
Dumb Genofag
Why would they though?
Crash with a Coco echo fighter
Goku and Spider-Man will both be playable in smash ultimate
Replace alph with Louie and replace one of the third parties with a Dark Souls character like Chosen Undead or Artorias.
just stop
but user, he's a nintendo video game character
>Toad, Waluigi, Black Shadow, Saki, Krystal, Mach Rider, Pious, Wonder Red, Chibi Robo, Sephiroth, Marx, Metal Face, Starfy, Porky, Issac
aight, tight
>Linkle, Skull Kid, Antony, Rundas, Sylux, Black Knight, Fawful, Rayman
Not quite my cup of coffe but not bad.
>every else
no way jose
Thank you for being understanding. I know it sounds weird but after all the success RE had on the Gamecube, I just kinda feel like RE earned its way into Smash, hell 4 was debatably the best third party game on the console
>muh suit of armor is generic because I say so!
We have no suits of armor in smash and they’re interesting. Just because suits of armor actually existed in real life doesn’t mean they’re fucking generic.
>New Mother victory theme
>Party members added to final smashes
>New Mother item
>Despite all of this, Porky-related content is almost completely missing from the game
>No spirits for Porky, Giygas, Fassad, Dr. Andonuts, A Pigmask, Picky, or the King Statue
>Porky is the only boss to not reappear in the game in some form
>Isn’t in the ASC spirit since it’s the wrong sprite and takes nothing pig-related to summon it
>Sakurai signed a Mother 3 poster at Brownies’ studio in April with the phrase “Smash De Choppiri” roughly translating to “Smash in a little”
>The stage builder video which hinted at Hero with the dragon stage and Banjo with the witch stage also featured an Ultimate Chimera stage
>30th anniversary of the series
>No Mother on NES Switch Online
>No Earthbound on the leaked SNES Switch Online
He’s in Porkybros
not gonna replace, but will definitely add someone from dark souls in the future.
>who is CJ from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Do people actually think generic fps when they think of resident evil though? It's just 7 and sime spinoffs. Not trying to be a dick, I legitimately just don't understand how zoomers think. Watching everyone shit on TSA was very weird to me.
Best of luck
Shantae has already been confirmed the next dlc.
Ok, but I strongly recommend you replace Alph with Louie. Aplh is fine as an alt.
>Yea Forums zoomers seething over RE in Smash already
well guess that fucking confirms it then since you faggots bitched about DQ/BK
As stupid as it is I'm still holding out hope for Porky. It's just weird to me that they went out of their way to include buzz buzz and fucking Ness' dad as spirits, but didn't include Porky or his statue.
Have we really reached the point where the only likely candidates left are Phoenix Wright, Amaterasu, Chosen Undead, Crash, Doomguy, and Ryu Hayabusa?
At this point I'm convinced Doomguy and Ryu are locks. There aren't mant reps left that make a whole lotta sense.
Well when you get a character that only has generic punches and a few guns in their moveset, how could they NOT think FPS? The whole theme of Zombies and survival horror in RE is completely absent in the smash fighter.
>You’re right, he’s generic platformer furry shit
Except he's not, he has a completely unique means of platforming which could be included in a moveset as well as a plethora of weapons and abilities from his games.
>Swords are party of the main three fighting types. Everybody knows having a unique gameplay mechanic is what makes you unique, not what weapon you use or what your moveset is.
A gimmick can't save a shit moveset user. At can only attempt to hide how boring as fuck it is.
>Not nearly as much as doomguy.
Sure, how many guns does Doomguy have then?
>personality is that he’s always angry and wants to fight in the most brutal way possible
You could have stopped at angry. Just being angry isn't a personality. It just means he's completely one note.
>He just stands there and talks in a monotone voice in everything he’s in
Except not, in the first 3 Halo games he's quips with Cortana multiple times. He's brash at times and often jumps into things head first, he's also confident which leads to him pulling stupid stunts like jumping out of a ship and falling through space while hanging onto a bomb.
>snake lite
Fuckinf yawn. How could anyone be excited for this?
the truth will set you free user
better to accept it now than after the reveal trailer
>"Ryu will NEVER EVER be in Smash Bros because he is a GENERIC PUNCHY MAN that brings nothing new to Smash"
>Porky gets in smash to advertise a mother trilogy
>how many guns does Doomguy have then?
Not him but..
Quite a lot.
user, clearly you are retarded. The armor is only part of the problem. The primary issue is that the only shit people want out of Dark Souls are sword users. Slow and generic looking sword users. We already have plenty of sword users as is. We do not need any more.
Can Snake summon Zombies?
>Mother 3
>Getting localized
By recognizing the character? I imagine most people could see Leon with a Raccoon City RPD stage, some zombies in the background, Mister X stage hazard and be pretty satisfied before even getting into his actual moveset. I really just don't see the RE = FPS jump.
Zoomers only played RE5/6/7 and think that's what the entire series is, don't waste your time arguing with them.
Based and Gokupilled
>"all little mac does is punch! he cant even kick! you people are delusional because HE'LL NEVER EVER BE IN!!!!!"
Imagine getting a Mr. X or Nemesis boss
I still don't understand. Even 4 and 5 aren't FPS's. If anything they made the characters super star wrestlers that could grapple with incineroar and have projectile based attacks. The RE series is literally on the same tier as Zelda in terms of sales. There's no way anyone would confuse it an FPS
Holy fucking shit quit it already. Nintendo said they're picking characters from series unrepresented in Smash with the DLC. Mother characters are off the table. Deal with it. There won't be any Mother reps.
>Except he's not, he has a completely unique means of platforming which could be included in a moveset as well as a plethora of weapons and abilities from his games.
>A gimmick can't save a shit moveset user. At can only attempt to hide how boring as fuck it is.
Yes it can? It has saved tons of shit movesets already. You don’t even know if the chosen undead or any other DS character would even HAVE a shit moveset to begin with. Stop embarrassing yourself.
>Sure, how many guns does Doomguy have then?
10 guns from doom 2016 alone, not counting his:
Grappling hook
Arm blade
The crucible sword
Shoulder mounted flame thrower
Shoulder mounted laser canon
4 different types of grenades
Multiple powerups
A fuck ton of melee attacks through glory kills
Not to mention any more new shit he has in eternal.
What does chief have? A bunch of generic rifles, a tiny version of the crucible and a hammer? Fucking lmao.
>You could have stopped at angry. Just being angry isn't a personality. It just means he's completely one note.
I guess it’s a good think this is smash then, huh? Him being angry is more than enough to give off lots of personality in smash. Need I remind you how many characters are just “happy” in smash already. Chief being a literal block of wood blank slate, however, is not enough. He has nothing to play off of. Doomguy being angry can absolutely be shown in his moveset with all of his taunts. What does chief have? He would just be generic emotionless punch and kick man with rifle. Doomguy would shoe his anger in each slam and pound of his fist.
>no one said anything about K. Rool being too old
Where the fuck have you been?
>Except not, in the first 3 Halo games he's quips with Cortana multiple times. He's brash at times and often jumps into things head first, he's also confident which leads to him pulling stupid stunts like jumping out of a ship and falling through space while hanging onto a bomb.
Quips aren’t a personality. They’re fucking quips. Being confident isn’t a personality either you fucking mong. Howis he supposed to show himself being confident in smash? Just doing a fucking super hero pose while he looks off into a distance? None of the surface level shit can be translated into smash, a 100% physical and visual game. There is no dialogue to show how fucking “””confident”””” he is. How are you this stupid? He has nothing to show for it.
Can you fucking stop? This has never been said by anyone in charge.
Can an RE character even summon zombies in their own fucking game?
>Caring about personality in Smash
>When a ton of the cast from the previous games has non-whatsoever to begin with
imagine being this retarded
>Still spreading this misinformation
Also is just giving me more hope than I had before.
There are though if you aren't looking at it from a western perspective
Remember: none of you talked about Hero until virginben got in the picture
Nice misquote
Why is there a significant amount of specifically Porky related content missing from the game if he isn’t in? I’m curious to hear your perspective.
>character that has MULTIPLE unique gameplay mechanics
>a boxer who is trained to fight in unique ways who also has fantasy character moves due to being in a cartoony fantasy game
>literally the opposite of a generic fighter human
God damn user, you’re topping your own posts as the most stupid ones on Yea Forums today.
>Bayonetta beat K. Rool, Ridley, Simon Belmont, and Snake
Do you REALLY believe this?
Such as?
Can the Dog from Duck Hunt summon gunslingers? No, he can laugh at you or grab the duck.
Enough with the 'muh moveset' arguement, Sakurai makes it work. You'd think the plant would have shut you all up by now.
No, what they literally said was that she was the character with the most votes of the realizable characters.
I want her in the game.
Link, Samus, Ness, Little Mac, Inkling, Mega Man, ect. How much personality do these characters show in their own games let alone Smash? Not to mention, we're getting another self-insert JRPG character with no personality whatsoever. You're a retarded nigger.
>generic human fighter
If you give little mac a pass for cartoony moves but not ryu, you are literally retarded
Nintendo wants to expand and attract new players and audiences with the DLC. And from what I've seen with the DLC, that apeeard to be the case. How in the fuck can they do that with fucking Porky? And don't say "Mother 3 localization" because it's never fucking happening.
The plant’s moveset was a fucking no brainer though. Why do people keep using the plant for their “sakurai can make a moveset for anything” arguments as if it actually means something?
your point stands but little mac and inkling definitely have some personality built in
what would be a good blue bet for japan? I'd assume japan would want crash for orange
Astral Chains rep or Fire Emblem Three Houses rep
And i'm going for the Fire Emblem choice
>not showing personality in smash
>>>>>>>>not showing personality in their own game
Okay, be honest, how fucking absolutely retarded are you?
Read the post again dumbfuck.
I've honestly got no idea. Maybe they have something planned for the Mother series? I honestly doubt that though. Still I think it's suspicious how much stuff surrounding Porky they went out of their way to not include. The only other option I can think of besides Porky getting in is a spirit board event for Mother's 30th anniversary that adds new spirits.
Never ever.
>check SNK wiki page for mascots
>recognise almost everyone
>barely know this girl from XIV
I don't really follow KoF story but why is she relevant?
literally nobody has ever said this, retard
Not that user, but the Inklings are pretty substandard in comparison to virtually all the other characters in Splatoon.
>this thread is a violation of rule 1
>the thread is about video game content
a contradiction but alrigh-
>wanting smashfags banned from the whole board
just for that last point I support your effort, user. based
Hayabusa is a classic nintendy.
So is porky. We don't have a MOTHER villain.
I don't care about either but they seem likely.
Statistically speaking though we may just as well get another FE rep unfortunately.
Not sure why people get so caught up in meme picks. It's not that funny and they don't get much of a reaction either.
That's actually pretty garbage, to be honest.
>here, read this moveset! It’s prove to you that he IS super unique!
>moveset is literally just generic punchy FPS man with no fucking gameplay mechanic at all, let alone a unique one
Nigga please. You didn’t make this shitty moveset up yourself, did you?
I believe bayo beat all of those except for snake but nintendo had issues getting snake in s4.
Just accept it. He ain't in. Wait til the next game or at best the next DLC lineup. Nintendo refuses to touch Mother 3 with a 8 ft. pole because of controversial issues. Go play the translated rom.
>It has saved tons of shit movesets already. You don’t even know if the chosen undead or any other DS character would even HAVE a shit moveset to begin with
Oh really, like what movesets as a gimmick saved? Also, I have seen how Dark Souls plays, and can say with certainty that they would be some shitty slow but powerful swordman, like we currently already have in the game.
>What does chief have? A bunch of generic rifles, a tiny version of the crucible and a hammer? Fucking lmao.
50+ weapons from each main games including grenades
A shit ton of assassinations
20 Armor abilties from Reach onward
4 powerups
8 types of equipment
>Toei gets nothing out of Goku being in a game with Mario and Pikachu and the Dragon Quest Hero
>Goku can now fight Sonic
>Goku can fight Mewtwo (Professional Frieza Impersonator)
>Goku can fight Cloud Strife and Ryu
>Goku can fight Pac Man
This would be a fucking nuke for Japan. And for America. And for Mexico.
Fuck, they might just do it for the 2020 Olympics, have the biggest Japanese characters together in a fighting game which reflects how they will be together for the Olympics.
Dead character from a dead series with little nintendo history and character from a franchise with no nintendo history.
Puyo's pretty damn big over there
Coincidentally, sega's actively trying to make it more popular in the west lately, just like DQ
>Geno is the free after Pass bonus akin to Piranha Plant
>It’s just a passion project by Sakurai, a character he and many others have wanted in Smash for years
>K. Rool, Ridley, Simon Belmont, Banjo & Kazooie, and Geno are all in. In the same game.
Inklings are literally just player characters in a mutliplayer game. The most personality they have is being happy and that's it.
>Dead character from a dead series with little nintendo history
Banjo was dead too and Klonoa has a numerous games on Nintendo consoles.
The joke is that Ryu got in because he's from an iconic influential series, much like Resident Evil.
>implying they'd let Dimitri of all people be the rep
every smash thread is literally just "who, whoo and whooie"
LOL, he really thinks DARK SOULS is unique because of "muh nintendo hard" gameplay!
Any of these are fine except 1.
Banjo has had a fuck ton of fan demand since Melee, Klonoa has had fuck all. You just want normies to remember he even existed.
Nope I'm not giving up hope until the fat lady sings. Everyone got their never evers I'm just here hoping for mine. However unlikely he may be.
I still want him in, damn it.
Geno isnt wanted at all lmao
Klonoa is one of the most popular requests for Smash bros in terms of Namco reps.
you just want him to "stick it" to sony fans. just admit it.
So is Resident Evil but that doesn't instantly mean Leon or Chris are locks.
Still better than having another gay sword fighter.
The biggest namco requests are dark souls and agumon
Because there's barely any others worth giving a shit about
Dark Souls rep is definitely in considering Namco is making this game. It's not going to be Artorias because Artorias' moveset would not represent the DaS player's experience and instead just represent him as a boss.
Haven’t the only DLC spirits added besides the Persona ones tie-ins with games that came out at around the same time? I could be wrong, but if not then that still wouldn’t explain his absence since nothing new from the Mother series has been announced.
Leon is fucking factually being added. Ita not possible for Smash to not eventually add him
RE is currently the biggest japanese gaming franchise not yet included in smash
>dark souls and Agumon
Not only were they not requested in the Smash 4 days, but they aren't even the most popular now. Least of all Agumon.
We already have a tamagochi style rep, and we don't need more sword users.
And? If they go for a Namco rep, they will go with those that are the most requested.
You realize that Little Mac posts had actual “arguments” in it that were used against Mac, right?
Surely you’re not this young, right?
>>Oh really, like what movesets as a gimmick saved?
Ice climbers
>I have seen how Dark Souls plays, and can say with certainty that they would be some shitty slow but powerful swordman, like we currently already have in the game.
If that were true then you’d know dark souls WOULDN’T have a generic moveset, on top of having multiple possible unique gameplay mechanics.
>50+ weapons from each main games including grenades
A shit ton of assassinations
All are rifles or do something completely similar to a rifle. They just shoot forward. They all do the same thing.
Monkey D. Luffy?
Japan got Hero NA used their 2 picks on meme chars (KR, Banjo). Europe never had a choice since Bayo. Europe is choosing the last 2 chars prove me wrong.
Literally who is this? I need to know because he’s cool
Who gives a shit about smash 4 days
Nobody cares about Europe, and Europe would rather Africa take a pick.
Good thing that’s more than enough to be in smash. Btw, being “happy” all the time IS having personality. If you say that it isn’t, then that means that by your own logic Doomguy can get in, since you said he doesn’t have any personality, after all.
There were a few added to promote pokemon let's go and super mario party that were free. So it could be a case like those for the anniversary.
Bro just stop it doesn't matter how big they are, Chris and Leon would be underwhelming to play and would not stand out moveset wise because of their limited weaponry that is significantly LESS than Snake. They would not be good fighters in the slightest. And Sakurai tries to keep the human characters consistent with their in-game counterparts.
>It’s to prove to you that he IS super unique!
I never said that, my whole point was for you to see that an actual move set CAN be made for him.
>Complaining that he has a move set when you first said he didn’t even have a move set to make
Is this what the kids call moving the goal post?
Crash Bandicoot. A longtime pipe dream request and more popular then every single third party currently in Smash except maybe Cloud
Leon Kennedy. The face of survive horror and the single most well know Capcom character
Ryu is the father of fighting games. What the fuck is Leon the father of?
Then you’re fucking stupid
Smash 4 days aren’t even that relevant since Nintendo picked the DLC. There’s a decent amount of characters that weren’t really requested then but are now.
See .
At least I dont think gokus getting in smash
Leon would be amazing to play as. What are you on about? Have you never played Marvel?
Crash is going to get cucked by Bubsy
>Sabi telling that the Hero video will cause butthurt on the rosterfags
Sora and Geno costumes?
strange deflection but you’re still delusional
I never said Doom Guy doesn't have any personality. I'm arguing that characters having personality or not doesn't effect whether or not they're in Smash.
Most of the votes from Europe were bayo what are you talking about
Leon is the single most well known and most popular horror game character ever made, and RE basically invented the survival horror genre
>but Dark Souls has other weapon
>Leon with Claire, Jill, and Chris alt skins like Hero
Are you retarded? Hey idiot. Explain in detail how you fit Jill onto Chris's model and animations?
Go search the archives you ignorant bastard
When did he say that?
>inb4 discord dm or some bullshit that noone can fact check
>Leon would be amazing to play as
He would be a god damn downgraded clone of Snake. No he wouldn't.
Give me ONE reason why Crash can't get in
Dark souls is leagues more popular than fucking KLONOA. Also, smash 4 days are done. They don’t matter. We’re in smash ultimate days now.
>muh sword
Imagine being this retarded. A character having a sword doesn’t make them more generic. Why do swordies only get the blame for this? There are so many generic punchy brawlers in the game and nobody complains about them.
The only generic swordies you have to complain about being generic and unoriginal are all the marth clones, and that 100% ONLY stems from the fact that they’re all clones of the same charcter, not because they have a fucking sword.
Literal history revisionist
Enjoy living in your fantasy world
No it didn't for one, and two his moveset isn't shit to begin with. He was added before the sword fighter issue was really an issue.
What gimmick?
His moveset is fine
See the above
>Ice climbers
Again, see the above
Fuck right off, save for a shit recovery they have great movesets
>If that were true then you’d know dark souls WOULDN’T have a generic moveset
We already have Ike for slow swordman,
>They just shoot forward.
You mean like how most guns do?
>They all do the same thing.
Except they don't barring shooting forward.
Fag wont provide proof
Leon is the fan favorite character from the series that created the fucking survival horror genre
Why would it be Artorias and not the much more popular Sunboi?
>got proof?
>yeah but you have to find it yourself :^)
Every time.
Snake is slow and sneaky. He relies on traps and mines and shit, relying on explosives
Leon is faster and more action heavy. He fucking kicks people in the face and does suplexes and uses shotguns and pistols and such.
Activision being dicks, but that's literally the only thing that would prevent him IMO
He's not getting in.
My nigga
Characters that literally just cropped up in popularity with DLC speculation like anything from Dark Souls or Agumon aren't going to be considered.
Activision work fine with nintendo though. They even added bowser and dk to skylanders. Nintendo wouldnt let any old company use BOWSER
>We already have a tamagochi style rep
We don’t and even then Sakurai more than likely doesn’t give a shit about “rep” or “muh swords” shittery.
He still doesn’t. It’s all just a retread of what snake and joker already do. He has no moveset or mechanic because none of the moves given to him in that moveset are unique to him. He offers nothing.
>Dark souls is leagues more popular than fucking KLONOA
Not with Smash fans
>We’re in smash ultimate days now.
Yeah, and even in these days, more people want Klonoa in Smash than they do a Dark Souls rep.
>Europe is the entire world
Says who? Joker got in
>Leon Kennedy. The face of survive horror and the single most well know Capcom character
>He fucking kicks people in the face and does suplexes and uses shotguns and pistols and such.
This is your greatest argument as to why he should get represented? Explain to me what he can do what Snake cannot. Better yet what can Chris and Leon do that none of the characters cannot.
Just make them all the same size?
Don’t tell me you actually expect these characters to have Echoes.
Weak bait.
Idk how else to explain bayo getting #1 get off my dick
“Everyone is here” won, snake ice climbers wolf etc... even pitchu and young link scored higher than newcomers. K rool probably topped for Nintendo characters with banjo for 3rd parties and Ridleys been known to be a fan favorite forever. Bayonetta was in like higher requests out of surprising characters Sakurai had access to, but the data even shows she was planned in like the first week of the ballot, same with cloud. The ballot was for ultimate.
Sora's pretty never ever
and Mickey as an Echo fighter would fucking shatter the world
What the fuck am I reading? No the fuck he is not. RE isn’t even a horror franchise. The most popular horror character is Freddy Fazbear and you fucking know it. You literally can’t refute it.
make it RE1 Twink Chris and not boulder smashing steroid injecting RE5 Chris
>RE isn’t even a horror franchise.
>most well know Capcom character
Megaman and Ryu are right there.
Yeah, because Sakurai himself loves Persona 5.
Ballot was rigged
Who and who? Neither of them have ever come close to REs level. Megaman cant even sell a million copies nowadays
>other weapons
Huh? I didn’t mention other weapons at all. Maybe next time actually READ the image? You’re unironically embarrassing yourself.
Sakurai ADORES resident evil more
Making them the same height doesn’t change the fact that male and female human beings have totally different fucking bone structures and body shapes you mongoloid.
Where is the bait? I’m right. You can’t refute it.
>He thinks Ryu and Megaman are as well known is Leon is nowadays
You may know about Ryu from flop fighter 5, but Megaman hasn't seen shit until 11 and even that can't compare to RE sales.
Give Leon the grenade launcher from RE2 with different ammo types
>explosive has further knockback
>flammable does more damage
>acid does damage over time
#1... In Europe
* most realizable character
>ZSS had edited data during the week of the ballot
>somehow given enough time she is the winner
epic dude, you try not to fall asleep too see Santa too?
That was 9 fucking years ago jesus christ.
You know what else he likes? Minecraft. So I guess that means Steve is getting in. See how retarded you sound?
Smells like shit and has nothing to do with Smash
Who the fuck is talking about Resident Evil?
>Not with Smash fans
Not true considering I see people talking about DS reps in every fucking thread.
>Yeah, and even in these days, more people want Klonoa in Smash than they do a Dark Souls rep.
Nobody talks about klonoa, and again, I see people talking about DS reps in this threads and everywhere else all the time.
>Shulk was added before the sword fighter issue was really an issue
He really wasn't. In fact, I'd argue he's the posterboy of the entire problem, coming after Lucina and Robin.
See? Sakurai loves RE. Leon will get in
Crash Bandicoot and Leon S. Kennedy
>grenade launcher
So literally still snake? Snake’s main fucking gimmick attack is his grenades.
My god you really are retarded. Imagine thinking Sakurai liking a game is in anyway the same as him talking about games that are iconic and important.
>DS reps in every fucking thread.
Yea Forums is not indicative of the internet as a whole
DS reps literally only started popped up after DLC was already decided with the shitty "leaks" about one. No one gave a shit before.
>Nobody talks about klonoa, and again, I see people talking about DS reps in this threads and everywhere else all the time.
Again, Yea Forums is not indicative of the internet as a whole
wtf this is so hot
give him his type writer
We already have Snake.
Snake doesnt use a grenade launcher in his moveset and he doesnt use alternate ammo types. Also why can we have 100 swords but more then one explosives user isnt possible???
where my kirby bros at.
See? Sakurai likes RE and he agrees its important and iconic. Perfect for smash
Snake doesnt do anything in that post
Ecco the Dolphin
I wish, but the more I think about it, the less likely he is.
>Not even the MC, while you can wear his armor, he's just a boss.
>Most of the in-game lore revolves around him and even impacts the 3rd game a lot
>Despite this he only appears for like 5 mins in a 60 to 70 hour game
>Franchise or at least DS1 is an instant classic and has impacted the vidya market and medium more than any other non-mobile / F2P shit in the last 10 years
>Sakurai will probably try to have some sort of SOUL rep but it will be Chosen Undead
>SSBU already has Robin, Corrin, Hero and Pkmn trainer who are just blank slates in their own game to a degree, so he will probably do the same for a Souls rep.
>Chosen undead makes it possible to use at least 4 different armour sets from the game, one of them probably being Arty and the others: Solaire, Oscar (Elite Set) and Seigmeier. (Or Faaram and Soul of Cinder set).
>Chosen Undead offers more freedom in terms of moveset and franchise representation
I love Arty but I bet Chosen Undead will probably be the one.
He also fucking loves Minecraft too. And guess what, Banjo got in over Steve. You're just making yourself look stupider each reply.
Based. Kirby needs a complete Smash overhaul.
Persona 5 got in cause sakurai loves it. Just like RE
>No it didn't for one, and two his moveset isn't shit to begin with. He was added before the sword fighter issue was really an issue.
His gimmick gives him FIVE whole additional playstyles you mong.
That everything he does is lightning-fast
His moveset is just generic slashes. Limit break changes that up.
Her regular moveset is completely uninspired and is basically just a sword user’s moveset that replaces the sword with a wand + a few non-wand moves. Luma changes that up completely.
>ice climbers
They’re moveset is just generic hammer swings plus two ice moves. They’d be completely generic if there weren’t teo of them at the same time, where their play-style completely fucking revolves around you retard
>Fuck right off, save for a shit recovery they have great movesets
Their moveset consists entirely of “crack whip” plus projectiles that already exist on other fighters. Their extended length and angle-able Aerials are what make them unique.
>We already have Ike for slow swordman
So you don’t know what you can do in dark souls? Got it. You’re forgetting Stamina, Humanity, Embering, Summoning phantoms, etc. but yeah, keep focusing on “muh sword!!!1!1!1!”
>You mean like how most guns do?
>Except they don't barring shooting forward.
All halo guns to the same thing. They shoot bullets forward and tick off damage.
Resident Evil is perfectly in line with the third partys in Smash. Why is one autist trying to claim that it cant be in?
I'm saying this "Sakurai loves *Insert literally any fucking series*" Is a shitty reason to believe a character is in.
>muh survival horror
That niche little genre? What the fuck else is there even in that genre BESIDES RE?
Because Phoenixfags are in full defense mode these days after Joker killed the "No Guns" excuse
>All halo guns to the same thing. They shoot bullets forward and tick off damage.
You just described how guns in video games work.
I don't even like the genre but lmao dude
Because sunboi ISN’T more popular? Artorias is also LEAAAAGGUES more unique than him in every possible way.
Sunboi is literally just less unique chosen undead and is a literal who NPC in the actual game, whereas Artorias is an important boss who has multiple weapons dedicated to him, as well as a whole DLC story dedicated to him.