Play a JRPG right now
Play a JRPG right now
When they learn how to make actually well rounded experiences, instead of having good stories with fucking awful combat and great combat with laughably bad stories. SMT is one of the few to succeed at this, but even they never evolved the combat or ideas after Nocturne and DDS.
Which one?
sure, just not the garbage you posted.
Any good ones for ps4 that aren't nier persona or dq11?
Does Final Fantasy XIV count or should I continue my run of FFX?
>you will never be attractive enough to be turned on by yourself
>Nocturne and DDS
>good story
I started Phantom Brave (PC) this week. It's actually kinda hard, I've game-overed a few times and learned real quick to save after every mission or whatever.
No, they're shit.
Ar Tonelico
I am. I'm playing Dragon Warrior 3.
>Only JRPG I have I've yet to p[lay/finish are Vesperia and Neptunia rebirth 3 and Neptunia VIIR I got sometime ago
Stopped playing Vesperia because has other shit to do, I should go and finish it sometime.
Lmao of course you don't like jrpgs but you like SMT. SMTfags are fucking unbearable
Yes you fucking fag.
Just finished xbc2 NG+ and the second time around has been far more enjoyable but I can't explain why
Nope. Recommend me something good. Not some loli crafting grindfest nonsense.
Finishing FFX, put it on hold for a while. It's okay.
I wanna do this
>loli crafting grindfest nonsense.
that doesn't describe Ar Tonelico you simp. Have you browsed through a LP or something?
Could it be because SMT is literally one of the only franchises to have ever even tried to make good games. Although considering what they've put out after the Nocturne and DDS, even those were accidents.
You wanna get fucked in the ass? I mean, I don't judge man, follow your dreams.
I don't get people saying this
SMT's gameplay is the same as every other JRPG
Looks like I mixed it up with Atelier. The answer is still no. It looks gay.
>SMT is literally one of the only franchises to have ever even tried to make good games.
And SMTfags wonder why people hate them
Okay, recommend me some.
I only have access to a PC and anything that can be emulated.
Emulate Xenoblade 1 and Xenogears.
>Xenoblade 1
Already played it, great game.
Already played it, awful game.
Azure Dreams
Mystery Dungeon + Monster Raising + Town Building + Dating Sim
I am.
I am right now, though.
Moon RPG Adventure Remix
Translation when?
Seconding azure dreams
i still havent played the ps1 version, but the gameboy color version is pretty great
I'm playing Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis right now. It's fun but holy fuck do battles take forever. My last one I spent like 30 minutes chasing a fucking fairy around a swamp.
Playing world of final fantasy right now, good game, too bad is too easy.
Reynn is fucking hot
Oh he fucking speaks for all the people that like that series. Fuck off Persona fag.
I am though
Playing based skies of arcadia and having a blast
even though the jrpg machanics are basic shit I have ever played in a jrpg it still manages to charm the fuck out of me
Who knows? I'm looking forward to that and the eventual Legend of Xanadu fan dubs.
How does SMT have a good story?
SMT gameplay is questionable strange journey was the most grindy bullshit i ever encountered in a jrpg and it difficulty was cheep bullshit with instant death attacks.
Fuck off nigger
Chrono trigger had good combat and a good story same with FF6,7
I've played that one a good bit. Need any tips?
It gets easier once you understand how more things work.
Does medarot r count?
This game is just pure rng and there is minimal skill involved, just look at this shit in the webm. this is how they decide to make a """""""""hard""""""""" final boss, by making him able to ohko you no matter where his attack lands
but i love the series so i have to suffer through it
I guess I still need to finish the Torna expansion, but shit got boring and I gave up somewhere on the second big animal island thing. Is it worth returning to?
Playing DQ6. Why do people say this is one of the worst ones? I'm about 12 hours in and this is fucking great.
There's a lot of padding, the job system isn't the best, and the second half is pretty bad.
I mostly just feel really restricted with money. Having a character die is such a kick in the balls. The enemies always go for my squshiest characters (which I like) but when they kill the summoner which is easy, it's an instant game over.
Eh I'm sure if I looked up how to play optimally I'd breeze through it but what's the fun in that? Thanks for offering.
Any hidden gems on the Switch/PS4?
Kinda looking for a JRPG before Fire Emblem hits.
Grab as much items as possible by having your dudes turns run out if you feel safe in a battle. If you stack items on top of your house or the big tree you can earn a Bottlemail character that helps you steal better.
Get Marona more well-protected in her stats. She doesn't fade away so she can be a long-time help in battle and carry it pretty well. SPD items like bushes are pretty good, she has good natural RES as well and should have at least one heal.
Play with a random dungeon or two, if you focus on collecting stuff then you'll get a lot of money out of it
I agree, there's hundreds of ways to optimize and a few that break the game completely. But getting a tip or two to check out doesn't hurt.
Some people prefer the GBC version overall. Its amazing how different they are.
desu the gbc version does the music more justice
but im not really a fan of having to babysit the camera constantly, otherwise theyre both pretty good separately
>SMTfags still in denial
bow to your Persona overlods, SMT is dead and V will never come out at this point
Why is nobody talking about the new leak on Monolith's new project?
what project?
What leak?
>Phantom Brave
How do I keep Marona from staying underleveled? Ash is already level 8 while she's level 4 and I know this is going to only get bigger as the game goes on if I don't change anything.
>strange journey was the most grindy bullshit i ever encountered in a jrpg and it difficulty was cheep bullshit with instant death attacks.
Maybe you are just shit at fusing demons. I beat that shit as a teen son with no problems. Zero grind either.
Everyone who likes SMT is a fucking dweeb, not just him. SMT is complete garbage
Breath of the Wild 2 isn't a JRPG, user.
I'm replaying DQ8 on 3DS right now.
The new dungeons in this version are the same horrible shit that every dungeon in DQXI was.
PS2 version is better and more balanced, but I still had tons of funs with this version.
Any good new jrpgs?
Try emulating xenoblade X for wiiu. You will need to use a slightly older version of the emulator since the newest versions broke the game.
dont lump us in with the retard
Play niggernime
I recently tried playing SMT2 after beating 1. I wish there was a way to turn off the damn music in that game, cause dear lord is it repetitive.
I'll play X/X-2 after I beat VII.
Then I'll wait for VIII Remastered by playing FFVII-R
They take too long to complete. I don't want to play a single game for 50 or more hours.
A game from 1994 had repetitive music? NO FUCKING WAY MAN!
Get her to make more kills if possible. Sometimes there's weaker enemies you can pick on safely. I remember having a shrub on my early Marona for a while, with the wind-based abilities you can get kills easier on anything weak enough to it. The stronger or more focused on something she gets, the easier it'll be to get more kills.
i'm at the last palace's boss of persona 5, gonna try and get as many confidant stories done before i go do it, got to say though, the game starts out amazingly and gets progressively worse
Play the short JRPGs, then.
user, a good chunk of the songs are like 15-second loops. Most games by that time could at least have minute-long tunes, if not longer. It's not an excuse at all.
its no more repetitive than smt1 though
Bullshit. Compare the lengths of various dungeon themes and such in both games. SMT1 may have a smaller variety of tunes, but at least they aren't all short-ass loops.
Shit that's a good idea, I've yet to try out CEMU at all.
I started playing Dragin Quest 8 yesterday. Can someone tell me a sign that I am 25% and 50% done the game?
doo doo
dun dun dun doo doo
din dooooooo
dun dun dun doo doo
doo dooooooo
That is basically the sountrack
playing FFIX on switch as my first FF
mostly I've just played pokemon before
I am almost replaying Radiant Historia, what a great game
You fight Dhoulmagus around the 50% mark.
its a good FF but its fucking sloooow in combat
How old are you motherfucker
Yeah, pretty much. Tsukasa Masuko is a hack.
Fuck, messed up the URL.
Drugs and good speakers help
>but even they never evolved the combat or ideas after Nocturne and DDS.
>What is Desu, IV/IVA, the personas, even Raidou
really? I guess coming from pokemon the combat is pretty quick
just turned 24
Been trying to play through Xenoblade multiple times and I always lose interest when I get to the lake that's on top of the titan you start the game on. Shame really since I mostly like the game.
did you have a wiimote?
i swear to god the wiimote-nunchuck is the best controller in existence when its not used for motion gimmicks.
it is so relaxing to just have yoru arms wherver the fuck you want.
>wiimote behind your head and nunchuck to the side while leaning on sofa
>wiimote and nunchuck on opposite sides of chair armrests
>somewhat normal position but your hands can rotate in or outwards
>lay in bed with your hands and controllers behind the pillow
I know MegaTen has a huge propensity for attracting fatass potheads, but come on.
Wonder if they'll kiss each others feet
>Does Final Fantasy XIV count
Doing DQ VIII post game JRPGbro.
>did you have a wiimote?
nope, just used a dualshock 3 and xbone controllers
Great, I'll continue levelling Gunbreaker and enjoying Kinobringers content. Can't wait for new game+!
No it doesn't count.
Have you BEEN around a college campus in the last 20 years?
Dude, they get all the fuck over each other and I think they actually do at one point.
No, what am I a pothead?
what manga?
which one on PC should I play? GO!
I can't remember the name, it's like an anthology of scifi stories. The girl has a mirror that let's her visit herself two days in the past/future and she fucks herself a lot. Eventually a bunch of them get together from different times and have an orgy.
I really like the artists style.
found it with yandex, god bless that browser
apparently its called hen na nee-san
Ashita no Atashi.
Yandex is a lifesaver.
what's a nice cute wholesome JRPG on steam that isn't full on UGUU~ like Nep or something.
Castle of Nepto. Squegs World as well if you can find it.
Fuck should I know? Who even uses steam?
That depends.
Do you play as Viera?
I'm gonna keep playing GT Sport while you play your faggot cartoon games, faggot.
Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection
based falcom
Falcom have the comfiest games
Yes, I do.
Too busy playing the AoT2 DLC
I posted in one of these threads like a week or two ago that I only started giving JRPGs a chance this gen, and out of the 8 JRPGs I played this gen only Dragon Quest 11 and Xenoblade 2 were any good.
Since then I've played some of the games suggested (Chrono Trigger, Suikoden 1&2 and FF6).
I didn't like Chrono Trigger.
I thought Suikoden 1 and 2's gameplay were lacking but the world story was really intriguing in how it all wraps around and connects.
FF6 was alright but I couldn't really connect with the story or characters.
What other JRPGs should I play if I only liked DQ11, XB2 and Suikoden 1&2 so far? I'm about to start up Xenogears.
Did you play P5 or the other personas ? also play FF7
>I thought Suikoden 1 and 2's gameplay were lacking but the world story was really intriguing in how it all wraps around and connects.
Play Trails in the Sky.
i have major JRPG burnout
taking a break isnt helping so far
Persona 5 wasn't "bad" but I don't like contemporary settings and it felt too "nu-anime" to me, for lack of a better word. There's no fantasy and I can't connect to Japanese school children.
Maybe you'll enjoy DQ8 since you liked XI.
Hmmm, try FF7 or some of the DQ's then, also Radiant Historia
Yes, Torna is fairly short and has a very satisfying ending.
maybe try SMT IV then
Play Xenoblade 1, chances are you'll like it more than Xenogears. Also play Torna if you haven't already.
I haven't played DQ, XC, or Suikoden, but the safest recommendation I could make is Valkyria Chronicles. I don't know many people that didn't like it, and most of those are probably shitters who got owned by the Batomys.
No. I'm playing CTR right now. Will probably play Atelier Meruru NG+ after that, doubt I'll finish it before FE comes out though.
Also is Xenoblade 2 worth 8k yen? I hated the first game, but want to try this one eventually.
Which do i play first?
>Lost Odyssey
>Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
>Dragon Quest XI
>Trails in the Sky
Radiant Historia, unless you go for 100% true end and stuff it its not that long
Dark Cloud 1
Rogue Galaxy
Tales of Symphonia
Which should I play next? Played Dark Cloud years ago but never beat. Others I've never played.
Lost Odyssey
Looked at Trails but the graphics make it look like something that crawled out of the PS1. Is it a re-release of an older game?
Can I play Devil Survivor 2 without playing 1?
I want to emulate those with Citra but 1 doesn't work yet.
Symphonia, absolutely. Game is kino.
Desu 1 works but you need this citra version
the 463, also you need to let the OP loop 2 3 times then it goes well, but if you want to play Desu 2 without 1 you can
It's a 2001 pc game. If you're that autistic about graphics you should probably stick to Just Dance 2019.
Rogue Galaxy my man.Exploring the universe with your bros is the best feeling ever.
Lost Odyssey. Whoever voiced Jansen gave what might possibly be the best performance i've seen in a dub of a JRPG
Trails is fucking garbage and I guarantee you anyone recommending it is a faggot
And Skies of Arcadia is a 2000 game yet looks gorgeous even by today's standards.
Very nice, I'll try to make 1 work then. Thanks.
Works on Xbox One, which is also the only reason i played it to begin with because it was given away for free to everyone a few years back (even non-gold members)
Trails in the Sky is great, though.
No it doesn't. Go shitpost elsewhere
Skies of Arcadia never looked good though?
I want to play that and Blue Dragon but I can't justify buying an entire console for these games alone.Wish an emulator was available already.
It desperately needs a pc port. Blue Dragon too to a lesser extent.
Apparently it's the same guy who was Knuckles in Sonic Adventure, and he hasn't done anything since like 2008
Persona 5 was the last JRPG I finished and I had to slog through it. That game killed my enjoyment of JRPGs. Tried Xenoblade 2 and Octopath and couldn't play either for more than a few hours.
Play some FF, DQ, older personas or SMT then
Wait didn't BD get a Steam release?
So weird, Persona 5 got me back into turn based rpg's. I haven't played one before that in maybe ten years.
Most of it was ad libbed, too. Absolutely smashed that performance.
What are the differences between Perfect Chronology and the original?
My turn to ask what to play next
>Valkyrie Profile
>Baten Kaitos
>Chrono Cross
>Vagrant Story
What I like best in JRPGS are original, exotic universes.
Doesn't get much more exotic than Chrono Cross. It's a great game as long as you aren't one of those people who constantly expects it to be similar to Trigger.
Chrono Cross and Baten Kaitos. For unique, exotic universes, Baten Kaitos by far.
Suikoden fans also like Suikoden V.
I love 2, but hated 5 but I'm in the minority so...
New character,new timeline,better resolution,improved UI,and other smaller changes.
Perfect Chronology adds a new girl that expands the lore and adds a definitive end as the old game ended on a cliffhanger (she also got some ties with the lore), but you can also play it without her if you want(but i advise against that)
Baten Kaitos has an exotic universe.
in terms of overall games, my recommended order would be:
>Valkyrie Profile
>Baten Kaitos
>Vagrant Story
>Chrono Cross
Not JRPGs but Mega Man Legends 2 or Fire Emblem 7?
>New story content tied to a new girl character (this is an Atlus remake after all)
>UI changes
>Characters are now voiced
>New difficulty options
>A new dungeon called the Vault of Time that you can traverse to earn powerful gear and other useful items
>Gameplay speed is faster
>More save slots
>Character art is completely different and more anime than the original
>A new OP movie by A-1
>Character art is completely different and more anime than the original
The old portraits dlc is a must
but seriously, im a millenial that never had a snes. play the sequel too
I love smt but all of them is just kill everybody and then god.
Was Xenoblade any good on 3DS
Is SMT:Apocalypse CRINGE!?
Or is it a decent?Thinking about downloading it,but need to free some space.
but im already playing persona 3 P3P
Decent, people hate it cause it its more anime than the smts before it, but that is good cause it also give you Dadga to balance it, kill your friends too
The whole theme of the game is fuck your stupid anime friends and go punch god right in the face.
If you can get past the textures,absolutely.The graphics themselves are great for a 3DS game.It runs great actually and rarely stutters(except in a few cases with multiple enemies and boss) and it's a fantastic game.
Playing Yo-Kai Watch 3 since I couldn't get into Pokemon again(Tried sun/moon game but couldn't get past an hour) and it's charming so far.
An user recommended it to me saying that there's no reason to play the previous ones and that this one has a lot of content.
Skies of Arcadia isn't an top-down isometric game.
>What I like best in JRPGS are original, exotic universes.
The Xenoblades.
I've been eyeing Atelier Lulua, would be my first step in to the franchise. I've understood that the games are relatively feel good experiences and I could use some of those these days.
Baten Kaitos
japs keep moving away from turn-based jrpgs in favor of "action" ones.
I have a penis and I'm not into urethral insertions, so that's kind of hard to do.
Also, get better taste in JRPGs.
You will miss out on a lot if you haven't at least played Rorona but if you want a more relaxing experience try out Sophie
>tfw my 360 still works
Dusted it off to replay Lost Odyssey because of this thread. Should play Blue Dragon too. Any other 360 JRPGs? I have vesperia but might as well play the recent port.
I should try tracking down a copy of Operation Darkness.
There's nothing exotic about generic anime premises
Seeing how well P5, DQXI and to a lesser extent Octopath Traveler are doing, turn based JRPGs are not going anywhere, don't worry.
No that's just final fantasy
I just finished Final Fantasy XV, I wanna play something else
like a JRPG, actually
But i am right now though, with FFXIV
I've heard that I would miss a bunch if I didnt play Rorona but weirdly enough that makes me want to play Lulua more, to see how the game holds up without prior knowledge. Havent heard about Sophie being more relaxed before though, I understood that Lulua is braindead easy without time limits or similar things.
Operation Darkness sucked
I'm aware, borrowed it from a friend a long time ago. I still loved it despite being pure garbage.
Good man. I can't wait to see what's next in the story. It was legitimately one of the best JRPG stories of any game since the golden age back in the PS1/PS2 era.
>I just finished Final Fantasy XV, I wanna play something else
>like a JRPG, actually
Dragon Quest XI
Thanks, those are good recommendations but I just meant it as a snide remark. I kind of felt like getting back to FFXII, but not right now.
When does 11 pick up? Because I got to the casino town and found it really dragging. I also didn't do draconian mode so it was braindead easy, but I don't think I have the patience to replay the beginning segments.
Face it, most JRPGs have been utter moe/anime trash for years now. Things like Grandia 1/2, Suikoden, etc, are long gone, and good JRPGs are few and extremely far inbetween.
Look at the PS Vita. It's a dumping ground of moe waifu bullshit JRPGs that people buy up enough to get sequels (Demon's Gaze, Conception, Monster Girl Quest, etc).
>moe waifu bullshit
Opinion discarded
watch as it recoils and shrieks when called out
Bruh, that shit is awful. There's definitely a place for it for the people who enjoy it, but seeing the medium as a whole turn into it is junk. Cute moe moments were rare and neat on games like Grandia 2, but entire games are designed on that premise now (Neptunia) while sacrificing everything else (story, characters, combat, world).
>but seeing the medium as a whole turn into it is junk.
Cute girl jrpgs have been around longer than you have been alive.
I miss moot.
I am playing pic related.
Why the FUCK cant i have a gf with HUGE milkers??? IS NOT FAIR
fren said this game is just ok.
You're not wrong, it's just by and far the majority of all JRPGs now. That's the problem.
Having choice is fine. But where are the darker, more serious JRPGs? For the most part, they're gone, or have to be indie.
>Cabal wanted another XC2 thread
>Nobody is talking about it
I played FFX just recently. Didn’t get a chance to beat it but made it towards what I think was the pen-ultimate boss. Was a fun experience. The issue with jrpgs is that they always overstay their welcome by about 10 hours. If a game is 50 hours long I get bored of it 40 hours in. If a game is 80 hours long then I’m pretty much done 70 hours in. It’s always the last bit that’s a huge slog. Like these fucking gooks always just want to pad out their game for no reason.
I think DQ8 was the worst example of this. Instead of fighting the final boss in the castle you beat his first form, have to escape the castle, find these arbitrary gems or some bullshit scattered throughout the world and then get to fight him in the sky. Like the fuck is the purpose of extending your game 4 hours for no fucking reason.
The only difference is that cute JRPGs get localized instead of being japan only, "serious"jrpgs in general have always been a minority
Oh well
I am. It's pretty good so far
Is SMT2 a major improvement on 1 or is it mostly more of the same
SMT1 felt like it had ideas but decided they were too good for this game and just went for the most basic shit possible
Playing FFXIV for the first time. Cleared 2.0 two days ago but got caught up in the Hildibrand quests and I haven't progressed since then.
What's the name?
I just started the SNES version of DQ3 the other day in preparation for Smash. I can see why the Japs worship this.
I'm playing Breath of Fire GBA on my 3DS because I didn't finish it when I was in middle school.
base- oh wait is that a touchscreen?IN SUMMERTIME?
Play BoFIV instead.Great art-style,combat,cast,and of course story with the most kino ending sequence in vidya history.
2 is a massive improvement and one of the better SMT games. It still has some tedious bullshit in the dungeons, but it is way more fun and engaging than 1. They improved on a lot of 1s ideas with it
Playing SMT IV right now and hoping it gets better once I get through the opening areas. The exp/macca rewards suck so I can't afford to summon fusion fodder and the game keeps holding my hand so far. Frankly it's incredibly dull.
You are literally still in the tutorial
Deep down most jrpg fans wouldn't pretend this genre is really good.