Did Blizzard seriously think anyone would take this design seriously?
No wonder everyone played female draenei.
Did Blizzard seriously think anyone would take this design seriously?
No wonder everyone played female draenei.
oh man im really sorry to disappoint but i really like that design
they're too bulky
Still better than Kul Tirans
I didn't even know male draenei were in the game.
My dick took that design very serious, its great
>the entire shtick of orcs is they're supposed to be tall hulking barbarians that contrast against smaller but more civilized humans
>make a race that is stronger and taller while also being a technologically advanced warrior-priest people while being masters of arcane magic as well
yeah i guess for being cuntboys its a bit too much
Don't forget the part where they steal shamanism from the horde as well.
Your son calls me mommy too.
made for pavement
draenei only look bulky, in the lore itself they arent as physically strong as orc and tauren
also draenei are only a very few people and have a hard time reproduce (since they are basically immortal and can live million of years)
Orcs on the other hand are more agile (they can be rogues, draenei cant) live only til 80-90 years, reproduce like crazy and have strong woman
i actually did forget and now i'm even madder
They nerfed our height. Back in the Lich King days, a male Draenei was only smaller than a Night Elf. Tier gear looked great on the males.
Nobody takes WoW designs seriously
lorewise only the broken can be shamans because the light turned them away because they got infected with fel radiation
they can be ingame tho because of game balance reasons
Now look at this Good Boi!
Never played WoW but I saw this thread on the first page of Yea Forums
This image made me realise that throughout the years I don't recall ever seeing a single screenshot of a male Draenei. I guess they truly are/were the waifufag race
Those paintovers are shit.
The only people that played male draenei were mentally ill kids and old people. I knew a 14 year old that played one because he kept dying since he refused to use abilities or play properly, so he thought playing a shaman would solve his woes because they can heal and wear better armor and girls were for faggots.
He later became a pastor in life.
Draenei would look infinitely better if their arms/shoulers weren't so fucking huge.
>Horde is composed primarily of cavemen that breed like rats and zombies that can basically be magicked onto the front lines on command
>Alliance has THREE long-lived, slow maturing races that are just dying out because it's physically impossible for them to reproduce faster than they're killed off
Like shit, if I remember right a warcraft orc only takes like 3 years to mature. Meanwhile dwarves hit puberty at 50, draenei take literal centuries to age even slightly and night elves spent so long being immortal that they forgot how to fuck
Deliberately styling on horde by camping ICC raid entrance hallway as a male draenei priest, then walking backwards over their corpses caused no end of hate whispers from alts
Deliberately targeting the warlocks turning up early and denying them entry with a rogue spamming sap on the portal followed by fear / MC was a guaranteed salt farm since no one could get summoned
Male draenei is the patricians choice for causing rage
Why do they all have that same ugly as fuck underwear style now? What are those edge parts even supposed to be? With the old model it’s clear that they’re some type of cloth with a sash.
its just weird how the females are so petite and delicate while the males are so bulky and offputting
Based anytime i got mad at the horde i just said it to myself 'welp no ICC today for horde' and i invited my friends to camp icc entrance for a whole day
Probably the best time i got out of the whole franchise
dilate, basedboy
>still no brokens
Why do WoW devs hate Wc3 so much?
waifufags cant play broken
thats the problem with almost every male race in wow and this fucking beefcake
people just perfer playing sly agile rogish men or proud semi-built knights.
Christ what I would give to feel those chintecles tickling my neck and ears while we made out... Fuck this world is so cruel.
The only people that played wow were mentally ill kids and old people. I knew a 14 year old that played it because he kept trying to commit suicide since he refused to use deodorant or socialize properly, so he thought playing an mmo would solve his woes because he can grind for better armor and real girls were for faggots.
He later became a tranny in life.
>lorewise only the broken can be shamans because the light turned them away because they got infected with fel radiation
So the Elements are basically scraping for leftovers? That's exactly what I expected from Shamans in WoW.
I'm sorry, do manly hunky men upset you that much?
absolutely incorrect
male draenei are the best-looking paladins in the game
God he is so thicc his tentacles come from his chin. This is retarded.
shamans are unironically the most fun versatile class in wow tho
Nah WoW is mostly fat neckbeards and beta autists
>Create a race specifically to introduce Shamanism and "Monster" race to the Alliance
>Everyone picks the attractive succubus looking female version
>They have pages of lore about being Paladins and Priests and nothing about being Shamans
>Can't play the Broken who are the fucking Shamans
Draenie are one of WoW's biggest failures in terms of intention and execution. Even the fucking Worgen accomplished more with their monster look.
>bulky man only looks good as a bulky class
Im not shocked user but playing anything that isnt a pally or warrior and almost every male race looks retarded with their 2 ton shoulders
Theres a reason the only 2 nonbulk horde races undead and blood elves are the most popular horde races
Blizzard doesn't know what the fuck they want to do with shaman since Wotlk
Looks like barabait.
>we couldve at least gotten broken over yellow draenei
I wouldve preferred that
>tfw no naga
>no highborne
>gave us ugly looking nightborne instead of the sexy ones you see in the city
>hairier tauren
>nigger dwarves
Purple slut elves are ok
>little effort put into zandalari animations
>still havent made forsaken not look like 1995 dogshit
>fat people are a "race"
So many things that couldve been were not
BC was mistake all around. I don't know why people like this piece of shit.
kill yourself waifutard
You mispelled druid
Male dreanei does not exist. There is only female draenei and futa dreanei. Horsecock ones.
>be male Blood Elf Fury Warrior
>Night Elf and Draenei women beg me to impregnate them
Feels good, man.
This. They look like absolute fucking units in any end game plate.
Burning Crusade in its entirety was a failure in terms of lore. It ruined fucking everything.
>Eredar/Draenei retcon
>Kael/Vashj/Illidan are now all evil for no reason
>Blood Elves are back in Azeroth and buddies with horde
>Horde Pallys/Alliance Shammys
>Space ships, fucking SPACE SHIPS in what was fantasy
>brown orcs
>garrosh in general
>The light is wind chime aliens
I honestly can't think of a single thing, lorewise, that Burning Crusade did well.
>implying waifus
What could've been.
I think blizzard just thought "hmm, horde was missing a normal proportioned race, so we gave them blood elves. but now we need to give alliance a chunky race" so they just made draenei wider.
>Space ships, fucking SPACE SHIPS in what was fantasy
Yeah, man, that's totally ruining the fantasy that also has a nuclear reactor powering an underground city of really short people.
Trolls and Orcs (also Undead, but thats a different one) reproduce like sheeps, but the Horde also has alot longevity races that dont produce really fast
there arent many Tauren, but they are as strong as like 4 Humans at worse, they also live well above 100 Years (cairne was 107 when he was killed in a fight, so i assume theyll probably be able to live till 120)
they are considered grown ups when they reach 20 years and complete their hunting ritual
orc can age till 80, probably sooner, after that they are considered useless, drekthar couldnt move anymore and was wheelchair bound when he reached 75 years
they are also considered grown ups when they reach 12-13 and kill their first enemy
Trolls is actually a weird one, they live LONG (king rasthakhan was 250 years old when he died and he was considered middle age for troll, so i asumme they can live till 400 years) but also reproduce like CRAZY, they are faster in reproducing than orcs actually and they hit maturity i think when they reach 15
they live for around 2000-4000 years, they hit maturity when they reach 200 i think, they reproduce really slow
they have the same lifespan as a human, who works on a minefield, so around 40-50, also same reproduce amount, nothing special
same as nightelf i would assume
>afro-dreanor orcs (nigger orcs)
same as green ones
same as normal trolls, but some sources says they live a bit longer since they have stronger regeneration than normal trolls
honestly, we dont know anything about them, but i would assume that undead cant live that long because after a certain age their bones would just break apart, so i would say between either 30-40 years or completely immortal
If you really think that accident prone tinkers are on the same level as intergalactic travel I don't know what to tell you.
Draenei Male shadow priest is the best.
>tfw we will never in our lifetimes play as forsaken [insert race other than human here]
WoW's been a hodgepodge of various fantasy types since Day 1.
Forsaken are specifically the dead citizens of Lordaeron.
unironically yes
the elements are canonly known that they answers anyones pleas and wishes as long as the person has a sense of honor (which is why guldan got rejected by them even tho he was a crippled weakling in that moment)
or in other words, the elements helps anyone that wont break their own words
undead whatever i havent slept in 28 hours user i cant think for shit
Forsaken were merely Scourge who broke free from the Lich King and anyone intentionally raised by the Forsaken afterwards.
Is it true that the elements abandoned Thrall for cheating in his duel against best warchief?
At least the Draenei models are finished and look good. Be glad Blizzard didn't do what they did with the Night Elf updates and utterly half-ass them and leave them unfinished.
Remember when Blizzard did an April fool's joke where they revealed the draenei female redesign to resemble very real characteristics of an ugly real-world human (pic)? This wouldn't fly in today's climate, I'm sure.
>Have the perfect opportunity to introduce both Broken and/or Eredar as playable races
>Give regular Draenei but more paladiny instead
What the actual fuck Blizzard
Imagine classic wow but instead of going to bc we get Karazhan, Hyjal etc. I just want to forget bc.
yes, because in the makgora duel you are only allowed to use 1 weapon beside your fist, garrosh choosed his axe, thrall choosed his hammer, but as soon as he used the elements he broke his word and now the elements wont answer him (either forever or till he regains his honor idk)
What real-life women have you been sleeping with that looked anything like that?
I hated almost everything about BC, but Karazhan was my favorite dungeon of all time. I'd be totally fine with them plugging it into classic wow.
They should have kept the bigger tits and the tummy.
His mom.
nobody would play broken except a handful of lorefags
your mom
There are so many holes in this assumption, I'll let someone else who can explain it better do so.
Do the facial characteristics really look completely alien to you?
The entire joke is that it's an ugly face. An entirely unrealistic face simply would not evoke a reaction of amusement.
blood elves hit maturity far earlier than that if valeera is anything to go by, and goblins allegedly reproduce really quickly
old lore used to say jungle trolls didn't live that long but that was from the rpg books so idk if it's true still
undead are functionally immortal if their bodies are kept in good condition
Then it wouldnt be classic, would it
I miss WoW so much.
>billion dollar corporation
>can't make like 10 animated models
I don't get it.
No but Blizzard is known for not being able to leave well enough alone so when it inevitable happens I hope it's something I like rather than something I hate.
They were planning to add Karazhan into classic, Atiesh kinda implied that. Most of the locations were ready but instead it became first one in bc.
what separates space ship from a temple propelled through ether between worlds?
Reminder that there are blizzdrones which exist that defend Blizzard locking allied races behind an exalted reputation grind.
If you point this out to them they will defend Blizzard instead of realising that it is a shitty way of bloating and extending shitty content and making subscribers waste time.
God damn, classic fucking WHEN
>tfw miss wow but dont bother to pay for sub
>tfw i satiate my need for WoW by playing WC3 and Heroes of the Storm
Retail wow isnt worth it right now, and classic, well i dont want to sub to a 15 year old game
user, they barely make enough money to buy toilet paper JEEZ
Reminder that fairweather players exists that demand content on a plate because they "paid" for it.
>Retail wow isnt worth it right now, and classic, well i dont want to sub to a 15 year old game
Same but it's not about paying, it's about the experience that wouldn't be the same due to the difference in mentalities.
I'd say the aesthetics. The shit in BC looks like retarded metal and crystal space ships and not like weird arcane temples.
So what? WoW players are the reason why this game suck so hard.
Okay blizzdrone, hope you still have the same mindset when they bloat everything else behind exalted reputation grinds and timegating too.
>why didn't they introduce a race nobody would play
I like it
really bad explanation
let me get deeper into that
>Thrall didn't use the Doomhammer to slay Garrosh. He wasn't even holding it, Garrosh knocked it out of his hands.
ill explain it like that: If you are in a fistfight and your opponent breaks both your arms, you cant just equip a dagger with your teeth and then slice your enemy, thats not how a fistfight works, i also remember thrall explicit saying "makgora" before fighting garrosh in the quest text
>elements of draenor and azeroth difference
its true that they are different elements, its also true that both elements from each planet wanted to kill garrosh, but that still isnt a good explanation
you see elements arent holy beings, the reason why they only answer to people with honor is because elements are doing trades, you help them, they help you, helping someone who isnt honorable first has a chance that they wont help you after that.
this isnt about "yeah fuck garrosh we wanted him dead too" but more about "wow he cheated and broke his words to kill him? maybe he will do the same if we ask him the next time we need help"
What's with the faggot triforce
They are only grinds to you because you play one month every year, to me all this comes naturally
Nah. Like everything else in the lore, its some randomly confusing shoehorned in plot thats used to sideline a character and then conveniently forgotten later.
I wanna fuck that healer in his boipucci
KJ, Archimonde and Velen aka the Triumvirate each held a piece to a doomsday machine.
Not everybody is braindamaged like you, though. You need to be fair to every player.
Why would the elements care about honor? Their very nature and purpose makes that irrelevant. And why would Azeroth's elements care about what happens on a different planet?
So we should have every new level 1 player all of the absolute endgame content the moment they log in?
keep eating shit, drone
You are fucked in your head. The main reason why ppl want to play a RPG is because of the lore/atmospher/feeling part of an imaginary world.
Race diversity/coherency is more important that pulling out of your ass a shit ton of generic pretty races.
People who want to play pretty races have already enough choice.
top kek
because they're jewish self-inserts of by morhaime, metzen, etc
>well i dont want to sub to a 15 year old game
This mentality is so retarded
they care about honor because they only help people who they knew will help them if they need it, also they dont care what happened on a different planet, but they care about thrall breaking his
i mean idk what your definiton about honor is but the elements are seeking people they can trust so they help them and when the times comes, theyll help them (fighting against other elements when chaos in the elemental plane, also helping them manifest into azeroth
I want more of whatever that picture came from
How about Blizzard makes good content instead of putting in unfun game mechanics meant to waste your time before you can get to the real content of the game?
Timegating and exalted reputation grinds are Blizzards way of making sure you don't do the pitifully small amount of content they release per year
just found out i have to roll alliance for classic.. now idk what to play, druid is on the table again, priest is off, paladin is on, rogue is about the same, mage lower cause gnome is gross
What biological purpose do the tentacles have?
Assuming they're prehensile, to guide dicks into the mouth
How fucking old is Saurfang at this point?
>I think blizzard just thought "hmm, horde was missing a normal proportioned race, so we gave them blood elves
They put Blood Elves in Horde cauz souless chinkz didn't want to play Horde unless there was a pretty race.
>they're too bulky
>No wonder everyone played female draenei.
Imagine believing this.
How big are each of their cocks?
16" minimum
Love how you have no actual response.
Because people like Jeff "Tigole Bitties" Kaplan exist, who power through all new content in the space of an hour then cry about not having anything to do.
you sound like someone that watches "taking futa cock pov" videos
Why would I pay monthly to support a game that will not have any new content and has a finite cap of available things to do? I'd pay to buy Classic. but the devs are gone, those who made wow what it was are gone. supporting classic on a monthly basis helps nothing.
When they are eating french fries and they almost drop one with ketchup on the clothes, they can quickly grab it with a tentacle and put it back in their mouth.
I do
I wish I could go back in time and throw whoever started this retarded meme into a wood chipper.
>and has a finite cap of available things to do?
Are there games that have an infinite amount of available things to do?
Na it's a good meme that fits with WoW lore perfectly.
You people are mentally damaged.
Shitty retcon race deserves to be turned into a joke.
Brown Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves honestly should have been introduced in WoD but were held back.
Just so they could be used as one of the Key Feature selling point 2 expansions later because BFA was super content light.
So gross.
to phone home
there's some unwritten internet law where the angelic race has to suck knotted dog dick 90% of the time
The way Blizzard has been going it'll be canon soon.
Why? Because video games trigger you? Pathetic.
I don't see a problem. The females look like shit if anything.
That are pay per month dont think so, thats why mmos have expansions. WoW Classic will not be having expansions, blizzdrones gonna drone
You are the only one getting triggered here because you take vydias too srslly.
I remember going to Outland in TFT and meeting the Draenei and genuinely being amazed. I was like 13 or 14 at the time and had been speculating about the Draenei since first reading them 5+ years beforehand in the Warcraft 2 manual.
They were weird but fit in with the mushroom vibes of Draenor from Beyond the Dark Portal.
For a long time I resisted the Draenei's 'newer' interpretation as being from the Eredar.
Rolling into the Kurenai camp in Nagrand in Burning Crusade felt a bit weird.
After taking a 10 year break from WoW and revisiting all the lore old and new I have to say that I've come around to it though. The races having more depth is interesting. Lots of the people who are outspoken about the lore are only interested in it when they get to complain about it.
>It is not uncommon for Broken living in Shattrath to throw themselves off elevators, committing suicide as the draenei guards simply watch.
This. They're not white American women so they're automatically animal filth.
Nice joke.
I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei
H-hey. I played a male dranaei priest for a long ass time.
>Because people like Jeff "Tigole Bitties" Kaplan exist, who power through all new content in the space of an hour then cry about not having anything to do.
Which is a fault of Blizzard, they have the resources to do better than this. Instead they slap a timegate on everything and Blizzdrones like yourself defend them.
So a core expansion feature is locked behind an exalted reputation grind because Blizzard are incompetent and cant make enough new content. I wonder what they will add a timegate or reputation requirement to next expansion? They know they can get away with it, there's always a loyal blizzdrone ready to eat whatever is shit onto their plate.
I can't say I really blame them.
I would suck Greymane 100% if I could
So you think that any game company can constantly nonstop make and release infinite neverending content every second of every day?
The burning crusade cinematic made them seem really badass, but then you actuall play them in game and they look really goofy and have awful animations.
Please post more draenei women.
I played male draenei shaman. Until they allowed dwarves to be shamans.
Pretty sure you are wrong about gobbos. I rad somwhere official that they breed lik rabbits and woild actually be the dominant race of Azeroth if over half of them didnt blow themselves up.
you pay to keep as many third worlders out as possible
This but also Lightforged women.
>So you think that any game company can constantly nonstop make and release infinite neverending content every second of every day?
They have 5000 employees, you cocksucking blizzdrone, and they are failing to make enough content.
Small indie developers are releasing more content than them.
Made for breeding
And back when they made massive expansions people still powered through them in a day and whined about having nothing to do. Again, Jeff Kaplan.
After marriage.
Whoever made this sheer fisting of an expansion can go fuck themselves
Not gay but i just really wanna suck on a draenei's cock
This but only if she's with a Human, because Elf women are for Human men.
>tfw I was expecting a very different thread
go play ff, degenerate
what were they thinking?
>appreciating the male form is "degenerate"
You must really hate yourself.
They're making them better
this happens when you hire too many faggots and women
Those strippers look sad
t. twink
I liked how Worgen males looked like during Beta.
I don't understand why did they change them
>two are smiling
Who wouldn't, honestly?
the WoW team has literal furries on it
that's why they ruined druid forms
that's why worgens went from badass to furrybait in cata
furries are scum that ruin everything
>those thighs
>What biological purpose do the tentacles have?
Canonically they're sensory organs, like whiskers on a catfish. Also, they're not actually prehensile like some people think.
My priest was a male draenei before I changed it into a void elf this expansion.
It seems to be a pretty common theme in this thread that if someone plays a male draenei it's also a priest. Why is that?
>helmet boys
Good taste user
>Only thing WoW is good for anymore is posting slutmogs
What a fitting end to such a crap game.
Do you guys have an art of average male dranei facing against superior and bigger Lightforged male and the latter looks at the average one with a smirk?
This is way too fucking big and looks silly.
It's the equivalent of torpedo tits on anime girls. Who cares what it looks like when you're horny.
I still play WoW for ERP with Elves and Draenei, and thats pretty much the only use its had to me since late MoP
There's room for all sizes, user.
I'm a pleb and can only take so much in terms of exaggerated proportions. I don't know why I felt the need to voice it in terms of being a cunt. Eh. Stressed out.
Perfected male form
>the Draenei
Have you looked at any male character in WoW? They all have massive chests and shoulders (except for undead), that's the style of the game.
No worries. It's easy to fall into that online anyways. I hope things get better for ya.
yes, that's what he is
Dude, it's fucking great.
9-credit summer semester certainly isn't helping, but I believe I can make it. Thanks user.
>that feel when no Night Elf refugee wife to start a half-elf family with and live happily in Stormwind for the rest of our lives
why live
Hey remember this guy?
This massive fuck off Eredar demon guy who basically skull fucked Dalaran?
He's the same race as that Draenei. You ask how people take the design seriously when the design has existed since Rain of Chaos.
>9-credit summer semester certainly isn't helping, but I believe I can make it
Stay strong.
>king rasthakhan was 250 years old when he died and he was considered middle age for troll
No he was actually very old because lifespan was extended by Rezan which is why he had to make deal Bwomsamdi to not die of old age when Rezan died.
And the writers literally went for the trope of the king too old to ruel to explain his mistakes and incompetence.
>no young night elf refugee mother who offers her daughter to you for food and shelter
Why live indeed.
>You ask how people take the design seriously when the design has existed since Rain of Chaos.
What the actual fuck does that have to do with anything, you dumbass?
>and your daughter calls me daddy with each thrust
Fem draenei are the hottest race in WoW, male draenei are the coolest race on Alliance side tied with male dwarves. This is fact.
You asked how people take a design seriously, I answered it. What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you so simple minded you forgot your own question?
>You will never experience a loving embrace of your horny blue GF
Why live
Those are some big and meaty tits
worgen are the coolest.
Just look at Genn. What a lad.
If they weren't tarnished by furries and English accents, I would almost agree with you.
Whoa there, slow down
Remember when Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were almost unstoppable world ending threats on their own?
English accent make them even better in my eyes.
As for furries I didn't notice such thing.
I think more furries are playing pandas or any other race at all.
Tranny and women designers.
You mean never?
That's fair, I just think that the accents the players have is pretty garbage. The NPCs range from good to decent.
The furry thing is definitely there, even if the most furry race title has been taken by pandas.
Maybe you should play Warcraft 3 then.
KJ never did anything himself.
It took the combined efforts of the Alliance, the Horde, and the NE to simply stall Archimonde before he absorbed the World Tree's power in WC3.
>tarnished by furries
Why is it that you let some irrelevant group “ruin” something for you? Just stop thinking about furfags and your problems are solved.
>no nipples
Fucking furries
If you mean threat to country/nation on a planet but not the planet itself, then you are right.
Get in a fucking line
So? Archimonde is top 3 eredar, are you saying WoD painted Archimonde too weak?
Literally made for breeding bitches
Pretty much this
Before BEs, Alliance outnumbered Horde 15 to 1 on every realm cause shitters, kids and larpers only want to play "pretty" races
8" flaccid, minimum
16" to 20" when full tilt, outliers notwithstanding obviously.
testicles are on average egg sized, but a few have been known to be as big as oranges and one as big as grapefruits.
they can fire off a large amount of seed in one shot, up to several hundred ml has been observed with a session ending with at least half a gallon coaxed from their testes.
lmao no
They already conquered thousands of planets by themselves.
He could propably destroy a planet with sufficient time.
Deathwing empowered by the old gods is propably still weaker than him.
It doesn't ruin it for me, but I'd rather not be associated and I think other races are cooler anyway.
The decision to put main timeline Archimonde at the end of WoD as a really low effort, boring fight was when you could tell Blizzard stopped giving a fuck.
>shitters kids and larpers
A Blizzard Dev is literally on-record saying Blood Elves on Horde is 100% because the Asian market complained the Horde had no traditionally pretty females.
I do not understand this autism.
I wanna rub their tummy bars!
>Deathwing empowered by the old gods is propably still weaker than him.
That should be wrong. Aspects were very strong by default.
>being this autistic
objective fact
>manlets on top
Not even worth looking at the whole list.
objective fact is that you are a larping neckbeard manlet
As soon as you see S tier you already know the rest must be perfect and factual as well.
There is no excuse for being a manlet, user
The aspects are way weaker than Archimonde and Kil'jaeden which is why they felt the need pool their strenght and create the demon soul to combat the legion.
Have they still not added the new model yet?
Dwarves are high tier, but not S. I wouldn't call any Alliance males S tier, in fact.
>I think other races are cooler anyway.
I mean, I see no problem with this.
>I'd rather not be associated
But it just doesn’t make sense why idiotic spergs on the internet concern you though.
Female Dwarves are the best. That's a fact.
>worst warrior spec
>worst horde race that does literally nothing
>What real life women...
Say no more.
>>worst horde race that does literally nothing
but that's tauren
no, its being indepth
you couldn't hope to talk that much about lady dicks!
same with orcs
thought those were the goblins
Female Gnomes*
I want a Gnome wife
>The aspects are way weaker than Archimonde and Kil'jaeden
Any sources for this claim? The white stag put up a fight against Archi and Neltharion should be a hundred times more powerful.
>Lor'themar passed up for Warchief again and again
>even waifu-whore Sylvan*s picked over Lor'themar
>Baine gets all his screentime
undead bodies decay over time
It's not alright to base your sexual attraction on your insecurities user
>worst warrior spec
In what ways? I've had no problems with it.
>worst horde race that does literally nothing
Tauren say hello, when are we going to do anything at all.
>Baine gets constantly shat on and humiliated
Lor'themor's got it easy.
looks like you posted the wrong image, user
I want a small wife.
the model updates were awful. only blood elf came out on top because they didn't change anything
would be based if not for
>undead above tauren
>he hasn't watched the Warcraft III cinematics at least a hundred times
>only blood elf came out on top
I already brought up the example of the demon soul where Neltharion tricked the other aspects into giving them their energy to fight the legion because they believe they didn't stand a chance without the demon soul.
Then we see empowered Neltharion against Alexstraza in cata and while she lost she had still had a pretty decent performance so I doubt the boost Deathwing got from the old gods was crazy.
There is also the fact that the aspects were not confident in taking on Medivh and while he is certainly powerful Azshara is still described as the most powerful mage on Azeroth ever and her power was compared to Archimonde and Kil'jaeden which means if the aspects are cautious to even take on Medivh what chance would they have against these powerhouses?
Also Malorne is a freaking demigod who had contact with Elune herself why do you think he is weak at all?
I like female orcs because they don't have completely retarded proportions so they look good in almost any set.
I like Blood Elf, Draenei, Lightforged, Night Elf, Void Elf, Human, and Gnome women because I want to fuck them.
world of warcraft looks great nowadays, what a shame gameplay is utter shit
who needs gameplay when you have ERP
They did the demon soul thing against the whole of legion, not because they thought they had no chance against Archimonde alone.
Also the aspects were above the nature gods because the titans empowered them. Hurr.
I genuinely forgot male draenei exist
>the most ERP initiations I've ever gotten were when I was playing a Male Draenei
I don't get it
Elune is likely more powerful than the Titans and she herself empowered Malorne so it's not clear which is more powerful, you need some evidence to proof your point here.
>They did the demon soul thing against the whole of legion, not because they thought they had no chance against Archimonde alone.
Most of those demons aren't even a threat to the aspects, pretty much only Archimonde has what it takes to beat them. Or do you think Mannoroth would be able to fight one?
They want to imagine sucking on one of those face tentacles while being pounded by the one below I guess
see They look brawny as hell even in cloth, and they're pretty chill.
Is the ERP thread?
Maybe you should read the trilogy novel, because you are blabbering. We don't know much about Elune, and you didn't provide any proof either. Did you missed the whole part that Illidan made the pact with Sarge because his demon armies were so threatening? It was not only the two eredar leaders, the real threat was the entire legion. Go play Argus a bit.
I want to impregnate a Goblin
>tfw you will never be bullied by a 7' draenei female in a 1v1 pick up game
This is the same company that made a bunch of fat humans and called it a new race.
What we got was a race that is the least played among all the others, and constantly mocked and forgotten.
Well, I've got a strict no-greenskin-policy. So bear that in mind.
So you don't mind me being Human?
i think they are really cool. their only fault is the sheilds they use are way too small.
honestly orcs were the only race to get a decent shield size
>Dwarf with titanic power
>I am growing stronger
Yeah no shit but it also had the effect of appealing to every normienigger/girl gamer/larper which is why BE's were the entire Horde at one point and still dominate to this day
Even Blizz has to be a bit embarrassed by this looking back
Keep yer feet underground
Humie, eh? Well, better than a Dwarf anyways.
I always stuck with the Bulwark and T6.5 shield for this reason.
The factions were flawed from the start, there's no other way around it. The correct factions would have been:
High Elf
Night Elves and Tauren are better off neutral, and Undead are an abomination who should never have been player characters because that gives them complete immunity to long term repercussions.
Blizzard needs to add goblin/gnome prostitution to wow and they would get back their 10 million subs in one day.
this guy gets it
There is a brothel in anything but name in the swamps since Cata where some goblin girls dance for pirates and folks.
Truly they have reached perfection.
Goblin women are so perfect.
That's already in the game, though, you just need to go to Lion's Pride or Wyvern's Rest.
There's somethin on yer face, an I think it's yer nose
Now THERES an idea! Not sayin' I don't like doing something that skirts the law an all, but letting us strut our stuff in the open?
Hey hey hey, didn't the other girls tell you to keep your traps shut about where they're at? You're supposed to tell your friends with deep pockets, not these random layabouts.
You were the one making the claim so you're the one who needs to provide the evidence.
>Did you missed the whole part that Illidan made the pact with Sarge because his demon armies were so threatening? It was not only the two eredar leaders, the real threat was the entire legion. Go play Argus a bit.
Illidan was just a mediocre mage at that point so of course the huge amounts of demons were a threat to them as a individual, not so much for the giant dragonflights and the aspects.
Small girls have a monopoly on my heart.
This. It was the beginning of the end. Illidan had enough races to start his own faction.
>Pandas in shit-tier every time
b-but muh nice looking z-zones..
Don't worry friend.
I still think Pandas are good race.
They look 100 times better than Kul tirans and gnomes for sure.
Now this is based
I'll never forgive them for ruining Kael'thas.
>Driven by desire to help his people at any cost
>TBC makes him an enemy of his own people because idk lol
>Reduced to a meme from his aggro speech in MgT
>Later we find out Illidan had some asspull magic in Black Temple that could have COMPLETELY CURED BLOOD ELVES OF FEL CORRUPTION that he just wouldn't give them
>Illidan gets a redemption story because everything he did was for his people
>Kael'thas is still dead and gone despite being exactly the same
I'd rather have a monopoly on your wallet, but your heart'll do.
male draenei warrior here
it's a lonely life
Caring about tier lists is gay anyways user, I embraced the bear a long time ago.
>but dude corruption lmao
Panda dudes are pretty chill, and the zones ARE nice. Panda females are god's mistake.
What happened to the lore?
they are good though
more busty gobbo?
Who says you can't have both?
Draenei, Human, Belf, and Velf men have such delicious detailed nipples, I want to suck them so bad.
Panda females are the sexiest toons in the game by a long shot and I'm not even a furry.
At least Draenei men can have full bears now if you're Lightforged
God, Baine is so hot. I wish more Tauren men wore so little clothing.
I'm more mad about that "lol, pure orcs are brown" shitshow and fel corrupting them to be green. For fuck's sake, they already changed their skincolor in Reign of Chaos campaign when they drank from the well full of Mannoroth's blood. So are Orcs chameleons or something?
>You were the one making the claim
>He could propably destroy a planet with sufficient time.
>Deathwing empowered by the old gods is propably still weaker than him.
Uh oh.
>WoW has been going so long and been so shit Belf niggers unironically think they belong
>never managed to make either race look -that- fucking cool ever again
They fucked it after WC2.
This is why I male slutmog'd until I quit. Hell, even Night Elf heritage armor makes for a good male slutmog.
I honestly believe dwarves are more boring to play than humans. I don't understand why, but they never seem to do anything interesting.
same thing that happens everytime the old writers leave and new ones take over: the new guys stomp all over the lore to make the new crap they write stand out more and try to make someone else's work their own by writing in new stuff for established characters that break the established character. easily seen after 343 took over the Halo franchise to give an example
Ah ah, say please and show me yer money first. Girl's gotta have standards.
That's the goal.
Bulky blue husbands
>Night Elf heritage armor
When did they release that? And I know it's not the Warden outfit that was in the Vanilla cinematic and the Darkshore stuff in BfA.
I was referring to your claim that Malorne is significantly weaker than the aspects.
I actually provided tons of arguments why Deathwing is likely weaker than Archimonde, for example the existence of the demon soul which wouldn't exist if Archimonde wouldn't be able to beat the aspects.
I've got bad news for you.
what is lightforged?
i thought big beards were for euphoric atheists
The Tauren heritage armor looks pretty good, no leg covering at all and minimal chest. However, apparently they're relaxing transmog so that you can simply make the chest piece invisible. I love that idea, though I'm not playing at the moment. Might resub to check out Nazjatar/Mechagon and get that armor set.
That pic is so goddamn cute
It's always a male Blood Elf who acts the most pro-Horde. Void Elves are living proof that they never have and never will belong on the Horde.
>Blood Elves have always been prejudiced and biased against the Alliance even though the current Alliance has nothing to do with the Alliance that mistreated them
>Group of Blood Elves with Void magic ask to join the Alliance
>Anduin assures them that they're welcome and the Alliance will always have their back
Just makes Blood Elves look shortsighted and foolish
get on with the times granpa, pic related is the son now
I want to find out firsthand if Humans and Goblins can make babies.
Took me a second but tauren noses are huge and kissable.
One of the latest patches, maybe? I quit anyways, haven't touched MMO's at all in a while.
I should have mentioned this as well, it's pretty damn good but I think I'm done giving Blizzard my money for good too. Shit sucks.
There is no Kaldorei heritage armor, only Dorf, Blood Elf, Tauren, and Gnome.
hey that's me
>You'll never have a female Draenei both leg lock you and wrap her tail around your waist after a six hour mating session
I'm pretty sure that story didn't go down like that, and I already explained it. Aspects control a portion of a titan's power, and thus they get a lot more power than the nature gods, that were just strong creations of Freya, or the life titan. Remember how Deathwing's suffering in the cata opening cinematic affected the whole planet? The nature gods couldn't do anything like that. And Malorne wasn't even the strongest of them.
>not using her tail to jerk off the base of your dick while you finish inside of her to try to get as much out of you as possible
Did Square think anybody was going to take this design seriously?
Male Draenei should've looked like this. It would've made playing them more appealing to the Alliance playerbase that wanted a more "monster" race at the time.
dunno about agile, it's because (like tauren) stealthing with hooves is stupid
>that feel when kind of want to play but remember that I'm basically broke due to the absurd amount of inflation the economy has experienced ever since WoD
>not also using her tail to thrust into your prostate, milking you to the extreme
Sounds like you'll have to try an awful lot then Humie.
blood elves shouldve gone to alliance and draenei to the horde, fuck the chinks
I do
I think you have your conclusion backwards, Worgen were more fuckable BEFORE.
to be fair male draenei do look badass in the several racial sets of theirs the game happens to have
Blood Elf players have always thought they belonged since TBC, the fact that so many of them just congregated around each other, creating cliques and basically taking over the Horde population on every single fucking server.
You say that like mating with a Goblin all night every night is somehow a bad thing.
>draenei to the horde
And fuck chinks
Impossible, nobody likes these things.
>Blizzard flat-out said and doubled down on the Warden armor NEVER EVER being available to players in any way whatsoever
Why does Blizzard have such a throbbing hate-boner for the Night Elves?
Because I already have a throbbing love-boner for Night Elf women.
lets give the people what they want
>make a sausage-fingered tentacle-faced forehead-mountain refrigerator-shaped cloven-hooved blue-skinned retard
i have to assume they just had a bunch of ideas they pulled off a pile
Never said it was a bad thing Are you sure your wallet can handle it?~ Impreg costs extra you know...
They’re not the sexiest, but the thicc they offer is some nice variety.
>the entire shtick of orcs is they're supposed to be tall hulking barbarians that contrast against smaller but more civilized humans
The other gods of nature weren't empowered by Elune though so you can't compare them in the slightest.
>And Malorne wasn't even the strongest of them.
[Citation needed]
Also I'm not claiming that Malorne is as powerful as Deathwing because obviously he became stronger due to beeing empowered by the old gods and his strenght is based on the earth so him directly affecting the world is his strenght, somebody like Ysera or Malorne don't have such destructive capabilities but they have other strenghts and powers.
>ywn have a Void Elf wife/husband who will use void tentacles to make sexy time even more fun
It's more than worth it.
>meanwhile the Horde gets blood elves
>blood elves overshadow literally every other Horde race ever since
>cant take 5 steps into any Horde base without seeing a few of the thin little bastards
Garithos was right about them
I want a goblin wife so fucking bad bros
Why do all the Horde ERPers on Wyrmrest have to be fucking elves
I’d like them if they came with the other gender their race is supposed to have. But I’ll stick with a cat girl for the meantime. Or forever if they just end up not being a thing.
I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for them thanks to how much I unironically loved MoP. The zones, the music, the atmosphere, everything about the expansion was fantastic.
Then the Orcs came.
>that feel when I'm on WrA Alliance
Pandarens had a lot of potential, but they just completely fucked them.
>kinda want to use my fanta to change to Hrothgar
>but have lore related name that wouldn't make sense on a cat lad
curse my autism
can I get a link for this tierlist?
>that one void elf on night elf pic
Because they only otherwise play humans, duh
Imagine the bullying she would receive in Silvermoon with all the packs of giggling forsaken/belf whores mocking her weight and poking it
based and orc pilled
>WrA Alliance
At that point I'd just pay for a transfer to MG. Not even for the ERP, just so that I can have an Alliance that's actually fucking alive.
>playing draenei
>male or female
>yfw blizzard cant portray the horde as "bad" because of the political climate in the world today and the parallels that would be drawn between illegal immigration and racism
surely we live in the worst timeline. the scourge was the alt-right and deserved to win.
they are based off of heroic white men. shit skins wouldnt understand
Well, hmph. I take my money up front Humie.
You offering more than the other guy?
You people constantly project your racism into the game, so little wonder.
At this point I'd do it for the ERP, but I have 12 characters over 110 on WrA so doing so would cost hundreds
You'll be taking more than the money upfront.
>wandering nomad race with a victim complex that gets kicked out of every planet they try to inhabit
Draenei are jews
they are based off slav poles and urkranians trying to escape the daemonic jewish controlled burning legion (USSR)
how people pretend orc looks
>how orc actually looks
One of the original WoW team lead recently said that whole reason for BC art direction was to appeal to asians, since game started to get too much popularity in asia region.
And that's why they went full gay with blood elves and disney aesthetics of outland — previously asians played only alliance, because they wanted to play good (sexy) looking characters and ignored PvP at all, in favor of mindless grind.
If they weren't greedy bastards who cared only about making extra cash - we probably would ended up with more grim and realistic style.
Same goes for lore and story.
And gameplay.
And everything else.
fuck off barafags
Honestly wish I stayed with WoW around that time, I couldn’t due to financial issues. Nowadays I have money to actually play but I’ve been playing XIV lately.
>transferring 12 characters would cost $300
It's absolutely unbelievable Blizzard still gets away with charging so much fucking money for character services
if you wanted to badass and grim just get into warhammer
The brap toy did wonders on a fempanda.
little wonder what? that reply doesnt actually make sense in regards to what i said.
>I only like dwarves and orc troll tauren
Reddit core
>And that's why they went full gay with blood elves and disney aesthetics of outland
how do explain WC3 and TFT?
Cry more, bitchbaby.
Hoho! Deep pocket's an a big mouth, I hope that's not the only thing that's big on you~
Blood Elf architectures and zones are some of the best looking art in game. I think the game has looked shit and inconsistent since Cataclysm came out.
>[Citation needed]
Read the fucking trilogy, they explicitly state the big warthog is the strongest. Malorne wasn't. End of discussion if you can't even understand that you are unable to prove that Archimonde was not the sole reason for the creation of the Dragon Soul. It was the whole legion army which made Neltharion scared, just like what happened to Illidan.
draenei are in S thats all i care about
worgen male is c tier? worgen male would fucking savage any woman more than anybody else
Only one way to find out
They're not going to feed your racism fantasies.
are you retarded?
But WrA is still listed as a full realm.
Honestly I think I'd abandon the server if I could, but I don't see them doing a character service sale any time soon.
which part is racism fantasy? that i wanted the scourge to win?
or that they wont do anything interesting with the story because they will look bad for depicting the spicnigger orcs as bad?
scourge winning is unironically the most interesting timeline.
yummy pepperoni
We taking this to /trash/?
Still amazes me how readily people will defend their insane service prices because "if they were cheap people would use them all the time"
The problem is that they're the only option. It works for some classes, but not for others.
It's not like the Tauren, where them being that big just comes off like their natural build, with male Draenei it comes off as part of their character that they're so jacked, like before you started playing your guy was just working out all day, no matter what class you pick.
I read the trilogy but I don't remember that beeing stated, although that still doesn't mean Malorne is significantly weaker than the aspects even if that were true.
>It was the whole legion army which made Neltharion scared, just like what happened to Illidan.
Neltharion wasn't even scared of the legion, he just followed his / the old gods plan.
>high mountain tauren
such a boring race
Playing on Moon Guard is a hassle, honestly. Too many people who wish they were server celebrities, most people are tourists because of Goldshire, nobody gets the server name right, and every other MRP makes my peepee hard.
>Neltharion wasn't even scared of the legion, he just followed his / the old gods plan.
And now you said this, while earlier it solely Archimonde who was so scary he wanted to make the dragon soul.
Christ the Night Elf remodel sucks. Both them and the Nightborne need an overhaul.
thats why they're mid-tier with all the other reskin Allied races.
IT was hilarious too how they got stuck playing TBC for an extra 2 years in China due to WOTLK being blocked from coming out.
So you had those AV's where everyone had full glaives and other insane raid gear due to having the expansion for so long.
>Fat people
>Top tier
The Nightborne allied race is a complete fucking joke and I can't believe they got away with such laziness.
They look absolutely nothing like the NPCs in Suramar.
He convinced the other aspects, that's the point. With the dragon soul Neltharion was most likely more powerful than even Archimonde but he didn't have it as Deathwing and it's questionable if the old gods could give him that much of a powerboost.
I just wanna ask you how powerful do you even think is Archimonde compared to Deathwing? Because I wasn't even claiming it's certain. I said it's a strong possibility from what we know but I think if we can both agree on them beeing on a similiar level of power I think that would be good enough for me and shows that he could very likely destroy a planet with sufficient time.
No idea.
I can only speculate and guess, that with W3/TFS style they decided to go cartoonishly and aim at asia (korea especially) after alpha/beta, since SC showed that RTS games are quite popular there.
Or maybe they were limited by time, technology and ideas.
Who knows.
Aaah, much better.
My original point was that Archi is far from destroying a planet, wipe it clean maybe, but not Azeroth for sure. Can't really compare the aspects to him, but here's a thought. The players defeat Archimonde unaided, while they use the Dragon soul to defeat Deathwing.
It's especially bad since practically every Nightborne NPC in the game uses the models from Suramar, not the player models. Imagine Thalyssra or Occuleth as one of those abominations, it would be laughable.
But it's dead. Died because it wasn't as popular as WoW in asia.
Its a shame goblins aren't playable in classic desu.
Truly the best shortstack race.
Pretty much all of that is Horde side. If you love Horde RP it's great but if you're Alliance you're SOL.
>The players defeat Archimonde unaided, while they use the Dragon soul to defeat Deathwing.
Not true, they were aided by Illidan and pretty much every single legendary weapon of Azeroth.
Also the players beat freaking Titans later who have power way beyond Deathwing so that's not a good argument at all.
>Can't really compare the aspects to him
Well I provided some arguments for why I think the eredar leader, who already conquered thousands of worlds on their own, are more powerful so I wanted to hear what your arguments are if you disagree so strongly.
The Legion conquered worlds, not Archimonde. If he was so powerful, he wouldn't get rekt every time he attacked Azeroth. As I said, he was not the reason the dragons got scared, but the whole legion army.
i only come into WoW threads for draenei posting, but frankly im disappointed
i'm enjoying the goblin posting. Yea Forums legit gave me a shortstack fetish.
It's literally stated he conquered the worlds.
And Azeroth is the only world in the universe that managed to repel a legion invasion.
Because he was everywhere all the time. Sure. We saw on Argus that demons take over planets on their own. Also most of the worlds didn't even fight back, they instead took the offer and joined. Archi wasn't even in a serious fight before, I bet. Still, there's a lot of entities on Azeroth that are as powerful or even more powerful than him, so he was not the threat that made dragons shit their pants.
Gnomes did that to me themselves. My first character was a female Gnome Warrior with pink pigtails.
WoW is only good for the ERP and models, and since Blizzard literally killed the latter and the modders don't care anymore the game's dead.
Also the new raid and azerite system didn't fix anything and still sucks.
>Not true, they were aided by Illidan and pretty much every single legendary weapon of Azeroth.
Not in WoD. At most they were aided by Grom, Yrel, and Khadgar, but Archi had Gul'dan's and the Legion's help too.
Azerite will always suck until it's removed with 9.0
The burning crusade lasted for many millenia so yeah he got around.
There was propably always some resistance we don't know how it went down on most worlds though.
>Archi wasn't even in a serious fight before, I bet
Nice headcanon
>Still, there's a lot of entities on Azeroth that are as powerful or even more powerful than him
Only the old gods, Azshara and Neltharion with the demon soul.
>so he was not the threat that made dragons shit their pants.
He certainly was since regular demons aren't much compared to the aspects and their mighty dragonflights. They wouldn't have fallen for Neltharions deceit if they thought they could win the battle without the demon soul.
Also you're not making a own argument, just trying to disprove mine with semantics.
Can you tell me one reason why you think that the aspects should be more powerful than Archimonde?
I haven't played WoD but my initial complain was that WoW has mistreated many powerful entities in Warcraft.
It's actually kind of sad how bad the system is.
Like the artifact system in Legion was bad but it was nowhere near this fucking bad, even if the crucible was bad nothing was as bad as this system.
Also why did they make healers just become buff bots this patch?
>Hey go run BGS all day so you can get the essence that buff players with a small haste buff or you aren't coming to the raid.
Way to go Blizz, you quite literally ruined the game in one patch.
No, it was the entire legion that meant a real threat to Azeroth, not only Archimond alone. And regular demons along with their high ranked ones also were a big trouble. You can even see that in the game. Neltharion was manipulated by the old gods, but still the other could see the real threat in the legion army. The dragon aspects are told to be extremely powerful, one of the most powerful beings of Azeroth. Seeing what Deathwing could do to the planet and see what Archimonde did since WC3, it's safe to say that at least Neltharion and Malygos were stronger than him, not sure about the others since their powers were not for destruction. The whole of ancient's war and Legion shows how he alone was not a planetary threat, it's the entire endless legion army that was the real scare.
Grom and Yrel are just sitting there auto attacking the whole time. Khadgar is probably too. None of them do a single thing during the whole fight other than yell a bunch.
Orcs weren't that tall and hulking in the RTS era. Fucking WoWfags only know about shitty retcon orcs
The main issue is they spent so much time implementing that system that when it didn't work out at all they couldn't just drop it. With how much time things spend on their PTR and how much feedback they get you would think at some point they'd realize the system wasn't going to work out.
WoW has been shitting on Warcraft lore since day 1
Worgen accomplished more because furfags play them. Same goes for the Charr.
Yeah Undead on the Horde was the first big dump. I'll never understand why people complain about blood elves so much when the Horde has always had dead humans.
First of all, one of Archimonde's powers is to summon other demons, secondly he also has instant death magic which was only ever countered by elune's power. He destroyed the city with some of the most powerful mages on the Azeroth in seconds even though they fully expected a attack so they propably had magic defenses.
Seeing this level of destruction in that short timeframe you might want to consider what he could do if he took more time.
I'm not saying that Archimonde alone was a threat to Azeroth but he was the biggest threat by far, without him the most powerful generals were guys like Mannoroth who wouldn't be able to take on a aspect and you also have to remember that the dragonflights had huge numbers back then and they still thought they'd lose to the leaders of the legion.
I guess since you don't want to present a argument of your own why the aspects are supposedly stronger I don't really need to go on arguing about semantics with you.
I mean also they were still literally fucking balancing the essences the day before release, why is that still fucking happening the day before release where you are doing massive changed to several essences before the patch?
It was getting so bad class discords weren't even running sims until AFTER the patch came out, its actually fucking pathetic.
That retcon gave them less depth. Keep eating that blizzard cock if you wish though. It's because of people like you they'll keep retconning things while pretending they are making it "deeper".
The sad part is they have all the feedback they could ever really need to get it right and they just don't listen to any of it. Sooner or later it's going to reach a point where they don't have enough meaningful feedback because not listening earlier drove away the people giving them the feedback.
heres a better one
I just want another expansion like MoP where you don't have some external system whether it be just all Passives or some passives with actives to boost your healing or give you more mana.
I just want an expansion where you heal and what you got is what you got. The class is all you have and you have to perfect it to be good at it.
The system and everything Legion introduced is literal cancer and I want it gone.
Sorry farmer boy.
This gif inspired me to get in shape.
MoP class design was peak balance.
it is canon bro
>He heard a slight thump and a small shape appeared
>Small shape
Yeah, nah, that's not a Female Draenei. Probably a twink male in disguise.
For you
>He heard a slight thump and a small shape appeared. It was jar shaped, filled with a glowing light, and he knew it to be a totem—a method for shaman to contact, summon, and control the elements. Radiant jewels seemed to swirl about it, and runes he did not recognize moved in a slow circle. A heartbeat later, a little dust devil formed, blue-white and whirling. It grew larger as the shaman began to chant, and with a flick of her wrist she released it. It did not move. The draenei opened her eyes, puzzled, and said something in a language Anduin did not understand. Still the little elemental she had summoned did not obey her.
MoP was unironically the best expansion, especially class design.
ToT was the closest thing we will ever get to Ulduar ever again.
Nothing will ever be as good as MoP raids, class design, PVP, zones and character(s) IE Garrosh
Funny how they literally admitted that killing Garosh was a huge mistake and wish they wouldn't have done it.
Sit on me
Kill me, Pete
MoP was the most unironic fun I ever had with the game and was the longest I stayed subbed without taking a break mid-expansion.
I would unironically play on an MoP server if it were an option.
>tfw no panda gf
>This wouldn't fly in today's climate
It didn't fly back then either. How do you remember the joke but the resulting shitstorm that accompanied it?
Looks like the main dude from Gargoyles.
I want to marry and impregnate a Panda
Male blood elves belong in cringe with the femoids, desu.
Truly a horrible race that attracts the worst kind of people.
JOBimonde got offed by some fucking wisps and Kil'JOBBER couldn't even control his undead pet.
>Void elves
>Night elves
>Fem draenei
shit list, don't even need to look at the rest
mad *rclet detected
*Flips hair*
Get fucked elflet.
I want a Void Elf wife.
You can live your marriage dreams out now...
...just buy a goat.
Elf are the biggest cuck race in lore.
They are also weak AF.
High Elves should be playable.
No it isn't, that's how Warcraft is meant to look like.
3000, or thereabouts, after the layoffs, and most of them DON'T work on Warcraft. The WoW team is around 3-400 people, max.
They shouldn't even exist in the first place. It's just WoW writers being fucked in their hand since vanilla.
no one fucking plays male draenei so you hit a niche demographic with low supply to their demands
Asmondgold, is that you?
>don't like mmos that much
>friends are huge mmofags
>friends hype MoP every fucking second when we talk
>"you gotta play with us user, don't worry we'll carry you"
>make a deal if I play WoW, they'll play fightans with me
>get WoW, see female Pandaren, instant boner
>spend hours zooming on pandaren girls when not in raids
I quit WoW for some time now but I still want one to sit on my face.
I thought assmongler only plays humans
based dwarfbro
Nu-lore is absolute cancer. It's just badly written and doesn't understand what the series is about. I say this as an elf-supremacist when going back to the old ways would mean less elf-aesthetics and more manly album cover art inspired design.
Elves were retconned into weak cucks since vanilla with shit such as Orcs still in Ashenvale or Nelves joining the Alliance.
Such a wasted character.
I don't get it, were they so confident that after they run out of interesting shit in next expansion, their new shit is gonna be the shit?
Well, it wasn't.
Assmuncher plays whatever gets his neckbeard ass carried through content with his "army" of beta manlets, while he's losing his shit on the internet because he doesn't have ALL THE MOUNTS.
He's literally the posterboy of what's wrong with WoW.
thee we go
A small but loud minority wanted them to look more rabid and kept whining about it till Blizzard felt it was everyone who had concern with it.
It's just WoW writers hating everything from Wc3 and wanting to push their own terrible characters and stories.
The story of TBC makes the entire campaign of the Blood Elves in wc3 (one of the best) completely pointless.
>lol dumb Kael didn't know that all he had to do was to wait a bit so that sunwell comes back!
It was forgotten to serve a new audience that they thought was the most powerful.